Butt remember, per Daily Kooks lead kook Markook Moulitsas, this was a Republican bred conservative attack. Others claimed they were really going for the Planned Parenthood site down the street. And you left wrong HA DUMMOCRETINS read this incessant garbage as gospel truth every day. No wonder you are morons.
“These two killers were radicalized for quite a long time,” Comey told the Senate Judiciary Committee on Wednesday regarding the couple behind last week’s San Bernardino shootings that killed 14 people. “Our investigation to date shows that they were radicalized before they started courting or dating each other online, and as early as the end of 2013, were talking to each other about jihad and martyrdom before they became engaged and married and were living in the U.S.”
PuddyCommentariat: So how did Obummer’s sadministration miss this? Oh wait… they were distracted! Looking at March madness pools. Telling Medvedev just wait when reelected I will have more flexibility. Supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Deporting Iraqi Chaldean Christians while allowing muslims in carte blanche! Making sure Iranians get nuclear weapons!
Trump is a monster, a madman and a vile racist. He’s just like Hitler. Or Jimmy Carter.
During the Iranian hostage crisis, Carter issued a number of orders to put pressure on Iran. Among these, Iranians were banned from entering the United States unless they oppose the Shiite Islamist regime or had a medical emergency.
Here’s Jimmy “Hitler” Carter saying it back in 1980….
PuddyCommentariat: Facts are inconvenient things to DUMMOCRETINS!
What law was that? Nationality Act of 1952. AKA – Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952
When was it passed? On June 27, 1952 by the 82nd United States Congress
Puddy is not even saying that Puddy even agrees with Trump. Personally, Puddy doesn’t think Trump actually believes Trump can “ban all Muslims including American citizens” as your national DUMMOCRETIN press are purposely framing it; from entering the US. Puddy knows Trump is a marketing genius. He’s playing the press like the show’s boardroom! Your fired!
You see DUMMOCRETINS, Trump knows that many Real Americans will look at his statements, and then look at all the hand wringing from people like Heilary Clinton and Obummer (Josh Never Earnest and the Pentagon spokesman too) who claim that Islam has nothing to do with terror!
Puddy asked proudleftist twice now if Islam has nothing to do with terror, who puts forth the correct version of Islam.
proudleftist is still M I A !
So when Real Americans are faced with that choice of Heilary’s hand wringing or pontificating in front of the Heilary super pac, people seem align with him. Trump completely understands the politics of true dichotomy oh so well! He played two groups against one another on his show all the time! So when push comes to shove or ekim or Roger senile into a goat, people might not agree with Trump 100%, but they’re way closer to him than the absolutely delusional Islam excuses from DUMMOCRETINS.
Puddy kicks things off this morning by blaming all the world’s ills on “DUMMOCRETINS.” In his next comment he’ll superglue angel wings to the GOP. Meanwhile, the federal DOT has launched an investigation into the most blatant case of Republican black voter suppression since the Extreme Court (prematurely) struck down protections for black voters living (why?) in the Confederated GOP Racist States of the Southern Secession States of the Christian Caliphate of North America (acronym in the “tongues” language whites speak there: REDNECK).
Hillary and Obama had lunch together for ninety minutes at the White House on Monday. Cheese and crackers, I’d love to be a fly on the wall. But I bet there were lots of laughs.
Distant Replayspews:
Over two thirds of likely Republican primary voters still favor Trump’s ban on Muslims.
How will the other campaigns grapple with that stunning reality about the nature of their party and their electorate? Can they really afford to repudiate Trump’s racism? Or are they stuck courting the very same voters with the very same biases and ignorance in order to gain the nomination? This overnight poll was nationwide, so it includes likely Republican voters from all fifty states including blue states.
Btw, many always wrong wingers are calling Trump the F word:
For once they’re right! Hell hath frozen over!
Roger Rabbitspews:
From link @7: “Protesters dressed in camouflage and armed with loaded rifles have been demonstrating in front of the city’s largest mosque.”
There’s a pretty fine line between constitutionally protected free speech and prosecutable intimidation. If I were the D.A. in Irving, Texas, I would arrest them and argue to the court that they have a right to demonstrate but bringing guns to the demonstration is a crime because the purpose and effect is not to express political views but to frighten and intimidate the subjects of the demonstration. And if a Muslim coming out of that mosque saw one of those yahoos point his gun at him, he might assume the worst and shoot the fucker, and then claim self-defense. When you go in public to tell other people you don’t like them, and wave a gun in their face to emphasize the point, they’re entitled to be afraid of you; and that makes it a crime and entitles them to defend themselves.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 Should we bring up 225 years of white Christian terrorism against black people? Nah, he probably couldn’t digest it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In business news, two giant chemical companies, Dow and Dupont, announced a merger.
(Full Disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns Dow stock and stands to make a bundle from this merger. Prospects for workers of the two companies are less bright as layoffs are nearly always a side effect of such deals. The environment and consumers probably will come out losers, too.)
Roger Rabbitspews:
In other business news, things look bleak indeed for renters. According to CNBC, 43 million U.S. households are renters, of whom 11.4 million are paying over half their income for rent. Meanwhile, average renter income has dropped by 9% since 2001.
One bright spot for renters is that the rate of rent increases is beginning to slow as more apartments come on line. The bad news is this mostly affects the high-end market, where developers are concentrating investment and new construction, and renters in lower rungs of the market are likely to continue experiencing rapid rent increases.
Roger Rabbitspews:
A new study reveals that if you use punctuation in your text messages, you may remain single and unemployed for your entire life. In other words, punctuation in text messages makes you a social pariah. Okay, the student doesn’t exactly say that, but it’s ridiculous what hoops people have to go through to “fit into society” and get a job. How would you like to spend years and big bucks getting a degree, than have a recruiter toss your resume into the recycle basket because you used a period in a text message?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We capitalists don’t have these problems. We’re the HR guy’s boss, so we hire him, not the other way around. We don’t have to kowtow to anyone; we can make the world come to us. With our independent incomes, we can dig holes in public parks, live as hermits in hollowed-out spaces under tree roots, and collect our stock dividends and cash in the capital gains from mergers. Dogs and falcons can’t get at us, and our integral fur coats keep us warm and dry from the underground damp. The only thing we have to worry about is the pythons people dump in parks when they get too large to feed with mice. But that’s what emergency exits and rabbit legs are for.
Distant Replayspews:
In 2000 about 91 percent of immigrant Muslims in Florida who were eligible voted for George W. Bush according to Grover Norquist, who orchestrated the Bush Whitehouse outreach to Muslim voters.
Anyone care to speculate what percentage of Florida Muslims will vote Republican in 2016? Florida immigrants?
Roger Rabbitspews:
There no longer can be any doubt that Robert Lewis Dear Jr. is a white Christian terrorist. In his first court appearance today, he said “I am guilty” of the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood slaughter, and declared, “I am a warrior for the babies.” Also, “Dear asked at least one person in a nearby shopping center for directions to the facility before opening fire, law enforcement sources confirmed to CBS News on Tuesday, offering the clearest suggestion yet that he was targeting the reproductive health organization.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey Bickle, how plausible does the botched bank robbery meme look now? Another righty spin job up in smoke.
Roger Rabbitspews:
In today’s political news …
1) Sanders leads Hillary, 50% – 40%, in New Hampshire.
2) During arguments in an affirmative action case, Justice Scalia suggested blacks belong in second-tier schools because they’re not smart enough to do well in elite colleges like the University of Texas.
3) Trump warned the GOP he’ll run as an independent if they criticize his proposal to ban Muslims from the U.S., citing a poll showing 68% of his supporters would vote for him if he left the GOP.
(Sources: CNN)
Mike Fuckabee said in one of the debates that he wants to find a cure for Cancer, Diabetes, heart Attack, and Strokes. Maybe the dumb fuck should say to everyone that they should get off their fat asses ibvluding himself.
Maybe he should be promoting good healthy habits with eating and exercising.
All he wants to do is pretend he can do something for people.
Maybe he should stop fighting the promotion of not drinking 40 oz. fucking cokes. Dumb fuck.
@17 maybe he just left his panties at PP after getting his own abortion being that he was transgender and pregnant.
Distant Replayspews:
I think Trump is playing his party for fools. But what choice do they have? He’s got ’em. The only honorable thing to do now would be to call his bluff and let him walk with his 68%. Yes, they’d lose next November. But this disaster in the making may destroy them for decades to come. If it doesn’t destroy us all.
Distant Replayspews:
At the risk of getting all Godwin about it, one of the things that helped with the rise of the NSDAP right after the crash of ’29 was the willingness of the German right to abandon principle and form political coalitions with the Nazis, who of course later turned on them.
We don’t have to worry about that here and now. Unlike Germany at the end of the ’20s, we have a yet thriving progressive middle class. And there is no violent workers movement like Germany’s Communist party of the ’20s and ’30s. But the decline of our middle class and the rise of inequality, taken in light of this new conservative outsider extremism, should serve as a warning.
“Maybe he should stop fighting the promotion of not drinking 40 oz. fucking cokes. Dumb fuck.”
Since they insist on doing the opposite of what anybody on the left advocates, perhaps there should be a progressive campaign to end cyanide consumption.
Ima Duncespews:
It’s a duh! moment that has the answer for Jeb! Bush!’s flailing campaign. If he wants to steal Trump supporters he should just advocate the beheading of LGBT peoples. It’s the Republican base red meat they desire.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
2) During arguments in an affirmative action case, Justice Scalia suggested blacks belong in second-tier schools because they’re not smart enough to do well in elite colleges like the University of Texas.
Scalia was arguing the issue of how inner city schools run by DUMMOCRETINS leave science curriculum minded blacks at a real disadvantage entering a high science pressure high science paced school like U of Texas! They drop out of that curriculum at very high rates because they aren’t academically ready when they matriculate after their lousy high schools!
Nice racist tone there senile SCUMbag! Wrong as evah too!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Roger senile @3,
You are still burned by your use of the Daily Kooks lead kook Markook Moulitsas, saying was a Republican bred conservative attack and running to CNN to cover your tracks!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Daily Kooks lead kook Markook Moulitsas was dead wrong and you were made to look like a bigger fool than you normally are!
