24 hours ago I challenged my readers to double the number of donors to Peter Goldmark and Darcy Burner from my ActBlue page by today’s midnight reporting deadline, and while I’m blown away by the $2505.00 raised thus far, I’m a touch disappointed that with 6 hours remaining, only 39 of you have responded to the call, bringing us little more than halfway towards our 72-donor target.
Perhaps I was too ambitious. Or perhaps I didn’t make myself clear.
The more individual contributors each candidate can report, the easier it will be for them to attract big-money donors and independent expenditures during the final weeks of the campaign. That means even a FIVE BUCK donation, if that’s all you can afford, can be leveraged to help raise the cash Peter and Darcy will need to get their message out and win this November.
That’s all I’m asking — a $5.00 donation. I’ll probably log another six to eight hundred readers between now and midnight… surely, 33 of you can afford to pony up five bucks each?
Please give now. Thanks.
Still don’t know much about Peter Goldmark? Lynn has a typically excellent interview with Peter up on Evergreen Politics.
However will they spend that whopping $1,252.50 EACH??? And after 3 WHOLE DAYS AND 4 WHOLE POSTS OF BEGGING!!!
WOW, la goldie… you’re da gal!
They will use the donations to beat Reichert’s lying ass and to send Cathy McMoron to her destiny as a lobbyist.
HowcanyoubePROUDto be such a fool?
re 1: We’re not “proud to be asses”. Pride is something conservatives indulge in alot because it gives you the warm fuzzies and requires no thought or effort — a conservative stock in trade.
Why don’t you just shut the hell up, halfwit?
re 1: How can YOU be proud to be a trampled on piece of elephant dung? Used and disrespected by your own leadership is what you are!
The balance of corporate money is beginning to tip our way.
Get the point yet, ho-dad?
OK, OK, OK, you guilted me into popping for another couple of contributions. Happy now?
You know what is funny Goldie? When Republican Trolls comment here, you leave their posts up. If I go to a right winger’s blog, and comment, they take my posts down.
That is the difference…..
We can suffer the right winger’s opinions, because we all know how wrong they are.
They can’t even look at the “reality based” peoples comments, because they know how right we are. The must delete our comments. The right winger blogs are just a bunch of scared retarded fools all agreeing with each other….. Don’t know a damn thing about what is going on in the world.
Iraq is now Iran. 64,600 American soldiers have been wounded so Bush can make Iraq into Iran. We are 4 TRILLION dollars farther in debt with nothing to show for it. There are far more terrorists now than when Bush took office, and worldwide hatred for America has never been higher.
I hope you right wing freaks feel good about going through life with Rush Limbaugh leading you around by Ann Coulter’s adam’s apple, but I prefer to look past the soundbites to the real crimes the GOP are committing…..
Supporting Republicans today would be like supporting NAZIS after the concentration camps are discovered.
I liked Goldie’s idea so much I started my own actblue page, and have raised almost $400 from my friends.
Great Idea Goldie!!!
Everyone here should start their own ActBlue.com donations page, and get their “reality based” friends to help out……
It is easy to start your own ActBlue page and hit up your friends and relatives!!!!
Just help out old Goldie tonite. I think I will give some more money right now!!!!
Wow. How unhinged do you have to be to call anyone with a Muslim name “Islamofascist” and call legal immigration under a Republican-run state “lib Third-World immigration and lib diversity?” Wait, I think you’’ve already answered.”
Commentby Daddy Love—— 8/30/06@ 3:00 pm
Yeah, Daddy, we shouldn’t jump to any conclusions. Moslem immigration has worked out well in Europe, and diversity is a nation’s greatest strength. Just ask the former USSR, the former Czechoslovakia, and the former Yugoslavia. We probably need more Moslems here, particularly those from progressive places like Afghanistan. I’ll bet the French are glad they took in a few million multi-culturals, and if they start burning cars here like they did in France at least traffic won’t be so bad.
Interesting. This thread was posted at 6:06 p.m., but americafirst quotes a post from 3:00 p.m. Wrinkle in time or off-topic spamming?
Proud Ass I gave $25 in your name. By the way, did your mom start hooking before or after you were born?
This is a comment of a Bush supporter that has had enough.
“Katrina, Harriet Myers, The Dubai Port Deal, skyrocketing gas prices, shrinking wages for working people, staggering debt, astronomical foreign debt, outsourcing, open borders, contempt for the opinion of the American people, the war on science, media manipulation, faith based initiatives, a cavalier attitude toward fundamental freedoms– this President has run the most arrogant and out-of-touch administration in my lifetime, perhaps, in any American’s lifetime.”
Not my words…. And heck I used to be a Republican too. Before Bush….
I gave $30 split between Darcy and Peter.
I dedicate my contributions to ASS and Wingnut Obsession Sucks aka MWS.
“I’ll bet the French are glad they took in a few million multi-culturals, and if they start burning cars here like they did in France at least traffic won’t be so bad. ”
Since the French treat legal immigrants like 2nd class citizens, there are more than just Muslims asking to just be French. I think their government got the message too….. No more fires.
By the way, how many terror warnings did Bush ignore before 9-11. There are over a hundred I know of, 52 from the FAA alone. I just wonder how many warnings total were ignores to “allow” the attacks to happen. Someday we WILL KNOW!!!
It is funny how they think killing innocent people by the tens of thousands is somehow going to make us safer….
Bloodthirsty freaks. If someone innocent isn’t dying, or being tortured the Republicans are screaming for more blood!
Did you hear Rumsfeld comparing the “reality based” to the Hitler appeasers.
By Rumsfeld’s standards, when Hitler was building his war machine, we should have invaded Canada right?
Makes about as much sense as attacking Iraq, when it is Al Queda (who was not in Iraq) who attacked us, and is the REAL threat.
I don’t think so, that’s not what is listed as wounded in action.
