Human Events, a “national conservative weekly,” wants to set the record straight about former FEMA Director Michael Brown. So who did they choose to write their “exclusive” expose “Media Maelstrom Over Michael Brown“…? None other than Brownie’s longtime attorney and personal friend, Andy Lester.
In a section entitled “Distorting the Truth” Lester once again accuses me of lying:
The sharks smelled blood. It was time to dig up dirt. The blogosphere came to the rescue.
Suddenly, a swirl of stories appeared that Brown had been forced out of his last job. Who broke the story? Not the major media. It was a website, aptly named The story was false. But the media picked it up, ran with it, and kept repeating it.
Hmm. Only problem is, the story was true. Invective aside, let’s take a look at what I wrote in that original post:
Yes, that’s right… the man responsible for directing federal relief operations in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, sharpened his emergency management skills as the “Judges and Stewards Commissioner” for the International Arabian Horses Association… a position from which he was forced to resign in the face of mounting litigation and financial disarray.
Both Brown and Lester apparently believe that my post played a significant role in his downfall, but they entirely miss the significance of what I wrote. Forget for a moment the question of whether Brown resigned under pressure in the face of mounting and costly litigation… although this was well documented in industry newsletters at the time, and corroborated by reporters following up on my post.
The story I broke — the story that turned Brown into the butt of jokes about Bush administration cronyism — was simply that Brown’s work experience immediately prior to joining FEMA was a decade serving as Judges and Stewards Commissioner for the IAHA… an indisputable fact. In the context of FEMA’s disastrous performance in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, Brown’s utter lack of emergency management experience became a big story.
Lester argues that his friend Brown was the victim of an unscrupulous blogger and an irresponsible press corps, a critique as familiar as it is disingenuous. Indeed, even the title of his expose includes a calculated lie, in the claim that it is an “exclusive.” In fact, most of the piece was lifted word for word from a guest column Lester wrote back in September, 2005 for the ironically named Accuracy in Media.
Whatever the extenuating circumstances of the federal government’s failed response to Katrina (and there is plenty of blame to go around) there remains little doubt that Brownie brought to FEMA a resume with absolutely no qualifications to recommend him for the job. Lester can offhandedly malign HA all he wants, but it doesn’t change the facts.
When they start attacking you, you know you have made a difference for the better.
Keep up the great work, Goldy!
Brown must bear some responsibility by virtue of having held the position. After all, if you “can’t handle the heat………..”
I find it “interesting” that both the Governor of L.A. and the Mayor of N.O. basically get a pass in all of this.
Goldy, you’re doin’ a heckuva job.
Jack Burton–
Precisely my thought. In Goldy’s warped world, the Guv and Mayor Numbnutz get a free-pass when the reality is they had even more DIRECT control & responsiblity.
Do you suppose it’s because these 2 KLOWNS have a (D) next to their names??
It doesn’t really matter to the rest of the nation how the Governor and the Mayor handled things, that’s up to voters of NO and LA. The head of FEMA works for all of us and the American people deserve much better than brownie.
@ 5 Actually it does. When their failings get overlooked and the lionshare of the blame goes to the feds.
The governor held off getting help from the feds…either out of indecision or not wanting help from the “Bushies.”
The Mayor reigned over a welfare system that, when the chips were down, didn’t provide for citizens who had been led to believe they no longer had to provide for themselves.
You don’t know “Jack” at 6:
This has been hashed out to the point of being ridiculous, but, the Governor turned over to control to the “Bushies” before Katrina hit. This was Bush’s baby and the failures are more of the feds utilizing and organizing the resources at their disposal than Mayor Nagin “Not using those Yellow Buses” as Hannity liked to cry about.
Nice try at a redirect, though.
Well, if Fema had been doing a decent job, we wouldn’t be having this discussion. It’s still a free country move down there and vote em out if you like. Put your vote where your mouth is!
4 & 2
When the “big one” hits here will you be looking to the Mayor and Gov of LA for assistance? FEMA is the issue…you now can go back to your rightwing circle-jerk at SoundPolitics
Jesus, these NeoCon apologists want to act like the film that we ALL saw describing the warnings given to Bush concerning Katrina, and his assurance that the Federal Government was posed to take action, never happened.
This is Bush, Chertkoff, and Brownies mess, and trying to redirect the blame at this point just makes the NeoCon Klowns look even dumber than they are.
The fault actually lies with those who built the levees. The flood walls were breached for a reason – they weren’t constructed according to design. Whether this was due to corruption or incompetence, the truth probably won’t be found out. Why? Everyone is too focused on FEMA, and letting the locals get a pass.
So why are things still a mess down there? Is that FEMA’s fault also? When does it become the elected officials fault?
Actually yes it is indeed FEMA’s fault that things are still a mess in New Orleans. It’s a national problem and taxpayers have spent millions of dollars to park trailers nearby but not to deliver them to the needy because the republican controlled federal government can’t get its shit together. It’s a national disgrace and the polls show that America blames republicans as they should.
And trying to blame Goldy or any other media for the failings of the righties is a full time job for most republican apologists.
People start realizing that when the republicans control every single branch of the federal government, it’s pretty rediculous to try to blame a local mayor for a national problem.
This is like saying that if Castro invaded New Orleans, it would be Ray Nagin’s job to fight him off. No it’s a federal issue. And with the exception of the dishonest, inbred right wing scum that populate this board, (read that as JanetS) everyone knows it.
