Here’s the thing about Pence’s dumbass stunt that’s pissing me off: Nobody invited him. He bigfooted his way into a game just to leave. But nobody invited him.
Nobody was clamoring for the asshole who privatized a bunch of state assets and fought with the only Democratic statewide elected official because he wanted to fuck education over. Nobody demanded his mix of creepy and crooked show up at the game. The Colts did him a favor by letting him in, accommodating him and his security, and this is how he responded.
The solution to all this BS about the National Anthem and the NFL is to stop playing the National Anthem before the start of the games. Did anyone ever work in a place where the first thing, every morning, they played the National Anthem?
Work is work and has nothing to do with the National Anthem. When the NFL has a football game, it’s work for the players even though it’s entertainment for the fans.
Stop playing the Anthem and you end the BS.
Wherein a very brief, entirely peaceful, non-violent, politically appropriate public demonstration for the equal protection under the law guaranteed by the Constitution is referred to as “BS”.
And they wonder why people march in the street.
Do you conduct your protests at your place of employment?
You’re a fucking arrogant jerk.
The National Anthem has NOTHING to do with work, you fucking idiot!
I am an owner of my “place of employment”. So I get to do any-damn-thing I want (within the law) and set the policies for the workplace and my employees. The same is true for NFL owners. So I suggest you either buy an NFL team or stop watching, attending, and otherwise supporting the business. I’d expect no less from my customers.
I’m sure it seems that way to poorly educated, low income, racist hillbillies trapped in trailer parks, and a never-ending nightmare carousel of low-wage retail jobs. But I’m actually probably not a whole lot smarter than you. I might have been a tiny bit luckier starting out. But the real truth is I was probably just less frightened of failing. So I set very tough goals and worked very hard to achieve as many of them as I could. I was never ashamed to ask for help even if it meant exposing my weakness or failure. And I gladly accepted it with sincere appreciation. That’s all very contrary I’m sure to your Hillbilly-Cowboy ideal. But please try not to forget that in reality most cowboys were developmentally disabled alcoholics with Civil War PTSD and anti-social personality disorders.
While our fellow American citizens in Puerto Rico are still without electricity and food, Race-Bannon-in-a-Male-Chastity-Belt spent $250k of taxpayer funds on a political stunt to suppress free speech.
Forcing citizens to stand reverently for hymns to our great nation/leader is the kind of thing we make fun of communism about. Just sayin’
Here’s the takeaway and why apparently I’m not talking about it. I’m pissed off that the Weinstein company didn’t fire/turn him in when they knew about it. They waited until WE knew about it.
From another thread defending Roger Ailes re Weinstein
So that apparently in the mind of a sick raging lunatic makes harassment OK. God is watching. Jesus wouldn’t approve. Something about the least among you…
Beth, I hear you Colin…
Kiss leads Pledge of Allegiance at Gretna Fest
It’s interesting that Carl’s commentary at the top of this thread is about V.P. Pence’s stunt at the Colts game, because I just logged onto HA to post on that topic, having found a news article on AOL News about what this stunt cost taxpayers. Bottom line: Possibly as much as $242,500.
But we don’t have money to provide poor people with medical care or food stamps …
Who knew American cops were targeting wealthy Jewish white guys from Queens? One more way bigots make each day just a little bit brighter./s
@1 Are you really that stupid? It’s not BS, it’s about cops killing black people. The anthem is merely a vehicle used by the players to draw public attention to that issue. If you take this method of protest away from them by not playing the anthem at NFL games, they’ll find another way to protest. Not playing the anthem doesn’t solve the problem. Shallow and insensitive people react to the players; thoughtful people ask, How can we resolve the issue of cops killing black people in a way that addresses both the concerns of black communities and the concerns of police officers about their own safety? Are changes needed in recruiting, training, and supervising police officers? In police procedures? In police discipline? In the laws some feel are obstructing police accountability? This issue isn’t about the anthem, it’s about how we police our minority communities, and those communities are telling us there’s a problem. The players are speaking up for those communities. Dissing the players for doing so is the knee-jerk reaction of dullards. Some of us think we as a society are better than that.
@3 “You’re a fucking arrogant jerk.”
