I’ve never really thought of Rep. Katherine Harris of Florida as an Evangelical fundamentalist, but then, it probably takes much of the cognitive dissonance out of stealing a presidential election to tell yourself that you are acting in the name of God.
In a strikingly candid interview in the Florida Baptist Witness, Harris — the presumptive Republican nominee for US Senate — calls “separation of church and state” a “lie,” and berates the notion that this is “a nation of secular laws.”
Harris gained notoriety as Florida’s Republican Secretary of State who did her best to rig the 2000 election in favor of gubernatorial brother George W. Bush; for her efforts she was elected to Congress. Now she’s running a quixotic campaign for Senate which threatens to tear the Florida GOP apart. Already trailing Democratic Sen. Bill Nelson by over 30 points, these new comments suggest Harris may pushing for 40.
“If you are not electing Christians, tried and true, under public scrutiny and pressure, if you’re not electing Christians then in essence you are going to legislate sin […] and whenever we legislate sin and we say abortion is permissible and we say gay unions are permissible, then average citizens who are not Christians, because they don’t know better, we are leading them astray and it’s wrong.”
Holy shit.
This is a US Senate candidate folks, and while we all know that there are prominent electeds out there who genuinely believe that us average, non-Christian citizens “don’t know better,” we certainly don’t expect them to come right out in public and say it. Last time I visited my snowbird mother down in Florida, I noticed an awful lot of CWANCs (Citizens Who Are Not Christian) kibitzing over lox and bagels. Some of these CWANCs even tend to be the type of affluent voter attracted to the Republicans’ undeserved reputation as the party of fiscal responsibility… but I’m guessing it’s a bit of a political turnoff to be called an ignorant sinner by an election-stealing, booty-shaking spoiled heiress whose name has become an urban lingo synonym for crazy.
But then, I’m just another one of those godless CWANCs, so I don’t know better.
Attach “booty-shaking” to “conservative” and you have a winning combination for turning out the male wingnut demographic to the polls.
Crazy helps too.
At least she’s dropped all pretense of being anything other than a fucking batshit crazy space alien.
And this is what the GOP really wants. A government full of these crazed theocrats running around shouting from the Bible when they get caught with their hands in the cookie jar.
This helps prove why we need to rid the government and then the world of these fucking morons.
Goldy — LeRoy Collins, Jr. is running a very strong campaign for the GOP nomination, having filed at the last minuted when Florida GOP House Speaker Allan Bense declined to enter the race. Collins is a retired 2-star admiral who spent something like 34 years in the Navy. His father, LeRoy Collins, was Governor of Florida from 1955 to 1960.
Collins has been rising rapidly in GOP primary polls, while Katherine Harris has been falling rapidly. Just about every single newspaper is endorsing Collins. And Collins has picked up the endorsements of several former GOP statewide elected officials.
Still, Harris has a substantial lead in a four candidate field — 43% for Harris versus 20% for Collins. 15% support Will McBride and 7% support Peter Monroe. 15% are undecided.
Probably the undecided voters are looking for a candidate other than Harris, and could break heavily in support of Collins if his momentum continues. And the McBride and Monroe support could shift to Collins somewhat — since these folks are probably anti-Harris before being pro-McBride or pro-Monroe. Not to mention that Harris’ support could continue to slide.
The one downside is the Florida changed its election law recently to eliminate primary run-offs. Under the old system, the top two candidates faced each other in a run-off primary for the party nomination if no one got 50% plus one. Now, the person with the most votes is nominated, no matter how small the percentage.
It is unlikely that Harris can get 50% plus one in the primary, but she will be the GOP nominee if she finishes in first place, even if she is in the low 30’s or high 20’s.
This is what happens when extreme ideology takes over where reason should be residing. The example she is setting is troublesome, not only to Fl voters, but nationwide as well. The radical RightWingNut side of the party is literally scaring the shit out of moderate WingNuts.
Just another nail in an already well sealed coffin.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat, and I can’t wait for November! Change is coming and the WingNuts ain’t gonna like it.
Didn’t we have a candidate for governor not too long ago (Craswell) with similar views — who ended up getting 40% of the vote?
“Harris gained notoriety as Florida’s Republican Secretary of State who did her best to rig the 2000 election in favor of gubernatorial brother George W. Bush; for her efforts she was elected to Congress.”
You’re forgetting yourself, Goldy; she was appointed to Congress, not elected. Florida uses Diebold voting machines, remember?
“Now she’s running a quixotic campaign for Senate which threatens to tear the Florida GOP apart.”
Ah, poetic justice, how sweet indeed!
Oh, and one more thing, Harris isn’t merely crazy; she’s bat-shit crazy!
I just clicked on the “booty shaking” link, watched the video and one thing is apparent: She drinks like Mike!.
Wow, what a Whack-job. (Ugly bitch, too)
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and calling like it it.
Harris also is a liar who was castigated by elected members of Congress of her own party for using their names as endorsements without permission. Her dishonesty also has led most of her top campaign staff to quit on her. After all, they’re professionals who make a living at this, and they can’t afford to let her drag them down with her by soiling their reputations, too.
And if she shoved her boobs any farther forward (she was not a natural at it either) she would have knocked the cameraman over.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and WTF was she trying to do?