The Mrs and I have made a small donation to your ActBlue page account. We make this donation in honor of John Craig. He has inspired us to ACTBLUE.
They stopped reporting the wounded numbers 2 years ago when it was around 25,000. They announced the number as 63,000 a few days ago on PBS. Who knows. Bush is probably lying about this too……
I don’t think so, that’s not what is listed as wounded in action.
Bush didn’t make Katrina hit New Orleans, What is wrong with Harriet Myers? Bush didn’t arrange for the Dubai Port Deal, some idiot in his administration did, that said, just how many American ports do you think China owns, to include one in this state? Bush certainly can’t control the open world market for oil that is causing the skyrocketing gas prices, you should thank Cantwell who opposes drilling anywhere in the entire fucking planet for oil, wages are shrinking for working people, and they will go even lower as long as Democrats keep allowing the illegal aliens in the borders, Cantwell voted against building any fences didn’t she? outsourcing has been going on for decades, Bush didn’t start it, Bush doesn’t have contempt for the opinion of the American people, no-one has a war on science, but there is a war on religion,Bush doesn’t manipulate the left-wing leaning media, if he did the NY Times would be out of business, but they are still around publishing secret information, President Bush is kinda arrogant and he walks with a definite swagger.
Why the hell is WSDOT selling “depreciation value” on the ferries? What else have they sold? There are states selling bridges and toll roads………….
Well now SF liberals are running over Jews in their SUV’s. When will you Jew hating liberals stop the killings? Which reminds me:
Was the Jew killer a conservative or liberal. In the Seattle Times we have the following quote:
Haq’s friend said he couldn’t believe the timid, “geeky” man he knew from the tutoring center was capable of such violence.
“Are you sure we’re talking about the same person?” he said Sunday………….
He said Haq was not a devout Muslim and often complained that the Tri-Cities were too politically conservative.
“I’m beginning to think I was his only friend in the Tri-Cities. I don’t recall him hanging out with anybody else.”
Now for the other side we turn to Darryl’s story on HA July 30, 2006:
Ah it looks like the story was all a bunch of hot air. Well there you have it. Enjoy all you Nazi Libs.
Try this site,
On the bottom right are links to official military sites and on the left is their method for the figures.
They are showing a little under 20 thousand. I didn’t read it to see if they count every injury or only the combat injuries. Many soldiers who are injured never leave Iraq, they get bandaged and go back to their unit.
They are showing a little under 20 thousand. I didn’t read it to see if they count every injury or only the combat injuries. Many soldiers who are injured never leave Iraq, they get bandaged and go back to their unit. Commentby sgmmac— 8/30/06@ 8:32 pm
Facts hurt the liberal mind. Also if their name is John Forbes Kerry, those minor injuries are your ticket out of a war zone!
You can never trust a lefty. They probably get their numbers the same way they got the casualty figures of civilian deaths in Iraq. Each casualty was counted 20 times because 20 people knew them.
Recipient Donors Total $ All pages
Darcy Burner 94 $3,726.34 $34,845.10
Peter Goldmark 62 $2,637.02 $15,537.05
Total 113 $6,363.36 $50,382.15
Well howcanyoubesuchabigasshole, looks to me like the the ActBlue page works. It is very cool when Americans can make a small contribution and watch it grow to a significant amount. How do you suppose that Darcy is winning the battle of fundraising?
a conservative or liberal.
A baptized Christian. Facts hurt the wingnut mind.
a conservative or liberal.
A baptized Christian. Facts hurt the wingnut mind.
Commentby For the Clueless— 8/30/06@ 9:10 pm
Now only if you could get Haq to believe that. Hey might listen to you clueless, after all he is a fellow liberal. hehe
“Facts hurt the liberal mind. Also if their name is John Forbes Kerry, those minor injuries are your ticket out of a war zone! ”
John Kerry. Wasn’t he the dude that was getting shot at, defending his country in Vietnam, while Deferrment Dick was having babies, and Bush was having his daddy’s buddies get him a spot in the Texas Air National Guard, 3,000 miles away from the war?
It is funny how you hypocrites complain about decorated vets, and honor cowards like Bush, and Cheney. Your minds must be warped worse than the space around a black hole.
Wasn’t Bush the only person ever to recieve flight training after joining the Texas Air National Guard? I thoght all the pilots had to serve their tours before they joined the guard, except for the decider.
How many medals did Bush earn in Vietnam? I forgot….
The lint in John Kerry’s belly button is more man than Bush has in his whole body. What Clinton left on Monica’s dress was more man than Bush also.
You mentioned Vietnam to him, and he peed his pants, and ran to daddy…..
Then we have world record on deferrments Dick “no doubt” and “last throes” Cheney the lying sack of sleaze.
As far as the wounded, I think the 20,000 number is the “seriously wounded” (blown to bits), and the 64,600, and 63,000 is the reported wounded. I am sure they are not all seriously injured. But I do trust the military to keep accurate numbers of soldiers wounded. They do such a good job of keeping track of everything else….
Deadeye Dick had other priorities while John Kerry was getting shot at in the Mekong Delta.
WOS of course worships the “other priority” crowd whose members include Rush “pimple-on-ass” Limbaugh.
13,”Makes about as much sense as attacking Iraq, when it is Al Queda (who was not in Iraq) who attacked us, and is the REAL threat.”
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 8/30/06@ 8:05 pm
You must have forgotten your moonbat pill today, conservatives are a bigger threat than “Al Queda (who was not in Iraq).”
Just ask General Rodent;
“You guys are the enemy –––– you’ve proven that by your deeds and words. America has other enemies, but the Far Right –––– not al Qaeda –––– is America’s most dangerous enemy. I feel you should be treated accordingly.”
