– There are plenty of issues where local control doesn’t make sense, but rent control isn’t one of them, so get on board, the parts of the City Council that aren’t.
– Great job, Ballard Preservation Society
I had the good sense to miss the GOP Presidential debate the other night, but here are some links vaguely related to the GOP Presidential candidates:
– Debunking Five Absurd Comments About Planned Parenthood From the GOP Debate
– The Club For Growth doesn’t like Donald Trump, but I don’t like either of them.
– Maybe not such humble beginnings
Obama: Not my fault.
The idea of bolstering Syrian rebels was debated from the early days of the civil war, which started in 2011. Mrs. Clinton, along with David H. Petraeus, then the C.I.A. director, and Leon E. Panetta, then the defense secretary, supported arming opposition forces, but the president worried about deep entanglement in someone else’s war after the bloody experience in Iraq.
In 2014, however, after the Islamic State had swept through parts of Syria and Iraq, Mr. Obama reversed course and initiated a $500 million program to train and arm rebels who had been vetted and were told to fight the Islamic State, not Mr. Assad’s government.
Republicans suffer from collective psychosis. They have let their fear, anger and hate distort reality.
“Their entire approach to foreign policy is to sit on their porch with a shotgun and scream ‘Get off my lawn!'”
I like that. It expresses the GOP candidates’ mentality, especially Fiorina’s, perfectly. One of these asswipes, if elected president, will get us into another war — perhaps a nuclear war. Here’s how that might go down: Let’s say President Fiorina refuses to talk to Putin, and then he annexes the whole of Ukraine, including the part that wants to join Nato, what then? At that point, President Fiorina’s options are to surrender or let the rockets fly. Do you think she’ll give in? Naahh, she has to prove she’s as tough as the boys, so we’ll all get incinerated.
@1 Yeah, there’s no war you don’t want other people’s kids to be a part of, is there? Bickle, did you serve in the military? If not, why not? Millions of patriotic Americans have, and I’m one of ’em, are you? I can speak with moral authority on issues of war and peace because I put my ass on the line in a real shooting war. What’s your authority?
I rather liked this line “It’s created a fractured party where many of them are more persuaded than ever that “allowing” people to have equal rights will topple our government.”
I don’t understand why conservatives think that way, but they sure act that way.
What British socialism looks like: Your kid disappears, and taxpayers spent $16 million to find her.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What American conservatism looks like: Fee for service, and if you can’t pay, tough shit.
@1 and 4,
“Why do Liberals like to spend other people’s money?”
“Why do Conservatives like to expend other people’s lives?”
It’s all about priorities.
Maybe Green Lake will be ground zero.
@6 (sarcasm) CNN reporting on a missing white girl? Surprising! They never do that! (/sarcasm)
Our odious little dick-bag of a terrible human being Michael Medved was on the radio this morning putting forth the theory that Ahmed and his parents deliverately made it to look like a bomb to test if the school was racist.
Yes, that’s right. He’s a Muslim so of course he and his family are secretly trying to bring down the government one school at a time.
He actually used the words, “They should investigate his parents.” Hey Michael, you’re Jewish. Does the idea of investigating someone because their heritage makes you believe they are potentially more dangerous than other people’s heritage give you pause? Even for a second?
Face-punching. Not just a Christie thing.
John Patrick Yob
10 hrs · Edited ·
Last night I went to a bar on Mackinac Island for the GOP Mackinac Conference. I ran into a guy named Rich Beeson, who frankly I didn’t even know who it was at first because he isn’t relevant in our political world. Anyway, he is Marco Rubio’s national campaign manager. He literally physically assaulted me by punching me in the face. The state police are looking for him. I have it on video, from multiple angles. This will play out in the national media in the next few hours.
Huckabee want to find a cure for heart attack and diabetes. Maybe we need a cure for this too…..like STOP PLAYING FOOTBALL!
I suppose if the thought that stopping to play football would cost the economy some, and then we should spend some money on research for a cure, instead of stopping to play football. But to spend money to combat global warming? No Fucking way! We can’t do it, it’s too hard, this isn’t American Exceptionalism.
@8 You can bet Puget Sound will be. We have the Trident sub base on Hood Canal, the Bremerton naval shipyard, the Everett homeport, Lewis-McChord south of Tacoma, Whidbey naval air station north of Seattle, Boeing … our asses have multiple bullseyes painted on them, and in a nuclear exchange, we will be a high-priority target.
