Happy Bastille Day. I can’t find my pocket knife or my pike, so I don’t know if I can celebrate it properly this year. (PS, the French Revolution is odd)
He’s not just uneducated, he’s anti-educated. He’s so wrong that he isn’t even in the ballpark. He thinks he’s hitting home runs while stirring the spittoons in the dugout.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Gotta give the hillbilly traitor trolls credit. They sure did try. Last night marked a Herculean effort trying desperately to move the dial off Treason.
Then this morning we wake up and learn that one of the people Don Jr. arranged to meet with to broker assistance with the campaign was an FSB spy.
I can’t blame the trolls for trying. The alternative of accepting their role in betraying their own country would far surpass their moral capacities. But it does seem like a futile effort.
“But the biggest strength we have are these horrendous trade deals, like with China. That’s our strength.”
-Donald Trump.
What. The. Fuck. Am. I. Reading?
Tertiary syphilis? Chronic lead and/or mercury poisoning?
He holds a press conference where the reporters were not allowed to report on it; where only the White House could pick the excerpts to be published to look the best.
And this is the shit they think makes him look best? He sounds even crazier than the SchizoPoodle.
So, both perhaps?
@ 2
Then this morning we wake up and learn that one of the people Don Jr. arranged to meet with to broker assistance with the campaign was an FSB spy.
The same person is an American citizen.
To celebrate Bastille Day I suggest you strip naked and lie on the sidewalk in front of the courthouse. Just take your penicillin first.
Judges complain it’s unsafe, unsanitary outside King County Courthouse in Seattle
Councilmember Larry Gossett said he didn’t like the idea of power-washing the sidewalks because it brought back images of the use of hoses against civil-rights activists
That’s like not wanting to use an air freshener because it brings back disturbing images from that scene in the movie Se7en.
He’s a dual U.S / Russian citizen.
He’s also a former Russian military officer.
He’s a registered lobbyist for Russia and believed by U.S. Intelligence to be a Russian spy.
But thanks for pointing out an irrelevant piece of information. “You’re out of your depth Donnie!”
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
dual citizen. Makes sense for somebody working in counterintel. Born in Mother Russia, worked for GRU (according to Chuck Grassley) working at the time for Denis Katsyv who runs Prevezon, a real estate money laundering company.
All around hot dogs and apple pie, main street Republican traitor.
So that helps.
If Kirsten Gillibrand becomes the 2020 standard-bearer for Dems, she likely has Emma Sulkowicz, otherwise known as Columbia University’s “Mattress Girl”, to thank for elevating her profile.
Meanwhile, the guy Sulkowicz accused of raping her finally got Columbia to admit he was innocent.
Nungesser’s suit charged that the University failed to protect him from—and even encouraged—sustained protest by Sulkowicz, which Nungesser initially argued was a violation of Title IX.
The University announced that it had settled the suit—for which Nungesser submitted a new complaint after his initial one was dismissed last year—in a conciliatory statement sent to Spectator Thursday.
The statement reaffirmed that Columbia’s investigation had found Nungesser not responsible and expressed regret that his time after the investigation was “very difficult for him and not what Columbia would want any of its students to experience.”
Look on the bright side: Trump won, but he won’t get re-elected, and Hillary Clinton will probably never run for anything again.
Things are looking up!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Why shouldn’t he get re-elected?
Is he doing some of the treason wrong?
You folks are the experts on these things.
Better Stillspews:
10 & 11
Trump will be a one term president. The Republicans are against him, too, because it was Jeb Bush’s turn to run. Trump disrupted that.
Humpty Dumptyspews:
@1 but I think the Trolls here that like to complain or ridicule me on my grammar and spelling are bigger imbeciles for critiquing me when they could care less (or don’t critique) the guy who is suppose to lead this Country. I could probably lead this Country better than that fuck. But they are truly more of imbeciles than the Drumpf….the Drumpf is President, a fake one for the record, but still has the title of being President and all they have is the name Troll Grammar Dickfaces.