11 – Love that RNC strategy – keep the focus on the locals and just maybe the propaganda targets will forget about FEMA and Brownie.
Jack @ 2
“I find it “interesting” that both the Governor of L.A. and the Mayor of N.O. basically get a pass in all of this.”
Don’t be a fucking dope. Discussing that Brown was an unqualified crony, who mismanaged the post-Katrina response doesn’t give a “pass” to anyone else. On the other hand, what did you want to pin on them? I mean, given that the local and regional governments had their resources demolished by the storm, and given that George Bush told them, point blank, that the Feds were ready and able to come to the rescue…
Mr. Cynical,
“Precisely my thought. In Goldy’s warped world, the Guv and Mayor Numbnutz get a free-pass when the reality is they had even more DIRECT control & responsiblity.
Do you suppose it’s because these 2 KLOWNS have a (D) next to their names??”
It appears you have taken you idiot pills today, too. We are talking about the post Katrina response, here. Isn’t blaming the locals a little like complaining that a car wreck victim doesn’t fix his car anddrive himself to the hospital (especially after some Chimp promises the ambulence is on its way)?
@7 & @9
7: Brown DID screw up….no redirect here. My point is the system is designed for LOCAL authorites to utilize the resources provided. The Feds don’t TAKE OVER they supplement and support the on-the-ground infrastucture. Dispite this we hear over and over “The Bushies screwed up.” **Vulgar words used if read here.**
@9 FEMA WON’T WON’T WON’T be the folks in control here, It’ll be the Queen of WA and the Mayor of Seattle along with his joined- at-the-hip Exec Ron Sims who I’ll look to to “handle” the situation. Scared yet?
BTW: what ever happened to all the other towns hit by Katrina?
I suggest we here the most about N.O. because they have been the most vocal, that is to say political, about it.
Face It: EVERYTHING, including Goldie’s herpies, have been blamed on Bush since he was elected.
The fault actually lies with those who built the levees.
That would most likely be the federal government (aka US Army Corps of Engineers). But, why bother? You loons don’t think government can do anything. You hate government. So why defend Bush? Well…..
It is all about power, just as I always maintained. Ask Trotsky.
Jack Burton @ 6
“The Mayor reigned over a welfare system that, when the chips were down, didn’t provide for citizens who had been led to believe they no longer had to provide for themselves.”
You are a racist asshole. Go fuck yourself, punk.
Cronies have their uses. Everybody knows that. But plagerizing yourself. Man, that’s sick.
Detraction: My bad, Goldie DOESN’T have herpies. It’s just a major case of bad breath.
It’s Bush’s fault, that sumbitch!
Hey, maybe FEMA can provide some dental floss.
@7 the Governor turned over to control to the “Bushies” before Katrina hit.
You should look at the governor’s request for aid again. The request template has several fields, like request for personnel, special equipment, and money. She filled in “NONE” for every single field except money. Bush responded by saying that money was no object, spend whatever you need and the feds will back you up. If that’s what you call “turning over control” …
@8 if Fema had been doing a decent job, we wouldn’t be having this discussion.
This was the largest and fastest federal repsonse to a natural disaster in the history of the United States.
@14 given that the local and regional governments had their resources demolished by the storm
You mean like the schoolbuses standing in water? The plan failed because New Orleans was not evacuated according to their own natural disaster plan. That left first-responders fishing people out of their houses. FEMA is a *M*anagement Agency, not first-responders.
@18 Yawn…standard answer and personal attack.
Why don’t you tell us why able bodied people didn’t at very least walk out BEFORE it was too late?
Michael, FEMA might find that surprising. According to their websit, “The Federal Emergency Management Agency – a former independent agency that became part of the new Department of Homeland Security in March 2003 – is tasked with responding to, planning for, recovering from and mitigating against disasters.”
Jack Burton, you’ve really no idea of the scale here or how far exactly a person can actually walk in one day do you?
I really could give a crap what the NO mayor and the LA govenor did. They have no effect on life in the pacific northwest. However, if President Bush appointed someone to disaster response whos net experience was with horses, then the nation as a whole has a problem. Katrina only pointed it out, and the fact is, if you are so dumb that you would attack someone for pointing this out, then I’d say the gene pool need a little bit of chlorine. Dont look up next time it rains, you might just drown.
Righty Rubes: Better get over to uSP fast. I just slammed Marsha Richards and her Scaife-Mellon/WalMart funded fake public policy organization , The Evergreen Fake-Freedom Foundation.
If you want some real facts on the organization before you blather, check out Media Transparency. As always, you will find no primary colors or cheesy pop-ups on sites I recommend. But bear with it, there’s good info. there.
Hopefully, Stefan (the dfender of free speech ) hasn’t erased it already. So you RUBES should head on over there now for a hate-filled blather fest!!!
Jack Burton @ 16
You claim that “everything . . . have [sic] been blamed on Bush since he was elected.” What world have you been living in? Talk about a teflon president. Everything slides off him, the MSM gives him a pass, and the nation goes to hell. It’s time he starts getting blamed for something. Hell, the United States baseball team even loses to South Korea in the World Baseball Tournament. We’re even a failure at our national pastime now. (I’m not really blaming Bush for that, I don’t think.) We are not doing well as a nation, and the national leadership deserves a helluva lot of blame.
@23 A person who was told bus would get them come won’t walk very far.
Yes, Brown messed up and probably shouldn’t have gotten the job.
My point is it’s all Bush & Co. screwed the pooch **which they, to a certain extend did** but I’m not hearing much about the local politcos who had a more direct ability to react to the situation.
