White American Evangelical Christians are going to have to figure out how far they’re willing to go along with Trump. I know, how about stop when he discriminated against Black people in housing? Or when he took his first shit in a gold plated toilet in a tower over a then impoverished city. Or when he said Mexicans are rapists. Or when when they heard him bragging about all the sexual assault. Or his attacks on food stamps and insurance while giving tax cuts to the wealthy. Or the sex outside marriage.
I know, for decent people support for Trump should have waned long ago, or never started. But now it’s at least a possibly that paid for one of his mistress’ abortions. Now, I don’t care if it wasn’t coerced. But White Evangelicals have been pretending that abortion is the same thing as murder for decades. I don’t think that they will care, but maybe that will be too far.
Don’t they know any Latin in South Carolina?
Stock Market is Booming! (Fake News – By Bob)
That Chinaman is great poker player – better than the best deal maker.
The Art of the Deal
– North Korea
– Tariffs
– Middle East Peace
– Middle Class Tax Cuts
Wherein a Republican dumbfuck gets schooled:
“A high school math teacher ousted the majority leader of the Kentucky House of Representatives on Tuesday …. The election result is a warning to other Republican lawmakers on the ballot in November, where dozens more teachers are mounting challenges …. ”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Kentucky is one of the states where GOP legislatures provoked mass teacher protests this spring. As every kid eventually learns, you mess with “Teach” at your peril. These home-schooled Republicans must have skipped that class.
No. The computer spat it out as obscene and no one working in the store has any knowledge of graduating with honors.
I would presume they have Google.
Isn’t there someone who’s super impressed by letting the machines take over labor?
North Korea: No deal.
China: No deal.
Iran: No deal.
The fabricated hype that this self-promoting blowhard is some kind of world-class negotiator is being shown up for the con game it is.
Art of the Deal = lying, reneging, deadbeat, welsher, breaking contracts
DJIA = back in the red for the year.
Summa cum laude won’t fly on a cake.
LOVE WINS FAG is not a problem. This is why I love Texas – they know how to interpret the First Amendment as well as the Second Amendment.
By the way Carl – you are making one big assumption and that is that you think Evangelical Christians have any morals.
If I imagine YLB as male, this is pretty much what I come up with:
ABC News✔
“I’m not bothering them living here”: 30-year-old man court-ordered to vacate his parents’ home speaks to @GioBenitez. https://abcn.ws/2II8x9S
5:10 AM – May 23, 2018
@7 how come you haven’t moved to Texas? Do they have some law against bestiality? The horse not welcome?
@ 8
By the way Carl – you are making one big assumption and that is that
you think Evangelical Christians have any moralsthere would be any way of proving that the aborted fetus was Trump’s. It’s not like Playboy Playmates are known for their monogamy.ftfy
See, the problem with forcing faculty to work these part-time adjunct jobs is it leaves them with time to do shit like this:
UNL faculty member guilty of vandalizing NRA lobbyist’s home with fake blood
Although clearly they are not underpaid, because the employment arrangement also leaves them with enough money to fly from Lincoln, NE to Virginia in order to pull stupid stunts like this.
I don’t know why, but I feel the need to point out that this dumbfuck is a sociology professor. For now, anyway.
@11 you don’t know how to fix things…all you do is break things…something any hillbilly can do.
@7 Your crowd thinks “flag” is a mispelling of “fag.”
@7 “they know how to interpret the First Amendment as well as the Second Amendment”
They stick a gun in your face if they think you’re a Muslim.
So, if I make a fortune shorting the market, that would make me a “job creator,” right?
Well, no. But it might make you a Nazi collaborator and major, major donor to liberal politicians and causes.
Did Obama ever have a year where the stock market went nowhere? The Hump still has time before a recession hits.
I guess he did – 2015. But then The Hump said he could fix that.
spent some time recently “communing” with a few of the relatively small number of Trump voters I am close to. Close friends who live in other cities. Had not had the opportunity to touch on any of these topics at any length in the last 18 months. Enlightening to say the least.
Seems they blame us.
