Are you doing OK in the national emergency? Did the fact that Congress only appropriated some wall money stop you from living your life? In some ways it feels like it was before the emergency, but that can’t be right.
It is like it was before the emergency. At least if you’re talking about one of the active national emergencies presidents have declared going all the way back to the Carter administration, Carl.
Yeah, running Hillary Clinton and suppressing Bernie to do it is definitely something to wish you did not have to admit, Goldy.
Not looking forward to explaining to my future grandkids about how Presidents’ Day became a national day of mourning.
Wait a minute. You mean it’s not a corporate lie after all?
The $15 minimum wage sweeping the nation might kill jobs — and that’s okay
We don’t evaluate other policies by insisting that they have zero effect on employment.
Feb 17, 2019
Today is a day I miss the Fucking Moron.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
It’s looking like the state board will have to order a new election in NC 9th. Very clear evidence of criminal fraud made public for the first time today. Given the scope and extent of the fraud, and the reluctance of the participants in the fraud to cooperate, it is likely the investigation will need much more time. To certify the results at this point would appear perverse and would do more harm to citizen support for a fair election process than a new election.
Naturally, Republicans are outraged that a rigged election in favor of a racist minority of voters would be set aside in favor of a fair and democratic election. Because that’s who they are now.
Yes. This really is “the status quo” of Republicans now.
Hey, where does YLB shop when she wants to hang yet another homemade flower-butterfly bling-thing in the kitchen?
Report Says Jussie Smollett Allegedly Rehearsed Attack With Conspirators — Paid For Rope At The Crafty Beaver Hardware Store
And over on the Don’t-Tread-on-Us Facebook page, where grammar, spelling and logical coherence is the stuff of socialism, last week it was Paul Ryan who was branded a traitor. And Ann Coulter tweeted her way back onto the traitor list after having been briefly off it during the shutdown.
While Rosenstein has long been one of their traitors, this morning they added Mike Wallace of Fox News.
Apparently Lisa Britt, one of the subjects of the investigation is talking to law enforcement. Not only did they steal and alter ballots but they conspired to cover it up after initial reports became public.
Election Fraud is real. And it doesn’t involve illegals voting or IDs or very loose name match on voter rolls.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
cuz Teh Dumbfuck was totally gonna vote for any other Democratic nominee, then, now, or evah.
He’s all yours, Teh Dumbfuck. You are the Scotty P of these comment threads. Own it. Not only did you and 63 million liver spotted pill crushers vote for him, but over the past two years you’ve fallen head over heels in love with the whole boated, orange, fart-filled package of toddler torture, trade wars, massive deficits, plundered global security treaties, $15,000 desk sets, Tiki Torch parades, pregnant porn stars, pointless SHITDOWNS!!, and star lit perp-walks. Eat up, boy! More’s a commin’!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@5 Can’t make everyone happy. People complained when the Emancipation Proclamation eliminated jobs, too.
Steve, they added a dead guy @ 8 to the traitor list?
That’s some desperation right there.
@ 9
Election Fraud is real. And this time it doesn’t involve illegals voting or IDs or very loose name match on voter rolls.
ftfy, Third-Tier.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@8 Just confirms for Trump what he already knew, i.e. he can’t trust anyone but Ivanka; and can’t be sure of her, either. After all, she comes from a family who were raised to throw their own mothers under the bus, so why not their father too?
Donald hires AG Barr’s son-in-Law as a legal consultant.
But there’s no conflict of interest in this administration so I’m sure it’s all good.
Donald hires AG Barr’s son-in-Law as a legal consultant.
But there’s no conflict of interest in this administration so I’m sure it’s all good.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 Why don’t you cough up some evidence of that, ace? And while you’re at it, wanna try defending the GOP shenanigans in NC-9? Didn’t think so.
I used to think being a doctor required at least a modicum of brains, but this one seems to be on the wrong side of everything, all the time.
@ 15
• Cameron Kerry, the brother of an early Obama backer, Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, who has been tapped as chief counsel at the Commerce Department
• Mignon Clyburn, daughter of House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn of South Carolina, who received a coveted appointment to the Federal Communications Commission
• David Hamilton, nephew of former congressman and Democratic elder statesman Lee Hamilton, who was appointed to an appellate judgeship
• Courtney Gregoire, daughter of Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire, who last week was tapped as director of legislative affairs at Commerce
• Laurie Mikva, daughter of legendary former Chicago judge and Congressman Abner Mikva, who was appointed to the board of the Legal Services Corporation, which provides legal aid to low-income people
• And Ezekiel Emanuel, brother of White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, who is a special adviser on health care to OMB Director Peter Orszag
Now STFU. You’re becoming increasingly unserious and shrill. HA’s already got one of those.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
I’m heartily encouraged to know that devoted, hard-core Republicans like our trolls know more about who somebody named Jussie Smollett is than I ever will. Maybe it’s because I don’t watch television, at least not the way older folks like our trolls do. But I think it probably has more to do with the fact that, like their beloved PeePee President, apparently watching television is how they occupy a substantial portion of their time.