Are you actually expecting FEMA to “save” Seattle when the big earthquake hits? Really?
You still don’t know “Jack” at 22:
Do you even think before you type????
Think this one through there wing-nut. These were poor people with little to no financial resources, no place to go.
But, suppose they did say: Let’s hit the road and “walk” out of here.
This was a CAT 5 hurricane which means the wind speed has to be at LEAST 155 mph. Katrina got up to 175+ mph range, maybe even faster I can’t recall specially.
Now, what would happen to 10,000 people standing in the open because they “walked” out a day before when 155+ mph wind speed hits them with all the debris flying?
C’mon, do better than that if you’re going post.
@26 The MSM giving Bush a pass? Other than FOX, talk radio and maybe one ore two shows on other channels the media has blamed Bush for everything from Katrina to the fall of western civilization. **He even overcooked the hamburgers at my BBQ last week.**
If the Dems had fielded viable candidates this discussion would have a different “flavor.”
FEMA is a unit of Homeland Security.
That is the point.
While Jack B. and Janet S. do all they can to deflect blame from the Bush administrations incompetence, the White House is doing NOTHING to protect the US, and feels that Homeland Security is just a place to shuffle unqualified political friends.
We already know that Bush is asleep at the wheel (9/11 and Katrina prove that) but they have cut funding to first responders and treat Homelend Security as as political tool (anyone seen the color-coded threat level raised since the election?)
@ 27 Jack, Jack, Jack:
I do have an expectation that if there is a disaster here in Seattle, that FEMA will have an organized response that won’t be fouled up and take 3-5 days to execute.
Under Clinton FEMA had a reputation as a well organized agency that did it’s job.
Since BushCo. rolled FEMA into DHS and put unqualified cronies in the leadership positions, yes, he did fuck it up. That’s what piss poor leadership buys you these days.
Jack Burton lost all credibility when he said:
“Other than FOX, talk radio and maybe one ore two shows on other channels the media has blamed Bush for everything from Katrina to the fall of western civilization.”
You are living in a NeoCon DeathCult Dream world, you wingnut zombie.
@28 They knew DAYS before it hit. No vehicle, no resources…I’ll bet you they ALL had TVs.
Calling me a wing-nut doesn’t change what happened.
Janet S.:
Do you ever grow tired of bashing your head against the wall? A bit of friendly advice, move to the left, grab the door knob, turn left, open door, go through wall.
@32 Tell us ALL exactly which “MSM” have given Bush a pass?
@30 Sorry, the worst was LBJ **Nixon sucked too**
“@32 Tell us ALL exactly which “MSM†have given Bush a pass?
All of the above.
Jackass said
“Are you actually expecting FEMA to “save” Seattle when the big earthquake hits? Really? ”
No, you said ‘save’..I said ‘assist’…..To answer your question….With the Bush Admin in control…no, I’m not counting on any assistance
Jack B. “Sorry, the worst was LBJ **Nixon sucked too** ”
Neither of these could hold a candle to the corruption, incompetence and utter lack of regard for the constitution that GWB has.
Brown blames everybody but himself for the failed government’s response to Katrina. First he blamed the governor and mayor. Then he blamed Goldie. Now he’s blaming Homeland Security and the President.
Katrina was going to be a property disaster to New Orleans regardless of what steps were taken befrorehand, but it quickly became obvious to anyone watching the events unfold on television that the federal government was out of touch and completely unprepared, much more so than in previous disasters.
Why was it unprepared? Because the Bush administration considered FEMA to be an “overgrown entitlement program” which needed to be dismantled. The Republican banner-carriers of the neo-conservative ideology were determined to put into effect two things simultaniously: (a) de-federalize FEMA, making disaster response a state, local, and private responsiblity, and (b)out-source the few remaining federal responsibilities to private companies, on the theory that anythign a government agency can do, a private company can do better.
Brown was a minor-league crony, just the type of person who would not make too many waves while the department he directed was being dismantled. If he resigned in protest, who would listen to him anyway – he was a minor league player. Reminds me a lot of the “Bud Fox” character in the movie “Wall Street” (played by Charlie Sheen) – he is appointed as the figurehead president of the company while it is being dismantled around him. A more powerful person might have effectively objected, but that was the whole point of appointing such a nobody, wasn’t it? In addition to being powerless to object, they were likely to be so impressed with their newfound importance that they were given every inclination to go along, in order to curry favor with their new “mentors”, not realizing that they are just being used.
So that was the real effect of Goldie’s revelation. I showed that competance in rendering essential government services had taken a back seat to ideology and cronyism. It showed that the government really didn’t care what happened to people who weren’t its supporters, until the national media forced them to make a show of “appearing” to do so. The Bush adminstration quickly threw Brownie to the sharks in an attempt to deflect blame from those that mattered – Bush, Cheney, Chartoff, etc. Now Brownie is trying to resurect his reputation by throwing the blame back at them, plus also using the same trick Bush/Cheney/Rove used so often – attack the critic.
What I find especially funny about Brown’s attack on Goldie as a “blogger” who’s story was picked up by the national media is the Republican mis-use of bloggers to attack their enemies, especially during the 2004 presidential campaign.
Example One: Kerry too much of a war hero? Have some blogs print defamatory comments about his service, have an “independent group” publish a smear campaign, and then the national media reports on the story as a “controversy”(facts be damned).