Comment by Roger Rabbit ———— 7/27/06 @ 10:20 pm,
who knows a thing or two about fighting;
“It should be obvious what the exit strategy is. We’re going to lose, and we’re going to pack up and go home. On our way out, the last Americans will be lifted off rooftops by helicopters. I hate to sound like a pessimistic, but as we learned in Vietnam and the Russians learned in Afghanistan, even superpowers can’t defeat a determined, sustained, indigenous guerilla resistance. There is no reputable military thinker in the world who claims to know who to win an urban guerilla war, or who believes it can be done.”
Comment by Roger Rabbit ———— 4/12/06 @ 10:45 am
John Kerry. Wasn’t he the dude that was getting shot at, defending his country in Vietnam, while Deferrment Dick was having babies, and Bush was having his daddy’s buddies get him a spot in the Texas Air National Guard, 3,000 miles away from the war?
Now, that’s silly.
It’s closer to 7,000 miles. :-)
Now only if you could get Haq to believe that
Why shouldn’t he believe it? It’s a documented fact.
Christians have persecuted Jews for centuries. They do to this day.
Case in point:
He visited the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs that day as a proud parent. His son Curtis, who was entering his second year at the academy, had just finished three weeks of combat survival training. Weinstein spotted him across a room and knew instantly that something was wrong. They drove off campus, in stormy silence, and pulled into a McDonald’s.
“All right, Curtis . . . I can’t take any more of this. What the hell have you done?” Weinstein remembers asking.
“It’s not what I’ve done, Dad. It’s what I’m going to do,” Curtis answered, according to his father. “I’m going to beat the [. . .] out of the next person that calls me a [. . .] Jew or accuses me or our people of killing Jesus Christ.”
At that moment, Weinstein says, “everything kind of telescoped. I could hear my heart in my ears. For a guy who talks a lot . . . I was speechless.
Facts hurt the wingnut mind. Sorry I have nothing you can “enjoy” DOOFUS.
“13,”Makes about as much sense as attacking Iraq, when it is Al Queda (who was not in Iraq) who attacked us, and is the REAL threat.”
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 8/30/06@ 8:05 pm
You must have forgotten your moonbat pill today, conservatives are a bigger threat than “Al Queda (who was not in Iraq).” ”
So things are getting better in Iraq? We have The Decider, and Wrong Every Time Rumsfeld in charge.
Name one thing Rumsfeld did right….
(crickets chirping)
One thing is for certain. With the Bush Crime Family controlling Iraq, failure is certain. There is nothing they have not failed at, and Iraq could not possibly get any better with the world’s most retarded leaders calling the shots.
Just remember, when we “got rid of Saddam” we were in charge of security. Every single death in Iraq is 100% Bush’s fault, for lack of any sort of realistic strategic planning to provide any form of security. Especially since Iraq was no threat, this makes it pre-meditated murder. Every single civilian death is Bush’s fault. Period. We removed Saddam, and could not keep these animals from killing each other. It is still our responsibility, and we have failed miserably because of the liar in chief, and always wrong rummy.
Reality sucks in right wing world.
Just think though, in 20, or 30 years, if there is anyone left alive in Iraq, they will be able to vote….. What is even more funny is the British study that just found Iran has more influence in Iraq than the United States. Oops….
How many medals did Bush earn in Vietnam? I forgot….
Commentby All Facts Support My Positio— 8/30/06@ 9:16 pm
Well did Kerry earn those medals. Lets take a look….. oh where are those military medical records of John Kerry… I forgot. Hey all the facts, can you find those military medical records? For your names sake I would hope you would.
And by the way I trust the military to “officially” track casualties about as much as I trust Blackwell to count the votes. With Bush, imagine the worst case scenario, then multiply by 10.
2 trillion spent in Iraq for starters (by the time we take care of the wounded, and pay the interest), and we have only created more terrorists.
With this method of fighting terror, the whole world will someday be terrorists right? What are there, now 1,000 loosely connected Islamic terror groups that we don’t have the resources to infiltrate because we spent all our money “taking out” Saddam.
If you think we are safer, ya better go buy a freighter load of Kool-Aid. The 500 gallons you have to drink every day isn’t gonna do the trick much longer.
The Call from McGavick to Frist:
Commentby rhp6033— 8/30/06@ 4:03 pm
Good work.
Kerry has authorized the release of his complete military service record and medical record. George Bush has not done the same.
Now only if you could get Haq to believe that
Why shouldn’t he believe it? It’s a documented fact.
You mean documented like this:
Haq’s friend said he couldn’t believe the timid, “geeky” man he knew from the tutoring center was capable of such violence.
“Are you sure we’re talking about the same person?” he said Sunday………….
He said Haq was not a devout Muslim and often complained that the Tri-Cities were too politically conservative.
“I’m beginning to think I was his only friend in the Tri-Cities. I don’t recall him hanging out with anybody else.”
You mean like that right? Did he move from Seattle to the Tri Cities… no wait it was the other way around. I wonder why? Oh this is why:
He said Haq was not a devout Muslim and often complained that the Tri-Cities were too politically conservative.
You sort of have to piece these things together for the lefties. It is hard for them to handle the truth. hehehe
Medical Practices Blend Health and Faith
Doctors, Patients Distance Themselves From Care They Consider Immoral
We know how well you dems count from the 2004 governors election. The KCRE needed three times to get a count they liked. No wonder no one trusts liberals.
Democrats = voter fraud
Here is a good one. Lie by Lie by Mother Jones. The Bush legacy of lies in the lead up to the war, and beyond.
Warning, harmful to right winger ideology.
You can fool some of the people all of the time. Right Wingers.
Motherjones.com… what the f..ck.. You got to be kidding me. Hahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahaahahaha
These donks and their goofy web sites.
At least there were ballots to count…… What about the millions of ballots cast in the 2004 election that were overwhelmingly Black, and never counted. And it gets worse. If you are a black vet, you would not be able to vote in Florida, or Ohio. Sorry.