FACTS really suck to DUMMOCRETINS!
@12 So what? His vomits in here regularly anyway.
New Rules for Workers in the Gig Economy?
“In our proposal, independent workers — regardless of whether they work through an online or offline intermediary — would qualify for many, although not all, of the benefits and protections that employees receive, including the freedom to organize and collectively bargain, civil rights protections, tax withholding, and employer contributions for payroll taxes. ”
Some people thinking very hard on how to incorporate the gig economy into the society in a fair way. I welcome the discussion.
Boy it’s a nice mild Summer night in NYC tonight!
Can’t wait for the first snow storm!
@24. It took me a while (only about 10 seconds) but I got that. Great idea!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@19 Looks like Fuckabee is after the faith healing vote.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@23 B-b-but a Hitler can’t happen here! We have guns!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@24 Now, now! Violent posts will have Puddy calling for you to be banned!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@26 “Scalia was arguing the issue of how inner city schools run by DUMMOCRETINS leave science curriculum minded blacks at a real disadvantage entering a high science pressure high science paced school like U of Texas! They drop out of that curriculum at very high rates because they aren’t academically ready when they matriculate after their lousy high schools!”
Okay, then let’s bus inner city students to the better suburban schools so they won’t be at a disadvantage in U of Texas.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@27 If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it probably is a duck.
No budget deal in sight as deadline looms http://www.politico.com/story/.....z3tmlGspGN
“Republicans want an extension of health benefits for 9/11 responders to be paid for with other budget offsets, which Democrats are resisting.”
Oh sure, republicans will only help the 9/11 first responders if they can take health care away from someone else. Loathsome.
“I’m a Democrat!” – David Duke (Racist), Candidate for President
“The Hell you are. We aren’t funding you and we find your views repugnant.” Democratic National Committee
“I’m a Democrat!” Lyndon LaRouche (Racist), Candidate for President
“The hell you are. And the seven delegates you won in primaries, we won’t seat them at the convention.” Democratic National Committee
I’m a Republican!” Donald Trump (Racist), Candidate for president
“We need to aggressively take on radical Islamic terrorism but not at the expense of our American values,” And hey, we have a debate coming up next week and it will be FAAABulous and of course Mr. Trump is welcome on our stage. Republican National Committee.
An important reminder: Republican presidential candidates don’t just hate Muslims http://www.dailykos.com/storie.....te-Muslims
“Last weekend, Marco Rubio promised that a President Rubio, concerned about folks being “compelled to sin by government,” would end rights for LGBT employees of federal contractors, would only appoint justices to the Supreme Court who would turn back the clock on abortion and gay marriage, and would protect all those God-fearing florists and bakers out there. ”
Just a reminder that before the muslims became the fear of the week, GLBT people held that spot for conservative politicians.
Distant Replayspews:
It’s pretty hard to imagine the GOP bouncing back from Trump at this point. The only trailer working hard enough right now to really capture the seething fear permeating the likely Republican voters is Cruz. But you’ll never see the mainstream insiders of the party coalesce around Oswald Cobblepot, the most universally despised human being in Congress. John McCain wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire. (Unless his piss was gasoline. Which may be the case. Might explain alot.)
So the most Cruz can hope to do is steal some of Trump’s outsider anger, while Rubio and Jeb! fight it out for what now passes for “moderate” among the unhinged xenophobic lunacy that defines the party today. It’ll certainly make for a very interesting convention. And if the grownups don’t agree to give Donald the ball on every single snap, he’ll take the ball home with him.
You’ve just gotta believe that there is some unimaginable effort being put into finding pictures of Trump with a tranny hooker right now.
Hmmm, The Donald is taking 30-35% of Republican primary voters and 68% of them would back him as a third party.
Let’s be honest, the Republicans are dead and buried if they nominate a guy (USA Today poll 30%Favorable/60% Unfavorable).
The GOP is gipping right now. The choices if Trump doesn’t fade and gets close to the delegates for the nomination:
LOSE HUGE! Like “Reagan Democrat” huge as every not insane Republican either stays home or votes for a Democrat to keep a crazy racist person away from the launch codes.
Toss him out and have the election look something like (Based on 2012 total votes cast)
65,000,000 for Hillary (or Bernie)
12,500,000 Trump (Independent 68% of 30% of R voters)
48,500,000 for whomever the GOP hands the nomination too at the convention after doing the only responsible thing and tossing Trump and his delegates out.
It’s going to be a fun year, AMIRight?
Cubans were not allowed to immigrate unless they managed to land on U.S. soil by their own means throughout the embargo. This was the official policy of the United States.
In order to make the false equivalence work, Piddles KNOWS the reason for this policy was Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Bush 2 didn’t want those mostly Roman Catholics here.
Yep, a country that committed an act of war against a U.S. Embassy is the same as a religion practiced all over the globe.
In other words, Piddles is a moron. Or as I like to call it, Wednesday.
Good to see that Piddles has given up on Dr. Ben and is now jockstrapping Donald Trump.
“See I can justify anything anyone says as long as they are Republican. It’s all OK with me. He’s my guy!” Piddles, or words to that effect.
This Dear idiot in CO when it’s babbling sounds a lot like:
our very own babbling jackass troll.
The resemblance is uncanny! That failure of a kook-a-nut Karson has NOTHING on the Dear terrorist when it comes to its resemblance to the babbling jackass.
@41 this is better than watching the third leg of a triple crown contender.
68%. Well that leaves 32% that are probably embarrassed to be a Republican.
Distant Replayspews:
interesting observation. We know that most of the support that Carson has lost in recent weeks has moved to Cruz, owing to evangelicals, and religious conservatives not trusting Trump’s bona fides as a pious xtian. Cruz, as a genuine born-again preacher’s son and rabid dog foaming at the mouth muslim hater fires on all cylinders for most of them. The thinking has been that the Carson support that has broken toward Trump has done so for other reasons. I wonder what those reasons might be?
So we know the President’s song of the year is “How Much a Dollar Cost” which is interesting because it’s a meditation on what it actually means to be Christian. A less careful listen might seem like a Randian screed on givers/takers, handouts and addiction.
Sidenote, Kendrick Lamar’s “To Pimp A Butterfly” is my, and lots of get paid to tell you their opinion music types’ best record of the year. If you like hip-hop you’ve devoured this record already. If you hate hip-hop you won’t like it. That’s OK but it’s worth an honest listen from start to finish once to see what it’s about. Available for free from the library.
BTW, I think “The Blacker the Berry” with shout outs to NWA and rejection of that era of Gang-Banger rap is the strongest track on the record.
Every time a new record got my attention this year it lasted a while. “To Pimp a Butterfly” is the one I can’t stop thinking about and keep going back over.
It’s funny how Zulu and Xhosa might go to war
Two tribal armies that want to build and destroy
Remind me of these Compton Crip gangs that live next door
Beefin’ with Piru’s, only death settle the score
So don’t matter how much I say I like to preach with the Panthers
Or tell Georgia State “Marcus Garvey got all the answers”
Or try to celebrate February like it’s my B-Day
Or eat watermelon, chicken, and Kool-Aid on weekdays
Or jump high enough to get Michael Jordan endorsements
Or watch BET cause urban support is important
So why did I weep when Trayvon Martin was in the street?
When gang banging make me kill a nigga blacker than me?
@48 thanks
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
I am so stupid to think Puddy has given up on Dr. Ben and is now jockstrapping Donald Trump.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Follow The Times’ latest coverage of the worst terrorist attack on American soil since Sept. 11, 2001. – That was from the LA Times.
Heilary will continue the same failed policies if elected!
Couple plotting jihad waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before they got together!
Distant Replayspews:
Well, I guess we’ll just have to see next November how much all American voters really agree with Donald Trump. I’m still quite surprised by how many lifelong, party active Republican voters I’ve encountered from very large states (lots of electoral votes) who continue to insist that, though they really hate her, they will vote for Hillary Clinton to keep Trump away from the White House. These are voters I would never in a million years have counted on to vote for any Democrat, much less a Democrat as divisive as Clinton. But in a million years I would never have foreseen a nominee like Trump.
I think Trump is playing Republican primary voters, the independent expenditure groups, and the media like a fiddle. He’s not cautiously following the base further toward the right. He’s leading the parade. In doing so, he continues to create ideological space between himself and the rest of the Republican field. So in comparison to him, the rest of the Republican field look weaker. And if most of the conservative messaging strategy (independent expenditures) attacks Democrats for “weakness” Trump wins.
“Follow The Times’ latest coverage of the worst terrorist attack on American soil since Sept. 11, 2001.”
Record previously held by right-wing extremist Christians.
The Christian terrorists took November with the terrorist attack in Colorado Springs. So far, Jihadists lead in December with San Bernardino, but there’s still time for Christian terrorists to take the lead back. They are certainly trying but they just can’t seem to get their act together!
“Right-wing gun nut planned to ‘lynch’ lawmakers, rough up judge and sell illegally altered gun: feds”
I figure the batshit crazy loon is planning to show the other Christian terrorists how it’s done by killing himself a score of those HA DUMMOCRETIN SCUM he hates so much.
– “religious duty to defend Islam and fulfill the obligation of jihad and that the war between America and al Qaeda is a war between Islam and aggression of the infidels.”
Yet the clueless crazed databaze cretin was at it above writing useless moderate Islam peeps. Can the clueless crazed databaze cretin name any prominent ones?
WhatajackASS the clueless crazed databaze cretin is as always
Yeah one of those vetted detainees back at it!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Why aren’t HA DUMMOCRETINS scrambling to submit their names as Syrian refugee sponsors since the Oregon moron, the crazed clueless databaze cretin and others above brand conservatives as muslim haters.
Send your names and addresses to Obummer’s refugee otherwise you are haters! Maybe you’ll receive one of those special people DNI Clapper talked about. Just Google “DNI ISIS trying to infiltrate america” morons! Put you mouth and house where your fingers troll fools!
