– Even the tiniest little bit of disclosure is too much for the Senate Republicans
– Abstinence only education is such a problem.
– Wow, congrats to Tom Tomorrow
by Carl Ballard — ,
– Even the tiniest little bit of disclosure is too much for the Senate Republicans
– Abstinence only education is such a problem.
– Wow, congrats to Tom Tomorrow
A Tennessee Republican legislator thinks the law should assume women are lying when they claim to have been raped.
Democrats Went All In On Hillary Clinton. It’s Looking Like a Terrible Bet.
They’re holding the Queen of Corruption and the King of Sleaze. What could go wrong?
@2 When Republicans are in power, what ever goes right? Even if Democrats are right only 25% of the time, that’s still a vast improvement over the alternative.
@ 3
Well, that should pump up Dem voter enthusiasm in 2016. Especially those voters that don’t usually turn out.
Any more information comes out about the Clintons and Hillary will absolutely have to win to avoid both of them being indicted.
Jake Tapper will anchor CNN’s ‘State of the Union’
Not the best week for Hillary.
•The New York Times has a report about the State Department’s decision to approve the sale of Uranium mines to a Russian company that donated $2.35 million to the Clinton Global Initiative, and that a Russian investment bank promoting the deal paid Bill $500,000 for a speech in Moscow.
•The Washington Post reports that Bill Clinton has received $26 million in speaking fees from entities that also donated to the Clinton Global Initiative.
•The Washington Examiner reports, “Twenty-two of the 37 corporations nominated for a prestigious State Department award — and six of the eight ultimate winners — while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State were also donors to the Clinton family foundation.”
•And Reuters reports, “Hillary Clinton’s family’s charities are refiling at least five annual tax returns after a Reuters review found errors in how they reported donations from governments, and said they may audit other Clinton Foundation returns in case of other errors.”
That’s just one day’s worth of reporting. I don’t think the press is going to treat Hillary the way they treated Obama. Jonathan Chait
certainly isn’t.
More proof Hillary supporters are the worst of the LIV group out there… http://pjmedia.com/rogerlsimon/ Part of the relevant portion of the conversation
DUMMOCRETINS are nitwits when it comes to what’s going on!
Hey we at the whitey house creates these rules and guidelines butt if Hillary ignores the rules well… http://dailycaller.com/2015/04.....ion-video/
Hmmm… Dead in the Head Schultz did what? http://dailycaller.com/2015/02.....d-schultz/
Yesterday’s Tweet du Jour:
This story about cash to Clinton Foundation for Russian control of uranium co would end the career of anyone else. http://t.co/6aFHoyhPas
— Garry Kasparov (@Kasparov63) April 23, 2015
And so it begins… http://dailycaller.com/2015/04.....e-changed/
Hobby Lobby didn’t take choice away Hillary… Hobby Lobby said Hobby Lobby is not paying for it!
Hillary supports killing unborn babies up to the time they are viable and could be born.
Irony alert:
The event took place at the David H. Koch Theater at Lincoln Center.
@4 Whitewater! Monica! Benghazi! How well have you guys scored with your “Clinton scandals” so far? By my count, you’re 0-for-3. Wanna try for 0-4?
@11 “Hillary supports killing unborn babies up to the time they are viable and could be born.”
At which point Republicans take over, especially if they’re Muslims born in a village in a foreign land, or blacks born in an American ghetto, but overall pretty much everywhere.
The latest GOP culture hero …
… is every bit as big a hypocrite as the rest of ’em. Probably in it for fame & money, too. After all, her daughter shot the vid of her arrest and it hit YouTube almost instantly, so this publicity stunt obviously was planned.
I don’t understand conservatives who force abstinence only which is proven by science to be less effective than comprehensive sex ed, and go crazy because some women dont want to be forced to give birth.
And then cut food stamps
Ahhh senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
First you bring up Mary Carey and now…
Michelle Manhart nudity…
Poooooooor senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit! Not getting any lately so fantasies abound?
Blacks born in an American ghetto senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit? Who runs the American ghetto senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit?
