The mud is sure flying on both sides. But today’s Seattle Times (Oct. 12) does offer a couple of true insights. How does “Jefferson” see Gregoire v Rossi, round 2?
Tweedle dumb and Tweedle dumber : On many issues there is no difference because neither says anything meaningful. I can not tell their policies on the economy, environment, or taxes apart. I fault Gregoire most for this because she should have the courage to say that tax cuts in good times are/were asinine and to propose real tax reform. Rossi is ether pandering to his party or is really irresponsible about taxes.
On Jobs: These two are peas in a pod. Gregoire ahd been a very good person for WASTATE, INC and Rossi would be too. She is too much of a democrat to understand that she ought to brag about her achievements working with the state’s businesses.Neither is willing to talk about the future of Boeing if we do not address issues of infrastructure.
A pox on both houses: On most other issues, they both deserve to eat the feces they are spewing. Neither one is willing to make realistic stands on taxes, jobs, higher ed. Major issues that the sate should face … immigration and higher ed are ignored in this campaign to the detriment of all the voters. Gregoire deserves to have her face slapped for demeaning Rossi’s Catholic beliefs and he ought to get the same for trying to link her ot sex offenders. I suspect they will end up pushing the same wheelbarrow in Dante’s Inferno.
On three issues the choices are clear:
Gregoire v Rossi on “gay” rights. Rossi’s stand here is scary. Is there relaly anone left who feels two people should not be able to commit to one their inheritance rights to one another without writing a formal contract? Gregoire’s stand is simple and clean. Leave marriage a religous issue and recognize the rights of two people to form a pair without regard to geneder.
Rossi v Gregoire.
Gregoire seems to see the schools as a union issue, rightly worried about our not having enough money to pay teachers and lower class sizes. While these are very important issues, on their own they do not provide any sense of moving forward t improve the system.
In contrast, her opponent stands for educational reforms, most of which are also part of Obama’s platform: revamping the WASL, strict requirements for a high school degree, differential pay for teachers based on specially and achievement, bringing more experts into teaching, etc. I only wish he would also address the clear need to pay or all this.
Rossi v. Gregoire If she has a plan, it seems a well kept mystery. Rossi’s plan may be fanciful, obviously will not work w/o taxes, but at least he says he sees the need for a statewide transportation plan and is willing to to put himself down for a real solution to the viaduct
So why am I voting for Gregoire? To be honest, I am not voting for her but against Rossi’s association with the radical right. Guzzo, Palin, Hutchinson, the Discovery Institute .. these are all scary people. On the national scene they may have destroyed McCain as a viable alternative to Obama. I simply will not vite for any Republican who doe snot eschew these extremists.
*Unlike a lot of people here on HA, I do not consider myself a Democrat or a Republican. I have a set of views, hopefully consistent views, and I vote according to those. If I were to sum all those, I would come close to calling myself a Jeffersonian .. that is a believer in individual liberty and freedom of opportunity for all.
I just saw a TV ad that said the state, under Gregoire’s watch, lost track of over 1300 sex offenders. Is that true?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 No. That ad is being angrily denounced by law enforcement people (i.e., police chiefs and prosecutors) all over the state, who say Gregoire has done more to help them deal with sex offenders than any other governor.
@3 Josef! You’re back! Are you going to ask Jill for a date? You waited so long to ask Rossi’s last mouthpiece (i.e., Zits) for a date that she went and got married on you! Will you make the same mistake again?
Roger Rabbitspews:
McCain’s Gaffe
McCain can’t help but stumble over his tongue, poor old man! This time he promised his mouth-breathing supports to “whip” Obama’s “you know what” in Friday’s debate. Personally, I think the old guy has a subconscious (and barely suppressed) urge to own slaves.
[visualize white slave driver whipping half-naked black man chained to tree]
Roger Rabbitspews:
I can hardly wait until McCain calls Obama “boy” in the debate …
Now you know that when he pointed at Obama and referred to him as “that one” that’s what he really wanted to say …
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s nice the Olympia recognizes that Rossi is a “carnival hawker” but I wouldn’t give them a Pulitzer Prize for it. That’s like calling a garbage can a “garbage can.” Even a second grader can do it.