Example Two: Bush’s National Guard service (or lack thereof) becoming too uncomfortable? Then deliver a story to CBS (funny how no one really revealed the source of the “forged” memo), have a blog report in detail how the memo can be proven to be a forgery (within a few hours of the Sixty-Minutes report?), and then have it picked up by the national media. Result? Everyone is afraid to touch the subject for the rest of the campaign, and the Republicans manage to get rid of their loong-time nemesis Dan Rather, and damage CBS News also in the process.
@ 33:
I know it doesn’t change what happened, that’s why I’m calling you a wing-nut, where do 10,000 people, “walk” to in a CAT 5 hurricane?
You failed to address the key point.
@36 They did? When?
@39 Excellent post. What percentage of before Katrina and First Response do you expect the Feds to cover? What about the locals?
If y’all aren’t picking up on it…I actually agree that Brown was(is)a dolt.
The “local authority” around here looks alot like LA / NO. Are we being set up for the same thing?
When was the last time you guyz checked your disaster kits?
@40 They will walk nowhere DURING a CAT 5. They will walk Nowhere BEFORE especially when told buses would come (and didn’t.)
Solving problems at the lowest level is the way to go. More peole would have been better off if the local authorities were up to the task.
A major factor in this was(is) N.O.’s politics and the major racial divide that town has.
I wonder if blogger in N.O. would be so passionate in discussing Seattle politics?
I would imagine that a NOLA blogger would be very interested in NorthWest politics if Bush fucked up the Federal Response to a disaster here.
It can happen anyday. Bush is poised to fail us all again.
He has really got a knack for that disasterous failure thing.
If you do actually agree with the idea that Brown is a dolt, or at least grossly unqualified for the position, then you should also agree that FEMA has been grossly mismanaged and is probably unprepared for another large disaster.
Given that, why would you chose to divert attention away from fixing FEMA and this cronyism by trying to focus attention on two people who are insignificant to the national disaster response. I’ll agree they might have done some things different, but the fact is, FEMA is messed up as is whatever decision process put Brown in charge of it.
These things will never get fixed if we focus on LA. The obvious question is, are you willing to allow still more people to die in the next big disaster wherever it occurs just so the current administration can raise their polling points a couple of percent?
Next obvious question, are you actually buying this current message that if someone reports on misdeeds by a government official they have done something wrong?
You really got to ask yourself this question. Unless I am wrong, Goldy didn’t have any unusual documents or secrets. Browns resume was public record and was posted on FEMA’s website. So, if the press wasn’t giving the administration a pass, why is Goldy the first person to put any effort in vetting that resume?
“Solving problems at the lowest level is the way to go.”
What an asinine comment. Most disasters are not “localized”. Like Katrina, they usually cover a wide spread of municipalities, and even states. When the Federal Governement promises swift aid, and does not deliver…
We have no Homeland Security. Just a big funnel for corporate greed at the expense of our treasury and our lives.
Jack @ 29
Sorry to hear that Bush burned your burgers. The bastard. He can’t do anything right. You’d think that with all that time he spends on his ranch that he’d at least learn how to barbecue. What the hell’s he any good for anyway?
George Bush will never live down the shame of Katrina. I have never felt so ashamed to be an American in my life. All that I thought my country was – it all crashed to dismay and horror during that ten days. When the army arrrived, overdue 5 days, my house cheered. Oh, God what a horrible saga.
Dead and dying everywhere on live TV. Like a mobid and sick parody – except it was happening in vivid color and in vivid reality.
90 per cent of the chaos in at the feet of FEMA – the Super Agency appointed to deal with not potholes, but DISASTER.
They botched it from beginning to end. And are still botching it – which is about as bad as the beginning. People living in tents with trailers in sight behind locked gates.
It is surprising that armed resistence has not risen.
All this claptrap about what people could do – you mean the babies, elderly, those in dire poverty – GOD, folks, the affluent flew out, bused out, droved out by the hundreds of thousands.
Both the Mayour and The Gov. were simpletons, Their inability to take command was astonishing.
Does any one doubt what Gov. Gregoire would do comparded to the Christian Freak Gov. – on TV telling people to pray instead or reading the twelve point emergency orders from the Gov. to be enforeced by all the resources of even that lame state. She was an rattled out of her wits idiot.
I believe that many of the same issues would arise in Seattle in true disaster crises. Bureaucrats are standatd issue and think the same.
Would our Seattle police defend food supplies as private property, with shotgun at the redy, like they did in New O, or would they kick the doors open and say help yourself – it is part of disaster relief. Would they leave their jobs en masse?
Bet on the cops with gund guarding the food.
Great thread.
“I wonder if blogger in N.O. would be so passionate in discussing Seattle politics?
Commentby Jack Burton— 3/15/06@ 5:06 pm”
I bet they would if terrorists floated a nuke into the Puget Sound in a cargo ship and it detonated.
I bet they’d be blogging about that. I bet they’d even be saying something about the topic of “port security” and why didn’t the Bush admin learn the lessons of 9/11.
I bet they’d be blogging about the reasons why the Republicans in congress didn’t allow at least 1 of the 6 Democratic sponsored bills to legislate funding for port security.
I bet they’d have an interest. Because if it happened there it’s only by the Grace of God it didn’t happen here.
I for one am tired of an inept, failed, incompetent, and lying administration.
Bill @ 44:
Great points/questions in your post.
I’ll use them in my next verbal sparring match, particularly the point about fixing FEMA, which if we don’t do it now, the next disaster will be worse than it needed to be.
