It looks like the Bush Administration’s war on terror continues.
UPDATE: I want to congratulate commenter Rick D, who has officially broken the world record for stupidity in the comment thread down below. When claiming that Obama hasn’t released his birth certificate is only the 3rd or 4th stupidest thing you’ve said in a comment thread, you’ve accomplished something special.
The Obama administration does not use the term “terror” anymore,Lee.
It’s now “man-made disaster”‘s
…and as we all know, euphemisms are for cowards.
I don’t give a fuck what term they use, if they do the same thing as what the Bush Administration was doing, they’re doing the same thing that the Bush Administration was doing. Calling it a different name doesn’t change that. Defend the Obama Administration all you want with semantics, what they’re doing is wrong.
Fox news is reporting that Navy SEAL’s have rescued the captured merchant ship captain Richard Phillips from his Pirate kidnappers.
An international example of what message can be sent to terrorists if you have a backbone.
Apparently, Obama is finding out that when he’s in a leadership position and privy to all of the information available, decisons are much easier to come to than an uninformed emotional response, which he had as a Senator from Illinois.
Wow little Ricky D must be conflicted. He’s enlisted to spew lies and hate about America and PRESIDENT OBAMA and when something goes right, he struggles for a way to build a bullshit Publican talking point out of it.
Are you getting used to being completely and utterly irrelevant yet Ricky D you little cunt?
You’re the one that hates America. The only debate is whether you hate yourself more than your country. Given the totality of your posts, I would say the former.
Unlike you, No, I’m quite content and enjoy life. You really should try it sometime.
Kudos to the US Navy SEALS on this Easter Sunday. Liberals may hate you, but real Americans appreciate your service and sacrifice.
So Ricky D the man who hopes America and our great PRESIDENT OBAMA fails can’t bring himself to say anything good about our great leader. But he can lie – no RickyD. You’re the hater – you and your Publican friends hate America. You and your asshole buddy Lush Flimbaugh hope we fail. This makes you unhappy because we’re NOT failing. In fact, under PRESIDENT OBAMA things are looking up after that cowardly, coke-snorting AWOL piece of shit Bush got RUN OUT of the White House.
As for me – I am VERY happy. Heck yesterday I had a hard-on all day because tornados killed your pals in the Bible belt. It was a great day!
As for me – I am VERY happy. Heck yesterday I had a hard-on all day because tornados killed your pals in the Bible belt. It was a great day!
That was uncalled for. We have to be better then them. Comments like that drag you down to the level of the ones you were railing against.
Ricky Dumbshit is about to get drummed out of the wingnut marching band for posting the wrong message. He’s supposed to say that Obama is an appeaser, and the Navy disobeyed his orders, and rescued Captain Phillips on their own! That’s the wingnut spew this morning. They just can’t stand the fact that Obama just did what their organ grinder monkey couldn’t do for 8 years — he pulled off a successful military operation!
Losers! Sucks to be you.
What great leader? Obmagoo bows to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia like a common peasant, which says alot about our “leader”. So far, he’s absolutely failed, unless you call putting our children and grandchildren into the abyss of debt in their lifetime an actual success.
You really need a life, bibigroper. Hate will eat you up inside. You’re exhibit A of that.
Hmm. I seem to remember that Obama was an admitted coke snorting coward revealed in his autobiography. At least you two have something in comon.
Lee must be happy to have such an admitted bigot posting on his blog. Nice work BiBiGroper, you’re a true example of unabashed cowardly bigotry. Not much different than todays progressive movement in general.
Obama didn’t have a say. This mission was left up to intelligent military personnel, not the community organizer from Chicago. Obviously, when leadership is needed, today’s military doesn’t consult the coward residing at 1600 Pennsylvania avenue…common sense dictates that the cowardly, bowing, subservient nature of the current president would have extended this capture indefinateley.
Once again, Kudos to the Navy Seals
Lee must be happy to have such an admitted bigot posting on his blog.
Believe me, I’m used to it.
I’ll share in your kudos for the Navy Seals. That’s exactly what they’re trained to do and it looks like they accomplished something very worthy. It’s also important to keep in mind that all of the attempts to keep people like the Somali pirates from doing what they do by waging a “war on terror” doesn’t actually stop them. Fighting these people isn’t much different from the kinds of law enforcement that exists here in the U.S. And we accomplish it without trashing habeas corpus and establishing secret prisons.
How do you know? Little Rickie Dumbass of the Larry Sinclair fraud and many, many other discredited right wing myths.
Go cry and lie over at that ugly pit of despair, (un)SP, fool.
He doesn’t know. In fact, it’s highly unlikely that Obama was unaware of the situation.
What’s saddest about Obama’s decision to continue the Bush Administration’s policy on foreign detainees is that if it was done to pander to the Fox News loonies, Rick D provides a pretty good example of why it won’t work. No matter how much Obama tries to be like Bush on terrorism, Rick D and his fellow bedwetters will always see Obama as a libertarian because Fox News says so.
Bingo! otherwise, we’d still have a hostage situtation as Obama is not a competent decision maker.
Last time I checked, Fox News was widely watched in American households and therefore, isn’t some kind of obscure network watched by the “loonies” in this country. Fox is the antithesis of PMSNBC, which has ratings which parallel with late night test patterns.
Obama a libertarian? I don’t think so, Lee. He’s in fact a socialist bordering on a communist. He has advocated the forming of a
Nazi SS forceNational security force which would be as well funded and trained as today’s military. If that doesn’t scare the shit out of you, lee, I don’t what will.Instead of worrying about the rights of “terrorists” held by our country, you should concern yourself with this current president and his policies here within the borders of our country.
Bingo! otherwise, we’d still have a hostage situtation as Obama is not a competent decision maker.
What? I don’t think you read my comment correctly, please try again.
Last time I checked, Fox News was widely watched in American households and therefore, isn’t some kind of obscure network watched by the “loonies” in this country.
Um, no. You’re greatly underestimating the amount of loonies in this country. Of course, since you don’t realize that you yourself are clearly a loonie, I’m not surprised.
Fox is the antithesis of PMSNBC, which has ratings which parallel with late night test patterns.
For years, the most widely read publication in the United States was the National Enquirer. What does that tell you about Fox News having the highest ratings?
Obama a libertarian? I don’t think so, Lee.
Of course he’s not, Einstein! Don’t you understand the point of this post? My god, you’re dumb!
He’s in fact a socialist bordering on a communist.
What!?!? And you don’t think you’re a loonie!! LOL!!
He has advocated the forming of a Nazi SS force National security force which would be as well funded and trained as today’s military.
No, he hasn’t.
If that doesn’t scare the shit out of you, lee, I don’t what will.
The fact that you actually believe that that’s true does scare the shit out of me.
Instead of worrying about the rights of “terrorists” held by our country, you should concern yourself with this current president and his policies here within the borders of our country.
