On the bus home from Drinking Liberally last night, there was a homeless man with a keyboard. He was hitting the keys, but it wasn’t making any sound. At some point he started singing under his breath. In many ways Metro buses are homeless shelters, especially later at night. The louder version of that is something that happens at many homes.
The Foxconn/WisconsinGOP collapse stories are now trending globally.
I don’t know if that’s because of durty hippie pinkos sharing it on their Obama-phones are driving views. Or if it’s global investors looking for indicators. Or if trailerbillies are beginning to wake up to the con. I guess time will tell.
But it’s a sufficiently negative story to suppose we won’t see another tax scam like that one again for a loong time. And if you think about it, that kind of story, along with consistent reporting on the failure of the GOP tax give away, really don’t help “economic conservative” EEEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE like Billionaire CEO Plutocrat at all.
@1 Walker’s FoxConn scam has served its purpose by making sure that $3 billion of state taxpayers’ money will never be spent on schools, roads, police and fire services, libraries, and other real needs of Wisconsin’s citizens.
“Republican Kentucky Gov. Matt Bevin … joined 840 WHAS radio in Louisville on Tuesday to talk about school closures in his state as the polar vortex unleashed an icy cold front on the Midwest …. Bevin argued that public schools that closed in anticipation of the temperatures signaled weakness. ‘I mean, what happens to America?’ he said. ‘We’re getting soft.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Better to let kids freeze to death at school bus stops. That way, they won’t get shot at school.
There are idiots, Republican idiots, and Republican fucking idiots. We may have to create a fourth category for this guy.
I hope Doctor Dumbfuck didn’t short Apple, Boeing, or GE yesterday. He should’ve shorted GE when I suggested it. Timing is everything.
Speaking of timing, I wonder if HA’s expert market timer loaded up on Apple, Boeing, and/or GE yesterday?
Meanwhile, the Dow is jumping 450 points because Trump’s Federal Reserve appointee has decided to suck up to him and the stock market instead of doing what’s good for the country and economy.
GOP rejects bill to give back pay to federal contractors, wants to repeal estate tax instead
Because…. Priorities?
Does an estate tax repeal have to get passed in the House?
Looks like the crim def team for Internet Research Agency conduit Concord Management will be frozen out on further discovery and a few of their attorneys may even be headed to sanctions, possible disbarment, and perhaps federal lockup. Noyce.
They’ve been ferrying discovery files to Russian spies who have in turn been posting it to the internet on various QAnon/GOP/Lunacy file portals.
Fucking geniuses.
Also today, Putin’s toilet caddie admitted he probably won’t get anything at all for sucking off Kim Jong Un in front of the world.
Tell me again how Howard Schultz is bad for Democrats.
Today he retweeted his gratitude for a thoughtful analysis of Kamala Harris’ Medicare For All ideas.
The thoughtful analysis is from PJMedia, calls out, totally on topic, Harris’ “Shrill” questions of Brett Kavanaugh and refers to “Fauxcahantas” Warren.
The tweet has been deleted but not before a bunch of folks in the #MeToo movement let their millions of followers know that the largest shareholder in their morning Latte hates women.
So Starbucks for right wingers is a no go because guns, gays, Christmas cups. For Left wingers a no go because right wing lunatic ex-CEO and mysogeny.
Putting some very specific alerts on my SBUX holdings.
Most recent national poll out of Glengariff Group has President Rohypnol losing to whichever random Jamoke the Democrats nominate, including perennial candidate Inanimate Carbon Rod.
And we haven’t even started the hearings yet.
@10. Got a screen shot of the tweet?
Had nice little gains in all of my portfolios today.
Thank God AOC is too young to run! She’s a fucking moron!
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Satan News-The party of death reveals itself again
Satan’s Party: Congressional Democrats on Committee Propose Removing “So Help You God” From Oath
At the 2012 DNC Convention Democrats booed God and Israel.
Democrats on the House Committee on Natural Resources proposed to remove the words “so help you God” from the oath recited before committee hearings.
Federal Rules of Evidence, Article VI, Rule 603
So… Satan’s Federal Court too?
