– Emmett’s piece on how different people see Downtown Olympia probably scales to other downtowns.
– You need to know how to parallel park before you get on the road, Maryland drivers.
– The only Republican answer on Iraq that would make any sense is that it was the wrong decision. It’s surprising how few can do that.
Of course the assholes here, and you know who you are, won’t read it…and their heads will explode anyway.
Does anybody know the date of the RCW that makes shoplifting beer a capital offense? I can’t find it.
Bill O’Reilly and all the Fox blabbermouths? ‘Boob’ the sloppiest of sloppy solipsists? The puddyfuckwad (who only thinks he’s white)?
What gives?
Mabye now sex offenders will get some respect.
But Moma June – you are a sloppy pig and the other pig has the lord on his side.
At least this holier than thou, pseudo-celebrity child molester didn’t bake a gay wedding cake. That would have violated Jesus! Just more proof that cable is trash and a waste of money.
So, I was reading a National Journal piece
Democrats’ Vanishing Future
about the depleted Democrat ranks – interesting piece, that – and began wondering about the once-appreciated Dems who aren’t around any more. They were referred to as ‘moderates’, back when that didn’t mean ‘far-right’ to the current Dem standard-bearers.
Anyway, I thought about Evan Bayh. Remember him?
He’s only 59, Google tells me.
And he’s not totally without financial backing:
Paul Kane @pkcapitol
Evan Bayh is sitting on so much $$$ ($9.9m as of 12/31/14) that his committee earned $350k in interest & mutual fund sales in 2013-14.
9:00 AM – 24 Mar 2015
Late entry to IN Senate race next year?
Keeping his powder dry until the moment Team Hillary implodes?
Lotta money just sitting there.
@ 3
Apparently the baby who got his face blown off by the flashbang grenade in Georgia last year is the only one who could reasonably be held responsible for his injuries. He criminally blocked the trajectory of the grenade and refused to seek adequate cover from it’s effects.
So, one can have their home raided by local Sheriffs deputies with the assistance of Military criminal investigators based entirely on the word of a mysterious and as-yet unidentified “informant” who has a long standing record of petty crimes but as yet, remains totally anonymous.
No evidence of any illegal conduct was found at the home as a result of the raid.
So, one can dress up as a cop and burn the meat off of the head and chest of a sleeping baby and shrug one’s shoulders and say “them’s the breaks”.
Too bad, so sad.
@ 7
So, it’s just going to be whoever raises more money for the campaign that is going to win, no matter how crazy or full of shit they are.
Keep fuckin’ that chicken Bob. It’ll lay one on you, someday.
@ 3
WTF? Nine people were killed, and your link bemoans that 170 others didn’t join them?
It’s alleged
that the police fired ‘thousands of shots’ during the episode. That’s hundreds of shots fired per dead body, Rujax.
It would be more accurate to bemoan that the police weren’t more accurate. ’cause then there would be more dead bodies.
@ 9
By crazy or full of shit, did you mean Hillary?
Or Bayh?
Care to elaborate?
@ 11
Your headline: Democrats’ Vanishing Future
The problem with that is, that the TeaFascist party is mostly made up of the old former (or current) neochristianist John Birch Society assholes, who mostly never did anything to educate themselves once they had graduated high school back in the 1940s and 50s.
They’re still bitching about having to go to school with niggers. They’re still pissed off about forced bussing. They’re still on a freakout about that commie pinko fuck Eisenhower being elected President.
They’re dying off.
Thank the Great Pasta for that.
@ 12
Ah. That answered my question @ 11.
By crazy/full of shit, you were referring to yourself.
Headline: “Democrats’ Vanishing Future”
The headline that is more relevant: “The big problem for Republicans in 2016: Millions of them are literally dying”
If you think that’s bad news for the GOP in 2016, by the time Vice President Julian Castro runs in 2024, all of today’s Republican voters will be dead.
Little wonder the GOP is inviting biker gangs into their Big Tent.
EPIC FAIL of the regime of little low life Scotty Walker and the fiend’s henchmen in the WI State Legislature:
Klownservaticism DOESN”T WORK – PERIOD. People are NUTS to vote for it.
EPIC FAIL of the regime of little low life Scotty Walker and the fiend’s henchmen in the WI State Legislature:
Klownservaticism DOESN”T WORK – PERIOD. People are NUTS to vote for it.
Deep bench, “Republican’s’ Promising Future”
Hey, wingnut campaign staffer! Wanna work on a Fiorina campaign again?
“I’d rather go to Iraq than work for Carly Fiorina again,” said one high-level former campaign staffer, who asked not to be identified, citing disclosure restrictions in his contract.”
LMFAO! So glad to see Bob concern trolling about the Democrat’s bench.
