In a Southern Ohio congressional district that Republicans normally win by 50 percent margins, Democrat Paul Hackett, an Iraq war veteran running on an anti-war platform, has made it a nail-biter in a special election. Even a close loss is a huge victory for the Dems in a district that’s normally not close to being competitive… and portends big trouble for Republicans in 2006. This is huge!
I’m off to the airport, so get the latest results from the Cincinnati Enquirer or MyDD.
Hacket down 49,681–48,811 with 662 of 753 precincts reporting. This is likely going to an automatic recount, and considering Ohio’s problems, anything could happen.
Well, Schmidt beat Hackett 52% to 48% in a district President Bush won with 64% of the vote in 2004. As DailyKOS reported, the Cook Political Report had made the following pre-election analysis:
If Schmidt’s victory margin is in double digits, this tells us that there is not much of an anti-GOP wind in Ohio right now. If the margin is say six to nine points for Schmidt, then there is a wind, but certainly no hurricane. A Schmidt win of less than five points should be a very serious warning sign for Ohio Republicans that something is very, very wrong, while a Hackett victory would be a devastating blow to the Ohio GOP.
The Ohio GOP avoids a “devastating blow,” but Hackett’s strong showing represented an anti-war, anti-Bush vote from a traditional Republican stronghold. 2006 is looking pretty good.
The competence gap between these candidates was amazingly wide. The talking points about Democrats being weak on defense don’t work very well when the Democrat has just returned from Iraq.
Pacific NW Portal (link below) has a newsticker which is constantly being updated with the latest news.
Unfortunately, if there’s a recount there’s no hope the Democrat will win. This is, after all, Ohio — and Ohio uses Diebold voting machines.
I do think, however, the right-wing fantasy world is going to implode on itself. If not in 2006, then eventually. You can pretend gravity doesn’t exist for only so long. Then you hit the ground. When that happens, the GOP will suffer massive electoral loses, and will lose control of Congress.
Actually, I believe most of those areas have ES&S machines. They are optical scan, so there can (and probably will) be a hand recount. In fact, Claremont County is already doing hand counts because there were apparently some problems with the machines.
Unfortunately, if there’s a recount there’s no hope the Democrat will win. This is, after all, Ohio – and Ohio uses Diebold voting machines.
Ohio is not Washington State… I am sure if there is a recount it will be fair and none of those overseen provisionals will be tossed in at the last second.
If there is a recount I am betting for Gregoire as winner, send whiney paul down to stuff the ballots!
How do you know that? Have you been to Ohio? Have you studied their electoral process? Do you have any knowledge of the people involved in the elections in the rural Southern Ohio counties?
If you think that no place else in America can have more corrupt government than here, you’re one naive, sad, human being. I’ve lived in the east coast and the midwest, and the government here is squeaky clean compared to there. If there’s a recount in Ohio for this thing, it could get very messy.
Dems got their heads handed to ’em again.
Read real time results here:
“You can pretend gravity doesn’t exist for only so long.â€
“I believe most of those areas have ES&S machines. They are optical scan “
Dear God! What is the matter with you lefty reality based people! Do you not realize that facts and your hotty totty science no longer matters? The Lord thy God created the earth and everything with an intelligent design. We are living in Bush World! Just close your eyes and it all begins to make sense. Repeat the mantra from FOX news. Repeat what your preacher told you. Stop thinking NOW!
Join the unthinking. You will be welcomed. You will find friends. You will be like PuddyBud.
Oh yeah, redneck…we really got busted up bad this time. Oh yeah.
BTW redneck…how many of your cousins have YOU been married to?
The Democrats have only had one Congressional candidate in the past 20 years get above 30% of the vote in this district. And Hackett got about 48%. A moral victory, but sadly, another incompetent talking point machine is heading to D.C.
Yeah, and Hackett had to walk, talk and act Republican and outright lie about his politics and positions to get the vote he did. BTW, Have a look below at yet more documented evidence of yet even more Democratic fraud and still not a shred of eveidence in Ohio or with regard to Diebold leading to Democratic losses. Face it losers, your party is imploding!
Aug. 2, 2005 08:46 AM
WASHINGTON-The American Center for Voting Rights Legislative Fund today released the most comprehensive and authoritative review of the facts surrounding allegations of vote fraud, intimidation and suppression made during the 2004 presidential election.
The ACVR Legislative Fund report, “Vote Fraud, Intimidation & Suppression In The 2004 Presidential Election,” finds that while Democrats routinely accuse Republicans of voter intimidation and suppression, neither party has a clean record on the issue. The report finds that paid Democrat operatives were far more involved in voter intimidation and suppression activities than were their Republican counterparts during the 2004 presidential election. Examples include paid Democrat operatives charged with slashing tires on GOP get-out-the-vote vans in Milwaukee and an Ohio court order stopping Democrat operatives from calling voters telling them the wrong date for the election and faulty polling place information.
The report further finds that thousands of Americans were disenfranchised by illegal votes cast and a coordinated effort by members of certain “nonpartisan” organizations to rig the election system through voter registration fraud in more than a dozen states. Examples include a law enforcement task force finding “clear evidence of fraud in the Nov. 2 election in Milwaukee,” including hundreds of felon and double voters and thousands more ballots cast than voters recorded as having voted in the city and multiple indictments and convictions of ACORN workers for voter registration fraud in several states. advertisement
ACVR Legislative Fund presents eight key recommendations focused on punishing those who engage in acts of vote fraud and voter intimidation and strengthening legal safeguards against such activity in future elections. The report’s central recommendation calls for both national parties to formally adopt a zero-tolerance fraud and intimidation policy that commits them to repudiate any effort to intimidate voters or volunteers or commit vote fraud.
“Until political parties and candidates are willing to adopt a zero-tolerance policy towards election fraud, the American public will have little confidence in other reforms,” said Brian Lunde, ACVR Legislative Fund board member. “There is no room for politics when it comes to the right to vote.”
“It should be easy to vote but tough to cheat,” said Mark F. “Thor” Hearne, ACVR Legislative Fund Counsel.
In addition to common-sense recommendations such as required government issued photo ID at the polls, accurate statewide voter registration databases and a zero-tolerance policy against vote fraud and intimidation, ACVR Legislative Fund identifies five cities as election fraud “hot spots” which require additional immediate attention prior to the 2006 elections. Philadelphia, Pa., Milwaukee, Wis., Seattle, Wash., St. Louis/East St. Louis, Mo./Ill. and Cleveland, Ohio were identified based on the findings of the report and the cities’ documented history of fraud and intimidation.
A letter delivered today to DNC and RNC chairmen Howard Dean and Ken Mehlman urged party leaders to formally adopt the zero-tolerance policy against fraud and intimidation. ACVR Legislative Fund further asked party leaders to identify issues of concern in each of the election fraud “hot spots” by Oct. 1, 2005.
ACVR Legislative Fund was founded on the belief that public confidence in our electoral system is the cornerstone of our democracy. The organization was established primarily to further the common good and general welfare of citizens of the United States of America by educating the public about vote fraud, intimidation and discrimination which impacts the constitutional right of all citizens to participate in the electoral process. ACVR Legislative Fund is a non-partisan, non-profit organization that neither supports nor endorses any political party or candidate.
Please visit to view the report in its entirety.
I have knowledge of KCRE… and it is not squeaky clean. Voter fraud has a long history in this country. President Kennedy got elected because of dead people voting in Chicago. There is strong evidence that Mondale carried Minnesota in 1984 because of voter fraud. Does voter fraud exist on both sides, yes. But to blame both parties equally for voter fraud is like blaming both sexes equally for the problem of rape. Democrats by far practice voter fraud more than republicans
I have knowledge of KCRE… and it is not squeaky clean. Voter fraud has a long history in this country. President Kennedy got elected because of dead people voting in Chicago. There is strong evidence that Mondale carried Minnesota in 1984 because of voter fraud. Does voter fraud exist on both sides, yes. But to blame both parties equally for voter fraud is like blaming both sexes equally for the problem of rape. Democrats by far practice voter fraud more than republicans
Wow, an obviously partisa GOP group found that Democrats were worse than Republicans. Will wonders ever cease. IDGAF: This is about as persuasive as citing Fox News.
Hey Topher, you blind, ignorant moron. Read the report, have a look see at all the police reports, court records, DOJ documents and findings of the DNC itself. Then you can go back and stick your empty head in the sand and wait for your next welfare check.
It could be worse… we could cite 60 minutes or Newswe.. ah I forgot those are donk proganda machines.
RUFUS… I dare you,..,. I double dog dare you… to post any comment with out the word “donk” in it… I personally don’t think you can.
Why? Because you are an AI program.
“Dear God! What is the matter with you lefty reality based people! Do you not realize that facts and your hotty totty science no longer matters? The Lord thy God created the earth and everything with an intelligent design. We are living in Bush World! Just close your eyes and it all begins to make sense. Repeat the mantra from FOX news. Repeat what your preacher told you. Stop thinking NOW!”
They can estimate how long their fantasy will last by dividing the distance to the ground by 16 feet per second.
I’m proud to be a “donk” (short for donkey, proud symbol of the Democratic Party). Donks stand tall for America!
Donkey’s carry the weight of eternal justice on their backs.
Elephants just shit all over the place.
Well, the Democrat lost – but he’ll be back for another campaign. I won’t deny that right-wing Republicanism is in vogue. We all know how this came about — the GOP propaganda machine distracted people from economic issues, and talked them into committing economic suicide by getting them all riled up over abortion, gay rights, and evolution. All the people blindly voting for 19th century capitalism eventually will smack into the ground. The ground is hard. When they learn gravity works, the Repubs will learn gravity works. There will be a backlash against the backlash. A day is coming when conservative Republicans will be the most hated people in America. It won’t come tomorrow, or next week, but it is coming.
And I have seen videos where an elephant eats another elephants shit!