@1 you think there is a simple solution to the Syrian crisis? Well there isn’t. Thanks to GWB, the whole region is a nest bed for war and violence.
Did you ever think that it is unfixable…..after all, if it was, Isreal would have fixed it by now.
Look who’s talking to the Russians:
“The Pentagon said Friday that Secretary of Defense Ash Carter had a ‘constructive conversation’ with his Russian counterpart Sergei Shoygu on the situation in Syria, and that the two military chiefs had ‘agreed to further discuss mechanisms for deconfliction in Syria and the counter-ISIL campaign,’ referring to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) by an alternate acronym. The conversation was confirmed by a Department of Defense spokesman as Secretary of State John Kerry told reporters in London that President Obama believes such discussions with the Russians — the most important allies Syrian dictator Bashar Assad has — are an important next step as the U.S. and its allies seek to resolve a worsening Syria crisis.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The world is much safer when grownups are in charge.
Of course, this @ 11 is a face-punch in the same vein as this
is a head-stomp.
What goes around comes around, Rand Paul-tards.
@ 16
So, a constructive conversation led to an agreement to further discuss.
Yeah, that’ll solve it.
@11 Thanks for bringing it to our attention, doc. Don’t you love watching Republicans? We sure do.
“An alleged physical altercation in a bar between two presidential campaign staffers cast an ugly shadow over the start of the Republican Leadership Conference on Michigan’s Mackinac Island, where a slew of presidential candidates are gathering for a weekend cattle call. John Yob, a Michigan political consultant working for Rand Paul, says he was punched in the face late Thursday by Marco Rubio’s deputy campaign manager, Rich Beeson, at the nearby Horn’s Bar.”
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/.....z3m76pqj2f
Exotic meat steakhouse caught
passing off horse as zebra
Meanwhile, the US Senate is led by a RINO passing himself off as an elephant.
This is so Jesus like…..I’m glad the Republican candidates can reassure us that this is a great nation.
These religious radicals will go to hell themselves!
Long Live Ireland – Home of the Free and the Brave (where they don’t cower to Nuclear Bombs).
@17 So I take it your position is that John Yob had it coming because Rand Paul’s dad was opposed to Bush43’s military adventuring?
@18 And I take it you’re on board with Carly, in other words, to hell with talk, let’s start bombing?
You still haven’t answered my question @4.
Kind of like what I thought. Polls favor Fiorina.
I got my flag on today too!
@20 More proof that government regulation is needed to protect consumers from dishonest businessmen. Meanwhile, I don’t see the connection between this and your GOP Senate leadership. Are you suggesting Mitch McConnell has a face like a horse?
@21 Well, at least those bigots aren’t cheapskates like most of them; they left a tip with their nasty note, plus not one but TWO religious tracts.
@23 Flavor of the month.
@24 Hmm, looks like the ACLU may soon be defending the Confederate flag in court. Rightwingers are always the first to go running to the ACLU when they need free legal help.
Hmmm. A threat to national security by any other words:
We joke about this stuff, but after a while it’s no longer funny. The Republican Party is dominated by candidates who are proudly, even boastfully ignorant. Rejecting the clear science on vaccines or climate change is practically the price of admission even to be considered a legitimate presidential candidate. Playing on xenophobic fears of immigrants by lying about the economic costs and threats to American workers — pro forma. It reached a point Wednesday night when a candidate actually saying something true was an event worthy of note.
But make no mistake, the descent of the Republican Party into dishonesty, lies, and cravenness is no joke. It’s a national crisis.
Someone should have these crazies committed before they hurt a lot of people.
Conservatives incessantly cry “wolf!” about government debt, which is so safe our adversaries stand in line to buy it, but have nothing to say about reckless corporate borrowing. That’s because in their strange universe, government does nothing right and corporations can do no wrong.
Imagine how Dems will attack the woman on the GOP ticket if the GOP runs a woman and Dems don’t.
The signees are largely party financiers who have yet to throw their support behind Hillary Clinton, the presumptive front-runner for the Democratic nomination to the November 2016 election. Their call is the most provocative yet for Biden to take her on. The letter makes no mention of Clinton.
John Maa, a member of the Democratic National Committee’s national finance committee, was one signee. Maa said he was contacted this week by another finance committee member to see if he would support Biden financially.
