No, I didn’t end up going to the Obama rally today, as I just couldn’t give up that many hours of the day, so I can’t share my first hand observations. But Andrew at NPI was live blogging and tweeting it, and from all accounts it was a lively, overflow crowd at the Hec Pavilion. You know… no sign of an enthusiasm gap, at least here in Seattle.
I’ll look for coverage elsewhere, but if you were there, I’d love to read your personal observations in the comment thread.
It was crazy and awesome. Lots of politians and a pretty good choir at the beginning. Also no enthusasm gap here. Dino should be very worried and Reichert should be too. Lots of DelBene volinteers including myself.
Well considering this town sports a statue of Lenin…..what do you expect.
On the other hand, the fact that the Pres. Veep, and 1st lady all have or are coming here speaks volumes to how vulnerable Patty Murray really is.
@2: Agreed.
The frantic desperation reeks in Seattle more than all the Libtards in one room combined, and that includes The Child President, babbling Joe, Michelle and her 100 assistants, and Bill Clinton.
Not sure why Goldstein didn’t attend, as he certainly does not have a 9 to 5 to go to….must be a busy day begging for cash….I mean “fund drives” perhaps.
It’s nice to have a president again who will speak to any American who wants to come listen. This is in stark opposition to Bush weeding out anyone from his speaking engagements who didn’t support him during the second (and much of the first) term of the his administration.
I was there. Don’t have much to add to Andrew’s take. That “pretty good choir” was the totally awesome Total Experience Gospel Choir led by Reverend Pat Wright.
Check out “Fired up & Ready to Go”
The backyard speech was in a left-leaning neighborhood, filled with adoring Obama lovers. Hardly a welcoming spot for Republicans, so don’t really think you have a handle on what happened, and your critique of Bush on this point falls apart because of it, “masaba”.
oh yeah, i hope obama makes many, many appearances for democratic pols.
I was referring to the rally at Hec Ed, which anyone could attend. During the Bush administration, this sort of thing was clamped down tight to ensure that no one got in who wasn’t a loyal Bush supporter even if they were willing to pony up an entrance fee.
And why are you attacking me on this anyway? It is common knowledge that Bush started screening the attendants anywhere he spoke. The fact that Obama stopped at someone’s backyard before holding a rally which anyone could attend doesn’t change this stark difference between our current and former president.
Uh Oh….Did the Obama campaign rally for Senator Murray break campaign law?
More at
While my post gets recycled,
Orbusmax has some interesting info on the O visit.
Looks like Murray may have stomped on our states campaign laws.
I guess he barked. Didn’t roll over because there were no big bankers and finance companies there, didn’t play dead because there were no Republicans.
Remember that time you read about that public political rally attended by thousands of Washingtonians when George W. Bush came to the state? Me neither!
11 – I remember Darth Cheney headlining a rally in Yakima. The right wingers there whooped and hollered their fool heads off.
Bush held one or two exclusive fundraisers – one for Reichert.
I hear Monson today bellyached about the security expenses for Obama. I heard they’re reimbursed at least in significant part by the Murray campaign.
And Monson of course conveniently forgot expenses for the Bush visits.
Rebroadcast courtesy of C-SPAN:
Some more Republican hypocrisy–I sure love this stuff:
@5 Most excellent, Sarge. Mmmmm, I do love gospel music.
I think Christin O’Donnell would be doing better in the polls if she only admitted that she was a Witch. You got to come clean!
Homophobia is a Sin.
this one is for gleeman..
a new study shows that children(including adopted ones) of gay parents turn out to be gay 30% of the time….children of straight parents are less than 10% likely to be gay.
kinda makes you think….and kinda shoots down all your bullshit arguments…..
just goes to show that some mental conditions are learned, not inherited.
hows your john wayne gacy halloween outfit coming? you gonna be the neighborhood clown again?
a new study shows that children(including adopted ones) of gay parents turn out to be gay 30% of the time….children of straight parents are less than 10% likely to be gay.
thete can only be one of two explanations for homosexuality. the first, that its learned/preferred, because if homosexuality was somehow biological, it would have died off as part of evolution.
the second is that, just like cancer,diabetes etc, but especially emtional issues like depression, which have resulted fron our lifestyle (food, polution, etc), it has also resulted in
sexual confusion.
@17 Let me guess – your study was done by some right wing group or some Christian Group…just a guess, right.
So you were taught to be heterosexual, and would go gay at the flip of a switch. Max you bigot, the same must hold true for bigotry but I bet the numbers for bigotry are greater than 30%. So it is easier to be a bigot than it is to be gay.
Ahhh, the myth: A kid raised by gay parents is going to be “turned” gay.
Most of us gay people came from straight families. If we follow the above logic, then gay people should not exist because
A kid raised by straight parents is going to be “turned” straight. That’s obviously not true.
One of the cutting edge theories is being gay, for men anyway, is caused by a mix of genetics and birth order. There is a 2% rise in the chance of being gay, for every boy in a family. The first son has a 2% of being gay, if that same family had 10 sons, there is a 50% of the 10th son being gay. They think that gay sons helped the parents and the tribe as a support staff, and didn’t compete for the women. Tied into that, see the American Indian concepts of “Two Spirits”.