Oh well, if it’s good enough for Breitbart…
Keep fuckin’ that chicken.
Barista Need-To-Know update for the week of Jan. 21-27
“Related to the launch of Howard’s new book, partner may be asked questions by customers or hear media speculation about Howard’s potential political intentions. We encourage you all to take a moment to review the talking points below with your partners.
If a customer asks if we are selling Howard’s book at Starbucks:
No, the books are available at bookstores and online.
If a customer attempts to investigate, or share aggressive political opinions, attempt to diffuse the situation by sharing:
We respect everyone’s opinion. Our goal is simply to create a warm and welcoming space where we can all gather, as a community, over great coffee.
If asked about Howard’s political intentions:
Howard’s future plans are up to him.”
I don’t know about Kevin Johnson and his “partners” at SBUX. But I know where I work all the partners are bound by precisely the same restrictions on what we can talk about. Those restrictions never change. And nobody needs a weekly update for “talking points”.
“An astounding 56% of voters said they would definitely vote against Trump in the 2020 general election, compared with 28% who said they would definitely vote for him and 14% who would consider voting for him, according to an ABC News/Washington Post poll.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Gee, maybe even Howard Schultz can’t save him.
@16 Sorry, but another party already has dibs on Satan.
@7 Looks like another hostage situation in the making.
Would be true if not for the idiotic “winner-take-all” electoral laws in the states.
It would be awfully nice if somebody could explain that to Billionaire CEO Plutocrat. If he really truly wants to pioneer a “third way” and open up the system he should start with those state laws. Remember Ross Perot took 19% but didn’t earn a single fucking elector. Not one.
I know. Too nerdy. Too “technical”. But that’s the point. Billionaire CEO Plutocrat has absolutely no real interest in promoting a more open political system or even “third way” politics. He’s simply another vain billionaire blowing his money on a massive ego-trip. This is news worthy? Yawn.
@13 re @5: In other word(s), no.
Coming soon: The Softening II
At least they’ll always have Associate Justice Beer Bong
Well Howie trying to delete it didn’t work…
Carl, that’s really nothing….here in NYC we have homeless people showering and taking care of business in the trains, without any water or toilet paper.
Yesterday I was underground waiting on the platform for the train with the rest of the masses heading home for the day. And as is customary with most New Yorkers who make the daily commute, as the train pulled in to the station I stood still waiting for it to stop and after it stopped I moved closer to one of the car doors , as did the rest of the people – kind of like a cow along with the other cows getting ready to enter a pen. But you have to leave enough room for the people to get off before boarding, and as you do one will look towards the other doors to see if there is a better opening.
So this time I do that and I see an empty door but instead of those that are near by it using it, I see them heading towards my door. I like to be the last one on so that I don’t get pushed into the center of the train. Typically my commute is very short – I only go a few stops and I want to be near the door to get out easier (as everyone else does too – but I do it while courteously letting people by to go in and out – I’m not one of those assholes who obliviously stand in the way). So, as the second to last person that gets on, whom came from the other door, I ask him, “What’s wrong with the other car”. The middle aged lad, says to me, “Nothing, just a homeless guy lying down on the seats and has his clothing all strung up on the had bar like a clothesline”.
Not a market timer. I just like buying things on sale when I have a bit of cash to facilitate the purchases. It’s like using a coupon at the grocery store. If I’m going to buy it anyway, why not use the “coupon” provided when there are wild swings in the market?
What’s the matter snowflake? Women in power threaten you?
“We may have to create a fourth category for this guy.”
How about “Bob Dumbfuck Fucking Dumb Republican”?
@27 why didn’t you vote for Clinton? Did the Russians scare you away from her?
I wonder @ 4,5 if Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit gave any consideration to my selection in the Anything But GE exchange we held in October, 2017. Mine was Varian. It was somewhere in the low to mid-100s then. Yesterday:
Varian Medical Systems, Inc. (VAR) Sets All-Time High | ZTribune
Nah, probably not. Navel-gazing is harder as the man-boobs get bigger, and Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit is having a difficult time with it.
