Ever go out on a hard drinking binge and wake up from a blackout with no memory of what you did over the previous 24 hours? Well that’s kinda what happened to HA over the weekend, when my hosting company accidentally deleted my account. HA’s back up online, but it has absolutely no idea what it did on Sunday.
Though, considering HA mostly just collected comments from trolls, it’s hard to consider it much of a loss.
No Bible study! There were 127 comments (and not just trolls) when I caught up this morning.
Yup… Bible Study lost. The only reason Bird’s Eye View popped back up is that Lee puts it in the hopper days in advance. But the original comments were lost.
HA’s back up online, but it has absolutely no idea what it did on Sunday.
Your blog was down for hours, a number of posts were lost, your vendor has no idea what happened . . and you’re still using them. If this had been the Seattle Time web site you would have been all over them.
Though, considering HA mostly just collected comments from trolls, it’s hard to consider it much of a loss.
Really lame. Just apologize for the outage, the professional thing to do, and leave it at that.
Two days after a prison guard was murdered by budget cuts, Republican legislators are trying to extend useless and outmoded corporate tax breaks for another 20 years.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: This travesty is brought to you by the WSRP.
Since those tax breaks don’t even expire until 2015, why don’t they at least wait a couple years? Why now?
Today’s ‘Holy Shit!’ Headline
Moody’s downgraded Egypt’s bond rating.
To junk status, I might add.
Roger Rabbit, before the budget cuts, it policy to assign only one guard to the prison chapel. It’s been that way throughout the prison’s history. You can’t blame it on budget cuts.
PS, everyone, please join me at noon at Westlake Plaza for a pro-Mubarak rally.
Washington State has had only Democratic Governors since 1985.
“So what, Troll? While I admire most of your contributions to HA, I’m not getting what your point is.”
My point is … brb … incoming international business call.
Classy, Goldy.
And some doubt my powers!
I am that I am
@11: You’re FoS, but I did LMAO, so thanks for that!
The site was down? Is that why Roger “O.C.D.” Rodent tied up 911 frantically calling in about it? Or that explosion I heard that most likely was little YLB Tenderhands head exploding in his wife’s basement? LOL. You people crack me up!
Goldy queefs: ‘HA’s back up online, but it has absolutely no idea what it did on Sunday.(perhaps the mainframe was in a cloud of pot smoke at Lee’s house….)
Though, considering HA mostly just collected comments from trolls, it’s hard to consider it much of a loss.’
Yep, there’s another fine statement backing up all the hopey-changey tolerance and acceptance bullshit you Libtards and Goldy like to fart. Funny, yet so typical.
Hey Goldy, why don’t you get on over to The Stranger and get to work sucking Dan Savage’s cock like a good little new employee and quit whining about the technical difficulties on H.A.? It appears to be fixed now. Good luck!
Good day all.
Troll spews: “My point is … brb … incoming international business call.”
Troll’s offshore porn provider called to tell him his subscription is past-due.
Do you really think that? Honestly?
@8 Of course I can blame it on budget cuts. I’m a propagandist, just like you. I can say anything I like.
@9 “incoming international business call”
So where are you being extradited and/or rendered to, and for what?
@14 Damn. I was hoping that he’d be tortured.
@18 Just kidding. Wingnut joke. I used to be a Goldwater conservative so I’m authorized to tell wingnut jokes.
Glad you are back up, Goldy! I must admit my first thought was that Comcast was starting the blockage of liberal sites.
Rabbit @ 18
Don’t you think that just being troll, every single fucking day, is torture enough?
Roger, Moodys has said if the Obamamaniac spender does not get his debt under control. they will lower the US rating. Thus the debt serviceing will be more expensive.
@21 No. Although being a wingnut troll would cause severe and incessant pounding headaches in anyone with a brain, the elements that have been lobotomized need a more neural stimulus or they won’t respond.
@22 So? That’s a problem? I mean, seriously, from a practical point of view if the U.S. government has to pay a higher interest rate because of a lousy credit rating they’ll just print more money to pay it with. Just make sure you’re long in hard assets and short in cash equivalents when that happens.