Maa replied he would be happy to raise funds for Biden but that donors were becoming impatient as the vice president deliberates. “Time is precious,” Maa said.
“I know many people who will gladly contribute, and I will absolutely try to organize,” he said.
Besides Maa, the letter is signed by nearly 50 donors, Democratic activists and friends of Biden.
The letter’s significance goes beyond a simple declaration of support. It appears aimed at pressuring Biden to decide soon. “We are ready if he’s ready,” they write.
Except for the DOD.. To see them behave you’d have to conclude they don’t consider the Pentagon part of the government.
There’s NOTHING wrong about anything they like.
They like Israel. Israel can do no wrong.
They like tax cuts. They believe if they cut taxes, budgets will balance. There’s nothing a tax cut can’t accomplish as long as it’s their tax cuts. Any cut a Dem does is worse than no cut.
Then there’s things they pretend to like Social Security and Medicare. They want to “save” those programs by raising the retirement age, chained CPI, instituting “premium support” or “coupon care”..
The GOP didn’t run Sarah Palin one heartbeat away?
No the rank and file Dem didn’t think much of that.
And Carly? She’s a joke. Musta watched Sarah tapes to lock down her pitch to the base. How flattering.
@ 33
Don’t forget Martinez.
Short YLB: She a bitch.
I hate it when they treat the rest of us like we are just as dumb as their base of xenophobic constituents.
We’re actually supposed to believe that these school administrators and cops were afraid this was a bomb? Consider if you will the response of these public safety authorities:
Did they evacuate the school?
Did they remove themselves to a safe distance from the suspected device?
Did they call out the explosive disposal unit to remove the device or render it safe?
Did they treat the device in any way that would be consistent with a sincere belief that this kid was building bombs and bringing them to school?
Bottom line: They treated Ahmed like a bomber. But they did not treat Ahmed’s clock like a bomb.
They are lying to us all. QED
@ 35
Bottom line: They treated Ahmed like a bomber. But they did not treat Ahmed’s clock like a bomb.
Actually, they treated him like he was perpetuating a hoax, which was the charge against him when he was arrested.
A Pop-tart chewed into the shape of a pistol clearly isn’t a gun. But in some places it can still get a boy suspended from elementary school.
The latest bad news for Clinton came last week from the NBC News/Marist poll Sanders Leads Clinton by 9 in N.H., Gains in Iowa: Poll, which showed Clinton losing to Sanders by nine percentage points in New Hampshire, thanks mostly a huge drop in Clinton’s female support. Although Clinton still held onto women by seven points, her lead among women there is down 16 points since July. The same holds true in Iowa, where Clinton’s lead among Democratic women shrank 24 points between July and September. A previous PPP poll showed Clinton losing New Hampshire women to Sanders by three points.
Good thing Democrat men are supporting Hillary in large numbers.
Oh, wait…
@35 I get a feeling the school district and police will end up paying for his MIT education.
@36 Another rightwing illiterate who doesn’t know the difference between “perpetrating” and “perpetuating.” And this guy is a doctor? How did he get through medical school without ever cracking open a dictionary?
@36 “A Pop-tart chewed into the shape of a pistol clearly isn’t a gun. But in some places it can still get a boy suspended from elementary school.”
That says a lot more about the people running the elementary school than it does about the boy.
@37 It’s fine with me if the Democrats nominate Bernie instead of Hillary. That’ll be the Republicans’ problem.
If they don’t like Obama, just wait until they get a real socialist in the White House. That’ll be fun to watch.
@33 Carly’s neither ignorant nor stupid. (Palin is both.) However, she’s so self-serving she’d pass as Trump with a better tailor (not to mention a better hair stylist). Of course, this brings up the prospect that in a match-up against Hillary they’d both have to wear signs so we could keep track of which one of them was which.
@37 The Vichy Democrats are scared shitless of the prospect of an actual liberal winding up on the ticket. They’ve been running the party for decades offering up what might be charitably referred to as “conservatism lite”. Sanders definitely wasn’t supposed to be part of the plan.
“Actually, they treated him like he was perpetuating a hoax”
A perpetual hoax? Sounds more like the empty promises made election after another by the GOP establishment to their rabid base. Judging by the polls, it seems they’re getting a little fed up with that. That’s not to say that there’s not a similar dissatisfaction on the left. This dissatisfaction on both left and right may well give us a presidential matchup between a left-wing socialist-lite and a right-wing billionaire reality show star/developer.
