I’m heading off to Austin for Netroots Nation, where I’ll be appearing on two panels:
Middle class isn’t middle of the road: Take politicians’ populist shpeil and make it real
Working Outside of the Box: The Future of the Netroots and U.S. House Campaigns
My understanding is the sessions will be live streamed. Check out the website for more information.
Wow, Netroots Nation is bigger than ever and it will keep on growing!
The netroots can’t be controlled by the right wing or corralled by the 6 and 7 figure income types who dominate the traditional media.
Note to wingnuts like the fraud who calls himself Marvin Stamm: plenty of diversity, old, young, people of color and white, gay/straight. (You lied last year Stamm.) Hell, there’s even people a bit to the right like John Dean who still self-identifies as a Goldwater conservative.
If you can get on-line, you can participate and even if you can’t, the bonds between the on-line and off-line political activist worlds are growing stronger and stronger.
We won’t be stopped, managed or dictated to. The right wing can try to emulate the success of the netroots but they will fail every time because their world is a top-down world, ours is peer-to-peer.
Congratulations, Goldy! Recognition is due.
Mr. Cynical made $20,000 in the stock market this morning! That’s as much as a $10-an-hour worker makes in a year. I mention this because it illustrates so perfectly what has happened to America:
1. Our economy, which used to be dominated by manufacturing, is now dominated by finance;
2. Economic rewards (and tax breaks) have shifted from workers to owners of capital;
3. Working makes no sense;
4. America no longer produces anything;
5. We have become a zero-sum society.
Think about it. Some poor shmuck spends a whole year working to earn what Mr. Cynical made in a few minutes this morning by stock flipping. Mr. Cynical built nothing, produced nothing, added nothing to America’s wealth; the laissez-faire system favored by Republicans simply took $20,000 out of other speculators’ pockets and put it in his pocket. Meanwhile, the working stiff has to pay $4.39 a gallon for gas and drive to work every day for 52 weeks for the privilege of a higher tax rate and fewer deductions.
If you think America can continue to operate like this and still be the world’s greatest economic power 25 years from now, you’re daydreaming.
P.S., I made only $1,800 today from flipping stocks.
Hey Goldy…
Have just an AWESOME time. You really belong up there with the best of the progressive bloggers.
Good on ‘ya!
You add original reporting not found on most blogs (like the mud-sharks’).
Pack light, Goldy. It’s hotter’n hell here in Austin. Think {summer in Philly + 10%}.
Middle class isn’t middle of the road: Take politicians’ populist shpeil and make it real
You moonbats sure have a high opinion of yourselves. It is funny watching you hyperventilate when Obama uses you for the primary and then abandons you. Why does he? Because you DON’T represent the majority of the country any more than the Far Right does.
In fact, you’re the flipside of the same coin. You’re both wacky zealots who seek to impose your morality (or immorality in your case) on the general public. The FR believe in God and you don’t. The FR blindly love America and you blindly hate it. The nutroots and the Far Right are twins separated at birth whose most common threads are venom, blind hatred, irrationality and an overwhelming superiority complex.
Pack light, Goldy. It’s hotter’n hell here in Austin. Think {summer in Philly + 10%}.
Yeah, but it’s dry heat.
You moonbats
Strange but the only people I know who commonly use this epithet are on the REPUBLICAN FAR RIGHT.
Then the silly man goes on to extoll the virtues of the REPUBLICAN FAR RIGHT while lying about those who disagree with their views.
Weak sauce. How REPUBLICAN…
“As the economy ices over, the next President will confront a challenge that can be compared only to the one Franklin D. Roosevelt faced nearly 80 years ago. Discontinuous change will require a bold reexamination of our social contract and the rules of wealth creation in a global system.”
Quoted from Business Week under fair.
7 Funny thing…the righties talk a lot about “believing in God”, but the walk they walk is far more indicative of impassioned worship of wealth. My reading of Scripture suggests that the carpenter from Nazareth wouldn’t be too impressed.