Oh. It hit an all-time high today, too. Closed above 132, or around 25% higher than when I recommended it. Hey, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you chose GE based on the dividend. How’d that work out for ya?
See @31 for the stock investor equivalent of “my dick is bigger than your dick.”
Since we’re going down this path, not putting too fine a point on it, but even today GE’s dividend is bigger than Varian’s dividend.
You probably don’t want to discuss penis size. It’ll get the horses going with hoof stomping, whinnying, and laughing.
That cowardly fuck who attacked Rand Paul from behind must pay $8k medical. Plus $200k pain and suffering. Plus $375k for being a bigger twat than YLB, otherwise known as punitive damages.
How to have no friends.
“President Donald Trump blamed former House Speaker Paul Ryan for not getting funding for the wall …”
@33 Now now, that’s a fellow doctor you’re talking about. You guys should all try to get along instead of spitting in each other’s shoes and peeing in each other’s cokes.
Body slamming a reporter cost Rep. Gianforte only $50,000, but he didn’t break any ribs. Rand Paul must be made of butter.
Cool story bro….
NFLX is up nearly 200% since you assured me it was a fad. Up 45% from that low point you wanted me to focus on from when Donald spooked the market and it had a blip for a few weeks. That was just about a month ago you were giving that advice.
I’m sooooo impressed with your market savvy. Some day you must tell me how you do it.
As we head toward Super Bowl ™ weekend it might be worth noting some developments in the case of the Son of a Bitch who kneeled.
The league put a poll in the field on how signing Colin Kaepernick would affect fan attitudes after he became a free agent.
Roger Godell, commissioner of the NFL was asked today at a press conference about the artists refusing to perform at ‘The world’s biggest stage'” in support of Kaepernick and he stated that teams decided not to sign as individual decisions of teams and the best way for them to win. (This is where you note that 24 starting QBs in 2019 had worse career stats than Kaepernick, every single back up QB had worse career starts than Kaepernick and the last QB Benched in San Francisco because Kaeprnick was better started a game for the Bears in 2019) and in no way did they consider the social impact of signing a controversial QB. Man it was almost like the three reporters at Goddell’s PC knew this report was coming on the poll the NFL paid for.
As Kaeprnick pursues his collusion lawsuit against the NFL the league would have the court believe that they polled potential fan backlash to signing Colin Kaepernick but DID NOT SHARE the results of the poll with team owners because doing so would involve 32 separate business entities colluding to find a reason to not hire a player unrelated to on field performance.
Kaepernick’s legal team is already saying they have discovery of multiple owners discussing not signing Kaepernick via e-mail (collusion) now all they have to find is a single team owner who was aware the NFL poll existed because they were informed of its existence by the corporation known as the NFL. If the results of the poll were shared among the 32 individual businesses well then that’s game over and the judgement against the NFL will involve the NLRB, hundreds of millions in lost wages to Kaepernick, potentially billions in punitive damages and the loss of their Anti-Trust exemption.
Was it worth it?
California is readying a bill which will permit abortion up to the first day of kindergarten.
Hey, Cz-252 @ 38
Would you say Kaepernick’s position is an “absolute lock”?
’cause I’ve heard that one before.
Hey Bob,
Kim Davis needs your help – do something useful and appreciative towards her desire to discriminate, by setting up a Go Fund Me site for her.
I would make the nasty suggestion – maybe they call it a Go Fuck Me Fund.
@39 something the NRA would celebrate.
The absolute best thing about gman’s homosexuality is that it greatly reduces the chance he would ever reproduce.
Thank Christ for that. His parents do.
That’s klassic klownsurvaturdism. Find some mouth breathing dullard overflowing with fake pieties masking bigotry. Pimp them into martyrdom. Flog the hell out of it to drive clicks, checks, and “purchases”. Then cut the idiot loose as soon as they are no longer useful.
It’s all ’bout the grift.
Even the Holy Grail of judicial nominees is now nothing but a bargaining chip in the big hustle.