Remember those city run projects Puddy placed two weeks ago? Ghettos!
Wait a minute… Early onset senility abounds here. You don’t remember what you wrote in a thread 10 minutes before!
Sux to be you senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
This flag isn’t for protesting! It’s for posing nekkid with to make money! (NSFW)
@17 I never tire of calling out Republican hypocrisy and prurience, and sometimes I can call out both simultaneously!
“Irony alert:
The event took place at the David H. Koch Theater at Lincoln Center.”
Irony is David Koch funding NOVA’s “The Bible’s Buried Secrets”, which attributes the writing of the Old Testament to man, not God, and which used archaeological discoveries made by Israeli Jews to debunk the Bible’s narrative, from Abraham to Solomon, with wonderful smackdowns of Moses and Joshua along the way, and pointed out many inconsistencies and conflicts, often on the same page. And yet Puddy, who insists the Bible is the unerring word of God and who damns anyone here who would disagree with him to Hell, would suck David Koch off, his one true God, in a heartbeat. Now that’s fucking irony.
“‘We don’t need science!’: Chemtrail truthers badger GOP congressman at rowdy public meeting”
Sorry, GOP, but you reap what you sow, and you’re the ones who wanted to become the party of crazy people like Puddy and racist assholes like Bob. You slept with dogs, fucktards, and now you’ve got fleas. Sucks, huh?
Arizona’s fascist sheriff may have gone too far this time. Not only is he facing contempt charges in federal court for defying court orders, but he got caught spying on the judge’s wife. I hope the fucker goes to prison this time.
Puffy – people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. I’m sure you could even find something in the bible to that effect.
I guess when you take something for granted you kind of appreciate it less. But if you’ve never had it before and finally can get it, you tend to appreciate it more.
Puffy you going to contribute? We all know how you like to fly in style on all them bizzzzzneessss trips you take.
@2 Cheapskate Bob,
You wrote:
Democrats Went All In On Hillary Clinton. It’s Looking Like a Terrible Bet.
When it comes to terrible bets, I know something about that. I wagered with you on your bullshit claim that Mitt Rmoney would win in 2012. It was a terrible bet because you welshed. That’s your MO, you douche.
Now, I’m not “all in” on Hillary, but I’m not a 5 watt dim bulb like you.
You want to make a bet Bob?
How ’bout you go big or
stay homeSTFU?How much can you afford to lose?
I got piles of money I can put in escrow that says Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton will be the 45th president of the United States of America.
You think that’s a “Terrible bet” (cuz if Bob doesn’t capitalize that “t”, then something, something)?
Let’s call it as it is Bob. You don’t have testicles the size of raisins. Do you?
In this country anyone, and I do mean ANYONE, can start their own church! FREEDOMZ!!!
Roger Rabbit Commentary: They’re probably God-fearing, anti-abortion Republicans, too. Isn’t everyone in Nashville?
@27 Bob has millions. He told me so himself when he pointed out that attorneys who don’t are “unsuccessful.” Surely he can afford to put, say, a Benjamin in escrow? If he stands behind his words, that is.
@29, If it is such a “Terrible bet”, I think at least 45 Benjamins would be a worthy investment for Bob.
But, let’s be realistic. Bob’s mouth outruns his cheapskate canary ass.
There’s a guy who comes in here from time to time, oh who am I kidding. He’s here nearly every single day, 50-60 posts a day.
The other day it was some drivel about how terrible it is that the Obamunist is normalizing relations with Cuba.
I for one can’t think of a single reason why trade with Cuba might be beneficial.
I mean it’s not like people may have died just to keep a very vocal voting demographic in the state of Florida happy? Right? We should just let them keep dying because they violated my religion and used tobacco so they deserved to die. Probably were democrats too. Every single one of them. They should continue to die too because Cuba is dangerous and apparently they have an escaped convict. So Americans should die. That will show CUBA!
You missed a few. TravelGate! Rose Law Bills Gate! She Murdered Vince Foster!