Uh.. DOOFUS. No.. Documented like this:
Last winter, Haq began attending a weekly men’s group meeting led by a member of the Word of Faith Church in Kennewick.
The group’s leader, Albert Montelongo, said Haq started studying the Bible and in December he underwent a water baptism at the non-denominational church, performed by Montelongo. He said Haq accepted his new faith, though he knew that he would also be offending his own family and its deeply rooted culture. His father, Mian Haq, was among the founders of the Islamic Center of the Tri-Cities in Richland.
Montelongo said Haq seemed depressed by the tension that had grown between him and his family. And he said Haq talked about suffering from bipolar disorder. But that he seemed to improve in how he coped with what Montelongo described as his own anger.
He was a Christian and a mentally-ill one at that.
Reminds me of some idiot who throws the same crap against the wall each night hoping it will stick.
I have come to the conclusion that most fundamentalist Christians, Muslims, Jews and fundy Catholics are actually Satan worshipers.
They seam to to nothing but harm other people and hate every one that is not like them .
The still seam to want to burn people they don’t like at the stake.
And are completely blinded to there own hypocrisy and hurt fullness.
I would take print in Mother Jones any day over the lies that roll off our president’s lips.
You can keep defending this liar if you want. I would rather live in reality….
My god man, wake up! Smell the frigging blood!!!!
What about the millions of ballots cast in the 2004 election that were overwhelmingly Black, and never counted.
Commentby Facts Support My Positions— 8/30/06@ 9:51 pm
Oh those were military ballots that never got mailed out. The KCRE failed to mail thousand of them and mailed most of them late. This is just one democratic county. If you take them all into account it would equal millions. Here read this:
From Navy Seals.com
By Chad Miles
A recent report issued by the National Defense Committee, a nonprofit organization that supports the U.S. military and encourages veterans to run for elective office, recently found that 25 percent of ballots cast by military personnel in the 2004 presidential election went uncounted. Incredibly, that rate of disenfranchisement could be even higher due to the fact that the study relied on voluntary disclosure of information from local election officials.
Unfortunately, the issue of soldiers being disenfranchised during an election is nothing new. We all remember the 2000 Florida recount fiasco and the events surrounding it. During that election, the rate of uncounted ballots cast by members of the armed forces was even higher at a staggering 29 percent nationwide.
In Florida, which turned out to be the pivotal state in determining the winner of the 2000 election, around 1,400 military absentee votes were left uncounted, largely because of the role of lawyers working for the Democratic Party at local canvassing boards who followed a directive from the party to challenge all military ballots on the premise that they likely were votes for Republican nominee George W. Bush.
Although many lawmakers vowed that the level of disenfranchisement seen in the aftermath of that election would never happen again, it looks like it did.
According to the committee’s study, “Military and Overseas Absentee Voting in the 2004 Election,” the largest problem in managing military absentee ballots is not hostile attorneys, but rather what military historians call “the tyranny of distance” – the unavoidable difficulties inherent in getting ballots to our deployed military people serving overseas.
During the election in 2000, the study found that, 30 percent of military personnel did not receive their ballot in time to cast a vote. When you combine that figure with the number of votes that were tossed out for various reasons – including arriving to the absentee voters via snail mail past voting deadlines – you can see that the scope of the problem is enormous.
The challenge of getting ballots to soldiers was even worse during the 2004 election due to the post-9/11 deployments of military units to Iraq, Afghanistan and dozens of other countries in support of the Global War on Terror, the committee found. Units frequently on the move and mail delays caused by local threats such as the danger of roadside bombs made the task of getting ballots to the troops even more daunting.
However, military absentee voters once again in 2004 found themselves the target of partisan political maneuvering as had happened in Florida four years earlier.
Recognizing the fact that more time would be needed to count all of the military ballots arriving from overseas, the Pennsylvania legislature in 2004 requested that Gov. Edward G. Rendell authorize a two-week extension for the acceptance of military ballots to compensate for the issues surrounding the wartime situation in which our soldiers are now engaged.
However, in Pennsylvania in 2004, as in Florida in 2000, political operatives were motivated by their longstanding knowledge that a strong majority of military voters generally supports Republican candidates.
Rendell, a Democrat, initially refused the request to assist military absentee voters. But it later was discovered that he had launched an aggressive “get out the vote” information campaign within the state’s prison population, informing inmates of voting rights and providing them with absentee ballots for the election. Other studies have shown that a majority of the prison voting population supports Democratic candidates. The adverse publicity prompted Rendell to approve the extension for military overseas voters.
In Washington state, the U.S. Justice Department threatened to sue less than a month before the 2004 election because election officials had yet to even mail out absentee ballots to military personnel overseas. What may have been bureaucratic incompetence may well have altered the outcome of that state’s gubernatorial election.
The Washington state governor’s race between Republican nominee Dino Rossi and Democratic nominee Christine Gregoire turned out to be even tighter than the Florida presidential vote count in 2000. The Republican candidate won the first two re-counts but ultimately lost the third by 128 votes. With a total of 31,910 overseas ballots mailed out for that election, it’s easy to see that even a few lost, late or missing military votes made a huge impact in the election, ultimately deciding the race.
When it was time for Congress to ratify the 2004 election results and electoral vote count for the offices of President and Vice President during a joint session last December, two Democratic legislators challenged the results on the basis of voting irregularities and disenfranchisement. Was someone finally going to raise the issue of one-fourth of our deployed military men and women not having a voice in the democratic process? No.
The challenge concerned votes cast in the state of Ohio, which turned out to be the pivotal state in 2004 with enough electoral votes to swing the election and the Presidency to John Kerry. The challenge centered on disqualification of a newly created provisional ballot, not the military vote, and was nothing more than a symbolic protest by the party that had lost the presidential election.
It appears that once again the rights of military overseas voters are no longer an issue within the political establishment.