I can’t believe that video from C&L! It’s like Brittney for Senate.
I love how she keeps turning herself in profile to the camera to show off the rack. And the posture indicates she’s been groomed by beauty pagent coaches. I suppose in Florida the breast implants and collagen injections are an asset.
But it seems to me the physical appearance needs to be balanced by a more sober personal countenance. She comes across as a little too chirpy. Her responses are a little too PR-Spokesmodel. For a Senate campaign she needs to sober up a bit.
Oh, and being marginally in touch with reality wouldn’t hurt either.
I just hope all the old, Jewish, male Democrats don’t get overly excited seeing her, um, assets and decide to vote for her. What am I thinking, if they try it, their old, Jewish, female wives will kick their asses.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and urging Ms. Harris to run, run, run. (but please, wear a sports bra for your own safety).
Yet another crooked Democrat caught:
NY State Senator Charged With Fraud
NEW YORK (AP) — A New York state senator was charged with defrauding a nonprofit organization to pay for baseball tickets, college tuition and other personal expenses, according to a federal indictment.
Sen. Efrain Gonzalez Jr., 58, a Democrat from the Bronx, pleaded not guilty Friday to mail fraud and was released on $25,000 bond. If convicted, he could receive up to 20 years in prison and a fine of $250,000.
“I’m going to fight this case,” the senator said outside court.
The indictment accuses Gonzalez of defrauding the West Bronx Neighborhood Association Inc., a group organized to promote civil and community affairs and improve efficiency in local, state and national government.
While an honorary board member, Gonzalez “devised a scheme … to mail West Bronx bank account checks payable to credit card companies and private vendors” to pay for $37,412 in personal expenses from November 2000 through May, the indictment said.
The expenses, the indictment stated, included rent for residences in Monroe and the Dominican Republic; New York Yankees tickets, membership fees at a Dominican vacation club, clothing and college tuition.
Gonzalez owns cigar company in the Dominican Republic.
Federal prosecutors and the city had been investigating Gonzalez since 2004.
Buy AP Photo Reprints
Gonzalez, a former city bus driver, was first elected to the Senate in 1989, making him one of the city’s longest-serving state legislators.
PBJ @13,
Tell us, how does your post relate to the thread? Is he sleeping with Ms.Harris? Giving her the cigar treatment? Well?
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and, I suppose, the pot calling the kettle black.
We can do the tit for tat on dishonest politicians if you like. But it is sooooo overdone. I would prefer to stay on topic of how the CrazyRight (Ms. Harris) just don’t get it. See how I stayed on topic?
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and Sly Fox
You know, I should change my Moniker to Sly Fox. Might scare the cute Bunny though. I like the Bunny. He is soooooooooooooo cute. But careful, he bites when provoked. Have you guys seen him at Greenlake in his camoflage? No? See, it works.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat, Bunny Hugger
Carl Grossman has posted over 33% of the responses on this thread. (I stole that from Bunny, sorry).
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat
I don’t know how to create a hyperlink, and I don’t care to learn if it takes more than three clicks, but follow this for some good news. I promise if you are Lib or Dem you will like it.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat, spreading a little ray of sunshine.
WOW! Magic. Hyperlink. Cool. I amaze myself sometimes.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat, Technological Wizard (apparently)
DAY FIVE 8/26: WHERE’S GOLDY ???????????????????
Tim Eyman came out in opposition to the property tax that never ends. Will Goldy open up his wallet to the greed of Seattle gummint, or get on Tim’s team to oppose the largest tax hike in Seattle’s history?
MTR, where is Goldy’s $100? Welshing motherfucker!!!
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat this notice has been sent to you by a collection agency.
Pay up, or shut up.
Welching Motherfucker. Apologies to my Welsh friends.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat
Having to show an “ID” to vote Democrat is racist!! Having to show an “ID” to vote twice Democrat in the same election is racist! Having to be a citizen to vote Democrat is racist! Having to be alive to vote Democrat is racist! [Democrats: the party of voter fraud!]
Only Democrats in Broward County, FL can count the votes, and then only in a back room with Hillary, Joe Stalin, and King County administrators!
Apologies to my Welsh friends.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat [……………………………………………………………………………..Carl….You are a commie lib Democrat. You don’t HAVE any “Welsh friends”.]
John Craig.
Fuck you!!
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and defender of your constituional right to spew invectives everywhere. It does not mean they are the truth or that I agree with them, but freedom of speech is a wonderful thing. Fuck you, in case you missed it the first time.
Constitutional. Dammit.
Proof that George Bush hates New Orleans Democrat blacks!! He has only sent 4 bucks of Federal money per family to help the New Orleans homeless blacks!! Hell, That won’t even buy two cans of King Cobra or a pack of Marlboros!!! Ray “Schoolbus” Nagin was right!!!!! Proof that Bush hates blacks!!!!!!!!………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Oh, wait………….The Feds have provided 400 thousand dollars in relief per family in New Orleans?……………………….Hmmmmmmmmmm…………………………………Never mind. Rosanna Rosanadana [SNL]
More proof that Bush hates blacks!!! He only booked the huge cruise ship for one month for New Orleans black homeless! And the ship only had three little swimming pools!! Plus, the bastards ran out of cold beer and Black Velvet!!! This is proof we need to ensure that blacks must vote Democrat!!!!!!!!
