– I’m assuming we won’t see any opinion pieces from Senator Pearson complaining that people breaking the law to get their way on steelhead release are bullies. [h/t to Roger in the comments]
– Congrats to Idaho couples and activists.
– The Clackamas County Clerk is sure a decent person doing her job well, so stop saying that she isn’t.
– Recess Shrinks At Seattle Schools; Poor Schools Fare Worst
– Here are some South Sound sports.
On conservative talk AM radio, (Is there any other kind?), the talking head was ranting about Hillary Clinton, and said Bengazi about a dozen times and then snuck in that …”everyone knows that the kidnapping of the girls in Nigeria was Hillary fault. If she had not mismanaged the Secretary of State job, it couldn’t have happened.” and then he went to commercial.
How quickly they pivot. Last month, they would have blamed the kidnapping on Obomacare, now it’s Hillary Clinton’s fault.
It’s getting harder and harder to tell Michael Sam and Snooki apart:
@2. He’s black, he’s gay and there Oprah, you couldn’t resist. Once again, setting the example that republicans are secretly bigots and racists, they just don’t have the balls to openly admit how they really feel. Continuing that theme, made any more jokes about the looks of African American girls you want to share?
@ 3
I was actually hoping to see Sam on TV this Fall. I don’t know if my watering hole of choice gets the Oprah network in their cable package.
Google ‘michael sam oprah’ and you’ll find that every news source has a piece covering it. I bring it up and it’s because I’m a racist homophobe? The only reason RR didn’t bring it up first is because he’s still on the pot – it’s only noon, after all.
“The only reason RR didn’t bring it up first is because he’s still on the pot – it’s only noon, after all.”
When nothing else works you can always blame it on rabbit pellets.
@ 5
I guess when nothing else works you can always blame everything on rabbit pellets.
That’s something some of us have known about you all along, RR.
It really does explain a lot.
@6 No, it explains whatever you want it to explain. That’s how your mind works: If you want the universe to be 6,000 years old, then it’s 6,000 years old. If you want the Al Qaeda attack in Benghazi to be Hillary’s fault, then she surely orchestrated it. If you want Romney to win by a landslide, then Obama stole the election. If you want Oprah’s and Snooki’s actions dictated by Roger Rabbit’s shitting schedule, then those robots will dance to my bowel movements. Make-believe worlds are always wonderful worlds to live in — until reality busts in, that is.
@ 7
I see I @ 6 touched a nerve.
Have a nice day, RR.
You have a track record of when given the opportunity to make a subversive or underhanded racist or bigoted comment, you try to slide one in and then back pedal and claim it was misunderstood, it was a joke, it was an innocent comment, if called on it. It’s what you do.
Sad try. Rabbit’s probably already been a better capitalist than you, before noon, while on the pot, than you will be all day.
@8 Eh? You’re the jumpy one here. All I’m doing is squatting on my furry ass like I normally do.
The impending death of newspapers isn’t altogether a bad thing. The internet, which has taken over their news function, disseminates information much faster. And newspapers, which historically tended to have reactionary owners, weren’t all that objective to begin with. The new owner of the Everett Herald, for example, has a reputation for firing reporters who write stories that upset advertisers. In addition, newspapers contribute to deforestation. It’s true the print media are losing readers and relevance, but people still want news, the only thing that’s really changed is how it’s distributed. Journalism is as relevant as ever; it’s only newspapers that have become albatrosses.
Yes, that’s right. Conservatives have supported AM radio talk show. Liberals failed to support Air America, but they pretty much have TV news, save Fox, in their tent.
@12 I don’t own a TV, so I’m not really up on what’s on TV, but my impression is just about all the networks have a conservative slant but there are still some that report facts and aren’t out-and-out wingnut propaganda like Fox is.
No, I’d say most TV news people are on the left side of the spectrum, but the folks on the right surely own AM talk radio. There’s no question about that!