We should not have to still be struggling with this issue. Before the 2004 election, the Department of Defense launched an online voting system called the Secure Electronic Registration and Voting Experiment (SERVE), designed to give military personnel deployed around the world the ability to vote instantly online. This would have obviously corrected the problems surrounding the reliance of postal mail for balloting, and put an end to the partisan shenanigans we saw in Florida with Democratic Party lawyers targeting military voters for ballot rejection.
Alas, DoD officials opted to shut down the SERVE program before the election due to security concerns dealing with the sensitive nature of the data and the possibility of illegitimate votes being tabulated. Since DoD manages to send thousands of classified messages daily around the globe, many of them stamped “Top Secret,” it is hard to imagine that these security and privacy concerns cannot be resolved.
It is ridiculous to have our troops filling out paper ballots and placing them in the mail in a day and age when publicly available technology allows you to take a picture and send it to someone on the other side of the world with a small cellphone. The disenfranchisement on the scale that we have seen in recent years is unacceptable, but it is definitely correctible.
If DoD officials take the time to develop a secure and dependable electronic voting system, some election results may be drastically different in the years to come – but unlike the number of contested elections we have seen since 2000, the results will more likely reflect the judgment of all of the voters – including those serving in harm’s way to protect our freedoms.
Contributing Editor Chad Miles is a U.S. Army veteran who served with the 82nd Airborne Division and the 5th Special Forces Group during the 1990s. He founded the website WhoServed.com, which tracks the military service of previous and current U.S. government leaders, and is currently pursuing a degree in political science from the University of Michigan – Dearborn. He can be reached at chad@whoserved.com. Send Feedback responses to dwfeedback@yahoo.com.
When it comes to disenfrachising millions of our best Americans no one comes close to todays democratic party.
Lest we never forget…
Were the Jew persecuters conservative or liberal?
He visited the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs
Errrrr.. Colorado Springs? Well that settles that.
Enjoy you fundie wingnuts…
I thought all Christian were mentally-ill?
I thought all Christian were mentally-ill?
ok well 98% of them
Heading to bed, but before I go, I just want to kill one of those zombie lies that keeps coming up and even made another appearance in this thread.
In an August 27, 2004 op-ed in the Wall Street Journal “Swiftie” John O’Neill demanded that Kerry “execute Standard Form 180 so the American people can see your complete military record.” On May 20, 2005, Kerry did exactly that. His entire record is public. It has been examined at length. He has been vindicated.
Wow! Tribalism with a vengeance — thanks for showing us how that works, FascistFuck.
My friends, there are terrorists in America. Every year, they kill innocent Americans — men, women, and children. They live among us, send their children to our schools, attend our churches, and infiltrate our workplaces. They are predominantly white and middle class.
Last year, these terrorists killed 16885 Americans, in 2004 they killed 16694 of our neighbors, in 2003 they killed 17105 of us, in 2002 they killed 17524, in 2001 they killed 17400, in 2000 they killed 17380 … they’ve been racking up a death toll for years and decades: 1999, 16572; 1998, 16673; 1997, 16711; 1996, 17749; 1995, 17732; 1994, 17308; 1993, 17908; 1992, 18290; 1991, 20159; 1990, 22587; 1989, 22424; 1988, 23833; 1987, 24094; 1986, 25017; 1985, 23167 … (sources of data: 2005, http://tinyurl.com/hq8ny; other years, http://tinyurl.com/j4yxj).
These terrorists are relatively easy to profile; the majority are young, white, and male.
Where’s the outcry against these domestic terrorists, who take many multiples of innocent lives more than all our foreign enemies put together — even more than all our wars? Why don’t we send armies against them, bomb their bases, and spend trillions to defeat them?
It wouldn’t take trillians. It doesn’t even require bombs. We know who they are. We could stop the carnage simply by taking away their cars and, if that doesn’t get them off the roads, locking them up indefinitely (like we do to sex predators).
Here is the face of our deadliest enemy: http://tinyurl.com/on76f
Okay, okay, so Mike? Who hasn’t killed anybody — yet. It’s a cheap shot. WTF, their guys take cheap shots at our candidates every day; what’s good for the goose is good for the gander, I say.
I just wanted to put things in perspective. We live in a dangerous world. Some of the dangers are intentional, some are accidental or acts of God or nature; many are products of human nature. Statistically, we’re more likely to be killed by a non-union mechanic at a non-union airline, than by Al Qaeda. And we’re far more likely to be killed by a drunk driver than by a terrorist attack or a war. It may not be a stretch to suggest that some Baby Boomers spent the safest year of their youth in Vietnam — they were safer there than on our highways back home. (A case in point: One of my buddies in Vietnam died 4 days after returning to the States.)
Like I said, the purpose of this post is to put things in perspective. Our country was attacked on Sept. 11, 2001, and 3,000 of our fellow citizens were murdered that day. We’ve got to do something about that. We can’t ignore the instability, violence, hatreds, and conflicts that afflict the world we live in until they come to our shores — we all agree on that. We can’t ignore the risk that madmen may get hold of a nuclear weapon and use it against one of our cities — that’s obvious.
We should all be pulling together on this. Unfortunately, the GOP chose to destroy our national unity by exploiting the terror attacks for partisan gain. Republicans blindly follow a leadership that didn’t make terrorism a high priority — and still doesn’t. Staying in power, and imposing their regressive economic agenda, is more important to them than national safety. They’ve made, as Redneck would say, “bad choices.”
Mike? Who made a “bad choice” when he drank and drove. (So did Ted Kennedy.) Where’s the outrage? Where’s the stereotyping? What we hear from wingnuts is outrage against Kennedy’s drinking and driving, but not a peep about McGavick’s drinking and driving. In other words, very selective outrage.
Meanwhile, they hate people who have done nothing to us — except be of a different color, religion, or cultural tradition, and seek refuge in our country from poverty, war, ethnic hatred, religious persecution, genocide, or all of the above.