I kid you not!
All we liberals have to do is hang on until that day arrives. We don’t have to destroy the wingers. They will destroy themselves. Our job is simply to wait and watch. The people will come back to us again.
RR, I really think this is a ground swell. The fact that a “Donk” did this well in an infra-red district is a relevation of what is to come.
On To The Elephant Graveyard!
Imagine an overpopulated world in which everyone eats each other’s shit because there’s nothing else to eat.
Yer boy lost, but not by less than normal dem-ass kickings. So in moonbat terms that’s still a victory. So yes, as that Kwazy Wabbit says… R’s continue to “implode”.
I think there’s a possibility of the GOP suffering massive losses in the 2006 midterms.
– The Iraq war is not going well;
– Gas prices and food prices are are going through the roof;
– The number of people without health care continues to grow;
– Bush’s attempt to tinker with Social Security scared the hell out of a lot of people;
– Recent terror attacks create a perception that we are not safer;
– The administration is beset with scandals;
– The economy has resumed shedding jobs;
– Exploding housing prices are putting homes out of reach for millions of young families;
– In short, NOTHING is going well.
People will believe in a president and a party for a while, but not forever. Eventually, the GOP has to deliver something besides coffins and economic misery. American voters are patient, but once they leave you, they never come back. Never.
Actually, I have written and recorded a song called “Waiting Each Other’s Table” about how when “Public Service” jobs become the only job sector in America. Everyone is a waiter or a cook.
It ends with Soylant Green, but in this version, Soylant Green is Republicans.
It has a bitching guitar solo.
Ohio election has GOP shitting in its pants!
Even a close loss is a huge victory for the Dems in a district that’s normally not close to being competitive… and portends big trouble for Republicans in 2006. This is huge! by Goldy, 08/02/2005, 7:07 PM
So, conversely, I guess we should be handing out the diaper wipes to Bawling Berent and those cute little “Washington Blue Stater” liberals in that Chrissy the Illegitimate, who should have won handily in “Blue State Whashington” won by a mere 129 votes, and only AFTER KC election shenanigans.
Tell me again, how did Chrissy the Illegitimate do compared to OsamaMama Murray and J. FlipFlop Heinz??
Even a close loss is a huge victory for the Republicans in a State that’s normally not close to being competitive… and portends big trouble for Democrats in 2006. This is huge!
Mark, the implosion I’m predicting is a GOP loss of 40 to 60 House seats in the 2006 midterms, and possibly Democratic control of the Senate as well. That will, of course, doom Bush’s agenda to defeat. Total, abject defeat. Because he will not be able to get anything through Congress, or anybody through Senate confirmation, without Democratic cooperation.
Jackass @ 26
King County was a mess. I admit it. Now it’s time for you to admit the King County “shenanigans,” as you put it, cost Gregoire (not Rossi) votes. After all, King County is hardly a bastion of Rossi strength or a gold mine of GOP votes, is it?
And as long as we’re talking about shenanigans, let’s not forget the 1,900 provisional ballots in counties that vote 2-to-1 Republican that weren’t signature checked. Might be one hell of a lot of illegal votes in that bunch. Wonder how many dead votes slipped through in Benton County? We’ll never know.
Keep drinking your happy juice there babe.
Maybe it’ll get you through the midterm losses you’ll be swallowing along with it.
Golly, gosh, gee whiz – weren’t you the very same little kiddies predicting a Bush loss? AND a GOP loss in the Senate and House??
See kiddies – you can’t let your fellow koolaid drinker just run on I HATE BUSH – you have to actually offer up ideas – you know, the kind that rational voters want to hear.
RR @ 27 “Mark, the implosion I’m predicting is a GOP loss of 40 to 60 House seats in the 2006 midterms, and possibly Democratic control of the Senate as well.”
Dare I say… Impeachment, and a quick visit to The Hague?
… and televised hangings?
So sayeth the Lord.
I hate to interrupt the glorification of slaughter, but please remember every one of these brave young people while you worship at the alter of GWB.
You Kwazy Wabbit – WTF makes you think dem-asses will make ANY inroads in mid term election? Dems have been losing ground consistently since 1994, and there’s no end in sight.
RR @ 27 “Mark, the implosion I’m predicting is a GOP loss of 40 to 60 House seats in the 2006 midterms, and possibly Democratic control of the Senate as well.”
Damn.. You donks better get hopping on printing out all those provisionals then. Those dead people arent going to register by themselve either.
Mark Moron, Why do you hate out troops? What is your fucking problem you asshole?
Bush is wasting our young American lives in an endless quagmire for control of oil fields! Why do you support this anti-American, anti-democaracy activity?
Right, I do in my prayers daily… which is far more than Godless liberals can do.
How about YOU remember these good folks or perhaps these, or the ones from the USS Cole, or in Spain, when your so busy vilifying him and glorifying traitors like Carter, OsamaMama and Bagdad Jim.
Proud Ass… uh… do you speak coherence? Carter a traiter?
I thought not. Uh.. have fun in your make-believe world.
Oh.. and Proud ass.. uh.. voting causes cancer! uh.. just don’t do it… OK?
I beleive the words you are looking for, dumbASS are “do you speak coherently”.
Yes, Carter, a traitor to his country, the dictators favorite lapdog, Castro’s peauut cutie – can I make it any plainer?
No Proud ass.. you are very clear…
Uh… ummmm… I hope you have no children.
RR @ 27
“Mark, the implosion I’m predicting is a GOP loss of 40 to 60 House seats in the 2006 midterms, and possibly Democratic control of the Senate as well. ”
Dems would have to win all their existing seats (unlikely), plus all the Reps contested seats, including the “likely Republican” seats (even more unlikely). That’s just to pick up 29.
Something big has to change in the Dems favor in next year or so for your prediction to become reality. The “I Hate Bush” platform seemed to fail the Dems in 2004, and the current “I Hate Republicans” theme only seems to resonate with hard core lefties. How are the Dems going to reach out to moderate voters? If they have ideas they aren’t articulating them very well. If they can get a message and take it to the voters they have a chance to stop the bleeding. Doing anything more than that seems like a pipe dream, at least in 2006.
The best thing about all the commie dems still around is that besides being irrelevant and impotent, they’re old and they’ll all soon be dead.
Old KKK Byrd
Teddy the Sot
Peanut Jimmy
Batty Helen Thomas
Crabby Cronkite
the list just goes on and on!
Uh… ummmm… I hope you have no children. -Comment by Donnageddon— 8/2/05 @ 9:58 pm
Alas for you, we conservatives don’t abort our offspring nor our parties future.
Gosh, I sure do wonder how many of those 40 million voters that would be of voting age today would have voted for Boring Gore or Flipper Heinz…
Ahhhh. . . ProudAss @ 36,
Let’s not forget, Sept 11 happened on Boy George’s watch. Rice’s inability to fathom terrorism outside of state-sponsored terrorism is partly responsible for Bush’s neglect of terrorism.
In any case, no president sent Americans to be killed needlessly by terrorism. Bush did invade a country needlessly. American Soldiers died. Iraqi civilians died. Countless wounded.
That makes Boy George one of the world’s biggest terrorist in the world right now.
And you support this fucking terrorist??????
Proud Ass @ 42 That was hilarious!!! LOLOLOL!!!!!
but completly irrelivent. Helen Thomas? Jimmy Peanut? Crabby Cronkite?
Holy shit! my numbnut friend, I consider myself old, but Cronkite???? Dear god… you must be 1 step from the grave!
And WHY did 9/11 happen on GW’s “watch” – oh that’s right, Waggin his Willie was waggin his willie and dealing away Osama bin Laden.
I got it now.
Proud ass.. please speak your bigoted, ill informed mind… soon you will be dust.
Have fun!
K O S O V A = No dead Americans.
Not hardly, old sot.
Keep entertaining us Proud ass… the noose gets tighter
Let’s talk about dead Americans, the ones you’re so proud of under the watch of the guy you’re so proud of.
Let’s talk about soldiers burned bodies dragged through the streets while Clinton yawns.
Let’s talk about US embassies (Kenya and Tanzania) bombed while he was getting lamps thrown at him by his esteemed wife.
Let’s talk about the USS Cole deaths while he was getting blow jobs instead of DOING his job.
Clearly it’s ok with the filter king for a President to get a bl*w job, but it’s not ok for a poster to mention it.
When I hear a donk say “please speak your bigoted, ill informed mind… soon you will be dust”, I know the truth is getting to them.
Well, at least you aren’t trying to deny the partisanship of the report.
What I do like though is that so called “conservatives” of this blog continue to prove that they have little more to offer than personal attacks.
RR@26 You need to take a hit on your bong your fuckin nuts
Uh… ummmm… I hope you have no children.
Unfortunately for us even closeted gays like ASSPRIDE can reproduce. The real problem for him is finding a woman who can put up with an elitist Republican snob that never leaves his computer.
The wingnuts are loose! And there are not taking facts as a basis of argument!
When donks start talking about voter fraud then I know they are not interested in the truth. It is a lot easier to get the old truth gun out and start picking them off one by one. It is an easy sport, almost like shooting fish in a barrel. You donks only have yourselves to blame.
It is not all that bad…. I remember when donks were winning elections with just 42% of the vote. I HATE YOU ROSS PEROT!!!!!
Ross Perot was stealing votes from “donks”.
Without Ross… the moderate Republican Clinton would have had 70% of the vote.
hAHA… Another donk lie. Out of the 20% that Ross got at least 70% or more were republican votes. 20% probably would not have voted for either party. Clinton would have been lucky to received 8% of the vote Ross got. Bush would have probably received 53 to 54% of the popular vote and would have easily carried enough states. It wouldnt have been close. Donna you are proving my point that donks cant count…. how the hell could clinton get 70% of the vote when Bush almost got 40% of the vote with Ross running. Donna.. do you work for KCRE? I bet you do… heehehaha.
but you forget that !00% of people know that you are pulling those statistics straight out of your ass!