@13 ” … I’d say …”
That’s pretty much your life story, summed up in two words, isn’t it?
Seems Bill Clinton unwittingly vindicated Karl Rove! http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/po.....-timeline/ It took 6 months not what the state department originally lied.
Here’s a fascinating article by a Republican explaining why he votes for Democrats and wants his own party to “to lose, lose badly, and keep losing until it comes to its senses.”
At the top of his list is this: “It is the behavior of a party that now routinely places its own partisan advantage, as well as its own unhinged hatred for its ideological opponents, ahead of the good of the country.”
But there’s more, much more:
“A gun-toting maniac slaughters 20 children and 6 adults inside an elementary school. The GOP response? Loosen gun restrictions.
“Banks and the finance industry nearly topple the global economy. The GOP response? Oppose increased regulation of banks and the finance industry.
“Well over 90 percent of climate scientists present research in favor of anthropogenic climate change. The GOP response? Suggest that the scientists have joined forces with liberals in a big-government conspiracy.
“Economic inequality is increasing dramatically, especially at the very top of the income pyramid. The GOP response? Propose cutting taxes on the wealthy.
“The food stamp program has grown since the economic meltdown of 2008, which led to millions of Americans losing their jobs. The GOP response? Cut the food stamp program.
“Money is playing an ever-greater role in American politics. The GOP response? Cheer on the effort of the Supreme Court’s Republican majority to increase the role of money in politics still further.
“Wages have been stagnant or falling for many years, and raising the federal minimum wage is a broadly popular way of addressing the problem. The GOP response? Oppose raising the minimum wage.
“If any of this makes sense to you, maybe the GOP is where you belong. As for me, I’ll stay where I am: Voting against the Republican Party every chance I get — and hoping it soon receives the incontestable rebuke at the ballot box it so richly deserves.”
Wait a minute… Didn’t John Effin Kerry and Obummer tell us and the Saudis that Iran is under control?
Incontestable rebuke? Actually, that’s what happened when the American people elected a black Kenyan with a forged birth certificate educated in Indonesian madrasses who pals around with terrorists — twice — simply because he’s not a Republican. That’s like losing an election to the Al Qaeda candidate, at least, according to their narrative.
I should also remind you that Republicans lost the popular vote in all three national elections in 2012 — the Presidency, Senate, and House.
I don’t know how much more rebuked you can get than that.
War on wimens – The NY Times underpaid editor? Who knew?
And we know The New Yorker leans so far right it’s left.
@18 I thought so, but just to be on the safe side, how about if we paint a bullseye on your ass and send you on a long trip? So WE don’t get hit.
@16 Ben-GHAAAAAA-ziii!!!!!!!
Y’know, putz, you should read what your Republican buddy @17 said about the GOP’s obsessions with Benghazi. It’s time someone told you how unpatriotic you are. Well, guess what, someone just did — one of your own.
@13, If you really think that most of the networks lean right, you might very well be about as intelligent as a rabbit.
Whereas you life’s story might be summed up in”…I don’t own a TV…”. Your life story appears to be negative while mine is more affirmative.
Whereas you life’s story might be summed up in”…I don’t own a TV…”. Your life story appears to be negative while mine is more affirmative.
No, I think most TV news program have a left-learning bias, but AM talk radio clearly belongs to the right wing.
Interesting article about the country that our trolls believe can do no wrong:
“The Israelis are extraordinarily good SIGINT partners for us, but … they target us to learn our positions on Middle East problems. A NIE [National Intelligence Estimate] ranked them as
Third? After Russia and China?
Damn! Didn’t some idiot of a troll say that this kind of behaviour
@20 Or maybe she was fired because she was a jerk nobody could stand including her boss.
@28…What’s your point?
Is this true? http://mynorthwest.com/76/2520.....1-a-gallon
What about the poor low information voter? Who will they blame for this? How will they live with gas being jacked up by this DUMMOCRETIN gunvur?