The problem they have is the Chicken Little effect. Hillary has been so scrutinized and they’ve tossed so much mud in her a Bill’s direction and she’s been high profile inthe public eye for over twenty years. There aren’t a lot of people left who have no opinion on her. They can try real hard to make a “scandal” stick but at this point it looks, to the non-already minds made up Fox News and RW radio bubble people, like just another attempt.
That said, I’d be all in for Bernie Sanders while I’m luke warm about Hillary. Do I think she’d be much much less of a disaster than Santorum/Rubio/Walker/Christie/Jeb(tm)/Dr.Ben or any new long-shot looneys the GOP may turn to? Yep.
The GOP has five things to run on. “We’ll cut taxes. Yeah, it worked great in Kansas and Minnesota.” and “We’ll save you from Gay Marriage, that will get new people to our side. We’re totally going to grab the bible thumping evangelical people thinking about voting for Hillary. There are millions of them waiting to vote for us.” and “Hillary wants to kill babies up to the moment of birth, no, we’re serious, that is really who she is and if you don’t beleive that I’m not unhinged then vote for Hillary.” and “OBAMACARE! It doesn’t matter that you have insurance now and you didn’t then. It is evil and we must kill it. And maybe you in the process.” and finally, “We should attack Iran. they’re coming to get us. Who’s up for another war we’ll pay for with tax cuts. We’ll be seen as liberators and cheered in the streets. They’re going to get a BOMB! LET’S ROLL!”
(BTW, how come the right is eerily silent on North Korea getting a nuclear bomb in 2006 after the Axis of Evil speech and the Bush Administration taking North Korea off the “State Sponsors of Terrorism” list jsut before heading out the door?)
@32. Good list
You know when dr checkmate proves its stooooooooooopidity? When dr checkmate types another silly post. All dr checkmate had to do was visit HRW Human Rights Watch… Here is a compilation because Puddy realizes dr checkmate is a qwack! http://www.ibtimes.com/cuba-hu.....ry-1792700
Piddles is moving the goalposts again. When did you say we should invest in renewables so we don’t have to trade with the Saudis? Were you not making the “Putin is a better leader than Obama” claim just like you read on Breitbart? You were pretty upset Obama didn’t support Mubarek more forcefully. Were you or were you not aware of what Human Rights Watch has to say about Isreal?
I guess if your metric is Human rights abuses then China is off the list. Expel their diplomats. Send your cell phone and your laptop back to FoxCon.
I love it when Piddles thinks he’s scoring by making really, really, really stupid “points.”
You know when dr checkmate proves its stooooooooooopidity? When checkmate doesn’t thoroughly read links.
The link offered by the
yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch on Kansas specifically said without the tax cuts, the deficit would have been much larger! So what does the dr moron write? Nothing useful on that topic!
Hillary is for infanticide, just like dr checkmate. dr checkmate marches to the progressive drum! http://www.nationalrighttolife.....Tro_EEcRhE
Obummercare: It doesn’t matter that you had insurance then and you could only purchase a much lesser policy now! It doesn’t matter almost 5 million (FactCheck.Org validated) lost their insurance, insurance they wanted to keep!
How much more stooooooooooooopid is checkmate on North Korea? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/N.....estruction
Remember, Clinton negotiated this deal, like Obummer is negotiating the new deal. When DUMMOCRETINS negotiate to stop nuclear proliferation, nuclear weapons proliferate…
checkmate offers BULLSHITTIUM. Puddy delivers tractor trailer loads of FACTS!
Moving goalposts? You are accusing that of Puddy when you checkmate do that each day? You forgot what Puddy posted last week regarding Senator Marco Rubio said regarding Cuban torture, harboring FBI most-wanted fugitives, lack of political freedoms, etc.
If you choose not to read PuddyPosts then you are the LIV Puddy accuses you of. If you chose not to read what Senator Rubio said about Cuba relations normalization then you are the LIV Puddy accuses you of!
Sux to be checkmate. Always moving the goalposts!
