– I already know what district I’m in but the Seattle District Map that Seattlish made is pretty great.
– It’s so rare to see killer cops actually prosecuted that it’s tough to know what to make of it.
by Carl Ballard — ,
– I already know what district I’m in but the Seattle District Map that Seattlish made is pretty great.
– It’s so rare to see killer cops actually prosecuted that it’s tough to know what to make of it.
Tweet du jour:
Evan Sayet @EvanSayet
My favorite drawings at the Muhammad cartoon festival in Texas were the two chalk outlines out front.
7:42 PM – 3 May 2015
“The Muhammad Art Exhibit & Contest was organized by Pamela Geller, president of the American Freedom Defense Initiative, an anti-Islamic organization that is listed as a hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center.”
The American Freedom Defense Initiative got the reaction they were hoping for.
Southern Poverty Law Center apologizes to Ben Carson, takes him off ‘extremist’ list
SPLC To Apologize to Prof. Guenter Lewy For False Accusations
‘Not Really Set Up to Cover the Extreme Left’: Southern Poverty Law Center Explains Why it Doesn‘t Track Occupy as a ’Hate Group’
SPLC once stood for something. Not for quite a few years.
Their founder seems to have done pretty well for himself. Small wonder he dislikes Geller. Here’s a small sampling of what she’s written about him:
Photo of the multi-million dollar mansion of Morris Dees, founder of the Southern Poverty Law Center — how’s that exploiting going for ya, Moe? Check out these 60 photos of his multi-million dollar complex (sheesh). Not to mention his perversions and pedophilia (read his divorce papers). – See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2011/0.....HJljp.dpuf
Better, a noted black physician once listed as an extremist by SPLC is about to announce his candidacy for president. Be very afraid.
Bob ought to be afraid of doing time in a country club prison.. According to Dr. Carson, old Bob might come out of the joint gay.
Heh. Just what this country needs – another klownservatic nutcase in government.
“a noted black physician once listed as an extremist by SPLC is about to announce his candidacy for president. Be very afraid”
Why? I vote the strongest candidate on the ballot who will, in my opinion, grow the middle class, support all families, fight for equality, stand up to bigots, fight for American jobs and protect the country, among other things. What do you value bob?
However, From your link, in a discussion about marriage equality, that he lumped Gay people as the same as NAMBLA and people who want bestiality, means he doesn’t understand Gay people. We are fighting for our right of marriage between between 2 consenting adults. Those other two are not.
Why do you think he’s a valid candidate if as a noted physician, he cannot understand the difference?
P.S. He apologized for it later. Maybe that’s why they took him off the Hate Group List.
How long before Republikkkans find a self promoting, opportunistic gay person who will run for president as the candidate that thinks gay people have too many rights?
@ 6
“Get ready.”
Funny how the GOP has yet to present anyone with a credible shot at winning the next presidential election. I mean, this is ridiculous. Even Richard Nixon would be competitive in this environment. So far, all that anyone has seen so far is the idiot set and the blatantly crazy offering themselves up as candidates.
@ 8
Yeah, it’s hard to believe how a bilingual minority legislator with only four years of Senate experience is going to catch any traction at all, no matter how good-looking or well-spoken he might be. Why, he took a sip of water that one time! And remember that time he worked across the aisle on immigration?
The regulars don’t like Republicans here on this blog. That has been stated many times by many of the usual suspects. They will never like any Republican – ever, so don’t expect any changes.
@10 My religion states very clearly that the false Republican prophets and their followers, will suffer all eternity getting their asses raped in a fiery pit of shit for all eternity. Hate the sin, love the sinner.
worser compalins Ben Carson “doesn’t understand Gay people”. – Well help Puddy understand gay people then because the following was never answered by the previous batch of gay people!
Yes no one will ever understand how Obummer could appoint Kevin Jennings as Assistant Deputy Secretary, Office of Safe & Drug Free Schools, for the Department of Education. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin_Jennings Or how Kevin Jennings could profess his love for another gay person, the one, the only, Harry Hay – you know MR N A M B L A!!!! Or how Kevin Jennings and his GLSEN friends hid Stuart Timmons book or their admiration for Harry Hay when he was appointed. Seems Hay actively campaigned for the “rights” of p-e-d-o-philes and publicly supported NAMBLA! You see Ben Carson remembers this brouhaha from 2010. So does Puddy!
If you venture back to 2000, the last year of the Clinton preznitcy, when the Clinton recession began (no worries senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit; already proven from BOL.gov statistics); a GLSEN “Education Department Resource” pamphlet identified StuartTimmons book as “a readable biography of the founder of the first ongoing American gay rights group.” http://www.glsen.org/binary-da...../100-1.pdf. Link now moved and Puddy not gonna find it either! This means that somebody at GLSEN read and approved it to be included, even that wonderful discussion of Hay’s pro-NAMBLA activities.