John Craig,
Take partners dick out of your mouth. We can’t understand a word you are saying. I am sure if you ask Tookie nicely, he will let go of the back of your head.
Carl Grossman
Liberal,Democrat and funny as hell.
JCH is a self-hating Black male.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and just clearing up the issues
John Craig is a known bunny hater.
Carl, no cruise ship for the Grossmans! You get a special train ride, and a special shower afterwards!! [Any gold teeth?]
JCH is a self-hating Black male.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat [Wrong……………But very tanned from a wonderful Hawaiian sun!!!]
Take partners dick out of your mouth.
Carl Grossman […………………………………………………………………………Aren’t most gays avid Democrats [like you]? I think this might have something to do with giving each other AIDs and then expecting someone else to pay their medical bills. hehe, JCH]
John Craig.
Fuck you!!
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and defender of your constituional right to spew invectives everywhere. It does not mean they are the truth or that I agree with them, but freedom of speech is a wonderful thing. Fuck you, in case you missed it the first time. […………………………………………………………………………Carl, when your blood pressure goes up, you misspell words!!! Don’t worry. I’ll get you “SpellCheck” after your boxcar ride and shower. Trust me!!!]
Fuck you!!!! Phuck You!!!! Phuk you!!!! No matter how you spell it, means the same.
Blood pressure not up. But am sure your anal pressure is, what with you getting “Tookied” every night.
Fuck you!!!!!
November is coming. When you lose, maybe you would like to vacation in Fl and play with Ms. Harris ample bust line? She is your kind of woman. Old and slow. By the way, make sure your “Tookie” partner does not find out. That could be a real pain in the ass for you.
JCH, you can’t win and you have already lost.
All the best,
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and polite.
I am looking for articles where Senator Bill Nelson talked with Florida Baptist Witness. Here is one, related to Hurricane Charley cleanup, that Nelson gave in 2004. Certainly not controversial:
I assume the Florida Baptist Witness doesn’t have a candidate interview with Bill Nelson, because he is unopposed in the Democrat primary for U.S. Senate.
They interview Republican and Democrat candidates for Governor and Republican candidates for U.S. Senate. One Democrat candidate for Governor wouldn’t interview with them, and one Republican candidate for Senate also didn’t interview.
Thank you Richard. From the Florida Baptist Witness interview with Ms. Harris:
What is your personal religious faith?
I am Christian.
Are you involved in a local place of worship? If so, in what way?
Calvary Chapel in Sarasota is my base. I grew up as a Presbyterian, in the PCA (the USA is more liberal), and here I attend the Calvary Chapel. My heritage, my grandfather was a missionary in Africa and my aunt and uncle were missionaries in India and now they head up Arab World Missions. My brother-in-law is a Christian singer who has won number one song of the year, every year, his name is Wes King. So, I had a godly family. But I think what changed me the most was I had a chance to study under Dr. Francis Schaeffer. I studied under him at L’Abris. So, it’s a faith that is active and real and not just on paper. It’s the most important thing in my life.
Some day all of us have to give an account before God for what we have done. Are you certain in your own heart that when you come to that point of accounting that you’ll spend eternity with God in Heaven?
No question.
One day when you stand before God, if He says to you, “Why should I let you into my Heaven?†What you would say in response?
That’s an interesting question. Because I loved Your Son and because I know He died for my sins. I know He was resurrected at Your right hand and I served Him. You know we’re covered with, our sins are covered with His blood and so we are blameless before Him. We are as white as snow.
Reason enough to fear this Bible thumpin’ momma.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and to quote President Kennedy, Paraphrased, “in my America, the separation of church and state must be absolute”.
Carl Grossman Librul Democrat and Kook Moonbat – I know you just spew back the crap that you’re fed, so let me educate you. You do know don’t you… that the notion of “separation of church and state” appears nowhere in founding documents. The establishment clause prohibits gummint from establishing an official state religion, and guarantees freedom of religious expression. It was NEVER meant to exclude people of faith from influencing and shaping government policy.
You and the rest of the kooks here can go ahead spew forth your hate. That’s OK with me… but let’s be clear that it’s hate, not law.
give me a break Mark the Buttneck
We are a seculer nation and proud of it shit head……..
Dear Muuuuuuuuuslim Terrorists, I offer Dave Goldenstein and Carl Grossmanstein as hostages in return for the two FOX News guys. Both are commie lib pussies, and you can kill them if you wish. Please video tape the beheading of Carl, and forward me the “YOU TUBE”!!! I’ll send you the ten bucks. Best regards, Doctor JCH Kennedy
We are a seculer nation and proud of it shit head……..
Commentby The Socialist [……………….Please either finish third grade or use “SpellCheck”!!!]
Dear Doctor JCH Kennedy (aka) buttnutz
I think for speacal people like you we should tax 200% of your income. Becoase your such a pathetic mess of a (cough) humanbeing ……….
I think for “speacal” [special] people like you we should tax 200% of your income. “Becoase” [Because] “your” [you’re] such a pathetic mess of a (cough) humanbeing ……….