So totally absurd, a few here like the rabbit, proud leftist and rhp believe in God and no-one with a brain could question their love for the country.
So what’s the silly Mark’s “centrist” ideal? It must be: believes there’s a God when Republicans are running things, curses Him when Republicans screw up and lose power. Loves the country when the voters put Republicans in office, hates it when they get so sick and tired of Republican bullshit and ineptitude they put a Dem in charge.
Ten Republicans who voted YEA to Kucinich’s impeachment bill:
Congressman Kevin Brady (TX)
Congressman Wayne Gilchrest (MD)
Congressman Walter B. Jones (NC)
Representative Don Manzullo (IL)
U.S. Congressman Tim Murphy(PA)
Congressman Ron Paul (TX)
Congressman Dave Reichert (WA)
Congressman Christopher Shays (CT)
Representative Mike Turner (OH)
Oh.my.God.. Guess who is a little desperate to distance himself from his own rubberstamp record and certain little fundraisers that didn’t do too well…
The Real Mark–
MOONBATISM is a serious mental illness infecting weak-kneed and weak-minded LEFTIST PINHEADED KLOWNS.
Those infected LEFTISTS tend to cling together out of fear of the real world.
Goldy’s NORTHWEST DIVISION OF ATHEIST PROGRESSIVE LUNATIC MOONBATS is really nothing more than a support group where they can vent their hallucinations.
You still sound quite envious.
How come you are sooooooooo self-righteous now and weren’t when you were boasting your market successes??
You react like it’s my fault I made a good short-term investment.
I’ve been telling you about Wells Fargo for weeks and you laughed.
Now all the better you can do is say the system is broken.
I started with ZERO Rog.
No help from parents or relatives.
No one gave me a dime.
If you hate what the stock market stands for, why do you invest?
Sell everything and put it under your hutch.
Congrats Glody! The middle class panel sounds pretty cool. Don’t forget to have some fun.
YLB @ 9
While belief in God and love of country are virtues, I did NOT endorse the Far Right. In fact, if you actually read the post, you’d see that I wrote that the Nutroots and the Far Right were equally odious.
As for your comments @ 12, some of the crap written by all three of them would lead “anyone with a brain” to conclude that they DON’T love their country.
If Obama actually was who he pretended to be in 2004, I would have no problem with the guy. The truth is that he is nothing but an empty suit — a pre-packaged “Madison Avenue” candidate with good speech-making abilities. Maybe he dove Left to win the primary and he’s returning to Center-Left now… Maybe he’s really a Leftist and the Center-Left pandering is BS to win the election. In any case, he can’t be trusted.
You Leftists have a right to be angry. He’s backing off of all of the things you loved about him in the primary. He’s finessed his Iraq policy (and deleted positions from his website). He’s abandoned you on FISA. He’s once again asking for people to actually be responsible for themselves. (Still gotta wonder whether the Jesse comment was really a stunt to give Obama cred.)
The netroots are like Glenn Close in Fatal Atraction:
“Well, what are we supposed to do? You won’t answer our calls, you change your number. We’re not going to be ignored, Barack!”
YLB @ 13
You’re LYING. It is not a vote of YEA on the impeachment bill. It is a vote to move the resolution to committee.
That said, the vote surprised me, too. However, a bit more research would reveal that the alternative to having it debated in committe would be to have the whole circus played out in the floor. Reichert did the right thing. There is nothing more Kucinich can do now and this will all languish in committee and die. They gave Kucinich his moment so that he’d just shut the hell up.
16 Mark, I think I have to agree with you. It’s probably not possible to be allowed to really get close to the levers of power in this country without making more than a few Faustian bargains along the way.
14 “Moonbat” is a term first used by Robert Heinlein in a 1947 short story, referring to the third stage of a rocket. Its present usage was begun by Michelle Malkin in accusing others of plagiarizing a conservative journalist who himself was a plagiarist.