Yessiree, worser demonstrates the same traits and tendencies of the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla; 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady. It seems to be contagious among HA DUMMOCRETINS!
So let’s attack Dr. Ben Carson for telling the truth. Let’s attack Dr. Ben Carson for explaining history!
Puddy likes Carly Fiorina in the race because she can deeeeeeeeeeeestroy Hillary and can’t be called sexist. Carly will run mental circles around Hillary.
Gonna be fun watching Carly attack the Clintons and the Clinton attack dogs.
Parts of comment @12 can be found in the crazed databaze. Just ask the yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch for a crazed databaze replay. The yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch keeps a copy of every PuddyPost! 250+ (Puddy keeps a general value now) attempts so far! 254, 255, 256 who really cares!
@ 9 Snideshow Bob:
Except that Rubio is a little too “ethnic” for the Teanuts. The level of outright bigotry and blind racial hatred that spews from that terrorist organization is appalling. It is a die-hard, right wing neofascist movement. They would never accept the nomination of a brown-skinned individual as a candidate.
When you have people openly quoting people like Oswald Spengler or George Lincoln Rockwell, but not attributing their words to them, or their absolutely rabid hatred of homosexuals, their open promotion of a fairly radical Calvinism as their primary religion, their constant racial attacks on the President and his Attorney General and the people in cities where just having the wrong skin color can get one executed in the street bears that out.
The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is being circulated at Tea Party rallies for chrissake. Hell, the Tea party thing I went to about 4-5 months after I’d first heard of it, had a fucking table for the John Birch Society and another with the Council for Conservative Citizens, both actively fascist and racist organizations.
The basic fact is, that you’re not using Jews as the political catspaw anymore, you’ve got Messicans, Faggots and Islamists this time. That’s the only difference. Everything else is exactly the same. Rubio cannot garner enough of the Conservative vote without sucking the ass of the Tea party, and the Tea party is owned and controlled, lock, stock and barrel by the Koch brothers and the other hardcore corporatists like the Bush family and the Waltons and shit.
“Puddy likes Carly Fiorina in the race because she can deeeeeeeeeeeestroy Hillary and can’t be called sexist. Carly will run mental circles around Hillary.”
Oh Jesus, thats some funny-ass shit.
After practically destroying three highly profitable companies, and almost literally being thrown out on her ass of Hewlitt-Packard, and repeatedly being laughed out of multiple California elections, you think she has a chance at becoming President? Of what? She can’t even get a fucking JOB anymore as anything. She is persona non grata in far too many circles, especially in the Corporate world. She is an utter pariah.
Wow. Just, wow.
It’s not that Carly has a chance or not. IT has nothing to do with her self destruction vomit producer.
She will be the Hilary attack dog and the libtard loving press can’t calim sexism vomit producer! Carly will force Hillary to have to answer the tough questions.
Carly can use these words to describe Hillary… “polarizing,” “calculating,” “disingenuous,” “insincere,” “ambitious,” “inevitable,” “entitled,” “over-confident,” “secretive,” “will do anything to win,” “represents the past,” and “out of touch.”
You completely missed the point of post #13. You always miss the point vomit producer! Man u really r stooooooooooooopid vomit producer!
Let’s see how long #16 lasts with the overrun out of the box. Probably will get a pass cuz the vomit producer is a libtard!
Last night America had a terrorist attack. Libtard media is blaming Pamela Geller. Why? Because Muslims are the victims in their idiotic thinking. Yet, back in January we had the Charlie Hebdo attacks. Libtards all over were in “solidarity” with freedom of speech. The Charlie Hebdo editors were the victims. Free Speech forever unless it’s not libtard approved free speech! Well Pamela Geller was demonstrating free speech and the libtards attack!
How silly libtard thought is!
So why do libtard FASCISTS agree with Muslim FASCISTS? Easy peasy! Both hate Israel! Only their approved thoughts count!
@ 17
And Hillary can use these words against Carly to secure the party nomination: ” !”
See how that works?
Another lie from Nancy Pelosi’s mouth? Noooooooooooooooooo! http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....s_national
Who cares what Hillary does against Carly. Carly won’t win but she can bow line shoot Hillary all day every day. It was Hillary jock straps who delivered the “can’t use these words” list!
See how that REALLY works? No, cuz u really r that stoooooooooooopid!
Carly Fiorina campaign ad> when she ran for US Senator in California This advertisement was considered one of the more high-larious jokes of that campaign season.