I am concerned about the current president and his policies (hence this post, genius), both inside and outside of this country. But I’m far more concerned that there are large numbers of screeching morons like you who are too stupid to tell when they’re being lied to.
He’s in fact a socialist bordering on a communist.
I’m still laughing at this. Holy shit!
My god, the stupid is strong in this one. Hahahahaha!
[wipes tears from his eyes]
You can’t be this retarded,Lee. Then again, maybe you can.
Your move Einstein.
He’s not talking about a civilian army, you numbnuts! He’s talking about a service organization that does public works. My god, do you believe in the tooth fairy too!?
As I am the last time we had a debate on SP, where you stupidly defended the the governments role in undoing prohibiton laws without acknowledging that it was the government that put the laws there in the first place.
Of course, you scurried like a rat exposed to the light when I pointed this simple fact out to you. A common “progressive” tactic.
Hey Rick, when are you going to start in about Obama’s birth certificate being invalid? Got any good “news stories” involving space aliens for us?
Dang, you are one gullible moron!
As I am the last time we had an argument on SP, where you stupidly defended the the governments role in undoing prohibiton laws without the realization that it was the government that put the laws there in the first place.
Why don’t you provide a link to this imaginary occurrence?
(Or are you going to pull a Marvin Stamn and demand that I link it)
Rick, I’m here all day. Feel free to humiliate yourself to your full potential. Your record is well within reach here.
What birth certificate?
The cowardly president has only unveiled a Certificate of Live birth, which has been forensically proven to be altered, making it invalid.
Humiliate myself? hardly.
I’ve already given you visual proof that you’re a liar @ 17, what further evidence do you need?
The cowardly president has only unveiled a Certificate of Live birth, which has been forensically proven to be altered, making it invalid.
Hahahahahaha! We have a new record folks!! Little Ricky Bedwetter has jumped on the Obama Birth Certificate hoax bandwagon.
Cue the band!
Humiliate myself? hardly.
You’re far too modest. Great work today. I haven’t laughed this hard all week. Give yourself a pat on the back.
I’ve already given you visual proof that you’re a liar @ 17, what further evidence do you need?
You sent me a small snippet of video which is clearly taken out of context. In fact, here’s an informative piece about what he was really discussing there.
Seen Elvis recently? Made any more progress in locating Bigfoot?
Why does Little ricky D get no respect?
Maybe because he lies:
It is not just that Ricky D. is fairly stupid, it is that she cannot even recognize fact from wingnut BS.
Once again, wingnut propaganda trumps the truth for an idiot like wittle wicky D. – thanks for showing us how foolish, biased and pathetic you really are. Going for another goat, I see….
Awww, go easy on little Ricky. Some people just haven’t figured out that the people on TV with the flags behind them might be lying to him. He’ll grow up one day. :)
UM, Rick, where do you think the authorization to act came from? Some low level staffer in the White House?
You dumb fuck. The authorization came from the President. A man who played his cards absolutely perfectly. He allowed negotiation, when that turned out to be fruitless he acted. Quickly and with force.
Face it little Ricky, it was a success. He had the information, a plan was presented, he authorized the action. The captain is safe, the pirates have been put on notice.
What more do you want?
Bush had no plan, acted out of emotion and we have a huge quagmire in Iraq.
I think you need just STFU.
Wicky D. is a legend in his own mind – like some other ignorant trolls on here, they don’t even realize when they have no argument or when they are hoisted on their own petard.
Incoherent and illogical thoughts, a lack of contact with reality and grandiose statements are the hallmarks of schizophrenia.
If the President chooses to be a coward and not release his birth certificate, why is that a bad thing on my part? You can choose to be an Obama-bot, but don’t insult the intelligence of the common American.
Proving you as a liar is more than enough gratitude, Lee.
So in that video he didn’t advocate forming a “national security force” that would be as well funded as the military?
Tell me you aren’t that fucking retarded, Lee.
No one, Ricky, in the history of HA is as retarded as you have proven yourself to be time and time again.
Ricky, NO MAN OR WOMAN who is not born on American soil can be president. Period. No conspiracy. Just can’t happen. Don’t you think that McCain would have brought this up in a huge way, or, is he part of the vast conspiracy?
Fucking give up the ghost, dumbass.
If the President chooses to be a coward and not release his birth certificate, why is that a bad thing on my part?
He has released it! You can see it right here!
You can choose to be an Obama-bot, but don’t insult the intelligence of the common American.
Have you forgotten that this a post where I’m calling out Obama for being a hypocrite? And you think I’m an Obama-bot? Are you the stupidest fucking person on the planet?
Proving you as a liar is more than enough gratitude, Lee.
I bet in your mind you’re also the Queen of England. Are you also the guy who stands at the corner of 4th and Blanchard with his underwear on the outside who thinks he’s the General of the pigeon army?
So in that video he didn’t advocate forming a “national security force” that would be as well funded as the military?
He was referring to organizations like AmeriCorps. In fact, here’s what he said right before that part:
He was using “national security force” as a euphemism – something that anyone with an IQ of 30 could easily figure out. He wasn’t in any way talking about an army of soldiers, he was talking about an army of public works volunteers.
C’mon, Ricky!! You can embarrass yourself some more!! Go for it!
@31~ tell it to the cowardly president who won’t release his birth certificate.
If you’re 52 years old as you claim, start acting like it.
No one, Ricky, in the history of HA is as retarded as you have proven yourself to be time and time again.
I have to admit, this comment thread puts Ricky in the pantheon of the all time great retards of HA comment threads. Wow!
tell it to the cowardly president who won’t release his birth certificate.
Since Obama has released his, which President would that be?
@ 34~ Why Lee? because I proved you’re a liar @ 17?
You claimed Obama didn’t call for a “national security force”, then I gave you visual proof that he did.
Grow Up already.
You claimed Obama didn’t call for a “national security force”, then I gave you visual proof that he did.
No, he didn’t. He was using “national security force” as a euphemism for volunteer groups. So your insinuation that this was calling for a domestic military force is a lie.
Again, are you the stupidest fucking person on the face of the earth?
@ 35~ ummm, hey stupes, that’s not a birth certificate…it’s a COLB, which , the last time I checked, is not a “birth certificate”.
Also note the white text in the black box at the bottom. Forensic scientists have agreed this document, which is not a birth certificate, has been altered.
Let’s see – we have caught Wittle Wicky D. in how many lies today? The numbers are staggering for a single post.
Lee – the more you keep wumping them, the more abuse they want to take. The funniest part is that Wittle Wicky is humiliating herself as usual – and doesn’t even know it!
You proved nothing – moe-ron Wicky except that you are possibly the dumbest, most sycophantic and psychotic troll on this blog – keep up the good work.
