I’ve long had a reputation as a bit of a muckraker, and I’ve never been shy about aiming low if that’s where the facts lead me. But unlike some bloggers, I’ve generally refrained from breaking stories of personal scandal without being firmly backed up by say, 62 pages of documentation, or, you know, the first-hand testimony of the subject’s mother.
But if the other side wants to lower both the threshold and the standard, I may just have to lower mine.
I am waiting for news about Susan Hutchinson being caught in bed with Tim Eyman. I say run with that one. Oh well, I guess I will have to live with Washington state being handed over to the Libertarian loonies.
The countdown continues. Still waiting for Dow (and his chemical company, the one that made a really primo napalm) to just tell the truth. Is there a there there, or isn’t there?
I mean, it’s not that damn difficult. You twisted HA pervs forced Suzie to unseal her stuff from KIRO, a totally private and private-sector action for which you demanded and got full disclosure.
The Obamunist forced Jack Ryan to unseal private depositions from a no-longer private divorce.
But Dow? (Not to be confused with Bloom County’s Sow Chemical Company …) Perhaps he was hitting or hitting on a public sector employee while both were on company (government) time, time we paid for.
We for sure have a right to see the charges and to get a grip on the truth. Dow the Dweeb for sure has a duty to tell us the truth in the few pre-election hours we have left.
Sure as Roger Rabbit made little green turds.
My standards are low, but Frank’s are lower. I’m fearful of a well-timed hit piece this Sunday, like he did to Darcy.
@2 Like Susan to address the “truth” about how almost all of her political activities before this campaign walk like a conservative Republican, talk like a conservative Republican, and look like a conservative Republican, but discussion of her in those terms may be somehow wrong or inaccurate?
Goldy, the ‘other’ side has been waging social and personal war in their political goals for years. May as well go tit for tat if it will lead to the world being a better place by helping to keep them from office.
Tit for tat, Joe? Better leave tits out of a discussion of sexual harassment.
Only in cesspools like Seattle can someone like you or Dow try to smear an opponent as ‘conservative’ and ‘Republican.’ That’s Dow’s whole campaign, isn’t it? Ragging on abortion and Huckabee as if a KC Exec has abortion and popcorn-popped squirrel in her job description.
Running Dow’s slime machine sure beats having to talk about inconvenient truths … like Dow shaking down the Council to get his pet boondoggle, foot ferries. Or having to talk about the harassment or “harassment” of a government employee.
TDOG @5,
It’s not a smear if it’s the truth. Hutchison is a conservative Republican. Why shouldn’t voters know that she doesn’t match their values?
Do you have somebody in mind?
@5 What’s dirty or rotten about voters being able to fairly assess and decide upon candidates based upon their ENTIRE history? My biggest gripe in all this is the way that the mainstream media in general glosses over the fine details of any candidates below Presidents, Vice-Presidents, and Supreme Court nominees.
Did I miss something in today’s fishwrapper (which I haven’t perused yet)?
Ditto. If anyone knows what Goldy is talking about, please spill.
@2 “Mao Constantine”
Very cute. When you’re getting your ass kicked (see, e.g., recent polls), pull out the old “commie” label.
“Still waiting for Dow (and his chemical company, the one that made a really primo napalm) …”
I fail to see the connection between the fact Constantine’s first name is “Dow” and a chemical company founded by a guy whose last name was “Dupont.” Running scared now, are you? (See, e.g., recent polls.)
“Is there a there there, or isn’t there?”
Shades of Clinton. Yes, milk this cow for all she’s worth! Nervous because recent polls show Dow kicking Suzie’s ass by 50% to 38%? You should be, because you wingnuts will be kicked to the curb again just 4 days from now.
“You twisted HA pervs forced Suzie to unseal her stuff from KIRO, a totally private and private-sector action for which you demanded and got full disclosure.”
Ah yes, our sockpuppet troll thinks it’s “twisted” and “perverted” to tell voters that a woman seeking the county’s highest executive office was fired by her previous employer for lying, insubordination, violating company policies, and leaving her coworkers in the lurch. None of those things are relevant to her fitness for public office, or have any bearing on whether we should entrust her with the power to make decisions affecting our own well-being and quality of life.
“But Dow? … Perhaps he was hitting or hitting on a public sector employee while both were on company (government) time, time we paid for.”
Or perhaps you’re just pulling fiction out of your ass. Is there some substance to this, or did you just make it up? If there’s any truth to it, I certainly think it’s relevant, so let’s see your evidence. If you have any. Cites, please. If you are not forthcoming with credible support for this allegation within 1 hour, I’ll write it off as another baseless rightwing smear. Before you undertake the effort, however, I must warn you that if I find myself in the distressing circumstance of having to choice between an incompetent serial liar and an office skirtchaser, I’ll probably consider the sexual harasser as the lesser of evils, given how evil his opponent is.