Just imagine. Spending almost every moment of your youth and vigor forgoing social interactions, parties, ski weekends, spring break, keggers, BEACH WEEK!!!!!, dating, fucking and pouring yourself into two decades of sustained, disciplined sacrifice, hard work, and 90 hour sleepless work weeks for less than minimum wage debriding the unspeakably smelly ulcerated taints of filthy homeless people only to spend your well earned “retirement” watching television.
I hope for their sake they store the guns and ammo separately.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@13 Not to worry, no matter what the state board does, the House will never seat Harris unless he wins a new (and honest) election, which seems unlikely because only losers have to cheat in the first place.
Fox News and their viewers have a new definition of Coup D’etat.
When DOJ officials have a conversation about if the Vice President and a majority of The President’s appointed cabinet would deliver signed letters. to the Senate President Pro tempore requesting the removal of the President as unable to carry out his duties
that conversation is a coup D’etat.
Clearly Donald is out of office so…
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
given how Republicans have opened the floodgates for abandoning political and now legal and constitutional norms (and statutes), I should think it wont be too long before we see one or both chambers refuse to seat a duly elected member simply in order to win a close vote.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
Overton window.
Describe the world in those terms you would like to see come about. Talking about it now makes it easier to do it later.
Believe me. Republicans have abandoned the concept of democratic government. They want no part of it. Much of the rhetoric promoted by companies like NewsCorp is an open criticism of the immediate results of the democratic process. Trump’s role and purpose is to help them move this country toward the future they envision where “the wrong people” are permanently deprived of any meaningful role in power or leadership.
@ 19
I’m heartily encouraged to know that devoted, hard-core Republicans like our trolls know more about who somebody named Jussie Smollett is than I ever will. Maybe it’s because I don’t watch television…
Maybe it’s because you don’t pay attention to the bandwagoning done by some major presidential contenders when the “news” of the attack first broke. They’re the ones now backtracking as quickly as they can.
Cory Booker. Kamala Harris.
And then there’s Nancy Pelosi, who deleted this January 29 tweet:
“The racist, homophobic attack on [Smollett] is an affront to our humanity. No one should be attacked for who they are or whom they love.”
When I first heard about the “attack” my first thought was that asswipe activist who claimed to have been attacked on Capitol Hill during Gay Pride week, when there should have been a lotta lotta lotta lotta people around to witness it. That was the silliest fucking thing and there’s absolutely no evidence that it occurred – the FBI was brought in to investigate the ‘hate crime’ and found nothing. Because there was nothing to find.
Finally, apparently there isn’t a Trump-supporting MAGA’er alive who watches Empire. How the fuck would one of them know who the hell he is?
Jussie Smollett is just the latest Peter Gleick.
Someone so desperate to prove something that they resort to blatant dishonesty in their effort.
The difference is Gleick didn’t do any damage to major Democrat presidential candidates when his fraud was exposed.
Whining is a great presidential tradition.
William Howard Taft seeking retribution for the comedy stylings of Gilbert and Sutherland.
Eisenhower totally nailed it complaining about the barbs he endured from Sid Caesar and ‘Your Show Of Shows.’
And who can forget the scathing rebuke Ronald Reagan delivered to the Cast of ‘Fridays”’
“No one should be attacked for who they are or whom they love.”
“Trump-supporting MAGA’er(s)” everywhere disagree, of course.
Because this really is “the status quo” for Republicans now.
—————————————- “…damage to major Democrat presidential candidates…”
Yes, yes. And MAGATeen destroyed them all too, as I recall. As did Associate Justice Date Rape, #ALLLIVESMATTER, and #BUILDTHEWALL.
Turns out, when you teach persuadable voters that “Grab ’em by the pussy” is Presidential leadership and “Jews Will Not Replace Us” is mere disagreement among “very fine people”, pretty much anything you can tweet they can forgive and in some cases even take on board. And very quickly too.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@18 “HA’s already got one of those.”
Introspection doesn’t do any good unless you do something about it.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@21 They don’t feel people should be allowed to think about such things, much less talk about them, any more than they feel journalists should be allowed to call out their lies.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Add Maine’s execrable ex-governor, Paul LePage, to the growing list of GOP officials who lined Trump’s pockets with taxpayer money.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, I understand why Republicans hate paying taxes. They know better than we do what they spend it on.
