So it looks like everyone is running for Seattle mayor now that Murray is perceived (fairly or not) as damaged goods. I have decided to sit it out, so I think that makes me the only Seattle citizen not to run. Enjoy the debates where half a million people get on stage. Seriously though, McGinn got in the other day, Cary Moon is getting in the race. There are probably many more to come.
Headline du jour:
Democrats begin to wonder: When do we win?
For starters, not last night.
@1 And here’s Boob bragging that his candidate got 19.8% against a Democrat who got over 48%. Do I need to explain why everyone else here calls you Doctor Dumbfuck?
Republicans being themselves.
Another open thread. Or as I think of them, another opportunity for Doctor Dumbfuck, our resident hashtag traitor, racist and advocate for working Americans to live in poverty, to once again make a complete ass of himself.
Another open thread. Or as I think of them, another opportunity for the loon to demonstrate how our nation’s mental health care system has failed Americans who are batshit fucking insane.
@4 Here’s a story right up DD’s alley: Minimum wage = 4 cents an hour! Doctor copay exceeds a month’s income!
Maybe Doctor Dumbfuck should put his skills to good use by doing volunteer work at his local jail. Oh wait, he won’t work for less than $500 an hour …
Shit, even a capitalist like me will take less than that! In fact, I’m making only $100 an hour this morning, although that’s better than what Republican prison wardens pay.
Sorry, Boob, but Seattle’s light rail won’t run on coal power.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: You’ve still got your cigarettes, though. For now. (Boob hearts global warming — sure beats freezing when the lights go out on his island.)
@1 “When do we win?”
A question on the minds of the tens of millions of Trump voters who aren’t the CEO of Corrections Corporation of America.
Florida Republican
“Why can’t I use the word Niggas? Those Darkies in the hipty hop records say it all the time? I had no idea it was offensive and it’s the only time in my life I used it. I blame alcohol. I meant niggas in the GOOD way!” Sen. Artiles, or words to that effecct
@9 Being shareholders would be enough — the stock has nearly tripled since the election* — but they aren’t that either. They’re too busy drinking beer, watching TV, and beating their girlfriends.
* One is tempted to suspect a correlation exists.
@10 Beat you to it. See #3.
In other news, former NFL star Aaron Hernandez finished serving his life sentence yesterday and is now a free man, i.e., what’s left of him is.
“Joining us now for reaction on what Aaron Hernandez had gone through before taking his life we go to Ray Lewis.”
@14 I don’t understand it. He beat two of the murder raps against him. Two out of three ain’t bad. That’s like a slugger throwing down his bat and stomping back to the dugout on a 2-1 count just because he didn’t like a called strike.
Meanwhile, Trump steals yet another page from Obama’s playbook:
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson certified on Tuesday evening that Iran is complying with the terms of former President Barack Obama’s historic deal to roll back its nuclear program.
The certification, made to Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-Wis.), extends sanctions relief to Iran.
“The move resulted in speculation [that] President Donald Trump’s administration is trying to distance itself from Trump’s hostile campaign-trail rhetoric on the deal. … In an April 2016 campaign speech, Trump claimed that Iran had already violated the deal, immediately after Obama had made it.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Obama was right, Trump was wrong, but don’t expect any Republican to admit it. Meanwhile, Trump supporters are left dangling in the wind again.
Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), who chairs the House Oversight Committee, announced today he won’t seek reelection. First elected to the House in 2008, Chaffetz said he has no health issues and believes he would be reelected, but wants to return to the private sector. He did not rule out returning to politics in the future.* Prior to entering politics, Chaffetz worked in the “multilevel marketing” industry, which some people consider a racket. Chaffetz’ father at one time was married to Michael Dukakis’ present wife, who is the mother of Chaffetz’ older half-brother.
* Could this mean he’s fixing to challenge Trump in the 2020 primaries? He didn’t drop such hints; that’s just my rabbit nose twitching in the wind. It’s no secret that Chaffetz isn’t a Trump admirer; he didn’t endorse Trump until the late stages of the campaign, and then only reluctantly.
@ 18
I heard he’s re-applying to become one of the Pinkertons.
Oh but it’s anti-choice, hates the ACA and wants to cut taxes…
HA troll approved.., i.e.
BillO is done!