Paul Ryan can declare all day that Trump is not a conservative. But what he can’t do is declare that Trump is not a Republican. People like Ryan helped build the brand. And today no candidate better exemplifies that brand than Donald Trump. What you really have to admire about Trump is his commitment to that. There is no principle or ideology that Trump would not gladly abandon and repudiate in order to make himself into the perfect champion of that brand.
“And of course HA DUMMOCRETINS neve demonstrate remorsee for the victims. They always choose the side of the perp…”
You just showed us that all they are to you is pawns in your sick fucking game of spreading hate.
The remorseful loon was out last night breaking windows again. Fucking asshole.
“Texans begin nightly smashing of Muslims family’s windows only six weeks after they move in”
@57 “Why aren’t HA DUMMOCRETINS scrambling to submit their names as Syrian refugee sponsors”
For the same reason you don’t pay my Social Security benefits: Taking care of refugees is a government responsibility.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@62,63 Geez, that’s too bad. It’s those white Christian Republican terrorists again. The USA is overrun with them. I wish a red state would secede so we’d have a place to quarantine them.
Donald Trump Runs from Symbol of American Freedom:
Think back to how Howard Dean in 2004 was entirely undone by his singular “Dean Scream.” Or maybe recall Carter’s supposedly disastrous attack by rabbit that can’t be forgotten.
American Eagle attacks Trump will likely have no such lasting effect, but it is at least highly satisfying to watch.
@58 what carter actually did.
“Carter orders 50,000 Iranian students in US to report to immigration office with view to deporting those in violation of their visas. About 15,000 were deported. ”
Not the same thing as a blanket ban on a whole religion!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@66 Why is that eagle chained to a perch? Doesn’t that violate federal wildlife laws?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Two-Term President Obama signed a bill today revising his incompetent predecessor’s screwed-up No Child Left Behind law. Under the revised law, relabeled Every Child Succeeds, there will be less standardized testing and more preschools.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You see? Two-Term President Obama can get things done when Republican obstructionists turn into Republican constructions. Let’s see some more of this; our country isn’t running out of problems needing solutions.
Maybe the LOON can explain why the reTHUG front runner is so popular in the UK?
Donald Trump: petition to ban presidential candidate from the UK becomes most popular ever
450,000 and climbing. Last time I had looked it was 370,000.
Roger Rabbitspews:
From a British soldier who lost a leg in Iraq to the world:
“Getting frustrated by some people expecting racism from me, because I got blown up. Here it is:
Yes. A Muslim man blew me up, and I lost my leg.
A Muslim man also lost his arm that day wearing a British Uniform.
A Muslim medic was in the helicopter that took me from the field
A Muslim surgeon performed the surgery that saved my life
A Muslim Nurse was part of the team that helped me when I returned to the UK
A Muslim Healthcare Assistant was part of the team that sorted out my day to day needs in rehabilitation when I was learning to walk
A Muslim taxi driver gave me a free ride the first time I went for a beer with my Dad after I came home.
A Muslim doctor offered my Dad comfort and advice in a pub, when he didnt know how to deal with my medicines and side effects.
Contrary to that,
A white brit spat in my girlfriends face for ‘fucking a cripple when you could have me [him]’
A White brit pushed my wheelchair away from a lift so he could use it first.
A White brit screamed at my Dad for parking in a disabled bay when I was in the services coming home
(Although, alot of people helped in my recovery! I dont hate white brits either! hahaha)
Point is, fuck off. I know who I dislike, and I know who I dont. I know who I appreciate, and I know who I dont. If you want to hate an entire race of men and women for the actions of a few dickheads feel free, but don’t push your views on me, thinking I am an easy target because one douchebag decided it was my day to die.
Blaming all Muslims for the actions of groups like Daeshe and the Taliban, is like blaming all Christians for the actions of the KKK or Westboro Baptist Church.
Get a grip of your lives, hug your family and get back to work.”
I don’t really think it’s possible that Trump believes in many of the things he’s proposing from the stump. But I do think he’s doing a far better job of understanding the minds of American conservatives and Republican primary voters than any of his opponents, or the Republican establishment. By making common cause with those voters, their disgust with establishment politics, and their sense of loss and betrayal, he creates stark contrast that perfectly aligns with modern Republican brand messaging. At this point, he is more Republican than any other candidate or politician on earth (with the possible exception of Vladimir Putin). If you really consider all the messaging and rhetoric of the last seven years, Trump represents one pole of an inevitable Hegelian Synthesis arising out of post globalization. In this, he surpasses all preceding and current competing representatives. He is the new face of “American conservatism” in a newly emerging dialectic. And already his influence is being felt. With each new “outrage” he builds the new dialectic, as American progressives respond to his rhetoric with a new antithesis that will, in time, come to define “American progressivism”.
@71. Thanks for posting
“If you want to hate an entire race of men and women for the actions of a few dickheads feel free, but don’t push your views on me, “
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s embarrassing when your own mother calls you a liar. That’s the position “Red State” blogger Erick Erickson finds himself in after posting a tweet in which he tries to blame his racism on his parents. Erickson posted,
“Growing up, I remember my parents never letting us have Asian food on December 7th. They were children of WWII.”
His mother responded,
“‘I’ve never heard that before,’ Erickson’s mother, Kathleen Erickson, told Gawker when we asked about Erickson’s statement in a telephone conversation this morning. After we read aloud her son’s tweet to her, she insisted, ‘Whatever you heard, I think that is completely your idea, I have never heard of that before. Somebody is making that up about my son.'”
In other legislative news, Two Term President Obama has signed a bill granting American citizenship to military dogs and giving their handlers the first right to adopt them. http://www.worldanimalnews.com.....ent_ID=366
Roger Rabbitspews:
Menards, a privately held midwestern hardware store chain, takes union busting to a whole new level. When they hire managers the contract specifies, “if a union of any type is recognized within your particular operation during the term of this Agreement,” the manager’s salary “will automatically be reduced by sixty percent (60%).” Wow. That means if a store manager is making, say, $60,000 and his store unionizes, his pay will be cut to $24,000. That’s quite an incentive to keep out unions by any means, legal or illegal. And, of course, if a manager is caught doing something illegal that violates the rights of employees, that’s on him and the company isn’t responsible because they didn’t tell him to do it.
The best way to keep out unions is, of course, to make your business a great place to work with better pay and benefits than workers could get under a union contract. But in chain operations like Menards, local managers usually don’t have authority to set worker pay. It’s much more likely the incentive structure puts pressure on them to underpay employees, make employees work off the clock, and commit other law violations — which the company, of course, will deny responsibility for if they’re caught. So when I see a company doing something like this, I walk away, and look for a more worker-friendy company to give my business to.
@70 Puffy and Boob no longer like the UK, they are looking towards Putin’s Russia as their favorite now.
Distant Replayspews:
It certainly is possible to succeed in retail, ethically as well as financially.
Locally we have an employee owned, privately held grocer that pays about 45% more than Walmart while undercutting their prices an average of 15%, gives full time benefits to people working at least 24 hrs/week, and pays up to 20% of their annual into a retirement account. Out of 15,000 employees, over 400 hourly employees have accounts worth more than a million. They have very low turnover. And needless to say, they don’t have to worry about union organizing. It’s a no-frills experience. But the stores are clean, well stocked, and fully staffed with short lines at checkout. And the company is profitable and growing rapidly at a time when big retail is consolidating and reducing square footage. Thanks to them, I never have to think about where to buy groceries. I only wish I could say the same about hardware.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Ohhhhhh Roger senile… @69
Sponsor: Sen. Alexander, Lamar – R Originally introduced 04/30/2015
FACTS suck!
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
Has Still Teabagged traveled to Uganda yet?
Roger Rabbitspews:
America isn’t nuts. Only Republicans are:
“A solid majority opposes Donald Trump’s plan to block Muslims from entering the U.S. while a quarter of the public supports it, according to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey released Thursday. … Overall, 59 percent of people polled said they have a positive view of Muslims compared to 29 percent who said they have a negative view.” Guess who the 29% are?
I see where a Senator from Washington was co-sponsor of that legislation. Maybe some good will have come out of the Presidential campaign after all. Anything that keeps Ted Cruz away from D.C. can only help prevent him from killing good legislation and trying to shut down the government with slanted amendments.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Meanwhile, in Congress, Republicans show us what kind of stuff they’re made of.
“After facing intense public pressure from comedian Jon Stewart, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, promised earlier this week to fully fund health care benefits for 9/11 first responders. The legislation, however, is still held up over lawmakers’ disagreement over whether the bill needs to be paid for. … While budget hawks have expressed concern about paying for it, … a group of senators is simultaneously negotiating a bill that would extend around $800 billion in tax breaks … that would go unpaid for.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There are times when you should pony up and worry later about paying for it. For Republicans, it’s when they’re cutting taxes for the rich and giant corporations. For the rest of us, it’s something else.
Distant Replayspews:
the thing is, that 29% really feel absolutely justified in those beliefs. And it’s little wonder. Think about some of the rhetoric over the last six to ten years from folks like Ann Coulter. For several years polling has consistently indicated that a huge percentage of Republican and conservative voters regard immigrants as a direct threat to American values.
I’m reminded of a concern trolling piece that Ben Domenech wrote waaaay back in August. In it he credits Trump for recognizing growing frustration among Republican voters over immigration. To come up with his theory for this “sudden” appearance of Republican anti-immigrant furor, Domenech ignores five decades of conservative identity politics going back at least as far as Richard Viguerie’s direct mail campaigns. Instead he blames a combination of conservative elite betrayals and progressive liberal failures in immigration reform for stirring up the villagers. “If a large – sorry, yuge – portion of the country wants existing bipartisan immigration laws to be enforced, and one party tells them “Yes,” but means “No,” and the other party tells them, “No” but means “You’re a racist,” then it’s only a matter of time before some disruptor is going to emerge to call them out for their game.”
Domenech forgets to ask why the “yuge” portion of the country wants existing bipartisan immigration laws enforced. Fatal blind spot for conservative “intellectuals”.
Oh well. Too late now.
Puddybud, the HA DUMMOCRETIN disinfectant!spews:
The Oregon Moron farts – I see where a Senator from Washington was co-sponsor of that legislation.