I’m under Piddles’ skin
You know, 51% of REPUBLICANS, 67% of independents and even 51% of Cuban Americans think you and Marco Rubio are wrong so keep making that an issue. It’ll work. Bubble…. (Google the poll. You had so much time to google your last post.)
Pyongyang first successfully tested a nuclear bomb in 2006. I missed term four of the Clinton Administration. Was it awesome? what’s the bubble mantra about owning your policies and not blaming the last guy. And who signed off on taking N.Korea off the terrorism list in October 2008….that must have been Clinton too.
How much time did you spend googling thoroughly irrelevant Wikipedia pages on Korea?
National right to life? Them? If you were raped…have it. If it’s going to die screaming after a week….have it and suffer with the child. For our bible tells us that…just like the Koran guides Isis. The bible is LAW at least how we interpret the bible is LAW.
So stupid it’s sad. Too damn funny.
Eric Holder really did restore the Department of Justice from the wreckage George W. Chimp and Alberto Gonzalez left it in, no matter what his carping Republican critics may say about it.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I wish he would’ve prosecuted the thieving bankers, though, instead of just shaking them down for $100 billion of fine money, which doesn’t really punish them for the crimes they committed nor help the deficit all that much.
@32 Damn! That’s right! I plumb forgot she murdered Vince Foster! But that was so long ago the statute of limitations has run on prosecuting her anyway …
40. On the Simpsons they established that the president gets three free murders per term.
Under Puddy’s skin. You can’t read or process FACTS dr checkmate. Maybe this will help, butt prolly not… http://www.theguardian.com/wor.....northkorea
So much for getting under Puddy’s skin! So much for exploding bomb being created during the Clinton years. So much for the Wikipedia article exploding the silliness of dr checkmate!
FACTS the real anathema of progressive IDIOT DUMMOCRETINS like dr checkmate.
Yes Holder restored Just Us back to the political arm of DUMMOCRETIN presidents!
Run for the google Piddles…
“The report in yesterday’s New York Times that Pakistan had supplied equipment to enrich uranium, including gas centrifuges, deepens the crisis posed by the discovery of North Korea’s clandestine development of a bomb. Pakistan’s military dictator, General Pervez Musharraf, is seen as a bulwark in the Bush administration’s war on al-Qaida and the Taliban.”
Same link. Junior disastrous war neede the coalition of the willing to include the man arming North Korea, one of the other Axi of Evil.
Competence. Unforced error by Piddles still trying to show that North Korea giving missle (not nuclear) technology to Pakistan, allegedly, is the root cause of North Korea testing Thei first nuclear weapon eight years later. Hmmmmmm and if we knew in 2002 (Bush administration) that Pakistan was arming North Korea, allegedly, why did the Bush administration sit on their hands for another four years? Well because Clinton was still pulling the strings according to the bubble.
The alternative scenario is that Bush II, Bush Dumb and Dumber, had such a hard on for invading the non nuclear state of Iraq by 2003 that it just didn’t matter to him that our “Ally” was building the North Korean nuclear device that wouldn’t be completed until almost six years into his presidency. Or it was just another bit of intelligence he was briefed on and chose to ignore.
“We can’t go deal with Pakistan and North Korea. I need Pakistan to come with me in Iraq. Iraq is much more dangerous and about to get a nuke. They are, THEY Are THEY ARE!!!!” Competent leadership!
“Obama is letting Iran get a bomb!”
Scoreboard, countries gaining a bomb, George W. Bush – 1, Obama- 0.
Man, Piddles, you’re looking good tonight. Did you get into some of that “Grape Juice” that’s been sitting at room temp for a week or two?”
No On Can Be This Stooooooooooooopid. Well dr checkmate is proving that in spades. Ahhhhhhhhh yes let’s move those goalposts again eh dr checkmate? Talk about Pakistan and the war on terror when no one knew Pakistan was helping NK during the Clinton years! Yessiree gotta move those goal posts ASAP! When did Pakistan help with those centrifuges again? 1990s. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gas_centrifuge Be sure to read the last paragraph before the See also dr checkmate!