They expressed plenty of anger and frustration and lost their shit a bunch, despite my remaining calm and patiently asking probing questions. What kicked it off was my response to some commentary about the OSC probe. I simply pointed out that all these guys in all these investigations are Republicans, many of whom might have voted for Trump. And that the Trump White House launched the OSC probe in the first place and the Republican Congress has kept it alive.
That touched a nerve. They felt compelled at that point to delve into why it was Democrats fault that Trump happened because so many of the people who voted for him were angry. We kept at it for about an hour during which time the argument turned into a recursive loop about Trump being the fault of Democrats for not “feeling” the trailerbilly anger, even though it was Republican abandonment of the trailerbillies that set them off (that and something about the black guy in the White House).
In the end it seems these guys don’t really give a shit that plenty of other people have been angry and ignored for decades (not surprising). And they have come to regard the Democratic Party and its candidates as the traditional place they went with their anger when the long tiresome parade of Doles, Bushes, McCains, and Romneys let them down and blamed them for who they are.
I think I’ve made it clear I don’t think that’s a good role for the Democratic party to play. We’ve held the door open for these assholes for fifty years playing the desperate ex-girlfriend, often at the expense of turning away and disenfranchising others. These people need to be made to face their own internal contradictions and hypocrisies however painful it may be for them (and perhaps for us too). My sense is most of them regret voting for Trump pretty deeply and right now this anger at Democrats is a kind of Kübler-Ross stage. Either way it probably doesn’t matter. At this point in time they won’t respond to Democrats unless we abandon diversity and focus exclusively on their perceived loss of privilege and status. Fuck that. They finally have to get used to not being Star-Bellied Sneetches anymore.
White American Evangelical Christians are just going to ride Trump out and then pretend it never happened. But they will never again have the authority they once had. They and their party have stood by and supported a guy who, while he was in office, ran a porn-abortion hush money racket, a few other guys who fucked kids, and a few more guys who beat up their wives and girlfriends. And that support has not been “tepid” or “silent”. They have gone to the walls for these guys, just like we’ve seen our own trolls fly to the defense of Nazis and child molesters time and time again. Trump has changed them permanently. Hopefully he has changed Democrats as well.
@8 Over the years, I was dragged into evangelical churches by acquaintances a few times, and what I observed about these congregations is they’re mostly codependent alcoholics, drug addicts, ex-cons, and other weaklings who use religion as a crutch and need a father figure telling them what to think so they won’t fall off the wagon again. I guess it serves a purpose when you have no moral or intellectual moorings of your own.
I blame Republicans for me sucking a cock.
@9 I can hardly wait until your missus serves you with your walking papers. After all, by your own admission, those horses are hers.
@10 They take horses seriously there. People, not as much.
“White American Evangelical Christians are just going to ride Trump out and then pretend it never happened”
White Evangelicals are bit like the Tea Party in that respect, only the Tea Party disappeared…hopefully the Evangelicals do too…but I don’t think they will….maybe one day, when they see the light that they are all suckers.
@12 Yeah, suggesting an NRA lobbyist might have blood on his hands is just a stupid stunt. Now, when you talk about doors being responsible for school shootings, and arming teachers with baseball bats, you’re being serious.
Hillary Clinton’s get-out-of-jail-free card from Comey, explained:
With a success rate like that, Comey’s “No reasonable prosecutor…” shtick makes a bit more sense.
@16 In his next post, Dumbfuck will lay on us with all the sordid details of this 9-year-old kid’s collaboration with the Nazis.
You see, Dumbfuck, the problem with you trying to play the Nazi card is that the Nazis are from your tribe.
@18 You can’t have an intelligent conversation with people who are only seeking validation and legitimization and have closed their minds to everything else.
@25 Mistakes like this, which is what you get when Republicans are in charge, don’t help the FBI’s credibility.
But I don’t think Mueller will screw up the fingerprint or DNA evidence.
@ 28
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, who was president in 2012-2016?
The number of convictions in FBI-led investigations dropped last year for the fifth consecutive year–from 11,461 in 2012 to 10,232, according to Syracuse University data, which was obtained under Freedom of Information Act requests.
