I’m pretty much under the assumption that the NBA wants to punish Seattle for not caving to all of some random OKC millionaire’s demands. So I’m not sure Chris Hansen’s proposal to pay for all of a new stadium (video auto-loads) will do much to bring back the Sonics. And I this all still requires vacating Occidental, that was the sticking point for the City Council last time. Still, the city not being on the hook for any of the stadium sounds pretty good to me.
I didn’t see this pop up and I was busy yesterday but….
“Latinos love me. I employ lots of them at low wages. Build the wall. They struggle with Obamacare because either I’m lying or I’m not complying with the law that says I have to provide health benefits because I’m not a small business. Oh and if I find put they aren’t voting for me, you’re fired.”
Like giving up a touchdown return on the opening kick off.
Given the Clinton Lock states, North Carolina puts her over 270. She could lose FL, OH, IN, NV, WI and everywhere else that’s close and it won’t matter.
If billionaires want to build sports stadiums, then those billionaires should pay for those sports stadiums. Too often, the taxpayer ends up picking up the tab. That’ s not their responsibility.
If someone wants to argue that businesses should get no tax incentives at all then you’re into something. The city wasn’t on the hook for the previous arena proposal either. It involved tax breaks to build and a low interest loan with very specific penalties, all born out by the billionaire, for non or delayed payment.
I might add that the tax revenue stream being lowered to incentivize construction is a revenue stream that doesn’t exist if it’s not built.
The argument that the city was on the hook boiled down to, it’s better to have 0% rather than let a billionaire pay something between zero and lower than what other businesses currently pay.
I wouldn’t take Chris Hansen’s word for it that taxpayers aren’t paying for it. I’d be looking for some sneaky way that he’s passing the buck to the public. Billionaires don’t get rich by spending their own money on sports stadiums.
Just like that racist LIAR troll.
Potato, Potahto. One goat fucker cult is a good as the next when it comes to screwing up somebody’s head.
So you’re anti arena period.
You’ve demonstrated in many posts that you don’t get how the deal is structured and how the new owner built/operated model pioneered by the SF Giants and Dallas Cowboys works.
Rather than be a tenant in a city owned facility owning your own building and renting it for millions of dollars a year to AEG Live for concerts keeping the revenue from concessionaires basically keeping all the revenue and paying sales and property taxes is proving better for billionaires. AT&T cost Jerry Jones in the neighborhood of 2billion to build. The estimated annual revenue on is is over $300 million and the year it hosted a Super Bowl was a banner year at $600m. Pencil out what the profit is on revenue minus debt service to Jerry Jones and you’ll see civic financed no revenue stadiums are for foolish risk adverse owners and stupid municipalities.
Can that model fail? Yes. Has it anywhere it’s been tried so far? No.
This appearance last night by perverted sociopathic ex-Congressman Gingrich on The Kelly Files is yet another fascinating example of the fighting within the enemy ranks.
But I’m more impressed by how Newtron is positioning himself to step right into Trump’s shoes on November 9th. I think there’s an even chance at this point that Gingrich will emerge as the new leading spokes-model for the “New” Teapublican party of angry, disgruntled old white people. It’s a good fit for him. He has all the right attitude. He can pose as a reform-minded outsider (even though nothing could be further from the truth). It remains to be seen if he can give voice to the overt race hatred, xenophobia, and white nationalism that feeds this base of Republican voters.
No more bailouts for Wall Street, including Goldman Sachs.
I didn’t get groped by Donald, but I got screwed by Hillary and her people.
Side note. Another wildly successful pair of privately built arenas are Staples and Stub Hub center (LA Galaxy) ironically owned by Phil Anchiltz of Washington Times fake right wing news.
I’m with her.
