I go to West Seattle via bus quite frequently, and I never noticed any problem with the bus shelters Metro is removing (h/t). That shelter in particular has some very neat history on it. I always appreciated those plates. Hopefully they can at least go somewhere. Also, maybe my least favorite thing in Seattle is when it rains hard and too many people share too few bus shelters.
Man, 2016’s ending on a high note, isn’t it?
Have you hugged a coddled union member today?
Clinton never even stopped by a United Auto Workers union hall in Michigan, though a person involved with the campaign noted bitterly that the UAW flaked on GOTV commitments in the final days, and that AFSCME never even made any, despite months of appeals.
“When you don’t reach out to community folk and reach out to precinct campaigns and district organizations that know where the votes are, then you’re going to have problems,” she said.
Aw, c’mon. Cut #CrookedHillary some slack, wouldja? She was busy reaching out to Goldman Sachs.
Don’t worry Carl, Dow and Ed have your back. They’re targeting the least well-off households for massive regressive transit taxing. You may lose your bus stop, but households here will be bled fiscally.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Why does @KCTS9 run so many fad diet infomercials?
Why did the Obama administration pour so much money into Solyndra?
Answers likely quite similar. Always follow the money.
Coddled? If it weren’t for the AMA, Doctor Hashtag would be trading X-rays for chickens.
“Always follow the money.”
As in the party of Reagan selling out America to Russia so Exxon could get some Arctic oil.
Two questions;
How long will it take to remove the missile defense system in Europe to make Putin happy?
How long will it take Putin to snap up the Balkans?
@ 6
Oh, sure. Now libbies feign an interest in defending Europe.
Poland and the Czech Republic reply with a hearty Fuck You, Special Snowflake.
Vanity Fair keeping you informed.
On December 15, Clinton is having a big party in Manhattan at the Plaza Hotel, once owned by Trump, for her campaign donors, as a sort of thank-you and keep-in-touch farewell. It is expected to cost more than $100,000 and be paid for with excess campaign funds.
Y’all got your invites, amirite?
Maybe if #CrookedHillary had chosen to advertise in Wisconsin, there wouldn’t be excess campaign funds. Priorities.
Oh. I think I read last week that Team Clinton spent $1.2B on this election, while Team Trump spent $600M.
#CrookedHillary handpicked her opponent, outspent him 2-to-1, and still lost.
Should be an awesome soiree, tho.
@ 4
If it weren’t for the AMA, Obama’s signature legislative achievement would be handing Iran the Get Out Of Jail Free card, Steve.
Well, it certainly seems to be starting out that way.
Americans Expect Donald Trump’s Policies To Favor The Rich
Libbies, I wish to express my sincere gratitude for your selection of #CrookedHillary to be the liberal standard-bearer this year. I am particularly indebted to the DNC and assorted national Democrat hierarchy types, and to people like Goldy, who played such an instrumental role in snuffing out any pro-Sanders insurrection over his mistreatment, which might have otherwise emerged during the aftermath of the primary election season.
It truly is a blessed holiday season this year, and each of you played an instrumental role. Peace.
Oh, and good tidings!
“How long will it take Putin to snap up the Balkans?”
Add Ukraine and the Republic of Georgia. As Trump says, “to the victor belong the spoils”.
“I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Vladimir Putin and his loyalists in the GOP”
Fixed it, you fucking traitor.
Good news! The UK’s Guardian has a story that Julian Assange says the hack on Hillary’s campaign was an inside job. If it’s an inside job, it should be easy to identify and punish the perpetrators.
Whatever the outcome, Putin will still be viewed as a hero in Russia because the Russian people will continue to think that Putin’s people did the hack and Assange is lying. Putin’S a rock star in Russia.
@ 12
I will transmit this information to Vladimir.
@ 13
If it’s an inside job, it should be easy to identify and punish the perpetrators.
If it’s an inside job it’s a leak and not a hack.
Man, Representative Gabbard looks better by the day, doesn’t she?
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Obama’s first Sec. of Energy was a Nobel Prize winning physicist. Trump’s Sec. of Energy pick couldn’t remember the word “Energy.”
Our president of these 50 states thought he was running to be president of 57.
All high level hacks are “inside jobs” to some extent.
Breaching most security systems requires some degree of social engineering. You’d be surprised what kind of information busy stressed out people will share over the phone. Ask any real hacker. As usual, Assange draws media attention by stating the obvious. Yet more fake news.
And Putin’s a rock star in Russia because it appears to most of the world that he owns the next President of the United States. That has major implications well beyond our borders. Project for a New American Century just became Project for a New Russian Century.
The World Expects Donald Trump’s Policies To Favor The Russia
@ 17
You’d be surprised what kind of information busy stressed out people will share over the phone.
You’d be surprised what kind of financial information useless dumbfucks like Roger Rabbit will share over the internet. From what he’s written on HA we have enough information to know:
– he truly lives in a Seattle shithole; it isn’t just his online persona.