Rick, wouldn’t this be a good time for you to take a step back and try to figure out why it’s so easy for people to take little quotes from Obama out of context in order to get you to believe in total horseshit? Isn’t that a more “grown-up” thing to do than getting angry at all the people who are pointing out how stupid you’re being?
Please spare us the “Grow Up already” nonsense until you figure out how to tell when people are fooling you into believing stupid shit.
Do you even comprehend how fucking stupid you sound right now, Lee? I gave you visual proof that Obama has called for a “national security force” and you, in your classic retarded liberal fashion, deny it despite visual proof.
The term “Moron” doesn’t even being to cover your intellectual capacity.
Given the last few posts by you, the clear answer is NO!
How did you draw a line from my age to my post?
Oh, you are trying to deflect.
I get it now.
ummm, hey stupes, that’s not a birth certificate…it’s a COLB, which , the last time I checked, is not a “birth certificate”.
Um, no, you’re wrong.
Also note the white text in the black box at the bottom. Forensic scientists have agreed this document, which is not a birth certificate, has been altered.
Again, do you believe in the Tooth Fairy? The people from Fact Check actually held and photographed the certificate.
This is gone so far past the point of absurdity, I don’t even know what to say any more. Rick, you’re an unparalleled buffoon.
@ 42~ because your dumbass said it on another thread today.
Goldy really needs better marionettes at this site.
You can watch the full YouTube of the speech here.
Here’s the text of the section that was taken out of context:
So now that you have the visual proof that you’re wrong, are you going to admit that people have taken advantage of your massive gullibility, or are you going to crawl back into your bunker, stomp your feet, and cry about how everyone is so mean to little Ricky?
Hmm…Lee seems angry today.
I agree Lee. You’ve been proven to be a liar @ 17 and yet, you call me a buffoon.
Your insanity is unparalleled, my friend. You fit right in at Goldy’s waste treatement facility.
And that has what to do with this thread? Just for accuracy, Ricky, that comment was made yesterday. Facts are immaterial to you though.
You have lost the argument. Not that there was really an argument. There are not two sides to this. You’re an idiot. No bones about it. A stark, raving idiot.
@ 15
Rick D. : He has advocated the forming of a
Nazi SS forceNational security force which would be as well funded and trained as today’s military.Lying HA Lee: “No, he hasn’t. “
So where does this not back what I said earlier, Lee?
Hmm…Lee seems angry today.
I am laughing my fucking ass off right now.
I agree Lee. You’ve been proven to be a liar @ 17 and yet, you call me a buffoon.
I think you need to take a look at comment #45 again there, champ.
You got fooled by someone who showed you an out of context quote from Obama. Be a man and admit that you got duped.
So where does this not back what I said earlier, Lee?
Because he was referring to volunteer organizations, not a military force. And you see that that’s true when you read the entire text of his speech.
Do you even know what the term “out of context” even means?
So if you understood the “national security force” that Obama was advocating was only about cleaning up neighborhoods, mentoring young people, and doing civic works here and abroad, then why did you strike out “Nazi SS force”, which was an actual military organization?
I think it’s pretty damn obvious that you really thought that Obama was advocating an actual military force for the homeland.
You couldn’t possibly be any more gullible (well, unless you also believed that Obama hasn’t released his birth certificate). LOL!
Now I’m laughing my ass off…..did the douche say it or not? You’re a classic Obama-bot, Lee.
You’re even more delusional than Robert Gibbs, chief Whitehouse liar, who claimed Obama didn’t bow like a common peasant before King Abdullah.
Are you still sticking with that myth too, Lee? Did Obama bow or not?
Go on record with your answer, be a man for once in your life.
I know that it must be disorienting to have a president who sometimes speaks metaphorically, but no one else on this comment thread appears to be having problems with it.
Now I’m laughing my ass off…..did the douche say it or not?
Yes, he said it, but he didn’t mean what you think he means. Are you really that stupid that you can’t figure that out? Again, please explain why you thought that groups of mentors and other volunteers are comparable in any way to the Nazi SS?
You’re a classic Obama-bot, Lee.
Wow! So in a thread where I criticize Obama for being a hypocrite, you come in here, make a spectacular ass of yourself, claim that Obama is hiding his birth certificate, and then claim I’m an Obama-bot!
Wow, Ricky, just wow! Take a bow my friend, you’ve just embarrassed yourself more than anyone has embarrassed themself here in quite some time.
So, Rick, when people talk about “National Security Forces,” do you generally think of people doing volunteer work in communities?
I’m just trying to figure out exactly how you’ve gotten off onto such a tangent of stupid here…
That’s all I needed to hear Lee, that wasn’t so hard was it?
What birth certificate? The president has never unveiled his birth certificate.
Why Lee? Becaue I exposed that you’re a liar? I said Obama has called for forming a “national security force”, you responded @ 15 saying “No he hasn’t”. I then gave you visual proof via youtube and your dumbass has to backtrack and admit it’s true [see the first sentence of this post].
Thanks for embarrassing yourself on your own thread, Lee. It’s been real.
The only thing you have exposed is yourself as fool. Time and time and time again.
I don’t know if you are married, but have your wife read this thread and give you her thoughts on how you are doing.
On second thought, don’t do it. She’ll leave you.
@14 and all your other posts;
It’s highly unlikely that you have ever been in a military chain of command (except possibly on the bottom of one) or you would know that the Commander issues a broad order in which the specifics are further down the chain of command.
Commander issues order “Take the hill at XY coordinates” down the chain until it gets to the person actually standing at the hill who takes out the specific people that are in the way of taking the specific hill.
You do a grave disservice to the Navy by insinuating that they would purposefully keep their commander-in-chief outside the loop.
Can I go to Olympia and see your official birth certificate? Your hospital-issued one (if you have one)isn’t a legal document.
Not according to my DD214
Commander-in-Chief? I think not. Otherwise, he would have addressed the kidnapping of a U.S. citizen in international waters before today.
No, because I wasn’t born in Washington state. I have my official “birth certificate”, which the cowardly president has failed to reveal for the record before the American people.
What is there to hide?
IF and that’s a BIG IF – the cunt RickyD has a DD214, it says DISHONORABLY DISCHARGED when it comes to knowing how he was separated.
And PLEASE you stupid motherfucker – keep that bullshit up about PRESIDENT OBAMA not being a US Citizen. It just shows how ignorant, stupid, inbred and worthless you and your Publican friends are. Meanwhile a DEMOCRAT is the PRESIDENT and there’s not one fucking thing you can do about it but whine you little bitch.
BY the way I believe that RickyD is an illegal alien. I’ve never seen his birth certificate. How can you prove you’re a U.S. citizen Ricky D? By the way, good news – another Bible-thumpin right wing ass-sucker died from injuries in the tornado yesterday! Score one for the good guys!
@ 61~ you really need to grow up, son.
Your demonstrated bigotry is a glaring example of today’s modern progressive movement. Fascism never had a better friend.