I see you used “RINO” when talking about Sen. McConnell. So that dissatisfaction on the right includes you, too, huh? And here I figured you were only in it for a tax cut.
@45 nice job Steve.
Let me see, if a RINO ends up as the Presidential candidate and you vote for that individual does that make you a RINO? Or maybe a RINO’s monkey? Or in Puffy’s case, a RINO’s Ape?
@ 45
So that dissatisfaction on the right includes you, too, huh?
Actually, there isn’t much he can do if the Dem Senate caucus + 2 holds together as tightly as it does. Very disciplined bunch, that.
Reid was willing to go nuclear but seems McConnell isn’t. Absent another election and a change in composition of the Senate, I don’t know that any other GOP senator would be any more successful.
@ 36, 45
I’d like to say it was a typo and that I was in a hurry.
Don’t think I can. Pretty sure that was what I meant to type.
As a former presidential candidate might say: Oops.
@49 This simple act of honesty makes you more qualified to be president than anyone on that stage, despite your shortcomings in other respects. You should run. The GOP is badly in need of one honest Republican.
@48 “Absent another election and a change in composition of the Senate,”
You’ll probably get your wish. The 2016 Senate electoral map heavily favors the Democrats.
General Says Bergdahl Doesn’t Deserve Prison
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a Bowe Bergdahl fan, I’m a due process fan — a distinction that no doubt has flown completely over Puffybutt’s pinhead. But I also believe the punishment should fit the crime — if there was a crime — so for what it’s worth:
“Bowe Bergdahl said he walked away from his post in Afghanistan six years ago hoping to spark a massive search and get the attention of a general so he could discuss what he felt were problems with his unit’s leadership, the officer who led the investigation of the Army sergeant’s disappearance testified Friday. Maj. Gen. Kenneth Dahl told the packed courtroom at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio that Bergdahl … planned to head from his post to the forward operating base roughly 19 miles away. He expected to arrive after a search had been launched and thought this would create a ‘PR event’ that might get a general to listen to him speak about the problems. ‘He felt it was his duty to intervene,’ said Dahl, who later added that he doesn’t think Bergdahl should go to prison.”
I actually don’t agree with the general about this; if, in fact, that’s what Bergdahl’s intent was, I think he does deserve some time in the stockade for the trouble he caused, although his misbehavior doesn’t rise to the level of treason, desertion, or premeditated murder. Maybe a dereliction rap. Oh, and then there’s this, for what it’s worth:
“When asked by Bergdahl’s lead attorney, Eugene Fidell, what he believed Bergdahl’s philosophy in life was, Dahl said Bergdahl identified with John Galt, the protagonist from the Ayn Rand novel ‘Atlas Shrugged.’ In the novel, Galt is presented as the ideal man – a philosopher and a statesman. ‘That particular character had a great impact on how he saw himself and his role,’ Dahl said.”
Yep, you read that right; what we have here is a Randian. I can already imagine Puffy’s head exploding.
What is it with Bobby and NM politicians? Richardson and now Martinez.
Got a retirement slot in the NM Galt’s Gulch you’re making payments on Bobby?
Both Carly and Susana have the charisma of venomous snakes. Pick your species.
Funny I don’t see GOOPers falling all over themselves to ask Susana to run like I saw them do to Christie back in the day.
Susana hasn’t done much for NM that I can see. Unless building a political machine to take out the weak kneed Dems in the legislature with ambitions of copying Kansas is considered winning to Susana and her people.
You said it Bobby not me. Does saying shit like that light your fire?
If I were General Rabbit, and a soldier like Bergdahl ran away from his post and trekked 19 miles across enemy terrain to tell me he had issues with the leadership of his platoon, I’d punish him by promoting him to platoon sergeant and putting him in charge of a platoon.
Oh yeah almost forgot!
Susana Martinez took the ACA Medicaid expansion. 170k more low income people in NM now have health insurance because Susana decided to go to the well for that “free stuff” courtesy of that program from that “unpopular President”.
That’s sure serving Kasich real well with the base in the primaries. Oh and it’s bound to impress them big time with Susana on the ticket in the General. Especially with whoever’s at the top of ticket vowing to “reform” the ACA if not repealing it outright.
