Sad. I can only imagine how much it would have meant to her and Obama for her to have lived to see her grandson elected president.
It is with great sadness that we announce that our grandmother, Madelyn Dunham, has died peacefully after a battle with cancer. She was the cornerstone of our family, and a woman of extraordinary accomplishment, strength, and humility. She was the person who encouraged and allowed us to take chances. She was proud of her grandchildren and great-grandchildren and left this world with the knowledge that her impact on all of us was meaningful and enduring. Our debt to her is beyond measure.
No doubt the hard core righties will call it a pre-election day stunt.
Very sad. Our condolences to Mr. Obama and his family.
I wonder how long it will take for the Vince Foster Conspiracy Society to get to work.
That’s it I’m voting for Obama now.
As soon as the autopsy reports are released we will know what happened.
After all, if the liberal media can dig into the personal life of joe the plumber for asking a question, they can dig into the personal life of a typical white woman.
His Grandma stepped up when his loser Father deserted him and his equally loser Mother ran off for almost 3 years on her hippy adventure and was way more into her own happiness.
She was a fine, fine, woman.
Great example.
God Bless Her and God Rest her Soul.
She was a typical White Woman…the only one who really loved him.
Sad he would call her a typical white woman.
Hopefully he apologized to her for that before she passed on.
Father Jonathan Morris’ reasons the Election will be closer than you expect:
1) According to varied professional sources with whom I have spoken, there exists a proportionally high number of potential voters who are refusing to be polled or express their opinion publicly. In a historic, high-octane race like 2008, I believe there are more reasons for a McCain supporter to stay silent than for an Obama supporter. It is understandable to imagine McCain supporters fearing labels such as “racist,” “homophobe,” “single-issue-voter,” “warmonger,” or “against change,” even if the voter is none of these.
2) Similarly, pollsters have reported higher than usual numbers of undecided voters or voters still capable of changing their minds. People know Senator McCain. Do they know Senator Obama well enough to break for him this late in the game?
3) Most importantly, in 2004, pollsters were caught by surprise by the amount of voters who left the polls saying “social issues” were most influential in determining their vote. In 2008, the media has been mostly silent on these causes, focusing instead on the economy and Iraq. This focus ignores an important reality. The “Value Voters” block of mostly Evangelicals and a good percentage of conservative Catholics and others, may indeed be wrapped up in these urgent headlines, but there is no convincing data to suggest they have inverted their voting priorities, turning away from abortion, traditional marriage, limited government, etc. If Senator Kerry’s policy proposals were enough to get this voting block to the booth, Senator Obama’s policies should bring them out in droves.
Cruel timing.
Marvistan @ 3
Are you really a human? Has anyone posting here ever seen Marvie and could attest to his humanity? I suspect Marvie is the internet equivalent of a robocall.
The California GOP did choose today to launch a lawsuit about Obama using his campaign plane to visit his grandmother one last time.
Great news. He used YOUR money the tight wad.
Hal @ 10: Obama didn’t use taxpayer money to go to Hawaii. He didn’t accept taxpayer money for this election.
There might be a question about whether he used campaign donations for personal use. But since the reporting period isn’t over, he could simply solve it in the same manner which the Bush and Cheney use when they use AF One and AF Two for political and private purposes: they simply pay the equivilent of a first-class ticket for the travel.
No, it doesn’t cover the whole cost the aircraft, but one could argue that the airplane needs to be available at any time for campaign purposes, much like Bush and Cheney argue when they use taxpayer-funded aircraft for their partison political purposes, including trips almost entirely for fundraising purposes. But they usually slip in some arguable government speach somewhere (usually at an Air Force Base nearby to servicement) to argue that the trip was primarily for government purposes.
Cynical @ 6: You posted this cut-and-paste on another thread. I answered it there. Evangelicals aren’t following the Republican Party lock-step as they did for decades. I shouldn know, I am one.
This isn’t 2004.
Goat fucker Hal,
We will take your vote, though we don’t need it.
Back to your goat fucking now.
Ignorant sonofabitch!
Well said left foot, glad your higher education was completing grade school.
It is not as if Obama can jump on a commercial flight. He is accompanied by an extensive cadre of Secret Service agents. The disruption on a commercial flight would have had you charging elitist.
Taking the campaign plane was judicious and proper.
The truth is that any normal thinking individual would have no objection to another human being rushing to see his dying grandmother….what am I saying, you can’t think.
Are you old enough to vote this year My Left Foot, didn’t think so.
GROW-UP once you do then we can continue with your rants of false accusations.
List your education and experience. I prefer to talk at a level that you will easily understand and, here is the bonus, at the same time irritate the snot out of you.
Mission accomplished!!
Me: Pac 10 school grad, MBA and I am just getting warmed up. I retired at 48 years of age. You are still asking “would you like to supersize your meal?”.
Your turn.
Hal got a ribbon in elementary school for “Good Effort” in his mathematics class. That was his most distinguished achievement in his academic career.
Why don’t you refute with cited example another way for Obama to go see his grandma?