I’m sure Goldy is proud of your contributions to his hate website.
Hey Ricky D you little bitch why don’t you show us your birth certificate? You afraid we’ll realize your mother and father were brother and sister?
Oh your wife says hi.
64. ByeByeGOP spews:
Hey Ricky D you little bitch why don’t you show us your birth certificate? You afraid we’ll realize your mother and father were brother and sister?
Oh your wife says hi.
you sound like a 14 year old in junior high…well done.
Lee scurried like a rat to his blog to brag about getting the best of someone again?
And thank you again for linking it. It was real brave of me to ask you to do something for me after the way you talk about me.
Carl of the Two Left Feet Fame,
How you doing dude? Give my regards to the legal scholar herself!
Just gotta love that progressive cesspool of a mind stillbentover@64 eh? We whom think right are proud to be on the other side of he/she/it/shit!
@65: He is a 14 year old junior high runt with delusions of grandeur. Scared to come down MLK and meet GBS and Puddy at a Mexican cantina truck. Food was excellent.
Hey HA Weasels, the budget deficit increased by $192.3 billion in March 2009. Economists expected only $150 billion. The Congressional Budget Office review projected preznit Obama’s budget would generate deficits averaging almost $1 trillion annually over the decade ending in 2019
Hmmm… who is preznit again?
That’s all I needed to hear Lee, that wasn’t so hard was it?
Doesn’t prove shit. You have to understand the context of what he’s saying. He’s not saying that he’s setting up some domestic army. He was referring to volunteers in AmeriCorps and other organizations as a parallel to a fighting force. No matter how much you wish upon a star for that to not be the case, you’re wrong. You were fooled into thinking otherwise because you’re a gullible moron.
What birth certificate? The president has never unveiled his birth certificate.
Yes he has. If you don’t think a “Certificate of Live Birth” is the same thing as a Birth Certificate, you’re clearly the stupidest person on Earth.
Why Lee? Becaue I exposed that you’re a liar? I said Obama has called for forming a “national security force”, you responded @ 15 saying “No he hasn’t”.
And yes, that is still correct. Obama has never called for forming a “national security force”, he only euphemistically described AmeriCorps and other volunteer groups that way. And unless you actually believe that it makes sense to call people who clean up parks and mentor teenagers a “national security force”, you have enough egg on your face to make omelets for everyone in this comment thread.
I then gave you visual proof via youtube and your dumbass has to backtrack and admit it’s true [see the first sentence of this post].
Um, no. I gave you proof (via a longer YouTube clip of the same speech) that the snippet that you showed does not mean what you think it means. Yet for some reason, you’re far too much of a pussy to just admit that you were wrong. It’s pretty damn obvious that you got taken for a fool here. The proof is right there in comment #45. When Obama talked about a “National Security Force”, he’s not talking about a traditional armed force. You know it. I know it. Everyone here knows.
Strap on a pair of balls and admit that you’re an idiot. It’s not that fucking hard.
Yes, ByeByeGOP is an obnoxious, childish idiot. But he’s genius compared to Rick D.
Lee scurried like a rat to his blog to brag about getting the best of someone again?
Actually, I humiliated Rick D right here today, although his meltdown today was certainly worthy of getting a few laughs over at EffU.
And thank you again for linking it. It was real brave of me to ask you to do something for me after the way you talk about me.
Marvin, I love you. Stupidity like yours is a treasure for all of us here. Keep on making us laugh.
Wrong. A COLB is not a Birth certificate. You need to do some better research.
Outright lie. I’ve shown you the visual proof at 17. My adice? quit while you’re still behind.
Interesting fantasy you have going on there, Lee. I’ve proven you to be a lying sack of shit regarding Obama calling for a “national civilian force” and your dumbass denies it.
I broke you down shotgun style, Lee. Let’s just leave it at that.
You’re on drugs again,Lee. He said he wanted to form a national security force that was as well funded as the U.S. Military. Quit being such an Obama-bot and admit this kind of call to action is not just a little bit reminiscent of 1930’s Germany.
This is your brain on drugs……..any questions?
How so, by being bitch-slapped silly repeatedly on your own blog thread?
Wrong. A COLB is not a Birth certificate. You need to do some better research.
Outright lie. I’ve shown you the visual proof at 17. My adice? quit while you’re still behind.
No, I’ve shown you in comment #45 that he’s not advocating a “national security force”, he’s metaphorically referring to volunteer groups that way. Again, do you really believe that AmeriCorps is a “national security force”?
Interesting fantasy you have going on there, Lee. I’ve proven you to be a lying sack of shit regarding Obama calling for a “national civilian force” and your dumbass denies it.
Nope. I’ve given you thorough proof that what you claim Obama is saying is absolutely not what he really meant. Anyone with an IQ over 30 can figure that out. Why can’t you?
I broke you down shotgun style, Lee. Let’s just leave it at that.
You’re on drugs again,Lee. He said he wanted to form a national security force that was as well funded as the U.S. Military.
And he was referring to groups like AmeriCorps when he said that. He wasn’t talking about a real security force. He was using what’s called a ‘euphemism’ (I know that’s a big word Ricky, but you can use Google to look it up).
Quit being such an Obama-bot and admit this kind of call to action is not just a little bit reminiscent of 1930’s Germany.
No, it’s not even remotely reminiscent of 1930s Germany. Not even close. In 1930s Germany, people who were angry that Germans weren’t sufficiently pro-War during the first World War began to blame Jews and liberals for the decline of the country and formed a party called the Nazi Party under Adolf Hitler. They had an ultra-authoritarian view of using power and created a national security apparatus to squash dissent.
Obama is talking about an Army of volunteers that help out communities in various ways. Are you really that fucking stupid that you can’t see the difference?
How so, by being bitch-slapped silly repeatedly on your own blog thread?
I swear, my cats have a sharper sense of when they’re humiliating themselves. You have climbed to the top of idiot mountain and thrown your fist in the air.
Exactly what part of comment #45 doesn’t make sense to you? It explains without any doubt that what you think Obama meant when he was talking about a “National Security Force” is absolutely not what you think he meant. Are you claiming that the content of comment #45 is fabricated in any way? That “Obama-Bots” just manufactured the parts of the speech that prove you wrong just to prove you wrong? I mean, exactly how are you arriving at this conclusion here? I have to know. I haven’t seen anyone go this far off into the stupids in quite some time.
Rick D. The SFGate is a libtard rag.
This article is interesting…
“With almost no public attention, both chambers of Congress in the past week advanced an alarming expansion of the Americorps national service plan, with the number of federally funded community-service jobs increasing from 75,000 to 250,000 at a cost of $5.7 billion. Lurking behind the feel-good rhetoric spouted by the measure’s advocates is a bill that upon closer inspection reveals multiple provisions that together create a strong odor of creepy authoritarianism.”