– his investment portfolio is an embarrassment, rather than something he should be crowing about on a daily basis.
– he’s not worth the time it would take to run a scam on him.
Hey grab some hot dipped chocolate Pussy.
You havent had pussy since pussy had you.
@1 “Have you hugged a coddled union member today?”
I’ll bet you haven’t because you were too busy shedding tears for poor misunderstood CEOs.
Boob thinks anyone who makes over $15,000 a year is “coddled,” but there’s an exemption for six, seven, and eight figure earners, just as they’re exempt (or soon will be) from paying taxes.
@4 Don’t forget Medicare.
@6 I’m sure Tillerson will gladly trade a few million people’s freedom for billions of barrels of Russian oil.
(Full disclosure: Roger Rabbit owns Exxon stock and will profit from this debacle.)
@9 At least greedy doctors know a good thing when they see it, As I recall, you were too shit-for-brains to glom onto that gravy train until after the fact.
@10 My stocks are doing great, too. And since I’m a hare, the impending overturn of Roe v. Wade won’t affect me personally. In fact, it might create business opportunities. Boob, think of all the contract work you’ll get providing medical services to Trump’s concentration camps for Muslims, illegals, climate scientists, pipeline protesters, and other enemies of the people. We’re both going to be filthy rich!
I think I posted a few days ago how Syria, now that Russia is our best friend, will also be our best friend.
This should be fun to watch. I wonder how Isreal feels about that possible allied relationship.
&21 for once, you are right about something. Yeah it’s been about 15 years. But not sure I’m really ever was interested in it, so no loss.
Do you get any Pussy or get grabby with any pussy in Mom’s basement?
Russia nixes UN outgoing leader from talking about LGBT. This is is what Russia is all about, and this is why Americans can easily live Russia. Freedom? Freedom is all bullshit just like the deficit is to a conservative.
Soon or already we are the United States of Russia. Heil Hitler.
Thanks to all Veterans for blood lost for no reason.
@16 Hey Boob, you should be glad the next four years are going to give liberals a new appreciation of states’ rights.
@ 27
Everyone’s stocks are doing great, Dumbfuck.
Earlier this week you posted that you’re up 9.7% this year
as if you somehow were responsible for that gain.
In fact, the DJIA is up more than 14% so far YTD
and the S&P 500 is up more than 13.5% so far YTD
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you are underperforming the market by 4+ percent this year.
You stupid fuck, you have nothing to brag about. Your active stock-picking strategy is leaving you further behind.
My Notadumbfuck Method of investing is validated. It’s simple, really. Want above-market returns? Just read what Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit does, and do the opposite.
@19 It’s probably true my investment portfolio is a withered little twig compared to yours. I didn’t have a Medicare tit to suck on like you did. On the other hand, when your Republican buddies in Congress begin means-testing Social Security and Medicare benefits, yours will be among the first to go.
@29 Trolls on this blog are pretty familiar with goat pussy.
@32 Since you’re so fucking smart, what’s your return this year? Give us some hard numbers to look at. Or are you afraid to?
“Project for a New American Century just became Project for a New Russian Century”
It’s the New World Order our trolls have hated and despised for years, a world divided up between a handful of authoritarian and totalitarian oligarchies. Poor trolls…betrayed again. Sad!
“Trolls on this blog are pretty familiar with goat pussy.”
I can see now how that goat thing of theirs might have begun with goat pussy-grabbing and then it progressively got worse from there.
The Fed not only raised interest rates today, but anticipating Trump Inflation, indicated it will raise interest rates 9 more times over the next 3 years. The Dow dropped triple digits. Wouldn’t surprise me if Boob’s stocks went down $50,000 today. If he’s playing with stock options, he might have lost another $50,000 on top of that. At this rate, he may need a minimum wage job soon, to make ends meet in retirement. I’ll bet then he’ll be glad that he fought against increasing the $7.25 wage rate.
I’ve always suspected the Republican grass roots was a bunch of traitors. Now, scientific polling data confirm it.
Irony….the two guys(rabbit and tinyfingers) talking about pussy the most, are also the same two guys who havent gotten any in 2+ decades….
Things that make you go “hmmm?”
Im at just a hair over 12%…..and I barely pay attention to mine.
Maybe the rabbit should do the same….lmfao
@29 Trolls on this blog are pretty familiar with goat pussy.
Yes senile dumb wabbit. You placed the youtube video of yourself in goat action years ago.
ekim jump right in on it during the fall of 2010.
QPPS copied it and embellished it in 2013.
And we all know why the fetid arschloch created the crazed databaze don’t we? So it wouldn’t need to search for it. Has it right at its fingertips when the urge occurs!
Uh, oh! A loon a psycho-laugh spotting @42. That’s a really bad sign.
@ 35
@32 Since you’re so fucking smart, what’s your return this year? Give us some hard numbers to look at. Or are you afraid to?
Since I’m so fucking smart, I’m not going to share my portfolio worth or my home valuation online.
Actually, anyone with common sense would know not to do that.