Roger Rabbitspews:
“Last week the Tennessee Valley Authority voted to close the 49-year-old Paradise Fossil Unit 3 coal-fired generating plant in western Kentucky, citing operating costs, the need for repairs and ‘flat to declining’ load. The board’s 5-2 vote came despite appeals from Trump to keep the plant and others like it open. …
“Joining Trump in his calls to save the plant were Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell and the state’s governor, Matt Bevin, both Republicans. Both cited concerns for the … mines who count the facility as one of their primary buyers. …
“Complicating the Paradise plant closing is that its primary supplier of coal is a company owned by Robert Murray, a major Republican donor and Trump supporter.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I could name four people who can go fuck themselves. Can you guess who they are?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Coal is being put out of business by cheap natural gas, not environmental regulations. Funny how these people are for “free markets” until they’re the ones getting eaten by competition. Then they want subsidies, government intervention, and all the other “socialist” stuff.
Republicans are hypocrites. They have no values but greed
“Trump supporters literally don’t care if they’re seen as hypocrites. They don’t see it as a bad thing, they see it as “winning.” If they’re getting something they want and others are stuck with the bill, that’s a victory for them, and it’s not a bad thing.”
Undocumented Demorat Of The Week Award, Early Contender–Undocumented pediatrician Magdilio Diaz-Vasquez.
Magdilio Diaz-Vasquez, 22, pleaded guilty last month to rape of a child, involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, statutory sexual assault, unlawful contact with a minor, and corruption of minors.
He was sentenced to 6-12 years in state prison.
Police said Diaz-Vasquez sexually assaulted the girl for several months, beginning when she was 12 years old.
Diaz-Vasquez was living in Quarryville illegally when the abuse occurred. He had been deported back to Guatemala several years prior, police said. http://www.illegalaliencrimere.....-old-girl/
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Lying Phoneys News–Demorat liars caught in another hoax.
Democratic California Sen. Kamala Harris stammered when asked by reporters Monday about the recent claims that Jussie Smollett may have staged his alleged attack.
“.@JussieSmollett is one of the kindest, most gentle human beings I know. I’m praying for his quick recovery. This was an attempted modern day lynching. No one should have to fear for their life because of their sexuality or color of their skin. We must confront this hate,” Harris tweeted on Jan. 29.
Many other Democrats rushed to support Smollett following the alleged attack. Democratic New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker and Democratic Reps. Maxine Waters of California, Nancy Pelosi of California and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, among others, all issued statements condemning the alleged hate crime.
Pelosi deleted her sympathetic tweet about Smollett on Sunday evening.
@ 34
Getting something she wants and having someone else pay the bill to YLB is known as Monday.
@ 33
Now do taxi services, and copy Goldy.
Police made more than ten million arrests last year. That’s one new arrest about every three seconds. Yet fewer than 5% of those were for violent offenses. And more than half of those arrests were later dismissed or declined by prosecutors. Low level, non-violent, “contempt of cop” charges dominate all other arrests in the US. Carrying out arrests that never advance to criminal trials, or criminal pleas consumes more public resources than almost any other police activity. These kinds of arrests ruin people’s lives, mostly young people, mostly poor people, mostly people of color.
Far fewer than half of all crime victims make reports to the police. And of all crimes that actually are reported, police manage to clear or solve fewer than 25%. Arrests only figure in 10 to 12 percent of all crime. Accounting for the very high percentage of arrests that are declined or dismissed it is very reasonable to assume that many of the arrests that police do make are manufactured.
Police are incredibly expensive. Their salaries, benefits, training, equipment, facilities, support, and oversight consumes the biggest single budget catagory for most cities. They hurt themselves, each other, and the bystanding public at an alarming rate unlike any other class of public servant.
“Brett Kavanaugh was a young high school boy who really liked to drink beer before he may have tried to rape someone and who among us doesn’t drink in high school?”
“Malia Obama is a drunk and her parents are awful and how did that degenerate get a bottle of wine when she’s 20? The photograph should he sent to the police so they can cite her.”
The Hump and his whole Hump Family need to be deported to fucking Mars, Bob can join them….hopefully he goes along.
Shameful doesn’t even describe them any more… and they are beyond Deplorable. I don’t instigate political discussion with my family, but when there whining occurs I don’t hold back, I tell them how horrific The Hump is….let them know where you stand….even if you let them know you don’t stand with them nor they stand with you…fuck them….even in the past US Civil War family members fought on opposite sides. You got to do what you got to do.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@37 Sounds like Trump’s wall to me.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@42 Meanwhile this blog is stuck with trolls who don’t know how to do anything except cut and paste the crime blotter from fourth-rate rightwing anti-immigrant websites.