And the leftist pinheads in the msm are pizzed… http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/s.....TE=DEFAULT
Soooooooooo… the libtard writer of this swill is upset Limbaugh won! Look at the snarky commentary in that sentence. Sooooooooooo… any book worth considering needs DUMMOCRETIN blessing by leftists in the lamestream media? That’s a hoot.
Then later they try to say no cheating seemed to happen but for Limbaugh to win there had to be cheating? Who they fooling except low information voters?
Then venturing over to NPR… National Pinhead Radio…
Of course the snarky line…
So unless it’s blessed by libtards it won’t be a critical favorite? And that reviewer is a big time DUMMOCRETIN. Rush covered his very negative biased review. Then this writer wrote about concerns of the finalists? Why? Because Limbaugh was included that’s why!
And you wonder why we conservatives strike out at you libtard DUMMOCRETINS. When Rush writes a book about about American History DUMMOCRETINS still go apoplectic. Where were the politics discussed in the book? NO Where! DUMMOCRETINS still have to demonstrate their abject hatred for anything not libtard progressive DUMMOCRETIN losing in the minds of standard Americans.To a DUMMOCRETIN they can’t fathom how unpolluted children can love a book unless the NEA bought and biased DUMMOCRETIN teacher tells them how good this book “really is”.
You DUMMOCRETINS are swine!
The clueless crazed cretin never has a point. It’s 24×7 snark! The clueless crazed cretin hates Israel. Google ylb and clueless + Israel to view his useless commentary! Puddy bets it’s reviewing what it wrote on the subject right now!
You know IDIOT Wabbit, if Benghazi is so old news why is the IRS stonewalling FOIA requests? http://townhall.com/tipsheet/k.....s-n1839060
You can’t make this up!
Jr Biden on Ukraine’s gas conglomerate board.
Yes DUMMOCRETINS always profit from war issues. Yet, HA’s dumbest DUMMOCRETINS fail to see this and blame it on conservatives.
He beat out a bunch of sequels
Allegiant by Veronica Roth
Dork Diaries 6: Tales From A Not-So-Happy Heartbreaker by Rachel Renee Russell
House of Hades (Heroes of Olympus, Book 4) by Rick Riordan
Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Hard Luck, Book 8 by Jeff Kinney
His dittoheads (their word) followed his link from his web site after he called them to vote for him
Rush gave us a great example of how reliable electronic voting is. Well Played Rush, Well played. Good job hacking the system.
@ 36
Rush gave us a great example of how reliable electronic voting is. Well Played Rush, Well played. Good job hacking the system.
Speaking of reliability and hacking the system:
Does anyone actually look at chryons?
@34 Aren’t you getting your scandals mixed up?
Paul Ryan Endorses $15 Minimum Wage
He probably doesn’t realize he did, but here’s what he said:
“‘Families who want to get out of poverty, when they try to do so they end up losing more than they gained by going to work in many instances,’ Ryan said. “We have a lot of perverse incentives built into the system that need to be addressed so that it always pays to work.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: After decades of concerted and coordinated efforts by conservatives to break unions, beat down wages, and resist increasing the $7.25, we do indeed have a system under which welfare pays better than working. (Whose fault is that?)
Actually, I suspect Ryan’s remedy for this is not raising wages, but reducing welfare benefits, so working will once again pay better than welfare. He’s not fooling anyone. Huffpo, for one, sees right through his bullshit:
“Ryan’s ideas are extremely old-fashioned. Indeed, they echo conservative views about welfare going all the way back to the English Poor Laws of the 17th century, which categorized poor people according to their deservingness of help. …
“Whoever the bogeyman, the conservative response springs from the same core belief that too much government assistance causes the problem it’s supposed to solve, and that any decent person can make it in America if he or she tries hard enough.
“It’s an ideology that predates economic statistics, which don’t support it very well. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly 10 million Americans were unemployed in April, and 7 million more wanted full-time work, yet there were only 4 million job openings.”