That my dear friend RUFUS is important. You have 0% percent credibility.
What a tuff pill to swallow.
KCRE… is that Klingon’s Create Reckless Exuberance?
No. But I hope to be worthy.
Donna– you blew your credibility right when you brought that stupid shit up. Clinton would have won if Ross didn’t run… you moron.
Rufus @ 63 Donna– you blew your credibility right when you brought that stupid shit up. Clinton would have won if Ross didn’t run… you moron.”
I agree!
Good point RUFUS!
Rufus… may I continually quote you on that?
Never mind… I will anyway.
This is forged in memory
RUFUS… you realize… I own you now… you are my bitch!
“Out of the 20% that Ross got at least 70% or more were republican votes.”
That’s horse shit! Even I voted for Perot, and I’m no Republican.
But then, Doofus also thinks Rossi would’ve won King County but for them cheatin’ Democrats …
Donna, I fear you may have scared him away for good!
14 more Marines killed in Iraq today, following the 7 USMC KIAs two days ago. What a sad day for America. Loyal, gullible young people sent to their deaths by a man who dodged his war, and has yet to show up for even one soldier’s funeral after 2 1/2 years of war. So very sad — and frustrating that there is no accountability.
Actually it the election results are very encouraging. They show that the liberal machine is not able to steal elections in other states as easily as it does in Washington. If we can get fair and accurate vote counts, the dumbocRATS will lose the few seats they have left.
Roger Rabbit @ 79
‘Loyal, gullible young people..’
For all the “we support the troops, hate the war” rhetoric, the subtle hints that the troops are too stupid to know what they are doing seeps through. The Gitmo and Abu Ghraib rhetoric, despite the attempts to blame the leaders, ended up targeting the troops and low-level leaders.
‘So very sad – and frustrating that there is no accountability.’
The ultimate accounting happens every four years. The left made an enormous case in 2004, yet did not deliver the “accountability” you were hoping for.
And I have seen videos where an elephant eats another elephants shit!
I kid you not!
Comment by Donnageddon— 8/2/05 @ 9:12 pm
I see the elephant has you fascinated beyond reason.
And I have seen videos where an elephant eats another elephants shit!
I kid you not!
Comment by Donnageddon— 8/2/05 @ 9:12 pm
I see the elephant has you fascinated beyond reason.
Comment by Karmalyzed— 8/3/05 @ 8:28 am
Elephant envy.
Goldy if you keep spinning so hard you will make yourself dizzy.
Reply @ 3,
Unfortunately, if there’s a recount there’s no hope the Democrat will win. This is, after all, Ohio – and Ohio uses Diebold voting machines.
To quote a famous man “ther eyou go again!”. Let me remind our Democrat posters here that in fact in 2004 it was Democrats committing vote fraud.
First we had Chad Staton fraudulently registering people in exchange for crack cocaine from the local Democrat precint.
Next we had prominent members of the St Louis Democrat party indicted, tried and convicted of vote fraud.
Reply @ 79,
14 more Marines killed in Iraq today, following the 7 USMC KIAs two days ago. What a sad day for America. Loyal, gullible young people sent to their deaths by a man who dodged his war, and has yet to show up for even one soldier’s funeral after 2 1/2 years of war. So very sad – and frustrating that there is no accountability.
As opposed to Democrats who show up unannounced to a soldier’s funeral politicking for their anti-war agenda and upsetting a dead soldier’s family:
“The family of a Marine who was killed in Iraq is furious with Lt. Gov. Catherine Baker Knoll for showing up uninvited at his funeral this week, handing out her business card and then saying “our government” is against the war.”
Now please tell me again how compassionate the Democrats are and how they don’t humiliate our troops in the name of their political agenda.
theHim @ 8,
How do you know that? Have you been to Ohio? Have you studied their electoral process? Do you have any knowledge of the people involved in the elections in the rural Southern Ohio counties?
If you think that no place else in America can have more corrupt government than here, you’re one naive, sad, human being. I’ve lived in the east coast and the midwest, and the government here is squeaky clean compared to there. If there’s a recount in Ohio for this thing, it could get very messy.
Now I haven’t been to Ohio, but I do know that Democrats there do commit vote fraud. Take for exampe on Chad Staton who fraudulently registered people for the 2004 election. What was his payment? Crack cocaine from the local Democrat party.
Read it for yourself:
reply @ 12,
The Democrats have only had one Congressional candidate in the past 20 years get above 30% of the vote in this district. And Hackett got about 48%. A moral victory, but sadly, another incompetent talking point machine is heading to D.C.
I suspect that his stronger than average showing was because of his veteran status. He at least had some credibility when talking about the subject of national defense, unlike past socialist offerings. That hardly means that there has been a mass shift to Democrats there. But if it makes you feel better to think so, then by all means, indulge yourself – as usual.
pbj, do we really have to post the hundreds of links concerning the Ohio debacle? You have a few crazed lunatics, against the Neo_con Mobsters and you claim that Dem’s are dishonest?
Sad, typical Neo-Con Symp.
Yes I feel it is necessary to remind the Democrats that they are the party of vote fraud. When they spout off about Republicans and never provide and links to anyone ever being convicted, that requires a good dose of factual evidence showing , once again, the Democrats are the party of election cheats.
All you can do is write epithets like “Neocon Mobsters” without ANY proof of ANYTHING. Odd that you would mention mobsters considering that most mobsters are union buddies of the Democrat party. Do you want some links on that?
Once again we see the difference. Democrats fling crap without any basis in fact, Republicans post hard factual evidence.
Hey Goldy!
You fixed the SOCIALIST bug. Did you do that yourself? (I am on the verge of giving you a compliment here).
You have a few crazed lunatics
The Democrat party of St Louis are “a few crazed lunatics”?
No, they are the core of the Democrat party. They are the ones in charge of it today. That you don’t see it is really sad. You should be cleaning it up from within Donna. Instead you make excuses for the corruption.
pbj, with foot firmly in mouth said “The Democrat party of St Louis are “a few crazed lunatics”?”
So, when did “The Democratic Party of St. Louis” get convicted of anything? How do convict a “Party of anything”?
Are you really as stupid as you sound?
So prevaricatin’jingoistmachiavellian-
I guess you missed the last two grafs on yer story:
“And the NAACP Voter Fund is not the first group to come under fire.
Among the others are a Republican-linked group, Voters Outreach of America, which has been accused of destroying voter-registration forms its workers had collected from Democratic voters in Nevada and Oregon.”
IOKIYAR. Right? Rrrriiiiiight!
Ya know, Guys and Gals, we flip LOTS of shit around over here. We dish it out pretty good (that’s what makes it fun, right?) and we pretty much knows where each other stands. One thing to me is NOT so clear, however.
Most (I said MOST) of you are pretty bright and I would REALLY like to know…Just WHAT IS IT that makes you guys want to throw everything you’ve got behind these asshats? I’m asking for help here because I really want to know. It’s no secret (no shit, huh?) that there is almost nothing they do that I am in favor of, but that’s just me. What about YOU? What do they do that you approve of so highly? Serious. I’m really askin’. Enquiring minds want to know!
Reply to 46
“Something big has to change in the Dems favor in next year or so for your prediction to become reality.”
Yes. Several million people have to realize they’ve been had.
pbj @ 85
Just to show you I can play the cut-and-paste game too:
“Ex-mayor faces 37 felony counts in vote scandal”
“Aug 2, 3:04 PM EDT
“GATE CITY, Va. (AP) – Former Gate City Mayor Charles Dougherty faces 37 felony counts of voter fraud in an alleged bid to win re-election. Prosecutors say Dougherty persuaded people to illegally cast absentee ballots for him.
“A Scott County grand jury indicted Dougherty yesterday, based on a state probe of allegations that he duped voters into giving false reasons for voting by absentee ballot.
“Each count is punishable by up to ten years in prison. The charges against Dougherty are the first to emerge from an investigation by Virginia State Police and special prosecutor Joel Branscom — into alleged corruption last year in Gate City’s municipal elections.
“(Copyright 2005 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)”
Oh … and don’t ask … yes the indictee is a Republican.
For those of you weary of the wingys’ “poor me” and “we wuz robbed” election fraud whining bullshit — for a real low-down on who is actually stealing elections, see
Ohio Congressional district voter turnout for last three elections. Go Hackett, Go!
‘2002-184,100. R-136,523 D-47,618
2004-310,000 R-227,102 D-89,598
2005-111,000 R-57,974 D-54,401,
Comparing 2002 to 2005, the Republicans stayed home, the Democrats, if reports are true, invested millions to get 6,783 more votes. Relative to 2004, they lost 35,197 or 40% of the voters they had only 9 months ago. The backslapping that is occurring is far from reality.’
I wonder how many times this Iraq War Veteran was smeared by the Republicans?
Cause you know there’s no smear too far for these supporters of the military.
Roger @ 97,
A former mayor is indicted. Do you know what that mean Roger? He is acused and faces trial- NOT that he has been convicted of anything. Nice try, but once again we have seen that in fact the Democrats mentioned earlier were CONVICTED. You ought to know what that means by now Roger – enough Democrats have been sent to the big house.
Nice try Rog – no ceegar!
GBS @ 100
‘Cause you know there’s no smear too far for these supporters of the military.’
The only thing I have read thus far has to do with Hackett’s John Bolton-like statements regarding the Cowboy-in-Chief. (A little rough around the edges.) Other than that I have actually heard a few good things said regarding Hackett’s pro-military policy preferences.
Dona @ 93,
So, when did “The Democratic Party of St. Louis” get convicted of anything? How do convict a “Party of anything”?
