I was going to push back on the PPP poll that Darryl’s already posted on, citing the DSCC poll that shows Murray up 51-44, are the Washington Poll’s Matt Baretto insisting that PPP doesn’t know Washington state from the other one. But Eli’s already done that on Slog, so you might as well read him.
No, instead I’d just like to use this as an opportunity to emphasize that people who don’t vote really, really suck.
If PPP is right, and there is a huge enthusiasm gap because, what, Obama didn’t enact change fast enough or something, well fuck you. You don’t vote, you don’t have a right to complain about the outcome. Simple as that.
So don’t be an asshole. Vote.
Murray is up about 51-44 among the people who haven’t mailed in their ballots yet.
But to be clear, voting doesn’t make you _not_ an asshole. It’s just that not voting ensures one’s status.
Hold your nose and pull the lever, but then get pissed because Obama let the wingers contol the narrative.
Look, this group of GOPers are so odious the Democrats should be cleaning their clock without breaking sweat. But … the Dems don’t get that strong wrong beats weak right in the mind of the public.
Freaking fight back dems even when it looks like you will lose. You will get a lot more respect and win more elections in the long run.
I’m running my ballot to the post office today to make sure it goes right through. Last night’s 60 Minutes feature, in which WA multi-millionaire moguls whined about I-1098 completed my Yes vote on that measure.
Here’s to Murray winning again.
I’d like to second that fuck you and propose a hearty fuckin’ A.
you mean the 60 mins puff piece?
wow, that was some outstanding journalism there….lol
Goldy, as much as you are correct, it still does not matter. People who don’t take their responsibilities of being an informed voter with deadly seriousness will still complain.
If there is a silver lining to the debacle of Boehner becoming Speaker, or (Flying Spaghetti Monster forbid!) DeMint becoming Senate majority leader, it is that the likely devastating cost shall be borne and felt by all but the most wealthy.
As bad as a Republican led branch of the legislature is with teabaggging GWB redux policies, the greater fools will be those who did not cast a ballot for Senator Murray. When the shit hits the fan over the next 2 years those who refused to vote will be thanking their lucky stars that many of us did.
The time when you need seniority the most is just these times.
Hang in there Goldy. I think WA will survive better than most states tomorrow, and that is due to your persistance. Thanks.
Stewart/Colbert v. Beck:
“Hang in there Goldy. I think WA will survive better than most states tomorrow, and that is due to your persistance. Thanks.”
nominated for joke of the week.
how many minorities were at john stewarts rallies?
answer: pretty much none.
conclusion: you are a racist.
Question: Does Patty Murray have Dean Logan on speed dial?
hmmmm………..its almost going to be interesting to see this years King County vote shenanigans…
“yo Mickey! hey look, we found another crate full of votes back behind the coke machine…”
Were you at Westlake on Saturday? I was, and there was a very diverse crowd. And, no one was packing a sidearm. Of course, don’t let facts intrude upon your wretched little inflexible worldview.
pictures prove a much different version than yours…
the westlake event looked more like a crowd of white yuppies trying to get into a Pearl Jam concert.
That’s a little harsh, Goldy. I’ve nothing against voting, (did it myself this morning), but not voting is a valid choice as well. (assuming it is by conscious choice, not sheer laziness) I agree with you that everyone should vote to at least attempt to hold the line, but if one truly feels that there are no candidates on the ballot that are representative of ones political leanings, then not casting a ballot in protest of that fact is just as valid a political act as enthusiastically pulling the lever for a candidate you truly believe in, or pulling the lever while holding your nose.
@16 worf on 11/01/2010 at 2:18 pm,
Yes, it is harsh. More than a little. :-D
But sometimes facts and truths are harsh.
There is a commonly held belief in this country that voting is a “right”. Despite the language of the 15th amendment voting is not a right. Active participation in our representative democratic republic is a responsibility of each and every citizen.
Unlike the former Soviet Union, we all have the “right” not to participate, which includes not voting.
But as harsh as it may sound, those who lazily ignore their responsibility to make informed decisions (that don’t start or stop on election day) doom not only themselves to the ill informed (non)decisions of others, but risk dooming others.
In the greatest country which has bestowed great benefits on most of us and around the world, if one chooses not to vote or not to participate, well then you are an asshole – nothing useful comes out of you for our governence.
Thanks for voting worf.
You’re always going to see what you want to see, Maxie. Talk about partisan blinders . . .
Gee I though mythbusters was too stupid to be tehchickenshit.
Silly me.
I’m not sure it’s him, but it’s one of trolls sock-puppeting.
Unfortunately, lots of assholes do vote, which is why we’ll probably have a Senator Rand Paul, and a Senator Ron Johnson, and maybe even, God forbid, a Governor Rick Scott.
If only ALL the assholes would stay home, we’d have a bright future.
Whats the matter PL? whats good for the goose isnt good for the gander now?
and you talk of partisan blinders? ha!
dont believe me, check out some of the footage.
BTW, what the hell is with inviting Cat scratch Stevens the islamo nazi to a “we are the normal” event?
remember now, this is the same cat scratch stevens who has stated, on numerous occasions, that salman rushdie needs to be killed..by any means.
ahhhh…aint it grand…
you and all the other yuppie progressives pat yourselves on the back pretending to be inclusive..yet strangely you all think alike and and look alike..too damn funny.
did you get any pictures from the “no brothas allowed rally”
I was at the rally. There were people of all races, ages, religions, sizes, shapes. Believe what you want, dumbfuck.
You think old people don’t get kinky? Well, last night Mr. Cynical and I had a three way with Mythbusters. I hope I’m not speaking out of school here, but early on he whipped out some pictures of Ann Coulter. You could say that this was a defining moment.
What if you don’t vote because you don’t believe that the democratic process is the best way to choose our leaders, or that we even need them at all?