@10 I didn’t get groped by Donald…
Feel lucky. Thousands of Drumpfh University students got royally reamed by Drumpfh. The Drumpfh University racketeering trial begins November 28. On stage will be Drumpfh himself explaining how he walked away with millions in ill gotten gains.
our boy Neil has thoughts on Hansen’s newish plan
in summary
“So most of the public money that Hansen was asking for, he’s still asking for — it just would go to pay off his private loans instead of city arena bonds. The good news is that this wasn’t a terrible deal for taxpayers to begin with: The tax breaks were small enough that Seattle was going to come reasonably close to breaking even anyway, and still would if enough consumers chose to spend money in Seattle rather than the surrounding area as a result of the new arena. (This would mostly cannibalize spending from elsewhere in Washington state, of course, but taxpayers in the city itself at least wouldn’t lose out much.) The less-good news is that Hansen’s new proposal is mostly just reshuffling the bookkeeping deck chairs, so if you hated the old plan, there’s little reason to like the new one any better.”
Your boy Neil is using for the same false logic. Public Money in terms of helping to pay for an arena, the Qwest/Safeco model, is miles away from the city financing a loan.
In the former the city is actually paying a part of the cost of construction in exchange for a hoped-for revenue once it is occupied. In the latter the city is the bank providing a much lower interest rate than any bank can offer Hansen but the repayment is guaranteed by his other assets if he is wrong and the whole project goes belly-up. Again, looking at everywhere this financing model has been tried it has yet to fail.
This paragraph clearly and intentionally leaves out that the MOU contained language that IF rent “kickbacks” and arena-related taxes fell short of projections the Hanson group was required to pay the difference. He dangles this out there intentionally to make the reader *think* that the city could be on the hook for the bonds.
When the anti-stadium folks for even a second talk about the city paying for the arena they are lying to the audience. Deep down they know it but saying, “Public money going to Billionaires” resonates with their argument while getting full repayment over time with interest does not.
Sure sounds purdy, don’t it. Tell you what. Throw in a few tall skinny women for me to grope and you have a deal.
@15 “the city is the bank providing a much lower interest rate than any bank can offer”
So why not put the city’s money in a regular bank and collect market interest on it? It seems to me that if the city is lending to Hansen at below-market interest, the taxpayers are paying for the spread. And why isn’t Hansen, with all his Microsoft millions, creditworthy enough to borrow this money from a bank? Why do city taxpayers have to play the role of lender to anyone rich enough that he can afford to build a private sports stadium?
The reality is that owning a sports team is an extremely lucrative business, and that huge profit margin comes from taxpayers picking up the huge infrastructure costs. If Hansen gives up that public subsidy, then the profit margin goes away, so why would he want to build the arena and own the team without that subsidy? And why would any intelligent person believe that subsidy isn’t still there, hidden away in the fine print of his latest proposal?
This stadium sounds like another billionaire con-job to me. Billionaires have too much power. One way or another the city will get the bill.
@18 That’s what I’m saying. There’s no reason to own a sports team if you can’t fleece the taxpayers. You don’t get to be a billionaire by spending your own money on things like this. My highly sensitive rabbit nose detects a foul odor in this.
IIRC, because of favorable federal tax treatment, bond bankers are able to issue bonds for municipal debt at rates lower than the private market.
I’ve been around long enough to respect you and know you’re not stupid but that’s just silly. Bond issues aren’t like taking money the city has lying around and dropping it in a savings account and collecting interest. Bond issues raise new money the city doesn’t have to build projects they want.
In this case the interest being paid back on the bond issue is coming from a billionaire and won’t exist if the bonds aren’t issued.
Addressed. You can earn billions owning a a building but it requires an anchor tenant to make it work. Some sports franchises are highly profitable through listened apparel and collectibles and ticket sales. Nearly all sports franchises are profitable based on appreciation of value.
In 2004 the ATL Hawks were bought for $216M. In 2015 the Hawks fetched $850m. Quite a return.
AP now has Clinton +14 in national 4-way poll.
Sucks to be the deplorable loon.
While it wasn’t Gary Johnson saying it it was in the official campaign website so that’s at least tacit agreement. Your move Bernie or Busters.
This is a prime example of billionaire screwing the public:
The Website was just updated with a note from the communications director that the statement doesn’t mean what it clearly meant but they haven’t pulled the statement down.
A brand in decline.
Of course, in order for the LAPD to have suspects they’d first have to actually give a shit.
Swim away from the wreckage, trolls. Swim away, or risk be pulled down with it.
here is some sad news from over the weekend i only found out about last night. as a fellow Michiganian he was my light after 68 and though he did soften a bit as he ran for office he was very clear as to why we all do as we age. so long Tom and thanks for all the fish!
