Two things struck me about Obama’s big infrastructure investment speech.
1. His “use it or lose it” line—”if a state doesn’t act quickly to invest in roads and bridges in their communities, they’ll lose the money”—was nothing less than a threat that states better vote Democratic.
Indeed, as lefties are starting to bash O, it’s worth noting that his program is a sly organizing move for Democrats. When voters hear this “use it or lose it” riff, they’re going to be reluctant to elect obstructionist Republicans.
Face it, even though Republican icon Dwight Eisenhower got the shout out in Obama’s remarks (the federal highway system), the Democrats and not the GOP are the party that supports investing public money and building things these days: Mass transit, schools, green collar projects; this is D Party platform stuff.
The GOP, obstructionists on public works (locally, they tried to repeal the gas tax), has hitched its fate to anti-tax rhetoric that scoffs at the notion of public investment. For years now, Republicans have framed investment as dirty liberal code for “tax and spend.” Obama’s warning took the GOP at its word, and so, was a serious F.U. and an endorsement of Democrats.
2. I like that Obama ended his speech (broadcast nationally on the radio) by saying, “Thanks for listening” instead of being all “God bless America.” It was another F.U.
I think Obama is trying to strike a balance between the need to be in the role of “acting president” (since Bush is just warming the bench at this point) and the need for a smooth transition.
Where has Cheney (the previous “acting president”) been the last 6 months or so? Not that I’m complaining.
Obama was perfect!
I missed the “thanks for listening” part, guess I should go find it on the website.
Cheney’s busy counting all the money he made off of high oil prices.
Obama’s warning took the GOP at its word, and so, was a serious F.U.
About time..
If Eisenhower were alive today, and still held the same views he did while he was President, the current crop of Republican “leaders” wouldn’t have anything to do with him.
Neither would he with them, other perhaps than to accuse them of treason.
I hope the red states refuse Obama’s highway money! It’s time federal tax dollars flowed from red states to blue states, instead of vice-versa!
Obama is well-known for his emotional, common sense speeches….yet mighty short on details like how he is going to pay for things and balance the Budget like he promised. Minor Details.
You KLOWNS must be livid that Obama’s idea of change is to recycle some of the same old bureaucrats from the Clinton & Bush era.
It’s hysterical.
Yet you cling to teeny-tiny stuff like Obama did not say God Bless America???
What a moron you are Josh.
Odd, I took it as meaning that the states had better use the money in ways that create jobs, rather than spend it on “advisors” and “studies” that channel the money to things that just make a bunch of rich folks even richer.
Nothing there about only Democratic-voting states getting the money.
I’ll take Mr. Obama at his word that he’s trying to get beyond partisanship. If Republicans propose projects that meet the criteria of creating jobs while improving our infrastructure, then they should receive equal consideration.
Some have, some haven’t, and some Democrats have also resisted infrastructure improvement. I’d say that it was an endorsement of actually getting something tangible for our money than it was an “F.U.” to anyone.
Essentially, if we must spend our grandchildren’s money, at least they should get something out of it. Roads and bridges seem like things that they might get some use out of.
It was? To whom? To people of faith? Are you somehow of the impression that Mr. Obama is really a secret atheist that has deliberately and consistently lied to the country about his own faith? That he is so dishonest that he and his family have consistently gone to church and lied to everyone around them about their faith, secretly mocking them?
Wow, Josh. You seem to think worse of him than the Republicans do.
I just always found the “God bless America” thing to be a condescending balm.
John Barelli–
Josh and the other New Age Progressive Atheists that drone on here are sick & empty.
Josh, what is the purpose of life?
Jesus repeatedly called for “Peace on Earth”, right?
What kind of “PEACE” was Jesus referring to?
Do you think it meant POLITICAL PEACE?? A lot of people seem to.
Do you think it meant INNER PEACE (like the Eagles song verse…easy, peaceful feelin'”)?
A lot of people think that too.
Read the Book of Luke and you will conclude the PEACE that Jesus wants is for each of us to have PEACE with and RECONCILE with GOD!
Atheists are so focused on things of this world. WHY? Because they believe they die and that’s all there is. Guys like Lee make fun of believers by belittling them with cries of “Go ahead and Belive in Fairy’s!”.
But Lee and ALL of us are here for one main reason….to reconcile with God and know Him better.
Ever heard the Song “Hark the Herald Angel’s Sing”? Focus on this verse:
Hark! the herald angels sing, –
“Glory to the newborn King!
