The Seattle P-I’s Joel Connelly was happy just to be out of the house after weeks recuperating from hip replacement surgery… but he seemed especially pleased to be at Garfield High School Saturday afternoon, as Senators Maria Cantwell and Barak Obama prepared to speak in the jam-packed gymnasium. “This is a late New Hampshire primary crowd,” he told me, apparently remarking on both the size and the enthusiasm of the audience.
At this point in his long career I think it is fair to describe Connelly as a touch jaded, having comfortably settled into his role as the curmudgeonly deacon of Seattle’s political press corps. So while I could feel the excitement in the air… what do I know? I came away impressed that Connelly was impressed.
No doubt, Obama is a political superstar, and he draws superstar sized crowds, (the Seattle Times estimated the standing-room-only audience at 1,500,) but some of his aura seemed to rub off on Cantwell yesterday, who drew loud applause and a standing ovation from a very friendly crowd.
The two Senators had come to talk about education, and Garfield was the perfect setting. Cantwell, in her more wonkish, policy-focused fashion struck an “education = opportunity” theme, using her own life story as an example of how government programs can positively impact individual lives. Cantwell was the first in her working-class family to go to college, but couldn’t have done it without the support of federal Pell grants.
Obama for his part hit on some larger themes, admitting that there is a “values component” to education, that it’s not just a function of money and government. Parents have to be involved in their children’s education, he exhorted the crowd, they have to turn off the TV set and help their kids with their homework.
But it is also important that government fulfill its promises, he told the audience… that our schools need both more reform and more money. “Every child is special…” Obama poignantly stated, “but our budgets do not reflect that.”
In fact, I have long been disgusted at our decades-old debate over education reform, for as the recipient of an excellent public education myself, I can bluntly tell you that there is no mystery as to what makes a good public school good. Yes, there are many factors, but way above all others are money and parental involvement… and because of the unjust way we finance education, the two tend to go hand in hand.
The best schools are generally those with the best funding and the most family and community participation. Natural ability aside, the best students are generally those whose parents are most involved in their children’s education. Really… no education reform is worth a damn if you don’t properly fund it and the kids do not receive the support they need at home and in the classroom.
The fact is, we know how to make public schools better — there are good public schools all around us. Smaller class size, special needs tutoring, enrichment programs like art, music, physical education, foreign languages… all of these things cost money. We just don’t want to spend this kind of money educating other people’s children.
And the fact is, due to their own financial or personal circumstances — or due to their own crappy education — there are many parents who simply lack the time, the resources, the skill sets, or yes, the values to help their kids succeed academically. These are the families who need the most intervention and counseling… these are the kids who cost the most to educate… and again, we as a society simply refuse to pay for it.
“The basic notion that we have a mutual obligation to each other has been lost,” Obama lamented. And until we restore that notion, I personally don’t think we have a snowball’s chance of truly reforming public education.
Garfield High was not only the perfect place for the Senators to talk about education… as the symbolic center of Seattle’s black community it was also the perfect place to showcase Cantwell’s support from our nation’s highest profile black elected official, as well as local community leaders themselves.
In yesterday’s Seattle P-I, columnist Robert Jamieson criticized Cantwell’s appearance as political opportunism.
Cantwell’s rare visit to the community feels like a slap in the face to Aaron Dixon, who just announced that he would run against her as a Green Party candidate.
But it was Jamieson whose face got slapped, and by none other than longtime Mount Zion Baptist Church minister and Seattle icon, the Rev. Samuel McKinney. Rev. McKinney made a point of refuting Jamieson’s criticism, insisting that Cantwell was no stranger to the black community, and highlighting the work she’s done on its behalf. In a ringing endorsement of Cantwell’s reelection, McKinney instructed the crowd: “When you are ahead, you don’t change.”
All in all, it was a great program. From the teen rapper who warmed up the crowd, to the presenters introducing educational programs that have had an impact on the community, to the featured speakers themselves… it was an entertaining and informative afternoon.
Having never been there myself, I took Connelly’s word that the event had the feel of a New Hampshire primary, and I walked away wondering if in the current political climate there was any national GOP figure who could generate a similar crowd for Mike McGavick?
