@2: No, one was a complete and abject failure. That would be the one you support. The one who:
Created the largest budget deficit in history
Has the worst economic performance since Hoover – but kept insisting the fundamentals of the economy were strong – even as the titanic went down.
Lied about WMDs
Got us into an unnecessary war
Was asleep at the helm on 9/11
Approved torture
Approved illegal wiretapping
Approved the worst AG and crony in history (Alberto (victim) Gonzalez)
Hired the worst crony to run FEMA (Brownie) and then had the worst disaster relief in US
Pardoned a convicted criminal who betrayed our country by outing a CIA agent.
Failed to get bin Laden, allowed him to escape in Tora bora, and allowed the Taliban and bin laden to rebuild in Afghanistan.
Supported Musharaff – another hapless dictator.
proud leftistspews:
Yeah, I know, but other than that, don’t you think he did a pretty good job?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Oooooo — this is like the questions on the Law School Admission Test, where you have to guess which two of several very similar stick figures most closely resemble each other, and if you’re good at this you get to become a lawyer like crackpiper did, which proves you don’t have to be either smart or coherent to be a lawyer! You do need a certain intuitive feel for how to answer questions on a multiple-guess test, though. (They use your GPA to figure out your competency for bullshitting on essay-type tests.)
Okay, let’s see, which of these stick figures is different from the others? That’s easy — the one in the middle. There’s a whole bunch of dead giveaways. First of all, the other 4 are real people, but the one in the middle was carved from a block of wood by one of those chainsaw carver guys. You can see the tell-tale saw marks all over it. Second, it’s not moving, which is a sure sign that it’s not alive. Third, the only place you find a stupid smirk like that is on totem poles and badly-executed wood art. It has a function on totem poles, but what you see in the picture is just bad art, probably done by a beginning wood carver. Fourth, it’s not saying anything intelligent, which indicates it’s either a wood statue or a Republican, or both. Fifth, it’s obvious from its guilty expression that’s the one who just farted, while the others are trying to laugh it off. Sixth, the one in the middle is the only one with a chimp’s face. Yeah, the one in the middle stands out from the crowd, like the bedraggled Christmas tree the recycling truck left on the curb when everyone else’s got picked up.
The bird’s-eye view contests are harder than this.
@10 Piper went to college and actually passed the bar exam??? No offence, Roger, but my opinion of attorneys just took a nose-dive and it wasn’t all that high to begin with. Well, the exception being rabbits who practice law, of course.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@11 When I was a little bunny and dreamed of growing up to become a lawyer, I thought you had to be smart to be a lawyer. What a laugh that turned out to be! Yeah, crackpiper used to be a lawyer, and so was Nixon, and even Ann Coulter is (or was) a lawyer. You don’t need any smarts or humanity to become a lawyer, just a gluttony for self-inflicted punishment. If we had more women and rabbits in the profession, we would avoid a lot of problems.
@12 And then he ended up headhunting. I can see now how that might have been a better gig for him – no dues required.
I know the answer! George Jr is the only one wearing clean underwear. The others are full.
I can tell.
Jaunita Broaddrickspews:
– Only one of five is not a dead white male?
– Only one of five has been credibly accused of rape?
Jaunita Broaddrickspews:
… even Ann Coulter is (or was) a lawyer … If we had more women and rabbits in the profssion …
Meaning that Ann Coulter is (or was) a woman …
All you really need to be your basic fuckshit lawyer is a really good imagination: “As Erwin N. Griswold, then one of the Court’s most effective defenders, wryly put it in 1965, ‘Some things have been recently found in the Federal Constitution that were not previously known to be there.'”
– quoted by fair use in Leuchtenburg’s book about incorporation (i.e. packing the 14th Amendment)
@14 “I can tell.”
