I leave bright and early tomorrow morning (as soon as the polls open — I’m one of those hopelessly old-fashioned people that likes my polling place) for Denver — with stops en route to meet with activists and bloggers in Boise and Salt Lake. Goldy and Darryl fly out to join me early Saturday. Look for some exciting new wrinkles in HA coverage from us at the Denver convention!
So what would you like to see us report on?
What kinda beer people are drinking and what really fucking huge corporation paid for it!
Is it true that the food will all be in shades of red, white and blue?”
Oh well, is it true that all the food is healthy?
Shit, I am striking out. Well, how about telling us abut the corporate goodies circulating arounf AND bringing back samples to the peons at DL?
gitmo on the platte and what’s on nancy pelosi’s table.
9-11 truth movement presence in denver
anti-war and especially out of iraq and afghanistan delegates
I dunno. But, have a great trip! Will be watching for all the goodies you will feed us.
I think it’d be interesting seeing how the locals react to al-Jazeera’s setting up shop in Golden for the convention. That’s a Mutt-and-Jeff pairing for the ages.
I’d like to hear reactions from Colorado residents about McCain’s wanting to change the 7 state agreement about water rights, which btw was just renegotiated, so that Arizona gets more of Colorado’s water.
Failing that, just report on the parties.
Just keep track of all the KKK-lovin’ inbred republicans who come there to disrupt democracy and try to get pictures of them being beaten down by police. It would make a great poster for the living room.
Just make sure that Obama doesn’t pick Hillary as Veep. Dems will lose if Hillary is on the ticket.
And …
Daddy Please ….
Howsa about bringing to the next DL, you know the one where we watch McCain admit his is ChiComm plant, howa bout bring some goodies to show and maybe leave on the wall … such as :
Hillary O* she’s my gal! pins, banners, etc
Kucinich 08 straw hats
Obama/Clinton 08 tea sirts (I take the 2X size)
McCccccc 1908
or …
I one assumes there will be at least a few tasteless Obama gizmoes …
Obama’s smile on a cop, Change 08
Obama/Bayh M&Ms
Obama pasted onto the picture of Jomo Kenyatta, Zulu spear of state in hand, enswathed in a leopard skin.
autographed copies of her new calendar signed by Obamagirl
basketballs signed in the plate with a certificate of authenticity that they were obtianed from hotels where Obama worked out.
bottles of the new “Michelle” fragrance from Halston
Obama hair clippings in a magnifying box, imbedded in a silver cross
Teas shirts with Bill Clinton and John Edwards over the words, Hillary’s Men
or (can it get worse?)
Oreo cookies, the new ones with the prize inside.
Tee shirt with the Obama kids hugging their new dalmation over .. “They Need a New Home!” ,,, signed by Evan Bayh
Faux replica of Rushmore with Barack added to the right (the left of the Presidents though).
The now famoous (though a tad fscist?) Obama Change poster with the words: “Ich bin auch ein Berliner!”
and of course a complete set of the wrong Veepsters ..
Obama/Clinton/Clinton .. Obama/Edwards
Obama/Gore..Obama/Biden ..Obama/Bayh
Obama/ Gregoire .. Obama/Richardson
Baarck/Chelsea.. Obama/Nunn Obama/Clark ..
Late breaking SJ News.
BTW .. the latter (Obama/Clinton) will be plentiful . An Orthodoc Jewish friend in a print shop that still has union labor got the demo contract! Of course “David’s Fast and Fine Printing” will be CLOSED Fri night through Saturday.
SO … they are beginning the print run NOW of Obama/Clark posters!
Obama/Clark 08,12
Barack meets Wesley (profiles akimbo)
Obama and Clark, just their hands, held high over the word CHANGE.
Clark, in uniform, smartly saluting the flag, standing beside Obama.
How about whether Colorado State Ferries also suffer from incontinence…?