If I recall right, Rep. Ryan made his money the good-old-fashioned way — by marrying it. This is a guy who has never worked in a real job, who has made a lifetime hobby of politics, presuming to tell America’s poor to get off the dime and get out there and support themselves and their families with a $7.25-an-hour job.
Anyone can earn Ryan’s $165,000-a-year congressional salary. All they have to do is get out there and work hard in a $7.25-an-hour job for 62 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Um no Roger IDIOT Wabbit. Both happened in 2012! Sorry if you are so dense! Except Benghazi left four dead on Obummer’s watch when we now know security was reduced per Clinton/Obummer!
And we see Obummer sadministration stonewalling on both scandals!
Here’s more from the Huffpo article:
“If you’re driving from the suburb to the sports arena downtown by these blighted neighborhoods, you can’t just say, ‘I’m paying my taxes, government’s got to fix that.’ You need to get involved,” Ryan said on the radio show. “You need to get involved yourself, whether through a good mentor program, or some religious charity, whatever it is to make a difference. And that’s how we help resuscitate our culture.”
Ryan’s comment could have come straight from the late 1800s, an era of rapid industrialization, robber barons and unrest known as the Gilded Age.
The financial panic of 1873 triggered a worldwide depression. Bank failures led to widespread layoffs, and welfare historians have documented increasing demands for private and public poor relief at the local level. Concern rose about tramps roaming from city to city to soak up whatever charity they could find. Welfare reformers at the time fought to stop the handouts, which they said only exacerbated tramping.
“Next to alcohol, and perhaps alongside it, the most pernicious fluid is indiscriminate soup,” one reformer said in the late 1870s, according to historian Walter I. Trattner’s 1974 book, “From Poor Law to Welfare State.” Another said, “It is not bread the poor need, it is soul; it is not soup, it is spirit.”
Ryan channeled the spirit and the language of these reformers when he told the Conservative Political Action Conference in March, “What the Left is offering people is a full stomach and an empty soul.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I quoted this because it sums up the Cheap Labor Conservative’s program for the poor: They want the poor to go hungry and go to church. That’s it.
Their program never changes; only the rhetoric they cloak it in changes. Beware conservatives bearing charitable gifts. Take the minimum wage increase instead.
Ryan is right about one thing: People should work to support themselves. But for that to happen, the economy has to offer jobs, and employers have to pay a living wage. You can’t give companies tax breaks to send jobs overseas, keep wages below subsistence, and then tell people who can’t earn enough for rent and food to live on church sermons. Life just doesn’t work that way.
Let’s face it, Ryan is just another clueless spoiled brat millionaire spouting sanctimonious horseshit.
Worser reads Christian Science Monitor, or as Puddy thinks… worser trolled a left wrong libtard web site and then went there!
Got proof worser?
And why did worser skip this paragraph… Maybe it explodes the worse commentary today?
Hey IDIOT Wabbit, isn’t that the same was John Effin Kerry, the vietnam war vet, got his money… by marrying into it? You seem to have no problem with John Effin Kerry!
In any case, the conservative meme of working for money is a crock to begin with. You don’t get money in this country by working for it. That’s crystal clear from the fact that all of America’s tens of millions of workers put together get only 40% of our nation’s output as measured by GDP, while a relatively small number of capitalists get the other 60%. Work doesn’t pay and everyone knows it. If you work, you’re making someone else rich. Real money is made by owning, not by working.
Take me, for example. I’m a capitalist. I do no work, produce nothing, and contribute exactly zero to GDP. What I do, what all capitalists do, is take. That’s it. I get paid for your work, it’s as simple as that. How much does your employer pay me? Well, I made $1,362 in the stock market today, and if you consider that the equivalent of an 8-hour-a-day job, then I was paid $170.25 an hour for the work you did today. Let’s just say I’d much rather be me than be you, under a rigged system like this.