Imagine the cognitive struggle awaiting dupes like Teh Dumbfuck when Cheeto Jeebus trades 50 seats for WALL!!!
Talk about “cuckservative”.
Wherein Yertle calls voting a “power grab,” or word to that effect.
@ 44
Even the Holy Grail of judicial nominees is now nothing but a bargaining chip in the big hustle.
Spoken like someone who doesn’t like the fact that he let himself be hustled by The Clinton Machine in 2016.
President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Judicial Nominees
Three solid conservatives to shake up the Nutty Ninth.
Democrats will control the House for two years.
The GOP will control the judiciary for a generation.
Thank you so much, Hillary Clinton.
@37 “I’m sooooo impressed with your market savvy. Some day you must tell me how you do it.”
Funny that he mentioned GE yesterday … because it’s up 14% today. In one day. He didn’t foresee that one. At least he didn’t short it yesterday. Or hasn’t claimed he did, anyway.
“As a matter of fact, our leverage in the elections, quite candidly, goes up as the voting populace goes down.”
-Paul Weyrich, 1980, founder of The Heritage Foundation, ALEC, and The Moral Majority
On the Senate floor, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced today his opposition to a relatively uncontroversial measure that would make Election Day a federal holiday in order to make it easier for people to get to the polls.
This shit is not new. Same ideas. Same strategies. The only difference is that now they have a President who says the quiet part out loud.
@39 Don’t forget Yertle’s new Senate rules cut both ways. Someday the National Lawyers Guild will be a breeding ground for future Supreme Court Justices.
New numbers on Foxconn…
1000 jobs
$4.5M in Scott Walker giveaways per job.
But Labor Unions are the problem in Wisconsin.
Whatever it takes to keep the self loathing in check, eh Teh Dumbfuck?
Dan Bress was personally suggested to Cipollone and approved by Diane Feinstein and Kamala Harris to take Bumatay’s place on the Ninth. Bumatay is an out and proooouuud gay man who enjoys long moonlit walks along the Southern California beaches with other men! Shall we go on? I don’t know who you think these guys are. But there’s not a BEACH WEEK, Beer Bong or Gang Rape in sight. Sorry.
McGahn is gone daddy gone, hiding under a rock awaiting indictment. Putin’s Pool Boy is an idiot who does not read. And Yertle is desperate to avoid another Shitdown. You better fucking hope they got something in return for that list.
So, three federal holidays in the space of, what, three weeks or so?
Columbus Day
Election Day
Veterans Day
We just spent five weeks proving that a shit-ton of federal employees by and large aren’t essential for much of anything. Giving them another reason to avoid doing work for a full day doesn’t do the taxpayer any favors.
Conservatives spent decades working the refs to convince people “liberal mainstream media” was a thing. But that didn’t satisfy them. They went out and created their own Conservative media.
And that led to fact free freakshows of PizzaGate, Jade Helm and FEMA Camps staffed by true believers who failed J School or were deep GOP insiders before turning to “Journalism” for balance.
And the stories are being told.
Why We Are Quitting Red State
I thought we were cancelling Columbus day. The Knights of assure “Red State” that the left has already done that.
Christmas Day
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King Day
@ 54
You haven’t finished cancelling Judaism yet.
“From the river to the sea.”
One religion at a time.
Remember way back in the 2000s when business was all about Synergy? Find a way to get a piece of every step of commerce and even if one part is not profitable the whole is massive.
See 20th Century Fox – LA Dodgers (paper loss) – Fox Sports Channel (exclusive TV rights to Dodgers) – Fox Sports Grill so the people can watch your teams on your channel eating your food, Apparel Licensing – Fox Sports kiosks in malls and airports selling Fox Licensed apparel.
Or see Disney – Creator of Movies, owner of Movie Theater chain, owner of TV Network on which movies are shown, owner of sports network carrying NHL and MLB, Owner of MLB and NHL Teams, creator of Another TV network with original programming for kids and teens, Branded store selling merchandise based on movies and TV created by the parent company, Singing lessons and marketing for stars of TV Shows, network of radio stations playing almost exclusively music by stars and former stars of TV Network shows, record company releasing music made popular on their radio network, Vacation club and cruise line marketed to fans of Disney product…
There was no down side.
