The Seattle Times once again argues that President Obama should abandon health care reform, because, you know, failing to deliver on the issue worked out so well for President Clinton and the Democrats in 1994.
But what really struck me from this morning’s editorial was the odd construction of the following sentence:
Whether senators fully understand it we doubt.
Who wrote this editorial? Yoda?
Here’s hoping he can persuade the rest of the editorial board from continuing down the path to the dark side.
Here is yet another Democrat lie about Health Care Bill.
I urge you to check this out.
Both the House and Senate health care bills shows higher premiums that might discourage couples from tying the knot.
For example, in the House version, an unmarried couple each making $30,000 a year would pay $1,320 combined each year for private health insurance. If that couple chose to marry, their premium would jump to $12,000 a year, a difference of $10,680.
This deceit was discovered byAllen Quist, a former Minnesota State legislator and current candidate for Congress, who discovered the penalty while looking at numbers from the Committees on Ways and Means, Energy & Commerce, and Education & Labor.
“This extraordinary penalty people will pay, should they marry, extends all the way from a two-person combined income of $58,280 to $86,640, a spread of $28,360,” he wrote in a blog post. “A large number of people fall within this spread. As premiums for private insurance escalate, as expected, the marriage penalty will become substantially larger.”
The Senate bill includes a similar penalty.
“The Senate bill stipulates that two unmarried people, 52 years of age, with private insurance and a combined income of $60,000, $30,000 each, will pay a combined cost of $2,483 for medical insurance,” Quist wrote. “Should they marry, however, they will pay a combined cost of $11,666 for insurance — a penalty of $9,183 for getting married.”
Wrote it I did.
Thank you, Mr. Cynical. It is when ALL legislators are looking for ways to make bills better, rather than just being against them, that democracy works.
If the above is true, I will be shocked if it passes in this form. I hope all sides work to find weird, unintended consequences before passage.
But pass it, we must!
I believe that the Times surrendered to the lesser known Dumb Side of the Force long, long ago.
@1 Republicans have told so many lies about the health care bill that average Americans have no idea what’s actually in it. If I believed what GOPers say about it, I’d be against it, too. You know … death panels, government rationing of health care, taking Medicare away from old folks, and all that bullshit. If a Republican actually told the truth about anything, it would turn him inside out.
@2 Living proof that J-schools turn out literacy-challenged editors you are. But hey, Bruce, a sense of humor at least you have.
> But what really struck me from this morning’s editorial was the odd construction of the following sentence
This is all that’s left, now that you’ve exhausted the subjects of state taxes and Darcy Burner, Goldy?
@3 It’s time to quit screwing around with Republican obstructionists; just pass it, and make them live with the consequences of their refusal to participate in this legislation in any constructive way.
@7 Seems a bit hypocritical as all of your comments to date have been utterly vacuous and completely devoid of any actual content. Deep space has a higher density of molecular matter than your thought process. If scientists need a perfect vacuum to conduct experiments in, all they need do is drill a hole in your skull.
@8 devoid of any actual content
Considering the source . . .
@7 (continued) In other words, I’ve met camel farts that were more engaging than your insipid commentary.
@10 And you are who — ? Emilia’s twin sister?
How about some discussion of our fine AG, who is banding together with other GOP AsG to contribute to the GOP meme that HCR is unconstitutional because it includes deals with individual senators (Nelson in this case). That would make pretty much every piece of legislation written in the last hundred years unconsitutional. I wonder if he plans to reemburse WA taxpayers for his office’s work done on behalf of the RNC?
Bruce @2,
Just be careful about cozying too close to Emperor Frank, Bruce. Remember: “Always two there are, no more, no less: a master and an apprentice.”
Narrows Bridge–
Passing this massive, over-reaching Health Care Bill ought to allow for time to fully vet it and improve it.
Obam-Mao and the Democrats back-room dealings and urgency in ramming thru a flawed bill with things that no one voting on it truly understands is despicable.
Bruce Ramsey is absolutely correct.
The Senators do not understand what is in here…only what there 30 year-old MIT staffers tell them is in the Bill.
Part of me says pass it and suffer the consequences….if it weren’t so material to our Economy.
Let’s take our time, fully vet it and get it right.