I read that. It was on Reddit. Interesting to juxtapose that with the Politico analysis of the Republican die-off from a few days ago.
Cool to see National Journal’s fantasy on display. It works like this. Because Hillary is going to be the nominee and then trounce whatever freak the GOP nominates and be the next president, that no one is challenging her is proof that there are no up and comers in the Democratic party.
Just off the top of my head:
Martin O’Mally who is actually running for the nomination but won’t win is in his early 50s. Maryland has two Democratic Senators so he’s got a winnable National Office if one retires.
Hickenlooper I believe will be early 60s when he’s termed out.
The next governor of California will be Gavin Newsome who is not yet 50.
Kamala Harris I don’t think is 50 yet.
After another 10 years of demographic shift in Texas Wendy Davis will still be there.
Tammy Duckworth? Kristen Gillibrand?
Even our own Jay Inslee won’t be too old for another run for something when he finishes his second term as Governor.
So yeah, if you look at ONLY the 2016 presidential race and who isn’t in then yeah, there is no next generation of Democrats.
The whole article smells of a writer trying to convince himself. Truthiness.
Meanwhile, in Georgia.
I’m sure our own Legislators do the same shit.
Money talks.
It’s alleged … that the police fired ‘thousands of shots’ during the episode. That’s hundreds of shots fired per dead body, Rujax.
Travis, you really expect rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears to read and comprehend that document? rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears will need to find a left wrong site to translate it first then deliver that pithy response!
@ 19
Anyone with a functioning mind is going to dismiss that “report” (really a fairytale) because it is totally full of shit.
The writing is right out of Pravda or the Weekly World News.
Hilarious to watch Republicans twist themselves into pretzels trying to defend the confessed child molester in their midst.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’ve noticed they’re a lot less willing to forgive people for being poor in an economy wrecked by conservative policies.
Wanna comprehend how checkmate is a real informationless moron… Read this fart…
Puddy already discussed this back in March… If checkmate actually invested a few seconds he would have figured out Mikulski announced her retirement on March 2nd 2015. Puddy discussed this March 6th. Chris Van Hollen announced he wants it. Chris is white. Harry Reid is backing the white guy of course. http://hotair.com/archives/201.....ell-begin/ There it is again… those progressive racial identity reasons
And Donna Edwards declared on March 10!
Once again checkmate doesn’t read or pay attention to the details.
Another vomit stain…
Does the vomit producer have a functioning femtometer brain cell?
Anthony G Buzbee
State Bar No: 24001820 filed the petition and vomit producer claims…
Another DAYUM EPIC FAYLE by HA’s very own vomit producer.
Hey IDIOT Wabbit, what’s the penalty for filing false petitions?
Uber is testing an autonomous car.
I’m really glad Huckabee is forgiving. I wonder what the (I assume) girls feel about being abused. The Duggars, and the Huckabees probably, are like most of the new Christianist movement in America. It really doesn’t matter what the women think. In their paternalistic world view the Man’s decision and actions are always followed. So as long as the Duggar’s made sure Josh was O.K. then nothing else really matters. The men are the bread winners/impregnators/Oath Keepers however the Chirstianist wants to describe the male dominance all is justifiable.
There are plenty of stories about what the Quiverfull life is like for daughters.
Sounds lovely and not at all surprising that to spare Josh potential criminal charges the family rallied around him and not the girls he abused.
So Mike, gonna go get the female vote? One of the many reasons Huckabee will never be elected to anything again.
Van Hollen I think is in his early 50s I have no idea how old Donna Edwards is but I know she’s a black woman. HEE, HEE, HEE, HEE. Nope, no one ready to step in there. But you got me. Off the top of my head I can’t name both of Maryland’s Senators or if one of them has announced retirement.
And yep, I’m sure HotAir is totally keyed in on how the Democratic leadership will abandon Donna Edwards if she wins a primary. No Truthiness in HotAir’s reporting I’m sure. “When I’m looking for inside information on what Democrats think I go to HotAir. I mean Media Matters is the #1 authority on Republican party inner workings” Piddles, or words to that effect.
Unlike Piddles, I’m not on here 30 posts a day every day so of course I don’t pay attention to something Piddles might have spooged two months or so ago.
Does seem to be a double standard, don’t girls lives matter?
Poor ‘Boob’ the sloppiest of sloppy solipsists has is white privilege in a knot.
Sad, innit.
And yep, I’m sure HotAir is totally keyed in on how the Democratic leadership will abandon Donna Edwards if she wins a primary.
Just like all those left wrong web sites you use… Wait a minute… You love to hide the web sites you crib notes from…
I have no idea how old Donna Edwards is but I know she’s a black woman. – Well why didn’t you look up her age then checkmate? Wait… you love checkmating yourself in every post!