Surprising because Faux had just re-signed the a-hole to a new contract last month.
But with sponsors pulling their ads, they had no choice but to take the hit.
About freaking time.
“Don’t pay any attention to that man behind the curtain! We said our aircraft carrier is going to Korea, and it is, even though it’s still heading south to Australia!”
It’s all about perception. Ask Dorothy. She knows how this stuff works.
I didn’t do too badly today.
One post @ 1 and five of the following nine by the HA usual suspects have something to do with either the post or with me.
Pretty decent trolling.
22 – You’re a troll just like everyone else on this blog.
“Pretty decent trolling.”
If being the butt of our jokes is what you seek, you’re scoring every time you post.
Can’t be! We had the assurances of drooling, sister-fucking, ignorant, racist, Trumpublican trolls that his advertisers were standing by him to the bitter end. HA trolls are never wrong…
except whenever they post.
@22 In a manner of speaking, yes, you’re running up the score.
The DJIA has shed 225 points in 2 days. Could it be that Wall Street is losing faith in Trump’s ability to boost GDP, cut corporate taxes, and get a trillion dollars for infrastructure repairs from the Republican skinflints who control Congress, now that they realize they can’t squeeze Medicaid recipients for it?
The real takeaway is at Newscorp being a serial sexual harasser, five settlements and at least three more known accusers will not get you fired. Only not being able to sell the ad slots will get you fired. They really have the backs of their gals over there at Fox.
“Bill this is serious. Strike theee and your out usually.”
“Bill we had this conversation and you said you’d stop. This is your last chance.”
“Come on Bill Five? This is out of control.”
“I really can’t understand why you’re still here and in my office again but that’s two outs. Six strikes. What is your problem?”
“We’re lettting you go. It’s strictly a financial decision.”
The Bill-O thing makes me feel dirty. I’m going to scrub myself with a falafel and then have a loofah for dinner.
What’s wrong with the stock market?
Somebody grabbing it by the pussy? Donald? Bill O? DD?
“Pretty decent trolling.”
We’re still laughing at your minimum-wage nonsense from yesterday. Blue-collar commuters from Kent routinely dine in “3.5 star” (?!?) restaurants in Seattle?
And of course, your repeated citation of Podesta’s password became a classic the moment you utterly abandoned it, which was right after we explained to you how it wasn’t, you know, true.
You’re the gift that keeps on giving! Troll harder!
I presume the lawyers at Fox have the phrase “ongoing pattern and practice” programmed into auto-complete.
@1 And here’s Boob bragging that his candidate got 19.8% against a Democrat who got over 48%. Do I need to explain why everyone else here calls you Doctor Dumbfuck?
Wow early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DOUBLE DUMBFUCK wabbit the one with the mini microcephaly head didn’ tell anyone there were 11 Republicans running!
This is why DOUBLE DUMBFUCK is such a schmuck!
Drumpf promised that Dreamers who played by the rules wouldn’t be deported. He lied.
@33 “there were 11 Republicans running”
The GOP had 11 chances to get a measly 20% and couldn’t! Even Richard Pope does way better than that.
It saw Puffy coming with his moldy mattress money and ran for the hills. That stuff stinks something fierce.
Let’s see Drumpf wriggle out of this:
“A Russian government think tank controlled by Vladimir Putin developed a plan to swing the 2016 U.S. presidential election to Donald Trump and undermine voters’ faith in the American electoral system, three current and four former U.S. officials told Reuters.
They described two confidential documents from the think tank as providing the framework and rationale for what U.S. intelligence agencies have concluded was an intensive effort by Russia to interfere with the Nov. 8 election.
U.S. intelligence officials acquired the documents, which were prepared by the Moscow-based Russian Institute for Strategic Studies, after the election. The institute is run by retired senior Russian foreign intelligence officials appointed by Putin’s office.”
When you read the article @34, he should have had his papers on his person!
@38 That’s a deportable offense? For a kid? You’re a bigger dumbfuck than the doctor. Bigger, even, than Double-Dumbfuck Rabbit.
You’d better start carrying a certified copy of your birth certificate with you at all times. In case you get stopped by ICE. You don’t look “American,” you know. You’re not white enough to pass for a citizen to Trump’s MAGA police.
If you do, it’ll be the cleanest you’ve been in years.