Tribalism at its stupidest and meanest. Thanks for showing us the way back to the Stone Age, wingnuts.
“The KCRE needed three times to get a count they liked.” Commentby RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedy— 8/30/06@ 9:46 pm
This post shows what an ignorant lying fuck Dufus is. KCRE didn’t request the recounts, jackass. Under state law, parties and candidates have the right to request the recounts provided by law, and the Democratic Party chose to exercise that right. Suck on it.
Reminds me of some idiot who throws the same crap against the wall each night hoping it will stick.
Commentby For the Clueless— 8/30/06@ 9:53 pm
I do post that Seattle times article often dont I. Well not as often as he complained about conservatives in the Tri Cities but often enough. heehe
Lefties = The real Nazi Jew killers.
KCRE didn’t request the recounts, jackass. Under state law, parties and candidates have the right to request the recounts provided by law, and the Democratic Party chose to exercise that right. Suck on it.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/30/06@ 10:10 pm
Yeah and judging by how widely the counts were off the KCRE cant count. Hell they were still finding ballots after the first recount. Democrat KCRE workers are incompetents at best and cheats at the worst. Well they are both.
Good Lord, Roger. You scared us. You have been missing in action all day. I thought they got you. I thought you were part of some rich Republicans trophy wifes coat collection. I also heard Bush is trashing the rest of the Constitution and declaring a state of emergency, appointing himself president until further notice, because they found WMD at Greenlake.
Carl Grossman
Liberal, Democrat and Bunny Hugger!
“Oh those were military ballots that never got mailed out. The KCRE failed to mail thousand of them and mailed most of them late.”
“Jan. 5, 2005
“Fact Sheet
“Military and Overseas Ballots
“Recent reports and messages raise concerns regarding the efforts made by King County to ensure our military service personnel and overseas voters were provided an opportunity to vote in the Nov. 2 General Election. The following provides a summary of extensive efforts to assist this important voter population.
“Date of Initial Mailing of Military/Overseas Ballots:
King County Elections began mailing oversea and military ballots for the General Election on Oct.1, 2004. These were from an absentee category referred to as ‘submarine’ or ‘special absentee ballots’ for voters who may not be able to receive a regular absentee ballot within the timeframe necessary to participate in the election.
“The bulk of the military and overseas ballots were mailed on Oct.6 with some mailings in between these two dates and subsequent mailings as further requests were received.
“Number of military/overseas ballots issued on that date:
“On Oct.1, 246 ballots were issued
“On Oct.10, 3055 ballots were issued
“For the Oct.7 mailing, King County prioritized our mail-out to ensure military and overseas ballots were mailed as soon as they were available and within the timeframes required by state law and guidelines from the United State Department of Justice.
“Total number of military/overseas ballots issued in the General Election:
“15,289 ballots that were issued were designated in voter categories that would include military personnel and overseas voters (any RS, RM, Subs).
“Number of military/overseas ballots returned and counted: 12,474 counted out of 12,694 were received (from same categories referenced above).
“In addition to regular absentee ballots available to military personnel and overseas voters, King County was responsive to constraints on the timely receipt of ballots by these voters. Ballots were provided by facsimile and via email to accommodate voters who contacted our office and who had not received their regular ballot prior to the date of the election. Several hundred of these ballots were issued.
“The Federal Voting Assistance Program, a program of the United States Department of Defense monitors services for military and overseas voters. Under federal law, a federal write-in ballot is also available from armed services voting assistance officers to allow service members the opportunity to cast a ballot for federal office. These ballots are accepted and counted even if the service member is not listed as a registered voter in the jurisdiction where they indicate their residence.
“Number of Federal Write-in ballots received and counted:
“1,342 write-in ballots received and 1,081 validated and counted.
“Some reports have indicated a significant number of military and overseas ballots that were received too late to be counted. King County records report a small number of such ballots that were received after the certification of the election.
“Number of military/overseas/Federal Write-in ballots received too late:
“16 ballots
“King County went the extra mile to meet the requirements of federal and state law in serving our military personnel and overseas voters – and in providing access to a ballot.”
Roger Rabbit comment: Wingnuts just can’t deal with the reality that their candidate LOST the most carefully counted and closely observed election in state history. If they didn’t create a “we wuz robbed” myth, they would suffer a collective nervous breakdown. They need someone to blame, so they blame the Democrats, Gregoire, and King County Elections. All of this is evidence of severe mental and emotional impairments.
30,”Just remember, when we““got rid of Saddam” we were in charge of security. Every single death in Iraq is 100% Bush’’s fault, for lack of any sort of realistic strategic planning to provide any form of security. Especially since Iraq was no threat, this makes it pre-meditated murder. Every single civilian death is Bush’’s fault. Period. We removed Saddam, and could not keep these animals from killing each other. It is still our responsibility, and we have failed miserably because of the liar in chief, and always wrong rummy.”
Commentby Facts Support My Positions—— 8/30/06@ 9:30 pm
Re: “We removed Saddam, and could not keep these animals from killing each other,” it’s nice to see a lib swerve into the truth. A great paean for Moslem immigration and diversity.
Lest we never forget…
Were the anti-semites conservative or liberal?
He [Weinstein] visited the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs
Hmmmmm.. Colorado Springs? Well that settles that.
Enjoy you fundie wingnuts…
It is nice to see the WingNut miss the point completely. We should not have been there in the first place. Fucking try to comprehend what you read. Thnk.
“Candidate’s R-rated Web site comes back to haunt him
“05:56 PM PDT on Wednesday, August 30, 2006
“ABERDEEN, Wash. – … What may have started as a joke now has serious consequences for Republican Rhys Davis. …
“Four years ago, Davis created a Web site called ‘Racks by Rhys.’ The page … featured shots of cleavage, even full-frontal nudity. The site said breasts were a hobby. …
“Despite Davis’ overexposure, county Republican Party officials say they’ll continue to back him.
