Emmett has a piece on how Cascadia would have done in World Cup qualifying if we were a country. One thing that surprised me was our per capita wealth. I would have thought that it beat out the US, or at least come close. Oh well, at least the unis look pretty neat.
Convicted criminal Joe Arpaio’s lawyers are accusing a federal judge of “resisting” Trump’s pardon by ruling it is an “act of mercy” that grants clemency, but does not clear the conviction off Arpaio’s record.
The implication of this, of course, is that if Trump pardons himself, he’ll still be a traitor.
Deficits matter, until they don’t:
“The Republican tax plan unveiled last week calls for as much as $6 trillion in tax cuts that would sharply reduce federal revenues. No commensurate spending cuts have been proposed. So, on their own, the tax cuts being sought by Trump would hugely expand the deficit and add to the debt.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Well, you at least gotta give GOPers credit for trying to pay for billionaire tax cuts by taking health care away from poor people, and when that didn’t fly, now they’re trying to raise taxes on the middle class.
Not only is Trump a liar, but this ardent Trump supporter is liar, too. Oh and Fox News? Fake news.
“Fox News ran a story on Oct. 8 about a decorated Vietnam War Navy SEAL … 11 days later, the network retracted the story after being told the Trump supporter never served in the SEALs or in Vietnam ….
“In the segment, John Garafalo said he served in the Vietnam War with the U.S. Navy SEAL team. Fox News reported that he also received two Purple Hearts and about two dozen other medals for his service. The man’s claimed record turned out to be a fabrication.
“It was first discovered by former Navy SEALs. … Don Shipley, a retired SEAL, told the Navy Times that he contacted Fox on Oct. 9, the day after the story ran. But the story was still on the news outlet’s Facebook page on Oct. 19. By then it had amassed 1.5 million views. Fox published a correction on Thursday.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It makes perfect sense that a guy who lies about his military record supports Trump. After all, if you have no character, why would you see anything wrong with voting for a candidate who has no character?
Why did it take Fox News 11 days to admit it ran a bullshit story about one bullshitter singing the praises of another bullshitter?
Just in case anyone has begun to lose interest in the phony Fuckface smoke screen being created to cover up suspicious activities in Niger, here’s the video of Rep. Wilson’s dedication remarks from two years ago at the opening of a new FBI bldg in South Florida named for two fallen FBI agents:
Kelly is full of shit. Obviously. In her 10 mins of remarks she recognizes other Reps (including Republicans) for the funding (waay more than Kelly’s $20 million), recognizes the director and all the other agents present, and warmly recognizes the exemplary careers of the two agents the bldg is named after.
I just don’t believe that any part of Kelly’s bullshit is “memory clouded by grief”. To be present during the routine WH press brief and take the podium for 20 mins he would have needed to reschedule his entire fucking day. He had to make plans to be there and Sanders had to be included. That certainly argues strongly that Kelly prepared in advance to address the press corp. His remarks clearly indicate that. He refers throughout to prepared notes laid out before him on the lectern. Kelly directs his comments specifically to the non-issue that Fuckface fabricated of which Presidents have or have not called grieving families in the past. In doing so Kelly clearly indicates that he briefed Fuckface after the impromptu Sunday press conf where Fuckface first ignited the smoke screen. But then he very quickly moves on to his remarks about Wilson at the dedication as a way of characterizing her in this whole phony psycho-drama. And those remarks about what she said and how she behaved are almost completely fabricated. Remember these are prepared remarks by Kelly reading off notes here.
He prepared a pack of lies about the Congresswoman in order to promote a particular message to the press: “She is an ’empty barrel’, this is sacred, don’t ask us about Niger or what happened, just shut the fuck up and write nice stories about fallen heroes”.
@5 And now Sarah Fuckabee is defending Kelly’s lie and racist remark:
“In a statement to NBC News Friday, the White House defended Kelly. ‘Gen. Kelly said he was ‘stunned’ that Rep. Wilson made comments at a building dedication honoring slain FBI agents about her own actions in Congress, including lobbying former President Obama on legislation,’ White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders told NBC News. ‘As Gen. Kelly pointed out, if you’re able to make a sacred act like honoring American heroes about yourself, you’re an empty barrel.'”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: What we have here is Republican asswipes criticizing a black congresswoman’s efforts to get a new FBI building named after two FBI heroes. What a piece of work the GOP has become.