When a good deal of the party in a municipality is in cahoots to commit vote fraud, that is how. If the entire leadership is being CONVICTED (Roger – that means they were found GUILTY of vote fraud at trial – something you have yet to show on a Republican).
“Charles Powell Jr., the head of the city’s Democratic Party, three precinct committeemen and an election worker had been accused of buying votes to get prominent Democrats elected in the Nov. 2 election.
Also convicted were Democratic precinct committee members Thomas, 31, and Jesse Lewis, 56, and City Hall worker Yvette Johnson, 46. Kelvin Ellis, the city’s former director of regulatory affairs, along with Thomas, Lewis and Johnson also were convicted of one count apiece of election fraud for allegedly paying at least one person to vote — or offering to do so.”
Reply @ 27,
Imagine an overpopulated world in which everyone eats each other’s shit because there’s nothing else to eat.
Don’t have to look very far, just look at a group of Democrats.
I like Howard Dean’s effort to “reach out ” to red staters:
“You lnever worked an honest day in your life! Can we count on your vote you dumbass?”
@ 102
Well, she-it! First time for everything I suppose.
Seriously, No Wonder, no purple band-aids? No Iraq Veterans for Truth? No comparing a triple amputee war veteran to Saddam? No bashing his active military service in a combat zone? Nothing like that? Wow!
OK, until I hear otherwise, I stand corrected.
pbj @103 It stands confirmed, not only are you as stupid as you sound, but you are intellectually dishonest. But then we all have known that for a long time.
Here’s how the dems win – play up any military background, implying support for the war on terror, and put the President in all campaign ads, implying endorsement. Then hope there is a significant percentage of voters who aren’t paying attention enough to see the D next to the name.
Donna @ 107,
You got no facts? Thought so.
The minute you show me a “Democratic Party” under arrest, I will give you all the facts you can handle.
Comment on 95
I think the book “What’s the Matter With Kansas” contains the answer you’re looking for. Basically these people are MAD AT THE WORLD and need someone to be mad at. Some clever manipulative bastards in the GOP supplied a scapegoat … us. They’re mad at liberals because life didn’t work out the way their Horatio Alger books told them it would — the movie star didn’t marry them, they didn’t become billionaires, their kids grew long hair and smoked dope — the list of their grievances is endless. And it’s all the fault of liberals.
Kind of like how Hitler used the Jews to get the unthinking masses stirred up … not to worry, my fellow Germans,* you have no problems in your life that can’t be cured by shouting “Seig Heil!”
(* Of course, Hitler wasn’t German. The fucker even lied about that.)
Reply to 13
The American Center for Voting Rights is a sham organization. It’s nothing but a front for Republican propaganda, and its report is bullshit. For articles exposing this phony group click on and scroll down the page.
Reply to 86
pbj, let me ask you this. 14 more Marines died today, following 7 Marine deaths two days ago — 20 of these dead are from one close-knit Ohio battalion. Who cares about them more — those of us opposing this sham war, or the lying assholes who sent them to their deaths?
I’m going to tell you something straight out, pbj, and I’m not being humorous. I’m dead serious when I say this. You’re a supporter of the lying assholes who sent these kids to their deaths in an unnecessary war. That makes you complicit. You may think you’re a red-blooded patriotic American, but you’re anything but patriotic. People like you who vote for these lying assholes are responsible for killing these kids. You’re also responsible for the Iraqi civilian deaths, and for the torture that has degraded our country. I’m not being funny, I’m serious. I not only question your patriotism, I say flat-out that you’re not only unpatriotic but you’re not even an “American” except in name only by accident of where you were born. If you’re so deluded that you can’t get your head out of your ass and cease voting for the lying assholes who are killing our kids and degrading our country, then get the fuck out of MY country before you screw it up any worse than you and your ilk already have. I’m not joking, I’m serious, man. If you vote Republican, you don’t belong in America.
Roger @ 113: “You’re also responsible for the Iraqi civilian deaths”
Serious question… Are you talking a gross or net number vs. the Hussein era? If net, the US needs about 990,000 more dead civilians to catch up to Hussein.
MArk @ 114 Oh Right, well that makes it all better. After all we should be modeling our countries behavoir after Saddam.
What a freaking moron.
Save it, guys…these fuckers are completely clueless.
So pbj,
Do you get paid by the word? Or is it by the post?
Don’t they do any freaking quality control?
Donna @ 115
Yes, you are a moron. The fact is that Saddam was responsible for the deaths of a million or more Iraqi civilians. If we left him alone, he would have kept on killing.
Are you saying that there is NO ratio of Civilians Killed vs. Saved that would be acceptable to you?
1800 and counting, Mark. 14000 maimed.
Where were you when the genocide in other countries was happening. Don’t try to pretend that you think American soldiers needed to die to free the Iraqi people. That is not what we were sold. It was WMDs and Muchroom clouds.
If Bush had told the truth, that we were invading Iraq to secure the oil fields and build permanent bases, while slaughtering Iraqi’s to “free” them.
The public would have hung him long ago.
Your “after the fact” “Saddam was worse” bullshit changes nothing. We have soldiers dying everyday for nothing. And we are accomplishing nothing but creating more Bin Ladens.
And you are a traitorous, soldier-hating asshole for making excuses for this murderous Bush crime family.
Needless to say you sicken me. You slime ball. Fuck you.
Mark @ 118
Ummm. . . Your argument is complete bullshit.
Saddam hadn’t killed civilians since shortly after the Gulf war.
There was no indication that he was about to kill any civilians.
Invoking civilian deaths under Saddam that mostly happened in the 1980 durring the Iran-Iraq war is NeoCon propaganda trying to make up a post-hoc reason for invading Iraq.
Think about it for a few seconds an you will no longer be fooled by it.
I should have remembered that Donna just likes to throw enough stuff out there to cloud any issue and just hopes that something sticks. Then, when the BS catches up with “her”(?), she(?) just abandons the thread — the gas tax, for example. Richard was right, you were wrong and you bailed.
Donna & dj,
By your logic, any maniac dictator should be left alone once dey pwomiss to be good widdle boys and pway nicey-nice. You Kool-Aid-sipping, Left Wing apologist, talking-point-spouting, modern-day Chamberlains!
Reply to 114
I dunno where you’re getting your numbers, but I ask you this: Who armed Saddam?
114 (Continued)
Anyhoo, Mark, I interpret your remark as an argument that it is worth somewhere between 10,000 and 100,000 Iraqi civilian lives (and, by inference, over 1,800 American lives) to rid the Iraqis of Saddam.
Let me explain a few of things.
Congress authorized this war and the American public supported it on the grounds that Iraq was a threat to America because it had WMDs. Twasn’t so. Nobody said anything until later about saving Iraqis from a noxious dictator. That had nothing to do with it — it’s merely the rationalization Bush adopted after his other excuses fell apart.
Furthermore, that argument doesn’t hold up because there was no genocide in progress or even an imminent threat to the Iraqi populace. Saddam did most of his killing in the 80’s — after Reagan and Bush 41 armed him. The only significant exception to this is Saddam’s violent suppression of the Shiite uprising that followed the Gulf War. When Bush invaded in 2003, there had not been any large-scale killing in Iraq for over a decade.
It seems strange that Republicans suddenly got a visceral urge to save a group of foreigners they customarily refer to as “towelheads” from their own government. Most of us thought you guys were against using the U.S. military for humanitarian rescue missions — because you excoriated Clinton for doing exactly the same thing in Haiti and Kosovo. However, if you’ve suddenly had an epiphany, instead of sending other people’s children to die in the project, you ought to demonstrate a little of that patriotism you guys are always bragging you have more of than anybody else by volunteering to go over there yourselves. Given the draft dodging record of nearly every GOP poo-bah in the administration and Congress, I can only say that their patriotic talk is awfully cheap.
Finally, regardless of the fact of the inevitability of civilian casualties in a war — especially one fought street to street in cities and villages — the treatment of Iraqi civilians in Abu Ghraib, many of whom were innocent, left much of the Iraqi civil populace wondering whether they were worse off under Saddam or the Americans. It also guaranteed we’re going to lose this war. I can forgive a mistake, and even chicanery — after all, if Shrub’s real motive was to grab Iraq’s oil, I stood to benefit from cheap gas. But I cannot condone, overlook, or forgive stupendous, thundering incompetence that gets good soldiers killed. Nothing about this war has been executed intelligently.
And then there is the stupendous waste and fraud — $300 billion and counting … duffelbags of money being handed out to mercenaries from the backs of pickup trucks … $90 a case Coca Cola on the taxpayers’ dime … $8.9 billion that belonged to the Iraqi people which simply disappeared without a trace.
But the most inexcusable thing of all is that our country was attacked on 9/11/2001. Hundreds of our fellow citizens burned to death in those towers, and hundreds more leaped to their deaths from 80th floor windows rather than fry in the flames. Like me, I’m sure you’ll never forget those horrid video images. And what did our illustrious leader do? He attacked the wrong fucking country! Let me explain it this way. Afghanistan has more square miles, more population, and more rugged terrain than Iraq. Afghanistan was where the terrorists, their camps, and their leaders were located. And what did Bush do? He sent 140,000 troops to Iraq, and 11,000 to Afghanistan. He is now bogged down in both countries, and winning in neither. Yes, the Taliban were overthrown and the terrorist camps were destroyed. But the U.S. and its allies control only one little patch of dirt — the city of Kabul — while the rest of the country is under the sway of warlords, most of whom are sympathetic to the Taliban. The Taliban is still in business, and Al Qaida is still in business, and Osama is (as far as we know) still in business.
The Chief of Staff told Rumsfeld and Bush it would take 500,000 troops to pacify Iraq. He was, of course, right. He had plenty of experience at this sort of thing, and didn’t get 4 stars by being wrong. In contrast, the sum total of Bush’s and Rumsfeld’s combined war experience is zero. Did they listen? No, they fired General Shinseki and hired sycophants who would tell them what they wanted to hear. They sent a third of the men needed to do the job. And guess what, we’re bogged down in a quagmire that gets worse with every passing day.