“‘It’s really hard to get people to run anyway because their lives come under the microscope. If we’re looking for perfect candidates, we’re on the wrong planet. Rhys is a great guy, respected in this community, he’s not perfect, but no one else is either,’ said Cathy Colley, chairwoman. …
“Davis … is hoping to unseat County Commissioner Al Carter and capture the District 3 seat for the Republicans for the first time in 50 years. District 3 is comprised of Westport, Hoquiam, Ocean Shores and the North Beach area. Both candidates live in Hoquiam.”
This article is quoted under the Fair Use doctrine; for complete story and/or copyright info, see http://tinyurl.com/ptljd
Roger Rabbit comment: Let’s take a second look at the GOP spokes-apologist’s statement: “If we’re looking for perfect candidates, we’re on the wrong planet … he’s not perfect, but no one else is either.” This from the party that invented “swift-boating.” Can you say HYPOCRITE. And where the fuck are the “moral values” that Republicans always talk about? This guy put up a prurient web site about BREASTS, for God’s sake! What most of us call “soft porn.” And you think he’s a suitable candidate for a county commissioner post, lady? Hey — to quote Redneck — it’s about “values” and “bad choices.”
That guy’s outta here. Next.
More rabbit bullshit form the KCRE web site. Here is the real truth:
In Washington state, the U.S. Justice Department threatened to sue less than a month before the 2004 election because election officials had yet to even mail out absentee ballots to military personnel overseas. What may have been bureaucratic incompetence may well have altered the outcome of that state’s gubernatorial election.
The Washington state governor’s race between Republican nominee Dino Rossi and Democratic nominee Christine Gregoire turned out to be even tighter than the Florida presidential vote count in 2000. The Republican candidate won the first two re-counts but ultimately lost the third by 128 votes. With a total of 31,910 overseas ballots mailed out for that election, it’s easy to see that even a few lost, late or missing military votes made a huge impact in the election, ultimately deciding the race.
Rabbit relies on KCRE propaganda. The truth is that the ballots were mailed out late. Until we get independent verification of what KCRE says is true the KCRE should not be trusted.
Roger – I love it. The WSRP has just let another Will Baker slip through!
By the way, DOOFUS did you vote for Will Baker? I bet you’d vote for this Rhys Davis guy in a heartbeat.
I mean, how can voters take seriously anyone who puts up a web site about hooters?
Say, speaking of Republican candidates, according to Wikipedia this one is running for lieutenant governor of California. http://www.marycarey.com/ Oh, and let’s not forget her scrape with the law in Tacoma … http://tinyurl.com/g8t7f …
Yup, the GOP is the “values” party.
Mike! McGavick and Mary Carey are both Republican candidates … who woulda thunk? I guess the GOP is just a big tent, huh?
Q: What do Mike! McGavick and Mary Carey have in common?
A: Their chests are bigger than their brains, especially when they puff them out.
I wonder how much McGavick tips exotic dancers? We already know how much he tips waitresses.
“In Washington state, the U.S. Justice Department threatened to sue less than a month before the 2004 election because election officials had yet to even mail out absentee ballots to military personnel overseas.” Commentby RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedy— 8/30/06@ 10:28 pm
Perhaps you could enlighten us (and DOJ) how KCRE was supposed to print and mail the November ballots before the September primary election was certified?
Maybe you could come up with some stats showing when the Republican counties certified the September primary and mailed their ballots?
“With a total of 31,910 overseas ballots mailed out for that election, it’s easy to see that even a few lost, late or missing military votes made a huge impact in the election, ultimately deciding the race.” Commentby RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedy— 8/30/06@ 10:28 pm
Yes, I agree, and that’s what it’s remarkable — and to KCRE’s credit — that of 15,000+ military/overseas ballots, only 16 were disqualified for being received late.
(And, for all we know, possibly none of those were military ballots, and possibly all of them were delayed by the voters themselves.)
Man, the wingnuts get slammed hard by the facts every time they bring up their myths and lies about the 2004 governor’s election, don’t they?
The military tracks the casualties precisely and accurately. It’s error rate is one that any bank or financial institution would be very proud of………..
Let’s recap:
Winner of 2004 election: http://tinyurl.com/lwks6
Loser of 2004 election: http://tinyurl.com/hzy69
“The truth is that the ballots were mailed out late.” Commentby RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedy— 8/30/06@ 10:28 pm
Tell us something, Dufus … if there was a violation, why didn’t Bush’s partisan Department of Justice do something about it? Hmmmm? Why no DOJ lawsuit? Why no DOJ investigation? Because there was no violation of federal law to investigate, dumbass, that’s why.
Sorry, lying wingnut, but simply saying “if KCRE says it, it must be a lie” doesn’t cut the mustard. Stefan was given access to 600,000 KCRE documents; where’s his proof that military ballots were mailed late? Why didn’t the Republicans make an issue of this with Judge Bridges in their $2 million lawsuit? Because it’s nothing but lies and propaganda, that’s why.
This has been a tough day for the wingnuts.
Yes, I agree, and that’s what it’s remarkable – and to KCRE’s credit – that of 15,000+ military/overseas ballots, only 16 were disqualified for being received late.
(And, for all we know, possibly none of those were military ballots, and possibly all of them were delayed by the voters themselves.)
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/30/06@ 10:46 pm
Man, the wingnuts get slammed hard by the facts every time they bring up their myths and lies about the 2004 governor’s election, don’t they?
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/30/06@ 10:47 pm
To bad you facts are from the KCRE. Keep trying.
Speaking of elections, what happened to “sillyguy” and his idea of amending the state constitution to require revotes in close elections? Did that ever get off the ground? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I.....hopter.JPG
I prefer KCRE’s facts to your myths.