Or, whether there still is simmering resentment from HRC supporters such that they will cause a problem at the DNC? In turn and if so, will they present a problem for BHO in the campaing and general election?
Any talk or buzz about BHO’s poor performance in the one-on-one with Pastor Rick Warren at Saddleback Church? Concern about BHO’s vague answers and the growing concern about his ability to perform in unscripted situations?
And whether the rumors are true that The Darcy is working the convention as a cocktail waitress at the Grand Junction, CO Holiday Inn Express restaurant? Mountain State people are rumored to be good tippers, after all.
Have all the right turn lights on rental cars been disabled at the Denver airport out of respect for Democrat sensibilities?
If Joe Biden gets the Veep nomination, will he then immediately go to a donut shop and insult East Indians? Rumor has it that he’s already cribbed his acceptance speech from one Neil Kinnock gave during a Parliamentary by-election in the Welsh constituency of Bedwelty. He will, however, add an original line about how clean-cut BHO looks.
Maybe it will be Indiana Senator Evan Bayh? Who hasn’t been able to put his state in the Dem win column in a Presidential election since something like the French and Indian War? He’s duller than watching paint dry with all the pizzaz of ten-day old toast.
Then there’s Virginia Governor Tim Kaine, whose resume is nearly as thin as BHO’s. In fact, you can print the both of theirs in 14 point font Times New Roman on one side of a 3 X 5 card with plenty of room left over for a recitation of useless Democrat Party platform promises of Panglossian utopias for all by soaking the rich and killing every goose that ever laid a golden egg.
There campaign motto could then be “The Blind Leading the Blind.” Will he be the one?
Rumor has it that HRC would accept the job only if she gets to be a top.
Lots to investigate in Denver, Geov…
The Piper
As Pooper the kilt-wearing tranny fool points out – no matter what happens at the convention, the inbred right will attack – so instead of writing about that, ask all the Faux News pretend reporters who are there why they won’t report on FlipFlop McSame’s affair when he left his disfigured wife alone to suffer…or ask him about why he won’t fully release his medical records…or why he fights to keep the POW info a secret even though most of his “GOP” friends are offering legislation to open that up…r just directly ask him if he felt shame for helping the VC…or maybe we could look into how he helped rip people off during the Keating Five scandal…or ask about the new affair with the energy lobbyist…or they could talk about how his wife SIN dee spends 800k a month on her Amex while the two fly around in private jets to their various mansions while pretending to care about average Americans. Sooooo much to think about.
How many times what passes for the left in this country is slapped in the face by mainstream Dems. Like say, Pelosi supporting off-shore drilling all of a sudden.
The reassuring thing abut your attempt at humor is that is is old and stale and .. well less.
Here is some tit for your tats:
MCain offers to pay USN for crashed planes. An examination of Sen. McCain’s service record shows that he crashed six planes, one over Hanoi, AFTER his Dad intervened to not have him thrown out of pilot school. MCain denies that this si true but has offered to pay the costs of those planes at current value.
McCain has denied that he was GW Bush’s flight instructor during the President’s glory days in the National Guard. McCain said, “the only folks I trained were in Hanoi and I do not remember seeing that SOB in our camps!.”
Desperate to find any respectable retired military willing to run as VEEP on his “keep the course” ticket, John McCain has turned to General Ludmilla van Borindi. The General was the first female of African decent to lead the special forces. Her most recent command was as training officer in S. Ossetia.
Obama has challenged McCain to take the SAT essay exam simultaneously with the former Editor of the Harvard Law Review. Bob Jones University has agreed to host the affair, some call a silent debate. McCain has agreed, provided he is allowed to wear long sleeve shirts with big cuffs.
VP Chaney will seek at 1:30 AM PCT on
TuesdayWednesday night if a secure location can be found for the broadcast. The gay and lesbian coalition, already planning toi meet in secret, have offered their venue.Former Speaker Newt Gingrich announced today that John McCain will, after all, be allowed to address the Republican National Convention. Senator McCain, who is 72, will be receiving the lifetime achievement award.