America’s Wealth Profile
Americans collectively own net assets of $85.7 trillion, of which $12.2T is home equity and $13.5T is stock, according to CNN Money, which didn’t explain what the other $60T is. Thanks to rising real estate values, home equity has risen from 37% in 2009 to 56.3%; this may seem impossible to you youngsters and renters out there staring at Seattle real estate prices, but remember, a lot of us old rabbits have outlived our mortgages. (In case you’re wondering how much it costs to live in a mortgage-free burrow in this area, my expenses for taxes, utilities, insurance, and routine maintenance on a 4-bedroom, 2 1/2 bath hole are roughly $1,000 a month. Even when you own your hole outright, you still can’t live in it free.) Of course, we all know that wealth is highly concentrated, not spread evenly through society; if you divide $85.7T by America’s estimated 2015 population of 321 million, you get an average net worth of $267,000 (or $1,068,000 for a couple with 2 kids), but the average American family isn’t worth that much. In fact, not very many families are. According to Forbes, as of 2014, the 400 richest families owned net assets of $2.29 trillion, and Wikipedia says 25% of U.S. households own 87% of the wealth, which helps explain the huge discrepancy between median ($81,400) and mean ($528,420) household net worth (2013 figures from Wikipedia). For people and rabbits in my age range (65-74), median hhnw is $232,100 and mean hhnw is $1,047,310 (2013); my household falls between the median and mean, much closer to the latter than former. The stats also show that wealth is heavily concentrated among white college graduates, especially the self-employed.
Why Carly Would Make A Lousy President
“At Hewlett-Packard, Fiorina was well-known for not tolerating dissent or disagreement, particularly on important strategic issues. As someone quite senior in H-P’s strategy group told me, disagreeing with Fiorina in a meeting was a reasonably sure path out the door. By not brooking dissent, Fiorina ensured that few opponents would be around to challenge her power. But disagreement often surfaces different perspectives that result in better decisions. The famous business leader Alfred P. Sloan noted that if everyone was in agreement, the discussion should be postponed until people could ascertain the weaknesses in the proposed choice.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Politics is about negotiation and compromise, not bossing people around and firing anyone who disagrees with you. A president can’t fire Congress, for example; s/he has to work with Congress to get anything done. Fiorina has zero skills in this department, and her temperament and management style would be a disaster in the White House. It didn’t even work well for her in business, where the culture is much more amenable to that. She’s not a tough leader; she’s a bully. Those are two different things.
This is priceless. In Vermont, they polled the republicans for who they wanted for president. There is no clear favorite among Vermont Republicans, but the Socialist Sanders is tied with Donald Trump and Ben Carson at 12 percent.
Let me restate that. Of Vermont Republicans, 12 percent were willing to vote for the other side and vote for Bernie the socialist running as a democrat.
More evidence that Fiorina is a dilettante who doesn’t know what she’s talking about:
“The Sixth Fleet is already huge, and it’s hard to say why adding to its capabilities would intimidate Putin—after all, America has enough nuclear weapons pointed at Russia to level the country thousands of times over. Her proposal for more military exercises in the Baltics seemed odd in light of the fact that President Obama is already conducting military exercises in the Baltics. And the US already has around 40,000 troops stationed in Germany, so it’s hard to say what good “a few thousand” more would do. And pushing on a missile defense system in Poland is a very long-term solution to a very current problem. In total, Fiorina’s laundry list of proposals sure sounded like a plan, but on inspection, it’s hard to see why any of them would convince Putin to change course. Klein found similar inconsistencies in Fiorina’s discussion of immigration and Planned Parenthood. So Fiorina is more stylistically than substantively a wonk, and maybe she can get away with that for a while.”
But then, so is Trump, the GOP frontrunner:
“Trump would have probably been wealthier than he is today had he simply taken his inheritance and put it in an index fund.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If polls show Fiorina pulling ahead of Trump, GOPers will simply have replaced one dilettante with another, getting themselves no closer to an actual ability to govern.
Watching Bill Maher. George Pitacki is one of the guests. I thought I’d like him, maybe I’d like his policies better then many other of the scum bag repukes, but this is a blow hard just like the rest. Carly is mor convincing at her stupidity than he is.
@ 59 RR:
You assume in that context that the GOP has any actual interest in “governing”. The last the last four Republican presidents have remarkably demonstrated that performing the duties of Government is entirely outside of their basic purpose as Republicans.