I’m really, really hoping that you’re not going to explain how it is that you’ve deduced this little tidbit.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 “Meaning that Ann Coulter is (or was) a woman … ”
That’s a matter of dispute.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@16 “All you really need to be your basic fuckshit lawyer is a really good imagination”
This demonstrates your complete ignorance of the law. Lawyering is not a creative occupation. Legal employers do not want their associates to be imaginative! You’re paid to do things the way they’ve always been done, and to not deviate from established practices. Thinking for yourself is a sure path to self-employment or non-employment! If you want to be creative, get a job as a Republican speechwriter.
I do my best to be just like I amspews:
Since you don’t have to be smart to become a lawyer, what does that say about the middle one in the bunch who was rejected by the Univeristy of Texas law school?
This photo must cause great pain to the right wing fools. This photo presents evidence of the pain, suffering and utter humiliation you punks and idiots will face Jan 20.
We bent you over and ass fucked you Nov 4. You were laughed at. You were ridiculed – and the result – we have an African – American President from the Democratic party. MAN THAT HAS TO HURT!
15,16 Awwww. How sweet. The return of the cur.
I’m going to dig up some nuggets from the past DOOFUS and we’ll all laugh at what a fool you are.
Puddybud, Hey it's the New Year...spews:
Wow #8 So many things to refute, but I’m going to watch sports.
Puddybud, Hey it's the New Year...spews:
One likes his cigars with a wet feminine scent.
One needs to have his peace prize revoked.
One needs to prove he won’t vote present.
Mr. Frenchspews:
re 2: Why do you choose to be an Idiot?
Mr. Frenchspews:
re 24: One was fiscally responsible and left this country in good economic shape. One tried to get the ball rolling on alternative energy but was stymied by an Alzheimer’s victim that Republicans felt was a ‘great’ president — although the highest his popularity ever rose was 52% — after he invaded Tijuana to make Republicans feel happy about America again. One said “No new taxes”, and after he was elected and raised taxes explained that he was raising ‘old’ taxes — not new ones. One is retarded and one is not a former president.
Clinton has on a blue shirt.
Bush I has his hands in his pockets.
Obama has the shiniest suit.
Roger @10: I think it’s just a cardboard cutout of Bush II. Everybody knows his academic records were forged and he’s still in the 3rd grade. Couldn’t miss puppet-time, could he?
One is a sitting President…and he finds himself between Barack and a hard place.
(Sorry…couldn’t resist that one.)
you guys kill me, you’re supposed to be so tolerant and against bigotry, yet you post an obvious racial joke.
I can see Obama still running his head,He hasn’t shut up since before he was elected, in the primaries,it seems he has all the answers, and all the past presidents and present sitting are laughing, becuase they know he thinks he is the one.They are thinking,balls in your court, mr Obama,Have a great game.
As far as the difference,Presidents always wear in public solid ties… oops but I guess you couldn’t call Jimmy Carter much of a president.Kinda like Bill Clinton,With his raging testosterone wasn’t much of one either. They look alot alike to me and the one thats not paying attention smiles alot like Bill…hmmmmmmmmmm you think they are related?
Hmm, that reminds me about Carter.
He proposed a path toward energy independence. If followed by his successors, we wouldn’t have had to be involved in the Middle East for the past fifteen years or so, by-passing Gulf Wars 1 and II entirely. U.S. troops wouldn’t have been in Saudi Arabia following Gulf War I, which is the issue which Osama Bin Laden used to coalesce his support in the 1990’s. No Al Quida = no 9/11.
He reorganized the U.S. military into an all-volunteer professional force with an Air Force with stealth capability, M1 Abrams tanks, Bradley fighting vehicles, and helicopter gunships capable of taking on Soviet armor. He got the blame when the budget increased and their wasn’t enough money to give the military personnel raises, too. Reagan got the credit when those new weapons systems came on-line.
Carter instituted severe cost-savings on administrative overhead, causing Reagan staffers to complain that their offices were only being cleaned by the janitors once a week. Reagan’s first budget director admitted that if Carter’s budgets had been allowed to continue, the budget would have been balanced within eight years – rather than the twenty years it took, and another Democratic administraion, to accomplish that goal.
