With only a smattering of ballots left to count statewide, it is interesting to note that Seattle voters have thus far turned out a 57.56% rate, four and a half points higher than the county as a whole, and nearly seven points higher than the state average.
To put that in perspective, overwhelmingly liberal-Democratic Seattle is home to less than 10.5% of the state’s registered voters, yet accounted for nearly 12% of the 2009 general election vote. Had there been a close statewide contest, this turnout advantage certainly would have shaped the outcome.
I know we’re told that it’s the tea-partying Republicans who are supposed to be energized right now, but it didn’t turn out that way here in Washington state.
I’m curious to see a more detailed age breakdown as well. More young people are getting involved and understanding the value of their vote.
Keep up the good work Seattle. And please stay in Seattle, we’ve got too many people in Gig Harbor as it is.
It’s outrageous that the Liberals have stolen, yet, another election. Damn them and their ballot-casting ways!
Yeah Goldy, that 2% difference has nothing to do with the fact that Seattle had a mayor’s race that was busted wide open after the primary, while the rest of King County and the state was stuck voting for boring incumbent mayors, or even duller still, city councilmen who appoint each other mayor after the fact.
what would have happened if we did NOT have a Democratic Legislature and Democratic Governor who were pissing their pants over the ghost of Ronnie Raygun? What would have happened if we did NOT have a budget protecting the Takers At The Top who wrecked everything, primarily cuz the Takers were preoccupied with Taking as much as they could for their pyramids – pyramid ponzi schemes sold as investments, pyramid mcmansions to their greed and short sight sightedness.
Oh … wait! I have some relatively affluent people telling me why selling out is ‘bipartisan’ and ‘moderate’ … of course, let’s ignore that these definitions of ‘bipartisan’ and ‘moderate’ were created by the Takers, For the Takers, Of the Takers!
A C O R N ! ! !
S O R O S ! ! !
The magic words that switch off what passes for teabagger brains.
It’s what they cry anyway when they can’t win at the ballot box or shoot themselves in the foot.
Re 1
When young people actively participate in democracy we all win long term. So even if they haven’t grown wise enough to vote for moderate candidates I applaud their involvement.
Re 5
I can’t learn a skill or perform a job which pays at rates of which I’m jealous. Therefore anyone that can and is successful is a rotten bastard who deserves my vitriolic hatred. I refuse to contemplate how I can make my life better. I refuse to consider how people with too much credit card debt, too much home debt and too much of a spend now/pay later mentality helped with this recession. No, it’s all the fault of Wall Street.
Very mature.
@6…still no job? wow, no surprise…..and you thought oblamao would fix the world for you..haha, sucker….
Oh look,
Al Gore at it again….
Sorry wrong Thread!
6 – See those magic words work every time!
Thanks for playing. I rest my case..
re 7: Can you say that like a Chinaman?
# 4: The statewide initiatives including I-1033 and I-74 were more than sufficient incentive for anyone in the state to turn out in significant numbers.
The Seattle mayoral election was, after the primary, a rather dull affair, between two candidates who didn’t engender strong opinions among most Seattle voters. It didn’t enfluence the turn-out significantly.
I agree. I could have flipped a damn coin between the two candidates for mayor of Seattle. I would have thought the chance to ‘teach them gays a lesson’ and strike down domestic partnership laws would get out the dumb angry white guy voters, but it didn’t seem to work. The Seattle crowd was more fired up on I-1033 and R-71 than the supposed angry tea-baggers and birthers. Oh well. They had their chance to vote and didn’t want to.
Republicans in Washington are DE-energized. And they should be. They can’t elect anyone outside of deep-red territory, and because they are both powerless and deeply unserious about governing no one listens to them.
GOP, prepare to transition from discouraged to depressed in WA in 2010.
@5 re: the takers
do you know who “the takers” are? because you sound like a paranoid schizophrenic.