Anyone with common sense.
It’s not how high the return is, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. It’s how much tax minimization can be accomplished.
Selling losers to harvest tax losses makes the remaining holdings look better.
Donating the most appreciated winners to avoid the gain and to collect the deduction robs the portfolio of its biggest gainers and makes the remaining holdings look worse.
But each activity minimizes taxes. That’s the name of the game – keeping more after the tax has been paid.
What a sad, sad life it must be to watch one’s portfolio on a daily basis, because one has not much better to do.
And, another.
Muslim Student Who Said She Was Harassed by Trump Supporters Charged With Filing False Report: Sources
I wonder how that activist who claimed to have been attacked during Gay Pride Week is doing. Better, I hope.
@42 “You placed the youtube video of yourself in goat action years ago.”
Really? Would you post a link to that video? I want to see it.
@44 Just as I thought.
@46 So that proves no Muslims were harassed by Trump supporters?
Looks like Drumpf’s national security adviser has an email problem. But don’t hold your breath waiting for Darrell Issa or Trey Gowdy to hold hearings on this.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: He isn’t a Democrat, so it’s not a problem.
Hey guys, I think we should cut Boob some slack. It is quite apparent that his lashing out is a result of him not being able to accept the outcome of this election and what is about to become the catastrophic collapse of America the Exceptionalist Society. It is tough to feel good about it, especially if as an individual you clamored for the days of making America Great Again.
The poor guy, if he didn’t have this place here as an outlet to vent and lash out there is no telling if he’d be putting a gun to his head right now.
@49. No. poor guy. He’s falling apart.
Email problem? Where is the word email anywhere in the article senile dumb wabbit?Reading the article he was trying to get Pakistan’s help with terror networks killing American troop heroes!
So senile dumb wabbit, why do you like terror networks killing American troop heroes? Why?
Now the loon. There is no hope for the Ape. The Ape is past the point of no return
“But don’t hold your breath waiting for Darrell Issa or Trey Gowdy to hold hearings on this.”
There’s certainly no need for chants of “LOCK HIM UP” or for our Doctor to litter these threads with thousands of hashtags. No, I just don’t see those as being in our future.
Puddy loves it when all these libtard heads explode all over the place!
Ohhh how I bet Putin would love a little piece of China. It would be like grabbing a little Pussy in the morning. But you have to wonder – for a guy who you would think likes Pussy he was always galloping alone on the little Pony.
I think we need a dissertation of the constitution from Abigail Adams to understand what is going on in today’s world.
@53 And Pakistani is a reliable ally with whom to share sensitive military secrets, huh?
Now that this Republican deadbeat has been elected to Congress, maybe he’ll pay his $100,000 child support debt.
@56 the only thing exploding is your ass, or in your case your head.
Hope them North Koreans don’t get upset with el drumpo, if so you might see some real exploding going on. WWIII – it’s a beautiful thing. What will be more beautiful if that should happen is how Paul Ryan tells you rubes how everything is just ok and that bad man in North Korea is like no other monster.
Elections have consequences. In the words of the crazed fetid arschloch: You LOST!
To save American lives? It was a try!
Satellite imagery confirms that China is installing weapons on all 7 of the man-made islands it has built in the South China Sea, which contain military airstrips. These bases straddle sea lanes that carry a third of the world’s ocean-borne trade. Anyone still want to argue that China doesn’t intend to kick the U.S. Navy out of Asia?
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’ve been posting for some time now that the U.S. needs to take China’s military buildup seriously, and to increase military spending, because a conflict with China likely is coming, and we don’t want to be caught unprepared. And Trump needs to get his head out of his ass and realize the powers that be in Beijing intend to make nice only insofar as we give them for free what they otherwise intend to take by military force. That includes Taiwan and the entire South China Sea, plus pose enough of a military threat to sway the foreign policies of Japan, Phillippines, and other countries in the area in their direction.
During the campaign, Drumpf promised to replace Janet Yellen. Yellen, whose term at the Federal Reserve isn’t up until 2018, just told him to take a hike.
@ 64
Anyone still want to argue that China doesn’t intend to kick the U.S. Navy out of Asia?
You mean other than Barack?
and Obama has been where the last 8 years? Funny how you dont mention the CURRENT sitting president in your assessment.
stick to things you know, like investing…oh wait….nevermind.
Elections have consequences – yeah for you. I could give a fuck Kaboom.
What does that Stupid saying mean anyways?
Breathing has consequences. Cops killing people have consequences. Sticking with fossil fuels has consequences. Illuminating abortion has consequences. Being an Ape has consequences.
The Ape is a loon and a dumbfuck and that has consequences.
Kabooom. Calling North Korea the Axis of Evil has consequences.
The only good thing that has no consequence is my foot up your ass.
What did I lose?
You ever hear the expression that big isn’t always better. Well in this case winning isn’t alway better.
Good luck you dumbfucks!
Oh yeah it’s all Barry’s fault. Boo hop hoo when you go kaboooommmy!