Not to bad for a President whom the Republicans love to hate – especially when compared with the current President.
Why do you hate America, @22? Why did you steal the Baby Jesus from the plastic manger on my lawn? (And don’t try any archival bottom feeding. Last time you did that, you dredged up the wrong HNMT. Really hurt my feelings.)
rhp: Carter the visionalry? WTF (What the Fox?!) His path to energy independence was … cardigans and food in the gastank. But give him and Fat Ted credit for getting the deregulation ball rolling. Worked to our advantage when the petro bubble burst in the early 1980s. 25 good years were the result, but thanks mostly to Ray Gun.
So Rabbit is a benched, beached fuckshit lawyer because … he thought for himself. Uh huh.
The name ‘Griswold’ ring any bells, Rabbit? The date, 1965, have a little fizz of frisson? Why, wasn’t 1965 the year before … Griswold v. Connecticut? When the imagination of a hack lawyer from WA State ran wild in emanations and penumbras and fever dreams?
Ann Coulter: There are those who believe she’s somewhere between is/was a woman and is/was a man. Something about a trachea shave and reassignment surgery. Since you and Hot Damn Ann were riding the Hillary bandwagon together, I thought you could give us the True Romance true story. That is, if you’re not too busy being an underemployed/unemployed slacker.
As for my nervous breakdown, it’s my 19th, fuck you very much. How’s your scrofula?
@34 “How’s your scrofula?”
That line reminds me of the time I was discussing here how Samuel Johnson had died of gout. A half dozen HA trolls responded by hyperventilating in the thread comments. Apparently they had misread what I had written and had mistakenly concluded that Ol’ Sam had “died of goat”. Kind as I am to our HA trolls, I hastily cleared things up for them.
Carter was also the idiot that guaranteed that we (the US) would remain intimately involved in the middle east, for the foreseeable future. The Hostage Crisis ring any bells? A small tactical nuke up Khomeini’s shute would have stopped that shit cold, thus preventing the decades of Islamic extremism that followed the successful humilation of the “Great Satan”.
And that isn’t even talking about the sheer insanity of hanging a perfectly good puppet (Shah Pahlavi) out to dry, and then turning around and offering him sanctuary, with the next goddamned breath.
The Shah was toast by 1978, anyway. He had lost all his support, and if he didn’t get out of town he was going to be lynched in the streets.
Nothing we could do about that, unless you envision about a half-million U.S. troops in Iran for the next thirty years trying to put down a fundamentalist islamic rebellion where they think dying fighting the “Crusaders” is an great thing. Killing the Iyotolah (sp?) would have just made him a martyr, anyway, to be replaced by others who were waiting in the wings.
And don’t forget that Iran shared a boarder with the Soviet Union. Nothing like having U.S. and Soviet troops facing off from each other during a tense time in a region where one of the locals could start a war by killing a U.S. soldier, taking his uniform, and then firing some shots at a Soviet border crossing point. There’s a good reason why we tried to avoid being in such close proximity to each other during the Cold War (with the exception of Berlin).
Using tactical nukes???? Sure, THAT would make things better!!!! (bitter sarcasim intended).
Using tactical nukes???? Sure, THAT would make things better!!!! (bitter sarcasim intended).
I understand, but let me ask you this – could it have made the last 3 decades over there any worse than they were? It sure as hell wouldn’t have killed any more Iranians/Iraqis then actually died, as it’s unlikely that there would have been an Iraq/Iran war, without the apparent instability the Khomeini regime engendered. That particular war, remember, killed millions. Anyway, though it’s unlikely that you’ll agree with the premise; perhaps it’s something to think about?
I see four adults and a child.
Which is twice the number of adults that post here.
“One of these kids is doing his own thing…”
I know! I know! One’s been impeached, committed perjury, committed adultery, and knowingly let 800,000 Rwandans be slaughtered.
Four of them are human and Carters not.