“The bill also summons up unsettling memories of World War II-era paramilitary groups by saying the new program should “combine the best practices of civilian service with the best aspects of military service,” while establishing “campuses” that serve as “operational headquarters,” complete with “superintendents” and “uniforms” for all participants. It allows for the elimination of all age restrictions in order to involve Americans at all stages of life. And, it calls for the creation of “a permanent cadre” in a “National Community Civilian Corps.””
Puddy reports, da peeps decide!
The comments are interesting too.
Why is it a bad idea for community service groups to embrace discipline?
@ 78~
I’ve got visual proof of the exact wordage he used @ 17 , “national security force”. You’re spinning again, Lee.
Then someone should tell the president that he should mean what he says, and say what he means. His exact words were “national security force” and you, Lee, denied he actually said those words. Making you a clear cut liar.
Sure it is, you just need an IQ in the triple digits to recognize it, which pretty much explains why you can’t see it, Lee.
His words were “national security force” dumbass.
You said he didn’t utter those words at 15 and I showed you visual proof to the contrary at 17.
Why are you such a lying coward, Lee?
@ 80 ~ Thanks for the link Puddy.
Some scary shit to say the least.
Rick D. Will this national security force be ACORN with Guns and uniforms?
@ 84 Puddy:
If Obama and his towel boy Rahm Emanuel have their way? Yes.
I’ve got visual proof of the exact wordage he used @ 17 , “national security force”. You’re spinning again, Lee.
Do you not understand what the term “out of context” means? As you can clearly see in comment #45, Obama was referring to volunteer groups like AmeriCorps as a national security force because they have the power to make us safer by doing good deeds. That’s not a real national security force. He was speaking euphemistically. Now I know that someone like you arguably isn’t smart enough to follow that, but hopefully the fact that everyone here is laughing their ass off at you should be a good enough clue that you’ve been fooled.
Then someone should tell the president that he should mean what he says, and say what he means.
No, Americans should take pride in being smart enough to recognize when others are trying to fool them. I do. Why don’t you?
His exact words were “national security force” and you, Lee, denied he actually said those words. Making you a clear cut liar.
No, I said that Obama has never advocated setting up a “national security force”, which is true. He never has. He’s only euphemistically referred to volunteer groups as “national security forces”. That’s not the same thing, and you know it.
Sure it is, you just need an IQ in the triple digits to recognize it, which pretty much explains why you can’t see it, Lee.
I feel pretty comfortable putting my knowledge of Nazi Germany up against yours. How about you pull out the passages of Mein Kampf that back up your claims that what Obama is advocating is similar, and I’ll do the same with my claims, ok?
His words were “national security force” dumbass.
And he was describing people who clean up parks, dumbass!
You said he didn’t utter those words at 15 and I showed you visual proof to the contrary at 17.
No, I said that he never advocated setting up a national security force. What you showed in comment #17 did not prove me wrong (as I clearly demonstrated in comment #45). Again, are you the stupidest fucking person on the face of the Earth?
Hey Marvin, I had to put this one up at EffU. Enjoy!
Thanks Rick! Your unparalleled stupidity is always appreciated here.
Wow, Lee. You must really enjoy being bitch-slapped on your own blog.
Rick D. :He has advocated the forming of a
Nazi SS forceNational security force which would be as well funded and trained as today’s military.Lee: No, he hasn’t.
I’ll leave it to the intellect of the viewers who watch the video to come to their conclusion whether he said we need to have a “national civilian security force”.
Obviously, you’re too intellectually challenged to admit that he said the words that are proven in the video.
Obama discusses the forming of a “civilian security force”
Wow, Lee. You must really enjoy being bitch-slapped on your own blog.
What color is the sky in your world?
I’ll leave it to the intellect of the viewers who watch the video to come to their conclusion whether he said we need to have a “national civilian security force”.
I’ll leave it to the intellect of the people on this blog to watch the entire speech to understand what the context was.
Obviously, you’re too intellectually challenged to admit that he said the words that are proven in the video.
Again, I’ll let everyone read the entire speech before they come to a conclusion about what Obama meant when he was talking about a National Security force. I’ll give you a hint though. They’ll be more likely to be carrying gardening equipment or a basketball than to be carrying a gun.
So Rick, I’m curious since you’ve already set the world record for stupidity in this comment thread…
Do you really think that the SS of Nazi Germany was set up to clean up parks and empty lots, mentor young people, and work on civic works projects?
Have you really not looked at the full version of Obama’s speech to see that the small snippet you posted is taken out of context?
I’m just really curious about this whole episode you’ve gone through today. I’m raising a young child now, and I’m waiting for him to reach that point in his childhood when he has to deal with being wrong about something, or having to face up to the realization that he was duped into believing something that wasn’t true. I’m kind of hoping that he learns how to deal with that situation as a young person rather than making it throughout almost his entire life like you.
What exactly went wrong? Were you one of those kids who was never forced to acknowledge being wrong in order to “protect your self-esteem”?
How so? I proved you were a liar at 17 when you claimed at 15 that Obama didn’t advocate forming of a “national civilian security force”.
He could start by having his father admit he was wrong when he said Obama didn’t advocate the formation of a “national civilian security force”.
Why do you insist on lying, Lee? I’ve proven you’re a liar and you live in some kind of alternate reality where up is down, left is right and lies are truths.
You’re really an oddball, Lee. Quit smoking the product, it may clear your brain housing group.
How so? I proved you were a liar at 17 when you claimed at 15 that Obama didn’t advocate forming of a “national civilian security force”.
Bullshit. Obama has never advocated forming a national civilian security force. What he’s done is cheekily refer to volunteer civic works groups as national security forces. He did this in order illustrate how doing civic works can be an indirect way to keep us safe. He has never, ever advocated setting up a national security force. And if you watch the video I provided in comment #45 or read the text of this speech that I provided, you can clearly see that.
He could start by having his father admit he was wrong when he said Obama didn’t advocate the formation of a “national civilian security force”.
Hahahahahaha! You are one hell of a retard, Rick D.
Why do you insist on lying, Lee?
Oh, you’re adorable. How about this. I’ll give you $1,000 if you can demonstrate where I’ve lied in this comment thread. Deal?
I’ve proven you’re a liar and you live in some kind of alternate reality where up is down, left is right and lies are truths.
Hahahahahaha! Actually, what I did was prove to you that you took a quote from Obama out of context and you seem to be having a wee bit of trouble coming to grips with that fact. Hahahahahahaha!
You’re really an oddball, Lee. Quit smoking the product, it may clear your brain housing group.
I think I’ll let the jury decide on this one.
I’m still laughing here, Rick. But I want to ask the two questions again from comment #90 because you still haven’t answered them. Let me re-paste:
Do you really think that the SS of Nazi Germany was set up to clean up parks and empty lots, mentor young people, and work on civic works projects?