It’s rather difficult to characterize this as an intelligent, thoughtful, constructive, or adult response to the concerns of these players.
Of course, no one expects brainless head-up-ass fuckwads* to be any of those things.
* See? We know how to call names, too, if that’s how you want to play.
@6 Funny how the same people who think kneeling during the national anthem is insulting to our soldiers also think Confederate flags and monuments are not insulting to our soldiers.
@7 Isn’t that how it always works?
@8 Unless I’m mistaken, paying someone $250,000 a year to do nothing but have sex with the boss on demand ordinarily would be classified as soliciting prostitution.
Well that fell apart quickly.
Pence woke up on Sunday in Las Vegas. At taxpayer expense he flew to Indianapolis to attend a few minutes of the 49er game (note that the choice of teams to see is not even remotely random), left the game making a big show of it, made a public show of being offended, tweeted out a picture of him at the game before allegedly being offended that was actually from 2014 . Reporters were told to stay on the press bus in Indianapolis because Pence would not be staying and then, still at taxpayer expense flew to Los Angeles for a Fundraiser that was on his public schedule at 6:30pm Pacific.
Hmmm…Kickoff in Indy, 10am Pacific, depart stadium, motorcade to plane, wheels up (lets be generous and say 90 minutes. 11:30 pacific. Flight time, wheels up to wheels down to Los Angeles 4 hours, (5:30 Pacific) Taxi, motorcade to function in Southern Califonia’s notorious traffic….on time for 6:30pm pacific fundraiser.
So who’s playing politics with America’s Sunday Diversion?
@ 16
$250k sounds far, far preferable to a wife’s share of a failed attorney’s government income, and having to have sex with and subsist next to Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit in order to get it.
In which a Republican operative explains why he takes offense at players taking a knee during the anthem by writing a sappy story about his boyhood dripping with sentimentality.
Notably missing: There’s not a single word in this essay about why the players are protesting. Does this guy even realize that white cops are killing unarmed black men in our country and getting away with it?
It’s not at all surprising the white fans who watch black gladiators to satisfy their thirst for blood sports get their panties all in a bunch if the black gladiators complain about white people killing black people. They expect them to shut up and die.
@18 How much do you pay your horses to have sex with you? I’ll wager your wife won’t do it for any price.
@17 Of course it was staged. Also choreographed and scripted. I wonder who on his staff was in charge of making sure the players took a knee.* Can you imagine how this would have turned out if they didn’t?
* At a minimum, Pence’s advance men must have talked to the team owner and/or coach before the game to make sure they didn’t tell the players, “If you take a knee during the anthem, I’ll bench your ass.” Because if they did, that would royally screw up the whole show.
Apparently Врач немой ебать is applying for a retirement job.
Try the docks. Don’t overdo the eye shadow.
Bring hand sanitizer.
Too bad he didn’t break his frigging neck.
@1 I actually have worked in a place where the National Anthem was played every morning, and the flag was raised and we marched past the ceremony every day., Ain’t basic training fun! Or even later in the United States Air Force, depending where you are stationed. The Air Force isn’t as big on some of this stuff as the other services, we actually work. Hard to have aircraft ready to fly if your mechanics ate all on the parade ground.
On Pence being at the Colts game I’m sure he bought a ticket and his entourage had tickets. It’s entirely possible that the fans at some of these games (such s those in Indianapolis) must stand or they may be asked to leave. Pence had a ticket and got in, and he may leave the game at any time. Under the law because the stadium is a place of public accommodation if he shows up in shoes and dressed they must let him in. If players can do antics on the field during the anthem, then politicians can do the same. You all just a bit upset, that Pence one upped the players, and played politics with something the players have been playing politics with? His actions seem fair to me.
@6 Perhaps you are in Seattle, but there are parts of the US where if you don’t stand for the anthem you are going to be at least scorned by the other patrons. Perhaps have popcorn thrown at you. And there are events you will be asked to leave by the friendly employees of the venue. Even if your Canadian, or especially if your Canadian. In such locations to have players on the field doing anything but stand appropriately is an affront to their fans.