Drumpf starts WWIII…… conservatives, ohhhh what did Barry doooooo. It’s Barryyy’s fault.
You pathetic dumbfucks. You breathing is harmful to your health.
Snowflake? You people are just complete flakes and fakes.
Trump Brings Family To Meeting With Tech Titans
Why Not? When you like spying as much as the Russians and Chinese, what’s a little family invite to learn from the best in the business to steal ideas from to make your company successful.
White Students Hold ‘Trump’ Sign, Turn Backs On Black Basketball Team
What’s so wrong with that? In the olden days black people could have suffered death by hanging and not ridicule and intimidation. And if Black and living in Africa you could starve to death.
Dolly Parton’s Telethon Raises Nearly $9 Million For Tennessee Wildfire Victims
Yeah beats having to pay taxes and letting the government deal with the problem. It’s like teaching someone how to fish instead of coddling them all the time and just handing them food.
Anyone have a pole?
Stop grabbing Pussy – grab a pole!
Chris Christie-Backed Bill Would Devastate Newspapers That Hold His Feet To The Fire
Hey Being a Nazi worked to get elected El Presidente, why not?
Criticizing Drumpf might get too tiring. Maybe it’s easier to just fall in line and raise my right arm and yell Heil Hitler, our dear Pussy grabbing Leader.
Lindsey Graham says Russia hacked his email.
Oh stop being such a drama queen. You are acting like it was because they thought you could be El Presidente and not a fag.
Lindsey Graham quote from above link.
“They’re trying to destabilize democracy all over the world. Not just here,” he said about the Russians. “Here’s what we should do. We should tell the Russians that on no uncertain terms, you interfere in our elections, we don’t care why, we’re going to hit you and hit you hard, we’re going to introduce sanctions, it’ll to be bipartisan.”
Putin’s response – Me strong man and strong leader, you just a fag. Me have big smart businessman on my side. Go back to playing in your circle jerk. I ride Pony.
Wow….someone was hitting the meth pipe early this morning.
And links from DU and Huffpo? LOLZ.
Ya, because those are trusted, non partisan websites…..
@80. You intelligence is limited to your mom’s basement.
More proof that Republicans are lowlifes without a scintilla of humanity: Drumpf’s Treasury Secretary nominee turned ruthless exploitation of vulnerable seniors into a lucrative business.
@80 “Ya, because those are trusted, non partisan websites…..”
… complained the pot to the kettle. If you ignatardos can get your “news” from the likes of Fox, Breitbart, Lush Limpdick, et al., then we can read Huffpo, and you can go fuck yourself if you don’t like it.
Union psyche, boiled down to a couple of telling sentences.
“What they’ve done is not necessarily falsification. … There are a lot of nuances here,” Jeter said. “If someone actually went out and falsified the work that they do, then that’s one thing. If there is a culture of how they report, and what they’re told to do … that’s something else.”
In the public sector there is still a place where this behavior is OK.
In the private sector this behavior is a big reason why union membership has fallen so precipitously.
If that made any sense, it might be funny…but you failed on both counts.
Perhaps you could enlighten us and recite what websites I have referenced.
Fact is, you are just flailing because you have no idea where i get news or info.
Maybe you should stick to telling us all about your brilliant stock performance….oh wait….nevermind.
@ 86
Ask him his portfolio value.
Ask him his home value.
Since he’s shared both, voluntarily, in the past, I see no reason why he wouldn’t do it again.
He needs you to listen, after all. His family at home doesn’t, so all he’s got is his HA family.
@84 Yeah, nonunion pipeline operators never spill oil or falsify inspection records, do they? Whenever shit happens, it’s the fault of unions! Replace $30-an-hour union labor with $7.25-an-hour right-to-work labor and everything will run like a Swiss watch!
@85 I agree. He grossly overestimated you.
@86 It’s not hard to identify the nature of your sources. Stupidity is like fingerprints, you can track it back to its source.
@87 No worse than a doctor with time on his hands.
I used to think it took smarts to get through medical school, but I know better now.
I used to think a guy shot in the chest while bull-rushing a cop wasn’t a fleeing felon but
I know better now.
If its not hard, then please tell the class where I get my news and info. Perhaps you have some examples?
Oh, and make sure to show your work so we can all see how you came to your conclusion.
Still lmfao at the rabbit….after telling us over and fucking over for last 6? 7? 8? years about his investing prowess, we discover that he is massively underperforming conpared to the market.
Its like, wtf dude? Really?
@ 95
We’d have no clue about how poorly Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has done if he hadn’t written so many spews telling us the specifics.
Jesus. He’s 68, I think he told us. Unless by now he’s 69. He’s no longer working so he’s significantly income-limited.
How does he catch up after his poor management and resultant underperformance? He can’t. Unless he’s going to start playing options or otherwise further exposing his family by engaging in excessively risky behavior.
He’s fucked his family’s future through poor decision making, and all the while he has bragged about it. Incessantly bragged about it.