I’m back just to see how far out there you all are.
I believe G*d has blessed us with John McCain, Sarah Palin and Dino Rossi who’ll make those “Tough Calls” and do what is right. I trust Barrack Obama to call ACORN, Joe Biden to stumble and Chrissy Gregoire to call the Gov’t Unions. We need change.
@11 If G*d is running things, how come your candidates are losing? Or, to put it another way, if G*d wanted your candidates to win, they would, and they’re not …
Really. So why’s your god love these people so much?
What the hell are you prattling on about?
@14: I guess according to Josef, G*d doesn’t mind lies (Palin has told a barrel full, especially the bridge to nowhere that she supported), dishonesty (Rossi is being sued for unlawful campaigning) and a smear campaign that even conservatives are ashamed of (McCain).
I also guess that competency (Palin isn’t and Rossi made a laughingstock of himself on his so-called transportation plan) isn’t important. I thought that in this country we did not vote for candidates based on their religion – but even so, Obama is clearly much more religious than McCain. Guess Josef is an Obama voter then….unless he is compelled to vote for the serial liar and law-breaking Palin for VP.
Rossi is a JOKE – his transportation plan was laughed at by every major paper in the state, because it was clearly incompetent and dillusional. Building an 8 lane 520 in the future for less than a 6 lane bridge costs now – is just plain stupid. On top of that, he refused to say how he would pay for that or the unnecessary tunnel he wants. Rossi is an incompetent fool – period. Anyone who votes for him is voting for a pure shuckster. He has demonstrated no leadership excpet kowtowong to whatever the BIAW wants him to do after he beggged them for money when he was pretending to no be a candidate. Can there be a more crooked politician out there – wait, Abramoff, DeLay and Rove come to mind. Bunch of crooks – period.
Rossi is a JOKE – his transportation plan was laughed at by every major paper in the state, because it was clearly incompetent and dillusional. Building an 8 lane 520 in the future for less than a 6 lane bridge costs now – is just plain stupid. On top of that, he refused to say how he would pay for that or the unnecessary tunnel he wants. Rossi is an incompetent fool – period. Anyone who votes for him is voting for a pure shuckster. He has demonstrated no leadership excpet kowtowong to whatever the BIAW wants him to do after he beggged them for money when he was pretending to no be a candidate. Can there be a more crooked politician out there – wait, Abramoff, DeLay and Rove come to mind. Bunch of crooks – period.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Hey Josef! Be sure to check in here on Nov. 5! I want to ask you if you still believe in G*d after She kicks your wingnut a*s! (Hint: She’s trying to send you a me*sage!)
Roger Rabbitspews:
So, Josef … are you going to let Jill get away too? Doesn’t it bother you that Zits is fucking someone else tonight?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@3 What graft, Josef? Be specific.
Josef- I don’t need any “leftists” to convince me that Rossi would be bad for Washington. He serves the area that overlaps our school district and I have experienced his “leadership” since 1998. He is not right for this job.
Josef- I don’t need any “leftists” to convince me that Rossi would be bad for Washington. He serves the area that overlaps our school district and I have experienced his “leadership” since 1998. He is not right for this job.
Barrack Obama believes G*d should DAMN America.
John McCain has sacrificed time and again, including as a POW and on global warming issues, for the good of America.
Frankly, I don’t trust much said about Palin. The truth is – Palin turned against the Bridge to Nowhere earmark she supported (so yeah, “thanks” for something I supported “but no thanks” for the trouble) and then told staff to research alternatives. Perhaps Alaska will bond itself for the bridge.
I also don’t trust Democrats on Rossi. They lie about him so much, it’s a farce. I will meet him face to face very soon, and hopefully I will tell RR all about Rossi’s posse of women :-) (joke).
<cross posted at SeattleJew)
The mud is sure flying on both sides. But today’s Seattle Times (Oct. 12) does offer a couple of true insights. How does “Jefferson” see Gregoire v Rossi, round 2?
Tweedle dumb and Tweedle dumber : On many issues there is no difference because neither says anything meaningful. I can not tell their policies on the economy, environment, or taxes apart. I fault Gregoire most for this because she should have the courage to say that tax cuts in good times are/were asinine and to propose real tax reform. Rossi is ether pandering to his party or is really irresponsible about taxes.