“Tom Hayden, the preeminent 1960s radical who roused a generation of alienated young Americans, became a symbol of militancy by leading riotous protests at the 1968 Democratic National Convention, and added Hollywood glamour to his mystique with an activist partnership and marriage to film star Jane Fonda, died Oct. 23 in Santa Monica, Calif. He was 76.”
Remember Obummer had the North Carolina vote lead in early voting in 2012 and LOST DIPSHITTIUM dr checkmate.
Another Mike Rogers moment?
Remember LAPD is a DUMMOCRETIN operation!
Just like that great person Puddybud troll.
Thanks Oregon moron!
Interesting Podesta WikiLeaks snippet…
In 2008, when Podesta served as co-chair of President-elect Barack Obama’s transition team, Michael Froman, a former Citibank executive, sent Podesta a “list of African American, Latino and Asian American candidates, broken down by Cabinet/Deputy and Under/Assistant/Deputy Assistant level, plus a list of Native American, Arab/Muslim American and Disabled American candidates.” The Arab American list came with a special note to exclude Arab Christians – they had to be both Arab and Muslim. As New Republic reports, Obama’s eventual cabinet appointments ended up almost entirely as Froman recommended. Froman ultimately became the recipient of the largest bailout from the federal government during the financial crisis.
Meanwhile… Even NPR is covering the FACTS!
Then Josh NotSoEarnest starts the cleanup act for the whitey house. Butt today we learned that the preznit has to approve the official email addresses on his personal blackberry! It’s called white listing! Yes that’s the term! Butt then again the Oregon moron will call that racist commentary!
Stoooooooooooooopid fooooool!
Sooooooooooooo, how do you know a DUMMOCRETIN is lying? Their lips are moving!
Swim faster, idiot.
Hacked emails from Russia… all faked eh HA DUMMOCRETINS?
@34 HAHAHAHAHA!!!! The babbling jackass troll is reduced to picking over office grunt talk – filtered through the FSB even!
What a freakin’ dope!
Neera Tanden,
The only straight shooter on the Clinton team. Her comments on the email crisis are exceptionally telling. Y’all can look them up!
And this is very revealing about Careless Crooked Heilary… http://www.realclearpolitics.c.....32137.html
“Mediaite” will keep the dope alive on November 8.
Obummer is a muslim… https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/7860
All the way back in 2008!
The babbling jackass troll: a suck-up to Vlad Putin..
WE KNEW! It’s gotta suck up to somethin’!!!
Since the email content is sooooooooooooo damning, one need to deflect as seen by the moronic fool @40!
So why won’t Cigarman take a DNA test to put this to bed forever?
The babbling jackass can’t tout its candidate’s grasp of policy, its candidate’s family values, its candidate’s character.
It just wants to point to dud e-mails..
How feckless. Its silly politics as usual are fayling.
It so sad that the babbling jackass is reduced to bottom of the barrel klownservatic klownspiracy websites like WND (birther news daily)..
Oh krap, it’s ALWAYS been reduced to that shit!
@ The Schizo @ 29
Um, Barack Obama won the election in 2012. You forget that already?
In your wet dreams silly troll..
If Hillary wins, you and your miserable politics are proved WORTHLESS!
EVERTHING you’ve farted here since April 2005 is just a cloud of smelly gas.
Still on the arena.
What Staples Center got from L.A. Was road and infrastructure improvement guarantees. I lived there then and the clusterfuck that was Figueroa meeting the 10 & 110 and all the East/West boulevards (Olympic/Venice/8th/Pico) got redesigned and now the dead zone that was downtown LA is thriving. It might be killing the Grand Central Market it’s gentrifying so fast. Can someone ship me some green mole from the stand at Grand Central before it goes tits up?
Keep telling yourself everything’s fine. There are tons of stories about how far off the GOP returns are so far compared to 2012. Easily googleable as long as you have no leeeenks to back up what you say. The ‘Hate the gays’ bill is killing the GOP in NC. Trump is just gravy.
Wow…looks like the army of drug addled bums is on the March in Seattle.
You asked for em, and now you got em!