(Link @ 25)
What Doctor Dumbfuck isn’t talking about today:
DJIA on Dec. 29, 2017 – 24,719.22
DJIA on May 23, 2018 – 24,690.45
Now let’s consider what has happened between those two dates:
(1) An enormous tax cut takes effect
(2) Strong first quarter earnings
(3) North Korea negotiations
(4) China negotiations
(5) Iran negotiations
The art of the deal, indeed.
In other news, I see that one of Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s most-favored stocks, GE, is down nearly 7% on the day.
My Notadumbfuck Method
of investing. I’m not kidding.
Grassley wants the unredacted Strzok/Page texts.
[Deleted…too much copy, not enough intelligent commentary.]
Hey, look. $70k for a conference table. That’s more than a phone booth.
@29 Not the dumbfuck who was president in 2004 when the innocent lawyer @28 was arrested and defamed by FBI bunglers.
I hope Bob is happy with the NFL ruling. I am.
So either the player stays in the locker room (as the protest) or he can show his dedication to the cause by paying a fine.
Sounds good to me.
As crime rates nationwide dropped, so did convictions. Huh. Whowouldathought
@31 “In other news”
In other words, your Soros, Hillary, and FBI memes have run out of steam.
@34 “Teams could be fined by the league if their players sit or kneel, as many have done in protest of racial injustice and police brutality in recent seasons after NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick’s initial kneeling protest in 2016 earned nationwide attention. … NFL commissioner Roger Goodell noted in a statement Wednesday that ‘on-field protests created a false perception among many that thousands of NFL players were unpatriotic.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: I’m sure the NFL owners don’t intend to endorse police brutality against black people, even though it looks exactly like that’s what they’re doing, any more than the players’ protests are unpatriotic, even though millions of nitwits (mostly people identifying as Republicans) interpret them that way. So if we can just cut through the misunderstandings, we should be able to come up with a win-win solution that works for everybody.
How about if the players just put up a big sign along the midfield sidelines that says, “We want white people to stop supporting white cops who kill black people”?
That should prevent any future misunderstandings.
Or, black players could defy the NFL decree, continue their protests, and then when sanctioned by the league, walk off the field en masse and let the teams try to play games with the rosters they have left.
“At the start of the 2014 season, NFL surveys revealed that the league was approximately 68% African-American and about 28% white, with the remaining 4% comprising Asian/Pacific Islander, non-white Hispanics, and those preferring a Mixed Race category. … There are currently no white cornerbacks in the NFL …. Since the 2010 season, only eight white halfbacks have seen regular playing time …. No white running back rushed for 1,000 rushing yards in a season between … 1985 and … 2010.”
Yeah, let’s see if they can play without their black players.
Yet another primary election earthquake. In TexAss, of all places.
See my handle link for when I imagine boob as female…
The person in that photo is actually too dignified for boob.
Draining The Swamp Dep’t
“Attorney Michael Cohen was secretly paid at least $400,000 by Ukrainians to set up talks between President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko last June, the BBC reported Wednesday. Soon after that meeting, Ukraine’s anti-corruption agency halted a probe of Paul Manafort, Trump’s ex-campaign chairman, BBC News reported.”
Waste, Fraud, and Abuse Dep’t
“The Environmental Protection Agency spent nearly double what is allowed under federal rules to decorate the office of its embattled administrator, according to an internal document seen by The Hill. The report is the latest allegation of the Trump EPA playing fast and loose with its budget and ignoring spending rules.”
God forbid they would ever use our taxpayer money to protect the air we breathe or the water we drink from the polluters who line their campaign chests.
So I guess the real question is, is the NFL banning all protests from the playing field, or just requiring black players to adopt a different form of protest? I suspect we’re going to find out, because there’s been no real abatement of white cops killing unarmed black men.
Note the penalties. The NFL can fine the teams not players. Owners say they can adopt this rule because it doesn’t affect your union contract. Litigation to follow
So when a player inevitably kneels as a result of the owner is trying to tell him not to the NFL could fine the team not the player. Owners will fine owners.