Blame immigrants! Blame immigrants! Blame immigrants! That’ll make everything better. At the very least, it got rid of an unqualified Trump nominee for U.N. ambassador, so it can’t be all bad.
“”The racist, homophobic attack on [Smollett] is an affront to our humanity. No one should be attacked for who they are or whom they love.””
I too thought it was bullshit from the start, as many gay people have probably felt too from the beginning. I was skeptical but wanted to trust BUT VERIFY. But what Bob wants to do here is take one, two or three or four or even five examples to discredit the fact the any such real homophobic attacks occur. Not to mention that many white people have been embarrassingly fallen under the same circumstances, claiming to be attack by a black person and it not being true.
So Bob, crow all you want. And if anything, your crowing about it will only lead or incite to violence against gay people, when this was a double gay/black thing. That is your true goal here isn’t you fuck?
The guy needs to come clean, apologize, and be tossed out of Hollywood or where they make the fucking movie.
And you should either shut the fuck up or answer for all the white people that have lied about being beaten by a black person. After all you say you stand up for Puffy and he is a friend….bullshit. Bob – simply put, you are scum.
I know others or many here have called out Bob for being homophobic among other things, but I really thought he wasn’t but just being a jerk. But I guess I am wrong – Bob truly is a homophobe that doesn’t believe in freedom. Not the freedom to lie. But deep down this whole Jussie thing is really showing his true colors.
Ralph Northam (DEMOCRAT), he of infanticide and black face, VA Attorney General Mark Herring, also proud black face DEMOCRAT and Justin Fairfax, #HimToo!DEMOCRAT, have all joined the faux IndianWarren in a oh so Happy rain dance that FauzHateCrimeJussie has taken over the news cycle. Even bad PR is good. “Never let a crisis go to waste”.
Trump Day Bonus Post–Best Of Pre-Smollett Demorat Hate Crime Scams
Anti-Muslim Hate Crime In Michigan Turns Out To Be A Hoax (Nov. 2016)
Bisexual Student Fakes Trump-Inspired Hate Crime (Nov. 2016)
Gas Station Racism Goes Viral — Then Police Debunk It (Nov. 2016)
White Men Rob Muslim Woman Of Her Hijab And Wallet — Except It Never Happened (Nov. 2016)
Church Organist Vandalizes Own Church (Nov. 2016)
“Drunk White Men” Attack Muslim Woman In Story That Also Never Happened (Dec. 2016)
White Guy Sets His Own Car On Fire, Paints Racial Slur On His Own Garage (Dec. 2016)
Prankster Tricks Liberal Journalist Into Spreading Anti-Trump Hoax (Dec. 2016)
Student Writes Anti-Muslim Graffiti On His Own Door (Feb. 2017)
Israeli Man Behind Anti-Semitic Bomb Threats in the U.S. (April 2017)
Hoax at St. Olaf (May 2017)
Fake Hate At Air Force Academy Goes Viral (Sept. 2017)
K-State Fake Hate Crime (Nov. 2017)
Racist Graffiti Carried Out By Non-White Student (Nov. 2017)
Waiter Fakes Note Calling Himself A Terrorist (July 2018)
Waitress Fakes Racist Note, Blames Law Enforcement (July 2018)
New York Woman’s Hate Crime That Wasn’t (Sept. 2018)
Student Faked Racist Notes (Dec. 2018)
The Covington Catastrophe (Jan. 2019)
Bonus: Anti-Semitic Vandal Exposed As Democratic Activist (Nov. 2018)
Bonus II: Trump-Inspired Racist Blaze At Black Church Was Carried Out By Black Church-goer (Nov. 2016)
Details at;
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
You forgot:
Conspiring with Russian espionage agents to violate the law in exchange for a hotel deal. (Aug. 2016)
Um yeah. That.
Elijah Dominic McDotcomspews:
“I mean, arguably, that undermines everything this flag over here stands for (indicating). Arguably, you sold your country out. The Court’s going to consider all of that.
I can’t make any guarantees, but I’m not hiding my disgust, my disdain for this criminal offense.”
——————– “This is a problematic attempt to shield his Russian conspirator from liability and it gives rise to legitimate questions about where his loyalties lie.”
A bit more than a tweet-meme war between Shitlords.
Appointed-for-life Federal Judges don’t tweet.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Looks like our trolls are getting desperate.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Factoid: Of the 11 American pilots who fought in the Battle of Britain, only 2 survived the war.
Roger Rabbitspews:
Threatening the judge when you’re out on bond isn’t a good idea.
Being a racist isn’t a crime.* Neither is calling FLOTUS an “ape.” But embezzling government funds is.
* Probably not a Democrat …
Walls don’t stop rabbits. We just dig under them.
It is like it was before the emergency. At least if you’re talking about one of the active national emergencies presidents have declared going all the way back to the Carter administration, Carl.