Matt @ 13–
You are a typical Leftist Pinheaded KLOWN who wants to make politics out of the law.
A legal challenge is reasonable.
If it goes thru the legal system and is declared legal fine.
If not, it must be changed.
The Atheist Progressive Movement hates the law, don’t you?!
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This little gem seems to lose sight of the glaring fact many progressives are against the current legislation:
Obama Accused Of Abandoning Health Care Principles
2010 Prediction: Women Will Have Another Horrible Decade
If Obama Was a Liberal We’d Have a Better Bill
And NOBODY has been a bigger critic of the current health care reform backroom dealing than Arianna Huffington:
The Senate Health Care Bill: Leave No Special Interest Behind
So why focus on Republicans when Obama’s base itself is in full revolt?
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The Times’ editorial page continues to descend into Bizzarro world. This morning I first read Sen. Murray’s thoughtful and cogent op-ed piece in defense of current legislation, and then read the editorial. It reads as if Bruce never saw the Murray piece.
We’re long used to Times’ writers not reading the editorial page; now apparently it’s the editorial page’s own writers.
They’ve been vetting and improving on the heath bill(s) for a year.
Just so everybody knows: Emily is NOT Emilia.
The bill is not worth passing. The public option is gone, Medicare buy-in is gone, control of drug prices is gone, and taxes on union benefits and reproductive rights restrictions have been added. What remains is making people criminals for not buying shitty, barely more than catastrophic, “coverage” from the useless parasites who pay their employees bonuses for denying claims.
Any useful parts of the bill can be pulled out and passed separately.
18. emelia spews:
re 16: You are ok with legal challenges? What happened to tort reform? I’m confused.
Tort Reform for Ambulance Chasers
Legal Challenges for illegal laws passed by Congress.
How is that confusing?
They should go through the motions of passing the bill, just so they know what that is like.
Meanwhile, Lisa Brown tells us what is really important here:
Mmmmm leadership.
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headless is sockpuppeting the real emelia. Let’s see if Darryl banishes headless for a while. Hopefully forever.
headless, what a loon!
“the real emilia”
@28 Steve farts
So that’s what you do with your farm animals. Thanks for the clarification Steve…
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Huh? Why on earth is Puddy babbling about farm animals?
Got issues, Puddy? I’ll be glad to be there for you if you want to talk about it.
@15 “Passing this massive, over-reaching Health Care Bill ought to allow for time to fully vet it and improve it.”
You mean like the GOP’s Iraq war?
P.S., insuring 30 million Americans will cost way less than you GOPers’ Iraq abortion.
Republicans always can find money for killing people, but not a fucking dime for kids’ vaccinations.
They’ll spend a billion dollars of your tax money trying to persuade teenagers to abstain from sex, but won’t buy a 5-cent condom to prevent a teen pregnancy.
What a bunch of asswipes! Why would anyone vote for this crowd?
@16 Go ahead, spend 70 million of your own money to find out if Reid’s deal with Nelson is constitutional.
Just don’t spend 70 million of our tax money on that piece of nonsense.
Like Ken Starr did to prove Clinton got a blowjob.
So here we have a Republican, in the person of Mr. Cynical Klown, preaching to us about spending money on health care for American citizens after his party spent 70 million freakin’ bucks of our tax money on tracing the semen stain on Monica’s dress back to its source.
We’d all be better off if the Cynicals of the world kept their dicks in their goats and their fingers out of public policy.
@18 In their hearts, Republicans love lawyers. Look at Larry Craig, for example. After he got caught gloryholing in an airport john, he sprinted straight to the ACLU for free legal help.
@23 What’s wrong with ambulance chasing? It’s a more respectable way to make a living than trolling on HA. Even as a hobby, it’s more respectable than what you and I do on this web site.
@26 “Aren’t there penalties for frivolous law suits?”
Sure, but there are no penalties for frivolous blogging, so wingies will keep peddling this ‘tort reform’ b.s. until the cows come home.
You don’t expect them to talk about real issues, do you?
@27 No problem. I don’t mind kicking headless, if you don’t.
@31 He’s jealous because Cynical’s goats get all the attention and he gets none.
If editorials like this don’t help progressives get over their Robespiere routine, then I don’t know what will.