Latest Title: Student Success Act
Sponsor: Sen Alexander, Lamar [TN] (introduced 4/30/2015) Cosponsors (None)
Related Bills: H.RES.526, H.RES.542, H.R.5, H.R.3087, S.316, S.1787
Latest Major Action: 12/9/2015 Presented to President.
Latest Conference Report: 114-354 (in Congressional Record H8444-8634)
FACTS really suck to DUMMOCRETINS so much they lie @82!
Distant Replayspews:
I guess there’s this thing called a “compromise bill”. That’s when you have something they call a “bicameral” legislative assembly. And each of the two bodies making up the “bicameral” assembly pass their own separate version of a bill.
Oh yeah one more thing… The bill gets generated by one or more people then the discussion, horse trading, negotiations begin. That doesn’t change the initial configuration in the congressional registry!
Distant Replayspews:
Never happened.
Also, plus, especially, the part where Trent Lott calls Senator Murray the best Democratic legislator in the Senate…
really, really, super duper, never happened.
Now if Donald Trump or Chris Christie is the nominee, this will come up BIG TIME! The others are basically wimps! Trump will make a commercial on this!
Given her past relationship with him, Murray is undoubtedly one of a handful of Congressional Democrats that Speaker Ryan will be relying upon to gather and hold on to votes for the omnibus.
” Should your client actually be elected Commander-in-Chief, will you be the one writing the cease and desist letters to Vladimir Putin, or will that be handled by outside counsel?”
Tee hee
Distant Replayspews:
“Trump general counsel Alan Garten sent Fernandez a one-paragraph letter on Trump Organization letterhead on Friday…”
Two words:
You’re fired.
Distant Replayspews:
Amazing to think that the high water mark for the Bush campaign would be that letter from RTR to Trump’s lawyer. It’s brilliant stuff. I can’t stop reading it. But somehow I would have thought that $200 million would buy more than just a brilliantly snarky letter.
CNN interviewed several Trump supporters to find out what motivates this crowd, and what CNN came up with, not surprisingly, is that Trump supporters are the GOP ignorati: People who believe Obama is a foreigner, everybody carrying guns in public would make us safer, thousands of New Jersey Muslims cheered the collapse of the Twin Towers, etc. — and that Trump is truthful and trustworthy, and everybody else lies.
But a difference long curious to Americans stands out: Most British police officers are unarmed, a distinction particularly pronounced here in Scotland, where 98 percent of the country’s officers do not carry guns. Rather than escalating a situation with weapons, easing it through talk is an essential policing tool, and is what brought a delegation of top American police officials to this town 30 miles northeast of Glasgow.
Forty minutes into a Scottish police commander’s lecture on the art of firearms-free policing, American law enforcement leaders took turns talking. One after another, their questions sounded like collective head-scratching.
“Do you have a large percentage of officers that get hurt with this policing model?”
“How many officers in Scotland have been killed in the last year or two years?”
Bernard Higgins, an assistant chief constable who is Scotland’s use-of-force expert, stood and answered. Yes, his officers routinely take punches, he said, but the last one killed by violence was in 1994, in a stabbing.
Ah yes, lots of guns make our police much safer than in the UK.
OMG LOON!!! I quoted 5 paragraphs of a story!!!!
How unfair does it get!!!
@107 especially if the cops who shot the white boy were brown.
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Supreme Court made clear long ago that not all speech is protected free speech. In fact, this statement usually is attributed to Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, one of the Court’s wiser heads in its history.
Examples of speech and expression that may be prohibited include obscenity, “fighting words,” defamation, child pornography, perjury, blackmail, inciting a riot, “true” threats, and soliciting someone to commit a crime.
The limits of free speech may get tested when a WWU student arrested and charged with a hate crime for a social media post goes to trial. He may have run afoul of these limits when he posted a suggestion to lynch the school’s student body president, who is black. (Adding to his troubles, he also got kicked out of school).
Of course, nothing like this would ever happen here on HA. Most of us HA posters are old hands on his blog, we’re familiar with each other’s online personas, and we’re very civilized in how we go about troll-kicking. We say nothing about our trolls that isn’t true and they don’t deserve; and when I post that “liberals must arm,” I’m not talking about our trolls, who are a bunch of pussies who couldn’t hurt a flea; I’m addressing the violent rightwing nuts out in general society — the kind of people who report Goldy to the police as a child molester and dump manure in his driveway — and even then all I’m saying is we have a right to defend ourselves against people who say they want a civil war and want to kill liberals. We don’t advocate lynching anyone; in fact, we insist on fair trials. We’re not into stoning, crucifixion, or burning people at the stake. Like I said, we’re very civilized here on HA, given the trolls we have to deal with. We don’t want them dead; we just kick them around for sport. Think of Puddy and Bickle as if they were soccer balls; all we’re trying to do is get them into the net. There’s nothing going on here but harmless fun.
Distant Replayspews:
“What would we do with ourselves without these stupid fucks to kick around?”
We could have grownup conversations about important things that ought to matter free of disruption and empty threats.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@113 Yeah, but we’d be talking to ourselves, and it would get boring after a while. Our trolls liven up the party, like a cat that shits in your shoe while you’re sleeping. Life is more interesting when you get to throw shoes at cats. This may help explain why you stupid humans like your wars so much.
Distant Replayspews:
Feral cats need to be spay/neutered. Domesticated cats need to be controlled. Uncontrolled domesticated cats account for most of the population and habitat loss for North American song birds. Sorry to bring bad news, but domesticated cats are the new Silent Spring. And all this is at least weighed against the undeniable comfort and companionship that cats provide to millions of people.
Some trolls consistently demonstrate nothing but disruption, threat, and hate speech devoid of any irony or parody. If they can’t be controlled or corrected they should be deleted. And all the whinging, begging, tears, pleas, and threats should be ignored.
Distant @115
No!!! Not my kitty. She’s a good kitty.
Actually though, cats are also good at rodent control. Maybe we could breed cats that prefer mice and rats (and crow-I dislike crows) to song birds.
Distant Replayspews:
although not 100%, these are highly effective. If you remind yourself that you are probably preserving from destruction several hundred song birds over the life of your house cat, it might make it easier to get over the appearance.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Oh good, one less armed vigilante running loose in Home Depot parking lots: “As part of her sentence, Rochester Hills District Court Judge Julie Nicholson ruled Duva-Rodriguez cannot apply for another conceal carry permit until 2023 ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: But how about permanently? If we have to let trigger-happy crazies buy guns, least we should revoke their concealed carry privileges when they misuse them.
Roger Rabbitspews:
This is rich! Someone got hold of a video and posted it on YouTube. It’s a focus group of Trump supporters explaining why they like Donald Trump. In it, a woman identified as Susan DeLemus says she’s never taken an interest in politics until now, and got involved because she’s fed up with lying politicians.
DeLemus must have assumed nobody would fact-check her rant, because it turns out she’s a Republican member of New Hampshire’s legislature and a prominent birther who tried to keep President Obama off New Hampshire’s ballot on the grounds he’s not a citizen.
@2 So the Trump white house swill be closed too the house of Saud? To the House of Saud’s ambassador? The same house of Saud trying to get a big arms deal through congress? Or is it those other Moslems or Whaddibists?
Mark Adamsspews:
@3 I don’t think the DOT gives a fig about the licensing (something the justice department should be acting on), but is concerned about the commercial implications, like registering commercial vehicles and ability of companies owned by black and white to get proper weight documents in these counties in a timely and routine manner. Of course it’s always fun to show another department up or some politics is happening in the hopes Alabama will pull its head out or avoid the appearance of picking on Alabama.
Mark Adamsspews:
@13 Does the SEC still use the word: “No”?
Mark Adamsspews:
@68 As a rabbit why do you care if an eagle is chained as long as the chain is shorter than the distance to you?
Mark Adamsspews:
@76 Looks like it’s been a successful if illegal under Federal law contract provision. Doesn’t look like managers who support the union label need apply. What would they do if a manager went ahead and allowed a union or union activity? Or told them where to stick that provision as he will make that decision in his store.
Mark Adamsspews:
@90 It’s a super pac they ignore a lot of things in fact by law they have ignore their candidate when they wave at them from across the street. Super Pacs are not about nirvana.
Mark Adamsspews:
@109 While they don’t carry guns they do have weapons. They don’t always take the Billy club out of the car, but it’s an effective weapon. They have been known to use brass knuckles as well.
Mark Adamsspews:
I just had a telephone phone from a company doing the poll for State Senator Erickson so maybe you folks here will get the results and show em on here sometime.
Mark Adamsspews:
@112 I come down more on this subject as Justice Black would argue that the Constitution means what it says. That means you can cry fire in a crowded theater. Now you would be responsible if a panic ensues and people are injured. Though Justice Black did not include the amendment to include say dance and there I disagree with the justice.
I think there maybe a degree of overreaction up here in Bellingham over this particular post. Hope the student has a good attorney as it probably won’t stand up. One important element of time. The prosecutors office may have overstepped and will have a hard time proving its case, most likely it will offer a plea so it has a chance to chalk up a win.
The school could actually end up being sued as they have acted before any court ruling. They could have done nothing or suspended the student.
Butt remember, per Daily Kooks lead kook Markook Moulitsas, this was a Republican bred conservative attack. Others claimed they were really going for the Planned Parenthood site down the street. And you left wrong HA DUMMOCRETINS read this incessant garbage as gospel truth every day. No wonder you are morons.
PuddyCommentariat: So how did Obummer’s sadministration miss this? Oh wait… they were distracted! Looking at March madness pools. Telling Medvedev just wait when reelected I will have more flexibility. Supporting the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Deporting Iraqi Chaldean Christians while allowing muslims in carte blanche! Making sure Iranians get nuclear weapons!
Oh no… http://www.frontpagemag.com/po.....greenfield
PuddyCommentariat: Facts are inconvenient things to DUMMOCRETINS!