Yeah, running Hillary Clinton and suppressing Bernie to do it is definitely something to wish you did not have to admit, Goldy.
Not looking forward to explaining to my future grandkids about how Presidents’ Day became a national day of mourning.
Wait a minute. You mean it’s not a corporate lie after all?
Goldy Retweeted
Nick Hanauer
Re-upping because it was so smart. The $15 minimum wage sweeping the nation might kill jobs – and that’s okay …
The $15 minimum wage sweeping the nation might kill jobs — and that’s okay
We don’t evaluate other policies by insisting that they have zero effect on employment.
Feb 17, 2019
Today is a day I miss the Fucking Moron.
It’s looking like the state board will have to order a new election in NC 9th. Very clear evidence of criminal fraud made public for the first time today. Given the scope and extent of the fraud, and the reluctance of the participants in the fraud to cooperate, it is likely the investigation will need much more time. To certify the results at this point would appear perverse and would do more harm to citizen support for a fair election process than a new election.
Naturally, Republicans are outraged that a rigged election in favor of a racist minority of voters would be set aside in favor of a fair and democratic election. Because that’s who they are now.
Yes. This really is “the status quo” of Republicans now.
Hey, where does YLB shop when she wants to hang yet another homemade flower-butterfly bling-thing in the kitchen?
Report Says Jussie Smollett Allegedly Rehearsed Attack With Conspirators — Paid For Rope At The Crafty Beaver Hardware Store
Crafty, Beaver
Seeing as how “I believe Putin” doesn’t reveal anything new about either the orange moron or Doctor Dumbfuck, I’ll go with this one.
“‘Illegal and treasonous!’ Trump calls his own deputy AG a traitor in crazed early morning tweet”
And over on the Don’t-Tread-on-Us Facebook page, where grammar, spelling and logical coherence is the stuff of socialism, last week it was Paul Ryan who was branded a traitor. And Ann Coulter tweeted her way back onto the traitor list after having been briefly off it during the shutdown.
While Rosenstein has long been one of their traitors, this morning they added Mike Wallace of Fox News.
Apparently Lisa Britt, one of the subjects of the investigation is talking to law enforcement. Not only did they steal and alter ballots but they conspired to cover it up after initial reports became public.
Election Fraud is real. And it doesn’t involve illegals voting or IDs or very loose name match on voter rolls.
cuz Teh Dumbfuck was totally gonna vote for any other Democratic nominee, then, now, or evah.
He’s all yours, Teh Dumbfuck. You are the Scotty P of these comment threads. Own it. Not only did you and 63 million liver spotted pill crushers vote for him, but over the past two years you’ve fallen head over heels in love with the whole boated, orange, fart-filled package of toddler torture, trade wars, massive deficits, plundered global security treaties, $15,000 desk sets, Tiki Torch parades, pregnant porn stars, pointless SHITDOWNS!!, and star lit perp-walks. Eat up, boy! More’s a commin’!
@5 Can’t make everyone happy. People complained when the Emancipation Proclamation eliminated jobs, too.
Steve, they added a dead guy @ 8 to the traitor list?
That’s some desperation right there.
@ 9
Election Fraud is real. And this time it doesn’t involve illegals voting or IDs or very loose name match on voter rolls.
ftfy, Third-Tier.
@8 Just confirms for Trump what he already knew, i.e. he can’t trust anyone but Ivanka; and can’t be sure of her, either. After all, she comes from a family who were raised to throw their own mothers under the bus, so why not their father too?
Donald hires AG Barr’s son-in-Law as a legal consultant.
But there’s no conflict of interest in this administration so I’m sure it’s all good.
Donald hires AG Barr’s son-in-Law as a legal consultant.
But there’s no conflict of interest in this administration so I’m sure it’s all good.
@13 Why don’t you cough up some evidence of that, ace? And while you’re at it, wanna try defending the GOP shenanigans in NC-9? Didn’t think so.
I used to think being a doctor required at least a modicum of brains, but this one seems to be on the wrong side of everything, all the time.
@ 15
• Cameron Kerry, the brother of an early Obama backer, Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, who has been tapped as chief counsel at the Commerce Department
• Mignon Clyburn, daughter of House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn of South Carolina, who received a coveted appointment to the Federal Communications Commission
• David Hamilton, nephew of former congressman and Democratic elder statesman Lee Hamilton, who was appointed to an appellate judgeship
• Courtney Gregoire, daughter of Washington Gov. Chris Gregoire, who last week was tapped as director of legislative affairs at Commerce
• Laurie Mikva, daughter of legendary former Chicago judge and Congressman Abner Mikva, who was appointed to the board of the Legal Services Corporation, which provides legal aid to low-income people
• And Ezekiel Emanuel, brother of White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, who is a special adviser on health care to OMB Director Peter Orszag
Kennedy. Clinton. Bush.