WHEN the 9.0+ Earthquake hits Seattle, Gregoire will be the first one to run for cover along with those 2 Fatasses, Sims & Nipples.
And when the AWV collapses…still being used after being declared an EMERGENCY, who’s fault is that??
They will blame it all on TAXES being too low!
@45 It’s a key leadership principle to solve problems at the lowest level. Do you any experience in that area?
@44 I don’t give FEMA a pass either. Being more focused on responding to NBC attacks for-sure caused them to take their eyes off the ball. I don’t, however, 100% agree it’s a “cut entitlements” situation.
Reporting on misdeeds is not wrong **who’s message is that?** leaking secrets is another story.
Part of “fixing” things is to recognize the role of local government. I don’t say N.O. screwed up thus giving FEMA a pass.
I say the locals are best positioned to plan for, and the execute disaster plans…that also needs to be a factor in dealing with future disasters.
Am I “willing to allow still more people to die in the next big disaster.” That was uncalled for. I might disagree with your point of view but I’ll never question your humanity nor your right to freely express your views. Next time call me a name if want to make a point (or push a button.)
This is like saying that if Castro invaded New Orleans, it would be Ray Nagin’s job to fight him off. No it’s a federal issue. And with the exception of the dishonest, inbred right wing scum that populate this board, (read that as JanetS) everyone knows it.
Commentby LauraBushKilledAGuy— 3/15/06@ 3:31 pm
Hey, Sweet Pea it is not the federal government job to defend New Orleans it is the National Guard. The US Army cannot get involved with the defense of this country until congress or the President blesses the operation. That is why every State has it own National Guard and Command by that Stats Governor. New Orleans would be facing the same problem that it did when Katrina hit. The folks of Louisiana picks a Governor that cannot lead in a time of crises will be facing the same dilemma. The problems in Louisiana rest in the hands of the Governor and the Mayor of New Orleans, FEMA gets involved in preparing for the recovery of a disaster and responsible for distribution the resources after the disaster. The Mayor’s job is to get it Citizens out of harms way before any major event with all the resources at hand. That he could have been done by using the buses that ended up under water and moving the folks to a safe place like Seattle. Granit it is a long bus ride but we in the Northwest need some fresh blood in the gene pool and a different outlook for the city. FEMA had already stage the material outside the danger areas and brought National Guard Troops in after the danger past to render aid. That could not start until the area was cleared of hostile residents who were looting for a living. Now these good citizens would not be a problem in Green Lake because of the heavy Police patrols and the abundance of wild rabbits to feed on for dinner. You could set them up in downtown Seattle old city hall, jail, and other state abandoned buildings to sleep and run their business in. Now that the support the Governor of the State of Washington should have offer to the poor folks of New Orleans, but she retracted her offer to help two thousand refugees from this disaster. Well so much for the loving harts of the Socialist Left and their willingness to help those who are in need. I know they were the wrong type of Democrats who did not support their point of view.
Jack @ 42:
“Solving problems at the lowest level is the way to go.
No doubt about it. But, it’s obvious, at least I hope that it is, that this disaster was not confined to New Orleans, correct?
It was not statewide either, was it?
It was a region wide disaster.
Specifically, what resources did the City of New Orleans have at its disposal to cope with a disaster of this magnitude? Is it even feasible to expect a city to have the resources to handle a problem so large?
Does the state, any state, have the resources to handle a statewide disaster? Especially, when a significant portion of their National Guard units were/are deployed to Iraq?
Neither agency, city or state has the capacity to deal with such overwhelming resource needs.
There’s not a city government, nor a county government, or a state government that has those kinds of resources at its disposal.
So, to answer your question or statement, the lowest level of government that can handle a region wide disaster is the Federal government.
Dear Mr. Burton,
You have taken us far afield here. Goldy’s post was about a mendacious article in a conservative asswipe rag.
As for FEMA–see their Congressional testimony. Even they admit they fucked up. The deflector shields were undoubtedly damaged–and they know it. Brownie is, like O.J., on a mission to prove “who really did it”. This is laughable.
But thanks for playing.
klake @ 58:
That post was so fucking stupid I couldn’t even force myself to finish reading it.
Good God, man. . . get a clue.
They’re free at your local library. Try checking out some books, and I don’t mean anything written by a conservative TV or Radio talk show host.
Maybe not your humanity, but certainly your logic is being called into question. My point is, that responding to criticizms of FEMA by insisting on a criticizm of LA officials is effectivily removing focus from FEMA. While you may just be echoing what you heard someone else say, if you think its a good policy, then either youve put the good of the administration over the good of the US or youve not thought all the way through the effects of what you are saying.
If locals should be more involved, then FEMA is responsible for divying up speres of influence and cooradinating pre-disaster with all local agencies to ensure communications will work and to ensure that everyone is working together. That currently is not happening and that is what the problem during Katrina was.
Oh and to answer your question, about a nuke going off in Seattle, a couple of years ago, we did a drill named TopOff 2 that simulated exactly that. (Thats the first article I came to on the topic)
GBS @ 55: What the hell did klake say at 58? This is 58 (or mayber 57). More of the usual, huh?
There is not a city government, nor a county government, or a state government that has those kinds of resources at its disposal.
Therefore, to answer your question or statement, the lowest level of government that can handle a region wide disaster is the Federal government.