Okay your HA DUMMOCRETIN pals love to use regarding the Republican field!!!
Unlike Puddy, I’m not on here …
Shorter checkmate… “Unlike I’m not on here at all. My femtometer sized single cell is always asleep when I post on HA DUMMOCRETINS!”
Been meaning to ask this of worser and the teabaggin buttbusting BULLSHITTIUM buttbigot gorilla butt forgot about it… Soooooooooooooooo http://www.queerty.com/male-co.....y-20150225
What say u 2?
Oh, Piddles…”off the top of my head.” At lots of points in a day I might have a few minutes to toss-off a post. Was that “off the top of my head” post worth Googling for more info…not really. It’s enough to point out that yes, there are not one, not two but THREE democrats in Maryland ready to run for national office even if National Review writes that the Democrats have no bench.
Quick, without googling, who are the two senators from Idaho. Get it right and I’ll buy you a beer…oh, right.
@21 & 25 I wonder if Huckleberry hypocrite would be jumping to his defense if he had molested his brothers for years?
@ 33
I wonder if Huckleberry hypocrite would be jumping to his defense if he had molested his brothers for years?
Dunno about his brothers, but his kids sure seem to have some serious issues.
This is the man who, just a few short weeks ago, rather viciously attacked the President and First Lady for their parenting skills because they let their girls listen to Beyonce`.
Nice value system there, schmuck.
Okay Puddy will play along…
Puddy knows about Larry Wide Stance Craig. Puddy don’t know the other senator. No need to because nuthin really happening in Idaho that affects national politics these days! The closest thing was the brouhaha over the Planned Parenthood issue in Montana! Or the Oregon shutdown of Obummercare front end. Or Oregon being one of those dumb states!
being crazy/full of shit = vomit producer.
Got that perfectly correct Travis Bickle!
33 great point! Sadly i can imagine they wouldn’t react the same.
Does rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears ever think about what it posts? The political implications or becuz it’s on fartingpartsmemo it’s A-OK becuz that’s the gospel truth for a DUMMOCRETIN?
Cleveland Police – Cleveland; a very blue town in a blue county. Remember, it was the political makeup of the Cuyahoga County Commissioners that tripped up the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit!
And did rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears watch those bikers loot? Did they burn down the restaurant they met in? How about torching the bikes parked out front?
As Puddy stated before, the peeps Puddy listens to called them thugs. If the libtard msm can’t call white biker gangs thugs then you need to talk to the hand rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, becuz it’s your media kind that frame the discussion not conservatives.
Butt, being as moronic as you are rujaxoffallthetimestillprovingnuthinappears, you’ll never comprehend this!
@31. Easy answer. Unconsentual sex is rape. Rape is unacceptable.
Hilarious to watch DUMMOCREINS twist themselves into pretzels trying to defend the confessed child molester in their midst.
Of course the early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Wabbit forgot this while Puddy remembers the continuing saga of Mel Reynolds – Chicago DUMMOCRETIN! http://www.thegatewaypundit.co.....-zimbabwe/ Another case of 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady. Memory malady is strong in the IDIOT Wabbit.
Remeber when some fool with a crazed databaze would leave a BULLSHITTIUM stain about Obummercare being so great and wonderful… Pfffffffffffft!…
Ooopsie… http://thehill.com/policy/heal.....re-mergers
Bwaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Wait for the “Puddy why are you against” feckless commentary below…
Meanwhile, in the real world.
Oh, and @ the Schitz @ 40
Uh, seeing as how that guy has long since passed into history, how is it relevant to Huckabee openly defending a confessed incestuous child molester? Nobody really defended Mel Reynolds. If he’s a spider he gets treated like one.
You guys seem to put your babyfiddlers on a pedestal.
Sure seems like Assata Shakur is an awesome role model!
@ 43
For you maybe.
If she was white and waving a Chinese-made Tennessee battle flag she certainly would be.
Uh, seeing as how that guy has long since passed into history
2014 is passed into history? On the Jesse HiJackson Operation Push (in the bush) payroll?
Oh gee, another Christian Patriot grifter operation gets caught with its pants down.
$120,000 last year alone in school vouchers. That’s taxpayers money jack. Going to support an apparent fencing operation that hires babyfiddlers to watch the children.
Nobody really defended Mel Reynolds. Really?
Yeah google that!
Mike Huckabee Defends Josh Duggar: “Good People Make Mistakes”
Puddy thought DUMMOCRETIN FASCIST progressives claimed they were the kind people and conservative Republicans were the unkind people. Well this blog thread proves that wrong again!