Condolesa Rice has been offered a new position on neo-soviet era foreign policy at the Heritage Institute. Reverand Moon, publisher of the Washington Times, sometimes messiah and donor of the funds for the new endowed position expressed his admiration for the woman who led us back to the good old days! Rev. Moon also offered to marry Ms. Rice.
The Democratic National Convention, in a gesture of national unity, has announced that President Clinton’s speech on Wed. night will feature a minute of silence for this country’s departed heroes: Rove, Rumsfeld, Gonzales,Brownie, Saddam Hussein, and Rush Limbaugh.
Merchants in Minneapolis/St. Paul have announced that they will accept US currency at a
5%, 10%15% discount vs. the loonie. Since January the twin cities have adopted the Candian currency as their standard and refer to the bush dollar as the “goofie.”Rumors that Cindy McCain will remain sober for the convention week have been confirmed.
Negotiations are underway with Mit Romney, potential VEEP, over which of his twelve sons will volunteer for the military should McC/Rom be elected. Governor Romney said, “As a devout Christian, I remember well that God did not force Abraham to carry thorugh with the sacrifice!”
The secret to clever satire is that it’s always grounded in truth, which always exceeds fiction in it’s weirdness.
Everything I wrote is grounded in truth – you can look it up!
Most of what you wrote just got whacked off from loony left hate sites and other flights of fancy.
And my stuff is relatively current – all of what I wrote about potential Veep candidates has happened in this election cycle. Yours comes from some sewer of ancient history or whatever. And it’s mean spirited to boot.
Too bad…so sad…
The Piper
I’m a sarcastic mood today so…
Is that truth like the way my school’s clam chowder was made by tying a string the clam and simply dunked it, and pulling it out to save for next time. The truth was waved over the post, and put away for later.
Piper posts – Based on real truth, like AM/PM burgers are based on real meat.
Also, just because you found it on the internet, doesn’t necessarily make it true.
As I said…you can look it up.
Biden admittedly has a big mouth, and it’s gotten him into trouble when he makes dumb ethnic cracks, which he did about East Indians in donut shops and how BHO is “clean-cut.”
Biden also plagarised from a speech given by British Labour Party elder statesman, Neil Kinnock.
Evan Bayh’s dullness has been widely reported, as has the fact that Indiana, his state, has been a solid GOP Prexy reliable since perhaps 1964.
And Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine? As inexperienced as BHO, which serves only to draw attention to BHO’s lightness of being.
Then there’s HRC…’nuff said about her.
BTW…that hunk of clam? It went through every school cafeteria in America starting down in Key West…By the time it got up here, it was more clam flavored string. The only thing it wasn’t drug through was the prune whip, prune surprise, and stewed prunes that were a staple of every school lunch in the 60’s.
As for AM/PM burgers? That you seem to be an expert on them doesn’t speak well for either your dietary habits or the places you hang out.
Or do you simply sell lots of them because that’s your primary place of employment?
The Piper
Jeez piper … “truth” or “truthiness?”
And the element of truth here is? Oh. you mean the one about John McCain in the Cone of Silence? Or his idea that the middle class erans up to $5 million or his choices of “constructionist” juudges who overturn sate election laws?
Lets see… Darcy, female .. yep there is lots of truth here. Better get your hands out fomr under the sporan next time you lie in bed looking at her px in that skimpy costume .. or do You prefer Sheriff Hair?
Nahh … dems don’t drive, we hire illegal Mexican immigrants to drive limos that belogn to Reprican rental firms!
Do you mean like the Reprican who was supposed to run for President, Mistuh Allan? What DID happen to him?
Actually no, but he will admit to datying at a Holiday Inn last night where he ran onto Condy and her “friend.”
Ahhh … who is the governor that would appoint the Republican when Bayh becomes VEEP?? hmmm.
