A group of Bellevue homeowners is alleging that Sound Transit has intentionally increased cost and risk estimates of a proposed light rail alignment, to make it look worse. The agency says it’s just not true, but it’s a sign of how much tension there is in a debate over where trains will travel.
Because as we’ve learned from experience, public agencies always overestimate the cost of large infrastructure projects. The Big Dig came in at a fraction of its original projected cost, and no doubt Seattle taxpayers are due for a big rebate when the deep bore tunnel comes in well under budget. That’s just the way these things work.
(Just more evidence that if you say something loudly and angry enough—and with hand-made signs—our media will eventually report it as news.)
you’ll have to pry the suv ignition key from the cold dead fingers of west bellevue’s elite mcmansion owners.
hey look some wash cops shot another guy with a knife. trending.
@1 That won’t be too hard if we just wait a little while. Everyone’s dead eventually.
@2 Threatening cops is never a good idea.
Let’s all remember that Bellevue Big Money had enough clout to close a taxpayer-build exit ramp on the Evergreen Point Floating Bridge because they didn’t want us unwashed to travel through their swanky neighborhoods. I predict that cash will defeat an environmentally-protected slough and that the line will go exactly where Bellevue Big Money wants it to go.
@5 I predict you’re right.
Where foolish ex-urbanites cut off their nose to spite their face.
who cares? nobody rides them anyways….
just more pissing money down the drain..
They are saying…”sound transit lies to do what it thinks is best”. How much per rider per day is that stupid line to tukwila costing our kids?
Speaking of “that old line again…”
Speaking of “that old line” and SUV’s yet again, we don’t need more parking.
@11 A parking space is where an automobile sits and dribbles its dirty, toxic body fluids into the storm drains and groundwater.
That cars pollute is a given….but the remedy is not an over priced and underused slow train.
Pity the morons killed the rail along 405 that was already there…
then dont fucking drive one.
problem solved.
If the space is paved, it’s toxic w/o the car even being there.