Now STFU. You’re becoming increasingly unserious and shrill. HA’s already got one of those.
I’m heartily encouraged to know that devoted, hard-core Republicans like our trolls know more about who somebody named Jussie Smollett is than I ever will. Maybe it’s because I don’t watch television, at least not the way older folks like our trolls do. But I think it probably has more to do with the fact that, like their beloved PeePee President, apparently watching television is how they occupy a substantial portion of their time.
Just imagine. Spending almost every moment of your youth and vigor forgoing social interactions, parties, ski weekends, spring break, keggers, BEACH WEEK!!!!!, dating, fucking and pouring yourself into two decades of sustained, disciplined sacrifice, hard work, and 90 hour sleepless work weeks for less than minimum wage debriding the unspeakably smelly ulcerated taints of filthy homeless people only to spend your well earned “retirement” watching television.
I hope for their sake they store the guns and ammo separately.
@13 Not to worry, no matter what the state board does, the House will never seat Harris unless he wins a new (and honest) election, which seems unlikely because only losers have to cheat in the first place.
Fox News and their viewers have a new definition of Coup D’etat.
When DOJ officials have a conversation about if the Vice President and a majority of The President’s appointed cabinet would deliver signed letters. to the Senate President Pro tempore requesting the removal of the President as unable to carry out his duties
that conversation is a coup D’etat.
Clearly Donald is out of office so…
given how Republicans have opened the floodgates for abandoning political and now legal and constitutional norms (and statutes), I should think it wont be too long before we see one or both chambers refuse to seat a duly elected member simply in order to win a close vote.
Overton window.
Describe the world in those terms you would like to see come about. Talking about it now makes it easier to do it later.
Believe me. Republicans have abandoned the concept of democratic government. They want no part of it. Much of the rhetoric promoted by companies like NewsCorp is an open criticism of the immediate results of the democratic process. Trump’s role and purpose is to help them move this country toward the future they envision where “the wrong people” are permanently deprived of any meaningful role in power or leadership.
@ 19
I’m heartily encouraged to know that devoted, hard-core Republicans like our trolls know more about who somebody named Jussie Smollett is than I ever will. Maybe it’s because I don’t watch television…
Maybe it’s because you don’t pay attention to the bandwagoning done by some major presidential contenders when the “news” of the attack first broke. They’re the ones now backtracking as quickly as they can.
Cory Booker. Kamala Harris.
And then there’s Nancy Pelosi, who deleted this January 29 tweet:
“The racist, homophobic attack on [Smollett] is an affront to our humanity. No one should be attacked for who they are or whom they love.”
When I first heard about the “attack” my first thought was that asswipe activist who claimed to have been attacked on Capitol Hill during Gay Pride week, when there should have been a lotta lotta lotta lotta people around to witness it. That was the silliest fucking thing and there’s absolutely no evidence that it occurred – the FBI was brought in to investigate the ‘hate crime’ and found nothing. Because there was nothing to find.
Finally, apparently there isn’t a Trump-supporting MAGA’er alive who watches Empire. How the fuck would one of them know who the hell he is?
Jussie Smollett is just the latest Peter Gleick.
Someone so desperate to prove something that they resort to blatant dishonesty in their effort.
The difference is Gleick didn’t do any damage to major Democrat presidential candidates when his fraud was exposed.
Whining is a great presidential tradition.
William Howard Taft seeking retribution for the comedy stylings of Gilbert and Sutherland.
Eisenhower totally nailed it complaining about the barbs he endured from Sid Caesar and ‘Your Show Of Shows.’
And who can forget the scathing rebuke Ronald Reagan delivered to the Cast of ‘Fridays”’
Do you take requests?
Central Park Five
Thousands of Jersey Muslims 9/11
Storming the border!
“No one should be attacked for who they are or whom they love.”
“Trump-supporting MAGA’er(s)” everywhere disagree, of course.
Because this really is “the status quo” for Republicans now.
“…damage to major Democrat presidential candidates…”
Yes, yes. And MAGATeen destroyed them all too, as I recall. As did Associate Justice Date Rape, #ALLLIVESMATTER, and #BUILDTHEWALL.
Turns out, when you teach persuadable voters that “Grab ’em by the pussy” is Presidential leadership and “Jews Will Not Replace Us” is mere disagreement among “very fine people”, pretty much anything you can tweet they can forgive and in some cases even take on board. And very quickly too.
@18 “HA’s already got one of those.”
Introspection doesn’t do any good unless you do something about it.