Did I make any grammar or spelling mistakes? Oh, I’m sure I did.
@9 ahhhh, yes – you guys are screwed with the von Fuckface….hahahahahahaha!
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Republican Hillbilly-Traitors are the guys who just elected him President eight months ago. They are the guys who overwhelmingly preferred Fuckface Von Traitor over JEB!
Lil’ Bush won four out of 2400 delegates.
Four. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/republican_delegate_count.html
Providing he doesn’t stroke out on Quarter Pounders before then, Fuckface is the Republican nominee in 2020. Republican voters love them some treason.
You gotta laugh ... but dictators ....spews:
FIFTEEN whole comments in 8+ hours.
Whew, things are sure rockin in the wonderful world of HorsesAss!
How do you stand the excitement?
How do you keep up with the rapid pace of the dialog?
Of course, I refuted with facts and dissent @11:46 between #12 and #13 but it certainly appears those are VERBOTEN*!
Definition of verboten
: forbidden; especially : *prohibited by dictate
Yeah, you’re relevant. You live in one of the most liberal/progressive cities in the nation and you, one of the most liberal/progressive blogs in said city, attract FIFTEEN whole comments in 8+ hours. You might want to do an autopsy.
Of course, now all three of the regulars who appear to post here will rapidly fill up the comment thread with one liners and tedious inanities…. under different aliases.
Keep censoring.
So progressive.
I expect this one will be VERBOTEN too.
You gotta laugh ... but dictators ....spews:
You should probably ask yourselves: is his motivation censoring me or hiding ugly truths from you?
Very interesting what BULLSHITTIUM being reported and FACTS being skipped over. Puddy finds FACTS.
Wait for the FACTless senile idiot wabbit retort!
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
“We Dems erred in ’12 by mocking Boot/Romney Russia worry” – Brian Fallon, former spokesman for #CrookedHillary
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
“Look, I’m willing to say that in 2012 when we all scoffed at Mitt for saying that, gee, Russia was our No. 1 geopolitical foe, think we were a little off there.” – Obummer’s head speechwriter Jon Favreau
“Veselnitskaya brought with her a plastic folder with printed-out documents that detailed what she believed was the flow of illicit funds to the Democrats, Akhmetshin said. Veselnitskaya presented the contents of the documents to the Trump associates and suggested that making the information public could help the campaign, he said.
Now wait for some HA FOOL to claim the AP is a front for Fox News!
“This could be a good issue to expose how the DNC is accepting bad money,” Akhmetshin recalled her saying.”
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Will the purveyor of the Friday Night Comix cover Glenn Simpson, the founder of Fusion GPS, punking out on Congress next week?
“In December 2015, The Wall Street Journal reported that Hillary Clinton opposed the Magnitsky Act while serving as secretary of state. Her opposition coincided with Bill Clinton giving a speech in Moscow for Renaissance Capital, a Russian investment bank—for which he was paid $500,000. “Mr. Clinton also received a substantial payout in 2010 from Renaissance Capital, a Russian investment bank whose executives were at risk of being hurt by possible U.S. sanctions tied to a complex and controversial case of alleged corruption in Russia. Members of Congress wrote to Mrs. Clinton in 2010 seeking to deny visas to people who had been implicated by Russian accountant Sergei Magnitsky, who was jailed and died in prison after he uncovered evidence of a large tax-refund fraud.”
Puddybud is the Very Much the One and Onlyspews:
Pass the popcorn Martha… This is getting more fun!
The loon seems pretty upset. I take it his SDA doomsday death cult doesn’t have a goat lined up for the weekend. Sad!
Roger Rabbitspews:
Trumpcare 2.0 is turning into a Christmas tree of senatorial bribes as McConnell struggles to round up 50 mercenaries to vote for it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 “The same person is an American citizen.”