Peace on earth, and mercy mild,
God and sinners reconciled.”
The PEACE Jesus wants is between each of us and God. The purpose of life.
God Bless ALL of You.
I pray you pull your head out of the sand and your own arrogant self-importance, self-worship and recognize why you are here.
It is not an accident.
But it ultimately comes down to your CHOICE!
Not listening to the Eagles. Not reading the Book of Luke.
I’ve been reading this blog for a couple of years. I always read Mr. Cynical just to see how mean and nasty he is. Sometimes it’s painful and disheartening. I can’t imagine how much venom and hate the person has in their heart, but this entry at #10 takes the cake. This hateful, mean-spirited person is lecturing us about God and love for our fellow man.
Maybe he can line is grave with his riches.
re 7: Obama’s a ‘Big Picture’ guy. Just like RR. Of course, you really can’t compare Obama to RR, because Obama’s smart.
11. Josh spews:
Gee Josh…I thought you fancied yourself to be an intellectual.
It’s easier to criticize and condems something you don’t even try to understand.
You are deluding yourself Josh if you truly believe that we are so special that there are only things of this Earth.
You are walking in darkness my friend….by choice.
Read the Book of Luke Josh.
Are you afraid it might cause some curiosity?
What would it hurt??
I’ve been on a strictly non-fiction kick for several years now. Currently reading a great book on Thomas Jefferson vs. John Marshall called “What Kind of Nation?” by James Simon.
Totally recommend it.
Matthew 10:34 “Think not that I am come to send peace on earth; I came not to send peace, but a sword.”
Was the sword copper or bronze?
If you KLOWNS truly believe Obama is a “Big Picture” guy, you should be all in the Stock Market and borrowing money to invest.
I told you to start averaging in over a week ago. How many of you did it?
I also told Rog once again to buy Wells Fargo..instead Rog mindlessly talks about what a loser the stock is????????????????
You KLOWNS deserve to be poor, beg for donations and live from paycheck to paycheck.
Mrs. C and I had our best year ever in 2008.
We are also giving away more money than ever but targeted to Food Banks and Faith-based charities with tiny overheads that gets dollars for food, clothing & shelter to folks in need.
You KLOWNS have no clue who really helps those in need. You KLOWNS shamelessly pawn off your responsibility to the government….to which you pay little or no taxes.
Does it make you feel all swollen up with pride to TALK about helping people and pitying the poor? Why not try doing something! If you can’t or won’t give money, you can surely give time.
Josh (at 12:46 PM)
Only if you assume that the person saying it actually doesn’t believe in a God, but is just mouthing the words because he/she must keep up appearances.
Admittedly, in the case of some of our leaders, their words do not seem to match their actions. This is probably true of all of us to some extent, but some folks seem to be trying to match their words and actions, while some others, well, not so much.
And as much as I’m told not to judge others, when I hear someone say “God bless America” after endorsing some very un-Godly policies, it raises the hairs on my neck just a bit.
But from his actions so far, when Mr. Obama says “God bless America”, I think he’s actually making a request that he fervently hopes will be granted.
Of course, I can deal with “thanks for listening” too.
15. Josh spews:
Lord, forgive Josh for his hard-heart and light a fire under him to come to know you in a deep, profound way.
You seem to be saying it is wrong for someone to ask God to bless our Country unless our Country is somehow perfect.
That is not the purpose of asking for a blessing on our Country John.
The purpose of asking God to Bless our Country is to ask Him to shine a light and guide each of us and our leaders to look to Him.
Do you really think it is possible for any human being to be free of sin….much less a whole Nation? We are sinful because we are blessed with free choice and human.
The purpose of life is to reconcile our sinful ways with a perfect God….by striving to know Him better.
If asking God to Bless America immediately evokes thoughts of hypocrisy in others….I would encourage you to first go to God with your life. It is much easier to criticize others than to face our own shortcomings…right?
In the end John, it’s about YOU and God. YOUR relationship with God. Has nothing to do with me, Atheists, hypocrites etc.
God Bless YOU John!
I think Cynical would like to do a little walking on water himself!
All you need is faith. Try it!
Mr. Cynical?
If that was the impression you got, I apologize. It wasn’t the impression I was trying to make.
When I hear a politician endorse torture, support those that are creating poverty and injustice, deny basic human dignity to whole groups, and then say “God bless America”, I really hope that he or she means it.