Actually I agree Bayh is almost as Ken doll as the real thing.. Mit Romney. BTW, given the lack of genitalia on ken Dolls, how do they make babies?
Resume? As in trhe governor from Alaska .. trhe one working with Darcy in that bar, who suports windfall taxes on oil companies? … or Mit Romney who has every positionj on every subject that anyone can imagine .. sort of a chinese menu of a pol? BTW .. didja note all them high powered economists and business men showing up to counsel with McC? … err they have been too busy meeting with BHO. Must be they know that McC already knows what needs doing.
ooohhh … you have been listening to Bil O’s daily vocab lessons “Panglossian!” as in ..
little did he know what Bush II would do with these panglossian attitudes .. like the estimate that Itaq would cost $60 billion and that gloval warmng was a farce.
Gosh, that is funneee .. like the one I heard about Bob Dole sharing his blue pills with McC.
Lots to investigate in Denver, Geov…
So what would you like to see us report on?
Would it be too much to ask you to discuss the fact that your MOCHACHINO MARXIST is now the color and texture of TOAST?
Seriously …
It seems to me that HA is morphing into a local insight nto NW politics.
If this is the intent, I would like to read more about how our guys n gals “fit” into the national structure. For example, what do nationals think about Gregroire .. is she respected as a leader or as a bureaucrat? Jimmy McD … is he seen as a lightweight or as a useful prophet?
Who in WASTATE is on the make if, the good Darwin willing, Barack has a godman full govt to fill?
A little dirt would be fun? Where do our biggies stay and who pays the tab?? What is the silliest goodie the delgates get from corporate blood suckers? Best examples of political correctness?
I am also personally interested in the fate of the villagers ..aka hillaryites. FWIW, it seems to me that their village is all about the Town Mom. Is this true or is the Village wing of the party evolving into something beyond Hillary?
As the Golden Voice of Kiro Says … “just askin!”
I heard Goldy & Darryl got free airline tickets….in exchange for pre-tasting food for dignitaries.
Sounds exciting!
Darryl certainly hasn’t missed too many meals.
Free Food!!
That will obviously be Darryl’s Convention highlight.
Please report and send pictures of the O-blah-blah Groupies. A big star like B. Hussein O-blah-blah ought to have a lot of hotties drooling for him.
Something tells me most of the Groupies are unshaven hardcore Libbers (complete with Moustache, Pithair and leghair a sheepdog would envy)….the kind the would stop a drunk like Goldy from drinkin’!
Ask the Groupies what O-blah-blah stands for on issues like Abortion and how he is going to change their lives.
Darryl obviously hasn’t missed many/any meals.
I hear they have an opening for a food taster for the dignitaries. You can risk your life for the cause Darryl.
I suggest a couple psyllium shakes pre-Convention to cleanse your colon and allow you to jam more free food in.
See if anyone at the convention is aware of what REAL heros are saying about FlipFlop McSame…
All patriots should read the info at this link and if you can disprove it, they will take it down.
Poor Piper:
Your Candidate can’t tell a sunni from a shia Muslem, can’t figure out that Iran is not supporting al qaida, doesn’t know how many troops are in the surge or are in Iraq now or when the surge started or that the sunni awakening happened before the surge started, can’t figure out why Putin isn’t President of Germany, thinks Pakistan borders Iraq and doesn’t know that Czeckoslovakia doesn’t exist anymore.
Yup, McCain is too dumb or too old to figure out the basics in foreign policy – and this is supposedly his strong point compared to the economy – an area that he has admitted to knowing nothing about.
McCain also has been wrong on:
1. the Iraq war would be easy (over 4,000 dead soldiers and 30,000 wounded thanks to that mistake – not to mention over 200,000 dead Iraqis and millions of refugeees).