Their purpose has been to loot the treasury, rob the population, nakedly manipulate the common paradigm, and get out before anyone notices what they’re doing. It’s the corporatist model of organizational process. They apply this concept to everything they do. Minimize outlay exposures to profit-taking at any cost whatsoever and nothing that increases profit or minimizes outlays is forbidden.
Not even mass murder.
Why should they care, they’re getting filthy rich out of the deal. Their grandchildren’s grandchildren are well taken care of and the family business is kept well protected for generations to come.
Why make lame excuses?
They didn’t suspend this kid. They arrested him at his school in front of his teachers, placed him in handcuffs, interrogated him (without his parents present), and charged him with a felony. But as usual, Bob, you still miss the point. A credible bomb threat includes, by necessity, a credible threat. In this case there was neither a bomb nor a threat. I hope for the sake of your patients you aren’t this dumb. I think you’re just grasping for excuses. But trying to shift the debate is weak sauce. It isn’t a question of whether or not the kid built a bomb, or whether or not the LE authorities believed he was trying to build a bomb. To arrest and charge the kid with making a bomb threat, there has to be a credible threat. Otherwise The Fuckwad could be arrested every time he caps locks “KABLOOOOOOWEEEEEE”.
@ 58
Let me restate that. Of Vermont Republicans, 12 percent were willing to vote for the other side and vote for Bernie the socialist running as a democrat.
Vermont GOP support for Sanders says more about Vermont than it does about the GOP.
Better, Vermont is the second bluest state in the nation. In the 2012 GOP primary, Ron Paul was second in Vermont, with 25% of the vote there. Nationally, Paul scored just under 11%, so Paultards were overrepresented in Vermont by 14%. This is not a state in which GOP voters are representative of the national GOP.
Further, some of the support for Sanders among GOP voters may be name recognition-related, as he’s a Senator representing that state.
Vermont’s electoral votes will NEVER be in play.
If you want to play the crossover game with some relevance, Better, consider how many Ohio Dem voters would support Kasich. Then contemplate Ohio’s importance in the presidential electoral vote arena.
For added effect, you could also consider Ohio’s proximity to western Pennsylvania. They don’t call them battleground states for nothing.
They don’t call Vermont battleground state at all, Better.
Or consider how many bugs Cal Worthington would offer to eat if Fox permitted Kasich to win the nomination.
“Don’t think I can. Pretty sure that was what I meant to type.”
It was fun to play off of it. I know that I post my share of typos, misused words and mangled sentences in these threads.
Huh!! First RINOS and now Paultards.
@ 66
You know where from:
Yet another amongst the handfuls of insanely rabid supportes of the Ron Paul 2008 campaign for president.
People who feel compelled to relentlessly ‘inform’ the entire world about how Ron Paul is going to save America from the ravages of DC.
The Paultards are so nutty that they use every opportunity to overwhelm every online poll or discussion as a way to get over their shame of living in their mother’s basement.
These nerds overwhelmed the Fox News poll following a Republican debate and got Paul three times the votes as the next candidate – 46% for Paul and 18% for Romney – at the cost of 75c per call. Fox was so embarrassed that they only showed the results for all of four seconds.
@52 and 54
Under the UCMJ the Army’s case for desertion is weak at best. If what the general is saying it’s certainly isn’t desertion. The whole charge about whatever in front of the enemy just shows the whole case is political. In making sure there is no enemy but terrorists because that would give these itinerate warriors standing under the rules of war rather by criminals. So the army is saying Bergdahl misbehaved in front of criminals? If the guy is walking to a base where he can talk to a flag officer then it’s not desertion. There maybe some petty charge the Army can use, the UCMJ has plenty of those. Best to see the guy out of the Army and pay the owed back pay. The do have administrative discharges, and probably he qualifies for VA health benefits or is the Army just trying to deny him from being cared for by the VA. Well maybe they are trying to save him from a system that can’t get appointments to veterans. This whole thing makes the army look petty, and unfortunately for some reason the folks in the White House who said good things about Bergdahl aren’t following through on their statements and stopped this circus before it got started. With Bergdahl decorated and promoted and either in or out depending on the Sergeants wishes. When the politicians say the guy is a hero they should act and make sure everyone is on the same page and do the ticker tape parade on Wall Street, and tell certain generals they can play along or they can retire.
Oh and did the brass ever try to make sure Berghdahl was getting his Red Cross packages, and was being taken car of. If they are going to use the charges they are using they should have. Oh and did they report Bergdahls status to the Red Cross?