Maybe he can write a Handbill piece on fleeing assets. He has certainly qualified himself.
I, for one, am fucking sick and tired of Democrats always acting like the guy that follows the elephants in a parade. Cleaning up their copious amounts of shit from incompetence, hubris and downright ignorance. Stop it! Stop helping them look good! Stop cleaning up their shit!
So Vlad Putin actively called the shots to use hacker spoils to select Drumpf…
emmessemm klownspiracy whinging by the trolls in 5.. 4.. 3.. 2..
Not one mention of Rex Tillerson in this thread. He’s only a greedhead that actively undermines US foreign policy by hob-nobbing with Putin and that miserable dictator in Chad among other jerks.
Seems Drumpf is a big fan of coal and oil and will ignore gas, renewables and nuclear if not actively undermine them. Especially rewnewables..
@ 97
…Democrats always acting like the guy that follows the elephants in a parade.
You do know you (collectively) just spent an entire election cycle carrying a snow shovel and walking behind the elephant named Clinton, don’t you?
Incompetence: Ignoring the base in MI and WI. Walking away from eastern OH and western PA. Not even responding
The union will not be meeting with Clinton because her campaign decided not to fill out a questionnaire that is required for seeking the police union’s endorsement.
to the National FOP request for materials in advance of their endorsement process.
Hubris: Campaigning in Arizona. Team Clinton thinking they knew better than one of their own, perhaps the Democrats’ greatest-ever campaigner, former president Bill.
Downright ignorance: Failure to realize there was zero connection between your candidate and the traditional blue-collar work and African-American bases, because First! Woman! President! was going to cover it.
Elections have consequences – Barack Obummer to John McCain Late Winter 2010. Now useful in 2016.
Bare Chested fool… AKA as the hanging human teabag sucka That comment above proves to everyone how really stoooooooooooooooopid you are! Project manager be DAYUM’D
Suck on those Giulianis!
@85 like I said – your intelligence is limited to Mommies basement. Is that better? Did you not understand “Mom’s”?
Obama cleaned up a ruined Republican economy and a ruinous Republican war and gave us peace and prosperity. That’s just not enough for you fools. But no point in repeating the obvious to morons. People that refuse to learn deserve the mess they’ve got coming.
@86 why do you assume the reply was talking about you? Were you admitting to be one of the ignatardis?
Like I said your intelligence is limited
So Vlad Putin actively called the shots to use hacker spoils to select Drumpf…
Really fetid arschloch?
It’s a crying shame that elections having consequences and making America great again don’t include giving the loon a brain. But, no, the loon is still batshit fucking insane. Sad!
What a bunch of libtard ASSholes… http://www.politico.com/story/.....ump-232667
“I’m not going to comment on anonymous reports from intelligence officials that are not identified that have quotes around the concept of intelligence officials,” Kerry went on to say, putting “intelligence officials” in air quotes.
Hmmm… yet the fetid arschloch @98 runs with anything on Daily Kooks!
Obummer mad America great again? Obummer claimed Hillary was Obummer term #3!
And that’s why Clinton was summarily rejected in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania!
@97 …or at least quit stepping in it.
Oh dunceman @97,
You pushed every one whom thinks RIGHT in that same shit since you arrived here on HA DUMMOCRETINS! Now you are upset that the shit is still flowing from the national DUMMOCRETINS?
Your party knows nothing else.
That party of inner city racism!
The party that plays class politics with every class of people!
The party of socialism!
The party of do as I say!
The party of hate!
– Bible believer hate!
– Gun owner hate!
– Climate skeptics hate!
– Police hate!
– Disagree with DUMMOCRETIN thought hate!
The party of self-serving leaders!
The party of super delegates!
The party of intransigence!
The party of vengefulness!
This is why you lost 210 counties that voted for Obummer twice!
@ 102
Obama cleaned up a ruined Republican economy and a ruinous Republican war and gave us peace and prosperity.
Post-election liberal talking point changes, effective immediately:
Out: No justice, no peace. Income inequality.
In: “Peace and prosperity”.
Ima Dunce morphed into YLB so slowly I hardly noticed. Do the kneepads fit ya, Special Snowflake?
Oh BTW, you will not find 110 on any conservative web site. It’s all Puddy!
We know you after dealing with y’all these past 11+ years!
See ya! Glad we ain’t like ya!
Well, at least the Democrats will know where they have to increase their efforts in 2020.
Remember, Disney was for Clinton too! http://miami.cbslocal.com/2016.....n-lawsuit/
Remember, Disney was for Clinton too! http://miami.cbslocal.com/2016.....n-lawsuit/
Puddy loves it when the cannibals attack each other! http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/s.....RATS_PEREZ
Trump is making the $$$ great again!
What? Is that it? Lol…guess i shouldnt expect much more from a scheduler who claims to run projects….lolz
It doesnt matter to me that he isnt doing as well as the rest of the market…its all a gamble anyway and some do great and others not.
