This is an historic moment. This is an election of firsts. The first Muslim president. The first communist president. And the first American-hating president.
My Left Footspews:
can anybody see what six is saying, the Democratic noise is blocking it out.
Not the first string of lies from troll.
Hope the networks aren’t jumping the gun on Ohio. Remember the earliest returns in 2004 make it look like the state was going to Kerry, then there was an oh-so-very-strange turnaround as the evening wore on.
Also…it looks like we may see a test of Puddy’s hypothesis regarding West Virginia.
Farley Mowatspews:
#6 is the bitter old “Contract on America” crowd that lasted during their 4 year Reich. Obama picked up the post graduate vote tonight and it shows.
My Left Footspews:
Tell me again how you are a Democrat and not a Republican hack?
You fucking liar. You cock sucking, inbred, mouth breathing, knuckle dragging, uneducated, air wasting excuse for what supposedly passes for a human life form of some sort.
Fuck the trolls…ALL of ’em!
This is OUR night…and it’s just getting started…
My Left Footspews:
Obama is going to take FL and most likely NC. I would not worry about Ohio any longer (it can be a give back). These guys are very mindful of past errors and work diligently to avoid them repeating.
KING-TV just reported that there’s a two-hour wait to vote at the Catholic church in downtown Puyallup. In case anyone’s wondering, they don’t close any polling place until everyone in line has been served.
13 I’ll bet Jennifer Brunner has made sure that this time the votes aren’t being counted in a cave in Tennessee.
Tommy Tompsonspews:
Kiss my ass, all you Republican monsters.
Flip the channel to Fox, just for fun. It looks like a funeral!
The Tuba Man was robbed and beaten to death by 5 black animals. I think you will see a lot more of black on white crime once Obama, whose wife admittedly hates whites, is president. It will embolden them.
President Obama, President Obama. President Barack Obama.
I like it!!
Britt Hume looks like a sad hound dog.
All sorts of dire warnings being given by the Faux news clowns.
McCain has Obama right where he wants him.
I can’t wait to see Bill O’Reilly tomorrow. He’ll say something to the affect that we stole the election and did it illegally and want the feds to do an investigation, etc…
Real Americanspews:
Is Troll just an AI program that spits out outrageous bullshit?
He can’t be a real person that you could meet on the street? Could he?
I mean, if real, he must have yellow eyes and fingernails 5 inches long.
Troll: FAIL
Troll is just a racist.
Troll is a joke!
@19: Troll
Your racist agenda is revealed.
I think we will see Americans come together – as they always have – to fix this country.
I put my hand out to the republicans after this election. The republicans have lost, but we need to work together to right this ship and fix the problems we have.
There are many intelligent people who preferred the republicans – we need to take the best ideas from both parties. WE need to tolerate no corruption. We need to restore trust. We need to start to address energy, Iraq and bin Laden. We need to restore integrity to government.
President Obama. Governor Rossi. Congressman Reichert.
Sounds good to me.
Please meet President Barack Obama.
Please go fuck yourself in the ass.
Rossi has won nothing.
Reichert has won nothing.
Ha! Keith Olbermann just mentioned the same thing :D
The rest of the country could go red right now and CA, OR, WA and HI would totally top it off.
President Obama. I can get used to this.
Finally…. FINALLY… we can return the adults to the White House. The REAL American patriots!
President Barack Obama!! YEAH!!!
Blitzer is going nuts over the popular vote being close. Who give a FUCK?
President Barack Obama!!
hal, troll, mtr, piper (what about our bet),cyniclown……suck on that!!
This is an historic moment. This is an election of firsts. The first Muslim president. The first communist president. And the first American-hating president.
can anybody see what six is saying, the Democratic noise is blocking it out.
Not the first string of lies from troll.
Hope the networks aren’t jumping the gun on Ohio. Remember the earliest returns in 2004 make it look like the state was going to Kerry, then there was an oh-so-very-strange turnaround as the evening wore on.
Also…it looks like we may see a test of Puddy’s hypothesis regarding West Virginia.
#6 is the bitter old “Contract on America” crowd that lasted during their 4 year Reich. Obama picked up the post graduate vote tonight and it shows.
Tell me again how you are a Democrat and not a Republican hack?
You fucking liar. You cock sucking, inbred, mouth breathing, knuckle dragging, uneducated, air wasting excuse for what supposedly passes for a human life form of some sort.
Fuck the trolls…ALL of ’em!
This is OUR night…and it’s just getting started…
Obama is going to take FL and most likely NC. I would not worry about Ohio any longer (it can be a give back). These guys are very mindful of past errors and work diligently to avoid them repeating.
KING-TV just reported that there’s a two-hour wait to vote at the Catholic church in downtown Puyallup. In case anyone’s wondering, they don’t close any polling place until everyone in line has been served.
13 I’ll bet Jennifer Brunner has made sure that this time the votes aren’t being counted in a cave in Tennessee.
Kiss my ass, all you Republican monsters.
Flip the channel to Fox, just for fun. It looks like a funeral!
T-shirts and Bumper stickers will be issued!
The Tuba Man was robbed and beaten to death by 5 black animals. I think you will see a lot more of black on white crime once Obama, whose wife admittedly hates whites, is president. It will embolden them.
President Obama, President Obama. President Barack Obama.
I like it!!
Britt Hume looks like a sad hound dog.
All sorts of dire warnings being given by the Faux news clowns.
McCain has Obama right where he wants him.
I can’t wait to see Bill O’Reilly tomorrow. He’ll say something to the affect that we stole the election and did it illegally and want the feds to do an investigation, etc…
Is Troll just an AI program that spits out outrageous bullshit?
He can’t be a real person that you could meet on the street? Could he?
I mean, if real, he must have yellow eyes and fingernails 5 inches long.
Troll: FAIL
Troll is just a racist.
Troll is a joke!
@19: Troll
Your racist agenda is revealed.
I think we will see Americans come together – as they always have – to fix this country.
I put my hand out to the republicans after this election. The republicans have lost, but we need to work together to right this ship and fix the problems we have.
There are many intelligent people who preferred the republicans – we need to take the best ideas from both parties. WE need to tolerate no corruption. We need to restore trust. We need to start to address energy, Iraq and bin Laden. We need to restore integrity to government.
Wrong. Those 5 black animals are the racists.
They are human garbage.