Freddie Mac CFO David Kellerman was found dead this morning, the apparent victim of suicide by hanging.
So… how long before the righties start producing videos accusing Obama of complicity in Kellerman’s murder? Or is Kellerman just another victim of D.C.’s most notorious serial killers, the Clintons?
Hillary did it!
In the study with the pipe wrench…
So which President was responsible for more politically motivated murders, Bill Clinton or George W. Bush? Anyone have links to the official list of political serial killer deaths for the last two administrations?
Well, of course I don’t blame Obama for this. But it’s interesting that the first suicide comes from the government run bank, rather then a private bank.
Go to the WSJ website …the Clintons did it!! & if it is in the WSJ it MUST BE True….
Interesting. I can’t seem to find anything in the news from Obama saying on the record that he did NOT have anything to do with this “suicide.” Hmmm.
I saw Vince Foster at Trader Vic’s with Chandra Levy and Elvis…and their hair was PERFECT!
Interesting. I can’t seem to find anything in the news from Bush saying on the record that he did NOT have anything to do with this “suicide.” Hmmm.
Interesting. I can’t seem to find anything in the news from Cheney saying on the record that he did NOT have anything to do with this “suicide.” Hmmm.
Interesting. I can’t seem to find anything in the news from Karl Rove saying on the record that he did NOT have anything to do with this “suicide.” Hmmm.
Careful, ByeByeGOP. See how my name is in gold and yours isn’t? That means I have posting privileges here. Which also means I have the power to delete comments and block IP addresses.
And… I like to eat my own feces.
Care to test me?
re 10: Is that a fact?
3 “But it’s interesting that the first suicide comes from the government run bank”
Actually…no. Government-founded, created to prevent Fanny Mae, after congress privatized it, from becoming a de facto monopoly in the mortgage “aftermarket”. Since then, both devolved into two of the largest players in the derivatives game that’s led us to perdition.
Troll @10,
I hope you don’t mind, but I added a line to your comment. I suppose if you don’t like it, and you really have the posting privileges you claim, you can just edit or delete it, or perhaps even block my IP.
Troll is just another Republican Fescist. Puts a whole new light on Mein Kampf.
Any doubt that the crimes kellerman engaged in won’t be mentioned by the liberal media.
Why else would he kill himself being around all that hope and changey stuff… unless he knew he got caught.
Goldy pwns Troll:
And here I was thinking that, for the first time in his pathetic history here, Troll had actually written something true.
@13 Funny stuff there, Goldy.
PS: Don’t you be fucking with my posts!!
…or funny
We can’t infer anything from this suicide. People of all professions and walks of life get clinically depressed, and a percentage of them off themselves.
We don’t know the source of his illness, nor do we know that were he a dentist or wedding planner he would not have ultimately suffered the same fate.
Troll is surely a legend in his own mind…or perhaps his own colon.
Troll teabags billy goats.
Hey troll, your secret is out.
That wasn’t perfect-hair Chandra Levy at Trader Vic’s, you putz. That was Perez Hilton.
@1: Could have sworn it was Oswald Rabbit, in the Depository, with the Mannlicher-Carcano.
Happy Nerf Day, you libdipshits. Please remit your carbon-offset cash to me and my rowdy low-life friends. Our CO2 is pretty much limited to what we exhale, but any day now Team Obama will whack us with a pollution tax for heavy breathing. That’s why we need your money: to buy more guns.
@9: That’s because Rove had a previous engagement with Vince Foster.
(And that hole in Ron Brown’s head … what’s with that? And why have the fat-cat Clintons changed their MO to rope? Must have something to do with hemp and Mena.)
Knowing that His Holiness Bobble-Head Richard Pope does not have posting privileges here almost makes it possible to go on living.
I think Troll’s autocoprophagia is, perhaps, one of his best traits.
I’m sure Troll agrees with me.
How ignorant can people possibly be! This stage was set back in 2005!
Just extend sympathy to his family. That is all we can do! But don’t tell lies, and don’t accuse others! This map was laid out 4 years ago! Unfortunately, the real victim knew it…
See how my name is in gold, it means I linked my name to a website.
But you still don’t have a picture next to your post.
Wow, every time I think I’ve found the most F’ed up blog, I stumble across another that is even more a waste of my employers valuable time. Today ya’ll are the winner!!!
Yeah, my Gmail avatar wont show up for some reason.
That’s cause you don’t have posting privileges.
I don’t know about videos, but at least one wingnut website is already making this accusation. More to come, I’m sure.
And no, I won’t provide a link to this trash. Instead, I suggest that you go over to Daily Kos and watch the video of Ed Schulz’s brilliant commentary about Dick Cheney.
I saw Twitter and My Space posts and e-mails to Rick Sanchez on CNN this afternoon suggesting that Obama was to blame for both Kellerman’s suicide and the polo horses dying in Florida. As in “isn’t it interesting that the horses did at the same time Obama was meeting with Hugo Chavez?” and “Come on CNN — report the REAL story of the Freddie Mac Exec.”
By eating his own poop, Troll actually ACHIEVED something on HA. Don’t expect our turd burglar wingnut kook to acknowlege the consumption of his own feces very often.
See comment #13