@40 You’re a dirtball yourself. (Rabbits spend a lot of time digging in dirt, so I know one when I see one.)
In his first day on the job, new Associate Justice Gorsuch demonstrates he’s more mouth than brains.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Usually, a new employee keeps his mouth shut, watches how the old hands do things, and tries to learn from them, at least until he’s been around a while and knows something; but we’ve all met at least one of these fucking know-it-alls in our careers.
Kellyanne Conway is still one of the dumbest asses on the planet.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: She thinks Democratic electeds should/can/will stifle anti-Trump dissent? Really? They wouldn’t be electeds very long if they tried, even if they had the inclination for reasons she didn’t explain.
“A Russian government think tank controlled by Vladimir Putin developed a plan to swing the 2016 U.S. presidential election to Donald Trump and undermine voters’ faith in the American electoral system, three current and four former U.S. officials told Reuters.
Hey early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DOUBLE DUMBFUCK wabbit this reminds Puddy of how Obummer tried to sway the Israeli election in 2015 because of Obummer’s personal hatred of Bibi Netanyahu.
Where was DOUBLE DUMBFUCK’s voice?
In his first day on the job, new Associate Justice Gorsuch demonstrates he’s more mouth than brains.
Still smarter than you early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DOUBLE DUMBFUCK wabbit with the mini microcephaly head!
People HA DUMMOCRETINS love to coddle…
Notice how the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DOUBLE DUMBFUCK wabbit changed its tune when Puddy told everyone there were 11 Republicans running in Georgia? All that wasted DUMMOCRETIN $$$ and their candidate only got 48% of the vote.
I wasn’t talking to you, asshole. Go back to,your hole in the ground.
@48 HA isn’t a honeymoon suite. All conversations here are communal. And yes, I’m an asshole. Aren’t we all?
@44 From your link: “According to the report, authored by the permanent subcommittee on investigations of the Senate’s Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, the State Department gave grants totaling $349,276 to One Voice’s Israeli and Palestinian branches ‘to support peace negotiations’ over a 14-month grant period that ended in November 2014.”
This is a crime? You may have a point, though. No reasonable person could expect peace negotiations to amount to anything more than wasted effort while Netanyahu is there.
@45 “Still smarter than you early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DOUBLE DUMBFUCK wabbit with the mini microcephaly head!”
Is this the new litmus test for SCOTUS appointments?
@46 “Court documents indicate that the victim was walking by the mobile home in which she was held captive when the males were whistling at her, yelled ‘Hey pretty girl’ and offered her alcoholic beverages inside the residence. One of the males tried to warn the victim to not come inside.”
They look more like yours, except the people who do these things usually get elected by Republican voters to state legislatures. Maybe he hasn’t been here long enough yet.
@47 “changed its tune”
I did?
“All that wasted DUMMOCRETIN $$$ and their candidate only got 48% of the vote.”
Republicans spent half as much money and their candidate got considerably less than half as many votes. Given numbers like that, I’d still rather be us than them.
their candidate?
Delusional and irrational is early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger DOUBLE DUMBFUCK wabbit as always!
@54 Last I heard there’s a GOP candidate. Has that changed? Did she grow a conscience overnight and switch parties?
The US government [read – Obummer sadministration] supported a group that tried to unseat Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last year to the tune of nearly $350,000, or NIS 1.3 million, a Senate inquiry published Tuesday found, though it cleared the State Department of any wrongdoing.
Good try DOUBLE DUMBFUCK wabbit!
Here’s Five Thirty Eight’s take on the Georgia special election:
1. Ossoff did 2% better than the pre-election polls.
2. No pre-election poll had him getting 50%.
3. He did 5% to 8% better than standard trend analysis suggests a Democrat should do in that district.
So, you can’t say he underperformed. Well, you can try, but that’s bullshit.
4. The GOP goes into the runoff no better than tied.
5. Bigger picture, Republicans have to defend 48 seats in 2018 that are bluer than Georgia Dist. 6. Democrats need only 24 for a majority.
And then there’s this little tidbit from Nate Silver: “The midterms will probably be rough for Donald Trump and Republicans next year. Here’s [what] the Georgia special election on Tuesday — and the one in Kansas last week — serve to demonstrate: Trump can’t defy gravity. These were bad results for Republicans.”