What law was that? Nationality Act of 1952. AKA – Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952
When was it passed? On June 27, 1952 by the 82nd United States Congress
Senate President: – – – – – – Alben W. Barkley (D)
Senate Pres. pro tem: – – – – Kenneth McKellar (D)
House Speaker: – – – – – – – – Sam Rayburn (D)
Members: – – – – – – – – – – – – 96 Senators
435 Representatives
3 Non-voting members
Senate Majority: – Democratic
House Majority: – Democratic
Puddy is not even saying that Puddy even agrees with Trump. Personally, Puddy doesn’t think Trump actually believes Trump can “ban all Muslims including American citizens” as your national DUMMOCRETIN press are purposely framing it; from entering the US. Puddy knows Trump is a marketing genius. He’s playing the press like the show’s boardroom! Your fired!
You see DUMMOCRETINS, Trump knows that many Real Americans will look at his statements, and then look at all the hand wringing from people like Heilary Clinton and Obummer (Josh Never Earnest and the Pentagon spokesman too) who claim that Islam has nothing to do with terror!
Puddy asked proudleftist twice now if Islam has nothing to do with terror, who puts forth the correct version of Islam.
proudleftist is still M I A !
So when Real Americans are faced with that choice of Heilary’s hand wringing or pontificating in front of the Heilary super pac, people seem align with him. Trump completely understands the politics of true dichotomy oh so well! He played two groups against one another on his show all the time! So when push comes to shove or ekim or Roger senile into a goat, people might not agree with Trump 100%, but they’re way closer to him than the absolutely delusional Islam excuses from DUMMOCRETINS.
Puddy kicks things off this morning by blaming all the world’s ills on “DUMMOCRETINS.” In his next comment he’ll superglue angel wings to the GOP. Meanwhile, the federal DOT has launched an investigation into the most blatant case of Republican black voter suppression since the Extreme Court (prematurely) struck down protections for black voters living (why?) in the Confederated GOP Racist States of the Southern Secession States of the Christian Caliphate of North America (acronym in the “tongues” language whites speak there: REDNECK).
What do you think Boob, Mommy and Daddy and Brother or Sister really proud of this one, ehh?
She a telative or family of yours?
Woman arrested after having sex with teenage nephew http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2459642
Hillary and Obama had lunch together for ninety minutes at the White House on Monday. Cheese and crackers, I’d love to be a fly on the wall. But I bet there were lots of laughs.
Over two thirds of likely Republican primary voters still favor Trump’s ban on Muslims.
How will the other campaigns grapple with that stunning reality about the nature of their party and their electorate? Can they really afford to repudiate Trump’s racism? Or are they stuck courting the very same voters with the very same biases and ignorance in order to gain the nomination? This overnight poll was nationwide, so it includes likely Republican voters from all fifty states including blue states.
Klownservatics packing heat terrorize peaceful Muslim worshippers.
Only in TexASS – but soon to be EVERYWHERE klownservatics slither.
@4 Another Republican voter 18 years from now.
All the peaceful Muslims babbling jackass.
If Islam truly advocated violent jihad then all Muslims would be fighters.
Damn you’re stupid!
Damn straight troll. That’s the fascist’s base.
Btw, many always wrong wingers are calling Trump the F word:
For once they’re right! Hell hath frozen over!
From link @7: “Protesters dressed in camouflage and armed with loaded rifles have been demonstrating in front of the city’s largest mosque.”
There’s a pretty fine line between constitutionally protected free speech and prosecutable intimidation. If I were the D.A. in Irving, Texas, I would arrest them and argue to the court that they have a right to demonstrate but bringing guns to the demonstration is a crime because the purpose and effect is not to express political views but to frighten and intimidate the subjects of the demonstration. And if a Muslim coming out of that mosque saw one of those yahoos point his gun at him, he might assume the worst and shoot the fucker, and then claim self-defense. When you go in public to tell other people you don’t like them, and wave a gun in their face to emphasize the point, they’re entitled to be afraid of you; and that makes it a crime and entitles them to defend themselves.
@9 Should we bring up 225 years of white Christian terrorism against black people? Nah, he probably couldn’t digest it.
In business news, two giant chemical companies, Dow and Dupont, announced a merger.
(Full Disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns Dow stock and stands to make a bundle from this merger. Prospects for workers of the two companies are less bright as layoffs are nearly always a side effect of such deals. The environment and consumers probably will come out losers, too.)
In other business news, things look bleak indeed for renters. According to CNBC, 43 million U.S. households are renters, of whom 11.4 million are paying over half their income for rent. Meanwhile, average renter income has dropped by 9% since 2001.
One bright spot for renters is that the rate of rent increases is beginning to slow as more apartments come on line. The bad news is this mostly affects the high-end market, where developers are concentrating investment and new construction, and renters in lower rungs of the market are likely to continue experiencing rapid rent increases.
A new study reveals that if you use punctuation in your text messages, you may remain single and unemployed for your entire life. In other words, punctuation in text messages makes you a social pariah. Okay, the student doesn’t exactly say that, but it’s ridiculous what hoops people have to go through to “fit into society” and get a job. How would you like to spend years and big bucks getting a degree, than have a recruiter toss your resume into the recycle basket because you used a period in a text message?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: We capitalists don’t have these problems. We’re the HR guy’s boss, so we hire him, not the other way around. We don’t have to kowtow to anyone; we can make the world come to us. With our independent incomes, we can dig holes in public parks, live as hermits in hollowed-out spaces under tree roots, and collect our stock dividends and cash in the capital gains from mergers. Dogs and falcons can’t get at us, and our integral fur coats keep us warm and dry from the underground damp. The only thing we have to worry about is the pythons people dump in parks when they get too large to feed with mice. But that’s what emergency exits and rabbit legs are for.
In 2000 about 91 percent of immigrant Muslims in Florida who were eligible voted for George W. Bush according to Grover Norquist, who orchestrated the Bush Whitehouse outreach to Muslim voters.
Anyone care to speculate what percentage of Florida Muslims will vote Republican in 2016? Florida immigrants?
There no longer can be any doubt that Robert Lewis Dear Jr. is a white Christian terrorist. In his first court appearance today, he said “I am guilty” of the Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood slaughter, and declared, “I am a warrior for the babies.” Also, “Dear asked at least one person in a nearby shopping center for directions to the facility before opening fire, law enforcement sources confirmed to CBS News on Tuesday, offering the clearest suggestion yet that he was targeting the reproductive health organization.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Hey Bickle, how plausible does the botched bank robbery meme look now? Another righty spin job up in smoke.
In today’s political news …
1) Sanders leads Hillary, 50% – 40%, in New Hampshire.
2) During arguments in an affirmative action case, Justice Scalia suggested blacks belong in second-tier schools because they’re not smart enough to do well in elite colleges like the University of Texas.
3) Trump warned the GOP he’ll run as an independent if they criticize his proposal to ban Muslims from the U.S., citing a poll showing 68% of his supporters would vote for him if he left the GOP.
(Sources: CNN)
Mike Fuckabee said in one of the debates that he wants to find a cure for Cancer, Diabetes, heart Attack, and Strokes. Maybe the dumb fuck should say to everyone that they should get off their fat asses ibvluding himself.
Maybe he should be promoting good healthy habits with eating and exercising.
All he wants to do is pretend he can do something for people.
Maybe he should stop fighting the promotion of not drinking 40 oz. fucking cokes. Dumb fuck.
A Shockingly Small Amount Of Running Can Improve Health http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....51824.html
@17 maybe he just left his panties at PP after getting his own abortion being that he was transgender and pregnant.
I think Trump is playing his party for fools. But what choice do they have? He’s got ’em. The only honorable thing to do now would be to call his bluff and let him walk with his 68%. Yes, they’d lose next November. But this disaster in the making may destroy them for decades to come. If it doesn’t destroy us all.
At the risk of getting all Godwin about it, one of the things that helped with the rise of the NSDAP right after the crash of ’29 was the willingness of the German right to abandon principle and form political coalitions with the Nazis, who of course later turned on them.
We don’t have to worry about that here and now. Unlike Germany at the end of the ’20s, we have a yet thriving progressive middle class. And there is no violent workers movement like Germany’s Communist party of the ’20s and ’30s. But the decline of our middle class and the rise of inequality, taken in light of this new conservative outsider extremism, should serve as a warning.
“Maybe he should stop fighting the promotion of not drinking 40 oz. fucking cokes. Dumb fuck.”
Since they insist on doing the opposite of what anybody on the left advocates, perhaps there should be a progressive campaign to end cyanide consumption.
It’s a duh! moment that has the answer for Jeb! Bush!’s flailing campaign. If he wants to steal Trump supporters he should just advocate the beheading of LGBT peoples. It’s the Republican base red meat they desire.
2) During arguments in an affirmative action case, Justice Scalia suggested blacks belong in second-tier schools because they’re not smart enough to do well in elite colleges like the University of Texas.
Scalia was arguing the issue of how inner city schools run by DUMMOCRETINS leave science curriculum minded blacks at a real disadvantage entering a high science pressure high science paced school like U of Texas! They drop out of that curriculum at very high rates because they aren’t academically ready when they matriculate after their lousy high schools!
Nice racist tone there senile SCUMbag! Wrong as evah too!
Roger senile @3,
You are still burned by your use of the Daily Kooks lead kook Markook Moulitsas, saying was a Republican bred conservative attack and running to CNN to cover your tracks!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Daily Kooks lead kook Markook Moulitsas was dead wrong and you were made to look like a bigger fool than you normally are!
FACTS really suck to DUMMOCRETINS!
@12 So what? His vomits in here regularly anyway.
New Rules for Workers in the Gig Economy?
“In our proposal, independent workers — regardless of whether they work through an online or offline intermediary — would qualify for many, although not all, of the benefits and protections that employees receive, including the freedom to organize and collectively bargain, civil rights protections, tax withholding, and employer contributions for payroll taxes. ”
Some people thinking very hard on how to incorporate the gig economy into the society in a fair way. I welcome the discussion.
Boy it’s a nice mild Summer night in NYC tonight!
Can’t wait for the first snow storm!
@24. It took me a while (only about 10 seconds) but I got that. Great idea!
@19 Looks like Fuckabee is after the faith healing vote.
@23 B-b-but a Hitler can’t happen here! We have guns!