The last one on the right is rooting for Hamas…
( self deleted, on hindsight, comment was no better than the conservatives. )
Despite two Bushes being in the picture, it really is an inspiring photo, testament to the continuity of democracy in our nation.
Hey Stupes,
It’s funny how Karl Rove really has to work hard to paint that disaster of a chimpanzee you enabled twice as some kind of intellectual heavyweight:
But the reality says he’s a man’s man:
A buffoon is more like it.
@2: No, one was a complete and abject failure. That would be the one you support. The one who:
Created the largest budget deficit in history
Has the worst economic performance since Hoover – but kept insisting the fundamentals of the economy were strong – even as the titanic went down.
Lied about WMDs
Got us into an unnecessary war
Was asleep at the helm on 9/11
Approved torture
Approved illegal wiretapping
Approved the worst AG and crony in history (Alberto (victim) Gonzalez)
Hired the worst crony to run FEMA (Brownie) and then had the worst disaster relief in US
Pardoned a convicted criminal who betrayed our country by outing a CIA agent.
Failed to get bin Laden, allowed him to escape in Tora bora, and allowed the Taliban and bin laden to rebuild in Afghanistan.
Supported Musharaff – another hapless dictator.
Yeah, I know, but other than that, don’t you think he did a pretty good job?
Oooooo — this is like the questions on the Law School Admission Test, where you have to guess which two of several very similar stick figures most closely resemble each other, and if you’re good at this you get to become a lawyer like crackpiper did, which proves you don’t have to be either smart or coherent to be a lawyer! You do need a certain intuitive feel for how to answer questions on a multiple-guess test, though. (They use your GPA to figure out your competency for bullshitting on essay-type tests.)
Okay, let’s see, which of these stick figures is different from the others? That’s easy — the one in the middle. There’s a whole bunch of dead giveaways. First of all, the other 4 are real people, but the one in the middle was carved from a block of wood by one of those chainsaw carver guys. You can see the tell-tale saw marks all over it. Second, it’s not moving, which is a sure sign that it’s not alive. Third, the only place you find a stupid smirk like that is on totem poles and badly-executed wood art. It has a function on totem poles, but what you see in the picture is just bad art, probably done by a beginning wood carver. Fourth, it’s not saying anything intelligent, which indicates it’s either a wood statue or a Republican, or both. Fifth, it’s obvious from its guilty expression that’s the one who just farted, while the others are trying to laugh it off. Sixth, the one in the middle is the only one with a chimp’s face. Yeah, the one in the middle stands out from the crowd, like the bedraggled Christmas tree the recycling truck left on the curb when everyone else’s got picked up.
The bird’s-eye view contests are harder than this.
@10 Piper went to college and actually passed the bar exam??? No offence, Roger, but my opinion of attorneys just took a nose-dive and it wasn’t all that high to begin with. Well, the exception being rabbits who practice law, of course.
@11 When I was a little bunny and dreamed of growing up to become a lawyer, I thought you had to be smart to be a lawyer. What a laugh that turned out to be! Yeah, crackpiper used to be a lawyer, and so was Nixon, and even Ann Coulter is (or was) a lawyer. You don’t need any smarts or humanity to become a lawyer, just a gluttony for self-inflicted punishment. If we had more women and rabbits in the profession, we would avoid a lot of problems.
@12 And then he ended up headhunting. I can see now how that might have been a better gig for him – no dues required.
I know the answer! George Jr is the only one wearing clean underwear. The others are full.
I can tell.
– Only one of five is not a dead white male?
– Only one of five has been credibly accused of rape?
Meaning that Ann Coulter is (or was) a woman …
All you really need to be your basic fuckshit lawyer is a really good imagination: “As Erwin N. Griswold, then one of the Court’s most effective defenders, wryly put it in 1965, ‘Some things have been recently found in the Federal Constitution that were not previously known to be there.'”
– quoted by fair use in Leuchtenburg’s book about incorporation (i.e. packing the 14th Amendment)
@14 “I can tell.”