Do you know why you can’t? Because the argument is just not there. So you resort to attacking me. The term for that is ad hominem.
Google it, genius!!
His teachers always noted “Has lots of potential” in the notes section. That is teacher speak for: Won’t shut up and sit down.
Anyone who brags is a nobody with nothing but words as others have told you.
Not saying you higher education is higher than grad school.
Your constant use of fouls language disputes your education and saying you retired at 48 is even a bigger laugh.
Your making a bigger fool out of yourself.
I’m even feeling sorry for you.
You poor, sad little man.
You brought up my education. I actually retired at 471/2 but I rounded up so you would not have to figure out the fraction. Bragging would be if I lied or embellished or gave it more import than due. I simply stated facts.
You attacked me. I defended with the truth. You can’ handle the truth. Which is not, really, of any concern to me.
As I said, irritating you is just too easy.
By the way, McCain, Cheney and your other heroes all have foul mouths.
I came by mine honestly.
Please you can’t irritate me I’m laughing at too much.
Please you can’t irritate me I’m laughing at YOU too much.
Palin’s hand picked board makes a determination.
Independent, bi- partisan investigation makes another determination.
What a choice we have.
What about the children’s travelgate trouble she is going to deal with when she returns to Alaska a loser?
His grandma probably didnt die she probably
got deported back to South Africa to live
with other typical white folk. How about that
aunt? And to think, Obamanation says he can take care of all of us. LOSER, its in his genes.
For anyone with a higher education than grade school.
” It was prepared by Timothy Petumenos, an independent counsel for the Alaska Personnel Board. ”
The other report was prepared by democrat hacks.
No response is needed.
Thank you for playing.
Parting gifts available at the door on your way out.
And the people in some of the more conservative blogs are nasty about the grandmother. Nice Christians there.
Just so you know. From Politico:
NOTICE: The report released by her administration was done by a guy who was hired by the 3 political hacks on the Personnel Board who were APPOINTED BY PALIN.
Now, Hal, I already knew this and figured why waste my time explaining to someone who can’t find his ass with a road map but since Politico had it on the front page and I know that you are computer and literacy handicapped I have gone ahead and left this for you.
Again, thanks for playing.
Please tell us which one do you think is offensive?
You should enjoy these:
I hope his wife feeds him fats?
It’s not her child it’s her daughters.
Just a few without really trying.
Nice to see you are still semi-conscious.
All of the comments in 31 were offensive.
Your lack of effort really shines through.
Hal, It was interesting to see the hatred and venom of Republicans when they are in a “safe” place. You should stay there.
No need to list them,most where posted on this blog or democrat underground as you well know.
I’m sure some came from your uneducated foul mouth in past post,recently you have cleaned up your language which gives a little bit of credibility to your post.
“comments in 31 were offensive”
LOL, Now you have a problem in telling the truth.
Don’t forget to vote(once) he needs every vote he can either buy or steal to even come close to winning.
Is there any chance that after tomorrow’s GOP trainwreck, that trolls like Hal, Marvin, Mark, Troll, etc. will just go away? Is there any chance they might just recognize that they are wrong and always have been wrong, and really should reconsider their political thinking? Or, will they simply go even more on the offensive, asserting that Republican losses just prove the correctness of their spewings? I’ll bet they’ll keep spewing. Reason is a foreign concept to them.
You have to be my left foot posting under Blue John.
Hope you find yourself Lefty or John must be horrible being liberal.
Fox News had to shut down its comment threads on this topic cause of all the racist crap being thrown out by its rabid listeners.
I guess some of them came over to here looking for a place to take a dump.
If he steals the election. Where going to have fun watching Americas First Black, disgrace the office when his voters don’t get the money he promised them. The big question is will they riot or stop voting?
Seems the Republicans are getting extra scrambley and mean.
I cannot wait till this election is over.
A history lesson for you. I have been posting here for years. You are relatively new. It shows. You would know that I never post under another name (usually make up to mock an idiot, such as yourself) without immediately copping to the nom de plume.
I use the language as a way to get to cocksuckers, well, just like you. It gives you false cause to feel superior. You wingnuts seem to enjoy that feeling. I did vote early and often…..
You might want to take an “English as a second language class” and put down the animal beer before you attempt any more posts. You are embarrassing yourself as well as the past and future generations of your family.
As for Obama coming close to winning, this is going to be a landslide win for Obama. At least 100 more electoral votes and 6 points minimum in the popular vote.
Say it with me:
President-elect Barack Obama.
You are a racist motherfucker. There is no longer room in my America for brainless fucks like you.
When I see a man, that is all I see.
When I see a village idiot, take you for example, that is all I see. I don’t make determinations based on skin color, religion or sexual orientation. I make these determinations based on knowledge, the ability to communicate and the ability to understand and be tolerant of each others differences.
The village that lost you is probably still partying. You are right up there with troll and marvin in demonstrating your complete lack of intelligence and understanding.
You should get to bed. You want to be well rested for a day of “Would you like to super size that?”