And then there’s this:
“[The] enthusiasm gap for Trump among better-educated Trump voters partly explains why Republicans — most prominently the president — are keeping an eye on the special election today in Georgia’s 6th Congressional District, [which] has one of the highest levels of educational attainment in the country[.]”
@56 That’s not my quote, it’s from your idiotic wingnut link, moron. Go read #50 again. You have a comprehension problem. (This is news? Nah.)
Democrats are to blame that the Treason Party can’t get out of it’s own way? Why not blame Obama?
Oh wait. I see he did @44, etc. Of course he did.
Because Obama’s still in charge!
So much winning!
I did not realize that James Dobson’s trailer is on Airbnb.
Врач немой ебать’s next vacation is set!
When you add up all the candidates with R after their name you don’t get 51% in a district where under 60% for the GOP is not in generational memory.
The trope that GOP voters show up in greater numbers than Democrats in primaries is a huge problem for the GOP.
The GOP can probably pull it off but it’s going to be very expensive and embarrassing. Then again DerTrumper can do some new damn fool thing that makes moderate Rs stay home.
Like spend another $59 million playing golf every weekend. Fiscal conservatives or something.
And, in YLB’s case, makes others think they are women.
Earning Less Than Their Wives Makes U.S. Men More Partisan
While men with strong political views seem to react to a threat to their gender role by doubling down on their political and social attitudes, it seems that not all men have the same conceptions of masculinity; perhaps for liberal men, the shock of losing relative income has led these men to conclude that they can’t define themselves through traditionally masculine roles, and led them to rebel against them as best they can.
The shock of losing the White House hasn’t helped him any, either.
Or Treason Pissident Fuckface Von Clownstick can just go ahead and start a brand new war.
Republican = Treason
@ 61
The GOP can probably pull it off but it’s going to be very expensive and embarrassing.
1. It wouldn’t be any more expensive than Dems spending money in a losing effort, or have you not read how much liberal moolah has gone into this quixotic quest thus far?
2. Both sides have no shame, so your embarrassment point is wasted.
Wherein White Nationalist Russian aligned traitors plead for unilateral disarmament.
@ 64
Actually, I’d call each side dumping $12M into a special election runoff, results of which will merely maintain status quo in the House, more like mutually assured destruction.
What, no one else has anything to say about Kennedy’s upcoming retirement?
A solidified 5-4 majority in the first year of the Trump presidency is a pretty decent result, no?
We couldn’t have done it without you, #CrookedHillary.
We also appreciate your help, Goldy.
Goldy @GoldyHA
I’m a big lefty too, but Jesus Christ, Twitter friends, Hillary is the nominee! Push her on policy, but stop attacking her credibility.
27 May
probably because we consider Grassley to be a worthless, treasonous, sell-out who abandoned his Constitutional oath in favor of partisanship and who should choke to death on a dog’s dick. So unlike hillbilly idiots, we kinda tend not to believe his shit.
@ 68
Not only that, but he’s merely a farmer without even a law degree.
like pleading for the interests of “Real American” coal miners. All forty of them.
Sounds about right.
Sarah Palin, Ted Nugent, and Kid Rock walk into
a barthe White House…No, that’s not the joke.
That painting they’re standing in front of. I think it’s Crooked.
“And, in YLB’s case, makes others think they are women.”
Anybody else getting the impression that being a hashtag traitor has failed to give Doctor Dumbfuck the boost he needed to finally feel masculine? Clearly, ragging on YLB wasn’t doing the job, and neither has treason, what with these threads still being plagued with his attempts to project his own issues onto YLB.
Chaffetz tells Utah news radio he may not serve out term.
So what’s it gonna be? Highway rest area glory hole? Pre-teen “romance”?
Or goat?
We couldn’t have done it without you, #CrookedHillary.
I doubt very much the Republican Senatorial leader who refused even to hold a hearing to consider Garland’s nomination would appreciate you calling him that.
@ 74
Without the efforts of your former Senate Majority Leader, tensor, there wouldn’t be a Justice Gorsuch right now.
Think on your sins.
And without the efforts of treasonous hashtag pimps, the Trump administration wouldn’t be quietly re-opening
Tillerson’sExxonMobil’s application to waive sanctions so they can begin working some of the Black Sea contracts for Putin.Republican = Treason
“Think on your sins.”