It’s all there yet dr checkmate can’t accept FACTS!
No unforced error. Only in your puny mind! FACTS are FACTS… You can’t deal with FACTS! It takes years to develop a weapon. Since NK didn’t have the newer type of Siemens centrifuges back then Iran now so has it took way longer to process enough material. Yet in all the articles dr checkmate dismisses this FACT!
This is why Stuxnet was developed dr checkmate! FACT! Did you forget about that virus from Obummer’s gang? Of course you did… You are a progressive FASCIST libtard DUMMOCRETIN! Stuxnet attacked the PLC controllers Siemens made for those newer centrifuges! All those years Obummer been dithering with Iran while Netanyahu told the truth while at the US Congress about Iran being 3 months away! Now we learned this week from Obummer that Obummer lied! Iran really is about 3 months away.
Butt you keep screaming dr checkmate. Those screams are getting more hoarse each time you post!
Puddy noticed you dropped Hillary and Kansas like lead balloons!
Another ASSkicking on NK delivered by Puddy!
Good night dr checkmate… Puddy tired of your feckless rants! Grape Juice? HAHAHAHAHAHA! Move those goal posts again! Oh yeah that axis of evil… goal post moved again!
Keep screaming though Puddy won’t be listening!
Oops Puddy almost forgot… soon the goal posts will be moved again as dr checkmate will offer us up John Walker Lindh and Michael Johnny Spann to the argument.
Now watch kiddies for the next insipid installment of dr checkmate follies!
Hillary Clinton cracks me up. She is aging at warp speed. I guess lying and deflecting from the truth do that to a person, huh?
Dodge and weave and claim FACTS!
When did N.Korea test their first nuclear weapon? 2006. Fact
When did North Korea get taken off the State Sponsor of terrorism list? 2008 FACT
The U.S. Government, according to your own link confirmed the link between Pakistan and North Korea in 2002.
So…..between 2002 and 2006 What was happening? Well little George was adventuring in non-nuclear Iran with his bestest buddy Musharref who, incidentally may have been helping hide Bin Laden at the time. A competent leader concerned about non-proliferation would not have been sending three billion in new aid to Pakistan. So why did he? We’ll he was incompetent AND POWERLESS TO STOP NORTH KOREA.
Spin that Fact. Bush knew in 2002. But it wasn’t until 2006 that North Korea got a bomb. FACT. You keep avoiding that inconvenient FACT.
New nuclear states while in office. George W. Bush -1, Barack Hussein Obama -0. Still no answer for that.
But it’s Clinton’s fault. Of course it is. Actually, God did it. God is the source of all things.
Sleep tight Piddles. Tomorrow’s a big day of being all consumed with rage against us liberals. Takes a lot of energy. Get a good rest.
That’s not moving the goalposts. That’s Piddles putting the kicker on the bench and breaking out the bats and wickets. But when you got nothing throw up another smokescreen. I mean a guy fighting in Afghanistan and captured before Little Bush went to Iraq and five years before N. Korea got their nuclear device has some relevance here only known to a select one.
@18 I do know of some of the projects that Puddy is talking about. I went past them many times in Chicago. Rather unpleasant places. Still public housing has had some successes in the United States. Such as the Mutual Ownership Defense Housing Division. Of the eight complexes built seven are still in operation 70 years later.
Half of Hong Kong’s population of 7.8 million live in public housing and they are capitalist country only very little land.
NPR had a discussion today about Seattle lack of housing for lower and middle class. It spoke about building more public housing as one possible solution. The other is rent control. I have to listen when liberal economist Klugman says he doesn’t see rent control as a viable solution. Doesn’t mean Seattle shouldn’t be able to try it.
Still one thing mentioned in the show is the fact so much of the high end housing that is being built sits empty. Purchased for investment purposes and may never be used and that manipulates and twists the housing market here. Perhaps a return to American practicality is in order. Nothing wrong with having more than one house as long as someone is living in them….yep they should be occupied by a lover the crazy uncle, or the maid and his or her family at least for some part of the year. Perhaps some city regulation insisting all this high income new housing actually be occupied is in order. Otherwise perhaps it can house the homeless and give the drug dealers and users that are being arrested down town in the sweep somewhere to move to. Get em off the street.