For the love of heaven, can’t any of these people manage a single original thought?
16 – There you go again. Obama is doing what he needs to do to win the election just like the guy who you voted for twice did in 2000. Remember when he said we didn’t have to do things like Kosovo?
Your stuff about “Madison Avenue” is total bullshit and betrays your ignorance about Obama. You obviously know only what you read in right wing propaganda outlets.
I’m not angry at all. (Maybe a little at first). Unfortunately, the Dems have taken the tack to cave to Bush on national security in order to remove that as an issue for this fall. We’ll see how that works. In the meantime, we netroots guys will help Obama get elected and we will elect people to the Congress to help keep him on track.
This is a long term process.
Mr. Cynical,
Who’s your broker??
Seriously, you don’t have to give me any of your personal information, just post your brokers contact info.
I’m seriously interested in letting your broker manage part of my portfolio.
Buying WFC yesterday mid morning was a contrarian play beyond contratian plays. It takes real market know how to make a well played move like that.
Seriously, Mr. C. I’d appreicate it and so too will your broker.
Hey, TR Mark?
If a “yes” vote on that bill was really a vote against impeachment, then we would have to consider a “no” vote to be in favor of impeachment.
So, Rep Reichert is one of the few Republicans that voted against impeachment while most of them voted for it?
OK, I’m fine with that answer. That means that we just need to get the Democrats to stop supporting President Bush. The Republicans have already kicked him to the curb.
17 – Then why did Reichert vote YEA? He could have joined so many other Republicans in voting NAY. What a dumbass!
Was he being “centrist” for his district?
AF @ 18
I have less of an issue with the bargains themselves than with the question of what Obama’s “natural” position is. Is he the pragmatic Center-Left guy of 2004? Is he the harder Left-leaning guy of the primaries? The former was a uniter, the latter a divider.
Is he triangulating? Pandering? Or just playing Hungry Hungry Hippo with voter constituencies?
AF @ 19
Where’d you get that particular definition, Wikipedia?
“Moonbat” is also a term used against George Monbiot, a whackjob Leftist.
I would imagine the precise etymology of the political slur is a bit of a question.
YLB @ 23
Why did he vote “yea?” I’ll say it again slowwwly…
The alternative… was… to have… the entire circus… played out… on the House floor.
Look at where the impeachment stands against VP Cheney? Dead in committe — exactly where this will go.
JB @ 22
It isn’t a vote on the resolution itself at all. It ONLY was a vote to move the whole mess to committee.
26 – You’re the one who’s lying. One of the Republicans who voted YEA represents Camp LeJeune whose constituents have felt Bush’s Folly a little intensely, shall we say?
Yea, just the kind of guy who’ll join with geniuses like Dave Reichert to kick the can into committee.
In any case, he can’t be trusted.
Great. Eight more years of the “experienced” McSame! That kind of Rumsfeld/Cheney experience can’t be beat.
Just the kind of conclusion thoughtful “centrists” everywhere will come to.
For those of you crowing about Senator Obama’s positions on the war and on personal accountability.
Here’s a news flash for you. If you read his positions on the issues from a year ago, you’ll see that they’re consistent with his current positions.
You folks are so used to bumper-sticker positions on issues that when someone comes along and points out that the actual issues are a bit too complicated to answer in five words or less, it just doesn’t compute for you.
Those of us that were listening knew that Senator Obama did not plan to simply wave his hand and all the troops would be home by January 21st.
It took you jokers years to make this mess. We’re willing to give President Obama (nice ring to that – get used to it, wingnuts) sixteen months to get us out of it, and if he takes seventeen or eightten months, we will deal with our disappointment.
Oh, and if he leaves a few hundred (or even a few thousand) troops to guard the embassy and train Iraqis, we’ll deal with that, too. He told us that all along, and we believe him.