If a team chooses to try to discipline a player for kneeling then they run smack into the union contract which they’ve all signed which says they can’t do that. I’d be willing to put money that the Super Bowl winning racially conscious social justice seeking Philadelphia eagles will be the first team to kneel as a massive group. To be sure it will be a handful of eagles to continue to stand because it’s tradition but the look of the reigning Super Bowl champions telling the league to go fuck themselves it’s not gonna work out for the Owners.
Kaepernick’s collusion lawsuit just got a lot stronger.
@43 If the black players stay in the locker room until after the anthem, then everybody’s in compliance with the owners’ edict, nobody gets fined, and the teams look pretty fucking silly with only a dozen of their players at each bench until the anthem is over. Then the rest of the players file out of the tunnels, one by one, v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y.
Good news for Doc: Now that Trump’s Fed has announced it’s going to let inflation run, the Dow is down only 1 point, and sorta in the black for the year again.
Here’s some great news: Sandy Hook families are suing Alex Jones, his associates, and InfoWars for defamation and harassment:
“Family members of six victims of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, filed a defamation lawsuit on Wednesday against Jones, who for years has peddled the false conspiracy theory that the massacre never happened. The suit also names Jones’ Infowars contributor Wolfgang Halbig and Halbig’s associate, Cory Sklanka. …
“Part of Jones’ false narrative has been that interviews of Sandy Hook parents conducted by CNN were fake. … Halbig, a 70-year-old former police officer and school administrator, harassed the victims … [which] led police to warn that he would be charged with harassment unless he stopped contacting residents, according to the suit.”
This guy gets it.
Practically everything that happens outside of regulation play is stapled-on entertainment content provided at the behest of individual owners and almost exclusively for their benefit. Whether it’s costumed mascots mugging with kids, off-duty strippers grinding in their undies, star-struck wannabes trying for the uprights, or owners friend’s nieces slaughtering the anthem it has absolutely nothing to do with the CBA the owners signed. And that’s just the way they liked it… until now. The owners can’t modify the NFLPA field code of conduct without a vote of the members.
I did not attend an NFL game in 2017, first time since I was a toddler as my family were Season Ticket holders before I was born…
But it goes, player introductions (fireworks, booming voice, show off runouts), Anthem, kickoff.
So, Player introductions, players file off the field and down the tunnel, then come back?
Twitter just became a fuckuvalot more fun.
Let the trolling of the Man-Baby begin!
@48 My thinking is they don’t come on to the field until after the anthem.
48, 50,
The NFLPA field code of conduct can be reviewed online.
It doesn’t mention anything at all about these pre-game performances or the players participation in them. If the owners want to fine themselves I’m not really sure how coercive that is supposed to be to alter player conduct. But perhaps offering objecting players an opportunity to absent themselves from these pre-game performances will moot the issue. May create an even greater spectacle having most of an entire team walk off just before the anthem performance. Dumb move without involving the NFLPA in a workplace conduct policy. Rule of holes time.
“American Evangelical Christians are going to have to figure out how far they’re willing to go along with Trump.”
If Puddy and Godwin are our data points, I imagine they will go along with anything trump wants to do, until or unless trump does something new testament like take care of poor or helps immigrants and pays to heal the sick. Then, and only then, will they turn on him savagely.
@ 47
Practically everything that happens outside of regulation play is stapled-on entertainment content provided at the behest of individual owners and almost exclusively for their benefit.
@52 “American Evangelical Christians are going to have to figure out how far they’re willing to go along with Trump.”
I think they’ve already made that decision, but they had nothing to lose anyway.
@53 The protesting players are patriots because they want to make America better. You, not as much.
This would be amusing if it wasn’t so pathetic: “‘The callousness that our country has for life is very disturbing,’ GOP candidate Wendy Rogers said.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What she should say is, “The callousness the Republican Party has for life is very disturbing.” There, ftfh.
Trump’s talking about slapping 25% tariffs on imported cars. Of course, that will allow domestic automakers to raise their prices. The average American’s tax cut won’t begin to cover the higher cost of their next car. Unless, of course, he’s a Trump voter who replaces his car every three months, in which case his next car will still cost $75.