Commentby The Socialist [……………………………………………….GBS, You’re killing me!!!!!]
Carl, Take your son [“The Socialist”] and enroll him into third grade at your local public school. Carl? Carl? Bueller?? Bueller? Frye?? Anyone??
So Doctor JCH Kennedy (aka) buttnutz
Are you a Christofashist like your boy friend Mark the Buttneck or are you just your typical corporate white collar criminal ?
New independent news source http://www.informationpress.net/
Are you a Christofashist like your boy friend Mark the Buttneck or are you just your typical corporate white collar criminal ?
Commentby The Socialist [Socialist, Would you be willing to be traded to the Muslin terrorists, along with Carl Grossmanstein, in exchange for the FOX News guys? If you are beheaded, I promise to post your video on “You Tube”.]
if your so worried about the fox news guys why don’t you go exchange your self for there release……
Oh yeah your a yellow belly coward I forgot ……….
May we never forget:
Was the Jew killer a conservative or liberal. In the Seattle Times we have the following quote:
Haq’s friend said he couldn’t believe the timid, “geeky” man he knew from the tutoring center was capable of such violence.
“Are you sure we’re talking about the same person?” he said Sunday………….
He said Haq was not a devout Muslim and often complained that the Tri-Cities were too politically conservative.
“I’m beginning to think I was his only friend in the Tri-Cities. I don’t recall him hanging out with anybody else.”
Now for the other side we turn to Darryl’s story on HA July 30, 2006:
Ah it looks like the story was all a bunch of hot air. Well there you have it. Enjoy all you Nazi Libs.
Commentby Dan -Whats the frequency-Ken— 8/25/06@ 8:16 pm
I would rather drive with McGavick then with my uncle Teddy anyday.
Gawd Doctor JCH Kennedy (aka) buttnutz you can’t even get your blowveating right
Nazi libs nonononono
Jew Killer = Seattle liberal = Democrat
Too bad that we couldn’t get the rest of these right wing republican Christians like HAQ and incarcerate them before they kill again.
Hey commie lib Dems, Do tou think George Bush is going to turn “Ernesto” towards New Orleans becaus he still hates blacks? Robert Kennedy has yet to give us his opinion on this. Just “axing”……………………..
Mark The Red Nekkid Asshole:
The Supreme court has, in too many decisions to name here, cited the “separation” of church and state in making the ruling. I suggest you get back to what you do best, sitting there with your thumb up your considerable ass. Hint: Might want to check the rulings regarding public displays of religion in or on public buildings and property.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat
I am truly sorry that you feel so small that you need to build yourself up here at HA with your outlandish lies and fantasy filled posts. However in this thread you crossed a line. I will no longer address you here, or anywhere else. You are a coward, a liar, a cheat, a lowlife and a scoundrel. I have no place in my life for ignorant assholes like you. It was fun bantering, but you seem to have deep psychological troubles and I no longer wish to feed into them.
Carl Grossman
Compassionate, Liberal, Democrat who is urging you to get the help you need.
Carl Grossman Librul Democrat – Thanks for making such a great point about activist judges. Sure…they make shit up all the time out of thin air to promote their personal views. That’s why we’re in the process of rooting them out.
It’s a time honored moonbat judge tradition to read things into The Constitution that aren’t there, and to ignore things that are there. I’m sure you can’t actually cite any specific case, but even if you did, it can’t possibly be based on Constitutional Law because it simply isn’t there.
So wrap your fist around your dick and continue…
Carl, I thought that was one of my best posts!!!! Sooooooo sorry you were offended!!!!!! hehe, JCH
Dear Muuuuuuuuuuslin terrorists, A 3 for 2!!! Carl, “The Socialist”, and GBS for the return of the FOX News guys!!! And you can behead all three, and sell the “You Tube” videos!!!! Think about it!!! Best regrads, Doctor JCH Kennedy
However in this thread you crossed a line. I
Carl Grossman
Compassionate, Liberal, Democrat who is urging you to get the help you need. [………………………………………. Oh noooooooooooooooooo!!! “I’ve crosse the line!!!! What am I going to do!!!!!!!!!!!!] [….Maybe I’ve have an ice cold Diet Coke!!!]
Blood pressure meds……..EVERY DAY, CARL!!!!!
Open letter to the entire gang here at HA:
Some on this blog seem to think that their words are funny, cute and intelligent. When in reality they are hateful, angry and ignorant.
They mistake disgust for being offended. Their egos must justify everything to fall into their own favor, lest they should have to admit that they might be wrong. It is never funny to wish someone dead. Not even in a “joking” manner. Some folks were just not raised right. I guess we can place the blame right at the downfall of the family.
This last trait is hastening the downfall of the Republican party. Their refusal to admit mistakes, their ignorance of public opinion (or lack of concern thereof) have all combined to create a perfect storm for change. How stupid can one party be? Well stupid enough to actually believe they are “ordained” by God and can do no wrong. Stupid enough to believe the 40% and less approval ratings reflect a minority opinion. (After all, doesn’t everyone know that they know best?).
I am proud to put my name on my posts. I am proud to be a liberal, Democratic American. I am proud to think for myself. I am proud to live in a land where we can through these lying bastards out and correct the wrongs that they have foisted on us in the name of God.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat, Patriot, Father, Son, Brother, Husband and urging you all to begin to ignore those that post here using hate filled speech, which is designed only hurt, anger and confuse the issue.