Its just that after incessant bragging day after day, year after year, we find out that his “strategy” was just TEH EPYK FAYLE is what makes it noteworthy.
He is nothjng but a toothless blowhard anyway, this just drives that point home….with karma as the frosting.
Maybe….or maybe not…he will think twice about bragging up his own shit while looking down his nose at others.
@ 119
Definitely he won’t.
No filter and no shame.
Why not a Republican surveillance program? Republicans are more dangerous than Muslims.
@96 ROFLMAO!!! From a troll who won’t post his own performance numbers!!! Hey, don’t overlook that I’m outperforming Puddy by a factor of, oh, approximately 200x.
Hey, don’t overlook that I’m outperforming Puddy by a factor of, oh, approximately 200x.
Oh really? What a blowhard!
Hey Pissface, do you have any stocks that have returned an average of 70% a year for 20 consecutive years? I do. It’s called “Starbucks”. It started as a little business in Pike Place Market. It’s run by a guy named Schultz who, unlike Drumpf, doesn’t lose money for his investors and doesn’t dabble in reactionary politics.
Oh senile dumb wabbit blowhard…
Some people say government should be run like a business. I guess it depends on which business.
Roger Rabbit Commentary; While I don’t agree with the basic notion that government can or should be run like a business, if you’re gonna go that route, then I’d rather Schultz than Drumpf be the businessman.
@125 You call that a post? Cat got your tongue? Btw, how’s your mattress money doing these days? Have you made a 1% return yet? Or will that take another 6 or 7 years?
Puddy has a job. Boob still works. Pissface says he has a construction gig. Roger Rabbit isn’t a wage slave like them. He’s a capitalist who sits on his fat rabbit ass all day doing nothing. Who would YOU rather be? Puddy, Boob, Pissface, or Roger Rabbit?
126 – How should government be run, Roger? What’s your idea of the methodology of running government?
Nevermind the fact that you were “wage slave” for 50 years…..big deal dickhead, you thonk u are the only person who is retired?
Just shut the fuck up already, you been played.
Had you invested $10,000 in 1987 in MSFT and held it until 2000, your annualized return would have been approximately 72.53% per year. If you had invested $10,000 in Worlds of Wonder in 1987, your return would have been 0%, and your $10,000 would have vanished into the ether.
That’s why diversification is important.
NBA broadcaster Craig Sager died today at 65. He wore the colorful clothes on TNT!
@129 It’s unfortunate you have to ask and this needs to be explained to you. Government and businesses serve different purposes and operate in different ways. I suggest you look at a college catalog and read the curricula for the business school and the school of public administration, noting how the course offerings differ, which may help you understand that business graduates are not trained to run government, and public administrators are not trained to run a business.
The core values of the business world, competition and making a profit, don’t apply to government functions in the same way or at all. For example, public libraries and parks are not competitive enterprises, nor are they designed or intended to make a profit. Instead, a budget for those “public goods” is developed through a democratic process, then is managed to provide the best library and park services possible within the given budget.
Government is often called upon to do things that businesses can’t or won’t do because they are uneconomic or unprofitable, such as providing flood insurance, or so costly that only government has the resources to undertake them, such as providing military security for the nation. How would you manage the Coast Guard’s law enforcement, and search and rescue functions, as a profit-making enterprise? In that case, you should be managing for highest effectiveness, not lowest cost or greatest efficiency. If the goal of an education system is to educate as many students as possible, then saving money by closing schools results in failure, not success.
Legislative processes, public hearings, etc., are inefficient but essential to democracy and citizen participation. Managing a business and governing require different skill sets. Most businesses are managed from the top down; governing requires seeking citizen input, negotiation, and compromise.
Business managers have more freedom of action; politicians and public administrators are constrained by complex laws and regulations, and must do things “by the book” so as to treat everyone equally under the law.
Business and public management differ in so many ways they are different disciplines, which is why colleges have separate schools of business and public administration. It’s sad you’re so ignorant of the world around you that this has to be spelled out for you, Jack.
“Hey, don’t overlook that I’m outperforming Puddy by a factor of, oh, approximately 200x.”
The loon giving all of his money to Ben Carson wasn’t much of an investment.
@124 PissCan will have to ask his Mommy that question.
Hands down Rog the answers to your question is You! Not because of your money or because you’re retired or a rabbit, but I’d rather be smarter like you as demonstrated in your response to the moron at 129 rather than A Mommies Basement PissCan who claims he works in construction (he couldn’t even be a plan clerk), or some loonie Ape, of a failed doctor who has to read images because he wasn’t smart enough to be a real doctor.
“bragging up his own shit while looking down his nose at others”
Pretty much describes our resident racist radiologist. It’s not like it required a Ouija board to figure out our wealthy, options-playing, bullied-by-blacks-as-a-kid Doctor Hashtag’s bullshit, which includes spending half his time in a cesspool hating on Roger for what are Doctor Twit’s own attributes. What a fucking loser.