So were the Rosenbergs. And Robert Hanssen, And John Walker. And many others. Explain how that exonerates a person acting as a Russian agent.
And Republicans threw Hamdan into Gitmo for years just for driving OBL’s fucking jeep.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@6 It’s not an irrelevant piece of information. Trump’s son and other top campaign lieutenants not only met with a Russian lawyer, but also with a Russian agent. No way can these traitors plead ignorance. They knew exactly what they were doing.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 “just as Elizabeth Warren is no Indian”
Funny you should mention that. As a lawyer, I was curious what the definition of “Indian” is, and who decides whether someone is an “Indian.” I know the answer. Do you?
Hint: Not you.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 “I could probably lead this Country better than that fuck.”
So could any chicken at a Foster or Tyson farm.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 Don’t worry, we’ll get even. We’ll pump oil out of shale until your oil is worthless.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@17 You’re not being censored, numbnuts. You’re being ridiculed. They’re not the same.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@28 The goat is on strike until it gets better perverts than these.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
He’s just making that all up.
Either that or he’s trying to copypasta steal the work of others.
He should just post links we can all ignore.
Great Fucking Noodles this man is an imbecile.
He’s not just uneducated, he’s anti-educated. He’s so wrong that he isn’t even in the ballpark. He thinks he’s hitting home runs while stirring the spittoons in the dugout.
Gotta give the hillbilly traitor trolls credit. They sure did try. Last night marked a Herculean effort trying desperately to move the dial off Treason.
Then this morning we wake up and learn that one of the people Don Jr. arranged to meet with to broker assistance with the campaign was an FSB spy.
I can’t blame the trolls for trying. The alternative of accepting their role in betraying their own country would far surpass their moral capacities. But it does seem like a futile effort.
“But the biggest strength we have are these horrendous trade deals, like with China. That’s our strength.”
-Donald Trump.
What. The. Fuck. Am. I. Reading?
Tertiary syphilis? Chronic lead and/or mercury poisoning?
He holds a press conference where the reporters were not allowed to report on it; where only the White House could pick the excerpts to be published to look the best.
And this is the shit they think makes him look best? He sounds even crazier than the SchizoPoodle.
So, both perhaps?
@ 2
Then this morning we wake up and learn that one of the people Don Jr. arranged to meet with to broker assistance with the campaign was an FSB spy.
The same person is an American citizen.
To celebrate Bastille Day I suggest you strip naked and lie on the sidewalk in front of the courthouse. Just take your penicillin first.
Judges complain it’s unsafe, unsanitary outside King County Courthouse in Seattle
Councilmember Larry Gossett said he didn’t like the idea of power-washing the sidewalks because it brought back images of the use of hoses against civil-rights activists
That’s like not wanting to use an air freshener because it brings back disturbing images from that scene in the movie Se7en.
He’s a dual U.S / Russian citizen.
He’s also a former Russian military officer.
He’s a registered lobbyist for Russia and believed by U.S. Intelligence to be a Russian spy.
But thanks for pointing out an irrelevant piece of information. “You’re out of your depth Donnie!”
dual citizen. Makes sense for somebody working in counterintel. Born in Mother Russia, worked for GRU (according to Chuck Grassley) working at the time for Denis Katsyv who runs Prevezon, a real estate money laundering company.
All around hot dogs and apple pie, main street Republican traitor.
So that helps.
If Kirsten Gillibrand becomes the 2020 standard-bearer for Dems, she likely has Emma Sulkowicz, otherwise known as Columbia University’s “Mattress Girl”, to thank for elevating her profile.
Meanwhile, the guy Sulkowicz accused of raping her finally got Columbia to admit he was innocent.
Nungesser’s suit charged that the University failed to protect him from—and even encouraged—sustained protest by Sulkowicz, which Nungesser initially argued was a violation of Title IX.
The University announced that it had settled the suit—for which Nungesser submitted a new complaint after his initial one was dismissed last year—in a conciliatory statement sent to Spectator Thursday.