I wish to thank the bloggers here, on the WingNut side, for continually demonstrating exactly why the change is necessary.
The future according to middle-class hating, worthless, corporate cheap labor Dems like Cantwell (D-Mexico, voted against English as the national language, voted against building a fence on the Mexican border, voted for NAFTA and CAFTA, voted to give illegal aliens social security benefits)(and yes,corporate cheap labor Reps as well); a third-world cheap labor America:
Will America Survive to 2050?
By Patrick J. Buchanan – August 25, 2006
“In 376 a large band of Gothic refugees arrived at the Empire’s Danube frontier, asking for asylum. In a complete break with established Roman policy, they were allowed in, unsubdued. They revolted, and within two years had defeated and killed the emperor Valens – the one who had received them – along with two-thirds of his army, at the battle of Hadrianople.”
So writes Oxford’s Peter Heather in “Fall of the Roman Empire: A New History of Rome and the Barbarians,” who is convinced that Valens’ welcoming of the Goths was the decision that sealed the fate of the empire.
As recent headlines tell us of 5 million more immigrants having arrived in America in the last five years, we see now, no longer as through a glass darkly, how America ends.
There are 36 million immigrants here, a number almost equal to all who ever came from Jamestown in 1607 to JFK. We are host to more illegal aliens, 12 million, than all the Jews, English and Irish who came over 400 years.
In George W. Bush’s tenure, 6 million intruders have been caught on our southern border breaking in. One in 12 had a criminal record. Behind them, waiting to see if Bush will grant amnesty or secure the border, are the world’s 4 billion to 5 billion people whose average income is less than that of Mexico.
Last year, 155,000 OTMs (”other than Mexicans”), triple the number of 2003, from Latin America, the Middle East, Africa and Asia, were caught. Four of five never appeared in court. They vanished into our midst.
These numbers are astronomical by any historical standard, and the mindset of many newcomers is not that of the Ellis Island generation. On May 1, almost a million Hispanics marched under Mexican flags through Los Angeles to demand the rights of U.S. citizenship for all illegals. Aerial shots revealed huge signs reading, “This is Our Land” and “Chicano Power.” In Mexico City, PAN party members marched beside communists and Subcommandante Marcos in solidarity with their kinsmen in America.
“With all due respect to Uncle Sam,” declaimed one Mexican TV reporter, “this shows that Los Angeles has never stopped being ours.”
Added the respected Mexican pundit Sergio Sarmiento, if Mexicans “have begun the reconquista of the territory that the United States took by force from Mexico between 1835 and 1848, they have been able to do this thanks to the fact that the Americans themselves have permitted it.”
source: http://buchanan.org/blog/?p=57
I am not going to do your research for you. Activist judges? ROFLMAO! What do you call GWB stacking the supreme court? I suppose this is another example of the Wingnuts knowing what is best for us.
By the way, the SCOTUS has, in several decisions affirmed “the separation of church and state”. I suggest you pull your head out of your ass, unpack the shit from your ears and read you ignorant ass.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat urging MTR, MWS and others to go on over to (un)SP and post there. Oh, that’s right, that blog is dying from lack of participation.
“This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or exercise their revolutionary right to overthrow it.†Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States.
66, Carl………..I feel so………………ashamed!! Still, if the terrorists Muuuuuuuuuslim make the trade [FOX News guys for Carl Grossman, GBS and “The Socialist”], can I sell the “You Tube” of your beheadings?
These capitalists generally act harmoniously and in concert, to fleece the peopleâ€, Abraham Lincoln, President of the United States
“Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”, Benjamin Franklin.
DURING THE RECENT month-long war between Hezbollah and Israel, U.N. “peacekeeping” forces made a startling contribution: They openly published daily real-time intelligence, of obvious usefulness to Hezbollah, on the location, equipment, and force structure of Israeli troops in Lebanon. […………………………………………………………………………………US out of the UN. UN to Harare, Zimbabwe [easier parking]
“Ms. Harris ample bust line”
probably fake, like everything else she does
Uh huh… so in other words, you can’t cite any. Thought so..
Dumass fucking moonbat…
KINGSTON, Jamaica – Gathering strength over the central Caribbean, Tropical Storm Ernesto steamed toward Jamaica Saturday and threatened to enter the Gulf of Mexico within days as the first hurricane of the 2006 Atlantic season. // Ernesto, packing 60 mph winds, could be near hurricane strength by Sunday. Still, it was too soon to predict whether it would hit the United States… [ ………………………………………If Jamaica takes a big hit, cocaine prices on the East Coast will double or triple. What will Democrat Mayor Marion Barry do?]
Mark the Red Nekkid Asshole:
I repeat, I am not doing the research for you.
Now, kindly, gently….Go fuck yourself!
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat
Hey pbj, it looks like you could use a little coaching on using quote marks, attributing quoted material, and complying with the “Fair Use” doctrine. Please print out this comment and tape it to your computer screen.
Instruction 1: When copying and pasting anything written by someone else, put quote marks (” “) at the beginning and end of what was written by the other person(s).
