Missed the mellifluous sounds of my whiny high-pitched nasal voice? Then you’ll want to tune in to the premier episode of my new podcast: The Other Washington!
Each episode, co-host Paul Constant and I and the rest of the troublemakers at Civic Skunkworks will take you on a deep dive into a single issue, exploring the nexus between policy and politics from a uniquely Washington State perspective. Our first topic? The $15 minimum wage, of course! How did $15 go from “insane” idea to political reality, and what does this teach us about the rest of the progressive agenda? Tune in and find out.
Huge thanks to our producer, Tina Nole of Larj Media, for making us sound like more than just a couple of opinionated assholes crowding around a mic. We’re still learning by doing, and I expect the podcast to evolve over time, but if you agree with me that it’s a damn good start, then please go to iTunes (or wherever you get your podcasts) and leave us a good review. (Or if you hate it, just leave a nasty comment in this thread.)
Can you post a summary so I don’t have to listen to your screechy voice? Rabbits have sensitive ears.
Could someone list the steps to download this as an mp3 file? (I could then listen to it on my MP3 player.)
E.g., The Stranger has a similar podcast that can be downloaded with a simple click, but I can’t figure out how to do it for this thing.
@2 Looking into it. Apparently need to change our permissions on SoundCloud. Alternatively, you can download via iTunes.
@2 Fixed! Reload the page and you should now see a little download arrow to the left of the share button at the top-right of the embedded audio.
Great; thanks for the fix. I really miss having some progressive radio talk to listen to locally (Thom Hartmann, etc.), so this is a great substitute.
Wow Goldy! I was just getting all nostalgic about your old KIRO show and DL podcast. I’m subscribing to this now…
Listened to the first episode. Very polished, NPR-styled production, informative. But I have to confess to a profound sense of ambivalence: great content, great contributors, but understood to be a liberal-class targeted infomercial for the love of our new plutocrat overlord–whom I, for one, welcome.
@8 Valid criticism, but keep listening. The show is evolving, and as we get out of our comfort zone it will feel less about us.
I didnt realize marxism was considered “progressive”.