Some of our idiotic trolls actually think I’m some kind of socialist! They just don’t know me. Even though I believe our economic system is rotten, rigged, and unfair, I’m perfectly willing to live under it! I can keep doing this for as long as the world lets me get away with it. Yes, I think the minimum wage should be raised, and no, I don’t vote for Cheap Labor Conservatives, but I’ll damn sure take a cut of the profits from the wage slavery system they’ve erected for themselves. After all, whatever I don’t take, they’ll get, and I’ll make better use of it than they will — I’ll use it to feed liberal bloggers when I see them at DL. It’s dirty money, maybe even blood money, but the sandwiches it pays for fill our stomachs all the same. And those sandwiches will keep us out of Paul Ryan’s soup line and whatever church he worships in.
I just sent Goldy $50 through the donation button in the sidebar to buy food with. I’m gonna reinvest the other $1,312 in more stock to keep this racket going. The trick is wages don’t go up, but capital snowballs.
Well looky here — the European Union is complaining that Boeing’s taxpayer subsidies are UNFAIR COMPETITION.
“The European Union is considering … challenging tax breaks that encouraged … Boeing to keep production of its latest jet in Washington state, people familiar with the matter said on Friday. …
“Washington’s state legislature agreed [to] the tax breaks … as Boeing considered whether to build the newest version of successful 777 wide-body jet in the Seattle area. The package exceeds the estimated cost of developing the 777X, suggesting Boeing is getting an aircraft ‘fully funded by the U.S. taxpayer,’ Airbus … said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Maybe Boeing should buy ME a sandwich the next time I see them. After all, I paid for it.
(Full Disclosure: Roger Rabbit doesn’t own Boeing stock. But his sister does, and she’s making a mint! You think Boeing is poor, and needs taxpayer relief? Oh man, you are clueless! That stock has doubled since June of 2012.)
Another reason why it’s better to be a capitalist than a worker:
“Big companies like automaker Ford, aircraft builder Boeing and beverage king Coca-Cola are planning to cut the cash they put into employees’ pensions this year. Investors are hoping to get their hands on the money instead.
“Thanks to the rising stock market and higher interest rates, companies aim to cut contributions to their employee pension plans by 28% or $16 billion this year to $40 billion, says research firm International Strategy & Investment, based on estimates provided by the 345 companies in the S&P 500 that still have pension plans.
“These expected 2014 pension contribution cuts come after the companies already reduced their pension contributions 27% in 2013 to $56 billion, the lowest contribution since 2008, ISI says. That’s all money investors hope will be coming their way in the form of dividend hikes or stock buybacks.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: If you fought your way through commuter traffic to a job today, you may not have contributed to your retirement, but your work is supporting MY retirement. Thanks! I appreciate it.
Looking at the screen capture from the rush website
The super secure interface displays “your age”, “your state” and a “Vote” button. I’m sure, in your mind, not a single ditto head adult went there and fudged on their age by 50 years, and voted for the book.
(Just like in your mind, George Bush won the 2000 election. )
…I know, logic is just gonna bounce off the puddy bubble.
Now gawk at this: One of these guys will be the next governor of Republican Idaho.
Oooooo, lookeee, a certain serial miscreant aerospace company is in hot water with the NLRB, too!
Yet, your fellow libtard loony tunes here on HA DUMMOCRETINS want to trash capitalism!
The NLRB is a joke.
Ohhh lookie here… University of Texas, second highest ranked libtard university in a very libtard city Austin… stops their “investigation”.
Seems Conservative Wallace Hall has uncovered an admissions scandal and most Texas DUMMOCRETINS and a few Republicans want Hall to be forced off the board. Must be their family members benefited from this admissions fiasco!
Interesting article.
Looks like more of Obummer’s change few believe in. http://freedomslighthouse.net/.....deo-51314/ All those illegal aliens walking the streets and they are criminals! Amazingly what happens when one of these illegal aliens does something bad again!