Have you really not looked at the full version of Obama’s speech to see that the small snippet you posted is taken out of context?
Which is it? I mean, it has to be one of the two. Either you think the Nazi SS was a civic works project, or you haven’t watched/read the full version of Obama’s speech. Obama obviously wasn’t advocating setting up a “national security force” with guns and law enforcement mandates in the snippet that you posted. Maybe your paranoid delusions have led you to that conclusion, and the truth is so strikingly different from your general perspective that you just blind yourself to it. Or maybe you really think that the Nazi SS was going around threatening people by cleaning up their parks.
I have no idea. You’ve shown yourself to be the stupidest person on Earth in this comment thread, so I guess anything’s possible.
Do you have any semblance of pride at all? Any?
Rick, you know what’s the funniest thing about this comment thread?
The fact that in the very first comment, you discussed Obama’s use of euphemisms, yet you can’t seem to wrap your head around the fact that Obama’s use of the term “national security forces” was also a euphemism.
I swear to god, I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time.
Dance, monkey dance!!
You can’t be this fucking stupid, can you Lee? Check the video at 17 to see that Lee’s a dumbass.
@ 15 – Lee in re post at 14:
“No, he hasn’t.”
I then proceeded to give you video proof at 17.
You owe me a grand, Lee. How do you suggest we transfer the funds?
You can teach your son about the importance of keeping your word, though, being a liberal, I don’t expect you to follow through on your promise. It’s in your nature to lie.
You can’t be this fucking stupid, can you Lee? Check the video at 17 to see that Lee’s a dumbass.
Check the full version of the video at #45 to see the full context of that quote. Seriously, dumbfuck, how many times do we have to dance in this circle? If you want to argue that the full video in comment #45 doesn’t disprove what you’re trying to claim in comment #17, then explain it. Don’t just repeat the same debunked garbage over and over again like a retarded parrot.
I then proceeded to give you video proof at 17.
And I debunked that “proof” in comment #45. Either explain how the full context of Obama’s speech doesn’t debunk your claims or shut the fuck up. It’s very obvious that Obama is not advocating setting up a national security force. He was using that term as a euphemism for volunteer organizations.
Again, are you the biggest retard on the face of the Earth?
Since you keep dancing around this, I’ll repost the two questions you can’t answer again:
Do you really think that the SS of Nazi Germany was set up to clean up parks and empty lots, mentor young people, and work on civic works projects?
Have you really not looked at the full version of Obama’s speech to see that the small snippet you posted is taken out of context?
Which is it? What part of this don’t you understand?
I’m still waiting for you show me where I’ve lied here. Remember, there’s a cool grand on the line if you can do it.
Lee: the bet of $1,000 was whether or not I could prove that you lied on this thread.
I did so. Don’t renege on your promise, Lee. What example does that set for your son?
You’re a proven liar, Lee. Now, pay up.
Lee: the bet of $1,000 was whether or not I could prove that you lied.
Correct, and you have not proved that I lied.
I did so.
No you didn’t. You thought you did, but I proved you wrong at comment #45, and there has not been an attempt by you to address the proof I provided in that comment that Obama never advocated for a national security force.
Don’t renege on your promise, Lee. What example does that set for your son?
My son isn’t even out of diapers yet and he’s already smarter than you.
Are you going to answer my questions? Are you going to address what I wrote in comment #45? Or are you going to keep embarrassing yourself?
C’mon little Ricky!! You can do it! Comment #45 is right here.
@ 100 ~ you’re a proven coward, reneger, and liar…reality sucks, doesn’t it?
I’ve exposed your lie that you expressed @ 92………now you’re going to renege on the bet?
you’re a proven coward, reneger, and liar…reality sucks, doesn’t it?
I’ve exposed your lie that you expressed @ 92………now you’re going to renege on the bet?
Stop it, man, you’re killing me!!!
I’m still waiting for you to address comment #45, by the way. I have a feeling that I’m going to be waiting all night…
Again, let me simplify what I’m waiting for you to respond to since you appear to be having a significant amount of trouble with it
Do you:
A) Believe that the Nazi SS was a large public works program?
B) Not see comment #45?
Which is it?
Wow, you’re a stupid moron.
I mean seriously, dude. Wow.
@10 “Obama didn’t have a say.”
That’s utter total crap.
This is why Republicans have no credibility and the GOP has become a minor third party. They say things like this, and ordinary Americans shake their heads. The Repukian loonies are so far out in right field that everyone else thinks the GOP talking points are a comic book. Personally, I think that’s an insult to comic books.
Re Update: You know for sure the Pukes are over the edge when their own hand-picked Supreme Court won’t give the time of day to their absurb assertions about Obama’s birth certificate.
@108: Exactly. It’s funny to see Rick and Puddy try to assert these things, actually! I’m waiting for them to compare strategies for making tinfoil hats to keep the mind control lasers away.
But keep it up, guys. The more batshit crazy you sound, the less likely anyone with half a brain will even consider voting Republican in 2010.
What a display of rot, trying to read this thread. Little Ricky Dumbfuck got accolades on a recent thread for trying to be rational. Don Joe and Steve gave him those accolades. The discussion had to do with constitutional concepts such equal protection and how they might apply to gay marriage. Don Joe pulled out legal terms of art, such as strict scrutiny and compelling state interest, and Little Ricky Dumbfuck reacted like DJ was pulling such terms out of his ass. LRD did not deserve the deference he got on that thread, but that’s what liberals do, we try to reason with the dead. We have to stop doing that. Little Ricky, your odds of getting the Goat this week are quite high.
Yep, my money is on Ricky D getting this weeks goat.
Though who knows one of the other trolls might pull off a last minute come from behind win. After all the week is young and the wingnuts are over the edge.
In the State of Washington, a certificate of live birth is the only legally recognized document about your birth by the state.
I doubt seriously that if a 100% Caucasian male who had a certificate of live birth from the state of Washington had run for president that you or anyone else would be questioning if he were born in the US.
Maybe you should focus on the part of his family from Kansas and relax a bit.
…that’s certainly your opinion. Of course, being a proven liar and bet reneger, your opinion isn’t worth much.
92. Lee spews:
Oh, you’re adorable. How about this. I’ll give you $1,000 if you can demonstrate where I’ve lied in this comment thread. Deal?
Your lie is in bold font as well as your offered bet.
You owe me a grand, Lee. Now pay up or be exposed as a worthless liar to your son.
@115: It’s the comparison to the SS that he was objecting to @15. Otherwise, if I say, “Your mom
blows goats and raised an asshole sonis nice,” I’m paying you a compliment.@ 116~ Who said anything about the SS? I believe that had a strike through it and replaced with ” national security force”, the exact wording he used.
The bet was whether or not he used the words “national security force”.