Barbara Boxer got over one million more votes than she did in 2010 in the Statewide election.
Ahhhh yes, libtardism run amok! What happens if she can’t save a fellow firefighter Mayor DiBlasio? http://nypost.com/2015/05/03/w.....ness-test/
Full Disclosure… Puddy has some firefighter friends on various forces around here. Puddy will forward this to them and wait for the return oh my’s!
Barbara Boxer got over one million more votes than she did in 2010 in the Statewide election.
That’s all vomit producer? Boxer should have received two or three million votes more!
@ 25: That’s all vomit producer? Boxer should have received two or three million votes more!
How would it matter? She won by over 1 million votes. Thats not even considered a close election. Hell, even a few of the methlab counties voted for Boxer.
http://freebeacon.com/issues/b.....mulus-law/ The libtard Baltimore government got that money… Where did it go?
Louisiana is yet another failed klownservatic utopian experiment.. Put that next to Wisconsin and KansASS.
Klownservatic jerk Bobby Jindal wants Duck Dynasty to have tax cuts so bad he’s going to let Lousiana State University collapse into insolvency..
People are flat assed insane to vote for klownservatics.
This promising doctor in training will almost certainly not be voting for nutjob Ben Carson:
This nut has no business running for the highest office in the land.
“Libtard media is blaming Pamela Geller. Why? Because Muslims are the victims in their idiotic thinking. Yet, back in January we had the Charlie Hebdo attacks. Libtards all over were in “solidarity” with freedom of speech. The Charlie Hebdo editors were the victims. Free Speech forever unless it’s not libtard approved free speech! Well Pamela Geller was demonstrating free speech and the libtards attack!”
What a lying piece of shit. Everybody is clearly defending Geller’s freedom of speech rights. What you hate is anyone discussing her choice of speech, which is full of hate, like yours, of course.
@1 What kind of sick twisted psycho celebrates the violent deaths of human beings? These guys had it coming, and are no loss, but that doesn’t mean you should exult in it. Death is death.
@3 Dees made his money from a publishing business before founding the Southern Poverty Law Center. SPLC is his philanthropic endeavor, jackass.
@10 Republicans won’t win our hearts and minds by putting food stamp recipients on bread and water diets while sucking up to CEOs and bankers.
@17 I’m sure Hillary is shaking in her boots. Not!
@19 “Well Pamela Geller was demonstrating free speech and the libtards attack!”
Really? “Libtards?” Muslim fundies — the kind who kill people for mocking the Prophet — are as conservative as they come. Bet you didn’t know that. These guys have a lot in common with the rightwing preachers who advocate stoning gays. They’d probably help you with the stoning if they were still alive.
@22 Who cares?
Of course Carly won’t win the GOP nomination. She’s a woman.
@30 If anybody tried to shut Geller up, she’d go running straight to the ACLU, like all the rest of the rightwing loudmouths and toe tappers.
What a lying piece of shit Stupid Solution Steve? What an incomprehensible piece of shit Stupid Solution Steve is. You like the outrageous attack of the jihadists while attacking free speech! Of course Stupid Solution Steve forgot this just last week… http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....49656.html
Pen wanted to give a award to the Hebdo and these same free speech aficionados from January are now scared shitless in May!
Pamela Geller just doesn’t want any part of Sha’ria law in America. Butt, Steve can go and get Sha’ria law in Canada, http://www.billionbibles.org/s.....a-law.html
Butt, Steve can go and get Sha’ria law in England. Sha’ria law in France! http://www.billionbibles.org/s.....urope.html
I understand and respect free speech. But to organize hate speech events, purely because you’re legally allowed to, is disgusting.
— Marc Lamont Hill (@marclamonthill) May 4, 2015
Marc calls it hate speech! Marc should visit the left wrong comments on this blog each day! So there is no violent war on free Speech Stupid Solution Steve? Anytime you use the BUT word you don’t understand the First Amendment! Neither does Stupid Solution Steve!
Free speech aside, why would anyone do something as provocative as hosting a “Muhammad drawing contest”?
— Rukmini Callimachi (@rcallimachi) May 4, 2015
Rukmini, the best drawings were those on the ground around the dead perps!
Really senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit @35? Libtards are the media. Even Stupid Solution Steve understood that senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
Early onset senility is doing a real number on you!
Somehow Puddy missed your supportive commentary on those Yahizis and Egyptian Coptic Christians whom were executed at the hands of people whom think like you Stupid Solution Steve. They hate Israel too!
MSNBC – Klan group holding a cartoon contest on black people… Really? So Potok is also okay with the same Muslim thoughts on gays and gay marriage as he is with Mohammad drawings? This same Potok has had to apologize Ben Carson, with their non-apology apology.