Instruction 2: Describe the source in your post.
Instruction 3: You are not permitted under copyright laws or Goldy’s posting policy to copy and paste the entire article. Under the Fair Use doctrine, you can quote excerpts.
Instruction 4: Edit the excerpt(s) to eliminate information that is not relevant to the point you are making.
Instruction 5: If you wish to add an editorial comment at the end, insert it AFTER the closing quote marks and clearly describe it as your comment.
The Associated Press reported the following news item:
“NEW YORK (AP) – A New York state senator was charged with defrauding a nonprofit organization to pay for baseball tickets, college tuition and other personal expenses, according to a federal indictment.
Sen. Efrain Gonzalez Jr., 58, a Democrat from the Bronx, pleaded not guilty Friday to mail fraud and was released on $25,000 bond. If convicted, he could receive up to 20 years in prison and a fine of $250,000. …
The indictment accuses Gonzalez of defrauding the West Bronx Neighborhood Association Inc. … While an honorary board member, Gonzalez ‘devised a scheme … to mail West Bronx bank account checks payable to credit card companies and private vendors’ to pay for $37,412 in personal expenses …, the indictment said. …”
Commentby pbj— 8/26/06@ 11:45 am
Roger Rabbit comment: When a corrupt Democrat gets caught, we Democrats strip him of his committee assignments and prosecute him! When a corrupt Republican gets caught, the GOP lies, denies, and covers up the crime.
See how that works, pbj? Now go thou and do likewise. (If you had gotten an education, I wouldn’t have to teach you how to do this. Another failure of the private school system.)
Yeah, I know what you mean, Carl. I’ve been around enough of these self-described “Christian” businessmen to know how their thought process works:
“It’s okay to lie, cheat, and steal because they’re right with the Lord so all my sins will be forgiven.”
Then they go out and commit a truckload of new sins, because those sins will be forgiven, too. In other words, they figure being “born again” is a “Get Out of Hell Free” card in the Monopoly game of life.
“He that is good for making excuses is seldom good for anything elseâ€, Benjamin Franklin. Describes Republicans to a tee!
Harris’ problem is there’s only 2 “Get Out of Hell Free” cards in the deck, and she’s already sinned thousands of times. I can see how this is gonna go when she knocks on the Pearly Gate:
SAINT PETER: Who’s there?
SAINT PETER: Katherine who?
KATHERINE HARRIS: Katherine Harris.
SAINT PETER: Oh, you … what do you want?
KATHERINE HARRIS: I want into Heaven.
SAINT PETER: All right, hold your ponies, I’m coming, we’ll have to check the Sin Book.
(door creaks open)
Let’s see … oh yes, here’s your name. Let’s see, you stole the 2000 election …
KATHERINE HARRIS: I’ve got a “Get Out of Hell Free” card.
SAINT PETER: Okay, you’re off the hook for that one. But here’s another sin … you lied to the voters when you ran for Congress in 2004.
KATHERINE HARRIS: I’ve got another “Get Out of Hell Free” card.
SAINT PETER: Okay, you’re off the hook for that … but here’s another sin … you lied to your campaign stafers when you ran for the Senate in 2006. At this point, I need to remind you there’s only 2 “Get Out of Hell Free” cards in the Monopoly Game of Life deck, so I think you’re screwed.
KATHERINE HARRIS: But-t-t … I-I-I … what can I do know?
SAINT PETER: Get on that bus over that.
KATHERINE HARRIS: What’s that bus?
SAINT PETER: That’s the Hell Bus. It makes regular stops here, in front of the Pearly Gate, to pick up our rejects. Three strikes and you’re out.
KATHERINE HARRIS: But-t-t, I-I-I … don’t want to go to Hell!
SAINT PETER: You should’ve thought of that back in 2000.
(door slams shut)
“Trickery and treachery are the practices of fools that have not the wits enought to be honestâ€, Benjamin Franklin.
Holy shit! It is like he lived today. He sure knows his Republicans. Of course lying to the public for our “own good” is not really lying in the lying sense of lying. Right?
To answer your question, Haq was a wingnut fundie.
Wrong – GONG!! – you’re off the show! Next contestant, please.
RR @ 81,
Have you considered a career as America’s new playwrite? Here, here!!!!
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and I want tickets for opening night.
“Hey commie lib Dems, Do tou think George Bush is going to turn “Ernesto” towards New Orleans becaus he still hates blacks?” Commentby Doctor JCH Kennedy— 8/26/06@ 4:49 pm
I offered $5 to a foreign government with a weather machine to steer it toward a small Hawaiin town.
Carl — Don’t take JCH’s ravings seriously; he’s only trying to provoke you. Remember what Joe Kennedy said: Don’t get mad, get even.
60 (continued)
Anger blinds you. Keep a clear eye, the hammer cocked, and wait for the clean shot. It may take a while. While you’re waiting, don’t think about those “boxcar” remarks. Clear your mind and focus on what’s pertinent to the task at end. Think about the placement of the butt against your shoulder, your grip on the forestock, the proper positioning of your trigger finger, whether you’re going to take a torso shot or head shot, windage and range, and above all don’t jerk the trigger … squeeeeze that round off … you want to “kill” the “target” with one shot, because you may get only one shot.