Strange advice to come from a traitor.
“Or goat?”
As Chaffetz is more than just a little bit weird, that’d be my guess.
Without the shameful lack of efforts of your
formercurrent Senate Majority Leader,tensorDumbfuck, there wouldn’t be a Justice Gorsuch right now.Ftfy; you’re welcome.
Live on your knees.
The tax cuts, repatriated trillions, and the four new SCOTUS justices will be great an’ shit, but the real payoff from the November election results is the beginning of what will be two years’ worth of tell-alls:
Hillary camp scrambling to find out who leaked embarrassing info
We’re told the details in the book, which depicts the campaign as inept, “could only have come from someone in the inner circle.” Dennis Cheng, the finance director of Clinton’s presidential campaign, has been sending out messages to determine where the leaks came from.
Girl you know it’s true.
@ 79
McConnell kept his party in line, twice, to get Gorsuch.
That was a huge effort.
Of course, #CrookedHillary losing helped as well.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
If we replaced all of our legislators with goats we could improve both the capitol lawn and the performance of #waleg in one broad stroke.
And HA libbies could fuck their legislators instead of the other way around.
The tax cuts, repatriated trillions, and the four new SCOTUS justices…
kept his party in line,pushed his party over the line, twice, to get Gorsuch.Sanders hasn’t endorsed Ossoff, and in an interview with the Wall Street Journal, he seemed to suggest Ossoff’s progressive bona fides were in question.
“If you run as a Democrat, you’re a Democrat,” Sanders said. “Some Democrats are progressive, and some Democrats are not.”
The only way you’re gonna get a socialist to fall into line is if there’s an unearned check waiting for him when he gets to the front of it.
“I’m a yuuge Queen fan. There’s no more luxurious voice than Freddy Mercury. CAnt wait for their next show and I’ll have the best seats let me tell you folks.
Tax cuts? I’d settle for tax simplification first. It’s such a damn convoluted mess that the first step should be to reduce complexity, then look at the rates. I would definitely support a single, flat rate for individuals. Corporate rates are the subject of another conversation.
@ 86
First, it’s Freddie.
Second, which did you find more objectionable: Trump’s convention playing We Are The Champions, Sarah Palin’s ’08 campaign stops featuring Barracuda, or #CrookedHillary as the Democrat candidate last year?
Freddy Mercury was a great singer, no doubt about it. It’s too bad he’s gone.
Looks like another terrorist attack in Paris. These are going to continue until the West gets out of the Middle East, does its best to isolate Islam, and let the young Muslims of the Middle East live under Sharia Law for a while.
Once the young people of the area found how draconian Fundamental is Islam is, they will quietly change Islam for the better. Maybe there will come a time when Islam acts sanely, but that isn’t going to happen until the West stops intruding.
@ 89
God Bless Freddie Mercury.
Don’t Stop Me Now is my workout warm-up standard.
The Band Perry, on Letterman a few years ago, did a better job with Fat Bottomed Girls than Queen did.
“which did you find more objectionable”…,having your head up Trump’s ass or up Putin’s?
Silly me. You only wish you had two heads.
@61 “Like spend another $59 million playing golf every weekend. Fiscal conservatives or something.”
Any expenditure that gets him out of the White House, even for a couple days, is worth it.
@67 Yes, a departure would give Der Drumpfer an opportunity to appoint Roy Moore to SCOTUS, and you’d cheer him on if he did.
So is a really famous Italian tenor.
@71 So you’re a Nugent fan, eh? Yeah, I can visualize you gravitating to people of his, er, character.
Why are so many Republicans people of bad character, and why are most people of bad character attracted to Republicans? There must be a relationship there. Some sort of affinity group thing.
@(useful idiot)90…
“Once the young people of the area found how draconian Fundamental is Islam is, they will quietly change Islam for the better. Maybe there will come a time when Islam acts sanely, but that isn’t going to happen until the West stops intruding.”
Holy shit, you are beyond stupid.
The tax cuts, repatriated trillions, and the four new SCOTUS justices…
You forgot the ACA repeal.
kept his party in line,threw away the Republican judicial filibustertwicefor ever, to get Gorsuch.Ftfy; your welcome,
We’ll take that trade.