Perhaps President Bush could do it… and I certainly hope he comes and tries. For while Obama may only be a first term senator, I’d much rather have his enthusiastic endorsement than that of a lame duck president with 33% approval ratings.
More Coverage:
Will, Carl and Andrew have their own take on yesterday’s event.
But does it all really mattter?
Washington school are lavishly funded at about $9688 per student according to a study by EFF compared to a national average of about $7734 (OSPI). So to suggest that schools are underfunded is simply false.
So if we’re already spending 25% more than the national average, and it’s still not enough, does that suggest that maybe the school system needs overhaul? Certainly…
Initiative 924 mandates that at least 65% of the money that goes to a school end up in the classroom. Seems like common sense to me…
So I need to know from you moonbats…
1) If $9688 isn’t enough, how much is?
2) Why not allow vouchers to give parents the choice to get their kids out of failing schools.
3) Do you support 924. If not, why not.
Hey Goldy – Did you get your “Boxer-Obama 08” bumper sticker to put on your Volvo? If you got some extras, be sure to pass them out at DL.
You’re a SAP, Redneck (how apropos).
A selfish, self-centered, concieted, reactionary, greedy, malevolent sap.
Rujax – Shhh….. your public education is showing…
Nice puff piece for CantVotewell, Goldy! Seattle media would rather take pot shots at CantVoteWell, than hold her accountable.
As for “W” coming out to stump for McGavick, I think that’s unlikely. This coming Tuesday, however, you will see one of the most respected U.S. Senators here stumping for McGavick: Sen. John McCain.
I’d also be fascinated to know why you moonbats think the federal gummint should have ANY role in education. Education is a local/state issue, not a federal one.
What possible advantage can there be in having fed gummint involved?
I agree that funding education should always be a priority. The problem I have is when I vote for a school levy for the stated purpose of adding classroom space it turns out to be a lie. I’ve watched two schools my kids have attended do remodels only to make room for more administrative staff.
The elementary school is one that both myself and my mother attended. The enrolement size has changed very little, but the size of administrative staff has tripled. This school even removed the on site kitchen and reduced the size of the gym to make room for new staff. Classrooms were added by putting in portable buildings. The next step was to go for another levy to add to the existing building and remove the portables.
I can’t help but get the feeling we are being scammed.
Washington school are lavishly funded at about $9688 per student according to a study by EFF
Evergreen Fraud Foundation? Reliable source.
Hmmm… I think I found
the problem with Seattle schools. Look closely… can you see it?
Wow, $9,688.00 to send you kids to public school to get brainwashed and molested by teachers who hide behind the WEA. What a deal!!!!
But isn’t their real goal to make our kids cannon fodder in the long war . As long as they can salute , they can be members of Cantwell’s Corp. Go into the Army and get an education . Hurrah Hurrah , War dead is 100,000 Iraqi’s and counting , while Cantwell plot’s education , intriging .
Looking at the board of directors I can tell that they are in goods hands…. well at least good hands for a donks school district. Yep, the Seattle public school district is doomed.
MTR if by EFF you mean the Evergreen Freedom Foundation….I think you should look for a more reliable source. EFF, one of the most partisan hack organizations in the entire USA.
Actually I wouldn’t be suprised if the actual cost is over $10,000 with all the supplies that schools ask students to bring to school. You cant cut into the condom budget you know.
Cougar and clueless – If you think the figure is wrong, get a better number and cite the source. EFF does good work. You may not like their conclusions, but their research is top class.
If librul solutions were the answer, shouldn’t the Seattle school district would be the best school district on the fucking planet? But since it is THE WORST school district in the state, does that tell anything to you moonbats?
But isn’t their real goal to make our kids cannon fodder in the long war . As long as they can salute , they can be members of Cantwell’s Corp. Go into the Army and get an education . Hurrah Hurrah , War dead is 100,000 Iraqi’s and counting , while Cantwell plot’s education , intriging .
Commentby spitintheocean— 3/19/06@ 12:34 pm
Are you kidding!!!! The seattle public schools chase away army recruiters. I think they are more interested in keeping a workforce who cant count for the KCRE.