Frankly the problem with nuclear proliferation is that if a country really wants to develop the bomb it can do so. If North Korea can do it well so can Zaire if they desire to do so. What seems to be important here is whether they are on our shit list. Frankly Bush and Clinton bolloxed up the whole North Korea thing, a country we are technically at war with . Of course the reality set in about what it meant to bomb North Korea. Conventional or nuclear just might upset Korea’s neighbors. Speaking to the North Koreans in a language they understand would be helpful ie we got a squadron of B-52’s ready to launch and we can put our nukes on target. The best you can do is maybe get one on a truck near South Korea. Of course that is war talk and just maybe one of them two going to Congress and asking for a declaration of war would have gotten the North Korean’s attention. It would have been very messy and perhaps just waiting of house of cards in North Korea to collapse is the best way.
We almost did bomb Cuba and partly because a US Air Force report was misinterpreted stopped us from taking out all of the Russian missiles. The report gave a little wiggle room and fortunately jaw jaw jaw won out over war war war.
We are not going to stop the Iranians from building a bomb if they really want too unless we load up the B-52’s with cruise nuclear tipped missiles. I don’t think Congress has the political will to declare war which would be required for that endeavor, and they don’t need the President to start the process those Republican congressman they can declare war whether the President thinks it’s a good idea or not. Nope they are going to ballock up the agreement and then what will they do when the Iranians go ahead and do what is in their best interest at that point. Of course will a Republican congress let a Hilliary Clinton be like Maggie Thatcher?
@ 27
Here we go again.
MBS, if I didn’t make good on the last bet, why would you be stupid enough to do it again? You’re not stupid.
@54 Cheapskate Welshing Bob,
I won’t do it the same stupid way; trusting you to honor your worthless word.
That’s why the term escrow is in my proposal.
2:1 for 45 Benjamins?
Oh my dr checkmate… Mark Adams to the rescue… And it still doesn’t help!
Shorter dr checkmate… The next president in 2017 or 2018 will be responsible when Iran test explodes it’s first nuclear weapon, even though it acquired the fissionable material during Obummer’s reign in da whitey house! When the weapon is tested only counts to dr checkmate. So if Hillary wins it’s her fault. If Elizabeth Warren wins, it’s her fault. If Marco Rubio wins it’s Obummer’s fault!
That’s the foolishness of dr checkmate. It took 1993-2006 for NK to create a nukular weapon because of old centrifuges. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gas_centrifuge It took Iran from 2009-2015 to create a nukular weapon. http://www.islamweb.net/emainp.....entrifuges That’s don’t matter. It only matter’s when the weapon is tested. That’s the thinking of dr checkmate! Try to focus on the last paragraph! Here is the last two sentences
One of those was NK!
Man this dr checkmate is weally weally stoooooooooopid!
@56 If the Shah had remained in power Iran would have had nuclear weapons or at least our tacit ok they could develop them if they choose too. Japan could quickly build a nuclear weapon if they choose too and it wouldn’t make the nightly news and we would not say boo.
As for North Korea they got their nuclear fuel from spent fuel rods from a reactor in North Korea. They may have had centrifuges, but they got the original fuel uranium ohh yeah the Soviet Union. You know we got the fuel for the second bomb dropped on Japan from a reactor could been someplace called Hanford as it was a plutonium bomb and much safer than the shotgun uranium bomb the Enola Gay dropped. The crew was so afraid the device would get bumped the navigator put the last parts of the bomb together on the flight to the target location.
The agreement with Iran is about the best we are going to get. Oddly the Iranians actually are playing ball with the UN Atomic Commission much more so than many other nations. I’m not really sure the Persians want the bomb or may have realized they aren’t that useful. As it is they got their thumbs in a bunch of pies some of which US thumbs are in as well, and frankly our national interests and theirs sometimes dovetail. Sometimes doesn’t and the whole kit and caboodle is really getting shaken over there.