@52 “Yet, your fellow libtard loony tunes here on HA DUMMOCRETINS want to trash capitalism!”
No, they just want capitalists to pay the same taxes as workers, which isn’t the same thing. They’re not even asking for income equality, they’re only asking for $15 an hour. As for you, putz, I’m sure sorry you’re not a capitalist like me and need a job and have to work but I’ll keep fighting for you. By the way, as a shareholder, I just want to say thanks for your hard work! Better you than me. One of us has to be idle to provide incentive for the rest.
Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder listened to Morons.org and decided not to list Boko Haran as a terrorist organization!
@55 Well, if a heavyweight Democrat like Panetta is in favor of a tenth investigation of Benghazi, maybe there’s hope we’ll get some objective findings this time, unlike the nine GOP witch hunts that preceded it.
@58 Is this what you’re referring to? Take special note of the last paragraph:
“Statement in response to Rep. Stockman’s bogus “MoveOn supports terrorists” attack
“Rep. Stockman’s ‘MoveOn supports terrorists’ attack is ridiculous on its face. This kind of dishonest attack is exactly the reason Steve Stockman has zero credibility.
“Remember, Rep. Stockman is the guy who said President Obama’s support of marriage equality is ‘setting up for a dictatorship,’ that the GM bailout brought ‘fascism’ to America, and that the President’s birth certificate may be ‘fraudulent.’ Nothing he says can be taken seriously.
“Let’s set the record straight:
“MoveOn members join all people around in the world in condemning the terrorist group Boko Haram and praying for the speedy return of the girls who have been kidnapped.
“In regards to the petition Rep. Stockman is referring to, MoveOn runs an open petition platform, meaning that anyone can start a MoveOn petition about anything. Thousands of petitions are created every month, and popular petitions frequently garner hundreds of thousands of signatures. The petition in question was created years ago, earned only about a hundred signatures, and was just brought to the attention of MoveOn staff yesterday, after years of being inactive, at which point we promptly reviewed the petition and removed it from our site.
“Any attempt to portray a years-old petition created by one individual that gained only about a hundred signatures as representing the views of MoveOn and its 8 million members as a whole is dishonest, false, and offensive.”
Oops! Puddy tripped over his shoelaces again!
It seems Puddy has joined the ranks of the “dishonest, false, and offensive.” Well, that’s what happens when you’re a brainwashed idiot who doesn’t bother to fact-check any of the crapola spewing from the Wingnut Noise Machine.
Sorry dude IDIOT Wabbit… you’re daft on this one.
So libtard loving Warren Buffett and Bill Gates aren’t paying their fair share?
How about the estate of Steve Jobs?
Maybe Mark Zuckerberg?
What about Larry Ellison?
Some of the richest billionaires who love the DUMMOCRETIN not paying their fair share eh IDIOT Wabbit?
Ohhh IDIOT Wabbit… Moron.org now trying to claim a little petition doesn’t represent their “views” doesn’t wash. They are the first to claim one little nut bag with a racist poster against Obummer represents all conservatives!
Shoe laces still tied IDIOT Wabbit!
See ya!
Meanwhile here is the Obummer sadministration previously on boko haram… http://www.raymondibrahim.com/.....murderers/
Yessireee… If you are a persecuted Christian in a foreign country; don’t call on Obummer to support you.
Remember Obummer said nothing about boko haram when they bombed or burned hundreds of Christian churches in the last several years, most when packed for service. Two of their most heinous acts hapened on Christmas Day 2011 and Easter Day April 2012, leaving countless worshippers dead or dismembered. In its bid to cleanse northern Nigeria of all Christian presence—a repeatedly stated goal—it has threatened to poison the food eaten by Christians and stormed areas where Christians and Muslims were intermingled, singling the Christians out before slitting their throats. Nary a peep from Obummer and Effin Kerry!