@21 They don’t feel people should be allowed to think about such things, much less talk about them, any more than they feel journalists should be allowed to call out their lies.
Add Maine’s execrable ex-governor, Paul LePage, to the growing list of GOP officials who lined Trump’s pockets with taxpayer money.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Yeah, I understand why Republicans hate paying taxes. They know better than we do what they spend it on.
“Last week the Tennessee Valley Authority voted to close the 49-year-old Paradise Fossil Unit 3 coal-fired generating plant in western Kentucky, citing operating costs, the need for repairs and ‘flat to declining’ load. The board’s 5-2 vote came despite appeals from Trump to keep the plant and others like it open. …
“Joining Trump in his calls to save the plant were Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell and the state’s governor, Matt Bevin, both Republicans. Both cited concerns for the … mines who count the facility as one of their primary buyers. …
“Complicating the Paradise plant closing is that its primary supplier of coal is a company owned by Robert Murray, a major Republican donor and Trump supporter.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I could name four people who can go fuck themselves. Can you guess who they are?
Coal is being put out of business by cheap natural gas, not environmental regulations. Funny how these people are for “free markets” until they’re the ones getting eaten by competition. Then they want subsidies, government intervention, and all the other “socialist” stuff.
Republicans are hypocrites. They have no values but greed
“Trump supporters literally don’t care if they’re seen as hypocrites. They don’t see it as a bad thing, they see it as “winning.” If they’re getting something they want and others are stuck with the bill, that’s a victory for them, and it’s not a bad thing.”
Undocumented Demorat Of The Week Award, Early Contender–Undocumented pediatrician Magdilio Diaz-Vasquez.
Magdilio Diaz-Vasquez, 22, pleaded guilty last month to rape of a child, involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, statutory sexual assault, unlawful contact with a minor, and corruption of minors.
He was sentenced to 6-12 years in state prison.
Police said Diaz-Vasquez sexually assaulted the girl for several months, beginning when she was 12 years old.
Diaz-Vasquez was living in Quarryville illegally when the abuse occurred. He had been deported back to Guatemala several years prior, police said.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Lying Phoneys News–Demorat liars caught in another hoax.
Democratic California Sen. Kamala Harris stammered when asked by reporters Monday about the recent claims that Jussie Smollett may have staged his alleged attack.
“.@JussieSmollett is one of the kindest, most gentle human beings I know. I’m praying for his quick recovery. This was an attempted modern day lynching. No one should have to fear for their life because of their sexuality or color of their skin. We must confront this hate,” Harris tweeted on Jan. 29.
Many other Democrats rushed to support Smollett following the alleged attack. Democratic New Jersey Sen. Cory Booker and Democratic Reps. Maxine Waters of California, Nancy Pelosi of California and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, among others, all issued statements condemning the alleged hate crime.
Pelosi deleted her sympathetic tweet about Smollett on Sunday evening.
@ 34
Getting something she wants and having someone else pay the bill to YLB is known as Monday.
@ 33
Now do taxi services, and copy Goldy.
Police made more than ten million arrests last year. That’s one new arrest about every three seconds. Yet fewer than 5% of those were for violent offenses. And more than half of those arrests were later dismissed or declined by prosecutors. Low level, non-violent, “contempt of cop” charges dominate all other arrests in the US. Carrying out arrests that never advance to criminal trials, or criminal pleas consumes more public resources than almost any other police activity. These kinds of arrests ruin people’s lives, mostly young people, mostly poor people, mostly people of color.
Far fewer than half of all crime victims make reports to the police. And of all crimes that actually are reported, police manage to clear or solve fewer than 25%. Arrests only figure in 10 to 12 percent of all crime. Accounting for the very high percentage of arrests that are declined or dismissed it is very reasonable to assume that many of the arrests that police do make are manufactured.
Police are incredibly expensive. Their salaries, benefits, training, equipment, facilities, support, and oversight consumes the biggest single budget catagory for most cities. They hurt themselves, each other, and the bystanding public at an alarming rate unlike any other class of public servant.
“Brett Kavanaugh was a young high school boy who really liked to drink beer before he may have tried to rape someone and who among us doesn’t drink in high school?”
“Malia Obama is a drunk and her parents are awful and how did that degenerate get a bottle of wine when she’s 20? The photograph should he sent to the police so they can cite her.”
The Hump and his whole Hump Family need to be deported to fucking Mars, Bob can join them….hopefully he goes along.
@40 Conservatives
Shameful doesn’t even describe them any more… and they are beyond Deplorable. I don’t instigate political discussion with my family, but when there whining occurs I don’t hold back, I tell them how horrific The Hump is….let them know where you stand….even if you let them know you don’t stand with them nor they stand with you…fuck them….even in the past US Civil War family members fought on opposite sides. You got to do what you got to do.