There are cases of identical twin boys where one is gay and the other is straight. The actors of the movie Twin Falls.
And genetics plays a part. I have a friend who has this story. His dad married and divorced three times. The three kids from his first marriage, all straight, the three kids with my friend’s mom, all gay, and the last three kids from his father’s last marriage, all straight.
I found this in the CNN comments section about “Uganda newspaper publishes ‘gay list,’ calls for their hanging”
The poster used fun scientific words saying “being attracted to the same sex” is not a chosen behavior.
And back to the topics at hand. Obama is not a progressive president, but he’s infinitely better than mccain or palin or bush or any current republican.
@17 – Can you cite the study (journal, publication date) and is it in a peer-reviewed journal? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the analysis? How did they do the study (I am assuming retropectively – they did not wait 20 years to see the outcomes)? What bias did they introduce by this method?
Oh, I looked up the “gay” “study” – it has not been published yet, it is a meta-analysis – so no new data – and it might be using existing biased data.
So it is NOT a “new” study – it is a rehash analysis of old data. It might or might not be significant depending on the validity of the old data.
So….not very convincing overall.
You could infer from that study that gay parents raise their children to be more truthful and honest with others and themselves. So IF the kids are gay, they can admit it without judgments or consequences. That’s why the numbers are higher.
Seems you gave us a great example that gay parents teach tolerance and acceptance and honesty more than straight families.
Heh.. A little bigot pimple from tehchickenshit.. Deftly popped by the reality based community.
Always amusing.
The buzzer rings… Wrong answer!
That’s because in university settings DUMBOCRATIC libtardos lose their mind and shout obscenities from the rafters (Moonbat!s) and then will try and throw a pie at you. Remember the David Horowitz outing at a California University? Have you noticed conservatives don’t do that?
Probably not, as you are one of those rafter sitters.
Correctnotright farts…
Hmmmm… isn’t this a peer reviewed journal?
Then this is the retort. Some pretty interesting things here…
Stupid Solution Steve, you better drink a big swig!
THAT was funny. Horowitz is an ass.
So are you dimbulb.
Didn’t Nina Totenberg say something just as spectatular?
Then here are other winners from leftist punks!
Puddy can see rujax cheering on these fool!
Puddy would rather be a dimbulb and funny than be you and a stupid mofo!
Neither of these links are dealing with the claim that there is a higher percentage of gay kids in gay household.
Your second link…
“Dude you just NARTHed on yourself!”
But seriously….
I take the critique from the “National Assoc of Research and Therapy for Homosexuality” with some skepticism, they are not a dispassionate organization. No amount of facts will convince them that being gay is acceptable. Citing them is like using the research wing of the Klan to dispute a study that blacks are equal to whites.
Arguing that a family should not valid unless it has a man and a woman is like arguing that a family shouldn’t have kids unless they are rich. Because after all, rich families have the resources to spend on their kids that poor families do not. That’s BS.
Still, the NARTHed article was in a lather, claiming that lesbian families were better than dads. But that’s not what it said. In the summary of the link YOU PROVIDED it said
That means, the kids are normal and healthy.
Why are you so threatened by a study that shows that lesbians can raise kids that “demonstrate healthy psychological adjustment” without a father?
How does this threaten YOUR family and how you raise YOUR kids?
“Puddy would rather be a dimbulb and funny than be you and a stupid mofo!”
heh- Then it’s too bad that you’re a very dim dimbulb, decidedly unfunny and a stupid mofo. My, that must really suck for you.
“Stupid Solution Steve, you better drink a big swig!”
WTF you talkin’ ’bout, Jackson?
Did you know that Puddy hates gospel music? I’ve heard from a reliable source that he’d rather listen to old Pat Boone records.
Poor Poor Poor Stupid Solution Steve,
Gets it wrong 24x7x365. Somehow must be related to rujax… kinda like that 6 Degrees of Separation… Well stupid don’t fall too far from the tree.
Puddy loves Gospel Music you moron!
Show up at a DL and we’ll compare electronic music playas fool!
BlueJohn@31 didn’t say much at all… Puddy was referring to correctnotright complaining where was the peer reviewed journal…
It’s you running off in left field with some useless commentary about sumtin Puddy neva sed! Puddy placed the peer reviewed journal and another rebuttal on the site. All Puddy did was provide becuz correctnotright nottobright day and night! Get it?
Puddy hopes Juan Williams takes out a law suit on NPR. Maybe then the DUMBOCRATS will defund National Progressive Radio!
its all good gleeman, you are free to be as sick a motherfucker as you want, you confused little shit raised by two other confused little shits.
I dont really give a rats ass.
Just know this…in 30 years society will look back and wonder what the fuck we were thinking by letting freaks like you adopt children in the name of political correctness.
now go get some self loathing love up on cap hill…
Funny – heterosexuality is a choice. So all you self proclaimed heterosexuals are one decision away from sucking a dick. Stay strong, God will guide you from sucking that dick.