But it is difficult for me to reconcile those two positions.
And God bless you, too.
…and I don’t mean hydroplaning.
By the way Mr. Cynical,
Why do you assume I haven’t read the Bible?
In fact, I was schooled in the Old Testament in Hebrew school as a youth. I’ve also read much of the Koran.
@10 “The PEACE Jesus wants is between each of us and God.”
“God Bless ALL of You. I pray you pull your head out of the sand and your own arrogant self-importance, self-worship and recognize why you are here. It is not an accident.”
@17 “If you KLOWNS truly believe Obama is a “Big Picture” guy, you should be all in the Stock Market and borrowing money to invest.
I told you to start averaging in over a week ago. How many of you did it?
I also told Rog once again to buy Wells Fargo..instead Rog mindlessly talks about what a loser the stock is????????????????
You KLOWNS deserve to be poor, beg for donations and live from paycheck to paycheck.”
We all act out our values, Cynical. You act out yours. The values you act out, day in and day out, are vile and disgusting – the values of a goatfucker. You are a surface personality, shallow and insipid, filled with hate and incapapable of grasping the teachings of Jesus Christ. Take your investment advise, take your religious bullshit, take your “arrogant self-importance” and “self-worship”, take it all, shove it up your ass and go to hell.
@20 “It is much easier to criticize others than to face our own shortcomings…right?”
I’ll be glad to help you face your shortcomings, Cynical. Let’s start with your goatfucking.
Exodus 22:19
“Whoever lies with an animal shall surely be put to death.”
Meet us at the gates of the city at sunset, KLOWN. We Christians have some stoning to do tonight. Atheist patriots who hate traitors can join in the festivities.
I don’t “hate” anyone.
You are the angry one who needs Jesus in your life Steve.
I do cross the line in funnin’ with you KLOWNS.
I’m sorry.
I guess I picture you wasting your time in a bottomless pit,… complaining that you don’t have as much as others and expecting the government to equal things for you rather than your own hard-work and sacrifice.
Seeing you drown in self-pity, jealousy, envy and an empty THIS WORLD IS ALL THERE IS pool of hopelessness is sad.
There is a way out. I’m sharing that good news with you steve. It’s up to you to accept or reject…but you cannot say you never heard.
So what happened? I had lots of friends who attended Hebrew School….including one who is now a devout Christian and many others devout Jews. It seems there are a lot of Jews who walked away from their Faith….like Catholics.
Are your parents alive and faith-based???
Something must have happened.
This Blog is loaded with Jews who have chosen to abandoned their faith. Wow. Frankly, I’ve never met or talked with a JINO before.
Please enlighten me on the turning point re: abandoning your religous faith.
How do you feel about Israel?
Would you expect America to defend her from any and all attacks?
@27 “I guess I picture you wasting your”
You never tire of projecting, do you?
“I do cross the line in funnin’ with you KLOWNS. I’m sorry.”
Liar. If you were sorry you’d stop. You never do.
“I’m sharing that good news with you steve”
Spare me. I’m a Christian. I just don’t cotton to you traitors. It doesn’t matter whether you claim a belief in God or not, you’re still a worthless, America-hating piece of shit.
Lots of people say that this is a Christian nation, and that in order to receive God’s blessings we need to “cleanse” the land of unrightiousness (homosexuality, abortion, athiesm, satanism, etc.).
But one of my favorite verses says:
Note that it is not addressed to the unbeliever. In this verse, God is addressing his OWN people – “…those who are called by my name…”. It is THEY (WE) who have the primary duty to seek him and to repent.
So we, as Christians, have a primary duty to repent ourselves from our sin, seek God always, and to pray for others. It’s not up to us to decide whether our own sin, of whatever type, is somehow less evil than the sin of our neighbor. God will deal with the ungodly as he deems best, it’s not for us to judge or punish.
Cyn: Did you know that a ‘mess o’ pottage’ (which is most likely what you have exchanged your soul for) was not, as many think, a bowl of porridge.
According to Biblical scholars and archaologists, the ‘mess o’ pottage’ was most likely a bowl of lentil soup.
Do you know what Jesus thought of Lentil Soup?
Wikipedia states that Cyn:”…is said to have ‘sold his birthright for a pot of message'”.
The liberal scum will only be happier when Obama finishes his speech with “allah akbar!”.