RUFUS, I believe they should chase away military recruiters. Can you think of one relative or friend of yours that is ready to commit a few years of their lives to a ‘military career’ when they are 15 or 16 years old? I am asking the question honestly, not as an atacking voice.
Washington falls in the bottom third of all states when it comes to spending on students, according to two studies released last week.
Washington ranked 42nd in per-pupil expenditures among the 50 states and the District of Columbia in the 2001-02 school year, according to a study by Education Week, a national specialty publication.
Meanwhile, a report commissioned by the state’s school administrators and using different methodology found Washington was 34th among states in per-student spending for the 2002-03 year.
“Whether it’s 34th in the nation in one study or 42nd in this one, each analysis underscores the fact that basic education funding in Washington trails the majority of the nation,” said Kim Schmanke, spokeswoman for the state Superintendent of Public Instruction office.
After adjusting for cost-of-living differences among regions, the report said Washington state spent $6,779 per student, well below the national average of $7,734.
Comments Please
If this was normal times, I would not object loudly to military recruiters on campus’. But during these times of a ‘Chicken Hawk’ administration and the possibility of reinstating a draft, I think the military should be ‘locked out’ of all public school campuses, whether high school, college or university. Let them spend their ‘blood money’ on rental of office space near the campus but keep them the hell away of our impressionable young citizens.
Yeah, I read that too from an OSPI report. But since I’m suspicious of anything coming out of FUWA government, I checked some other sources and sure nuf… EFF had “the rest of the story”. The figures cited by OSPI are not ALL of the money that schools get. The EFF report includes all the money. Go to EFF and read their report on education. While you may disagree with their recommendations, the basic research they did is good.
But at any rate, the problem is certainly more complex than just throwing more money at it which is the suggestion being made in Goldy’s post.
I don’t mind spending the money, but I want it spent effectively and efficiently
Coug – And in addition to arguing about the exact dollar figure… how bout 924, vouchers and getting feds out of the picture as I asked above?
Mark the Redneck,
Speaking of funding and Cantwell. Have you made good on your bet with Goldy, yet? You owe Maria $100. Don’t give us any lame-ass excuses that you cannot get her web site to work correctly. It does.
Pay up, asshole, or don’t come back!
I personally do not believe in the voucher system. If you want to send your kids to private schools, God bless you and pay it yourself. If you want to improve the public education system get involved and try and make a difference. The feds should keep involved in public education, but from a distance. They should not get involved in everyday decisions nor curriculums. If they design fair tests to review the state’s educations system that is ok by me, but it needs to be very generic and not right wing biased. Keep the wingnuts on their side of education or the entire system will be morally bankrupt.
The trouble is that much of our community talent is being abbrogated to the war machine . That would be all of those countless billions of prommissary tax revenues being extracted from our future for the war/ industrial complex that includes our son’s and daughter futures . As well as any chance for education funding , at least federally , unless you sign up for the”GREAT WAR “. Soldiers don’t have to be smart to serve , just obedient . GUNS or BUTTER , got it ??
Ocean – Tell me… where does peace come from?
Cougar – Vouchers will fix public system real fast. Give parents a choice, and the bad schools will either shape up or dry up and blow away.
Coug – Where are you on 924? Kids or staff?
20 – only a fool, utter fool, would not understand the cause and effect of money and quality in Amrica.
Yes, there are other factors, but let us be just a little honest. In America if you do not have the bucks – it is secondhand, bad buildings, no added programs like music and art and language and —- all the stuff that has disapeared.
God, how silly. No cash, no chance at quality education.
How lucky I was to have a home full of books, magazines, no TV, ten acres to roam, and parents who never ever talked down to their kids. 4-H, Scouts, and church to boot.
Most of my education took place at home, in honesty, but that is the exception. Because we were so well read, up to high school it was a slide for me and my two sisters.
Funding levels in Washington are a scandal and shamful
Cougar – the reason that Mercer Island and Bellevue school districts are top in the state is that the admin knows the parents have choice. Either they put out a quality product that is responsive to the parents, or the students will leave for private schools. Too bad you are too elitist to let the poor have the same opportunity.