Hahahhahahhah…maybe they can post up in Georgetown! Hahahha…….oh nevermind, they been there…
vomit producer @45,
Missed the point again… Swing and a miss – strike three!
Remember Scott Foval and Robert Creamer! DUMMOCRETIN SCUM from the highest SCUM order!
Creamer went to the whitey house 300+ times.
Seems Foval been doing DUMMOCRETIN dirty tricks since 2000! Got the lawyer to videotape the Romney 47% comment through the bartender!
What are Careless Crooked Heilary’s core values? Even her own team isn’t sure!
Instincts are terrible and can’t apologize!
Wow, could this be true?
@49 Quaaludes don’t mix well with liquor..
babbling butthead @ all..
If Hillary wins what will the babbling jackass troll DOOOOOOOOOOOOOO?
“Remember Scott Whositz and Some Otherguy?”
No. Nobody does.
Remember James Dale Guckert (hotmilitarystud.com)?
He spent the night at the White House a few times.
Swim away from the wreckage.
@ 53
Nobody really cares. Really, they don’t. The only people still harping on the bullshit are the schizotards who have nothing better to do but sit in their darkened living rooms, gripping their AR-15 with the curtains drawn tight so they can watch their Klayman and Barton screeds in private because they know with absolute certainty that the Illuminati and the Masons and the Queers and the Jews and the ZOG are all conspiring to track their internet usage and are coming, coming, any minute now, they’re going to come and take them away to FEMA camps in the desert and force them to work in uranium mines to help the Russians build space alien landing strips so they can enslave Americans and make them into potted meat products…
In other words, folks like you.
Say those sacrificial e-mails were found, and everyone got to read them and they all turned out to be personal shit, like Hillary describing her need for certain types of medical care and communications with her personal physician that involved some rather intimate details. Or perhaps communications with her daughter or something about what sort of wine they’d like to have with a dinner and the like. Recipes. How to correctly suck a dick…
You gonna fap to that?
Oh, I know you will. Because at that point, your heroes like Alex Jones and whatisname Wayne Root or Rick Wiles will tell you that you may.
Because, in the end, that’s really all you have left.
Deplorable or admirable?
Here’s the playbook on SovCit idiots like that:
Let ’em.
Let ’em rant and rave and give them all the rope in the hardware store. Then the very minute they step over the line, shove a cop, push through a rope line, or shout out of turn during a Congressional townhall or other public meeting, they get Tased in the nuts followed by the beat down of a lifetime, a “rough ride”, and every federal and state charge in the book. And all of their commentary, Vlogging, photo streams, and social media history is brought out as evidence of criminal intent in court.
Those patriots from Burns? A few of them will be facing state felony murder charges by this time next year. The jury is just starting deliberations on their federal trial. But their story has only just begun. They will be in jail facing criminal charges and civil trials of one kind or another for years to come. The freedoms that bring these lunatics out into the light of day, that give them a sense of “community”, and the means to organize their misguided efforts to do criminal harm to their community are the things that will undo them in the end.
“It was guys with younger girls, sex, a lot of sex, a lot of cocaine, top-shelf liquor”
The Republican Party has undermined and blown up whatever political high ground they might have ever held. The brand is just so sullied now, on whatever terms you choose, that I really expect to see a gradual drifting away of support in the years ahead.
The last time this Tea Party swine had to stand for election, his constituents made him unemployed.
I wonder if Boob is enjoying the Teabagging that he is getting.
@59 – you should have been there! A lot of Pussy Grabbing going on there! I was grabbing a little there, a little here, and a little more there – what fun it was!
I’ve spent less time here lately, but I haven’t seen Boob as much….does he have his face buried in his pillow?
Stand tall Boob. You should be posting crooked Hillary shit, and Goldy tweets, and be telling us how raising the minimum wage is bad….if you leave us liberals unchecked all hell could break loose…..you know, kind of like the Teabagging you are taking now.