So, even though the idea of actually maintaining a consistent position on any issue is alien to you neocons, we Democrats find it rather refreshing.
Or, put another way, just because Faux News has changed the way it reports what Senator Obama says, doesn’t mean that he’s changed anything.
26 “The alternative… was… to have… the entire circus… played out… on the House floor.”
That would have at least provided us with an evening’s entertainment.
According to Phil Gramm, a “centrist”, we’ve become a nation of “whiners”. The economy is doing just great he says!
A portrait of “whiners” from Ohio:
Some more “whiners” from Florida:
JB @ 30
If Obama is so consistent, why did he delete portions of his Iraq position on his website?
Why did his spokespeople have to make excuses about that?
By his original plan, the troops would have been gone already — retreating to allow alQ and Iran to divvy up Iraq. He said that the surge would make things worse. The audacity of a dope.
YLB @ 32, 33
Are you personally suffering financially?
34 – A thousand or so Sunni jihadis over a country of 23 million. Another country that hasn’t had imperial ambitions for 300 years.
Yeah, arab Iraquis would allow Persians to rule them.
Imagine that. Sunni Wahabist AQ cutting a deal with the Shiite Mullahs in Iran to split Iraq! One would conclude that they behave very much like – uh, REPUBLICANS!
More ignorant talk from the “centrist”. Dovetails wonderfully with the ignorant talk from McSame.
YLB @ 28
You might go search a few other sources about that vote. There are plenty of hard Leftists who are upset that the resolution was sent to committee to die. They say exactly what I said — it was a way to let Kucinich have his moment and for Pelosi to get it off the table.
Back on topic. Goldy has latched onto an important panel on House races.
Electing Obama is only a first step. Placing committed progressives into the House should always have equal or even a bit more priority than the White House.
And of course future Senators will naturally come from this talent pool.
Then why is his website in 2008 scrubbing away his anti-surge position of 2007? John I love ya, but de facts are de facts!
Update: oh I see TRM@34 answered what I said above!
YLB @ 38
And getting back to the original topic… The Nutroots have an overwhelming sense of self-importance that is hillarious.
TOOL: An implement used to accomplish a task. [example: The Nutroots are a bunch of tools used by Obama to win the Democratic primary]
Goldy, while in the Texas capitol, ask dem about the price of erl and waddeythunk about it. Looks like it’s dropped $10 since Bush said let’s drill.
Oh and HAs clueless idiot, here is all about your “oil leases”.
40 – Silly Mark, we’re just citizens who’ve decided not to be apathetic – something Republicans have long counted on. Call us all the names you want. It just tells us we’re on the right track.
41 – I call bullshit PuddySilly. Oil traders are just covering their butts on the news that the U.S. econonmy is nose-diving. Economy drops – less oil is needed – price goes down. It was that way in the late 70’s, early eighties. It will be that way now.
The choir of voices in between your ears are connecting those dots or what is more likely, you’re just repeating right wing bullshit you read in NewsWhacks, the Moonie Times or whatever.
Matt Simmons, an oil investment banker and Bushie, said today if we start drilling now, we’ll be lucky if your grandkids take advantage. He said the time to drill was 20 years ago.
Oh and he also said there’s no drilling rigs available way out to 2013. And there’s a huge number of rigs way past their pull date.
Keep slurping up that right wing bullshit Stupes. It’s good entertainment.
YLB @ 42 Naahh… I just read your Donald Duck-esque bluster for entertainment.
Just imagine what you could accomplish if you put all that nervous energy into actually doing something to HELP people instead of just throwing tantrums.
@21 Mr. Cynical’s broker is a real stand-up guy. I mean it. He’s proving what I’ve said all along — there’s absolutely no point in working for a living when you can make that kind of money without even getting out of your rocking chair! Hell, everyone knows that Americans don’t make anything anymore, so why go through the motions of pretending to work, when you get paid so much better for flipping assets and pushing money around in circles?
@14 “Rog – You still sound quite envious.”