Seattle, of course, is the basket case. Huge percentages of their school aged children attend private schools, including those children of Seattel school teachers. But, the district is in the grasp of the “progressives” and so is in a total shambles. Fear of hurting a teacher’s feelings, or offending an incompetent principal keep the district from making much needed reforms.
MTR, I might be out on a limb with many around here, but from what I have read on 924 I would agree with it…..if there was another option to fulfill expansion of schools and education properties. As I understand it the 65% excludes debt repayment and capital improvements. If the legislature would find another avenue for capital improvements and debt repayment I would tend to agree with it. Kids or Staff? The measure includes the following “Classroom instructional expenditures” is defined to include, amongst others, teachers, textbooks, computers, and libraries.” so it seems kids and staff are lumped together. We cannot have a quality education system without paying a quality wage to staff members. What do you want? The highest rated education system in the world that pays minimum wage?
Judging by the faulty reasoning, complete lack of integrity, poor grammar and utter foolishness of some of the right wing morons posting on this forum, it’s obvious that we need to spend another $20k per student to avoid creating any more of these mongoloid fools that vote republican.
Janet S….another talking point verbage from you? I am quite sure that 90% of all posters here treat your posts as they do JCH and Mr C, just glance at the author and bypass it.
Man… a lot of anger coming from the rightie trolls today. Is that fear I smell?
Wasn’t it this time last year you were all laughing about how you were going ride your trumped up election controversy into power? Sims was going down… the gas tax would be repealed… Cantwell would be dumped… the Legislature would turn… and eventually, Rossi would kick Gregoire’s ass and your revenge would be complete?
And yet things continue to get worse for your side… why do you think that is? Especially all you angry, talking point automatons… exactly how effective are you?
and furthermore Janet S, I was educated in the public school system, honor grad from William Winlock Miller (what a terrible name) Olympia High School and WSU. I had a home life with unlimited reading materials from Look, Life, and many monthly magazines that my parents subscribed to. The television was left basically on the old ‘teleprompter’ news channel because that is what my father wanted. When he was not around the house, we would watch ‘dark shadows’ and ‘all my children’. You do remind me of a female Barnabus, by the way.
Witness the idiocy of the Redneck:
2) Why not allow vouchers to give parents the choice to get their kids out of failing schools.
and then
I don’t mind spending the money, but I want it spent effectively and efficiently
Of course you mind, you dolt! Like Evergreen Fraudulent Foundation you want to abolish public education because a solemn vow to support vouchers is required for acceptance by the wingnut tribe!
@ 35
Goldy, it’s too bad that your comment threads are now a haven for the functionally retarded.
Excellent post (as usual). I think what pisses off your “admirers” is the fact that their WA state election efforts are as effective as Dick Cheneys hunting skills.
Geez clueless, you got lotta gd nerve calling me names…
Who said anything about getting rid of public education? The only way public education would disappear is for ALL voucher holders to abandon the public system.
You call EFF fraudulent, but you support the governor? WTF???
How bout the rest of you “progressives”. Where are you on vouchers and 924 and getting fed gummint out of education. Or is the depth of your analysis limited to throwing money at a failed system in hopes it gets better?
B from B – 25% more than national average is “shameful”? Almost 10k per kid and it’s not enough. OK… given your ability for thoughtful rational analysis… what should the number be?
Didn’t think so…
MTR, tough choice, believe the EFF or the TNT. I will believe the TNT as for you…..que sera sera
No vouchers and no on I-924 – in fact vote no on every GD initiative – very few of them make any sense and for the most part only end up making things worse.
If you want to change public education for the better – get freaking involved with the PTA or run for school board. Help your kids with their homework.
Examples here and here of the lunacy of I-924 – a stupid magic formula designed to trump the decisions of school boards and legislatures.
Who is this Brian Janssen guy?
Discussing responsible public financing of education from Mark the Redneck is like discussing gun safety with Dick Cheney.
I mean, MTR claims to be rich, but then he steal $100 from Goldy! Just steal it! Imagine that.