On Jobs: These two are peas in a pod. Gregoire ahd been a very good person for WASTATE, INC and Rossi would be too. She is too much of a democrat to understand that she ought to brag about her achievements working with the state’s businesses.Neither is willing to talk about the future of Boeing if we do not address issues of infrastructure.
A pox on both houses: On most other issues, they both deserve to eat the feces they are spewing. Neither one is willing to make realistic stands on taxes, jobs, higher ed. Major issues that the sate should face … immigration and higher ed are ignored in this campaign to the detriment of all the voters. Gregoire deserves to have her face slapped for demeaning Rossi’s Catholic beliefs and he ought to get the same for trying to link her ot sex offenders. I suspect they will end up pushing the same wheelbarrow in Dante’s Inferno.
On three issues the choices are clear:
Gregoire v Rossi on “gay” rights. Rossi’s stand here is scary. Is there relaly anone left who feels two people should not be able to commit to one their inheritance rights to one another without writing a formal contract? Gregoire’s stand is simple and clean. Leave marriage a religous issue and recognize the rights of two people to form a pair without regard to geneder.
Rossi v Gregoire.
Gregoire seems to see the schools as a union issue, rightly worried about our not having enough money to pay teachers and lower class sizes. While these are very important issues, on their own they do not provide any sense of moving forward t improve the system.
In contrast, her opponent stands for educational reforms, most of which are also part of Obama’s platform: revamping the WASL, strict requirements for a high school degree, differential pay for teachers based on specially and achievement, bringing more experts into teaching, etc. I only wish he would also address the clear need to pay or all this.
Rossi v. Gregoire If she has a plan, it seems a well kept mystery. Rossi’s plan may be fanciful, obviously will not work w/o taxes, but at least he says he sees the need for a statewide transportation plan and is willing to to put himself down for a real solution to the viaduct
So why am I voting for Gregoire? To be honest, I am not voting for her but against Rossi’s association with the radical right. Guzzo, Palin, Hutchinson, the Discovery Institute .. these are all scary people. On the national scene they may have destroyed McCain as a viable alternative to Obama. I simply will not vite for any Republican who doe snot eschew these extremists.
I’m confused. I’m told it’s time for a change. But then I’m told it’s not time for a change.
“Well, Troll, it depends on what kind of change you … blah, blah, blah.”
Just stop! Is it time for a change or not?
Leftist ignorance about Dino Rossi is what prompts this rant.
The many, thick lies from Gregoire and the ‘rats seeking 4 more years of graft and greed explains it all.
Dino Rossi is honest, but polished in delivery.
Dino Rossi hired the first SecDefWA who was a lady and warrior in her own right.
Dino Rossi believes retreats are wrong on taxpayer dime – Chris Gregoire obviously does not.
Enuf said.
I just saw a TV ad that said the state, under Gregoire’s watch, lost track of over 1300 sex offenders. Is that true?
@4 No. That ad is being angrily denounced by law enforcement people (i.e., police chiefs and prosecutors) all over the state, who say Gregoire has done more to help them deal with sex offenders than any other governor.
@3 Josef! You’re back! Are you going to ask Jill for a date? You waited so long to ask Rossi’s last mouthpiece (i.e., Zits) for a date that she went and got married on you! Will you make the same mistake again?
McCain’s Gaffe
McCain can’t help but stumble over his tongue, poor old man! This time he promised his mouth-breathing supports to “whip” Obama’s “you know what” in Friday’s debate. Personally, I think the old guy has a subconscious (and barely suppressed) urge to own slaves.
[visualize white slave driver whipping half-naked black man chained to tree]
I can hardly wait until McCain calls Obama “boy” in the debate …
Now you know that when he pointed at Obama and referred to him as “that one” that’s what he really wanted to say …
It’s nice the Olympia recognizes that Rossi is a “carnival hawker” but I wouldn’t give them a Pulitzer Prize for it. That’s like calling a garbage can a “garbage can.” Even a second grader can do it.
I’m back just to see how far out there you all are.