But worst of all, this botched war sapped the physical and morale strength of our armed forces, and sucked resources away from where they were needed most — in Afghanistan. How many times does history have to teach harsh lessons to idiots who get themselves overextended before they pay attention? And it’s always the young men — the good, brave, loyal young men — who pay the price of arrogant politicians’ folly.
And they don’t even have the decency to attend a single, solitary funeral of the good, brave, loyal young men they sent to useless deaths because — well, because … THEY’RE JUST PLAIN FUCKING STUPID!
And I can’t forgive that kind of stupidity, nor can I lightly suffer fools like you who think stupidity is the greatest invention since sliced bread.
Reply to 122
Where the fuck were you and your buddies when Milosevicz was butchering people on TV?
I hate to interrupt the glorification of slaughter, but please remember every one of these brave young people while you worship at the alter of GWB.
Comment by Donnageddon— 8/2/05 @ 9:37 pm
You get a kick out of mindlessly repeating that GW is getting these soldiers killed. You oh so smugly flash the numbers when they change after more deaths.
Yes, GW sent those boys over there, but do you know who’s responsible for all these deaths by suicide bomber?
Armchair whiners spouting off how they “love their country” but hate Bush and his policies embolden the zealots that want to kill us.
And I’ve got a real news flash for you sport, they don’t want to just kill Republicans or Conservatives, they want to kill YOU and your wife, your kids and your old grandmother. And tell me sport, since Bush had the balls to send our boys over to kick some ass in Afghanistan and Iraq, exactly how many suicide bombers have let loose their terror on American soil? NONE that’s how many. Those boys are dying on foreign soil so your brats don’t die at home and yet you blithely, smugly foment the devisiveness, the question of will, the hate that killed them. Everytime your wobbly little knees shake and you whine, the terrorists sit up and take notice. They want to fulfill your desire to make us go away and will continue killing those boys as long as you continue whining about it.
It hasn’t gone unnoticed that each time YOU brought up the subject in the last 2 days more marines died.
Congratulations Donnie, Terrorist Light, you make Osama proud.
Now strap on the latest fashion in C-4 Bomb Belts, fill up that microbrew bottle with some rusty nails and head on over to the next Mariners game. Allah is waiting and he may share a virgin or 2 with you. YOU’RE killing Americans one way or another.
ProudAss, you do realize that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. right? You realize that before we inveded Iraq had nothing to do with Al queda, or Bin Laden. right?
You do realize that, after our invasion that Iraq became a breeding ground for terrorists, right?
You do realize that everything these killer Neo-Cons have done is made us less secure.
Right? What is wrong with you? Do you not have any awareness of what is going on? Are you so in love with the bastards that are destroying our country that you just give them your support because they claim to be “Republicnas”?
Wake up dipshit! We are in seriuos trouble, and we need to get rid of the killers who have hijacked the republican perty! Be a patriot! Write your Republican representatives and tell them you want them to go back to the the core principals of the Republican party: Fiscal Responsability, Getting the Government out of our private lives, and respecting the constitution!
You are a slave to the Neo-Cons. you now satand for nothing.
Be a man and get your party back to reality!
ProudAss, finally, quit working against America, and start working for it. It is a simple as that. But you need to quit drinking the Kool Aid. You need to awaken to the real world.
CIA reports of Iraqi-al-Qaida cooperation number nearly 100 and extend back to 1992, according to a reporter for Vanity Fair whose sources include senior Pentagon officials.
David Rose, writing for the magazine and the United Kingdom’s Evening Standard, says he is convinced of the links between Osama bin Laden’s terrorist network and Saddam Hussein’s Baghdad regime.
“My own doubts emerged more than a year ago, when a very senior CIA man told me that, contrary to the line his own colleagues were assiduously disseminating, there was evidence of an Iraq-al-Qaida link,” Rose writes. “He confirmed a story I had been told by members of the anti-Saddam Iraqi National Congress – that two of the hijackers, Marwan Al-Shehhi and Ziad Jarrah, had met Mukhabarat officers in the months before 9-11 in the United Arab Emirates. This, he said, was a pattern of contact between Iraq and al-Qaida which went back years.”
The 9/11 Commission Report states:
• Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden “explored possible cooperation with Iraq during his time in Sudan.”
• “A senior Iraqi intelligence officer reportedly made three visits to Sudan, finally meeting bin Laden in 1994.”
• “Contacts between Iraq and al-Qaeda also occurred after bin Laden had returned to Afghanistan.”
Abu Musab al-Zarqawi is the leader of a terrorist group that is responsible for a number of deadly attacks throughout Iraq. He and his men trained and fought with al-Qaeda for years. Zarqawi’s network helped establish and operate an explosives and poisons facility in northeast Iraq. Zarqawi and nearly two-dozen al-Qaeda associates were in Baghdad before the fall of Saddam’s regime. In 2002, one al-Qaeda associate bragged that the situation in Iraq was “good” and that Baghdad could be transited quickly.
Saddam had threatened American interests for more than a decade, harbored and assisted other terrorists, and possessed and used weapons of mass destruction. Al-Qaeda had declared war on America, and bin Laden had called the acquisition of weapons of mass destruction to attack Americans a “religious duty.”
No links.
The question is what’s wrong with YOU?
Do you hate the current administation so vehemently that your hatred is worth the death of those young men?
Soldiers are in real trouble because traitor terrorists like you give aid, comfort and encouragement to the enemy.
Change your handle Donnie boy – Terrorist Light suits you far better.
You know ProudAss, you are almost as annoying as PacMan and Puddy. You keep taking things out o0f context to make excuses for the Soldier killing machine known as the Bush Administration.
IF and I mean IF, you evger actaully read the 911 report you will find that they conclude that:
“But to date we have seen no evidence that these or the earlier
contacts ever developed into a collaborative operational relationship. Nor
have we seen evidence indicating that Iraq cooperated with al Qaeda in developing
or carrying out any attacks against the United States.”
You are a traitor against our troops by spreading Neo-Con lies. You are everything that is anti-America.
And ProudAss, you give encouragement to our real enemy, the Bush Administration.
I’ll bet ProudAss is proud of the fact Bush tried to eliminate combat pay for our troops in Iraq. Cut benefits for veterans. And … it’s really good for the morale of our troops in Iraqi that taxpayer dollars pay private contractors* over $100,000 a year to do the same thing soldiers have to do for $15,000 a year.
* Formerly known as “mercenaries” or “soldiers of fortune”
Oh, and 1 more thing, ProudAss calling Donnageddon a traitor is like Ted Bundy calling the prosecutor a murderer.
(See P.A.? We liberals know how to use vile name-calling, too. The difference between you and us is that you enjoy it.)
Roger @ 124: “Where the fuck were you and your buddies when Milosevicz was butchering people on TV?”
Saying “finally” when Clinton & NATO stepped in.
The fact of the matter is that the UN runs around like a scared bunch of little girls — when it isn’t covering up for its members’ shenanigans. The entire world should be outraged when genocide occurs — be it in Serbia, Sudan or Iraq. The world should demand action and the UN should take it. Instead, they put these psychopaths in the time-out corner and then pontificate in the General Assembly until everyone becomes bored, shakes their head and walks away. Then, of course, someone in the UN always sneaks a little dinner [cough, cough… oilforfoodscandal] up to our boy in time-out.
ProudAss reaches a new low.
He confirmed a story I had been told by members of the anti-Saddam Iraqi National Congress
Iraqi National Congress, Achmed Chalabi’s group? Silly ass…
Another reporter duped by CIA disinformation – another ASS duped as well.
“By your logic, any maniac dictator should be left alone once dey pwomiss to be good widdle boys and pway nicey-nice. “
In fact, we do leave most brutal dictators alone so long as they are not killing too many people. The U.S. has treaty obligations to not invade other nations except under some extreme circumstances (meerly being a nasy dictator or a formerly nasty dictator does not count). Bush violated those treaties, and with any luck he will get a fair hearing in the Hague after is term is over.
But, do you realize that the U.S. is the mass murderer in Iraq? For a decade there have been no government-sanctioned killings in Iraq until the U.S. invaded. Now there are something on the order of 100,000 dead Iraqi civilians who died as a result of the U.S. invasion. There are countless more wounded.
Bush’s unjustified invasion of a nation posing no threat makes the U.S. the number one rogue nation on earth.
But, do you realize that the U.S. is the mass murderer in Iraq?
That is a load of crap! You are simply a terrorist sympathizer spreading propaganda. You fail to mention the 300,000 + that Saddam murdered. Those people can now vote for the first time in their lives. They can criticize their government without disappearing int he middle of the night.
Roger@ 132,
I’ll bet ProudAss is proud of the fact Bush tried to eliminate combat pay for our troops in Iraq. Cut benefits for veterans. And … it’s really good for the morale of our troops in Iraqi that taxpayer dollars pay private contractors* over $100,000 a year to do the same thing soldiers have to do for $15,000 a year.
I’ll bet you are proud that Clinton wouldn’t raise the death benefit for soldiers beyond $9,000. Bush raised it to $250,000. Bush did not cut veteran’s benefits you lying scum. I am a vet- I KNOW!
Donna @ 127,
ProudAss, you do realize that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. right? You realize that before we inveded Iraq had nothing to do with Al queda, or Bin Laden. right?
WRONG! Saddam had met with Al Qaeda prior to 911. Remember Abu Abbas? He was the terrorist that killed wheelchair bound jewish Leon Klighoffer on the italian cruise ship Achillio Lauro in 1988. We captured him in Baghdad where he was given refuge. Al Zarcawi received treatment in baghdad after being injured in Afghanistan BEFORE we invaded Iraq. Saddam also had a hijacking school in a place known as Salman Pak where he had an old 737 style plane in which he schooled terrorists on how to hijack planes. After 911, his son Udai publiched a paper calling for more attacks agains the American homeland.
pbj @ 139 We have been over and over and over this. Both the Senate Intelligence report and the 911 commission report state that “pbj is full of shit!”