Burn however many goats it takes for you to forget the horrors of your childhood.
Just don’t burn them in our public schools, in our city council chambers…
or our daughter’s vaginas.
@43 hukabbe already addresses that yesterday. God wanted me to be this way and wanted men to like men, so if you have a problem with that then take it up with god.
@43 dude you call yourself a doctor? What kind? A witch doctor? News for you I can reproduce even as a gay man. Just ask the chick that had to waste a couple of buck for a pregnancy test because she was late with her bleeding and thought I impregnated her. There is a good reason why people here call you a Dumbfuck! It’s because you are never right. You Dumbfuck.
SCO’s motion to waive speedy trial for Roger Stone contains not only a few more interesting hints of what the Special Prosecutor has been up to, but also where things are headed.
The justification of the waiver in cases like these is owing to the complex nature of a substantial portion of the evidence supporting the prosecution. In order to provide discovery to the defense the SCO has to independently review that evidence first to protect against any claims of privilege. Multiple very large capacity hard drives, multiple mobile computing devices, and multiple mobile account databases with vast troves of files, documents, and records are involved.
The mere fact of the motion, combined with the arguments made in the motion, make a pretty convincing case that the SCO will be hard at work on this and other prosecutions for quite some time to come. Whatever Sweaty Child Molesters on television may say to delude themselves or mollify the Giant Orange ManBaby, the SCO isn’t even close to wrapping this up any time soon.
At least one other implication of the motion has to do with the descriptions of the evidence being reviewed for discovery.
“The communications contained in the iCloud accounts, email accounts, and physical devices span several years. The government also intends to produce to the defense the contents of physical devices recently seized from his home, apartment, and office. Those devices are currently undergoing a filter review by the FBI for potentially privileged communications.”
The motion distinguishes the online and mobile communications and associated account data going back “several years” from “the contents of physical devices recently seized from his home, apartment, and office.” So it looks like SCO had access to Stone’s telecom account data prior to the arrest. How long is hard to say. The warrants may have been executed simultaneously. But the motion limits its description of the ongoing filter review to the contents seized at the time of Stone’s arrest. Which suggests that the account data has been previously reviewed for privilege. In other words SCO had it for quite some time.
How long they had that account data from Stone (and presumably others, some of whose data we know they had long before) will tell us who might be next to face indictment. That will of course depend on how their prior sworn testimony compares to what that data proves they knew was true when they gave that testimony. And yes, I’m talking about Don Jr. for sure. But also any number of other players involved who were in communication with these people prior to and during their sworn testimony.
And we still haven’t even gotten to the real hearing yet. Hee hee.
@52 “a shit-ton of federal employees by and large aren’t essential for much of anything”
Let’s fire the one who mails your Social Security check and keep the one who audits your tax returns. Given your investment acumen, you don’t need Social Security, but you need to be audited; no one, least of all the government, should trust you.
Oh that’s gotta be a Republican bill.. Otherwise named the obsolete head start/pre-k act.
In keeping with the R’s not giving two shits about anyone once they get out of the womb. Unless they’re white and male and in line to inherit something.
@53 What made these fools think the GOP is for small government or personal freedoms?
@ 56
Ah, the 2000s. As in Al Gore and An Inconvenient Truth.
Back before he sold out to an oil-producing nation.
Cue the image of the dumbfuck white-knuckling it on an airplane through another 30 days of shitdown.
@57 Someone needs to look out for the goats. They’re sentient creatures, too.
@65 I hear sitting on the tarmac in an unheated plane with no food, water, or toilets for 30 days is a bitch, especially in Alaska.
@64 Yes, Al Gore’s hypocrisy completely obviates global warming, which can’t possibly exist without Al Gore.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Open Borders Undocumented Demorat Of The Week Award Update- Strong contender emerges, undocumented executioner Wilbur Ernesto Martinez-Guzman;
https://media.breitbart.com/media/2019/01/Ernestoa-640×480.jpg ———————————–
An illegal alien from El Salvador has been officially charged with murdering four Americans, including an elderly couple, in South Reno and Gardnerville, Nevada.