I believe G*d has blessed us with John McCain, Sarah Palin and Dino Rossi who’ll make those “Tough Calls” and do what is right. I trust Barrack Obama to call ACORN, Joe Biden to stumble and Chrissy Gregoire to call the Gov’t Unions. We need change.
Oh and yeah, I’m in the tank for Osgood.
@11 If G*d is running things, how come your candidates are losing? Or, to put it another way, if G*d wanted your candidates to win, they would, and they’re not …
@13 Sometimes G*d loses.
Sometimes people fail.
Sometimes the Good Lord must say no.
Oh and Darcy Burner is going to lose.
Really. So why’s your god love these people so much?
What the hell are you prattling on about?
@14: I guess according to Josef, G*d doesn’t mind lies (Palin has told a barrel full, especially the bridge to nowhere that she supported), dishonesty (Rossi is being sued for unlawful campaigning) and a smear campaign that even conservatives are ashamed of (McCain).
I also guess that competency (Palin isn’t and Rossi made a laughingstock of himself on his so-called transportation plan) isn’t important. I thought that in this country we did not vote for candidates based on their religion – but even so, Obama is clearly much more religious than McCain. Guess Josef is an Obama voter then….unless he is compelled to vote for the serial liar and law-breaking Palin for VP.
Rossi is a JOKE – his transportation plan was laughed at by every major paper in the state, because it was clearly incompetent and dillusional. Building an 8 lane 520 in the future for less than a 6 lane bridge costs now – is just plain stupid. On top of that, he refused to say how he would pay for that or the unnecessary tunnel he wants. Rossi is an incompetent fool – period. Anyone who votes for him is voting for a pure shuckster. He has demonstrated no leadership excpet kowtowong to whatever the BIAW wants him to do after he beggged them for money when he was pretending to no be a candidate. Can there be a more crooked politician out there – wait, Abramoff, DeLay and Rove come to mind. Bunch of crooks – period.
Rossi is a JOKE – his transportation plan was laughed at by every major paper in the state, because it was clearly incompetent and dillusional. Building an 8 lane 520 in the future for less than a 6 lane bridge costs now – is just plain stupid. On top of that, he refused to say how he would pay for that or the unnecessary tunnel he wants. Rossi is an incompetent fool – period. Anyone who votes for him is voting for a pure shuckster. He has demonstrated no leadership excpet kowtowong to whatever the BIAW wants him to do after he beggged them for money when he was pretending to no be a candidate. Can there be a more crooked politician out there – wait, Abramoff, DeLay and Rove come to mind. Bunch of crooks – period.
Hey Josef! Be sure to check in here on Nov. 5! I want to ask you if you still believe in G*d after She kicks your wingnut a*s! (Hint: She’s trying to send you a me*sage!)
So, Josef … are you going to let Jill get away too? Doesn’t it bother you that Zits is fucking someone else tonight?
@3 What graft, Josef? Be specific.
Josef- I don’t need any “leftists” to convince me that Rossi would be bad for Washington. He serves the area that overlaps our school district and I have experienced his “leadership” since 1998. He is not right for this job.
Josef- I don’t need any “leftists” to convince me that Rossi would be bad for Washington. He serves the area that overlaps our school district and I have experienced his “leadership” since 1998. He is not right for this job.
Barrack Obama believes G*d should DAMN America.
John McCain has sacrificed time and again, including as a POW and on global warming issues, for the good of America.
Frankly, I don’t trust much said about Palin. The truth is – Palin turned against the Bridge to Nowhere earmark she supported (so yeah, “thanks” for something I supported “but no thanks” for the trouble) and then told staff to research alternatives. Perhaps Alaska will bond itself for the bridge.
I also don’t trust Democrats on Rossi. They lie about him so much, it’s a farce. I will meet him face to face very soon, and hopefully I will tell RR all about Rossi’s posse of women :-) (joke).
Graft, you want graft?
Graft of tribal donations to the State Democratic Party for Gregoire’s campaign.
Graft of an almost unqualified appointment to the Skagit Valley College trustees – because she was a campaign manager for a losing Democrat candidate.
Graft of donations to campaign in return for a new state employees’ contract with the state budget contracting.
Slick carnival hawker pud wearing a toupee and Mr. Potato head ears, to be exact.