@62 I’m not paying MY fair share. I paid no taxes on the capital gains in Pop Rabbit’s estate. Neither did he. Nor will anyone else, ever. And the tax rate on MY capital gains and dividends is only slightly higher than what a minimum wage worker pays into FICA. And the hedge fund managers who made over $1 billion each last year? Their maximum tax rate is 15%.
Why A Few People End Up With All The Money, In Every Economy, Every Time
Two words: Compound interest. If I invest $1,000,000 at 10% and reinvest the proceeds in 25 years my income from that investment will be $1,000,000 a year.
And if you reinvest $1 million at 10% for 50 years, your annual income will be over $10 million a year. It’s amazing how rich you can become, without any talent or effort on your part, if you start out with an advantage over other people.
And if you never cash in your capital gains, you’ll never pay any taxes on them, and your heirs will get them tax-free. That is, they would if we didn’t have inheritance taxes, which don’t kick in for several million dollars, which means most capital gains in most estates are never taxed.
And what do we have in this country? We have guys with ten and eleven figure net worths like Mitt Romney bitching that 47% of the people in this country don’t pay income taxes. (They do pay other taxes — lots of ’em.) Which is another way of saying that 30 years of Republican economic policies have left us with a country in which half the population are too poor to have taxable income.
@62 Oh yeah, one more thing, putz. I’ll bet Warren Buffett and Bill Gates would much rather have their income and their tax bill than your income and your tax bill.
@64 You do realize you got your ass handed to you @60 don’t you?
Portrait Of A Gun Nut
Walking up to a woman in a wheelchair waiting in an airport and spitting in her face because you didn’t like what she said on teevee. Yep, another NRA poster boy.
What kind of infantile jerk menaces, baits, and bullies the elderly parents of a young woman murdered in the Colorado theater shooting?
His name is Alex Jones.
“Yessireee… If you are a persecuted Christian in a foreign country; don’t call on Obummer to support you.”
Local clueless troll imagines the Kenyan muslim “Obummer” would care about persecuted Christians in other countries
@72 Explain what the President of the United States should do about a Sudanese court decision involving a Sudanese citizen in Sudan? Exactly what do you have in mind? A war? Regime change? A SEAL team rescue operation? Diplomatic pressure? What would YOU do? And since when is the United States, a secular government, the designated protector of imperiled Christians everywhere?
Warmongers are bad enough; warmongers who lose their wars are worse. I’m having trouble thinking of a war Republicans won. The only one that comes to my mind is Lincoln and the Civil War. Oh, I guess there’s Bush41 and Kuwait. I can’t think of any others the GOPers didn’t lose or get bogged down in.
@40 “Except Benghazi left four dead on Obummer’s watch when we now know security was reduced per Clinton/Obummer!”
Not the first time …
@44 “Hey IDIOT Wabbit, isn’t that the same was John Effin Kerry, the vietnam war vet, got his money… by marrying into it?”
To some extent, although Kerry was born into a wealthy family and was a spoiled rich kid before Mrs. Heinz came into his life, but he also came from a family with a tradition of public service (his father was a military veteran and Foreign Service Officer) and Kerry saw combat in Vietnam, unlike your chickenhawk organ grinder monkey who joined the Texas Air National Guard to avoid the draft and then, after taxpayers spent $1 million training him to fly jet fighters, went AWOL and performed no useful service.
By the way, spudnutz, what’s your military service? Did you have any? I’m a Vietnam veteran. Your hero Darrell Issa is a car thief.
@39 The disgusting thing is that it’s become necessary for government to hold businesses at gunpoint to force them to pay people a living wage. In a healthier economy (like many of us grew up in) employment would be a sellers’ market and nobody would be getting minimum wage except kids working part-time summer jobs. Instead, we’ve had over a decade of a carefully engineered “jobless recovery” in which decent jobs are few and far between, nobody can afford an education and the “securities” markets have become a farce supported by government handouts and sucker bets on which of us poor sods are going to go broke first.
“Nobody ever got rich drawing a paycheck”–Rush Limbaugh (repeatedly).