Wilbur Ernesto Martinez-Guzman, a 19-year-old illegal alien, was arrested last week after [law enforcement] suspected him of murdering 56-year-old Connie Koontz, 74-year-old Sophia Renken, 81-year-old Gerald David and his 80-year-old wife, Sharon David between January 10 and 15.
The illegal alien allegedly murdered all of the Americans in their homes during armed burglaries. In a confession to police, authorities said Martinez-Guzman admitted to murdering Gerald and Sharon David using a gun he stole from their house.
https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2019/01/30/illegal-alien-officially-charged-with-murdering-four-americans-in-nevada/ BTW-For a nice laugh RR is welcome to show us additional well-researched statistics from reliable sources.
Been a while since we had a look at Donald’s favorite pollster!
Donald, Jan 31, Approximately 2 years in office
Approval Index -15
Strong Approve 31%
Strong Disapprove 46%
Total Approve 43%
Total Disapprove 56%
Obama, Jan 31, approximately 2 years into first term:
Approval index -8 (7 points better)
Strong Approve 30% (1% lower)
Strong Disapprove 38% (8 points lower)
Total Approve 50% (7 points higher)
Total Disapprove 49% (7 Points lower)
Donald assures us he has unbelievable support. Some of the best support ever. You won’t believe the support people. Tell you big beautiful support from all over America and luxurious support like no other president has ever had. BUILD THE WALL! Hear all that cheering in support?
committed a heinous crime by the look of it. Any perpetrator of such crimes should pay the piper.
However, yours truly vaguely recalls a “legal” citizen of the United States (a highly “prepared” member of a well regulated militia) took out many more people and then juiced on adrenaline and whatever else, took the coward’s way out..
z0’s kind of “executioner”… He was “legal”…
VA state legislator: “My bad. For a second there I forgot that infanticide is illegal.”
@ 70
Support wasn’t a killer in 2016 for Trump. Nationwide polls mean little in elections in which the victor is determined by an aggregate of statewide results.
Or did 2016 not teach you anything.
YLB has unserious and irrelevant absolutely locked. Don’t copy her shtick, Cz-252.
And fer Chrissakes, up yer game. You’re becoming increasingly pathetic.
Hey! My wife’s state pension went up another $50.
Thanks, YLB’s kids!
Four-stroke or injected two-stroke?
The real Power of the People.
Voting isn’t your only power. Resist! Especially when the voting both is broken (Trademark that saying – maybe I’ll ask China for a Trademark like Ivanka Hump).
Look at Pence in that picture – you know he doesn’t even want to look at his wife….it hurts his penis.
Bob is having a conversation with Puffy again.
Individuals continue to be far more likely to die by their own gun in the home than ever using them in self defense.
That you had to take terrible polling that Donald loved quoting that poll until it went south for him and his fragile ego stopped talking about how much more loved he is than the Darkie who preceded him, who has a fake birth certificate and Donald’s Hawaiian investigation found unbelievable things and shift it to an election about two years away is telling about how very nervous you are that Donald is the least popular president in modern history and how that will play out in 2020.
How’d the midterms go? (cue, Donald wasn’t on the ballot in 3…2…)
@69 That’s nothing. Stephen Paddock, the Iowa-born son of a convicted bank robber, murdered 58 people and shot 422 more (injuring a total of 851) with AR-15s converted to machineguns with bump stocks the NRA contends should be legal for no apparent reason other than he wanted to go out with a splash.
I’m not saying an illegal who murdered 4 people isn’t a problem. Lock him up! But since you mentioned statistics, this white guy shot 120 people (and injured 227) for every person your Mexican burglar shot. Clearly, evil white citizens with guns are a much bigger problem than evil brown illegals with guns. Cherrypick all you want; it’s just that, cherrypicking, because it’s a fact that you’re far more likely to be killed by a white citizen with a gun than a brown illegal with a gun.