“We for sure have a right to see the charges and to get a grip on the truth. Dow the Dweeb for sure has a duty to tell us the truth in the few pre-election hours we have left.”
We surely do. He surely does. Notwithstanding your belief, stated above, that we have no such right to see the charges and get a grip on the truth about Suzie’s lack of employment references due to her misbehavior in her previous employment. But, as I said above, if sexual harassment is all you’ve got against Dow it’s probably not enough to change my vote. Especially given that I’ve already voted and mailed my ballot.
“Sure as Roger Rabbit made little green turds.”
I shit on you, brother, and I’m happy to do it!
@3 “I’m fearful of a well-timed hit piece this Sunday, like he did to Darcy.”
Not me. It’s too late. Ninety percent of the ballots are already mailed.
@5 “Only in cesspools like Seattle can someone like you or Dow try to smear an opponent as ‘conservative’ and ‘Republican.’”
I agree that calling someone a “conservative” or a “Republican” is a smear. However, when it’s true, and is relevant to the voters’ decision, the smear is justified.
FWIW, Roger, Dow is Mr. Constantine’s middle name. He never uses “James”.
@5 “Only in cesspools like Seattle can someone like you or Dow try to smear an opponent as ‘conservative’ and ‘Republican.’”
Labeling someone either ‘conservative’ or ‘Republican’ is a smear.
Interesting… This must mean ‘conservative’ and ‘Republican’ are now synonymous with ‘thief’ and ‘pervert.’ How apt.
Thanks for the clarification .
It’s only a smear because Suzie is running away from the label. Just like Dino did last year. It’s no fun being labeled a Republican when your president fucked up the country the last 8 years.
Mao Constantine,
Naaaa…not Mao. It is Tao Constantine, because he is a new-age leader of the King County Taoist rebels, who will destroy our businesses and way of life by GREATLY increasing the regulatory taking of county lands, taxing us to oblivion, cleaning up our waterways through massive government regulation, and turning the whole damn county carbon-neutral by outlawing natural population growth with mandated abortions and senior death panels. And he’ll add one of those ying-yang symbols to the county logo….
Oh…wait…. Sorry folks. I was, channeling some rabid wingding…Piper Scott or Pudge or someone like that. Sorry….
Whatever meds you’re taking, you need to adjust the dosage.
Goldy, here’s a little something: I have it on solid authority that Slusan stormed into Mrs. Cooks kitchen shop in U.Village (which she still frequents) and “was an absolute bitch” because, get this, they had a MENORAH out front. I shit you not. Just threw a conniption. She was demanding to know why they didn’t have a cross or plastic jesus or whatever the hell it was she wanted. This was about 10 years ago, but apparently everyone who worked there then knows of the incident.
Thanks, Mr. Know-It-All @17. Perhaps you missed the Lao-Tzu drift of my riffs on the Dow of Goldy.
Thanks, Mr. Know-It-All @17. Perhaps you missed the Lao-Tzu drift of my riffs on the Dow of Goldy.
Word on the street is that the poll to which you refer is an outlier. Best guess is that the contest is too close to call.
No connection. Just twisting your cute little tail.
Only if Dow admits that he did it, goddammit, and he’s glad. That way he not only gets you HA pervs, but he might get some crossovers from people like me who didn’t think he had any testosterone in him.
Dow only knows. And the Babe. And the judge. And the Seattle Times. It’s either/or. Just sayin’ that Dow can save all a lot of trouble by telling us — before Tuesday — what he did or is alleged to have done.
in the few pre-election hours we have left.”
Did not say that. Did not write it. Did not type it. Stated only that bottom feeders like you got more transparancy from Suzie Huckabee than you deserved.
We deserve transparancy from Dow about what he did or is alleged to have done on KC time and on our dime.
Goldy, how about something on just how certifiably batshit crazy, seriously needs to be on meds Suzie’s henchwoman on the council Cathy Lambert is? I heard her in a meeting seriously say that eastside roads are 200 years old. Guess the Duwamish were paving 405 long before the white man came. Not to mention she flat out lied (along with republican asswipe Dunn) about the whole vote trading bs and was the one pushing this whole sexual harassment lie for the last month. She doesn’t even try to hide her support for the glorified weathergirl-she showed up to sit in Slusans nest at the KOMO debate along with a bunch of other right wing loons. Even by republican standards she’s just completely wacked. It’s absolutely criminal that she is even in office, but you never hear a goddamn thing about it.
When all else fails, lower your standards.