Get over it. Iraq had nothing to do with 911, nor did he have any relationship with Al Queda.
Denying that just makes you look like a brainwashed idiot.
Ooops! strike that. I mean, denying that just makes you look MORE like a brainwashed idiot.
Reply to 134
“Saying “finally” when Clinton & NATO stepped in.”
Bullshit. You guys heaped invective on Clinton for stepping in.
Notice how they always lie when they caught in a hypocrisy?
Reply to 137
How many years ago were those 300,000 murdered, pbj? That happened in the 1980s. And who gave Saddam the weapons he murdered them with? Reagan and Bush 1. Nobody’s saying Saddam was a Boy Scout. But your insinuation that the U.S. had to invade to stop an ongoing genocide is a fucking lie.
Yeah, soldiers do real well under Bush by getting dead.
Reply to 139
And how does any of that link Saddam to 9/11, Lame Brain?
Donna @ 140,
The senate intelligence report cofirmed that there were contacts between Al Qaeda and Saddam. You are tying the same old Soshia-list tactic of repreating the lie over and over again hoping it will be true.
It is the Soldier,
not the reporter who has given us freedom of press
It is the Soldier,
not the poet who has given us freedom of speech
It is the Soldier,
not the campus organizer who gives us freedom to demonstrate
It is the Soldier who salutes the flag,
who serves beneath the flag,
and whose coffin is draped by the flag,
who allows the protester to burn the flag.
Father Dennis Edward O’Brien
Donna @ 110,
The minute you show me a “Democratic Party” under arrest, I will give you all the facts you can handle.
Well when the major heads of the party are CONVICTED (HINT TO ROGER- that means they were found guilty at trial. ) that is pretty much the party.
peanutbrainjumble @ 147 “Well when the major heads of the party are CONVICTED (HINT TO ROGER- that means they were found guilty at trial. ) that is pretty much the party. ”
Uh… actually it isn’t even close.
Roger @ 111,
I think the book “What’s the Matter With Kansas” contains the answer you’re looking for. Basically these people are MAD AT THE WORLD and need someone to be mad at. Some clever manipulative bastards in the GOP supplied a scapegoat … us. They’re mad at liberals because life didn’t work out the way their Horatio Alger books told them it would – the movie star didn’t marry them, they didn’t become billionaires, their kids grew long hair and smoked dope – the list of their grievances is endless. And it’s all the fault of liberals.
That book is the perfect example of how liberals do not get it with average working people. You see, there is nothing “the matter” with Kansas. They are people that won’t sell out their principles for a few economic bobbles. You think you can slip em some pork as easy as buying off buying off voters in Illinois but are simply dumfounded whent hey turn you down in favor of their principles.
They need a book called “What’s the matter with liberals?”.
reply @ 143,
How many years ago were those 300,000 murdered, pbj?
Probably a lot of them were killed under Clinton.
Reply @ 145,
And how does any of that link Saddam to 9/11, Lame Brain?
Hmm let’s see. Saddam trains Islamic hijackers, has contacts with Al Qaeda, give protection of Zarawi and Abbu Abbas. Nope – no connection there!
peanutbrainjumble @ 146 No in fact the Senate Intelligence report said this:
Conclusion 93. The Central Intelligence Agency reasonably assessed that there were likely several instances of contacts between Iraq and al-Qaida throughout the 1990s, but that these contacts did not add up to an established formal relationship
Conclusion 97. The Central Intelligence Agency’s judgment that Saddam Hussein, if sufficiently desperate, might employ terrorists with a global reach – al-Qaida – to conduct terrorist attacks in the event of war, was reasonable. No information has emerged thus far to suggest that Saddam did try to employ al-Qaida in conducting terrorist attacks.
Conclusion 99. Despite four decades of intelligence reporting on Iraq, there was little useful intelligence collected that helped analysts determine the Iraqi regime’s possible links to al-Qaida.
Read it and weep pbj. And pass it on to your evil co-horts so that hopefull they can quit lying too.
Donnageddon @ 152
‘Read it and weep pbj.’
Which is it. Do you trust the CIA intelligence regarding Iraq/al-Qaida but not the pre-war WMD assessment?
Congratulations TerroristLight!
Your hero has heard your whining and is ready to climb through the worm hole of devisiveness you gave him.
I wonder how many you’ll kill this time.
NoWonder @ 153 “Which is it. Do you trust the CIA intelligence regarding Iraq/al-Qaida but not the pre-war WMD assessment? ”
It is the little-discussed original indictment of bin Laden, obtained by the Justice Department in spring 1998 — several weeks before the embassy bombings and at a time when the government thought it would be prudent to have charges filed in the event an opportunity arose overseas to apprehend bin Laden. Paragraph 4 of that very short indictment reads:
Al Qaeda also forged alliances with the National Islamic Front in the Sudan and with the government of Iran and its associated terrorist group Hezballah for the purpose of working together against their perceived common enemies in the West, particularly the United States. In addition, al Qaeda reached an understanding with the government of Iraq that al Qaeda would not work against that government and that on particular projects, specifically including weapons development, al Qaeda would work cooperatively with the Government of Iraq.
(Emphasis added.) This allegation has always been inconvenient for the “absolutely no connection between Iraq and al Qaeda” club. (Richard Clarke, a charter member, handles the problem in his book by limiting the 1998 indictment to a fleeting mention and assiduously avoiding any description of what the indictment actually says.)
It remains inconvenient. The allegation in the 1998 indictment stems primarily from information provided by the key accomplice witness at the embassy bombing trial, Jamal Ahmed al-Fadl. Al-Fadl told agents that when al Qaeda was headquartered in the Sudan in the early-to-mid-1990s, he understood an agreement to have been struck under which the jihadists would put aside their antipathy for Saddam and explore ways of working together with Iraq, particularly regarding weapons production.
On al Qaeda’s end, al-Fadl understood the liaison for Iraq relations to be an Iraqi named Mahmdouh Mahmud Salim (a.k.a. “Abu Hajer al Iraqi”), one of bin Laden’s closest friends. (There will be a bit more to say later about Salim, who, it bears mention, was convicted in New York last year for maiming a prison guard in an escape attempt while awaiting trial for bombing the embassies.) After the embassies were destroyed, the government’s case, naturally, was radically altered to focus on the attacks that killed over 250 people, and the Iraq allegation was not included in the superseding indictment. But, as the hearing testimony made clear, the government has never retracted the allegation.
So, pbj, you calling the Senators who filed the Senate Intelligence Report, and the 911 commission a bunch of terrorist loving liars?
Hmmm… or is your whacky allegation perhaps not worth the pixels you wasted in posting it?
geez…stop already!
You wingers are so stupid you make my head hurt.
RABBITT, DONNA, WINDIE AND GBS TRUMP PROUDASS, IGDAF (or whatever the fuck), righton, pbj, prr, cyn/irr, pacman, marks, mark, redneck, or whoever else wants to throw their sorry ass in here every day of the week and twice on Sundays.
Lookit…rant all you want…it’s really fun to watch you smoke. But that lazy-ass, brain-dead, coked-out, dry-drunk piece of shit you worship is KILLING our brave soldiers and innocent Iraqis for a series of LIES that never seem to end. Fuck him…and fuck you all. You are ignorant stubborn pukes. I’ve had it with you asses and your dumbass go nowhere arguements.
And in the words of your beloved (asshole) bill o’liely:
“Shut the Fuck Up!!!”
Danziger Cartoon
You are the aged version of the weak knee’d wimp that went 3 blocks out of the way to avoid the corner bully in 4th grade. In doing so, you encouraged him, you gave your tacit approval, to keep bullying anyone who came his way. Only when someone finally had the balls you were (are) lacking to kick his ass did he learn a lesson stop bullying.
The polls showed in the run up to the war that many believed Saddam Hussein had something to do with the Sept. 11 attacks.
The November election, the RE-ELECTION of GW, was the American people telling him they approve of his ass kicking.
The November election, the RE-ELECTION of GW, was the American people telling Kumbaya Kerry to take his ukelele and his pretty hair side kick to go back to the armchair of irrelevancy and protection in the skirts of mama Heinz.
Americans (the loyal ones) don’t stand for bullies.
We, our country, our people and our way of life is under attack and we do not (like Spain, France and some of you arm chair terrorists) tuck our tails between our legs and run scared 3 blocks out of the way.
Cowardly liberals whine,
Because they have no spine.
Cowardly liberals cry,
Innocent citizens die.
Scared of Real Life and Dealing with Reality Sicko @161:
Time to hit the scotch now babe, your work is done here.
AWWW what’s wrong treasonous little cut and run coward – truth a tad too close to the bone and no mommy skirts to hide behind?
The irony is that when the next terrorist strike hits America’s shores, all you terrorist cheerleaders will be whining that Bush didn’t do enough.
Cowardly liberals lament,
More terrorist hatred they foment
Cowardly liberals whine,
Because they have no spine.
Cowardly liberals cry,
Innocent citizens die.
P.S. Sportin’ a hefty 39% approval (and falling), chimpy would be in deep doo doo for gettin’ re-elected now. Seems his fellow Americans (that aren’t the good, hate filled, intolerant, selfish, me first evangelizin’ bigots like you, dearie) are jumping off the ship. Good thing those grand Oh-Hi-O-ans fixed it for him before the indictment train pulled out of the station.
“The lying never stops and the corruption conservatives will be appearing in a coutroom near you…REALITY WAS NEVER THIS REAL!!!…Who will be the next White House or Administration Official voted on to…”BUSH ISLAND!!!!! (by a twelve person celebrtity jury of their peers)” “Coming this Fall…Only on C-Span!”