Why, you might even call it an artful deal.
Live on your knees.
@(useless idiot)98
No, US foreign policy was and continues to be beyond stupid. If you agree with our posture in the Middle East, then you believe in permanent war. Are you some big supporter of Israel or Palestine? Personally, I don’t care who occupies that dirt in the Middle East, be it the Israelis or the Palestinians. I’ve been hearing about their shit for decades, and I’m sick of it.
How has US meddling in Middle Eastern affairs done anything all to end this craziness? The West is the reason Islamic terrorism arose, and, if you don’t believe it, you are beyond stupid yourself.
In other news, Zombie (u)SP is still dead.
What’s the economic impact of far fewer businesmen and tourist flying to the USA?
Rated Best airline in the world by TripAdvisor just announced
…beginning of what will be two years’ worth of tell-alls:
Even someone still fapping deliriously over The Starr Report will eventually need new wanking material. (Try not to get all of the pages stuck together on the first read.)
It’ll work out for you, though: a ghost-written, second-hand pile of warmed-over rumors will be Shakespeare compared to your usual reads, and compared to the sources of “news” you routinely believe, it’ll be the fucking Economist.
(But will it contain Podesta’s password? I’m sure you’ll tell us.)
Waiting, possibly naked, with a tube of Astroglide for “Killing O’Reilly” by Bill O’Reilly.
While I was busy today apparently I missed that an Attorney (allegedly) said he didn’t understand the federal court system and either didn’t know it was a state or was just being super condescending about an entire state.
Either way, the Democratic Party’s utter dominance of the state of Hawaii is pretty much guaranteed for another generation.
@90 I might looking at a map and doing a little bit of review of French history. France has been so deep into North Africa and the middle east for a very long time. Of course Algeria was a French Department. Thus those citizens of Algeria are as French as any French man or woman in Paris. History and geography bind France and North Africa together, and then other past endeavors bind France to the middle east. And for France it’s not just about the oil. There is no practical way of separation they are bound to interact with the Middle East and the Middle East with them. Perhaps Maria Le Penn if she is elected will finish the job of the loss of the Department Algiers, and try to separate France from the middle east as you suggest. It won’t work and it will not make France or any other nation in Europe safer. And the same goes for the US, and we are already in the game, though we might need to hesitate in helping out in places like Libya unless certain NATO clauses are activated. Yes the French have an air craft carrier but they will be happy to invite the US to the party. Then they can tell the natives upset with the French it’s the awful American’s doing this not us. Here try their McDonald’s food, and now how about some French wine and now some fraternity and brotherhood. And yes you can still join the French Foreign Legion.
@102 Still I’m not too upset that an airline owned by 7 kingdoms is having to cut some flights. Even if they are the best in the world, they still operate as a monopoly and at the behest of 7 dynasties. It’s an opportunity for North Korea’s airline. They get rid of the bomb, get a few planes from Boeing, and pick up these routes, and become capitalists. Win for everyone. Though you better like kimchee.
@21 A carrier group off the Korean coast is not unusual. Still there is probably a flight of B-52’s and B2’s ready to roll should there be a missile launch. Just one will bomb North Korea back to the stone age. Perhaps a young ruler there should know of General Lemay. Though he maybe too busy executing his air defense officers with their anti aircraft guns.
@28 Hey with ad revenue of a hundred and ten million they could have hired some talent to keep the talent happy, would have cost much less than the law suits. Still some feminist would blown the whistle.
@42 RR as an attorney you would never infer a judge even one on their first day in court isn’t entitled to be a judge. The man is an associate justice on the Supreme Court other than having to be in charge of the Judges cafeteria and dealing with why the cookies are not the same he’s a judge on the court. Just because he asks the questions does not mean any of it will appear in the opinion. He gets to sit with the other judges and determine how the case goes. He may even write the majority or minority opinion. He’s been an appellate justice for a decade or more so he should have a concept how things work. He is on the court as an associate justice equal to the others and ready to do the job. Hey if they were all like Justice Thomas it would just be the attorneys talking. and if a justice asked a question that would be front page news. The justices will duke out the case in chambers with nary a law clerk leaking anything until the decision is read and published.
@87 How about a flat tax of 90% on all income over say $150,000 a year.