Comment by GBS— 3/15/06@ 5:43 pm
GBS you miss the point that was a least a two state disaster and it required resources from many other Governors to help these folks put. The best solution is to remove the refugees out of the area until it is safe to return. The only requirement of the fed’s was left to FEMA and they provide the resources and the Guard units from other states to help. The problem I see is that you folks think you snap your fingers and everything is done over night. It does not work like that GBS it takes a lot of time to complete a mission like that event. The primary responsibly lies in the local governments to fix their own problems and when it is out off their control ask for help. The only State that acted in the correct manor was Mississippi and it has a greater area of destruction to deal with after the storm. Our troops who were there would differ with you on you lame argument.
WHEN the (100 year flood) hits (Miami), (Jeb) will be the first one to run for cover along with those 2 Fatasses, (Chertoff) & (more flake, please, GWB).
And when (Iraq) collapses…still being (mis)used after being declared an EMERGENCY (hey! look! no changes necessary!), who’s fault is that??
Bush? (he, he, he)
They will (in their ignorance, their hypocrisy, their stupidity, and their mendacity) blame it all on (“the left and the MSM”) being too (elitist)!
Commentby Mr. Cynical— 3/15/06@ 5:28 pm
Right on, Cynical! Power to the people!
They will (in their ignorance, their hypocrisy, their stupidity, and their mendacity) blame it all on (“the left and the MSM”) being too (elitist)!
Commentby Mr. Cynical— 3/15/06@ 5:28 pm
Right on, Cynical! Power to the people!
Commentby Proud To Be An Ass— 3/15/06@ 6:03 pm
Proud to be an ass are you putting words into Mr. Cynical mouth?
I think we won’y be hearing much more from Klake the flake. I heard he was one of the 27 arrested today for child porn, probably with his own kids to boot!
I think we won’y be hearing much more from Klake the flake. I heard he was one of the 27 arrested today for child porn, probably with his own kids to boot!
Commentby LeftTurn— 3/15/06@ 6:16 pm
No Sonny it was you Dad, when was the last tine you talk to him?
When did you hug you father and told him you love him? Now you know why he commint this hedeous crime Sonny. But then with a name like LeftTurn I might also have a problem with him.
Of course Proud is editing my words. His is the Blog Leader is chronic stupidity.
Proud loves those FatBoys governing like Sims & Nipples!
Whatever the 2 FatBoys throw out there, Proud gloms on to it like Sims & Nipples putting a choke hold on a creme-filled donut!
“@32 Tell us ALL exactly which “MSM†have given Bush a pass?
All of the above.
Commentby Donnageddon— 3/15/06@ 4:30 pm
WTF??? Donna talking dumbass again. Now if we are talking fake memos then you have the right list.
@30 Sorry, the worst was LBJ **Nixon sucked too**
I agree. LBJ was a disaster. He also had a lot in common with Clinton. I guess he had a habbit of showing people his shlong. That seems to be a problem with the donks.
Hey RUFUS… have any fake polls you want to cite?
You have no credibility. Fucking liar.
New poll shows Bush’s approval rating at 60%. The respondents being 50% republican, 30% democrat and 20% independent was conducted by Fox news. The unbiased poll has an error rate of + or – 2%.
Comment by RUFUS — 3/1/06 @ 8:31 pm
RUFUS made that shit up. Nothing he says can be taken seriously.
I come up with a fictitious poll which is closer to the truth and I get called a liar. Leave it to a donk.
Comment by RUFUS — 3/1/06 @ 10:06 pm
1. Donnod: You know you loved wikipedia:
Comment by Donnageddon — 1/4/06 @ 11:38 pm
dj @ 94 thanks for the wikipedia definition. wikipedia fascinates me. It seems to be fairly orderly and informative. I am just amazed it is not abused, and resulting in “edit” flame wars.
Good stuff!
Comment by Donnageddon — 5/25/05 @ 11:58 pm
That was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo easy!
Fucking dipshit!
How does it feel to be a fucking moonbat dipshit liar and a dull knife?
Such a liar!
What is up beyooootch!!!! hehehehe
RUFUS, what you fail to realize is that your post @ 68 says nothing?
Do you have a point somewhere? Other than the top of your head?
Hey RUFUS… have any fake polls you want to cite?
You have no credibility. Fucking liar.
Commentby Donnageddon— 3/15/06@ 8:01 pm
You mean like these Donna:
Updated Late Afternoon Numbers
Mucho flattering to Kerry; plus Nader makes an appearance.
By Jack Shafer
Updated Tuesday, Nov. 2, 2004, at 7:28 PM ET
Kerry 51
Bush 49
Kerry 51
Bush 49
Not historical polls, RUFUS. We all eagerly await the polls you just make up!
Donna how do explain the donk poll in which Kerry lead Bush by 2% but Bush ends up winning by 5%? Bush probably won by 6 or more percent if we were to subtract out all the fraudulent votes. That is a 8% difference. There can only be two explantions
1) The polls were lying
2) They were to dumb too actually create a honest poll.
Well what is it Donna.
RUFUS, quit living in the past. Quit living in your make believe world.
Here is a real poll! It is factual and actually exists.
Not like the polls you pull out of your ass.
New Poll!
Bush’s approval rating – 34 %
Man, American’s Poll after Poll after Poll really seem to hate Bush.
I repeat, more people believe that the USA is involved in secret negotiations with aliens from another world than support Bush!
Goldy: I know you skip over my posts because you said so. But we, The Puddybud Family, visited that area as our 2005 Missionary Trip. I wrote about it after Christmas. We spent over $2500 of our money for the week we were there. Was it worth it? Yes! The wife and I plan to go again this summer to work with the paid volunteers who are now our friends still coordinating many activities.