Roger @ 141: “‘Saying ‘finally’ when Clinton & NATO stepped in.’ Bullshit. You guys heaped invective on Clinton for stepping in.”
You asked what I did. So “bulls**t” on you.
I realize that the “hive mind” of the Left has a hard time comprehending independent thought, but as SOME parts of the GOP are showing, the Right has room for those that don’t always agree on every platform plank.
I happen to think that you actually exercise a few brain cells now and then — and I respect you for it (except for the times you seem to channel Donna on a “verbal diarrhea” day). Would you rather I lump you in with the vocal wackos of your party?
I hear he’s already started his memoir…”A Lie Too Far”
As opposed to your “Cowardly Lion Memoirs – An In-Depth Study of A Terrorists Best Pal”
Cowardly liberals lament,
More terrorist hatred they foment
Cowardly liberals whine,
Because they have no spine.
Cowardly liberals cry,
Innocent citizens die.
I got a how come ???, ProudAss..if your leaders are so manly and all how come NONE OF THEM served in Viet Nam. How come Commander (in chief) Cod Piece deserted his (rich-boy) National Guard Unit? How come, with the military hurtin’ for recruits, there aren’t lines and lines of good God fearin’ young Rethuglicans que’d up to fight the good fight? Those little chickenshits take after their idols. All show, baby…NO GO.
Very cute non sequitor babylib coward.
Recruitment numbers are UP.
You were saying?
The Cowardly Liberal Weinie Whine:
(Sing along arm chair terrorists!)
“Oh please don’t hurt me Mr. Terrorist, Sir!
See? I’m your friend – I hate Bush, I hate America, I gleefully tout all the names and numbers of those you kill!
Doesn’t that prove I love you Mr Terrorist, man?
No, Mr terrorist NO!
Won’t you be my neighbor?
Can’t we all just get along?
Kumbaya my Allah, Kumbaya!
Yeah…lower the target (which they did) and any number you get looks good.
BTW 38% this morning.
Donnie Terrorist Light and his faithful dog…er…sidekick Rugrat The Cowardly Liberal Weinie engage in their ritual appeasement offering to fellow terrorists.
Cowardly liberals cry,
Innocent citizens will die.
Cowardly liberals pants are wet.
More innocent lives under threat
Congratulations guys! Your appeacement plan (to kill more innocents)sure is working!
YOU are the ENEMY WITHIN, you are a TERRORIST cowardly liberal whining weinie:
You and your fellow smug armchair-terrist ilk hate America and do more harm to America with your MOUTHS and the whine babble that spews out:
“Of course, part of the problem is that military service is, as it has always been, tough. But most active duty and reserve personnel are dedicated warriors who complain little.“
“The real obstacle to the enlistment of new recruits is the desecration of the image of military service by the Fifth Column — the enemy within. The American anti-war movement, led by neo-McGovernites such as DNC Chairman Howard Dean and lawmakers Kucinich, Kennedy and Kerry has not been able to find legs. So rather than target “war,” these malcontents have rallied their minions to undertake counter-recruitment measures, figuring that a nation can’t fight a war without warriors. (Of course, it can’t defend itself either — but the Left refuses to acknowledge that liberating Afghanistan and Iraq, and keeping Syria and Iran at bay, is relevant to our national defense.)“
“Doing the bidding of big dogs like Dean and the aforementioned KKK are their radical allied organizations like the Campus Antiwar Network, Code Pink for Peace, the Ruckus Society, Earth First, United for Peace and Justice and the Society of American Law Teachers, to name a few. These organizations and a hundred more like them are surrogates
for the National Lawyers Guild, the ACLU, the Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors, Veterans for Peace, the War Resisters League and The American Friends Service Committee. Their objective is to undermine recruitment efforts by labeling anyone interested in military service persona non grata. It’s deja vu all over again.“
“Periodic Leftmedia feeding frenzies over alleged “abuse” at places like Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay add fuel to protestors’ efforts to debase military service by equating those in uniform with terrorists. Extending
this equation, some of these groups are now deplorably suggesting that American casualties are justified
because “freedom fighters” in Iraq are defending themselves against American invaders. (Rhetorical memo to the anti-war Left: What kind of “freedom fighter” detonates a bomb-laden SUV amid a group of Iraqi children receiving candy and toys
from U.S. soldiers?)“
“The emergence of these cadres of Leftist agitators is a serious threat to U.S. national security. Their efforts to undermine the honor of military service in an effort to deter recruitment efforts should not be underestimated.“
Let’s repeat that for you America hating terrorist sympathizers/ecnouragers:
“The emergence of these cadres of Leftist agitators is a serious threat to U.S. national security. Their efforts to undermine the honor of military service in an effort to deter recruitment efforts should not be underestimated.“
You miserable cowardly pricks are getting Americans and innocents worldwide killed.
“Take note, Hanoi Jane and all you counter-recruiters endeavoring to denigrate military service — ditto to Dean and KKK, who exploit the murder of military personnel as political fodder to undermine public support for a Republican administration in advance of midterm elections:
Your actions are tantamount to spitting on not only those who wear our nation’s military uniform, but those who have died in it.“
“Indeed, news about Fonda’s shameless antics was overshadowed this week by the tragic death of uniformed Patriots in Iraq: 21 Marines (20 of them attached to the 3rd Battalion, 25th Marines based in Ohio) and eight Soldiers were killed, and others wounded, in roadside bombings and other ambushes by Islamofascist death squads.“
“Sergeant Justin Hoffman of Delaware, Ohio, was among the fallen. His father, Robert Hoffman, said that Justin believed in the cause he was fighting for, and he challenged his fellow Americans to support the mission in Iraq through its completion. “I have some real doubts whether Americans will stand tall and follow through on it,” Mr. Hoffman said. “It needs to be done, and if they don’t, it’ll be a real disgrace to the lives that were sacrificed.”“
How does it feel to spit on dead soldiers, arm chair terrorists?
ProudAss “You miserable cowardly pricks are getting Americans and innocents worldwide killed”
So why don’t you stop doing that, you soldier-hating, democracy-loathing, Neo-Con supporting asshole?
Ah, Terrorist Light has emerged;
Read it again Terrorist Light:
““The emergence of these cadres of Leftist agitators is a serious threat to U.S. national security. Their efforts to undermine the honor of military service in an effort to deter recruitment efforts should not be underestimated.““
“If America does not stand firm, there will be many more lives sacrificed — and on American soil.“
“In their honor, and that of all Patriots standing watch today, we must not allow the Left, in pursuit of their self-serving agendas,to once again treat military uniforms as spittoons. The re-emergence of counter-recruiting/anti-war cadres should be rejected with prejudice.“
Quotes of the week…
“Support the troops. An ideology like Islamofascism is surely something that must be fought with means other than armed forces. But, to the extent that this ideology is enabled by state sponsors, military instruments are likely to be critical to our victory. If we are to maintain the ability to wage conventional war with an all-volunteer force, the public is going to have to encourage young people to enlist and to stay in the military.” –Military analyst Frank J. Gaffney Jr.
“He probably could have gotten out of going just because he has a newborn son. But he said, ‘No, I have a job to do, I have a duty to do for my country’.” –Paul Montgomery, father of Lance Cpl. Brian Montgomery, among the Ohio Marines killed this week.
How many more soliders and innocents have YOU killed this week, Terrorist Light?
Liberal Terrorists
From Uncyclopedia
“They are just Patriotic Americans, it is Patriotic to hate your country.” ~ Oscar Wilde
A Liberal Terrorist is an imaginary term defined as a Terrorist who fears conservatives because they speak the truth. They are liberals who follow terrorism. Many of them are C*mmunists or Soci*lists in nature, yet they tend to move more toward Anarchy. However, they are completely different than Libertarians, who also believe in the Holy Market.
Liberal Terrorists often use television as a method of miscommunication between rogue factions of their networks. You can spot one easily because they are so afraid of conservatives and even moderates, that they will ban, or drive them away which basically makes them banned from television news casts for life. Liberal Terrorists try to take control of television, and drive off moderates and conservatives. Conservatives try not to be influenced by this bad example, and in most cases are welcoming to Moderates and Liberals who are not Terrorists.
Liberal Terrorists can also be found driving expensive, non-American made cars, and drinking lattes with Half and Half Half and Half in them.
Liberal Terrorists often try to pass themselves off as intellectuals, and have superiority complexes. You can find them as college professors, IT workers, artists, actors, movie-makers, right-wing radio hosts, and even as politicians. Though Liberal Terrorists as politicians tend to lie a lot, like all politicians, and thus flip flop or pander to people to try and get elected. Contrary to popular belief, Liberal Terrorists do not fear God, they instead fear .OGG, because they are record industry executives.
DES MOINES, Iowa – Democratic Sen. Evan Bayh, a possible presidential candidate in 2008, said Thursday that his party lacks credibility on national security and needs to convince Americans that Democrats are willing to use force when necessary.
Until the party can persuade voters, it will be unable to move the debate to issues that work for Democrats, Bayh said in an interview with The Associated Press.
“Unless the American people know that we will be good stewards of the nation’s security, they’re unlikely to trust us with anything else,” said the two-term Indiana senator. “That’s a very important threshold we have to get over.”
Bayh said there are legitimate grounds to criticize President Bush’s approach to fighting terrorism, but until Democrats establish more credibility on the issue, many voters won’t listen.
“Many Americans wonder if we’re willing to use force to defend the country even under the most compelling of circumstances,” Bayh said. “The majority of Democrats would answer that question that, yes, there is a right place and a right time. We don’t get to have that discussion because many people don’t think we have the backbone.”
many people don’t think we have the backbone.