@24 Now, now! Violent posts will have Puddy calling for you to be banned!
@26 “Scalia was arguing the issue of how inner city schools run by DUMMOCRETINS leave science curriculum minded blacks at a real disadvantage entering a high science pressure high science paced school like U of Texas! They drop out of that curriculum at very high rates because they aren’t academically ready when they matriculate after their lousy high schools!”
Okay, then let’s bus inner city students to the better suburban schools so they won’t be at a disadvantage in U of Texas.
@27 If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it probably is a duck.
No budget deal in sight as deadline looms
“Republicans want an extension of health benefits for 9/11 responders to be paid for with other budget offsets, which Democrats are resisting.”
Oh sure, republicans will only help the 9/11 first responders if they can take health care away from someone else. Loathsome.
“I’m a Democrat!” – David Duke (Racist), Candidate for President
“The Hell you are. We aren’t funding you and we find your views repugnant.” Democratic National Committee
“I’m a Democrat!” Lyndon LaRouche (Racist), Candidate for President
“The hell you are. And the seven delegates you won in primaries, we won’t seat them at the convention.” Democratic National Committee
I’m a Republican!” Donald Trump (Racist), Candidate for president
“We need to aggressively take on radical Islamic terrorism but not at the expense of our American values,” And hey, we have a debate coming up next week and it will be FAAABulous and of course Mr. Trump is welcome on our stage. Republican National Committee.
An important reminder: Republican presidential candidates don’t just hate Muslims
“Last weekend, Marco Rubio promised that a President Rubio, concerned about folks being “compelled to sin by government,” would end rights for LGBT employees of federal contractors, would only appoint justices to the Supreme Court who would turn back the clock on abortion and gay marriage, and would protect all those God-fearing florists and bakers out there. ”
Just a reminder that before the muslims became the fear of the week, GLBT people held that spot for conservative politicians.
It’s pretty hard to imagine the GOP bouncing back from Trump at this point. The only trailer working hard enough right now to really capture the seething fear permeating the likely Republican voters is Cruz. But you’ll never see the mainstream insiders of the party coalesce around Oswald Cobblepot, the most universally despised human being in Congress. John McCain wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire. (Unless his piss was gasoline. Which may be the case. Might explain alot.)
So the most Cruz can hope to do is steal some of Trump’s outsider anger, while Rubio and Jeb! fight it out for what now passes for “moderate” among the unhinged xenophobic lunacy that defines the party today. It’ll certainly make for a very interesting convention. And if the grownups don’t agree to give Donald the ball on every single snap, he’ll take the ball home with him.
You’ve just gotta believe that there is some unimaginable effort being put into finding pictures of Trump with a tranny hooker right now.
Hmmm, The Donald is taking 30-35% of Republican primary voters and 68% of them would back him as a third party.
Let’s be honest, the Republicans are dead and buried if they nominate a guy (USA Today poll 30%Favorable/60% Unfavorable).
The GOP is gipping right now. The choices if Trump doesn’t fade and gets close to the delegates for the nomination:
LOSE HUGE! Like “Reagan Democrat” huge as every not insane Republican either stays home or votes for a Democrat to keep a crazy racist person away from the launch codes.
Toss him out and have the election look something like (Based on 2012 total votes cast)
65,000,000 for Hillary (or Bernie)
12,500,000 Trump (Independent 68% of 30% of R voters)
48,500,000 for whomever the GOP hands the nomination too at the convention after doing the only responsible thing and tossing Trump and his delegates out.
It’s going to be a fun year, AMIRight?
Cubans were not allowed to immigrate unless they managed to land on U.S. soil by their own means throughout the embargo. This was the official policy of the United States.
In order to make the false equivalence work, Piddles KNOWS the reason for this policy was Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton and Bush 2 didn’t want those mostly Roman Catholics here.
Yep, a country that committed an act of war against a U.S. Embassy is the same as a religion practiced all over the globe.
In other words, Piddles is a moron. Or as I like to call it, Wednesday.
Good to see that Piddles has given up on Dr. Ben and is now jockstrapping Donald Trump.
“See I can justify anything anyone says as long as they are Republican. It’s all OK with me. He’s my guy!” Piddles, or words to that effect.
This Dear idiot in CO when it’s babbling sounds a lot like:
our very own babbling jackass troll.
The resemblance is uncanny! That failure of a kook-a-nut Karson has NOTHING on the Dear terrorist when it comes to its resemblance to the babbling jackass.
@41 this is better than watching the third leg of a triple crown contender.
68%. Well that leaves 32% that are probably embarrassed to be a Republican.
interesting observation. We know that most of the support that Carson has lost in recent weeks has moved to Cruz, owing to evangelicals, and religious conservatives not trusting Trump’s bona fides as a pious xtian. Cruz, as a genuine born-again preacher’s son and rabid dog foaming at the mouth muslim hater fires on all cylinders for most of them. The thinking has been that the Carson support that has broken toward Trump has done so for other reasons. I wonder what those reasons might be?
So we know the President’s song of the year is “How Much a Dollar Cost” which is interesting because it’s a meditation on what it actually means to be Christian. A less careful listen might seem like a Randian screed on givers/takers, handouts and addiction.
Sidenote, Kendrick Lamar’s “To Pimp A Butterfly” is my, and lots of get paid to tell you their opinion music types’ best record of the year. If you like hip-hop you’ve devoured this record already. If you hate hip-hop you won’t like it. That’s OK but it’s worth an honest listen from start to finish once to see what it’s about. Available for free from the library.
BTW, I think “The Blacker the Berry” with shout outs to NWA and rejection of that era of Gang-Banger rap is the strongest track on the record.
Every time a new record got my attention this year it lasted a while. “To Pimp a Butterfly” is the one I can’t stop thinking about and keep going back over.
@48 thanks
I am so stupid to think Puddy has given up on Dr. Ben and is now jockstrapping Donald Trump.
Follow The Times’ latest coverage of the worst terrorist attack on American soil since Sept. 11, 2001. – That was from the LA Times.
Heilary will continue the same failed policies if elected!
Just a friendly reminder… http://poorrichardsnews.com/re.....tering-us/
Couple plotting jihad waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay before they got together!
Well, I guess we’ll just have to see next November how much all American voters really agree with Donald Trump. I’m still quite surprised by how many lifelong, party active Republican voters I’ve encountered from very large states (lots of electoral votes) who continue to insist that, though they really hate her, they will vote for Hillary Clinton to keep Trump away from the White House. These are voters I would never in a million years have counted on to vote for any Democrat, much less a Democrat as divisive as Clinton. But in a million years I would never have foreseen a nominee like Trump.
I think Trump is playing Republican primary voters, the independent expenditure groups, and the media like a fiddle. He’s not cautiously following the base further toward the right. He’s leading the parade. In doing so, he continues to create ideological space between himself and the rest of the Republican field. So in comparison to him, the rest of the Republican field look weaker. And if most of the conservative messaging strategy (independent expenditures) attacks Democrats for “weakness” Trump wins.
“Follow The Times’ latest coverage of the worst terrorist attack on American soil since Sept. 11, 2001.”
Record previously held by right-wing extremist Christians.
The Christian terrorists took November with the terrorist attack in Colorado Springs. So far, Jihadists lead in December with San Bernardino, but there’s still time for Christian terrorists to take the lead back. They are certainly trying but they just can’t seem to get their act together!
“Right-wing gun nut planned to ‘lynch’ lawmakers, rough up judge and sell illegally altered gun: feds”
“Muslim store owner in tears after he’s beaten by New York man on mission to ‘kill Muslims’”
Enraged woman attacks Muslims praying in California park: ‘Allah is Satan and you are all murderers’
I figure the batshit crazy loon is planning to show the other Christian terrorists how it’s done by killing himself a score of those HA DUMMOCRETIN SCUM he hates so much.
Ben Carson is sinking like a rock.
Sucks to be a batshit crazy loon.
Did you thank Obummer today? http://www.longwarjournal.org/.....-yemen.php
– “religious duty to defend Islam and fulfill the obligation of jihad and that the war between America and al Qaeda is a war between Islam and aggression of the infidels.”
Yet the clueless crazed databaze cretin was at it above writing useless moderate Islam peeps. Can the clueless crazed databaze cretin name any prominent ones?
WhatajackASS the clueless crazed databaze cretin is as always
Yeah one of those vetted detainees back at it!
Why aren’t HA DUMMOCRETINS scrambling to submit their names as Syrian refugee sponsors since the Oregon moron, the crazed clueless databaze cretin and others above brand conservatives as muslim haters.
Send your names and addresses to Obummer’s refugee otherwise you are haters! Maybe you’ll receive one of those special people DNI Clapper talked about. Just Google “DNI ISIS trying to infiltrate america” morons! Put you mouth and house where your fingers troll fools!
Reminder to HA DUMMOCRETINS attacking Trump… http://poorrichardsnews.com/re.....tering-us/
And of course HA DUMMOCRETINS neve demonstrate remorsee for the victims. They always choose the side of the perp… http://www.latimes.com/local/l.....story.html
Paul Ryan can declare all day that Trump is not a conservative. But what he can’t do is declare that Trump is not a Republican. People like Ryan helped build the brand. And today no candidate better exemplifies that brand than Donald Trump. What you really have to admire about Trump is his commitment to that. There is no principle or ideology that Trump would not gladly abandon and repudiate in order to make himself into the perfect champion of that brand.
“And of course HA DUMMOCRETINS neve demonstrate remorsee for the victims. They always choose the side of the perp…”
You just showed us that all they are to you is pawns in your sick fucking game of spreading hate.
The remorseful loon was out last night breaking windows again. Fucking asshole.
“Texans begin nightly smashing of Muslims family’s windows only six weeks after they move in”
The remorseful loon and his can of spray paint strikes again.
“California police open hate crime investigation after Sikh temple is vandalized with Islamophobic graffiti”
@57 “Why aren’t HA DUMMOCRETINS scrambling to submit their names as Syrian refugee sponsors”
For the same reason you don’t pay my Social Security benefits: Taking care of refugees is a government responsibility.