I think MTR is a complete fraud. He’s really a high school drop-out living in a trailer, dirt poor, and paying child support to a hooker from Yakima that he knocked up the night he lost his virginity.
Of course there would be a shift in funding. Shit, that’s the whole fucking point !!!!!!!
Clueless is good name for you.
Hey Dj – What do you think of the fact that we spend 25% more than the national average on our chirrens education? What do you think of I-924 that mandates spending it on students instead of staff?
Vagina Lips,
I-924 is poor public policy. A Standard&Poors study debunked the whole thrust of this initiative which is just part of an on-going assault on public education both in this state and nation wide. The real measure is $’s/student. We spend $548 less per student now than in 1992. Washington ranks 42nd in this category, and it shows.
As for you so-called debating style–it is typical right wing rhetorical ju-jitsu and utter bullshit. Here’s a little policy game for you:
1. Bush’s war in Iraq is failing.
2. We already spend more billions on weapons than everybody else.
3. Therefore, give me an exact number for the Defense Dept’s budget “should be”.
As a war supporter (I dare to presume), I am sure you would find this line of argument absurd. It is. So stop with the crap already.
Mark the Redneck @ 46
“Hey Dj – What do you think of the fact that we spend 25% more than the national average on our chirrens education?”
“chirrens”…isn’t that a genus of fish that lives in Lake Turkana? Hmmm…maybe not.
In any case, I am shocked! Just shocked! Washington is outspending…what…Mississippi and West Virginia on education????
Call in the initiative-mongers!
# 27 to Mark the redNeck : THE 2% SOLUTION , Peace comes from the heart , peace comes with practice . Peace does not come from practicing War , it is a contridiction in terms . I propose we stop this war , by increments 2% being the amount that 1 senator equals in this escalation of the War Party . That is where Senator KILLWELL is just as complicit in the lack of education dollars as the rest of the advocates for a State of War . The adgenda of Cantwell is devious , and concentrated on manipulation of U S foreign policy . ONE SENATOR AT A TIME the 2% SOLUTION .
Ocean – ummm… no…. peace does NOT come from all that crap you said. Peace comes from war. Peace comes from destroying you’re enemy’s ability to make war. It comes from destroying his warmaking machines and killing his soldiers. Peace comes from military might and making the enemy pay the price for being fucking stoopid.
Peace does not come from trying to pacify evil. Peace does not come from diplomats blabbing at each other. And is sure as shit DOES NOT come from naive “peace activists” like you.
Old Timer here , That is my experience , It is true for me . Until Cantwell brings her J.C.Watt of the Democratic Party around there is complicity and that is what the Democrats have more to offer along with free bandwidth , We need and must stop this obscene International intervention , now . The cash cannot flow two directions at the same time , it is a physical impossibility . That is why Katrina collapsed , cash flow , Maria is running up your credit card and it is not going to education .
Has Joel lost any weight??
The stress the extra 150 pounds the fatass has been carrying had to make his real hip SCREAM in agony!
Having a fatass Lefty be impressed about anything is meaningless.
Perhaps Goldy mistook the impression Connelly was “impressed” with Obama….when he was really impressed by the Snack Bar!
I personally do not believe in the voucher system. If you want to send your kids to private schools, God bless you and pay it yourself. If you want to improve the public education system get involved and try and make a difference. The feds should keep involved in public education, but from a distance. They should not get involved in everyday decisions nor curriculums. If they design fair tests to review the state’s educations system that is ok by me, but it needs to be very generic and not right wing biased. Keep the wingnuts on their side of education or the entire system will be morally bankrupt.
Commentby Cougar— 3/19/06@ 1:43 pm
Why should the tax payer pay for children who’s parents dont care about their education by sending them to public school. The mondy is way better off in the taxpayer’s pocket. If you want to indoctrinate you kid with liberalism do it on your own dime.
You fucking moonbat idiots and your public schools… you deserve what you (don’t) get. Today’s discussion has been fascinating…
If librul policies worked, Seattle schools would be great. But instead of being the best, they are at the bottom of the pile. Dead fucking last. The worst of the worst…
You’re against giving parents the right to choose. Instead of giving them vouchers, you instead want to enslave them to a failed system.