The current Ayatollah isn’t as backwards as some, or of some American Christians who would love to have the theocracy here. So you castigate the Iranians for having the kind of government that some Christians want here, maybe that includes you. Or perhaps you should be careful what you wish for. What you wishing for has been happening for a generation over there. You don’t seem to have plans to move though, They are very righteous and enjoy an old time religion. ns
The problem is that we have opened our mouths politically. As you point out what do we do if the deal falls apart and Iranians test a device? Will Congress pass a declaration of war? Will the President actually make good on stuff that was said for consumption here in the US to get elected?
I’ve asked one of our state Senators since she supports women being placed on nuclear subs whether she supports drafting women and I never got my question answered. If we take military action against Iran we are going to need a lot more people in uniform real quick so I guess my question will be answered one way or the other. So Puddy you ok with your sons and daughter being drafted for a war with Iran? Let alone Korea? That’s even if we make a mess of the place with a flight of old Buffs. We are going to have to occupy afterwards and we don’t seem to well with that endeavor and our politicians want to overlook those costs. What if the Iranians take out a carrier? They could in the Straight of Hormuz.
Now if my congress declares and my President is told to make war and I’m called back out of retirement I will go do my duty. How about you? How is that for checkmate?
Yes, the Soviets built the first reactor but it was Pakistan whom gave them the real technology… http://www.washingtonpost.com/.....story.html
You see Mark Adams… you never shoot your wad prematurely. Puddy appreciates your help in trying to get dr checkmate to understand the timeline, butt, the man has a mind of concrete and even a jackhammer could not deposit FACTS in that “mind”!
Regarding the Shah, yeah you are probably right there. One of my technicians in an old job was an air force member in charge of radar installations in Iran before the shah fell. Iran was one of our top notch Soviet listening posts. https://news.google.com/newspapers?nid=2199&dat=19790301&id=qowyAAAAIBAJ&sjid=JecFAAAAIBAJ&pg=3914,21042&hl=en Regarding Japan Google “japan nuclear weapons”. Puddy been watching this for a while. Japan did sign the international Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Japan did agree to hand over 300+KG of nuclear material to the US!
Heee, heee, heee.
Because once a nation has a crude centrifuge the building of a weapon is 100% unavoidable.
The best course of action is to call them and “Axis of Evil”, give three billion dollars to the country helping them build it, go to war against a totally unrelated and non-nuclear state and pretend the problem doesn’t exist.
It’s the “I’m not going to invite you to my birthday party you poop-head” strategy of diplomacy. Works….Every….Time.
If a knife is found in the back of campaign disclosure laws then we will certainly find the fingerprints of Tim “Two Check” Sheldon on the handle.
Ahhh yes, as PuddyPredicted, dr checkmate moved the goal posts again. Now we need to discuss the aid to Pakistan because he’ll have to blame Hillary or Elizabeth when Iran explodes their nuclear weapon if either wins the 2016 erection! God Forbid!
Notice when dr checkmate gets his ass kicked it’s goal post movement time. PuddyPredicted this and sure enough it happened.
Happens. .every. .time. .dr. .checkmate. .loses. .an. .argument..
Another EPIC FAYLE from the freakazoid dr checkmate. Whatever you are as a doctor, Puddy hopes Puddy never runs into your provided medical service! Aargh!
I called this about seven years ago. When confronted with facts he wants to ignore Piddles will type either “goalpaost,” “Show me where I” or some phrase with way too many characters and then claim victory and go away for a couple days.
@36, brought up by Piddles
@42, Broght up by Piddles
@44 & 45, Brought up by me in response
@46 – Brought up by Piddles
@50 – Rsponse from me
@56 – Brought up by Piddles
@58 – Brought up by Piddles
@61 – “Talking about Pakistan, which I injected into the conversation over 24 hours ago for the first time is “moving the goalposts I WIN!!!!!” (hides)
Too Damn Funny
Show me where…
I never said