2. the war would pay for itself
3. that al qaida was trained in Iraq
4. that we would be welcomed as liberators
Someone with judgement THAT poor does not deserve to be president of the Czech republic. Not to mention his famous temper – and hios over-reaction to the Russian invasion of Georgia (due to his lobbyist advisor – who lobbies for Georgia).
I can’t wait for the debates – McCain will be crushed. Even bobby Jindal could not come up with ANY big ideas that McCain has…’cause there are none. Also, he will get hammered on his lies about Obama supposedly raising taxes – only people making over 250,000/year will have increased taxes (of course, McCain thinks that 5 million a year defines rich)- everyone else will have lower taxes under Obama than McCain.
I hear your roasted and toasted Mochachino Marxist is begging for some help.
doesn’t know that Czeckoslovakia doesn’t exist anymore.
Then neither do the narrators and reporters at the Olympics, because that’s ho they refer to that particular team.
Fucking moron.
When a conservative writes something like this, you can bet the truth is being manipulated into a lie.
Piper Scott wrote:
“Everything I wrote is grounded in truth – you can look it up!”
Yikes, man I’ve got one for you:
Do you believe in God, as in the King of Israel who’s referred to in the Bible?
Do you believe that the Bible is the word of God?
Do you believe that God doesn’t lie?
Well, then you must believe that “money is the root of all evil” because it’s in the Bible.
How’s that for “grounded in truth?”
27 GBS
George you gay old devil! Now THAT is my kind of litmus test ……….
Here is a transcript of Senator Spector interviewing Clarence Thomas:
No it’s not – the phrase you quote isn’t in the Bible, which tells me how much you know.
Try I Timothy 6:10: “For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.”
Written by the Apostle Paul, the statement is a commentary on inappropriate focus on material things, namely greed.
You might try verifying stuff before you stick you foot in your mouth by evidencing ignorance.
The Piper
Hey Geov, Goldy, et al! The Washington Bus and friends are heading down to Denver this weekend. All the Bus Federation groups will be there (Oregon, Montana, New Mexico, Colorado) making trouble as usual. You’ll know us by our monster costumes…
Drop a line!
Find out if anyone at the convention realizes Flip Flop McSame graduated fifth from the bottom of his class at the Naval Academy, crashed four planes before he ever got to Nam, killed 34 sailors in one of the crashes on an aircraft carrier, made 30 propaganda videos for the VC and sang like a bird within five days of his capture (due to his incompetence as a pilot) in Nam.
killed 34 sailors in one of the crashes on an aircraft carrier,
Go find your crackwhore mother fuck her back and die of the same shit that abcessed the womb you spawned from you filthy lying prick.
Off to get marching orders and talking points from the Jim Jones Obama.
Please report on the quality, quantity, and flavor of the Black and Red donuts. While I don’t generally partake I’m always still curious.
Good job
Obama VEEP choices?
1. Nunn
2. Hillary
3. Byah
Biden would be a huge mistake. Biden has never developed a national following. He has had two Presidential campaigns fail and fail badly at that. Biden has been around long enough to the point that he seems to be part of the problem and not the solution. Selecting Biden would be snatching defeat out of the jaws of victory.
While Nunn would be the best choice, he just may not be interested. Hillary would be excellent in terms of party unity and frankly, even though she may not be popular in all circles, she is popular within the circles that Obama needs to win. Bayh’s experience seems to be overlooked… he is smart, comes across well and will do nothing to outstage Obama. Plus, Byah and even Hillary add electoral strength in the midwest were there are several battleground states.
It should be one of the three and anyone else would not help Obama with the voters to create an electoral majority.
While I would be very upset with Obama for selecting Biden as a VEEP, mainly because there are just better choices that will help him win, Biden’s ability in the Senate would better serve the Obama Administration. If Obama is that impressed with Biden’s foreign policy credentials, then maybe consider him for Secretary of State.
At the moment, I really don’t like where this VEEP selection is going. I sincerely hope that Obama will select one of the three choices above that truly add a winning combination to the Democratic Ticket.