@55 Bob is like the Alex Jones of HA. Hahaha!
Now that Trump’s vaunted summit with Kim has abjectly, ignominously, and retrievably (sic) collapsed, the Dow is merely down only 200 points. Either Wall Street believes it was bullshit to begin with and/or it will be back on again within a month or so.
Fucking birds. It’s 3 in the morning and they’re already chirping.
And you’re already tweeting.
It must be due to climate change.
@ 59
You forgot to mention:
1. We got our hostages back.
2. Today PDNK destroyed its nuclear testing facility.
Oh, and it’s not like presidents haven’t cancelled summits before:
Obama cancels summit meeting with Putin
@60 That’s the beauty of horses; they don’t get horny until the sun comes up, so Boob can sleep in.
Meanwhile, the #MeToo movement continues to backfire on liberals:
Women accuse Morgan Freeman of inappropriate behavior, harassment
16 (!) women. Dude gets around.
Three women accuse Iowa governor candidate Nate Boulton of sexual misconduct
Last October Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit recommended GE stock, and when called on it referred to the dividend GE pays as one of the reasons for holding it. He said GE is, or was at the time, one of his largest holdings.
Shortly thereafter GE cut its dividend in half. Oh, and the market nearly halved GE’s stock price.
Fast-forward to an investor conference, yesterday. Looks like GE’s dividend won’t be making Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit look any less stupid any time soon:
General Electric Won’t Make Any Promises About Its Dividend
In the question-and-answer session, Barclays analyst Julian Mitchell asked Flannery if he can “stand behind the $0.48 dividend in 2019.” Here’s his answer, from a preliminary transcript of the exchange:
“So let me just come back to a couple of principles. We’re doing a ton of work inside the company, a ton of work with the board, and we’re being deliberate and methodical about making changes and moves. And when we have things that make sense to announce and bring to you guys, we’re going to bring those. We’re going to take actions where they make sense and when they make sense. So we’re still on that path. With respect to the dividend, I would just come back and say a few things. We’ve talked before about the importance to our investors. So we know that the key component of the evaluation and attraction of the stock is what’s going on with the dividend. We talked about balanced capital allocation, what makes sense for the business in terms of that mix of dividend, et cetera. It’s openly a function of the free cash flow of the company, and that’s ultimately a function of our operating performance of the assets and things that we do with the portfolio. With respect to the Wabtec (WAB) and the Wabtec transaction, right now we’re looking and saying we’ve got to see how this plays out. We’ve got a lot of other things going on with the portfolio…. We’re not locked in fully to the Wabtec dividend policy, et cetera. We’ll make a specific call about that at the time of closing. But so I’d keep coming back to the main things. It’s important to our investors. It’s a function of our cash flow. It’s a function of our performance where…our day-to-day focuses. It’s a function of what happens with the portfolio.”
That’s not what investors wanted to hear. “GE also spoke to efforts to increase cash flow, and some comments could be interpreted as thinking a further dividend cut may be needed,” writes CFRA’s Jim Corridore. “GE stock is selling off on these concerns.”
Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, you should consider this a favor. Had I not posted this, you would not know until you went to the library on Saturday so you could read a dead-tree copy of Barron’s without paying for it, you financially insecure blowhard.
Two dividend cuts within a year or so after a stock recommendation. Well done, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Well done.
@62: Touchdown! @64: Hail Mary, incomplete.
How about my buddy Kim. Now that’s real leadership skills from a true leader – Kim knows the true art of a deal.
Oh and Bob, it’s one thing for a person to standup another to the prom, but to be stood up by the girl? Hahaha.
The horse should take the opportunity to kick Bob between the legs.
Airbnb is a poster boy for laissez-faire vs. government regulation.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s not hard to figure out who’s right and who’s wrong on this one.
Here’s Morgan Freeman, accused of sexual harassment @ 63 by no fewer than 16 women, narrating a video bio for….
wait for it….
Hillary Clinton.