@37 Sounds like Trump’s wall to me.
@42 Meanwhile this blog is stuck with trolls who don’t know how to do anything except cut and paste the crime blotter from fourth-rate rightwing anti-immigrant websites.
Blame immigrants! Blame immigrants! Blame immigrants! That’ll make everything better. At the very least, it got rid of an unqualified Trump nominee for U.N. ambassador, so it can’t be all bad.
“”The racist, homophobic attack on [Smollett] is an affront to our humanity. No one should be attacked for who they are or whom they love.””
I too thought it was bullshit from the start, as many gay people have probably felt too from the beginning. I was skeptical but wanted to trust BUT VERIFY. But what Bob wants to do here is take one, two or three or four or even five examples to discredit the fact the any such real homophobic attacks occur. Not to mention that many white people have been embarrassingly fallen under the same circumstances, claiming to be attack by a black person and it not being true.
So Bob, crow all you want. And if anything, your crowing about it will only lead or incite to violence against gay people, when this was a double gay/black thing. That is your true goal here isn’t you fuck?
The guy needs to come clean, apologize, and be tossed out of Hollywood or where they make the fucking movie.
And you should either shut the fuck up or answer for all the white people that have lied about being beaten by a black person. After all you say you stand up for Puffy and he is a friend….bullshit. Bob – simply put, you are scum.
I know others or many here have called out Bob for being homophobic among other things, but I really thought he wasn’t but just being a jerk. But I guess I am wrong – Bob truly is a homophobe that doesn’t believe in freedom. Not the freedom to lie. But deep down this whole Jussie thing is really showing his true colors.
Ralph Northam (DEMOCRAT), he of infanticide and black face, VA Attorney General Mark Herring, also proud black face DEMOCRAT and Justin Fairfax, #HimToo!DEMOCRAT, have all joined the faux IndianWarren in a oh so Happy rain dance that FauzHateCrimeJussie has taken over the news cycle. Even bad PR is good. “Never let a crisis go to waste”.
Trump Day Bonus Post–Best Of Pre-Smollett Demorat Hate Crime Scams
Anti-Muslim Hate Crime In Michigan Turns Out To Be A Hoax (Nov. 2016)
Bisexual Student Fakes Trump-Inspired Hate Crime (Nov. 2016)
Gas Station Racism Goes Viral — Then Police Debunk It (Nov. 2016)
White Men Rob Muslim Woman Of Her Hijab And Wallet — Except It Never Happened (Nov. 2016)
Church Organist Vandalizes Own Church (Nov. 2016)
“Drunk White Men” Attack Muslim Woman In Story That Also Never Happened (Dec. 2016)
White Guy Sets His Own Car On Fire, Paints Racial Slur On His Own Garage (Dec. 2016)
Prankster Tricks Liberal Journalist Into Spreading Anti-Trump Hoax (Dec. 2016)
Student Writes Anti-Muslim Graffiti On His Own Door (Feb. 2017)
Israeli Man Behind Anti-Semitic Bomb Threats in the U.S. (April 2017)
Hoax at St. Olaf (May 2017)
Fake Hate At Air Force Academy Goes Viral (Sept. 2017)
K-State Fake Hate Crime (Nov. 2017)
Racist Graffiti Carried Out By Non-White Student (Nov. 2017)
Waiter Fakes Note Calling Himself A Terrorist (July 2018)
Waitress Fakes Racist Note, Blames Law Enforcement (July 2018)
New York Woman’s Hate Crime That Wasn’t (Sept. 2018)
Student Faked Racist Notes (Dec. 2018)
The Covington Catastrophe (Jan. 2019)
Bonus: Anti-Semitic Vandal Exposed As Democratic Activist (Nov. 2018)
Bonus II: Trump-Inspired Racist Blaze At Black Church Was Carried Out By Black Church-goer (Nov. 2016)
Details at;
You forgot:
Conspiring with Russian espionage agents to violate the law in exchange for a hotel deal. (Aug. 2016)
Um yeah. That.
“I mean, arguably, that undermines everything this flag over here stands for (indicating). Arguably, you sold your country out. The Court’s going to consider all of that.
I can’t make any guarantees, but I’m not hiding my disgust, my disdain for this criminal offense.”
“This is a problematic attempt to shield his Russian conspirator from liability and it gives rise to legitimate questions about where his loyalties lie.”
A bit more than a tweet-meme war between Shitlords.
Appointed-for-life Federal Judges don’t tweet.
Looks like our trolls are getting desperate.
Factoid: Of the 11 American pilots who fought in the Battle of Britain, only 2 survived the war.
Threatening the judge when you’re out on bond isn’t a good idea.
But when did a Republican ever have a good idea?