You’re against 924 which mandates that money get spent on students instead of staff.
When I point out that schools are already lavishly funded, you reply that it isn’t enough. Yet you can’t quote a number that is enough. You just want to pour more money into a failed system in the blind hope that maybe it will somehow magically get better.
You (predictably) blame GWB for the problems in Seattle schools, yet you’re totally unable to articulate what the role, if any, of federal government should be.
Obviously, you’re all products of public education. I pity you…
Wow, MTR wants to feel pity for us? Wow, pity from the product of an inbred relationship…by a moron who can’t read, write or speak the English language, and who’s so busy sucking George Bush’s asshole that he has bruises on his face from the sudden stops Georgie boy does everytime there’s a gar rodeo on TV! I think the retarded righties deserves the pity.
Hey, MTR, if we’re so stoopid to understand your utter brilliance, why have you wasted an absolutely beautiful Sunday anchored to your keyboard? You wouldn’t happen to be one of those professional trolls, would you? Or are you one of those shut-ins who has no “friends” outside of cyberspace?
If librul policies worked, Seattle schools would be great.
They are. Apparently Seattle public schools produce lots of liberals. Get a life, Vagina Lips.
MTR – yeah get a life, go over to (un)SP for “intelligent” (if losing) comment.
) Why not allow vouchers to give parents the choice to get their kids out of failing schools.
and then
I don’t mind spending the money, but I want it spent effectively and efficiently
Of course you mind, you dolt! Like Evergreen Fraudulent Foundation you want to abolish public education because a solemn vow to support vouchers is required for acceptance by the wingnut tribe!
Commentby For the Clueless— 3/19/06@ 2:30 pm
Supporting vouchers is the best way to spend money on public education efficiently/effectively you dumbass. The only outcome of the current system is more helpless,dumb liberuls who go to work for the government and fuck things up.
RUFUS, I believe they should chase away military recruiters. Can you think of one relative or friend of yours that is ready to commit a few years of their lives to a ‘military career’ when they are 15 or 16 years old? I am asking the question honestly, not as an atacking voice.
Commentby Cougar— 3/19/06@ 1:17 pm
Once your 18 you should have the right to make a decsion on wether you want to go into the military. The fact that military recruiter visit high schools doesn’t bother me in the least. In fact they have a right to be in high schools if they are taking federal money. If a school district doesnt take federal money, then and only then, do they have the right to kick recruiter off campus.
Obviously you are a case in point? Election Contest? I-912? David Irons? What kind of private-educated genius are you?
dumb liberuls who go to work for the government and fuck things up.
Like Cunningham, Abramoff, Libby, DeLay, Dubya – trillions of more in debt and many bodies and body parts lighter. Well done, DOOFUS mentality.
They extrapolated the data from this report:
Gives a different picture again. Even with MTR’s “lavish” amount, we’d not even be in the top 10 with the EFF’s number. And this report places us 28th. Well, at least we aren’t Utah. Having experienced the education system with our children while living in Mass, it’s very obvious how the extra money helps there.
Coug @ 19: Recruiters do not “sell” a career. In fact, the armed services do not even want to encourage careerists. Ask any mid termer who gets to dirty end of the stick only to reup or get out. It’s a matter of $$$ It’s more cost effective for the gov’t for a serviceman (woman) to do a couple of tours and get out.
Also: Less than 5% of the population serve in the military. ALL who are currently serving have VOLUNTEERED to do. The proposition: “Join the army or go to jail” is illegal and disqualifies an individual for service.
Only for felonies. The Army is searching for more warm bodies to take those bullets, God bless ’em.
As for those vouchers, there would have to be a whole lot of new private schools to fit those new kids, as the current private system won’t exactly cut it. And what would the new schools have for a curriculum. Would the feds have to regulate that? And what would be the affiliation of the new, loosely regulated schools? There would be a glut of neo-Nazi and other “patriotic” schools to teach their Aryan bretheren.
Seig Heil, baby.