This is the funniest thing ever. PZ Myers just got kicked out of the crazy new creationist movie.
There is a rich, deep kind of irony that must be shared. I’m blogging this from the Apple store in the Mall of America, because I’m too amused to want to wait until I get back to my hotel room.
I went to attend a screening of the creationist propaganda movie, Expelled, a few minutes ago. Well, I tried … but I was Expelled! It was kind of weird — I was standing in line, hadn’t even gotten to the point where I had to sign in and show ID, and a policeman pulled me out of line and told me I could not go in. I asked why, of course, and he said that a producer of the film had specifically instructed him that I was not to be allowed to attend. The officer also told me that if I tried to go in, I would be arrested. I assured him that I wasn’t going to cause any trouble.
Read the whole thing, it gets better.
Newt pretty well nails Obama:
“Sen. Obama’s first presentation was very troubling. It offers two possibilities for judging his character, both of which are unsettling.
The first possibility is that Sen. Obama did not notice the racism, anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism coming from the pulpit in 20 years of attending Pastor Wright’s sermons. He failed to register as troubling Pastor Wright’s trip to Libya with Louis Farrakhan to see Muammar Qaddafi or the church’s giving Farrakhan a lifetime achievement award.
But if this is true, it is a devastating insight into any possibility that Sen. Obama is ready to be President. How could we expect him to act with judgment and responsibility in Iran and Iraq, to pick a Supreme Court Justice or to undertake any other complex act under the pressing reality of being president when he could not notice reality in 20 years at his church.
On the other hand, if he noticed the goings on in his church but failed to act on them, what does that tell us about his honesty and his courage?”
F’ing Hilarious!
1 – Hey MTR, according to you, Newtie the serial polygamist was supposed to flash his conservative pedigree and sweep your losing party to eight more years of theft, corruption and mass murder.
What happened?
Pay your fucking gambling welsher!
That is a great stoy, Carl, and it is far too typical in the creationist crowd. I loved the ending:
“They singled me out and evicted me, but they didn’t notice my guest. They let him go in escorted by my wife and daughter. I guess they didn’t recognize him. My guest was …
Richard Dawkins.”
I am reminded of how Dawkins was tricked by the creationists who completely misrepresented their credentials to get an interview with him.
It is almost impossible to debate people who have no intellectual or moral standards. Misrepresentation is the main tool they use. Along with a truckload of logical fallacies and, or course their mainstay, argument from ignorance.
@ 4 continued It is almost impossible to debate people who have no intellectual or moral standards reminds me of a certain political persuasion.
erratum @ 4 stoy, should read “story”
Carl, I believe it is within your authority to remove the blatantly obvious off topic post @ 1 from the bet welsher.
Just saying.
I used to respect Ben Stein. But after I heard about this movie, not any more. He’s firmly entrenched in the lunatic fringe now. Who wants to bet that he won’t be doing any more commercials for Alaska’s seafood industry after this?
I would love to Win Ben Stein’s Money
He is obviously putting it to no good use.
Mark is a totally reliable doofus. Many things are 100% guaranteed to happen, such as sunrise, death, taxes, Bush being a jackass, Mark driveling all over his shoes, etc.
Thanks, Mark.
The Pianist
(not a bagpipe operator–ever.)
#1 – Right. Is it at least ironic when the right wing fringe bitches about Obama’s preacher, when the right wing religious leaders are constantly telling us god hates America and kills thousands of Americans with earthquakes, floods and hurricanes because of the ‘gays’? John McCain preacher buddy (John Hagee) thinks god murdered over 1,800 people using Hurricane Karina and will “send” terrorists here to kill us because of HOmoSEXualITY. Sounds like Osama Bin Laden and John McCain’s buddy have the same plan, kill Americans.
I’ve about had ENOUGH, right or left, shut the hell up you lunatic religious idiots! There are no magical invisible beings floating in the sky ready to send me to a magic dimension of fire because I ate bacon or prayed the wrong direction on the wrong day. Magic isn’t real. God(s) aren’t real. Grow up and stop “arguing” over childish bullshit. Every god/goddess/demi-god/unicorn/giant from EVERY religion on earth mysteriously vanished with the invention of the video camera. Everyone always used to SEE these things, now darn it, no one can seem to get a leprechaun or fairy on camera…but I hear Jesus is coming back, he’s 2000 years late, but ANY day now…(looks down at watch…taps foot impatiently)
@ 11 good post. Your frustration is understandable.
It is hard to imagine when mankind will take the shackles of ignorance off. How far better our world would be if we did not fight over (or use as an excuse for a fight) imaginary beings.
We are here, and we can get along. But if we invent our own specific superheroes that demand we kill each other over our different opinions of whose superhero is best. We are doomed.
Different day…. same old moonbats. Ah the liberal drivel is thick today. Why all the vitriol???? hehehehe You racist/sexist donks are sunk come November. Enjoy. heahahhaha
@ 13, Bad dog!! Bad dog!!! Quit pooping on the blog!!!
ohn McCain preacher buddy (John Hagee) thinks god murdered over 1,800 people using Hurricane Karina and will “send” terrorists here to kill us because of HOmoSEXualITY.