I’m really, really hoping that you’re not going to explain how it is that you’ve deduced this little tidbit.
@16 “Meaning that Ann Coulter is (or was) a woman … ”
That’s a matter of dispute.
@16 “All you really need to be your basic fuckshit lawyer is a really good imagination”
This demonstrates your complete ignorance of the law. Lawyering is not a creative occupation. Legal employers do not want their associates to be imaginative! You’re paid to do things the way they’ve always been done, and to not deviate from established practices. Thinking for yourself is a sure path to self-employment or non-employment! If you want to be creative, get a job as a Republican speechwriter.
Since you don’t have to be smart to become a lawyer, what does that say about the middle one in the bunch who was rejected by the Univeristy of Texas law school?
This photo must cause great pain to the right wing fools. This photo presents evidence of the pain, suffering and utter humiliation you punks and idiots will face Jan 20.
We bent you over and ass fucked you Nov 4. You were laughed at. You were ridiculed – and the result – we have an African – American President from the Democratic party. MAN THAT HAS TO HURT!
15,16 Awwww. How sweet. The return of the cur.
I’m going to dig up some nuggets from the past DOOFUS and we’ll all laugh at what a fool you are.
Wow #8 So many things to refute, but I’m going to watch sports.
One likes his cigars with a wet feminine scent.
One needs to have his peace prize revoked.
One needs to prove he won’t vote present.
re 2: Why do you choose to be an Idiot?
re 24: One was fiscally responsible and left this country in good economic shape. One tried to get the ball rolling on alternative energy but was stymied by an Alzheimer’s victim that Republicans felt was a ‘great’ president — although the highest his popularity ever rose was 52% — after he invaded Tijuana to make Republicans feel happy about America again. One said “No new taxes”, and after he was elected and raised taxes explained that he was raising ‘old’ taxes — not new ones. One is retarded and one is not a former president.
Clinton has on a blue shirt.
Bush I has his hands in his pockets.
Obama has the shiniest suit.
Roger @10: I think it’s just a cardboard cutout of Bush II. Everybody knows his academic records were forged and he’s still in the 3rd grade. Couldn’t miss puppet-time, could he?
One is a sitting President…and he finds himself between Barack and a hard place.
(Sorry…couldn’t resist that one.)
you guys kill me, you’re supposed to be so tolerant and against bigotry, yet you post an obvious racial joke.
I can see Obama still running his head,He hasn’t shut up since before he was elected, in the primaries,it seems he has all the answers, and all the past presidents and present sitting are laughing, becuase they know he thinks he is the one.They are thinking,balls in your court, mr Obama,Have a great game.
As far as the difference,Presidents always wear in public solid ties… oops but I guess you couldn’t call Jimmy Carter much of a president.Kinda like Bill Clinton,With his raging testosterone wasn’t much of one either. They look alot alike to me and the one thats not paying attention smiles alot like Bill…hmmmmmmmmmm you think they are related?
Hmm, that reminds me about Carter.
He proposed a path toward energy independence. If followed by his successors, we wouldn’t have had to be involved in the Middle East for the past fifteen years or so, by-passing Gulf Wars 1 and II entirely. U.S. troops wouldn’t have been in Saudi Arabia following Gulf War I, which is the issue which Osama Bin Laden used to coalesce his support in the 1990’s. No Al Quida = no 9/11.
He reorganized the U.S. military into an all-volunteer professional force with an Air Force with stealth capability, M1 Abrams tanks, Bradley fighting vehicles, and helicopter gunships capable of taking on Soviet armor. He got the blame when the budget increased and their wasn’t enough money to give the military personnel raises, too. Reagan got the credit when those new weapons systems came on-line.
Carter instituted severe cost-savings on administrative overhead, causing Reagan staffers to complain that their offices were only being cleaned by the janitors once a week. Reagan’s first budget director admitted that if Carter’s budgets had been allowed to continue, the budget would have been balanced within eight years – rather than the twenty years it took, and another Democratic administraion, to accomplish that goal.