Whether or not sports teams should play the national anthem or not is debatable. So is requiring school children to do the pledge of allegiance every morning. Yet that happens most mornings in most class rooms across this country. And if your the mom or dad of little Susie or Jeffy who spitballs the teacher during the pledge well you are going to get to have a visit with the Pricipal. Your best advice to Susie or Jeffy is don’t get caught, dammit!
@7 So are you enjoying Weinstein day?
Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars of other Hillbilly Racist’s money could buy Race Bannon a whole lotta “fairness”.
@10 Pretty good stunt. Has people talking, some of you upset. What is good for the gander is good for the goose. And sometimes the taxpayers flip some of the bill. The taxpayer gets a bill if Pence attends the game whether he stays for the whole game or not. At least you knew why he left. It’s probably ok to panic if he had quietly gotten up and left sometime in the first quarter. ON his way to the bunker. While his wife and others in the entourage who don’t have a golden ticket get to enjoy the game. Meanwhile Pence flies on the NAOB.
Fact remains, every day Hillbilly/Racist/Traitors wake up knowing that their unhinged, urine-drinking Russian puppet is a white supremacist who defends violent Nazis and the KKK. They’ve known it undeniably since August 15th.
It’s okay with them. They’ll tell you so. They absolutely intend to vote for him again. Because of it.
Pence’s departure from the game was no more staged than the average #CrookedHillary town hall event.
Might not be any more effective, either, although one would have difficulty making that determination with any assurance.
@12 If the players want to be effective in their protest they need to hold Glocks, and AK-47s over their heads. A bunch of black guys with guns can get gun control done. It happened in California when they marched into the state capital with guns, and it happened fast.
Other than that their protest is not effective. It’s not the Federal government that hires these cops who are doing the killing. DEA, FBI, Secret Service agents don’t kill a lot of people in a normal year, though TV definitely has those Navy CSI guys with a high number of kills. These cops who are doing the killing work for states and local government, just how does protesting during the National anthem get the folks at the local and state level to do anything. It’s ok they are doing it, but the protest is misdirected, and has not resulted in a great kum ba yah moment. Could happen, but it’s getting to be like waiting for the ketchup out of the bottle. Only I think the bottle is empty.
@32 With all the comments during the games yesterday and the comments on here, it appears that Pence was effective. So who won the Colts game yesterday?
@!3 Wow what a congratulation from RR to someone who is being a horses ass in his opinion. Congratulations to our newest HORSES ASS. Have you won before?
And RR it takes a Horses Ass to know one. Keep up the good work bunny.
@26 & 30
It’s very simple though and it’s tough for a “government waste conservative” to grasp.
He was in Las Vegas. He needed to be in Los Angeles. Since just a week ago someone brought up the “Pelosi private jet” fake controversy…
What’s the operating cost of flying the VP from Vegas to Indianapolis, requiring and entirely new security and advance team in Indianapolis, and then back to Los Angeles just so he could tweet out a picture of himself, pretend “offense” is the reason he had to go and then fly back to Los Angeles.
Hmmmm.. 236 miles LAS-LAX / LAS-IND-LAX 3400 miles.
Fiscal responsibility of something.
But then by tweeting out a fake old photo and getting caught by his own schedule being the real reason he had to leave right away, he didn’t show up anyone. He now looks like a pathetic whiner with an axe to grind.
Who spend couple hundred thousand of your hard earned dollars to grind that axe.
@16 Could describe some marriages.
They haven’t gone away yet.
And the GOP haven’t stopped supporting them yet, either.
Shameful bigots.
@17 Well you are for one.
Even on days the Vice President doesn’t leave Number One Observatory Circle we taxpayers get a bill. Any day he even goes out the bill goes up. If he walks the dog down the street the bill goes up. If he leaves town for the weekend the bill goes up. He goes to the Senate to do his job where he is delegated to just being tolerated, unless there is a tie vote, the bill goes up. Still it’s fair politics to bring up the cost, still it’s weak tea, but keeps it in the news for another 24 to 48 hours. And it’s not like the man is thinking of being President. Maybe stepping back and applauding a good political play by your opponent would be a better political move.
@22 That is what is so good about Pence’s play here. There was no downside. Other than some minor inconvenience to the guys on the press bus. They don’t take a knee he stays through the first quarter, an aide comes up and whispers in his ear, and he leaves. If it’s a good game and he stays the folks in LA have to wait. It’s a perk of being the VP. And you would never know there was a political play afoot.