Lee said he didn’t call for the formation of a “Civilian national security force” and I provided him visual proof @ 17. Lee then offered up a bet that I couldn’t prove he lied anywhere on this thread. As you can see at 115, I’ve provided that proof.
I won the bet and Lee is going to renege on the bet, a typical liberal move no doubt.
Little Rickie Dumbass’ existence is based on lies, the lies of Limbaugh, Sean’s Insanity, Michael Savage-Wiener, Murdoch/Regnery trash and Stefan “the Minnow” Sharansky.
We left him alone while he had a halfway decent conversation with Don Joe but in this thread he shows his true colors spewing the batshit insanity of the “tea-bagging” right wing.
LMAO!! Feckless tea-bagger you’ve brought your nutso theories in this thread and we’ve all had a good laugh at your expense. Keep bringin’ it fool.
@117: Who said anything about the SS? I believe that had a strike through it and replaced with “national security force”, the exact wording he used.
Do you think that you’re writing this as a rough draft on a typewriter or something? You wrote it, it’s there, and it’s a comparison to the German SS. Doesn’t matter if you decided to bold it, emphasize it, underline it,
put a line through it, whatever.Oh, and
go screw yourself. Don’thave a nice day.@ 119~ The bet was whether I could prove Lee had lied in this thread, and I outlined where he did so @ 115.
He claimed that Obama didn’t call for the formation of a “national civilian defense force”, and that, of course, is a lie that he admitted to once I gave him visual proof of it.
Mission accomplished!
@121: So what you’re saying is that if you written:
“He has advocated the forming of a Nazi SS force which would be as well funded and trained as today’s military.”
he would be right?
122. demo_kid spews:
@121: So what you’re saying is that if you [had] written:
…are you retarded? You’re now living in the “well, if you had written…”world? what an idiot, thanks for the laugh though, troll. You’re making even Lee look intelligent with that line.
@ 122~ obviously, you’re entirely too stupid to put this together. As I said above, the exact wording was “national security force” and whether the blunderer in chief uttered those words. Lee said he didn’t, I gave him visual proof to the contrary. He lost the bet and now he’s cowering like the coward, reneger he is.
Lee has no integrity or credibility, as I’ve clearly shown on this thread.
obviously, you’re entirely too stupid to put this together. As I said above, the exact wording was “national security force” and whether the blunderer in chief uttered those words. Lee said he didn’t, I gave him visual proof to the contrary. He lost the bet and now he’s cowering like the coward, reneger he is.
Again, no. I disproved everything you’ve claimed in comment #45. Obama has never, ever advocated forming a national security force like what the Nazi SS is. Never. Not once.
Once again, Rick, I’ve challenged you. I’m willing to pay you $1,000 if you can prove to me that I’ve lied about what Obama has done in this comment thread. You have not done so. What you think you posted in comment #17 has been debunked by the full video I posted in comment #45.
Now strap on a pair of balls and address the proof in comment #45 or just crawl back in your hole and cry this one out.
Who said anything about the SS? I believe that had a strike through it and replaced with ” national security force”, the exact wording he used.
Oh please. Hahahahahahahaha!
So are trying to say that when you wrote the words Nazi SS and struck them out, you were really thinking about volunteer orgs like the Peace Corps!?!?
My god, you are stupidest goddamn person on the face of the earth!
The great thing about Wittle ricky d. is he is so dumb he cannot tell the truth from fiction.
You didn’t prove crap or catch Lee in any kind of lie wicky, you were wrong. The Americorps is not ANY kind of “national defense corps” – unless you count fixing peoples houses, weeding their gardens and cleaning up the trash as “national defense”.
wicky D. says:
The more you call people names and say they are stupid – the more pathetic and self-serving you become. You lost, you are unaware of how ridiculous you are. The more you protest that you “won” and argument that you clearly lost – the more stupid you look. thanks for the entertainment – I enjoy seeing you get schooled.
You have no argument and cannot admit you are wrong – someone who believes in their own infalliblity (desp[ite the facts) and has grandiose ideation is usually considered to be schizophrenic.
Please take your Meds!
You owe me a grand, Lee. Now pay up or be exposed as a worthless liar to your son.
I think you’re having difficulty following how this works. You see, you have to prove that I’ve lied about something before you can demand I pay you the money. That’s how the bet works. You see, you claimed that Obama has advocated setting up a National security force like the Nazi SS in America. I correctly pointed out that he has not. I’m waiting for you to provide evidence that he has, but you have failed to do so.
The more you call people names and say they are stupid – the more pathetic and self-serving you become. You lost, you are unaware of how ridiculous you are.
That may be the understatement of the year. I’ve never seen anything like this. I’ve never seen a human being humiliate themself like this before.
Ok, Rick, let’s try this one more time…
Do you:
A) Believe that the Nazi SS was a large public works program?
B) Not understand comment #45?
You can do it!!
..and you’re one delusional liar. I’ve given you the visual proof and your only retort is to say “well, Obama didn’t say that, and if he did, he didn’t mean it”.
So now you’re Obama’s mind reader, Lee? Is the man not intelligent enough to speak for himself or is Lee Rosenburgh now going to interpret the meaning of his words. You’re a grade A idiot, sir.
Yeah, and you lost the last challenge…now pay up, chump.
I’ve already done so repeadedly, you simply lack the integrity to admit it. Don’t offer bets your sorry ass can’t pay up on, it detracts from your already questionable credibility.
So you’re saying Obama didn’t use the words “national civilian security force”. Anyone with the IQ of an infant could see he used those exact words in the video provided @ 17. Quit while you’re still behind, Lee.
haha, that’s a funny line coming from a cowardly reneger like you, son. Some example you’re setting for your kid(s).
You’re a sad and pathetic little man, Lee.But then, you already know that.
Cognitive dissonance, thy name is Rick D. This is really the crystalization of the contempo GOP, right here. What the fuck are we (sane Americans) going to do? It’s a huge problem. This country is in a world of hurt right now, and if that wasn’t enough, we have to contend with this rump faction of fucking lunatics that call themselves the “Republican Party”. It’s enough to give you nightmares…
I’ve given you the visual proof and your only retort is to say “well, Obama didn’t say that, and if he did, he didn’t mean it”.
I gave you proof in comment #45 that he didn’t mean it.
So now you’re Obama’s mind reader, Lee?
Hahahahahaha!! Stop it, man, you’re killing me! Is it that hard to read a man’s speech to understand what he’s talking about?
You’re a grade A idiot, sir.
Hahahahahahahahahaha!!! This is fucking awesome!! Dance, monkey, dance!!
Yeah, and you lost the last challenge…now pay up, chump.
I’m not sure how things work on planet Rick, but in order to collect money on a bet here on Earth, you have to win the bet.
I’ve already done so repeadedly, you simply lack the integrity to admit it.