Not at all! Why should I be? You just proved what I’ve been saying all along. Thanks, Mr. C! I appreciate your supporting my propaganda.
I gave you dailykos links to pics of the kos konvention. Did the pics lie?
I’m sorry that blacks and hispanics were under represented in the pics. I’m sorry the majority of the attendees in the pics were middle aged white guys with pot bellies and balding.
If you disagree, simply post links of the kos konvention to show otherwise.
What has happened is the person making $20,000 in a morning gets called an idiot by people making $20,000 in a year.
In the past, the people working for a living would ask for suggestions/help from the people doing so much better than them. Now they just whine.
Are you the last person to figure it out? Even the AP has figured it out.
The question to ask is issue has he remained consistent on? Hell, he even voted for fisa after saying he wouldn’t.
Tell us john, are you going to vote for someone that voted for fisa to give the telecoms immunity?
“Buying WFC yesterday mid morning was a contrarian play beyond contratian plays. It takes real market know how to make a well played move like that.”
Actually, I believed in Wells Fargo for the reasons I mentioned. The timing was partly influenced by the earnings report release date. I did not want to be sitting on the sidelines IF the earnings were good as the stock was already deeply discounted.
If the earnings went the other way, I probably would have lost 5-8%. Know what I mean?
My broker only handles large accounts at this point (over $1 million in liquidity) and is 60+ years old. Thanks for asking though.
Black guys:
Hispanic guy:
Younger white guy with a full head of hair:
Younger jewish guy with a full head of hair:
Crowd shot (maybe one bald guy, at least two black folks):
You’re totally full of crap.
I thought Roger was invested in Oil so heavey he had a smog cloud above his home. I think he had nearly the US reserves stored in the Wabbit holes in his back yard.
What went wrong in the last few days?
Bush relaxes the drilling and Oil stocks fall $9.
Pry the congress of their fat butts to do the same and open up anwar, and oh by the way release a third of the Oil reserves, and we’d have a collapse in Oil prices that would make ole Roger’s Wabbit holes priceless.
Just sayin!
Here’s a nice little youtube video of obama on one side and david axlerod on the other.
Listen to david say obama never said the surge wouldn’t work and then the other side of the video with obama rambling on about sending troops and talking with military experts and the surge not working.
If it didn’t show a political campaign falling to pieces it would be hilarious.
1 crowd shot and you found 2 blacks. How many whites in that same pic?
Blacks are 13% of the population. Are they 13% of those photographed? Reread what I wrote, I didn’t say there wasn’t a single black, I said they were under represented. Unless you have other pics I think you made my point with your crowd photo. Thanks.
Gassy Shitheaded Republican dumbass @ 51
Not a mention of your Chimp’s dumbass move. That bullshit must really be making its rounds in the right wing e-mail intertubes.
53 – I just proved you wrong dumbass.
Plenty of younger folks with full heads of hair.
Blacks, hispanics and women were there. Markos Moulitsas himself is hispanic.
You said it was all angry white middle-aged males with paunches.
Tell us john, are you going to vote for someone that voted for fisa to give the telecoms immunity?
I won’t speak for John but I’m voting for the next President of the United States of America:
Barack Obama.
Are you saying that you saw blacks at the same rate as society, which is around 13%?
Scroll back up the page to #46 and read it again. Let me post an excerpt-
Still waiting to see the 13%ers.
Wait all you want dumbasss, the obnoxious 0.000000001 percenter that is you will only see what you want to see.
If you want angry balding paunchy middle-aged white guys, go to a Republican gathering.
You counted 2 black guys in a pic of what, 80+ people? Like I said, blacks are under represented. Thanks again for helping me prove it.
One more time for the Stammster
Woman of color:
White guys in black face maybe?
Very white, very angry
Very Waspy
White, angry, middle-aged, paunchy
Guy on the left looks Native American
Sigh, more waspy Republican looking types