@62,63 Geez, that’s too bad. It’s those white Christian Republican terrorists again. The USA is overrun with them. I wish a red state would secede so we’d have a place to quarantine them.
Donald Trump Runs from Symbol of American Freedom:
Think back to how Howard Dean in 2004 was entirely undone by his singular “Dean Scream.” Or maybe recall Carter’s supposedly disastrous attack by rabbit that can’t be forgotten.
American Eagle attacks Trump will likely have no such lasting effect, but it is at least highly satisfying to watch.
@58 what carter actually did.
“Carter orders 50,000 Iranian students in US to report to immigration office with view to deporting those in violation of their visas. About 15,000 were deported. ”
Not the same thing as a blanket ban on a whole religion!
@66 Why is that eagle chained to a perch? Doesn’t that violate federal wildlife laws?
Two-Term President Obama signed a bill today revising his incompetent predecessor’s screwed-up No Child Left Behind law. Under the revised law, relabeled Every Child Succeeds, there will be less standardized testing and more preschools.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You see? Two-Term President Obama can get things done when Republican obstructionists turn into Republican constructions. Let’s see some more of this; our country isn’t running out of problems needing solutions.
Maybe the LOON can explain why the reTHUG front runner is so popular in the UK?
Donald Trump: petition to ban presidential candidate from the UK becomes most popular ever
US Republican presidential candidate announces he is postponing his trip to the Holy Land as a petition calling to ban Trump from UK passes 450,000
450,000 and climbing. Last time I had looked it was 370,000.
From a British soldier who lost a leg in Iraq to the world:
“Getting frustrated by some people expecting racism from me, because I got blown up. Here it is:
Yes. A Muslim man blew me up, and I lost my leg.
A Muslim man also lost his arm that day wearing a British Uniform.
A Muslim medic was in the helicopter that took me from the field
A Muslim surgeon performed the surgery that saved my life
A Muslim Nurse was part of the team that helped me when I returned to the UK
A Muslim Healthcare Assistant was part of the team that sorted out my day to day needs in rehabilitation when I was learning to walk
A Muslim taxi driver gave me a free ride the first time I went for a beer with my Dad after I came home.
A Muslim doctor offered my Dad comfort and advice in a pub, when he didnt know how to deal with my medicines and side effects.
Contrary to that,
A white brit spat in my girlfriends face for ‘fucking a cripple when you could have me [him]’
A White brit pushed my wheelchair away from a lift so he could use it first.
A White brit screamed at my Dad for parking in a disabled bay when I was in the services coming home
(Although, alot of people helped in my recovery! I dont hate white brits either! hahaha)
Point is, fuck off. I know who I dislike, and I know who I dont. I know who I appreciate, and I know who I dont. If you want to hate an entire race of men and women for the actions of a few dickheads feel free, but don’t push your views on me, thinking I am an easy target because one douchebag decided it was my day to die.
Blaming all Muslims for the actions of groups like Daeshe and the Taliban, is like blaming all Christians for the actions of the KKK or Westboro Baptist Church.
Get a grip of your lives, hug your family and get back to work.”
I don’t really think it’s possible that Trump believes in many of the things he’s proposing from the stump. But I do think he’s doing a far better job of understanding the minds of American conservatives and Republican primary voters than any of his opponents, or the Republican establishment. By making common cause with those voters, their disgust with establishment politics, and their sense of loss and betrayal, he creates stark contrast that perfectly aligns with modern Republican brand messaging. At this point, he is more Republican than any other candidate or politician on earth (with the possible exception of Vladimir Putin). If you really consider all the messaging and rhetoric of the last seven years, Trump represents one pole of an inevitable Hegelian Synthesis arising out of post globalization. In this, he surpasses all preceding and current competing representatives. He is the new face of “American conservatism” in a newly emerging dialectic. And already his influence is being felt. With each new “outrage” he builds the new dialectic, as American progressives respond to his rhetoric with a new antithesis that will, in time, come to define “American progressivism”.
@71. Thanks for posting
“If you want to hate an entire race of men and women for the actions of a few dickheads feel free, but don’t push your views on me, “
It’s embarrassing when your own mother calls you a liar. That’s the position “Red State” blogger Erick Erickson finds himself in after posting a tweet in which he tries to blame his racism on his parents. Erickson posted,
“Growing up, I remember my parents never letting us have Asian food on December 7th. They were children of WWII.”
His mother responded,
“‘I’ve never heard that before,’ Erickson’s mother, Kathleen Erickson, told Gawker when we asked about Erickson’s statement in a telephone conversation this morning. After we read aloud her son’s tweet to her, she insisted, ‘Whatever you heard, I think that is completely your idea, I have never heard of that before. Somebody is making that up about my son.'”
Yeah, her son is.
In other legislative news, Two Term President Obama has signed a bill granting American citizenship to military dogs and giving their handlers the first right to adopt them. http://www.worldanimalnews.com.....ent_ID=366
Menards, a privately held midwestern hardware store chain, takes union busting to a whole new level. When they hire managers the contract specifies, “if a union of any type is recognized within your particular operation during the term of this Agreement,” the manager’s salary “will automatically be reduced by sixty percent (60%).” Wow. That means if a store manager is making, say, $60,000 and his store unionizes, his pay will be cut to $24,000. That’s quite an incentive to keep out unions by any means, legal or illegal. And, of course, if a manager is caught doing something illegal that violates the rights of employees, that’s on him and the company isn’t responsible because they didn’t tell him to do it.
The best way to keep out unions is, of course, to make your business a great place to work with better pay and benefits than workers could get under a union contract. But in chain operations like Menards, local managers usually don’t have authority to set worker pay. It’s much more likely the incentive structure puts pressure on them to underpay employees, make employees work off the clock, and commit other law violations — which the company, of course, will deny responsibility for if they’re caught. So when I see a company doing something like this, I walk away, and look for a more worker-friendy company to give my business to.
@70 Puffy and Boob no longer like the UK, they are looking towards Putin’s Russia as their favorite now.
It certainly is possible to succeed in retail, ethically as well as financially.
Locally we have an employee owned, privately held grocer that pays about 45% more than Walmart while undercutting their prices an average of 15%, gives full time benefits to people working at least 24 hrs/week, and pays up to 20% of their annual into a retirement account. Out of 15,000 employees, over 400 hourly employees have accounts worth more than a million. They have very low turnover. And needless to say, they don’t have to worry about union organizing. It’s a no-frills experience. But the stores are clean, well stocked, and fully staffed with short lines at checkout. And the company is profitable and growing rapidly at a time when big retail is consolidating and reducing square footage. Thanks to them, I never have to think about where to buy groceries. I only wish I could say the same about hardware.
Ohhhhhh Roger senile… @69
Sponsor: Sen. Alexander, Lamar – R Originally introduced 04/30/2015
FACTS suck!
Has Still Teabagged traveled to Uganda yet?
America isn’t nuts. Only Republicans are:
“A solid majority opposes Donald Trump’s plan to block Muslims from entering the U.S. while a quarter of the public supports it, according to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal survey released Thursday. … Overall, 59 percent of people polled said they have a positive view of Muslims compared to 29 percent who said they have a negative view.” Guess who the 29% are?
I see where a Senator from Washington was co-sponsor of that legislation. Maybe some good will have come out of the Presidential campaign after all. Anything that keeps Ted Cruz away from D.C. can only help prevent him from killing good legislation and trying to shut down the government with slanted amendments.
Meanwhile, in Congress, Republicans show us what kind of stuff they’re made of.
“After facing intense public pressure from comedian Jon Stewart, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, promised earlier this week to fully fund health care benefits for 9/11 first responders. The legislation, however, is still held up over lawmakers’ disagreement over whether the bill needs to be paid for. … While budget hawks have expressed concern about paying for it, … a group of senators is simultaneously negotiating a bill that would extend around $800 billion in tax breaks … that would go unpaid for.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: There are times when you should pony up and worry later about paying for it. For Republicans, it’s when they’re cutting taxes for the rich and giant corporations. For the rest of us, it’s something else.
the thing is, that 29% really feel absolutely justified in those beliefs. And it’s little wonder. Think about some of the rhetoric over the last six to ten years from folks like Ann Coulter. For several years polling has consistently indicated that a huge percentage of Republican and conservative voters regard immigrants as a direct threat to American values.
I’m reminded of a concern trolling piece that Ben Domenech wrote waaaay back in August. In it he credits Trump for recognizing growing frustration among Republican voters over immigration. To come up with his theory for this “sudden” appearance of Republican anti-immigrant furor, Domenech ignores five decades of conservative identity politics going back at least as far as Richard Viguerie’s direct mail campaigns. Instead he blames a combination of conservative elite betrayals and progressive liberal failures in immigration reform for stirring up the villagers.
“If a large – sorry, yuge – portion of the country wants existing bipartisan immigration laws to be enforced, and one party tells them “Yes,” but means “No,” and the other party tells them, “No” but means “You’re a racist,” then it’s only a matter of time before some disruptor is going to emerge to call them out for their game.”
Domenech forgets to ask why the “yuge” portion of the country wants existing bipartisan immigration laws enforced. Fatal blind spot for conservative “intellectuals”.
Oh well. Too late now.
The Oregon Moron farts – I see where a Senator from Washington was co-sponsor of that legislation.
More horsesASS manure and wrong again… http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/D?d114:15:./temp/~bddLli::
Latest Title: Student Success Act
Sponsor: Sen Alexander, Lamar [TN] (introduced 4/30/2015) Cosponsors (None)
Related Bills: H.RES.526, H.RES.542, H.R.5, H.R.3087, S.316, S.1787
Latest Major Action: 12/9/2015 Presented to President.
Latest Conference Report: 114-354 (in Congressional Record H8444-8634)
FACTS really suck to DUMMOCRETINS so much they lie @82!
I guess there’s this thing called a “compromise bill”. That’s when you have something they call a “bicameral” legislative assembly. And each of the two bodies making up the “bicameral” assembly pass their own separate version of a bill.
….this must not have happened. Evah.
Let’s review the Oregon Moron’s words… I see where a Senator from Washington was co-sponsor of that legislation.