Public Notice
Post #88 is intended to be read metaphorically. For you uneducated trollfucks who don’t know what that means, look it up in a dictionary! Or ask the librarian to look it up for you, if you can’t read. I’m not your fucking research assistant. I’m a fucking bunny, and I fuck as many female bunnies as possible, in order to make more bunnies!!
Carl, I must confess that I don’t feel the same way you do about JCH’s posts, with my apologies. First of all, I oppose any sort of censorship. Rightwing bloggers (e.g., the pathetic little competing blog) censor and ban posters; we’re thicker skinned (and more level headed) than they are, and why should we stoop to their level — when we can stoop even lower! Second, the anger he is trying to provoke in you is a dull knife if you refuse to allow yourself to get angry. In a knife fight, or any other kind of fight, you must set aside all emotions and focus 100% of your intellectual and physical powers on the task at hand — namely, winning the fight. Do not worry about becoming a casualty yourself; direct all of your attention to inflicting damage on the opponent. Develop the mental and emotional discipline to do that well, and you’ll come out all right in the end. Finally, I feel we’re very fortunate that Goldy has made available to us an uncensored blog where JCH is free to debase himself to such an extent as shows what he is truly made of! JCH is made of rat shit. He started out as garbage, was eaten by a rat, processed by the rat’s gastric juices into rat shit, and excreted out of the rat’s asshole. In his case, the rat must have been a queer, because there’s some rat sperm mixed in, so JCH is not only made of rat shit, he’s also got rat DNA in his cells. Don’t let a mere rat get the best of you, man. Just remember the procedure I described above, and squeeeeze off that .223 round. Don’t kill him; blow the fucker’s ass off so he can’t shit anymore, and will have to go through the rest of his miserable vermin life with rat shit backed up until his eyeballs bulge out of their sockets.
Dear Bunny,
I did not get upset or mad at JCH. I simply came to the conclusion that my dog, Elvis Pupsley, is smarter, has a better grasp of the issues and knows to shit outside and not all over himself the way JCH does.
My weapon is loaded and I won’t miss my shot.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat, Bunny hugger (Ok Elvis, sheesh) and Elvis hugger too.
Click here for photo of Hawaiian sewer rat: http://tinyurl.com/fg372
I have found a picture of JCH.
And for good measure, one of Mark the Red Nekkid Asshole.
Staff meeting at (un)SP.
MyLeftFoot, the SCOTUS affirmed slavery too, that doesn’t make it right. And that one was actually in the constitution. Liberals have a perfect middle half of the separation clause, after they strip off “Congress shall make no laws” at the beginning and “deny the free exercise thereof” off of the end. The separation clause was never meant to restrict the rights of individuals, it was to restrict the rights of congress.
Our forefathers intent was also to prevent a Theocracy from taking hold. Republicans are insisting that a Christian God is best for me.
All the middle east countries are governments of theocracy. They don’t last, violence is their hallmark, death being God’s will.
No thank you. Separartion of church and state must be absolute.
should read “SEPARATION”, sorry.
87 thru 90, I OWN you guys!!! Both of you!! [BTW, look for the mailbox with the NRA stickers.]
No thank you. Separartion of church and state must be absolute.
Commentby My Left Foot— 8/26/06@ 8:11 pm
should read “SEPARATION”, sorry.
Commentby My Left Foot— 8/26/06@ 8:13 pm […………………………….Carl, Your spelling goes to shit when you forget to take your blood pressure meds! And today has been a stressful day, hasn’t it, Mr. Grossmanstein?
Carl, I must confess that I don’t feel the same way you do about JCH’s posts, with my apologies. First of all, I oppose any sort of censorship. Rightwing bloggers (e.g., the pathetic little competing blog) censor and ban posters; we’re thicker skinned (and more level headed) than they are, and why should we stoop to their level – when we can stoop even lower! Second, the anger he is trying to provoke in you is a dull knife if you refuse to allow yourself to get angry. In a knife fight, or any other kind of fight, you must set aside all emotions and focus 100% of your intellectual and physical powers on the task at hand – namely, winning the fight. Do not worry about becoming a casualty yourself; direct all of your attention to inflicting damage on the opponent. Develop the mental and emotional discipline to do that well, and you’ll come out all right in the end. Finally, I feel we’re very fortunate that Goldy has made available to us an uncensored blog where JCH is free to debase himself to such an extent as shows what he is truly made of! JCH is made of rat shit. He started out as garbage, was eaten by a rat, processed by the rat’s gastric juices into rat shit, and excreted out of the rat’s asshole. In his case, the rat must have been a queer, because there’s some rat sperm mixed in, so JCH is not only made of rat shit, he’s also got rat DNA in his cells. Don’t let a mere rat get the best of you, man. Just remember the procedure I described above, and squeeeeze off that .223 round. Don’t kill him; blow the fucker’s ass off so he can’t shit anymore, and will have to go through the rest of his miserable vermin life with rat shit backed up until his eyeballs bulge out of their sockets. [………………………….Gee, guys, I’m honored! You have me down cold!!!! I’m……………so…………ashamed!! [Now, may I email Mrs. Grossman so we can “talk dirty”?]
Only in your wet dreams about little boys.