I suppose that he has decided to move on, telling himself that his political and social beliefs represent some kind of “moderate” or “middle” consensus position between the socially and intellectually degraded extremes of the “New” alt-Right, ultra-White-Nationalist Trumpublican party and the usual suspect “dirty hippies” of the left. But of course, as this election demonstrates, nothing could be further from the truth. In the end, I expect that Trump will still obtain close to 60 million or just enough less than “half” of the total popular vote. But he will lose. Probably quite badly in the electoral college. And I’m afraid that really means that the Main Street, Supply Side, White Collar Republican views that Boob espouses are quite thoroughly dead. It’ll just take a while for the body to grow cold. American politics of the 21st century are going to look very different from the 20th century.
And in the final days of the campaign, the candidate with the best temperament picks a fight with the military. Our trolls think the guy who knows better than career experts in their fields aren’t as smart as he is.
This is the guy, retired Dean of the Army War College, Donald Trump wants to teach a few things about military strategy.
Some of the “professors” at Trump University have fascinating CVs:
“Donald Trump says he hand-picked only the best to teach success at Trump University. But dozens of those hired by the company had checkered pasts — including serious financial problems and even convictions for cocaine trafficking or child molestation, an Associated Press investigation has found.”
Looks like great progress is being made to turn seattle into one giant drug addled street urchin, bum filled KOA campground.
Man you guys elect the BEST people to run that city.
Woop woop!
HA HERO since 2016!!!
“But dozens of those hired by the company had checkered pasts — including serious financial problems and even convictions for cocaine trafficking or child molestation”
As far as Republicans go, child molestation is pretty much a given these days. Might as well consider them all guilty until proven innocent.
also “serious financial problems”.
It’s looking more and more like the big national Republican campaign has been little more than a scheme to promote one family’s personal branding empire in the face of mounting financial peril.
One thing that greatly amuses me in the context of this current election cycle is watching white-wing Capitalistic Calvinist Christianity desperately struggling in its last pathetic, flailing attempts at remaining relevant as it waddles drunkenly into the twilight of its own obscurity and obsolescence. They are the thrashings and gaspings of a morbidly obese man drowning in the pit that he spent centuries digging and then filling up again with his own manure.
It is more hilarious than I can possibly describe.
“How is what Bill Clinton did different from what Bill Cosby did?”
“You said every woman should be believed. Why not the women who accused him?”
“Will you apologize to the women who were wrongly smeared by your husband and his allies?”
Drumph University – Drumph says he hand-picked only the best to teach success.
But dozens of those hired by the company had checkered pasts — including serious financial problems and even convictions for cocaine trafficking or child molestation, an Associated Press investigation has found.
What??!!! No gropers in the bunch???
Former U.S. Rep. Joe Walsh [Rethug] tweeted Wednesday afternoon : “On November 8th, I’m voting for Trump. On November 9th, if Trump loses, I’m grabbing my musket. You in?”
Civil War anybody? Do you really want that?
Hopefully if that happens the military will put down the rebellion as swiftly as possible and with minimum casualties, especially among the troops.
@67 Why don’t you help solve the problem by leaving?
Bundys Acquitted In Oregon Case?
Huffington Post reports all 7 defendants in the Oregon standoff trial have been acquitted, but there’s no confirmation yet from other news sources.
Acquittal of Malheur Refuge defendants confirmed by New York Times.
All 7 acquitted on the federal charges. Judge allowed the defense to argue nullification. Kind of a one-off sort of outcome in my estimation.
At least two of them still stand in jeopardy of state charges including felony murder. Really depends on the political situation in Harney County. While these idiots are definitely disliked by the majority in that county, it might not be the popular move for the County Prosecutor to rain hell down on them at this point.
@78 The Bundys still face federal charges for the Nevada standoff, and 11 defendants pleaded guilty in the Oregon case, so it’s not a total loss.
not at all. But in so far as the Bundy’s chose to stand trial for the specific purpose of advancing their bizarre SovCit/Admiralty Law nonsense in a taxpayer funded venue, and to the extent that the judge permitted it, justice for the victims of these crimes is far from served.
The BLM may still sue the assholes. And I hope they do. Even if the Harney County Prosecutor decides to leave things as they stand, there are still a few more chapters in this weird story to be written. And I continue to feel this stands as a pretty good primer for federal/local LE on how to proceed in these kinds of cases. But U.S. Attorneys might see fit to negotiate harder with cooperating witnesses in the future. I don’t believe they got the kind of testimony at trial they should have.