Intentially incendiary and provocative for drawing cartoons is upsetting to Libtards butt Piss Christ is fine and A-OK!
For those whom don’t know the ACLU history which includes senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit here are three versions. The ACLU would support Pamela Geller even though she has taken them to task over their support of creepy actions!
vs. …
vs. …
You decide…
Apparently Carly attacking Hillary is a scary thing to DUMMOCRETINS! This is what will make it fun!
OF course HA DUMMOCRETINS will hate this person http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....de=2767675 – because Gabrielle attended Liberty University; the independent, fundamentalist Baptist university located in Lynchburg, Virginia.
Youngest person to pass the UK bar exam!
Carly Fiorina is too funny.. A Stanford-educated secretary who rose to be a job and stockholder value destroying CEO who parachuted with 21 million bucks..
And a failed candidate for the U.S. Senate..
Heh. Only in America . A vote for that joke reflects really well on the voter.
A waitress speaks truth to power:
It’ll never listen. Voters have to show up in force and throw the bums out.
Need anymore evidence Republicans are on the side of predatory usury?
Thankfully, the D’s plan to make the fools pay a steep price for their klownservatic servility.
Yeah, Puddy remembers when HP bought Compaq. Compaq had patented disk storage assets HP wanted but the synergy wasn’t there. A very smart storage guy worked there, left a few years ago now at MSFT! Just like when Dell bought Equilogic and 30% of EQ staff left in the 1st year. Dell was also making cheap laptops and cutting HP’s margins.
She took a chance and failed. Some live to tell they tried to make something better. Others have nothing to offer. They post on HA DUMMOCRETINS from behind their PCs and critique!
Speaking about Carly at HP, what the Wharton School thought! http://knowledge.wharton.upenn.....ent-wrong/
This analysis will be way over most HA DUMMOCRETINS heads because they can’t think about complex corporate issues. Corporations are the enemy to HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Meanwhile HA DUMMOCRETIN hero Alan Grayson is back in the news… http://www.tampabay.com/blogs/.....te/2228224
Isn’t this the argument put forth by HA DUMMOCRETINS about conservatives? DUMMOCRETIN “establishment” candidates!
Remember Donna Edwards Maryland DUMMOCRETIN, is pissing off DUMMOCRETINS like Harry Reid and challenge party anointed Chris Van Hollen in their primary.
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ROTFLRHMBBAO!
This is why Puddy taught his sons how to survice in the tech world. http://time.com/3844483/millennials-secrets/
And how come this is happening? Most of these people can’t find states on a map, don’t know who their representatives or senators are butt will know a hip hop jam. That starts in high school! You’d think teachers and their college perfessas would have their students present their findings on a spreadsheet or even a powerpoint or other display graphics application. 3D spreadsheets are great tools. Knowing SQL is great! Jimmy Kimmel and Jesse Watters perfectly describe these LIVs That and $5 will get you a Starbucks!
Hey, Puddy, Bridget Kelly wants your money.
After screwing the public, turn to them for the cash to get you out of the fix you’re in.
Aren’t you innocent until proven guilty Stupid Solution Steve? Or are you judge jury and executioner like HA DUMMOCRETINS love to be?
Remember how all you DUMMOCRETINS were ready to convict Tom DeLay and that was an EPIC FAYLE?
Remember Merry Fitzmas here on HA?
Even the NJ Courts claimed Kelly was not compelled to produce anything after the DUMMOCRETIN witch hunt began!
@53 “Aren’t you innocent until proven guilty Stupid Solution Steve? Or are you judge jury and executioner like HA DUMMOCRETINS love to be?”
Say, aren’t you the ranting vigilante who tried and convicted Bowe Bergdahl in the comment threads?
This so-called “test” that is supposedly being waived for this recruit didn’t even exist before 2008. Seems it was instituted right about the time that the FDNY was getting more applications from women to join. Looks like the good-ole boy network was looking to exclude women from their private club.
Glad that Seattle Times could bring to light the executive branches approved plan to allow Taylor shellfish to poison the water with pesticides that specifically say not to apply to water.
would have been devastating to the environment and just goes to show as long as you donate big corporate dollars both Republicans and Democrats will let you have your way.
I wish people would elect based on true progressive policies instead of what letter they put next to their name. They’re all Tim Sheldon.
Say, aren’t you the truthful conservative who agreed with the consensus of Bowe Bergdahl’s platoon mates in the comment threads?
When interviewed on Fox News Bergdahl’s platoon mates UNANIMOUSLY called him a traitor senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! http://www.realclearpolitics.c....._hero.html Not one nattering nabob of negativity amongst any of them senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
FACTS are the anathema of the senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!