Not to bad for a President whom the Republicans love to hate – especially when compared with the current President.
Troll friend finder
Why do you hate America, @22? Why did you steal the Baby Jesus from the plastic manger on my lawn? (And don’t try any archival bottom feeding. Last time you did that, you dredged up the wrong HNMT. Really hurt my feelings.)
rhp: Carter the visionalry? WTF (What the Fox?!) His path to energy independence was … cardigans and food in the gastank. But give him and Fat Ted credit for getting the deregulation ball rolling. Worked to our advantage when the petro bubble burst in the early 1980s. 25 good years were the result, but thanks mostly to Ray Gun.
So Rabbit is a benched, beached fuckshit lawyer because … he thought for himself. Uh huh.
The name ‘Griswold’ ring any bells, Rabbit? The date, 1965, have a little fizz of frisson? Why, wasn’t 1965 the year before … Griswold v. Connecticut? When the imagination of a hack lawyer from WA State ran wild in emanations and penumbras and fever dreams?
Ann Coulter: There are those who believe she’s somewhere between is/was a woman and is/was a man. Something about a trachea shave and reassignment surgery. Since you and Hot Damn Ann were riding the Hillary bandwagon together, I thought you could give us the True Romance true story. That is, if you’re not too busy being an underemployed/unemployed slacker.
As for my nervous breakdown, it’s my 19th, fuck you very much. How’s your scrofula?
@34 “How’s your scrofula?”
That line reminds me of the time I was discussing here how Samuel Johnson had died of gout. A half dozen HA trolls responded by hyperventilating in the thread comments. Apparently they had misread what I had written and had mistakenly concluded that Ol’ Sam had “died of goat”. Kind as I am to our HA trolls, I hastily cleared things up for them.
@32 rhp
Carter was also the idiot that guaranteed that we (the US) would remain intimately involved in the middle east, for the foreseeable future. The Hostage Crisis ring any bells? A small tactical nuke up Khomeini’s shute would have stopped that shit cold, thus preventing the decades of Islamic extremism that followed the successful humilation of the “Great Satan”.
And that isn’t even talking about the sheer insanity of hanging a perfectly good puppet (Shah Pahlavi) out to dry, and then turning around and offering him sanctuary, with the next goddamned breath.
The Shah was toast by 1978, anyway. He had lost all his support, and if he didn’t get out of town he was going to be lynched in the streets.
Nothing we could do about that, unless you envision about a half-million U.S. troops in Iran for the next thirty years trying to put down a fundamentalist islamic rebellion where they think dying fighting the “Crusaders” is an great thing. Killing the Iyotolah (sp?) would have just made him a martyr, anyway, to be replaced by others who were waiting in the wings.
And don’t forget that Iran shared a boarder with the Soviet Union. Nothing like having U.S. and Soviet troops facing off from each other during a tense time in a region where one of the locals could start a war by killing a U.S. soldier, taking his uniform, and then firing some shots at a Soviet border crossing point. There’s a good reason why we tried to avoid being in such close proximity to each other during the Cold War (with the exception of Berlin).
Using tactical nukes???? Sure, THAT would make things better!!!! (bitter sarcasim intended).
@37 rhp
During the height of the civil war in Lebenon, while foreigners were being kidnapped left and right, no Soviet ever was. Do you know why?
@37 rhp
Using tactical nukes???? Sure, THAT would make things better!!!! (bitter sarcasim intended).
I understand, but let me ask you this – could it have made the last 3 decades over there any worse than they were? It sure as hell wouldn’t have killed any more Iranians/Iraqis then actually died, as it’s unlikely that there would have been an Iraq/Iran war, without the apparent instability the Khomeini regime engendered. That particular war, remember, killed millions. Anyway, though it’s unlikely that you’ll agree with the premise; perhaps it’s something to think about?
I see four adults and a child.
Which is twice the number of adults that post here.