We did this while the librul ASSes such as Donnageddon, DJ, Left Turn, Proud to Be an ASS, drool, horse whisperer, GBS inqueue, LauraBushKilledAguy, bill, proud leftist, horseless looselips, rhp6033, Boeing Bob, For the Clueless, & JV Stalin, stayed back here and continued to make fun of FEMA and say “Wow look at those people”.
We talked to the natives in the MS and LA areas where we were. FEMA is faulted by the locals for the trailer fiascos and the lack of coordination for the volunteer work. The local people are upset at the mayor for dithering and not ordering the evacuation until it was almost too late. They were upset the governor didn’t force Nagin to order the evacuation> But Nagin was predicting greater than 10,000 dead!
What you also miss is what I identified some time ago. It doesn’t jibe with the herd thinking of the ASSHeads and the Head ASS!,......html#4524
Hurricane Katrina: Why is the Red Cross not in New Orleans?
Access to New Orleans is controlled by the National Guard (insert under Governor Blanco’s control) and local authorities (insert Nagin Administration) and while we are in constant contact with them, we simply cannot enter New Orleans against their orders.
Read the remander at the URL.
You all seem to forget Nagin had at least a two day warning and he waited until 20 hours to evacuate. But that’s FEMA’s fault right horse whisperer & Goldy?
I read an article today concerning the Republican Party. I have to agree with it. The article stated that the Republicans are tremendously qualified to campaign and get their party elected into various levels of power, but they are totally inept at governing. Think about that.
You want current polls.
House of Representative poll taken November of 2005.
Should the US withdraw immediately from Iraq.
Yes 3
No 403
This one shows how hypocritical a lot of donks are…. they have no courage of their convictions. They just huff and puff a lot.
I posted this between Hugh Hewett & Major Garrett.
MG: Well, the Red Cross, Hugh, had pre-positioned a literal vanguard of trucks with water, food, blankets and hygiene items. They’re not really big into medical response items, but those are the three biggies that we saw people at the New Orleans Superdome, and the convention center, needing most acutely. And all of us in America, I think, reasonably asked ourselves, geez. You know, I watch hurricanes all the time. And I see correspondents standing among rubble and refugees and evacuaees. But I always either see that Red Cross or Salvation Army truck nearby. Why don’t I see that?
HH: And the answer is?
MG: The answer is the Louisiana Department of Homeland Security, that is the state agency responsible for that state’s homeland security, told the Red Cross explicitly, you cannot come.
HH: Now Major Garrett, on what day did they block the delivery? Do you know specifically?
MG: I am told by the Red Cross, immediately after the storm passed.
@41, @50
You don’t know a damned thing about local disaster preparedness. King County has a first class Emergency Communication/Operations Center. Local municipalities, police, fire, state emergency responce and lots of first responders (like me) have 800 MHZ radios to ensure effective communicatios. We drill weekly. When/if the next quake, your sorry ass will be looked after by long term civil servants like myself. No need to thank me.
But you do need your own 3 day supplies and a transister radio.
PuddyBud, do you really think we have not seen what Bush did, or rather didn’t do? Why are you such an obstinate ass?
America has caught on to the crimes of Bush. That is why America hates Bush.
Donnageddon, I viewed the videotape. I was the only one here on ASSes discussing Mike Brown in a positive light after the video tape releases, and asking if any ASSes here changed their tune about Mike Brown as we heard he was trying to mobilize forces. All I received on ASSes was ridicule that day. Why is that? Because you all have a preconceived notion of someone and when other facutal documentation appears; many of you look to see where the information came from instead of saying “That’s interesting. Maybe Brownie was trying to do something”!
This is where I think his lawyer takes issue with Goldy. Sure he was not qualified and probably was a political payout for a friend. Just look at Chicago under Mayor Daley! Patronage happens. Since you all had the opportunity to view the videotape, many of the things Mike Brown said he did are coming out as true. Have any ASSes changed their tune and thought maybe he was trying to do some heavy lifting for this hurricane? I am NOT saying he did this right. Hell no he screwed up. But the Red Cross also said they were powerless to help because Governor Blanco told the NO NG to not allow the Red Cross to help out.
K – I have a good friend who’s name is Sprague, a disaster guy. He told me that many people would not be prepared for any disaster in the NW. And this is after the Nisqually quake. Go figure.
Goldy’s blog is so powerful it affected Michael Brown even before he published it if you want to believe Michael Brown. I was curious how that could be so I checked back and found some of the published e-mails of Brown. You can see the originals at:
Anyway this one serves my point:
Wed Aug 31 12:20 P.M.
From Marty Bahamode
To Michael Brown
Subject: New Orleans
“Sir, I know the situation is past critical.
Here are some things you might not know. Hotels are kicking people out, thousands gathering in the streets with no food or water. Hundreds still being rescued from home. The dying patients at the DMAT tent being medivac. Estimates are many will die within hours. Evacuation in process. Plans developing for dome evacuation but hotel situation adding to problem. We are out of food and running out of water at the dome, plans in works to address this critical need.
FEMA staff is O.K. and holding own. DMAT staff working in deplorable conditions. The sooner we can get the medical patients out, the sooner we can get them out.
Phone connectivity impossible
More later.”
Brown responded 5 minutes later with the following incisive leadership.
“Thanks for update. Anything specific I need to do or tweak?”
That’s it folks. Anyone need anything “tweaked.”