Some of these people don’t understand that when you’re the government you can do any fucking thing you feel like doing. Just ask George W. Bush …
Listening to trolls like Id, you get the impression only Democrats spend public money. Which, of course, is beyond being an absurd lie, it’s a noxious lie. It wasn’t Democrats who paid Halliburton $110 for each case of Coca-Cola delivered to our troops in Iraq or paid Blackwater’s mercenaries $150,000 a year with taxpayer money. I forget what Halliburton charged the Republicans for gasoline in Afghanistan but as I recall it was something like $50 a gallon. And you think pump prices are bad in your neighborhood. And Republicans gladly paid it, because the Halliburton guys (Dick Cheney et al.) were their friends, and they were paying it with YOUR money. Only the little people pay taxes, you know. (Oh, I know, the nomimal tax rates on corporations and billionaires are outrageous; but, you see, nobody actually pays those rates. Two-thirds of U.S. corporations pay nada and I’m not sure what the statistics are for the billionaires but the Republicans gave them so many tax shelters it wouldn’t surprise me if the IRS is mailing them Earned Income Credit checks for their kids.)
Actually, it’s $400 dollars per gallon.
Been to a grocery store lately, or a gas station in the area, to see what the results of Obamas BS spending spree has been. Or how about the 10% unemployment, record home foreclosures, diminishing home values, 48 bankrupt states, Social Security now billions in the red.
Keep it up we’ll make the last depression look tame.
“the results of Obamas BS spending spree”
Yeah, everything’s Obama’s fault. Go ahead and tell us again how Republican shit smells like roses.
@28 “Been to a grocery store lately, or a gas station in the area, to see what the results of Obamas BS spending spree has been.”
The only BS around here is coming from people like you who blame the deficit on Obama.
BREAKING: A Florida Judge has ruled that the individual mandate portion of ObamaCare is unconstitutional!
One more POS tax hike by Obummerman flushed
@32: Yawn – now the score is 2-2 in the handpicked districts for this phony lawsuit.
Oh yeah, I can’t wait to add the 260 billion more to the deficit if the republican dipshits pull the health care reform. And add to that 1.2 trillion in the next ten years.
Republuicans really don’t understand facts or del;iberately LIE about them. Idiots like (id) keep harping about the budget but fail to remember it was Bush who turned the largest budget surplus in history into the largest budget deficit in history.
They also forget that Bush did not even put the Iraq and Afghan wars into the budget – while Obama did, thus inflating his “numbers”. They also forget that Bush presided over the worst economic collapse since the great depression – a collapse that would have been much worse (and created a bigger deficit hole) if we had not had the stimulus.
It is the simplistic thinking of right wing Id(iots) that got us into this mess – Phil Gramm was the guy who wrote the banking deregulations and the credit-default swap bills that caused the mortgage mess.
Less regulation is what LED to the the problems.
Oh yeah, on health care we spend more than any other country and get less. We also spend double what any other country spends on defense.
You want to cut the budget? Cut the defense budget first – it is the biggest part of the budget. You want to stabilize social security for the next 50 years (it is already stable for the next 10-15 years)- then raise the cap.
Republicans are LIARS who disregard the facts.
Id @ 31: A Florida judge? And that is supposed to impress me?
I’ve got relatives living in central Florida, and so that doesn’t surprise me a bit.
Florida is also the state that has set up special courts to handle foreclosure actions, presided over by retired judges who announce in advance that they aren’t going to have anybody waste their time by arguing that (a) the loan isn’t in default, (b) the bank doesn’t hold the note which allows them to foreclose, or (c) that the foreclosure was supposed to be suspended because of the federal program for restructuring the loan. All he was there to do was rubber-stamp whatever the bank’s lawyers put in front of him. Anybody which slowed down the process by trying to present a defense was threatened with contempt of court.
One retird judge admitted afterwards he didn’t even know anything about the loan restructuring program, and that he always assumed that the homeowners would lie just to stay in their homes without making payments for a few more weeks, and that in his opinion, banks didn’t lie because they were respectable businessmen. He also said he wasn’t going to waste time or money getting interpretures, since if people were going to buy a house, they should know English.