I just really regret that some people have come away from the news coverage of this trial with the mistaken impression of federal land managers as “indifferent” to the local community. That’s pure bullshit. None of these assholes are local. None of them spent any time in the county before this year. None of them participated in the years of meetings, negotiations, and planning between the BLM and Harney County land owners and user groups. In my opinion these idiots are pawns being employed to promote the interests of giant corporations who want greater freedom to pillage public resources for private profit.
Dog bites man!
And Republican moral midget, office burglar and convicted crook Jimmy O’Keefe has once again been caught trying to defraud the public!
Time Mag reports the latest scheme involves O’Keefe forging banking documents to make it look like a voter registration non-profit accepted money from a foreign agency. Only Time reports the money came from…
A New York Times reporter threatened to reveal one of Montel Williams’ home addresses unless he cooperated with a story about Donald Trump, according to the political activist and former TV talk show host.
Meanwhile the UNION thugs of the Mrs crazed databaze deala SEIU 775 poured in about $1.4 Million into the effort to promote Ballot Initiative 1501. And the sister SEIU Local 925 contributed another $400,000 towards this same initiative. What is the major component of this 1501 initiative? https://sos.wa.gov/_assets/elections/initiatives/FinalText_1024.pdf
When you read the PDF above the specific exceptions would include “bonafide news organizations,” courts of law, other state agencies, and “a representative certified or recognized under RCW 41.56.080.”
The last reference to the RCW means public sector thug unions like the slime balls at the SEIU! No wonder the Seattle Times blasted this faux initiative. This is because the FOIA request to fight the SEIU union 775 grabbing care givers. The union thugs lost in the courts so now this faux initiative. Of course the DUMMOCRETIN urchins will gladly vote for this BULLSHITTIUM! Puddy expects the low information voters to approve this insane BULLSHITTIUM! Most everyone whom votes left IS a low information voter!
Here is the dopey commentary for everyone to read… “This measure would increase the penalties for criminal identity theft and civil consumer fraud targeted at seniors or vulnerable individuals; and exempt certain information of vulnerable individuals and in-home caregivers from public disclosure.”
This is an outcome of Harris v. Quinn in 2014.
If Hillary wins, what will the babbling jackass troll DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO?????????????
What “Mrs” is the troll babbling about? The one it buddies with to pick away at the salt mine on Sat eves?
Heh. Yes, the buddy pays dues to a union. That is known.
Gov. Mike Pence (R) campaign plane skids off runway at LaGuardia.
Meanwhile Bill Clinton Inc. is still going on strong! https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/32240
Money to Bill Clinton from year 2011-2020!
Teneo has authenticated the email!
See how Puddy PWNS the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS @85-86!
What “Mrs” has Puddy identified? SEIU of course!
Which union is it???
Is it SEIU? Oh that’d be sweet justice.
Mrs SEIU?? Once again the troll babbles out its butt… Who marries a union?
The troll perhaps? Too weird.
Oh my salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS! Puddy controls you every day! Puddy sez jump and the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS jumps!
You can’t even see how Puddy PWNS you! Another crazed databaze EPIC FAYLE!
@92 babble… babble… babble…
The troll insanely believes someone can marry a labor union..
Damn! The fiend is nuts!
But then, it’s going to vote for bullshitting asshole, grifter and rapist. Sigh.. Sux to be that troll.
I happily voted yes for 1501 but not for the reason you might think. I mostly agree that the union shouldn’t stand in the way of educating members about the voluntary parts of dues.
However, Freedom Foundation opened a can of worms that should be closed. Essentially they sued and won on the arguement that the names and birthdates (and so with a minimum of googling home addresses) of people who derive all or part of their income from the government should be public record.
The people I know who voted for it say, “It’s for just this one case and to alert people of a scam.” Sorry, no. Since the sunshine law is now interpreted the way Freedom Foundation wants it is not just for this one case. The law needs to be amended.
The personal information of someone who works at DOT should not be public. The home addresses of every medical professional who accepts Medicaid should not be public. The birthdates and names of every Law Enforcement officer and thereby their home addresses under no circumstances should be public. Corrections officers? Muni court judges? If the court ruling is allowed to stand I could request the personal information of that low-level clerk in city planning who denied me a building permit and go give him a piece of my mind at his home as long as I don’t assault him.