You are going over the edge, babe. EVERYBODY knows someone who is serving. EVERYBODY knows that parents have buying their own sons and duaghters body armor because the military doesn’t have it because the US Gov’t under Geo (the deserter) Bush won’t supply it. Everybody knows that these brave men and women are getting shafted by this administration for health care and veterans benefits when and if they get home. And that COWARD has not gone to ONE soldiers funeral.
Look…I’m done with this. You get looney when you drink, just like Puddy and pbj. You are no longer coherent or making sense and I hope to God you’re not driving anywhere today.
Please take care of yourself. This is a horrible experience for us all. I know that in your heart you truly believe you are right, as do I. I lived through the Viet Nam era. I know what that awful mis-begotten war did to us. Just as we were starting to heal…this “thing” started.
No question…we have enemies. No question, we stand and fight when we must…and I would shoulder arms and stand beside you and bring my seven children with me to defend to the death my country in a just cause. The cause of freedom is just. The defense of these United States of America is just. But this conflict in Iraq was based on lies. The seeds sown here are reaping a bitter harvest of contmpt and disgust throughout the world. These persons led us into this mess without preparation, without proper supplies, and without a clear objective. That is criminal, and to kill without just cause is evil. And the real monster who perpetrated the 9/11 disaster remains free.
I pray for the peace of your God to comfort you, and those who are losing loved ones for the egoistic pursuit of domination.
I fear this will get worse before it gets better.
Peace be with you.
Nice words there ACT.
Too bad you Arm Chair Terrorists betray those words every time you celebrate each new innocent death as an indictment of Bush.
Commie sympathizers that betrayed US in Vietnam.
Terrorist Enablers betraying US now.
July 22, 2005
Soldiers from Massachusetts and Hawaii who work at the U.S. military detention facility at U.S. Naval Base Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, gave visiting home-state senators a piece of their mind last week.
Sens. Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat, and Daniel K. Akaka, Hawaii Democrat, met with several soldiers during a visit led by Armed Services Committee Chairman Sen. John W. Warner, Virginia Republican.
Pentagon officials said soldiers criticized the harsh comments made recently by Senate Democrats.
Sen. Richard J. Durbin of Illinois, the Senate’s No. 2 Democrat, last month invoked widespread military outrage when he compared Guantanamo to the prison labor systems used by communist tyrant Josef Stalin, Cambodia’s Pol Pot and Adolf Hitler.
“They got stiff reactions from those home-state soldiers,” one official told us. “The troops down there expressed their disdain for that kind of commentary, especially comparisons to the gulag.”
By Bill Gertz and Rowan Scarborough
July 22, 2005
GIs criticize
Soldiers from Massachusetts and Hawaii who work at the U.S. military detention facility at U.S. Naval Base Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, gave visiting home-state senators a piece of their mind last week.
Sens. Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts Democrat, and Daniel K. Akaka, Hawaii Democrat, met with several soldiers during a visit led by Armed Services Committee Chairman Sen. John W. Warner, Virginia Republican.
Pentagon officials said soldiers criticized the harsh comments made recently by Senate Democrats.
Sen. Richard J. Durbin of Illinois, the Senate’s No. 2 Democrat, last month invoked widespread military outrage when he compared Guantanamo to the prison labor systems used by communist tyrant Josef Stalin, Cambodia’s Pol Pot and Adolf Hitler.
“They got stiff reactions from those home-state soldiers,” one official told us. “The troops down there expressed their disdain for that kind of commentary, especially comparisons to the gulag.”
A spokesman for Mr. Kennedy had no comment. A spokeswoman for Mr. Akaka confirmed that the senator met with soldiers from Hawaii but did not recall receiving any complaints during the meeting.
Both senators made no mention of the incident in press statements after the visit. Mr. Kennedy, in his statement, said that he is “impressed with the courtesies and professionalism of the men and women in our armed forces.”
Mr. Kennedy has been a leading advocate for closing the prison facility. Mr. Akaka in April voted for an amendment that would have cut funds for the prison.
DOn*****don: You were commenting on me while I was on the east coast. Waiting for flight in airport and I read about you snide comment regarding unthinking types. Please don’t project your mindlessness upon Pudster.
Rujax, most rednecks are Democrats.
Can anyone tell me if the count of the provisional votes has been done..
I am curious how Hackett final numbers were….I cannot find them on
the internet…
Mass Blogger
Regarding the AVCR (American Center for (against) Voting Rights), this organization is a fake voting rights group formed by GOP operatives who worked on the Bush/Cheney campaign. This group, like other GOP operatives,is projecting the GOP’s own illicit behavior on to Democrats. Get the history on this group at Don’t buy into their lies. Regarding Hackett in Ohio, there is every reason to believe he is the victim of vote fraud. He was ahead in the vote tally until the last 22 minutes when the results suddenly turned in favor of the GOP candidate. This is reminiscent of the similar sudden turn in the Kerry/Bush race where the exit polls showed Kerry won. Regarding optical scanners, they are corruptable just as easily as DREs. It does not matter if the privately owned computerized machines with secret software are Diebold, ES&S, Sequoia (like those used in Snohomish county and which are the subject of a lawsuit) or Triad. They are all corruptable and controlled by partisan companies. As for JFK winning as a result of vote fraud, JFK would have had enough electoral votes without taking Illinois.
If you really want to know what happened in the Ohio election of 2004, I suggest you read “What Went Wrong in Ohio” and the book “Did George W. Bush Steal America’s 2004 Election?” which contains essential documents pertaining to the election (as well as Rep. John Conyer’s report. I also suggest the free CD available at Also, read this month’s Harpers magazine, the book Black Box Voting by Bev Harris. Come on everyone. So long as we allow our government to usurp our rights to transparent elections, and allow mass voter disenfranchisement, we are doomed to live under fascist regimes like that which is currently in power.
Just for our goofy little raincity.. enjoy sweetcakes and pick the one that suits your psychosis the best, babe:
“I was walking home one night and a guy hammering on a roof called me a paranoid little weirdo. In morse code.”
-Emo Phillips
“No matter how paranoid I get, it’s never enough to keep up.”
“The question is not whether I’m paranoid, it’s whether I’m paranoid enough.”
“Paranoia doesn’t mean the whole world really isn’t out to get you.”
“Paranoia is the delusion that your enemies are organized.”
– Arthur D. Hlavaty.
“When everyone _is_ out to get to you, being paranoid isn’t going to help.” – – Q, Star Trek: The Next Generation
“outside the cancer city spreads like an illness
it’s symptoms in cars that cruise to inevitable destinations
tailed by the silent spotlights
of society created paranoia”
(anne clark – sleeper in metropolis)
“why does it feel like night today?
something in here’s not right today
why am I so uptight today?
paranoia’s all I got left”
(linkin park – papercut)
“Self Test for Paranoia: You know you have it when you can’t think of anything that’s your own fault”
RE: comment by troll HCYBPtobeAnAss. Your comments are typical of the mempers of your party. When the facts are against you, you attack the messenger. Your leader and his cohorts do the same. You all seem to suffer from arrested development in that you resort to bullying, conduct typical of preteens suffering from low self esteem.
I attacked no one, let alone a “messenger”.
I DESCRIBED a lefty poster: you.
You do know the difference, don’t you??
v. at·tacked, at·tack·ing, at·tacks
v. tr.
To set upon with violent force.
To criticize strongly or in a hostile manner.
To start work on with purpose and vigor: attack a problem.
To begin to affect harmfully: a disease that attacks the central nervous system.
tr.v. de·scribed, de·scrib·ing, de·scribes
To give an account of in speech or writing.
To convey an idea or impression of; characterize: She described her childhood as a time of wonder and discovery.
To represent pictorially; depict: Goya’s etchings describe the horrors of war in grotesque detail.
To trace the form or outline of: describe a circle with a compass.
Really, one of the best indicators of future employability is a good vacabulary. I suggest you start here.
I further suggest you go read a few rants (attacks) by your fellow lefty bloggers, Mr Paranoid…. but start with your own.
Dear HCYBPtobeAnAss
I do not intend to engage in a long pissing match with you. However, I do not agree with your analysis. Arguably the word “attack” may be an overstatement; I think “belittle” is more appropriate. Your comments to my post do not “describe” me. Rather, they are intended to minimize me and my position. I would not have expected anything more from you. Heaven forbid that you should actually read the material referenced. Instead, you resort to the typical playbook response which is to belittle (to speak slightingly of; to cause a person or thing to seem little or less)the messenger (one who delivers a message).
I don’t see the value in your style of retort. It does not enhance truth seeking; it merely serves to divide and create hositilities between people and groups. I am willing to listen to right-wing bloggers when what they have to say is fact based. However, like you, they too often resort to belittling their perceived opponent.
Seriously, computerized voting systems utilizing proprietary software that is deemed to be a trade secret does not promote honest elections. It is my impression that Republicans want honest elections. Your candidate for governor said this his what you all wanted. So long as our votes are counted in secret, where no one can witness the actual count, and where there is no paper ballot to verify votes, then we can never even hope to have honest elections. I would think that as an American, whose leader’s stated goal is to spread democracy and enable citizens of foreign nations to elect their government, that you would be in favor of transparent elections.
RE: comment by troll HCYBPtobeAnAss. Your comments are typical of the mempers of your party. When the facts are against you, you attack the messenger. Your leader and his cohorts do the same. You all seem to suffer from arrested development in that you resort to bullying, conduct typical of preteens suffering from low self esteem. -Comment by raincity calling— 8/8/05 @ 8:14 am
I don’t see the value in your style of retort. It does not enhance truth seeking; it merely serves to divide and create hositilities between people and groups. I am willing to listen to right-wing bloggers when what they have to say is fact based. However, like you, they too often resort to belittling their perceived opponent.Comment by raincity_calling— 8/8/05 @ 5:35 pm
Mr. Hypocritical Pot paging Mr. Sanctimonious Kettle, your dupicity is ready for pick-up.