@104 Read it and weep babbling buffoon:
“U.S. intelligence officials now believe with “a high level of confidence” that Russian President Vladimir Putin became personally involved in the covert Russian campaign to interfere in the U.S. presidential election, senior U.S. intelligence officials told NBC News.
Two senior officials with direct access to the information say new intelligence shows that Putin personally directed how hacked material from Democrats was leaked and otherwise used. The intelligence came from diplomatic sources and spies working for U.S. allies, the officials said.”
You bleat “really”… Anything “real” means nothing to you babbling jackass.
Dr Ben at HUD is a great investment QPPS!
@131 You’ve just proved you’re an investing hayseed. Anybody can say you should’ve bought Microsoft in 1987. We’d all be billionaires if we could guess things like this in advance. It’s the oldest con in the game.
Everyone knows investors should diversify, but not for your reason. The purpose of diversifying is not to increase your chances of picking a stock like Starbucks or Microsoft, but to limit the damage any one holding can do to your portfolio. Diversifying a portfolio serves the same function as watertight bulkheads in a ship.
My dear loyal HA readers, when you hear someone talk about beating the market, run the other way! There are two things wrong with such talk. (1) Nobody can do it. (2) You don’t have to.
I don’t care whether the Dow or S&P beats my portfolio. I don’t even look at those numbers. The only number I care about is 1 x 1.03 x 1.03 x 1.03 …
Getting lucky with Starbucks was nice, but I’m looking for stocks that pay a 3% dividend, raise it 3% every year, and appreciate 3% every year. Then I compound those returns by reinvesting them. If you can do that, each $1 you invest will be worth $2 after 13 years, $3 after 20 years, $4 after 25 years, $5 after 29 years, $7 after 34 years, and $10 after 40 years. This is a sure thing, because math never varies.
The fact is, many companies do better than 3%-3%-3%, which makes your investment dollar earn even more, if you simply keep reinvesting the proceeds. I intentionally set the bar low to demonstrate how powerful the compounding principle is.
I don’t like mutual funds or ETFs, but if you want to put your money in any index fund, there’s nothing wrong with that. That’s probably what you should do if you don’t know anything about investing and/or don’t want to spend any time on it.
As our resident idiot trolls point out, I’m underperforming the indexes this year. That’s because I’m overweighted in oil stocks. When oil recovers, and it will, I’ll outperform the indexes. Unless your portfolio mirrors the indexes, it will be above the indexes in some years and under the indexes in other years. Judging investment results by singling out one year’s performance is another sign that you’re talking to an ignorant rube.
I’ve said in the past that it’s easy to make 8% a year in the stock market. I singled out that number because it’s the benchmark that many pension finds rely on for the investment-returns component of their actuarial calculations. There’s a reason why the professionals who manage these huge funds use that number — because it’s doable. Even though my oil stocks have gotten the crap beaten out of them, my portfolio will still make 10% this year. And that’s my fucking point.
@139 Only if you believe in hiring a developer to perform surgery. I mean, what the fuck does he know about housing and urban development?
This is how you deal with the libtard msm when they bloviate like QPPS does here! https://youtu.be/hs1LABi5eCA
Mt Vernon officer shot tonight. Will libtards cheer the shooter like they have earlier!
Here’s a question for you idiot trolls. Even you should be able to get this right. What is the #1 responsibility of the Department of Energy? In other words, what is Drumpf proposing to put Rick Perry in charge of?
Will the HA DUMMOCRETIN scummy hoard accept this from the Obummer sadministration?
@143 “Mt Vernon officer shot tonight. Will libtards cheer the shooter like they have earlier!”
Is Cliven Bundy out of jail? I’m guessing this was done by one of yours.
A lot of people are saying, ‘I’m not putting another fucking dime in until someone tells me what just happened.’” Uhhh Ohhh!
Does anyone click on the babbling jackass’ fake news spam links?
People should regard those jackass links the same way they feel about stepping in a puddle of cat shit.
@148 Are you referring to the market timer who sold all his stocks about a year ago and stashed the money in a bank account?
I’m a billionaire and I’m a “fucking hayseed” as an investor? What fucking parallel universe are you inhabiting , Roger?
@ 140
I don’t care whether the Dow or S&P beats my portfolio.
No, apparently you don’t.
“Also, maybe my least favorite thing in Seattle is when it rains hard and too many people share too few bus shelters.”
Step 1: Leave Mosco…err…Seattle.
Step 2: Grow up and buy a fucking car, you fragile hipster.
Greeting my most excellent neo-socialist friends!
124 – Roger, I see you finally took the time to learn how to use Excel’s XIRR function. Roger, dear readers, didn’t know what his portfolio’s performance was until I described in this blog, several years ago, how to use the XIRR function. Now, of course, he thinks he’s a genius.
140 – “My dear loyal HA readers, ” – Roger, go look in the mirror. You’re only “loyal reader” is yourself because everyone knows you’re a self-promoting political hack who spent his entire life in government employment because you couldn’t find anything else.