@44…Sorry Willy the Schmuck, but no. Skin color doesn’t factor into whether I believe someone is evil or not, and I prefer Union blue.
I think SpittlePuddles has had a stroke or something. Or maybe the syphilis he got from that ladyboy in Thailand a few years ago is starting to take effect.
Either way, Spittles, dude.
Get help.
Where the Duggars got their home schooling methods and mentoring.
So I look up the relevant name.
Crimenentlies. Theres a whole double-stacked shitload of stuff on that guy.
What is this an institution in Evilangelical circles? The whole goddamn thing is a fucking pederastic cult.
Isn’t it great when all can watch the vomit producer head go:
You know vomit producer as PWN’D when the Lord’s name is used in vain!
@ 51
From: Recovering Grace. IE, the horses mouth.
Do not tolerate laziness by any child. Plan a full day’s schedule.
Do not argue with your children over surface problems. Probe for root problems.
Do not neglect moods of depression in your children. Plan a time to talk it out.
Do not allow boys to change diapers, especially of baby sisters.
Insist on modesty at all times.
Teach the children to recognize wrong behavior in moral areas.
Pray for protection from pornography. Prepare them to resist it by reading Provo 1-7.
Establish open, honest accountability for daily victory in thoughts, words, and actions.
Provide warnings on immorality from Biblical accounts such as Samson, Tamar, etc.
Provide guidelines on all physical contacts between children.
Prohibit roughhousing, wrestling, and inappropriate touching of brothers with sisters.
What the ever-lovin’ fuck?
Mama’s is closing!
No no no no no no dammit NO.
Leftists at Comiccon are upset Johnny Storm is a black guy in the next Fantastic Four. Google “Comiccon fans outraged Michael B. Jordan is cast as johnny storm”
@ 55
Heh, if you define “Leftists” as being a bunch of chubby, late-30s MRAs and chronic virgins.
All the geeks I know are either married or trying to whittle the stick down some before they ask someone.
They are same leftists identified earlier by Puddy from this thread http://horsesass.org/open-thread-1014-3/ which you forgot with 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady.
Sad your brain doesn’t engage anymore! Did it ever engage?
Just like I said, maybe now sex offenders may get some respect. Never thought it would come from conservatives though, I thought it would come from the liberals.
What a bunch of fucking fuckwads.
Just yesterday I read an article on how Republucans are dying off, litterally the aging republican population is dying.
I guess Boob must have read the same story, so he had to go find a similar article about Democrats, to compensate for his fear of Republucans dying off.
I bet if Dugar was sexual towards his brothers then they would have taken the pitch forks out.
Hypocrites, the are a bunch of fucking fuckwads that don’t care about what is wrong or what is right, they just try to make sure they look good themselves.
And puffy had to go back into the archives to find something that was written in Feb 2015, to cover his silence and acceptance Dugar’s mid deeds. Good one puffy.
Womenz getting wrapped all over American colleges, and yup you found the one and possibly the only one regarding a gay person raping. Using your logic you would think gay guys can’t rape because they didn’t insert their penis into a vagina, so it’s not rape.
Meanwhile this country is being taken over by fucking nazis.
IRELAND SAYS AYE! http://www.huffingtonpost.com/.....26874.html
@55. I know you are trying desperately to find some sort of faux outrage in this for some sort of false equivalency argument. Comic book extremists were outraged when Nic Fury was recast as as black and now they love him. Not that you follow comics but fans also thought Robert Downy Jr would be a terrible Iron Man, Andrew Garfield as spiderman, or Keith Ledger as Joker was a bad idea. Fans have a mental image of who the characters are and movies mess with that.
On that theme, what do you think the reaction would be of a colorblind recasting of Roots and Taylor Lautner got the role of Kunta Kinte?
worser is worse than ever.
Since you also possess 24 hour moronic moonbattic memory malady… It wasn’t Puddy who first identified these freaky geeks as being whom they are on HA DUMMOCRETINS. Puddy can’t create threads on HA DUMMOCRETINS you moron! Maybe you should refresh your memory whom alerted the HA DUMMOCRETIN crowd and us whom think right!
Then maybe worser you’d become educated again. Well that is a tall order for someone as naturally stooooooooooooooooopid as you are!
Goldy, it seems the naturally stooooooooooooooooopid DUMMOCRETINS gravitate to this site.
Since Alexander Haley wrote the Roots saga as a memoir of his family tree what you suggested above is ludicrous and moronic… like 99.99999999% of your daily posts! Taylor Lautner? Who’s he? Man crush? That person you suggest could be the white massa though!
Taylor Lautner – just looked him up.
Some Twilight saga stuff which Puddy never watched! Whooooop dee doo!