Everyone knows that Bush sent that Hurricane. Yeah yeah… The other six are late but they are coming.
@11 – powerful! About time someone said that! Thank you thank youu thank you!!!!!!
Too much fun. Thank for posting this.
My “s” key doesn’t work so well.
No problem, Michael. You are way ahead of some people. Some people’s “rationality” key doesn’t work so well.
History of the democrat party.
An Open Letter to the Democratic Party
By Lt. Colonel Frances Rice, U.S. Army Retired
We, African American citizens of the United States, declare and assert:
Whereas in the early 1600’s 20 African men and women were landed in Virginia from a Dutch ship as slaves and from that tiny seed grew the poisoned fruit of plantation slavery which shaped the course of American development,
Whereas reconciliation and healing always begin with an apology and an effort to repay those who have been wronged,
Whereas the Democratic Party has never apologized for their horrific atrocities and racist practices committed against African Americans during the past two hundred years, nor for the residual impact that those atrocities and practices and current soft bigotry of low expectations are having on us today,
Whereas the Democratic Party fought to expand slavery and, after the Civil War, established Jim Crow Laws, Black Codes and other repressive legislation that were designed to disenfranchise African Americans,
Whereas the Ku Klux Klan was the terrorist arm of the Democratic Party, and their primary goal was to intimidate and terrorize African American voters, Republicans who moved South to protect African Americans and any other whites who supported them,
aka rob @ 21, go fuck yerself and the completely koolaid induced psychodrama that induced your post @ 21.
You do not inhabit the world that the rest of us do, so you cannot expect a response from “the real world”.
The Blatantly Obvious
P.S. Die. If you need help with this, ask a friend for help.
Ha! that didn’t take long, we already have our own T Shirts!
I recommend autofixation. In that case no one has to do the dirty work for you that obviously must be done.
Take one for the team, rob. Lean into the pitch and die.
RE: 22, maybe you should be telling that to the “black” Lt. Colonel Frances Rice, U.S. Army Retired who reminded us of the history of the democrats. Of course I know you white liberals know what is best for those black Lt. Colonel’s.
@ 25, rob, you don’t “know” anything. That is the marvelous and charming thing about you.
Yhe very thing that SCREAMS “I must kill myself”
Listen to that inner voice rob. Trust it.
Kill yourself. It is the best thing you can do!
Re: 24, Bwahaahhaaahaa, You must be a Obama supporter. He had the “Audacity of Hope” that his enemy’s will commit suicide after he retreats as well.
Here is Obama talking about his grandmother that raised him.
Did you know that she is a “Typical White Person”
@1 What’s Newt an authority on, besides cheating on a dying wife?
@4 “It is almost impossible to debate people who have no intellectual or moral standards.”
They think it’s okay to lie, cheat, and even murder because they’re doing God’s Work. That makes everything permissible.
I get thrown out of wingnut joints all the time. I have no idea what gives me away. How do they know?
RE: 29, other that taking the democrats out of power for the first time in 40 years in the House of Representatives, a renowned history scholar (by both the left and right) and an author of several New York Times best selling books, not much. What have you done lately Rabbit?
Scooter Libby Disbarred
“Vice President Cheney’s former chief of staff, I. Lewis ‘Scooter’ Libby, was barred yesterday from practicing law … because of his convictions … for perjury and obstructing justice in a White House leak investigation.
“Under the ruling by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, Libby will lose his license to practice or appear in court in Washington … [and] will probably lose any bar membership he holds in other states. …
“Libby was convicted of lying to the FBI and other federal investigators about whether he discussed the identity of covert CIA operative Valerie Plame with reporters in the spring and summer of 2003.”
Quoted under fair use; for complete story and/or copyright info see
Roger Rabbit Commentary: The GOP is running out of Republican lawyers so fast they’ll soon have to hire Democrat lawyers to defend them, but at least then they’ll finally have honest lawyers.
@32 “What have you done lately Rabbit?”
I’m a Capitalist. No one in America is revered so much and taxed so little as Capitalists, so I decided to be a Capitalist instead of a worker or a producer.
Oxymoron of the night by roger rabbit at 33, “honest lawyers” bwahhhahhhaaa, goodnight libtards.
Rob writes:
“honest lawyers” bwahhhahhhaaa
I worry about you.
The law is an ass. It’s ridiculously adversarial, hidebound in procedure, it’s expensive, and it’s slow. I strongly advise against solving problems using the law.
However, I would not want to live in a society that doesn’t have it.
Oh my! I read the PZ Meyers & Richard Dawkins story and followed more links that I can count. What a HOOT! Sounds like that movie is seriously some whack job of convoluted garbage all mushed together!!!
One thing apparently is that Richard Dawkins is scheduled tonight (3/21/08) with Bill Maher. I don’t get that channel but those that do might wish to check it out, in case some of this might get talked about. Wow, it’s all over the blogs – winging through cyberspace at a rate that’s unprecedented!