Anyway, Goldy with his usual slowness, first posted his blog the morning of Sept 2, 2005 at 12:34 AM. Some 36 hours later. So yes Brownie let’s blame the Horsesass. You may still be trying to figure out what happened but we all know. It really was the Horse’s Ass that was responsible..
I don’t doubt many individuals are unprepared. Many are fools. I won’t tolerate ignorant criticism of government preparedness. I happen to know that in disaster simulations a few years back, FEMA folks were stunned at King County ‘s GIS capabilities. And as I said, from what I see elsewhere, we are well ahead of others in communication capabilities.
The Mind of PuddyBud
I was the only one here on ASSes discussing Mike Brown in a positive light after the video tape releases, and asking if any ASSes here changed their tune about Mike Brown as we heard he was trying to mobilize forces.
Sure he was not qualified and probably was a political payout for a friend.
Yeah, PuddyBud. He was an unqualified friend who Bush appointed to an EXTREMELY important position.
Now, what was your point exactly?
It’s pretty lame it seems to me to be blaming Horsesass or the media for Brown and FEMA’s total inadequate and shameful response to the Katrina disaster. Ever hear of delegation of responsibility, ever hear of a communications director who you tell to handle the media’s question?
How hard is it to say, “I need to deal with what’s happening in New Orlean’s and the rest of the Gulf Coast? You deal with the press.” Not so hard unless maybe you’re not qualified to run the agency because you don’t have the leadership and mangerial skills necessary to deal with running the Agency let alone successfully responding to a disaster like Hurricane Katrina.
But being a Republican and in the company of Bush and Rove,
it just so easy to try to blame someone else and just deny everything that points to you as being part of the problem. So typical.
I do not doubt many individuals are unprepared. Many are fools. I will not tolerate ignorant criticism of government preparedness. I happen to know that in disaster simulations a few years back, FEMA folks were stunned at King County’s GIS capabilities. And as I said, from what I see elsewhere, we are well ahead of others in communication capabilities.
Comment by K— 3/15/06@ 9:58 pm
K I have really doubtful about the Northwest is ready for any real disaster of any large magnitude. The Governor was proactive about the possible fires last year that was great, but we lack resources and good leadership in other areas. We have new communication capabilities in the National Guard, but King Country equipment is 15 years old and parts are bought off eBay. The state scan system really sucks and the local phone companies hobble by the state government and regulations that stunts progress. The state only wants the taxes from phone bills not future improvements. The state should get off the backs of the local phone companies so they can quickly improve their networks to be able to survive a major disaster. The only local citizens who are prepared for a disaster is the Mormons. The other part of the population will be waiting for the President of the United States to bail them out, and blame all the folks running the local government because they did not react fast enough begging for help.
The real story is that Mike Brown was just one of a legion of political appointees put in place with the express purpose of destroying the Federal government from the inside out. This is simply a continuation of the Reagan years. Somewhere along the way, it seems to have been decided that the best way to implement Grover Norquist’s plan to “shrink government until it can be drowned in a bathtub” would be for the Neocon “in crowd” to stuff their own pockets with the contents of the treasury.
It seems, however, that emptying the vaults wasn’t enough. Now they’re borrowing against the earning power of our grandchildren as they try to satiate their ever-increasing greed and power lust.
“Indeed, even the title of his expose includes a calculated lie, in the claim that it is an “exclusive.” In fact, most of the piece was lifted word for word from a guest column Lester wrote back in September, 2005 for the ironically named Accuracy in Media.”
Gee Goldy, now the wingers are stooping to PLAGIARIZING THEIR OWN WORK!!! How low can you get? That’s like stealing pencil drawings from Adolf Hitler.
You KLOWNS ought to be asking yourselves, “How could we LOSE to this guy TWICE”!!!
As LENIN’S USEFUL IDIOTS, you idiots remind me of the guy who gets picked last for everything….even behind the retard and the fat kid.
You take glee at watching the retard fail at everything. In horseshoes, the retard barely tosses the horseshoe…and everybody laughs. Then it’s your turn AND YOU DROP THE FIRST HORSESHOE RIGHT ON YOUR FUCKING FOOT. After hoping around howling with everybody laughing at your sorry asses, you wind up and throw the 2nd horseshoe and it goes straight up in the air landing on the top of your POINTY LITTLE HEAD knocking yourself out stonecold!!
The problem with you KLOWNS is you have no answer to anything other than TAX THE RICH more! Socialism/Marxism is your answer. A short-term popularity buge…but history shows Socialism never works…especially in a society with educated people.
The Dems have no answer. Look at the idiots in the forefront of your Party. Howard Dean?? There’s a real KLOWN. John Kerry, Al Gore??? I’m underwhelmed. Jesse Jackson? The Pimp of Poverty!! Hillary Clinton? A non-starter. Ted Kennedy?? A drunken killer.
You have no answer…in policy or candidates.
Care to toss another horseshoe? The next one will be imbedded in your back no doubt.
You LEFTIST PINHEADS have nothing sustainable to offer…you are only against things. Look at the Seattle Transportation dilemna. Seattle is the LEFTIST PROCESS BUTTHOLE OF THE UNIVERSE. You pissed away billions over the decades talking and re-talking about the PROBLEMS. You only complain about taxes not being high enough. Yet you KLOWNS have been in charge!!! You can only spew “I Hate Bush” as if that solves any problems.
@ 94 the sounds of a dying elephant.
Donnageddon: Prove Cynical wrong. Go on. You are a dull knife. Prove to all you can be sharpened!