Sponsor: Sen Alexander, Lamar [TN] (introduced 4/30/2015) Cosponsors (None)
Now view the train wreck @86.
Oh yeah one more thing… The bill gets generated by one or more people then the discussion, horse trading, negotiations begin. That doesn’t change the initial configuration in the congressional registry!
Never happened.
Also, plus, especially, the part where Trent Lott calls Senator Murray the best Democratic legislator in the Senate…
really, really, super duper, never happened.
Imagine this… http://nypost.com/2015/12/09/h.....gnant-lie/
Now if Donald Trump or Chris Christie is the nominee, this will come up BIG TIME! The others are basically wimps! Trump will make a commercial on this!
More truths ignored by the Heilary super pac! http://nypost.com/2015/12/07/h.....residents/
And Ben Carson sheds a small tear of disappointment.
So the congressional record is wrong Oregon moron? So Thomas got the documentation incorrect? http://thomas.loc.gov/home/thomas.php
Given her past relationship with him, Murray is undoubtedly one of a handful of Congressional Democrats that Speaker Ryan will be relying upon to gather and hold on to votes for the omnibus.
Looking goooooood!
Best rhetoric I’ve seen in months:
” Should your client actually be elected Commander-in-Chief, will you be the one writing the cease and desist letters to Vladimir Putin, or will that be handled by outside counsel?”
Tee hee
“Trump general counsel Alan Garten sent Fernandez a one-paragraph letter on Trump Organization letterhead on Friday…”
Two words:
You’re fired.
Amazing to think that the high water mark for the Bush campaign would be that letter from RTR to Trump’s lawyer. It’s brilliant stuff. I can’t stop reading it. But somehow I would have thought that $200 million would buy more than just a brilliantly snarky letter.
Are Radicals Mentally Ill? http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....68878.html
@87 “Now view the train wreck @86.”
You mean where DR hands your ass to you?
@89 We’re looking forward to Nominee Trump’s commercials. We’ll have a few of our own, too.
Has the LOON said ANYTHING intelligent or even mildly interesting lately?
Last time I checked his S/N was near 0.
(Note to LOON: S/N = Signal-to-noise ratio)
Not mentally ill. Just another fun day at work.
Man charged with killing three after roadkill hunt argument http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2462469
I guess cooperating with the investigating authorities makes them feel like no apology is needed.
Unlike if they didn’t cooperate, then maybe they should be choked or shot and killed.
It’s much better to be cooperative.
WTC construction company to pay $20M for overtime scam http://www.nydailynews.com/new.....-1.2462483
Where Roger senile? Puddy went to Thomas Register and displayed the bill. The Oregon moron skipped right past that.
Soooooooooooo, the only ASS handed was Oregon moron’s ASS to hisself!
FACTS continue to suck to DUMMOCRETINS!
BTW Roger senile,
Did you figger out how senate amendments are passed yet with yea and nay votes? Do you understand when an amendment gets less that 60 votes it fails?
That comment was almost as good as your claim of full ‘lack of understanding” by not remembering what you wrote in the same thread earlier!
@101 What do you mean by “lately”? If you’re referring to the most recent 10 years of his HA posts, the answer is no.
These cops actually got indicted for killing a kid! But, hey, the kid was, you know, white. Shooting white kids is a no-no in Louisiana.
CNN interviewed several Trump supporters to find out what motivates this crowd, and what CNN came up with, not surprisingly, is that Trump supporters are the GOP ignorati: People who believe Obama is a foreigner, everybody carrying guns in public would make us safer, thousands of New Jersey Muslims cheered the collapse of the Twin Towers, etc. — and that Trump is truthful and trustworthy, and everybody else lies.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Meanwhile, Ben Carson gets the “earth is 6,000 years old” crowd — and Puddy.
Heard about this on Fox13 this morning…
U.S. Police Leaders, Visiting Scotland, Get Lessons on Avoiding Deadly Force
Ah yes, lots of guns make our police much safer than in the UK.
OMG LOON!!! I quoted 5 paragraphs of a story!!!!
How unfair does it get!!!
@107 especially if the cops who shot the white boy were brown.
The Supreme Court made clear long ago that not all speech is protected free speech. In fact, this statement usually is attributed to Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, one of the Court’s wiser heads in its history.
Examples of speech and expression that may be prohibited include obscenity, “fighting words,” defamation, child pornography, perjury, blackmail, inciting a riot, “true” threats, and soliciting someone to commit a crime.
The limits of free speech may get tested when a WWU student arrested and charged with a hate crime for a social media post goes to trial. He may have run afoul of these limits when he posted a suggestion to lynch the school’s student body president, who is black. (Adding to his troubles, he also got kicked out of school).
Of course, nothing like this would ever happen here on HA. Most of us HA posters are old hands on his blog, we’re familiar with each other’s online personas, and we’re very civilized in how we go about troll-kicking. We say nothing about our trolls that isn’t true and they don’t deserve; and when I post that “liberals must arm,” I’m not talking about our trolls, who are a bunch of pussies who couldn’t hurt a flea; I’m addressing the violent rightwing nuts out in general society — the kind of people who report Goldy to the police as a child molester and dump manure in his driveway — and even then all I’m saying is we have a right to defend ourselves against people who say they want a civil war and want to kill liberals. We don’t advocate lynching anyone; in fact, we insist on fair trials. We’re not into stoning, crucifixion, or burning people at the stake. Like I said, we’re very civilized here on HA, given the trolls we have to deal with. We don’t want them dead; we just kick them around for sport. Think of Puddy and Bickle as if they were soccer balls; all we’re trying to do is get them into the net. There’s nothing going on here but harmless fun.
“What would we do with ourselves without these stupid fucks to kick around?”
We could have grownup conversations about important things that ought to matter free of disruption and empty threats.
@113 Yeah, but we’d be talking to ourselves, and it would get boring after a while. Our trolls liven up the party, like a cat that shits in your shoe while you’re sleeping. Life is more interesting when you get to throw shoes at cats. This may help explain why you stupid humans like your wars so much.
Feral cats need to be spay/neutered. Domesticated cats need to be controlled. Uncontrolled domesticated cats account for most of the population and habitat loss for North American song birds. Sorry to bring bad news, but domesticated cats are the new Silent Spring. And all this is at least weighed against the undeniable comfort and companionship that cats provide to millions of people.
Some trolls consistently demonstrate nothing but disruption, threat, and hate speech devoid of any irony or parody. If they can’t be controlled or corrected they should be deleted. And all the whinging, begging, tears, pleas, and threats should be ignored.
Distant @115
No!!! Not my kitty. She’s a good kitty.
Actually though, cats are also good at rodent control. Maybe we could breed cats that prefer mice and rats (and crow-I dislike crows) to song birds.
although not 100%, these are highly effective. If you remind yourself that you are probably preserving from destruction several hundred song birds over the life of your house cat, it might make it easier to get over the appearance.
Oh good, one less armed vigilante running loose in Home Depot parking lots: “As part of her sentence, Rochester Hills District Court Judge Julie Nicholson ruled Duva-Rodriguez cannot apply for another conceal carry permit until 2023 ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: But how about permanently? If we have to let trigger-happy crazies buy guns, least we should revoke their concealed carry privileges when they misuse them.
This is rich! Someone got hold of a video and posted it on YouTube. It’s a focus group of Trump supporters explaining why they like Donald Trump. In it, a woman identified as Susan DeLemus says she’s never taken an interest in politics until now, and got involved because she’s fed up with lying politicians.
DeLemus must have assumed nobody would fact-check her rant, because it turns out she’s a Republican member of New Hampshire’s legislature and a prominent birther who tried to keep President Obama off New Hampshire’s ballot on the grounds he’s not a citizen.
Which makes her a lying liar of a politician.
Roger @118
From the link – “Tatiana Duva-Rodriguez appeared upset with the verdict and vowed to never help anyone again”
Ah, too bad. I feel her pain. Lucky for her she did not manage to kill a few people while trying to “help” someone.
Bwaaaaahaaaahaaaa!!! Now Carson is threatening to run as an independent, too!
Trump is going up, Carson and Rubio are going down, while Cruz flat-lines. This is Trump’s world and those three saps only live in it.
@2 So the Trump white house swill be closed too the house of Saud? To the House of Saud’s ambassador? The same house of Saud trying to get a big arms deal through congress? Or is it those other Moslems or Whaddibists?
@3 I don’t think the DOT gives a fig about the licensing (something the justice department should be acting on), but is concerned about the commercial implications, like registering commercial vehicles and ability of companies owned by black and white to get proper weight documents in these counties in a timely and routine manner. Of course it’s always fun to show another department up or some politics is happening in the hopes Alabama will pull its head out or avoid the appearance of picking on Alabama.
@13 Does the SEC still use the word: “No”?
@68 As a rabbit why do you care if an eagle is chained as long as the chain is shorter than the distance to you?
@76 Looks like it’s been a successful if illegal under Federal law contract provision. Doesn’t look like managers who support the union label need apply. What would they do if a manager went ahead and allowed a union or union activity? Or told them where to stick that provision as he will make that decision in his store.
@90 It’s a super pac they ignore a lot of things in fact by law they have ignore their candidate when they wave at them from across the street. Super Pacs are not about nirvana.
@109 While they don’t carry guns they do have weapons. They don’t always take the Billy club out of the car, but it’s an effective weapon. They have been known to use brass knuckles as well.
I just had a telephone phone from a company doing the poll for State Senator Erickson so maybe you folks here will get the results and show em on here sometime.
@112 I come down more on this subject as Justice Black would argue that the Constitution means what it says. That means you can cry fire in a crowded theater. Now you would be responsible if a panic ensues and people are injured. Though Justice Black did not include the amendment to include say dance and there I disagree with the justice.
I think there maybe a degree of overreaction up here in Bellingham over this particular post. Hope the student has a good attorney as it probably won’t stand up. One important element of time. The prosecutors office may have overstepped and will have a hard time proving its case, most likely it will offer a plea so it has a chance to chalk up a win.
The school could actually end up being sued as they have acted before any court ruling. They could have done nothing or suspended the student.