@70 Makes you wonder what’s wrong with 43% of the people in this country. My guess is they’re the bottom 4/10ths of the IQ curve.
@74 Sure, I can see why you’re happy with that. That’s 1,000 aluminum cans you don’t have to fish out of other people’s garbage.
Where Trump voters come from:
“As of 2016, the number of prime-age men not even looking for work totaled seven million, and only about one-tenth of those were undergoing some form of education. Thirty-five percent of young men, aged 18-34, live with their parents, and the jobless ones are primarily filling their ample leisure time with video games.”
Most of the folks on his “route” are nice enough to do thar for him so all Bob has to do is grab the sack and tie it onto his shopping cart. Which is nice.
“TRUMP: I had no money invested. It was a letter of intent, or option. It was a free option. It was a nothing. And I wasn’t doing anything. I don’t consider that even business. And frankly, that wasn’t even on my radar. If you take a look at that, take a look at the deal. There was no money put up. There was no transfer. I don’t think they had a location. I’m not even sure if they had a location.
BAKER: Clearly there was a hope of having money. That was the reason you were pursuing it, right?
TRUMP: My point is this — It was a free option to look at a deal, to look at deals. That was not like, “I’m going to buy a property in Moscow. I’m going to do — or I’m building a building in Moscow.” Now, I would have had every right to do a deal. That’s what I did. That’s what I did.”
Oh sure. That’s how this shit works. Absolutely.
The world’s wealthiest and most powerful despot offers a $300 million payday to a sweaty orange reality television celebrity for FREEEEEE! You betcha! Nothing unusual at all about that. Happens every fucking day. Perfectly normal thing. Money for nothing happens all the time.
This is your “liberal media” New York Times hard at work folks. Putin’s Pool Boy says the quiet part out loud again. And Maggie and Peter get to work trying to get you to look the other way.
This is fascinating.
Sanctioned Venezuela Oil Firm Gave $500,000 to Trump’s Inauguration—And Is in Debt to Moscow
A month before Trump assumed power, the Venezuelan government also gave the Russian owned company Rosneft 49.9 percent of Citgo’s shares for a $1.5 billion loan.
It sure looks like the oil company wants the US to get rid of the evil socialist so the oil company can keep the profits for themselves and their Russian partners.
“Leisure and hospitality saw big gains in job growth in January as a swell in hiring at restaurants, bars and casinos catapulted the month’s total above 300,000.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: January is when state minimum wages adjust upward. So much for minimum wage being a “job killer.” But then Republicans have always been liars, and there’s never a time when Doctor Dumbfuck isn’t full of b.s..
Yesterday, on another blog, I saw some guy call a union contract that gives refinery workers an 11% pay raise over three years “socialism.” There really are people out there who resent workers being paid anything for their work, and disparage workers no matter how hard they work. An irrational anti-wage earner ideology has taken root in our society and is spreading like a noxious weed. I’m sure glad I don’t have to work, especially for these people.
@85 Putin probably figures buying an American president for $300 million is a lot cheaper than fighting a war to, say, take over Eastern Europe. If he can get rid of NATO for only $300 million, he’s getting the deal of a lifetime.
@88. How much do you think that attitude is encouraged resentment?
“Nobody is “helping” ME get an 11% pay raise over three years, so I’m opposed to THEM getting it,. Furthermore since I didn’t get it automatically due to my class and privilege, they must have cheated to get it.”
Heh. Boob once again forgets to thank its daughter, that is if she isn’t living in the farthest state she can from her “dad”..
too funny, this “serious” and “relevant” troll..
Re: Rasmussen, tehdonald’s favorite pollster..
Yours truly recalls when another “serious” and “relevant” troll named Mr. Klynical posted Rasmussen’s daily poll EVERY FREAKIN’ day here at HA during Obama’s first two years.. Maybe Rasmussen took weekends off..
What happened in Nov 2012 again? Yawn.. Another “serious” and “relevant” troll bit the dust.
We’re left with the absolute bottom of the barrel.. yes, fellow HA HEROES, the most “serious” and “relevant” trolls. Are you lyao yet?