I think SEIU is being hella shady on this one but they have the resources to change really badly interpreted law and I support changing this element of the sunshine law.
Notice the difference between the fetid crazed dealin jackass @93 and checkmate @94?
checkmate was actually 55% cogent for a change while the fool @93 said absolutely nuthin worthwhile!
In other news, the guy being charged with that standoff down in Oregon was acquited. He walks free!
Too bad for the other militia guys who copped a plea deal – they stay in prison.
Every time the Feds get beaten in a court is a happy time for those of us who believe in liberty. The federal government has become the oppressor of personal liberty and an enemy of our Constitution.
Notice that the babbling buffoon @ 95 has hallucinated a “Mrs SEIU”.
But then it believes the earth is less than 10k years old. And it’s voting for a bullshitting a-hole of a rapist.
When busted the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS digs a deeper hole @97!
You told the world your wife works in the SEIU union!
Did you fools thank Careless Crooked Heilary? http://www.breitbart.com/big-g.....d-answers/
Heh. You just told “the world” a falsehood.
Yawwwn. You do that everyday.
OK so if Tim McVeigh had won acquittal you would have cheered it. If Ramzi Yousef and Eyad Ismoil had beat the Feds, go constitution! John Gotti? Al Capone? Ted Kaczynski? Julius and Ethel Rosenberg?
When you post stupid ass shit you won’t be taken seriously in the future.
Puddy lied salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS loving SEIU fool?
You forgot this from your own crazed databaze? http://horsesass.org/thought/#comment-938164
DAYUM you are an EPIC FOOL!
Remember how the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS screamed about the tie-ins with the SEIU and ACORN?
EPIC FAYLE there too!
Sad little babbling jackass:
Some people work IN the Boeing Plant in Everett.
Some people work IN an Amazon fullfillment center.
My wife DOES NOT work IN the SEIU union.
You promulgated a FALSEHOOD ya moron! And you do silly shit like that EVERY DAY!
Good try salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS?
From the SEIU discussion back in 2009…
You wrote that not Puddy.
Keep screaming FOOL!
See ya! PWN’D again!
The link don’t lie ya MORON!
@105 So according to the ASS the does your thinking:
thanks for telling “the world” that YOUR BUDDY IN THE SALT MINE WORKS “IN” A UNION TOO..
ya moron!
Say it ain’t so… http://hotair.com/archives/201.....-lobbyist/
Nuff Said SUCKAS!
In the filing, Tony Podesta makes the case that he is responsible for his wife’s current success by schooling her in the lobbying business and introducing her to his network of high-profile contacts. The filing claims that her salary before their marriage was $55,000, and that she now earns “many millions” annually. “Ms. Podesta’s career has risen meteorically since the parties’ marriage, with Mr. Podesta’s assistance and connections,” according to the document.
In what way does this mean that someone “works in the SEIU union”? Does the babbling jackass really think (with its ASS) that belonging to a union means getting a paycheck from the union?
The babbling jackass is not only ignorant – it is a liar.
so you reject the concept of property rights, ownership, enforceable legal title, and rule of law.
That’s not “liberty”. That’s medieval times.
But hey, knock yourself out. You can sign up to join this idiot parade right this very minute on any number of Facebook pages. No background checks. No qualifications. Head on down to Cabelas and buy yourself some digi camo and an AR and get to work. While you’re at it you should buy yourself one of these, one of these,and at least two of these.
Looks like the Illinois seat is a gimme.
Good for Ms. Duckworth. She’s worked incredibly hard for it and she deserves it.
It goes without saying that Sen. Kirk is a gigantic asshole who will retire into deplorable anonymity.
You really want to go down the road of what can be found in divorce filings? See Ivanna Trump rape claim. Not just reported, sworn to in court documents.
Notice the toon change from the crazed fetid databaze deala! When Puddy displays its words then change the subject.
DAYUM that checkmate is a moron @111. It’s about lobbying and brother-in-law power you DIPSHITTIUM king checkmate!
So the salt mining buddy “works in the union”, eh babbling jackass?
Your stinking – straight outta your ASS!