Anyone else ever notice how reading Mr. C’s posts is like watching a man slip on the same banana peel over and over again?
You feel kinda bad for the guy, but then you just think, “If that stupid bastard keeps getting up and slipping on that same banana peel over and over again.. well, he just damn deserves to be laughed at! He is making a public spectacle of himself, and just can’t figure out how to stop doing it.”
That is what reading Mr. C’s posts is like. And then of course, Puddybud comes along and starts slipping on the same banana peel and he and Mr. C just start doing this hilarious duet.
If they don’t mind making fools of themselves, I guess I shouldn’t feel to bad at laughing at their ignorant antics.
@ 10 Mr. C says
And then he spends several more posts talking about how he makes lots and lots of money!
And Mr. C doesn’t even realize that he just slipped on that same old banana peel of hypocrisy.
Its to laugh!
There was a vote for class president in the 4th grade lil Suzy ran and lil Billy too.Lil Billy said he would try to get the lunches in the lunch room to be better,Lil Suzy said she would buy ice cream for the whole class. NEEDLESS to say lil Suzy got elected.Then she had to start thinking where to get the money to buy the ice cream. Sounds alot like the last election dosen’t it. The truth is we all want ice cream but SOMEBODY has to pay for grain and work to feed the cows. GET IT? HOPE SO.
Surreal Amerikkkan, Unfortunately for your simpleton mind Cynical makes great sense. Great job Cynical
John Barelli can have a civil conversation with Cynical because Christians can communicate in an easy manner. Add a Moonbat! such as yourself and blammmm, the conversation falls apart cuz you don’t know Jesus. You chose to reject Him. So how can you understand a Christian argument unless you know Him.
Surreal Amerikkan: When you put your trust in God:
“I will open up the windows of heaven for you and pour out a blessing.” Malachi 3:10 – You keep missing that blessing God has in store cuz you don’t believe.
“When I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me” (Micah 7:8).
And there is much darkness here with the crap you post.
Steve how’s your goatherding cumming?
@ 36, I get it. It is a parable about how the Republicans raped the treasury and gave all our money to their business friends, and thereby destroyed the economy. And now the rest of us responsible patriotic Americans have to figure out how to clean up the disaster the Republicans left.
It is pretty simple.
@ 37, here comes puddy… oops! Slipping on the same banana peel!
Puddy when you put your faith in God, you respect the wisdom of his words: It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than a rich man to enter the kingdom of Heaven.
But you just ignore that one!!!
Puddy meet banana peel… OOPS!
1. His “use it or lose it” line—”if a state doesn’t act quickly to invest in roads and bridges in their communities, they’ll lose the money”—was nothing less than a threat that states better vote Democratic.
Odd, I interpreted it COMPLETELY different. I took it as a warning (maybe even a threat?) to his far-leftie constitutes to not get bogged down in their union-wasting, environmentally-unrealistic agenda or the train will leave the station without them. Wake up! It’s going to be about results now, not just bashing “the man”! Now YOU ARE the man!
Surreal Amerikkkan: Truly, you don’t understand the real meaning of what Jesus said about the rich young ruler. Why did he leave Jesus sad? Once you comprehend that you’ll see the difference between Cynical and the rich young ruler. Until then keep those holes plugged with your bananas.
Surreal Amerikkkan@39: If they did as you propose, it was done with your Donkey Congress and Senators cheering and leading the way.
How are those holes plugged with bananas feeling?
Simply said, The love of riches is the sin. The love of money is the sin. Being a good steward of the riches that God gives us is not a sin. God said if a man won’t work he shouldn’t eat.And a man that won’t care for his own is worse than a unbeliever.Our riches should never be taken advantage of by those that will not work,and the government has no right to make us support them either.WE THE CHILDREN OF GOD CHOOSE TO HELP THOSE THAT HELP THEMSELVES.It does not take a life time to find a job.We are instructed to take care of widows and orphans.Because we are givers and do the things God has called us to do, he blesses us.It has nothing to do with selling all you have. It has to do with who you serve.
My guess is that you are not a very informed american,and probably voted for change. Had billary defended this country,on his watch….but of course he was thinking with his other head about love not war. Change,hmm looks like we are back to the old clinton administration to me.In the last one we were all hungry and lookin for jobs.But those of us that did work took care of those that wouldn’t one more time.Talk about rape real american,sounds to me like your lookin in the future for all working americans.
Get It Hope So