The statement reaffirmed that Columbia’s investigation had found Nungesser not responsible and expressed regret that his time after the investigation was “very difficult for him and not what Columbia would want any of its students to experience.”
Just as Sulkowicz’ rape never happened,
• John Kerry wasn’t in Cambodia.
• #CrookedHillary’s plane didn’t land under sniper fire, and she wasn’t named after Sir Edmund Hillary.
• The Selma March in 1965 didn’t give Barack Obama’s parents the courage to bring him into the world in 1961.
Dems may do well to acknowledge that just as Elizabeth Warren is no Indian, Emma Sulkowicz is no rape victim.
Columbia student says Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand smeared him by standing with alleged rape victim
Vladdy really has Fuckface over a barrel.
It would appear he can get whatever he wants.
Look on the bright side: Trump won, but he won’t get re-elected, and Hillary Clinton will probably never run for anything again.
Things are looking up!
Why shouldn’t he get re-elected?
Is he doing some of the treason wrong?
You folks are the experts on these things.
10 & 11
Trump will be a one term president. The Republicans are against him, too, because it was Jeb Bush’s turn to run. Trump disrupted that.
@1 but I think the Trolls here that like to complain or ridicule me on my grammar and spelling are bigger imbeciles for critiquing me when they could care less (or don’t critique) the guy who is suppose to lead this Country. I could probably lead this Country better than that fuck. But they are truly more of imbeciles than the Drumpf….the Drumpf is President, a fake one for the record, but still has the title of being President and all they have is the name Troll Grammar Dickfaces.
Did I make any grammar or spelling mistakes? Oh, I’m sure I did.
@9 ahhhh, yes – you guys are screwed with the von Fuckface….hahahahahahaha!
Republican Hillbilly-Traitors are the guys who just elected him President eight months ago. They are the guys who overwhelmingly preferred Fuckface Von Traitor over JEB!
Lil’ Bush won four out of 2400 delegates.
Providing he doesn’t stroke out on Quarter Pounders before then, Fuckface is the Republican nominee in 2020. Republican voters love them some treason.
FIFTEEN whole comments in 8+ hours.
Whew, things are sure rockin in the wonderful world of HorsesAss!
How do you stand the excitement?
How do you keep up with the rapid pace of the dialog?
Of course, I refuted with facts and dissent @11:46 between #12 and #13 but it certainly appears those are VERBOTEN*!
Definition of verboten
: forbidden; especially : *prohibited by dictate
Yeah, you’re relevant. You live in one of the most liberal/progressive cities in the nation and you, one of the most liberal/progressive blogs in said city, attract FIFTEEN whole comments in 8+ hours. You might want to do an autopsy.
Of course, now all three of the regulars who appear to post here will rapidly fill up the comment thread with one liners and tedious inanities…. under different aliases.
Keep censoring.
So progressive.
I expect this one will be VERBOTEN too.
You should probably ask yourselves: is his motivation censoring me or hiding ugly truths from you?
There! I bumped your numbers. You’re welcome!
Yeah about that other person the DUMMOCRETIN FOOLS vomit producing dead toad and Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom are screaming about… https://medium.com/@JackPosobiec/breaking-lynch-ordered-manaforts-phone-tapped-during-veselnitskaya-meeting-363824284be8
What the media is not saying is that Rinat Akhmetshin worked for Fusion GPS, the organization behind the discredited Trump Russia dossier.
Very interesting what BULLSHITTIUM being reported and FACTS being skipped over. Puddy finds FACTS.
Wait for the FACTless senile idiot wabbit retort!
“We Dems erred in ’12 by mocking Boot/Romney Russia worry” – Brian Fallon, former spokesman for #CrookedHillary
“Look, I’m willing to say that in 2012 when we all scoffed at Mitt for saying that, gee, Russia was our No. 1 geopolitical foe, think we were a little off there.” – Obummer’s head speechwriter Jon Favreau
https://youtu.be/T1409sXBleg and https://youtu.be/RdVQu18OWko vs. https://youtu.be/2Dly52zARCk
DUMMOCRETINS, really stooooooooooooopid all the time!