Hahahahahahahahaha!!! I’ve completely proven you wrong in comment #45. There’s absolutely no doubt here. In fact, over a half-dozen people have also been here laughing at your ass over the fact that you can’t seem to grasp this.
Don’t offer bets your sorry ass can’t pay up on, it detracts from your already questionable credibility.
Hahahahaha!! There’s nothing like an Obama birth certificate conspiracy theorist questioning my credibility. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!! My god, my fucking sides hurt!
So you’re saying Obama didn’t use the words “national civilian security force”.
No, dumbass!! I’m saying that when he used those words, he was using them as a euphemism for volunteer groups. Your initial claim was that he was referring to an armed homeland security force like the Nazi SS. You were wrong about that, and I pointed that out in comment #45.
haha, that’s a funny line coming from a cowardly reneger like you, son. Some example you’re setting for your kid(s).
Hahahahahahahahahahaha! So I challenge you disprove what is very obvious to anyone (that Obama did not mean what you claim he meant), and your response is to dodge the question and call me a coward? Hahahahahahahahahaha!!!
This is legendary. Thank you so much, Rick. Your stupidity has brought so much laughter to everyone here. We simply can’t thank you enough.
Dance, monkey, dance!!!
Just wow!
Since he still won’t give up, I need to repost it:
Do you:
A) Believe that the Nazi SS was a large public works program?
B) Not understand comment #45?
132. Lee spews:
I’ve given you the visual proof and your only retort is to say “well, Obama didn’t say that, and if he did, he didn’t mean it”.
I gave you proof in comment #45 that he didn’t mean it.
That wasn’t the bet, dumbass.
Let’s revisit this bet one more time so that even Lee can understand.
Rick D. “He has advocated the forming of a
Nazi SS forceNational security force which would be as well funded and trained as today’s military.”Lee: No, he hasn’t.
55. Lee spews:
Rick D.: “did the douche say it or not?”
Lee: Yes, he said it, but he didn’t mean what you think he means.
98. Lee spews:
I’m still waiting for you show me where I’ve lied here. Remember, there’s a cool grand on the line if you can do it.
92. Lee spews:
Oh, you’re adorable. How about this. I’ll give you $1,000 if you can demonstrate where I’ve lied in this comment thread. Deal?
There it is, black and white. Now, the question in whether Lee Rosenburgh has any integrity and will square up on his bets.
Just accept reality and pay up or just accept that you’re a coward reneger and move on.
dumbest_kid@110: Puddy didn’t assert anything fool. I posted what a libtard in the San Francisco Chronicle online wrote about the national civilian security force issue fool. But that four point tin-foil hat is receiving those strange dummocraptic signals again.
dumbest_kid, you must be related to the clueless wonder. Two Stupid Peas Stuck in the Same Pod!
Puddy @ 134
I posted what a libtard in the San Francisco Chronicle online wrote about the national civilian security force issue fool.
Are you referring to your link @ 80? If so, you just might want to go back and check the source again.
The stupid, it burns!
I’m new to this blog, but not new to blogs. Rick D is the dumbest fuck I’ve ever run across. Which says a lot, because blogs are full of dumb fucks.
@ 138~ the only dumbfuck on this thread, well, besides yourself and the rest of the liberal trolls, is the dumbass that posted it in the first place, Lee Rosenburg/AKA thehimbecile.
Rick D. long on words, short on facts.
Little Ricky D.,
You want the Goat this week, babe, you got it. Holy shit, do you honestly believe that what you’ve been posting counts as coherent? Your equal protection discussion revealed only that you didn’t know what the fuck you were talking about. Shit, oh fucking dear, Ricky D. thinks he can think.
Ricky D prays to his false god every night that America will fail. Pathetic piece of shit!
I’m new to this blog, but not new to blogs. Rick D is the dumbest fuck I’ve ever run across. Which says a lot, because blogs are full of dumb fucks.
It’s absolutely mindboggling what transpired in this thread. He actually manages to debunk what he’s trying to argue in comment #134 without even realizing it. Spectacular. Yet so sad.
What transpired on this thread is Lee was proven both an immature contributor incapable of arguing his point coherently and that he’s the best mind-reader that’s ever been on a blog channeling what Obama was thinking rather than what Obama actually uttered.
This qualifies him as having some outstanding skill that I’m sure Lee can use in the future when he can’t argue his point, welch’s on a bet, then runs to his little unread blog and declares “victory is mine”. Dumbass doesn’t begin to cover it.
Glad to hear you’ll be going through the wonders of child rearing and early childhood development, Lee. It didn’t appear to take the first time around for you, so anytime you get a second chance, you should certainly take advantage of it.
@ 144
No, Rick. What transpired here is a whole lot of you not owning up to the implications of your stricken reference to “Nazi SS force” combined with your complete and total equivocation on the matter. As such, your reference to an “immature contributor” is one of the more stark cases of the pot making a stink about the kettle’s color ever to grace the comment threads on this blog.
Grow the fuck up, Rick. Seriously. Simply being provocative isn’t the same as being thought provoking.
Ricky D. must be off his Thorazine again. The common side effects upon withdrawal include early morning waking and a return to disorganized thought, persecution complexes and imagined realities.
Thanks Ricky for being the poster child for the use of schizophrenic drug treatments.
Hell, Don Joe, I was the only grown up on the thread. You may want to reread the thread without partisan, hack loyalty glasses on. As I said last week, this isn’t a debate site, it’s a waste treatment facility full of immature bobbleheads that don’t want to admit one of their contributors was caught lying and welching on a bet he made. You kiddies are pathetic.
Come on over to SP when you grow up and are capable of making and defending your point, maybe we can have a substantive debate without wading through all of the human waste water found on the these threads here.
also, the key word was “Stricken” reference Don Joe. Something every contributor and poster does on this site and never held to account for , so quit with the self righteousn BS.
@ 147
the key word was “Stricken” reference Don Joe
I rest my case.
@147: Again, you can’t seem to admit that your hyperbolic comparison to the Nazi SS was wrong.
Come on over to SP when you grow up and are capable of making and defending your point, maybe we can have a substantive debate without wading through all of the human waste water found on the these threads here.
Pffft. That’s the dumbest thing you’ve actually said on here. The posters on SP are rabid partisans that don’t listen to reason, and suggesting that they could ever participate in “substantive debate” is deluded.
Been to SP – any blog that has an idiot like Pudge on it and posters that have no idea of what an argument is…..well, ’nuff said about that pathetic site where the only information is filtered through Faux news.
@ 149 & 150
The last time I tried to participate in a well-reasoned debate on uSP, I was told that a Federal prosecutor appointed by President George W. Bush and the CIA were part of some left-wing conspiracy to impeach Dick Cheney. Oh, and I was accused of having my head explode. And that wasn’t just some of the folks arguing from the conservative side. That was from all of them.
You can’t have a well-reasoned debate with people who can’t grok the basic distinction between facts and opinions.