But y’all already knew who it was gonna be.
@68 In Boob’s feeble mind, Morgan Freeman narrating a Hillary bio makes Hillary guilty of … wait for it … Morgan Freeman’s sexual transgressions.
They couldn’t nail Hillary for Whitewater, or Bill’s sexual transgressions, or her emails, or even a parking ticket; so I guess this kind of stretch was inevitable.
Grasp at straws much, Boob? You have to, because you got nuthin’ else.
Boob’s having another rough day. Getting his ass kicked right and left. The only positive development in his life is a rumor that GE might cut its dividend again, and even that’s not working out for him, because GE stock is +2.4% today even though Trump’s Dow is sinking back into the marsh.
GE is +3% today, even though Trump’s own favorite report card on his presidency sank -70 points deeper into the swamp he created from what used to be a great country.
Noted Hillary Clinton supporter Harvey Weinstein to be arrested tomorrow.
Noted Hillary Clinton spouse Bill Clinton still on the loose.
Noted Hillary Clinton aide spouse Anthony Weiner enjoying month seven of his 21-month sentence for trying to get in the knickers of an adolescent girl.
@ 71
GE closed today at $14.60/share.
GE ended 2017 at $17.31/share.
GE, after being the worst-performing Dow 30 stock in 2017, is down an additional 16% during 2018, despite today’s massive climb. And yet somehow Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit feels there is benefit to mentioning a one-day dead cat bounce on the stock.
You’re a fucking clown, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
Noted Trump supporter:
Paul Manafort;
Rick Gates;
Michael Flynn;
George Papadapolous;
Roy Moore;
George Nader;
Milo Yianopolous;
Mathew Heimbach;
James Alex Fields, Jr;
Richard Spencer;
Elliot Broidy;
Rob Porter;
Eric Greitens;
Alex Jones;
Michael Cohen;
Felix Sater;
Nikolas Cruz;
Stephen Paddock;
Vladimir Putin;
There’s no end to Scott Pruitt’s misconduct:
“In December, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt approved a $120,000 no-bid contract with the Republican opposition research firm Definers Corp. …. The contract was … canceled … a few days after Mother Jones first exposed its existence and more details emerged about the firm’s efforts on researching EPA career employees who spoke out against their boss, Pruitt.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Pruitt has already established himself as the worst EPA administrator in history, but spending taxpayer money to spy on his own employees? That’s the kind of governance Doctor Dumbfuck would vote for because he’s a dumbfuck.
@74 “today’s massive climb”
Thanks for adding that. Saved me the effort of writing a comment.
@72 “Hillary Clinton supporter”
At least she has a supporter. Jealous?
Pompeo’s confirmation was iffy at one stage and now we know why…
This stupid “summit” was amateur hour all around..
“Fire and Fury”… Heh.
So much winning…
“Noted Hillary Clinton spouse Bill Clinton still on the loose.”
Heh. And getting a lot more out of life than limp, balding boob can ever dream.
Heh. Look at how devoted the freak is to HA.
Jealous indeed.
@80 Boob isn’t entirely alone. Fwiw, he has an ally in Puddy.
@81 oh that babbling butthole has been missing in action lately. GOOD!
But when it’s here – it provides so much entertainment.
Especially on Fridays and Saturdays after sunset. The time the freak puts HA HEROES FIRST…
Not always but often enough! Too funny..
Ex Gov. Rowland of CT is about to be released from Federal prison. One time I was in a bar in CT on the day of him being found guilty and was asked by a reporter, who was doing a news story on it, what I felt that his future would be after prison. I responded by saying that he would land on his feet. That was like 10 or more years ago.
My prediction might come true – The Hump could give him a job. He would fit in perfectly in the hot swampy mess of Humpland.
Here’s the candidate Boob shilled for, passed along thousands of tweets from Russians for, not narrated by but his actual voice:
@84 The hypocrisy is completely lost on him. Over his head. Comprehension zero. You wonder how he can read an x-ray.
The world mourns today at the news that Michael Cohen’s much anticipated “insider” book deal has been withdrawn. It’s all down to Kickstarter now. Get out your wallets, trolls.