Mrs. Grossman, Come to daddy! Spread those legs and take the choad!!!!
“We have to have the faithful in government and over time,” the Witness quotes Harris as saying, “that lie we have been told, the separation of church and state, people have internalized, thinking that they needed to avoid politics and that is so wrong because God is the one who chooses our rulers.”
It’s not just that she’s a bit crazy; it’s that she thinks we live in a monarchy.
Some wonderful parody videos of her:
GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip (AP) – Militants freed two Fox News journalists on Sunday in the Gaza Strip, ending a nearly two week hostage drama in which one of the former captives said they were forced at gunpoint to make statements, including that they had converted to Islam. […………….I did it!!……………………………………………………….. What great news!!!! Now, Carl, “The Socialist”, and GBS, if you will come with me……………………………………………………………]
Mark the Red Nekkid Asshole: I repeat, I am not doing the research for you. Now, kindly, gently….Go fuck yourself! Carl Grossman Liberal, Democrat Commentby My Left Foot— 8/26/06@ 6:38 pm
Moonbat Carl you made the original charge. You were refuted by MTR Kennedy. Now you can’t post URLs to solidify your position?
Weak Carl Weak!!!
Hey pbj, it looks like you could use a little coaching on using quote marks, attributing quoted material, and complying with the “Fair Use” doctrine. Please print out this comment and tape it to your computer screen. Comment by Pellet
Hey Pellet: You favorite cut and paster Left Turdball (one of your bestiality based offspring?) seldom includes his “sources”. That’s why it’s so easy to ridicule him. So go pound your armadillo with that needle dick. We’ll continue to do things as we see fit from the right.
MyLeftFoot, the SCOTUS affirmed slavery too, that doesn’t make it right. And that one was actually in the constitution. Liberals have a perfect middle half of the separation clause, after they strip off “Congress shall make no laws” at the beginning and “deny the free exercise thereof” off of the end. The separation clause was never meant to restrict the rights of individuals, it was to restrict the rights of congress. Commentby Michael— 8/26/06@ 7:56 pm
Here here Michael. Being black slavery was bad. Thank goodness REPUBLICAN Abraham Lincoln came to the rescue.
Now speaking of “slavery”; have you moonbats been paying attention to the number of Maryland blacks leaving the donkocratic party slavery reservation supporting Michael Steele? It’s a wonderful day!
Pellet worte: “KATHERINE HARRIS: But-t-t … I-I-I … what can I do know?”
Must be that new half-human/half-rabbit english.
Damn typing mistake: Pellet wrote: …
Yeah, I know what you mean, Carl. I’ve been around enough of these self-described “Christian” businessmen to know how their thought process works:
“It’s okay to lie, cheat, and steal because they’re right with the Lord so all my sins will be forgiven.”
Then they go out and commit a truckload of new sins, because those sins will be forgiven, too. In other words, they figure being “born again” is a “Get Out of Hell Free” card in the Monopoly game of life. Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/26/06@ 6:48 pm
Pelletizer on this comment I agree. In my business I always gave more than I was paid for. That’s how I kept more business coming my way. I detest lying bidnessmen. But stats show most are from moonbat states. Hey Carl try and refute that!
” The typical white collar criminal is a white, middle class, educated male around 29 years of age (70% of the time) with no previous criminal history and no involvement in drug or alcohol abuse (Miethe & McCorkle 1998). Their offenses are characterized by sophisticated planning, and they have carefully considered lessons learned from the extensive histories most corporations have of regulatory violations. Most offenders prefer to work alone, except where the cooperation of others is needed. Almost all criminological theories (strain, learning, control, conflict, and neutralization) have been applied to white collar crime. The economic costs of white collar crime are staggering, running well into several billions a year. Perhaps more importantly, economic crime erodes public confidence.”
Since the moonbat arm of ASSes posted more donk are better educated than neo-cons Nuff Said!
Now for the drug and alcohol moonbat abusers ELF GLA GLAAD PITA (I like PETA – People Eating Tasty Animals) etc.
Speaking of Dull knives Cousin Dr JCH Kennedy Carl is achieving Dull Knife status in every post. Even his “serrated” edge is getting dull.
For more on donk area white crime read the following link. Since most manufacturing is in the big cities of donk land it figures where the crime occurs. Since most of these states are DEEP BLUE ‘Nuff Said:
http://www.philly.com/mld/phil.....260228.htm – The Enquirer from MY home town. I’m from the inner city and Goldie may claim it’s his but he was from the lily white rich ‘burbs. You can google my environment on ASSes.
-If you are not electing Christians, tried and true, under public scrutiny and pressure, if you’re not electing Christians then in essence you are going to legislate sin –
It’s only appropriate that Harris would play the right wing Christian card. The guy she helped install as President in 2000 was able to erase all his past sins by simply declaring himself “a Christian.” Since the Christian Right is more of a political cult than an actual practising religion, it wasn’t hard for the sheep to fall for Bush’s endless string of lies. Harris is going to have a little tougher time of it.
From a recent Pew survey:
For example, six-in-ten white evangelical Protestants say that the Bible should be the guiding principle in making laws when it conflicts with the will of the people, a view rejected by an equally large majority of Americans, including most Catholics and white mainline Protestants.
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