BTW, Rog, how many C-130s does it take to move 369,000 pounds of cash from the East Coast to Baghdad?
It’s trick question because the US Air force would not use a C-130 to move such an amount. A C-130 can only carry 25,000 pounds at a time, and it’s a slow aircraft compared to the C-5 or C17 heavy lifters. Roger read an article in some rag about the last Bush administration moving 369,000 pounds of cash to Iraq and actually believed the article when it stated a C-130 did the job. It would be tantamount tom using a small wheel barrow to move a million tons of earth from Washington to Florida. It defies belief, but Roger bought into it all the same.
Did you factor that into you all-star level returns of 8% this year?
You are such a phoney…..just shit the fuck up already you clown.
@11 Putin is not going to snap up much of anywhere at least not directly. Militarily he does not have the conventional force to do it. Europe even with its winnowing of defense money is able to kick Russia’s ass. Fortunately European’s really don’t care about poor Arabs until they show up at the borders. So either they look the other way as a civil war goes the way most wars go or they get sucked in. Libya did not go as planned and traditional colonialism is not in vogue.
@17 And Bigfoot exists right Washington and deserves protection as a special critter.
People are not asking the right questions. Why is it a national crises if the Democratic (Republican, Green. Libertarian) party gets hacked by anyone? We are not a one party system. The government does not set up or specify the security requirements for any entity outside of the US government, and it has its hands full with unsecure government systems. Meanwhile the NSA is so deep into Russia’s systems they know when Putin wipes his ass, and any hacking as it happens.
Carl are you suggesting they should be expanding bus shelters in Seattle and less gentrification?
@153 You are wrong about the carrying capacity of the C-130 it’s 45,000 pounds. It would be a poor choice as the capabilities of the aircraft would be wasted flying into a secure air base like Baghdag. You could use KC-135’s or just rent a or other commercial aircraft depending on the other mission parameters of that weight in cash. Just 1 delivery heck why not use naval transport unless you needed it moved in a hurry.
@64 Does seem the US Navy may at some point in the future weigh in on the matter. The self defense forces of Japan, the Korean, Pilipino, Vietnamese navies. At this time China ‘s navy is rather boxed in. Also they burn a lot of coal that would seem to go against the investments they are putting into those reefs as they will be flooded over with global warming.
Of course the Chinese are upset over Taiwan, but perhaps its time to acknowledge the reality of Taiwan being a sovereign nation since China is into that sovereignty thing. Also it’s all rather odd a carrier fleet from time to time shows up around Taiwan. Some kind of big stick. Now the Nationalists still exist and they would appreciate the communist party to recognize the error of their ways and return control to them. Meanwhile the real Taiwanese are thinking fucking Chinese are all a pain in the ass. They make the Japanese look almost civilized.
@75 You don’t like Dolly Parton? Even gay men like Dolly Parton.
She did a telethon for where she is from, and lives. Hurray!!!
If you don’t simmer down I got some Carter Family for you to listen too, and broaden your horizons. Or try some Dolly Parton “9 to 5” should brighten your day.
@79 Seems like there were a bunch of European leaders making statements for Hilliary Clinton none of their intelligence services would have been involved in the US election. Yhen again hmmm, how is the great game played?
@82 Isn’t that what the North Vietnamese say about us ugly Americans?
@91 You mean like a physicist like Dr Einstein?
@97 That guy following the elephants is doing a great and necessary job, and if Aunt Effie has a clue she will make a deal with the guy and get some of that fine truly powerful fertilizer for her tomatoes plants. And it keeps the streets clean and hopefully you will not step into some poop. All unnecessary if the elephant is out on the Serengeti. PS a guy also follows the donkeys in the parade even if Jesus is ridding it.
@102 Of course it was a democratic President who had to go along with the Republican (bi partisan) repeal of Glass Stegall. One President Clinton.
Peace hmmm. Libya.
Prosperity hmmm not like Happy Days are here again.
@105 What you are saying the Trump plan is to follow the yellow brick road to the Emerald city! Wow now I gotta brush up on Oz.
@121 They may agree to that as long as the Democrat surveillance program as those Democrats are dangerous jackasses.
@122 @123 @124 All I know is people lie about sex, only they lie about money and wealth even more.
@128 Might be fun to be a pirate or work on the railroad.
Maybe build a tower high out of rock mortar and lime.
Bobby wants to be a fireman, Alice a nurse and Vicki a teacher all much more fun and important to main street than being a Capitalist.
@133 Not sure you really answered his question after all we could just be an oligarchy run by Capitalist rabbits or rich business guys and gals.
This video may help
@138 These the same intelligence officials who believed there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq? Of course everyone believed they were there, and in fact some left over weapons of mass destruction have been found buried in the desert by ISIS and others, but these are leftovers from the Iran-Iraq war. More than a few intelligence officials and others feel a little sheepish over that one.
@144 I don’t know that Energy Department is a bit of political misdirection in naming. Kinda like why Colt Single Action is called a Peacemaker.