You are a racist. All of you people sooner or later show your colors. You fucks are on the way out. Disgusting people like you really need to stay under your rocks, or in your mother’s basement. Hal, you are disgusting, a vestige of a past that is reprehensible. I’d like to say this as delicately, yet as straightforward as I can–please go fuck yourself.
Worse case scenario…
I will be in here posting the promises obama made and asking why he’s not delivering on them.
And when you complain about taxes going up, and electricity prices going through the ceiling hurting poor people, I will remind you that it’s “patriotic” and “selfish” of you not to help those that don’t want to work.
To be honest, it’s going to be more fun if obama wins. 4 years of obama proving everything we said about him was true. After he wins, the media trying to salvage their reputations will start reporting on all the things about obama they are hiding until after the election. The la times tape, the credit card contribution fraud, etc.
And just like carter did, obama will usher in republican rule for another couple decades.
Would you vote for a black republican?
Does that also make you a racist?
What thread? There’s no fox link in this thread.
Or are you just making stuff up again?
@43 and 44
Call me a racist on what grounds?
Did I use a code word, or are both of you unable to cope with the truth.
Whatever your problems are I’m sure it’s a small mans syndrome.
Do you know what your talking about see the Doctor as this election is overwhelming you.
“All of you people sooner or later show your colors”
you people ?????
Both of you are disappointing me,I would have thought you could have been clever in your posts however, it shows a lack of integrity and resembles the words of Rev.Wright.
“I use the language as a way to get to cocksuckers, well, just like you. It gives you false cause to feel superior. You wingnuts seem to enjoy that feeling.”
I’m serious now friend,I really feel sorry for you. Hope you get better soon.
The end of the Republican party is at hand.
Enjoy it.
I know I am.
Your political party would relish a one party system of government. You will find out shortly he lied to get votes,your electric rate will triple every month and one day soon you look around your community to find you now live in the third world.
We will be here to pull you sorry fools back to prosperity like we have done in the past.
The best to you and your family.
You really have a problem with reality. First of all, I love the two party system. It works. It ebbs and flows. Your party’s turn is over. Now it is ours. We will never be a third world country and I am not sure why Obama means higher electric bills?
Every politician lies to get votes. McCain will not and can not balance the budget in his first term, won’t and can’t happen. He will continue to prosecute a useless war at a cost to our economy. He will continue the policies of GWB and our economy will not recover.
I am not sure where you get your doom and gloom, but sweetie, calm down and in four years we do this again.
by the way, we had one party in control for 10 years, how did that work out? Not so good, huh?
I’m happy you like a two party system and not the end of the Republican party.
He said in his SF interview he plans on taxes the coal industry to put them out of business and to raise eclectic charges.
I think he plans on making some money off of the influx of hybrid cars.
Actually we had one party control for 8 great years of prosperity until the Democrats took over LOL!
Have a good day
It was a false up tick. It crashed in on itself, Dems had nothing to do with it. This was a result of Republican deregulation and kowtowing to the wealthy elite.
The market struggles have nothing to with congress in the last two years.
Senator Obama looks at his beloved grandmother, whom he respects and cares for and sees a “typical white woman”.
And somehow the righties think that he’s insulting his grandmother? I’m wondering what kind of person they consider to be a “typical white woman”. It seems to me that “typical white women” everywhere should beam with pride at that description.
And now when she has died, they come up with conspiracy theories about how Senator Obama somehow arranged her death to give him a boost in the polls?
The term that comes immediately to mind is “projection”.
Oh, and just to add more insult to this injury, the California Republican Party has just filed a complaint against the Obama campaign for misuse of campaign funds in connection with visiting his dying grandmother.
Any bets on the “winner” of the “Worst Person in the World” for Keith Olbermann’s next show?
Democrats knew it, closed thier ears ,eyes and mouth while sucking thousands in kick backs from Fannie and Freddi. Most Democrats owned stock in real estate at the time. I now hear some say Greenspan should have see this coming. In 2007 Democrats controlled congress, OVERSIGHT is the job they didn’t enforce.
I would watch these commercials and saw the giveaway with no real oversight on rejecting loans. Freddi and Fannie heads stole Millions before leaving not to forget about private services which did the same.
Hey, as long as everyone is making money on bad loans and the price of homes stayed high and higher month after month how could they lose as they would say. Blame both sides with more towards Democrat lack of oversight.
The 1990’s where the same to a lesser extend the Dot Com bubble when we saw .coms that never made a profit selling at $100-200 share.
@ 56
Wow. That’s an amazing amount of ignorance to spew in one comment.
Try this: Rather than simply asserting that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac caused the financial crisis, try coming up with some data that makes the case. Remember: time lines matter.
Blame both sides with more towards Democrat lack of oversight.
No. Blame the Republican philosophy of laissez-faire economics. Until folks like you stop scapegoating others in order to avoid facing up to that fact, you will become increasingly marginalized.
I think the rise in business electricity prices is having a terrible effect on all sorts of businesses “along with the credit crunch” but there is still some good deals out there but someone somewhere has to do something.