Seriously now, folks, are you going to believe a nonpartisan elections department of a county government, or a partisan shill like Dufus for a sore loser like Rossi?
Who is more likely to tell you bullshit?
[ ] 1. One of the largest non-partisan county election departments in the nation, or
[ ] 2. A wingnut with a 3rd grade education, fried brain, and unused semen backed up to his eyeballs?
Why is it that playing online poker in the privacy of your home is a Class C felony and drunk driving for the FIFTH time only gets you 1 year in jail?
Was the Seattle judge really serious when she told the permanently drunk woman that she hoped she would get treatment when she gets out of prison this time? Why didn’t she get state mandated treatment after the first DUI or how about after she killed someone with her drunk driving?
What is it about public safety and locking offenders up in prison to protect society that this royal blue state doesn’t understand?
Tell us something, Dufus … if there was a violation, why didn’t Bush’s partisan Department of Justice do something about it? Hmmmm? Why no DOJ lawsuit? Why no DOJ investigation? Because there was no violation of federal law to investigate, dumbass, that’s why.
Sorry, lying wingnut, but simply saying “if KCRE says it, it must be a lie” doesn’t cut the mustard. Stefan was given access to 600,000 KCRE documents; where’s his proof that military ballots were mailed late? Why didn’t the Republicans make an issue of this with Judge Bridges in their $2 million lawsuit? Because it’s nothing but lies and propaganda, that’s why.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/30/06@ 10:56 pm
Wow you just made the case on why the dems didn’t sue over Florida and Ohio in the presidential race. All lies baby. In the course of an investigation you guys would get slaughtered. Why would Bush sue over a governor’s race in Washington State? Do governors serve in congress? There was a law suit over the Washington race and yes we lost. At least we have some good ammo for 08 unlike hehehehe Diebold. heheehe
Good question, Mac. I’m amazed and dismayed by how lenient our state licensing department and courts are about taking away driver’s licenses.
I suspect their theory is, these idiots will drive anyway, so let’s keep them licensed to keep track of them.
I have a better idea: http://tinyurl.com/gy87b
Open wide and take your medicine DOOFUS:
Were the Jew persecuters liberal or conservative?
Weinstein says Curtis recounted eight or nine separate incidents in which cadets and officers had made anti-Semitic remarks. One came in the heat of athletic competition, when an upperclassman taunted: “How does it make you feel to know that you killed Jesus Christ?”
Now for the other side of the story we have the poo DOOFUS has been flinging against the wall for the last month.
Well, that poo just didn’t stick DOOFUS. Enjoy you fundie wingnuts.
Seriously now, folks, are you going to believe a nonpartisan elections department of a county government, or a partisan shill like Dufus for a sore loser like Rossi?
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/30/06@ 11:07 pm
Of course you would think the KCRE is non partisan, your a donk. If you want non partisan go to the ACVR website.
DOOFUS is still flinging that ACVR poo against the wall..
Non-partisan my ass.
Because Democrats couldn’t drink Liberally every week without getting thrown in the slammer and then they couldn’t vote.
And of course Ted Kennedy could never set foot into this state, or maybe I should say set feet into this state, or maybe I should say set feet and both hands in this state.
PS: Just watch whose rabbit hole you piss in when you step outta your car for a needed relief stop…he he
Gaseous Sh*thead:
We were sober enough to bury I-912.
Gaseous Sh*thead:
We were sober enough to convince a Republican judge that you (un)SP guys were full of crap!!!!
Shall I go on?
We were sober enough to convince a Republican judge that you (un)SP guys were full of crap!!!!
Shall I go on?
Commentby For the Clueless— 8/30/06@ 11:32 pm
So what is your point. A bunch of lawyers convinced a jury that OJ was inocent. Doesn’t mean he was or the the election wasn’t stolen.
Hey Gas,
Care to make another prediction for November?
I just love it when you make predictions! Please, Gas, please!!!
87 – I wasn’t talking to you – see 81.
So your point being that since republicans call Jews names it make it right for lefties to go out and kill Jews? Is that what you are trying to get at Clueless? hahahaa You are rich. hehe
“If you want non partisan go to the ACVR website.” Commentby RUFUS Fitzgerald Kennedy— 8/30/06@ 11:23 pm
Desperation time for the wingnut idiot who throws a Hail Mary pass to the wrong goal line.
For the complete story of how ACVR is nothing but a GOP front organization for GOP propaganda, see http://www.bradblog.com/ACVR.htm
ACVR was set up by GOP operatives, and its “headquarters” is a 3-inch by 3-inch mailbox in a Dallas strip mall.
I work the night shift, and it’s time for me to hop up the hill to Keystone Place to sample the latest delicacies growing in Stefan’s garden — and fertilize his lawn.
Later, trollfuck traitors. I’ll see you when I see you — if they don’t hang you first.
Poll question- Who would you trust most:
A) The American center for voting rights
B) A county ran by Dean Logan and a bunch of cheating democrats.
If you answered A you are correct. If you answered B your baggie of crack is waiting for you in the back alley. hehehe
ACVR was set up by GOP operatives, and its “headquarters” is a 3-inch by 3-inch mailbox in a Dallas strip mall.
Commentby Roger Rabbit— 8/30/06@ 11:45 pm
Why not. Thousands of King county street drunks who vote democrat live in them on Aurora, why cant you have an office in one.
DOOFUS – Haq was mentally ill. YOU are mentally ill.
You don’t know your ass from a hole in the ground.
Go to bed.
Ah it has been fun making fun of you donks tonight. I am sure we will see a lot more cheating from the left come this November. The way things are headed you will need it cause the democrat “ship be sinking” heehhe
How could I forget?
Thanks DOOFUS for your prediction.
May it be as accurate as GS’ many predictions.
May your new prediction be as spot-on as your old prediction was for I-912.
Goldie, the link to your act blue page is pointed to the netroots page…..