The Pence Bigotry Stunt is merely a ploy at taxpayer expense to cover for the undeniable fact that thanks to the early AM Pepsi-drunk ravings of their urine soaked Russian puppet the legislative wheels have come off their Nazi/Klan wagon.
Without Corker, McCain, and Collins they can’t do shit with reconciliation. The clock will run out and next year they will have to start from scratch. The more Fuckface tweets, the more GOP/Hillbilly/Traitor retirements are announced. And their ignorant beer drunk constituents cannot be made to understand any of it. They must find a way to blame blacks or Meskins or they are doomed.
There’s a vocal minority who a: Think it’s about the flag b: are seriously upset about disrespecting the flag.
it’s totally OK. because this guy is white.
(BTW, that was put out by the official Houston Astros PR team.)
Lucy @25
“The Air Force isn’t as big on some of this stuff as the other services, we actually work.”
You are kidding, right? The Air Force is the hardest working branch of the military? That puts most of your comments in to a much better perspective. Most everyone thinks of the Air Force as a country club at best.
A woman who managed an apartment building for the Las Vegas shooter for several years described him as a “humorous man who was kind with his employees and tenants” and said there was absolutely no warning that he might commit such a horrific act.
I guess the lesson of this is that there’s no way to identify potential shooters in advance, which means guns aren’t safe in anyone’s hands.
@25 ” we actually work”
What we have here is Air Force snobbery. Try telling a Marine or grunt who humped Vietnam’s jungles that they didn’t work. They’ll probably mutter something about “REMFs” and decide you’re otherwise not worth bothering with.
@26 “His actions seem fair to me.”
You’re okay with Pence grandstanding at taxpayer expense to the tune of $242,500? Nobody would complain if he did it on his own dime or private donors picked up the cost, but he didn’t and they didn’t.
Apparently you don’t realize the point of contention is spending more public money than the average taxpayer’s net worth to stage this stunt, or the hypocrisy of a politician whose party has turned criticizing public spending on poor people into their business model engaging in such profligacy with our money.
You’re not exactly the smartest troll who’s ever populated these threads.
@27 Ya gotta love our patriots! After defending the national anthem, they leave the stadium and go defend a statue of the local hero of the secession.
@28 We’re enjoying watching a notorious sexual harasser get his just desserts. One down, one to go.
@30 You’re even dumber than I thought. You simply don’t get it. Pence only went to the game to pull off his stunt. He wouldn’t have gone to the game otherwise. He went out of his way to do it, and the diversion cost taxpayers a quarter million dollars.
Instead of spending a quarter million of our money to snub protesting football players, why didn’t Trump and Pence send that money to Puerto Rico, where it’s needed?
That’s not their money, it’s OUR money, and we don’t like how they spent it. Do you have a problem with us having a problem with their spending priorities when it comes to spending OUR money? If so, why?
@32 “Pence’s departure from the game was no more staged than the average #CrookedHillary town hall event.”
In other words, you admit it was staged.
The proof that it was staged comes from their own mouths:
“The pool reporters covering Pence were told to stay in the media van rather than enter the stadium because ‘there may be an early departure from the game.'”
That’s about as spontaneous as a kid with a gun in his backpack telling his friends to skip school tomorrow.
@33 Got any advice for the former 1960s antiwar protesters about what they should have done to end the Vietnam War sooner?
Got any advice for Martin Luther King Jr. about what he should have done to get the civil rights laws passed sooner?
@35 “And RR it takes a Horses Ass to know one.”
Absolutely. About the most insulting thing anyone can say about our trolls is they hang out here with me.
And you’re one of ’em.
Flat beer froth farted… So that apparently in the mind of a sick raging lunatic makes harassment OK.
Where did anyone claim this FOOL? Useless BULLSHITTIUM, twisting phrases like roger senile idiot wabbit!
This sounds more and more like checkmate-252 BULLSHITTIUM!
Till Next Time!
Oh Roger senile idiot wabbit,
VP Pence figgered some SF players may take a knee due to the fact of whom they are… LOSERS! So VP Pence told the reporters that he felt they would pull a Kaepernick. He was proven right!