Maybe I will get lucky and find YouTubes later.
Actually, I have a VERY honest lawyer. Got his name when all the little clerical workers were passing his name around for all their divorce/child support/accidents/bankruptcy cases around the old City Light building. At those levels of pay, the clerical women didn’t have time to play games, just needed fair treatment by a lawyer that gave a rip about their well being.
It was before the days of it being politically correct to have women of color working for them. When I walked in the door, I noticed he had a receptionist and paralegals of different races – and he (a caucasian) spoke RESPECTFULLY to them when requesting whatever he needed. Yep, he’s been my lawyer since that day and has saved my bacon on a few occasions. And I continue to pass his name around when friends are in need. Even travel downtown when I need his services, like for my will/POA/Med POA. So I can’t agree with the “honest lawyers” BS you’re spewing.
Back before Woodrow Wilson, the Democrats were the Republicans, and the Republicans were the Democrats. Wilson pretty much flip-flopped the Dems into Republicans, so the then-Republicans had to become what were the Democrats. It took a long while to transform the political landscape but it eventually happened.
Yes, it’s true that, in the later part of the 19th Century and early 20th Century, the KKK was essentially the militant arm of the Democratic Party, but that all changed when Woodrow Wilson came along. You see, the parties exchanged places on the political spectrum.
Roger @ 33,
Libby was disbarred in the District of Columbia, not the whole world.
40 PI
I’m sure you said the same thing when Bill Clinton was disbarred in Arkansas while he lived and worked in New York.
The intelligent design proponents (someone recently dubbed them IDiots) have a savvy message that seems compelling to the ignorant: “Why not allow free expression and free inquiry?”
Their problem is and has always been that in science, at some point you have to put up or shut up in terms of actually demonstrating the scientific merit of one’s ideas. At this they have completely, utterly, and consistently failed.
Intelligent design is one of the biggest oxy-morons ever uttered. The idiots who think God created the world are the same idiots who think that George Bush went to war in Iraq because God told him to.
If that’s what God’s about fuck him and the idiots who worship him.
Re documentary subterfuge, it’s not as though Dr Dawkins hasn’t done it himself:
Richard Dawkins Comes to Call
‘Richard seemed uneasy and said, “I don’t want to discuss evidence”. “Why not?” I asked. “There isn’t time. It’s too complicated. And that’s not what this programme is about.” The camera stopped.’
Intelligent Design:
Excuses for not looking at all the evidence.
Nitpicking that doens’t make sense.
Trying to disprove a theory by single examples (anecdotes).
Offering NO evidence for any alternative theory.
Lack of scientific integrity.
Teleological and circular arguments.
Summary: They got nuthin’ and they know it.
Point 2: believing in God and accepting the theory of evolution are not irreconcileable.
For instance: Even if you take the bible literally –
How many days did it take to create the world and all the living things (including humans) according to the bible?
Question for people to answer to test their bible knowledge.
So, let’s see here….the creationists make a movie promoting their own ideas, but they’re afraid to let someone watch it who doesn’t already agree with them? Sounds like they’re trying to convince themselves more than anyone else.
@ 45.
It too only 1 day, Day 6. Then, God partied like it was 1999.
correction @ 47:
Should say, “It took only 1 day, . . . “
Of course, if anyone really understood Christian liturgy, they would know that the story of Adam and Eve is not meant to be taken literally.
@40 “Politically Incorrect says: Roger @ 33, Libby was disbarred in the District of Columbia, not the whole world.”
If D.C. is the only place he’s licensed, he’s disbarred in the whole world. If he’s also licensed in one or more other jurisdictions, he will shortly be disbarred in the whole world, because the imposition of reciprocal discipline by those jurisdictions is a mere paperwork formality.
As usual, you’ve gotten yourself in over your head by attempting to discuss something you know nothing about.
@43 et al.: Intelligent design is nothing more than a legal strategy to get around the 1st Amendment.
Intelligent design was invented by lawyers to be read by judges. And it hasn’t been bought by anyone except unschooled and unintelligent elements of the masses.
52 “And it hasn’t been bought by anyone except unschooled and unintelligent elements of the masses.”
And the criminally insane.
The ‘point’ of ID is that you can make a lot of money selling snake oil.
That’s where they are more aware than we are. They realize there will always be a market for half-baked ideology.
“Absolute faith corrupts as absolutely as absolute power.”
Eric Hoffer
Thought I’d throw a little cognitive dissonance in there for the WingNutz™.
55 I fear your shot has gone well over their heads.
Yes, by all means, call in the censoring goons. Just don’t go around other blogs claiming you liberals don’t censor people you disagree with!
headless lucy!55: Yeah your 24/7 dissonance is worthless, like you.
@ 57, off-topic posts like MTR’s can ans should be removed. Assholes like MTR can’t come up with a cogent argument for the topic at hand, so they try to change the subject.
Removing crap like that is not censorship, it is just playing by the fucking rules, moron!
Ah, hell…leaving it in merely serves as proof that if there is “intelligent design”, the designer made the occasional mistake.