“the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back.” – Barack Obummer
https://twitter.com/PaulBegala/status/260549036321411072 – Useless CNN Tool!
Now… https://twitter.com/PaulBegala/status/807608170403270656
Absolutely. When @POTUS mocked Romney in 2012 for saying Russia was top threat, I cheered. @POTUS was wrong. I was wrong. Mitt was right.
Why did Obummer’s team allow a Russian lawyer without a visa. Seems an Obummer State Department translator was in the room now!
This Trump Jr. meeting gets curiouser and curiouser!
What lies will the Friday Night Comix Purveyor deliver around this story? Will today’s FACTS be included?
As national DUMMOCRETINS keep digging everyone learns more and more…
“Veselnitskaya brought with her a plastic folder with printed-out documents that detailed what she believed was the flow of illicit funds to the Democrats, Akhmetshin said. Veselnitskaya presented the contents of the documents to the Trump associates and suggested that making the information public could help the campaign, he said.
Now wait for some HA FOOL to claim the AP is a front for Fox News!
“This could be a good issue to expose how the DNC is accepting bad money,” Akhmetshin recalled her saying.”
Will the purveyor of the Friday Night Comix cover Glenn Simpson, the founder of Fusion GPS, punking out on Congress next week?
As more and more information appears about DUMMOCRETINS and Fusion GPS, the more the left wrong cockroaches run from the sunlight!
John Kerry, Loretta Lynch and Jeh Johnson have to explain how Natalia Veselnitskaya bypassed normal visa procedures!
“In December 2015, The Wall Street Journal reported that Hillary Clinton opposed the Magnitsky Act while serving as secretary of state. Her opposition coincided with Bill Clinton giving a speech in Moscow for Renaissance Capital, a Russian investment bank—for which he was paid $500,000. “Mr. Clinton also received a substantial payout in 2010 from Renaissance Capital, a Russian investment bank whose executives were at risk of being hurt by possible U.S. sanctions tied to a complex and controversial case of alleged corruption in Russia. Members of Congress wrote to Mrs. Clinton in 2010 seeking to deny visas to people who had been implicated by Russian accountant Sergei Magnitsky, who was jailed and died in prison after he uncovered evidence of a large tax-refund fraud.”
Pass the popcorn Martha… This is getting more fun!
The loon seems pretty upset. I take it his SDA doomsday death cult doesn’t have a goat lined up for the weekend. Sad!
Trumpcare 2.0 is turning into a Christmas tree of senatorial bribes as McConnell struggles to round up 50 mercenaries to vote for it.
@4 “The same person is an American citizen.”
So were the Rosenbergs. And Robert Hanssen, And John Walker. And many others. Explain how that exonerates a person acting as a Russian agent.
And Republicans threw Hamdan into Gitmo for years just for driving OBL’s fucking jeep.
@6 It’s not an irrelevant piece of information. Trump’s son and other top campaign lieutenants not only met with a Russian lawyer, but also with a Russian agent. No way can these traitors plead ignorance. They knew exactly what they were doing.
@8 “just as Elizabeth Warren is no Indian”
Funny you should mention that. As a lawyer, I was curious what the definition of “Indian” is, and who decides whether someone is an “Indian.” I know the answer. Do you?
Hint: Not you.
@13 “I could probably lead this Country better than that fuck.”
So could any chicken at a Foster or Tyson farm.
@14 Don’t worry, we’ll get even. We’ll pump oil out of shale until your oil is worthless.
@17 You’re not being censored, numbnuts. You’re being ridiculed. They’re not the same.
@28 The goat is on strike until it gets better perverts than these.
He’s just making that all up.
Either that or he’s trying to copypasta steal the work of others.
He should just post links we can all ignore.