Man you are soooooooooo stooooooooooooooooooopid!
Till Next Time!
@36 It’s useless to try to explain this to a brick wall. But thanks for trying.
@37 Personally, if I was better looking and didn’t have balls, I wouldn’t stoop to getting married for a lousy stinking $250,000.
@39 “it’s weak tea”
Well, since you feel that way, is it okay to send you the bill so we don’t have to pay for it?
@40 “And you would never know there was a political play afoot.”
I’m pretty sure YOU would never know there was a political play afoot, but that doesn’t necessarily describe the rest of us. In fact, the press corps saw through it faster than an Amazon Prime delivery.
@42 And then there’s this classic case of flag sanctimony …
@43 I wouldn’t call the Air Force cushy duty, all our service members have demanding jobs, but obviously Mark has never saluted an Army sergeant only to be told,
“Don’t call me ‘sir’! I WORK for a living!”
The only explanation I can think of for his inane comment is that he must have been a lieutenant.
@43 don’t ever expect much from sideways talking Abigail – a guy with no principles and will say anything that suits his fancy. What is good for the goose is good for the gander only when it suits his occasion.
These people want you dead. However, we’ll protect you when they come for you carrying torches and wearing bedsheets. Trolls are hard to replace around here. Apparently they don’t hand out many passes at the lunatic asylum. I’ve always wondered how you got yours.
@54 shouldn’t you be sticking up for your pedophile boyfriend Milo?
Donna Karan, #CrookedHillary lover defends Harvey Weinstein
‘To see it here in our own country is very difficult, but I also think how do we display ourselves? How do we present ourselves as women? What are we asking? Are we asking for it by presenting all the sensuality and all the sexuality?
Gotta love it!
Tell Next Time!
“Apparently they don’t hand out many passes at the lunatic asylum.”
I bet he would prefer a bunch of bananas.
Did you know this is hanging human teabag lover month?
There is hope for the loon.
“Scientists grew a mini human brain in a lab”
Absolutely all of our military do an outstanding job, but take your typical USAF job and compare it to that of a Marine or Army soldier pounding through the mud, jungles, and deserts. Hardest duty an Air Force puke can pull is pumping shit out of a transport aircraft in Thule, Greenland, in the dead of winter.
No, they spend most of their time in places made safe by the other services. They spend time in missile silos, guarding part of the nuclear triad. The tend to cheat on their nuclear proficiency tests: Just think, those arm-chair warriors are in charge of 2/3 of the triad. Add in that they tend to be a bunch of religious zealots at the USAF Academy that is remarkable and quite scary given the POTUS and how unbalanced he is.
The Air Force doesn’t scare that nutjob Kim, it is the Navy, specifically the Silent Service, that will keep him under control.
@54, 55, 65 & 67
Just a reminder.
It has been 59 days since White Supremacists rioted and killed in Charlottesville. Those White Supremacists were given tacit approval by the President saying “both sides” were at fault for the death.
59! days of silence on the matter by our resident lunatic. A Lunatic his party compatriots want dead.
They were back in Charlottesville Saturday vowing to not go away. Will the lunatic denounce it before they kill again?
Nothing you post here matters since you’ve proven you are a coward who still supports openly racist leaders and a party that does not dare lose the racist vote.
There might be hope for Piddles, however it isn’t the need to grow a mini brain for him, they just need to focus on operant conditioning and shaping. I mean of Skinner could teach pigeons to bowl and play ping pong :, there is hope for folks like Piddles to become useful members of society. What that use is I’m not sure, maybe it is the lawn jockey at the Trump Whitey House Rose Garden.
A live clip of Dr. Dumbfuck and Piddles carrying on a debate between themselves:
Not for you, groundhog.
For you it’s just another in an endless repeating series of “Dangerous” alt-Wrong Pedophile lover months.
Wow Milo went DUMMOCRETIN.Saying things like the hanging human teabag licker would say!
How sick!
And you still pimp for him too!
Although, as in most things, you have to get in the back. The Mercer family, the GOP, and Breitbart take their rightful places ahead of you and “you people” when it comes to pimping for Milo.