This shit show of a “summit” is too funny.
Summits of the past were the product of careful statecraft – something done by people who know what they’re doing, have been working at it for decades.
This shit show is “klowncraft” – shit done by morons who are feeling their oats waking up after getting a “T” booster.
Demorat Pornstar Party Of Death News– Warmonger Demorats Are Happy NK Summit Canceled, Demorats Want Another Korean War So They Can Blame Trump
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The top Democrat in the U.S. House of Representatives on Thursday said Republican President Donald Trump’s cancellation of a summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un was good for the head of the reclusive nation, saying Trump had legitimized a “thug” and the head of a “police state.”
“I think it’s a good thing for Kim Jong Un,” Nancy Pelosi told reporters. “He got global recognition and regard. He’s the big winner. And when he got this letter from the president saying, ‘OK, never mind,’ he must be having a giggle fit right now, there, in North Korea.”
Thanks for trying to start a war you evil witch.
Asshole1 conveniently mentions nothing about landmine Bolton the walrus and its little buddy Pence.
Who wants a war again?
Actually Bolton the walrus by sabotaging klownkraft may have done the country a favor.
For totally the wrong reasons but still.
@88 high five brother! My buddy Kim is such a swell guy! Three cheers for Kim, he’s a jolly good leader!
Your beloved President PornHub is the genius who declared the North Korean dictator a fit and equal statesman, only to have the football yanked… once again.
Dumbshits. You were warned. Still you persisted.
Try to learn from this fuckup, if you can. You people are not smarter. You’re just more enthusiastic most of the time (for a picture of what that looks like, see YLB’s handle link at 87).
#youbuiltthat #winning #owngoal
President PornHub woke up furious again, Tweet-raving about a Derp State conspiracy.
Perhaps one day soon if the dementia ever clears he’ll recognize that the investigation into foreign espionage infiltration into his Presidential campaign was caused by his own carelessness in the people he hired, and was initiated by his own party against him. Democrats are just the lucky spectators to this Roypublican shitshow, busy sharing healthy popcorn recipes.
#youbuiltthat #owngoal #winning
Brandon Judd, president of the union that represents 15,000 CBP agents, and previously a yuuuuge PornHub supporter is calling PornHub’s border surge “a colossal waste of resources.”
#winning #youbuiltthat
With the now obvious demise of President PornHub’s latest lunatic conspiracy theory self-dubbed “Spygate” let us take a walk down memory lane to review some of the tin-foil head gear rage-Tweeted by the PornAbortion White House in the past year:
* Obama wiretapped Trump Tower. (He didn’t.)
* There were improper unmaskings. (There weren’t.)
* The FISA warrants related to Carter Page were improper. (They weren’t).
* It was Democrats who actually colluded with Russia. (They didn’t.)
* Conspiring FBI officials (Republicans) may be guilty of “treason.” (They aren’t.)
* “Uranium One” is a real scandal. (It isn’t.)
* Senate Intelligence Vice Chair Mark Warner (D-Va.) had improper communications with a lobbyist for a Russian oligarch. (He didn’t.)
* Every member of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team is a rabid Democratic partisan. (Mueller is a Republican, appointed by a Republican, – they all are.)
* Law enforcement officials (Republicans) ”infiltrated” the Trump campaign, “implanting” a “spy” (Republican) in the Republican operation. (They didn’t.)
And this is just the stuff relating to the Roypublican campaign espionage infiltration, leaving out the usual lunatic background radiation about “crisis actors” at every school shooting, crazy smears of foreign allies, corporate media conspiracies to “silence” angry, kid-fucking/wife-beating white men, or floridation “Purity of Essence” pearl-clutching.
This is their normal, now. Not ours.
“Please ask Assange for any State or HRC e-mail from August 10 to August 30–particularly on August 20, 2011,”
Trolls! Behold!
How. It . Is. Done.
Somewhere, some clever Democratic Congressional campaign manager is quietly buying them all up to be distributed to PornHub voters in their district.
Go ahead. Try it.