It was previously reported that a shot was fired near Richard Spencer’s appearance yesterday. Now we know who the shooters were:
“Police in Gainesville have arrested three Texas men accused of shouting ‘Heil Hitler’ and other chants before firing a shot at two people shortly after white nationalist Richard Spencer spoke at the University of Florida Thursday, reports CBS affiliate WGFL.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: More of Trump’s “fine people.”
Generals and Silver Spoon real estate robber barons may have some professional skills but they have no idea what it’s like to have a real job.
Every TV station I was ever in (150 conservatively) through the early 2000s had a tape vault. Unless the tapes were old and deteriorated everything they had shot on Beta SP (small tapes, easy to store) was still there. When Pinnacle and Dalet and Avid came along most stations hired interns (I was one at one time) to archive those tapes and capture them in the servers. One of my college jobs was to create a database of Red Carpet Tapes for an LA station so they could be recalled for Obituary B-roll when the time comes.
If you’re going to lie about something that a news station may have taped make sure it’s before ‘82 or so because eventually someone will find the now digitized file on the server. As massive hard drives have become faster and cheaper there is no incentive to delete footage (funny we still use that word). Once XD and DigiCam came along in mid 2000 that stuff will be available forever.
This event was 2015. There is ZERO chance that all the news stations lost the footage and the story is no longer he said she said.
The story is WHCOS is a proven liar.
But Sarah got up on the podium and said, it’s innapropriate to question a four star General. No one’s actually questioning him. We have proof. It’s not a question. It’s a statement of facts.
General Kelley is a liar.
So RR, what do you think of GE’s stock performance and earnings report today?
Some obvious problems with the article linked to @ 2 by Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
The main problem is that the federal government is swimming in red ink with an annual deficit of $550 billion…
Well, no, actually that deficit was just announced today and it’s $666 billion, so the piece is off by 20%. Here’s a link:
U.S. ends fiscal 2017 with $666 billion budget deficit
Here’s another problem with the piece:
The other way to prevent expanding the deficit is for the U.S. Congress to find new revenues for the government by closing certain tax breaks to offset Trump’s proposed deep tax cuts for corporations, small businesses and wealthy Americans.
Well, there’s actually a third way to prevent expanding the deficit.
We could spend less.
See, we don’t have a revenue problem so much as we have a spending problem. Tax receipts went up 1% last year. Problem is, spending increased 3%.
Spend less. Although to Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, that’s a nonstarter because deficits never mattered to him before. What’s different this year is now he can use them to bash the GOP.
yes it’s pretty obvious he’s a liar, and willing to do so in a way that disgraces his own son’s memory.
But he would have known all that before he took the podium. He almost certainly did. This well covered dedication ceremony was only two years ago. He knew he was about to tell lies that would very quickly be caught out. Why?
What is so important about this smoke screen that a four star General would destroy his own credibility and disgrace the memory of his son for it?
It totally works. You can spend less on public schools and eliminate after school programs. You saved money. But we know from studies that the prime times for teen petty crime and drug use is between school and when a parent comes home. After school programs have shown to reduce teen pregnancy, truancy, and teen crime and drug use. Lots of studies. for every $1 spent on after school programs the government save about $3 due to lower crime/drug use/pregnancy. BUt, but, but, we saved that $1!
Ancillary effects are that after school programs that are free to low income and low cost to all are significantly cheaper than private child care (the group pricing model) so families not only have safer places for their kids but they have more disposable income too.
But your right. Just spending less is always the way to go.
Did you notice what happened to tuition when the Reagan Administration decided that to pay for big tax cuts corporations would no longer be asked to educate their future workforce but instead individual students would “Invest in their Futures.” Did asmall amount of the federal budget eliminated by cutting higher education funding have a net positive/negative effect on the economy over 30 years?
Would say, eliminating most of the funds for the FDA be helpful or harmful to the economy?
Cutting the FAA budget would probably save some money RIGHT NOW but in 15 years when, I know you don’t care, you’re retired and there’s a chance you’ll be dead, the new generation of Air Traffic Control was killed in 2018 will that be a net positive or negative on the economy?
We could cut highway maintenance. It’s not like goods and services needed to move between California and Arizona and it didn’t cost the economy anything to re-route it for 25-30 days.
Any chance you’re talking about cutting part of the Military budget. It’s the biggest piece of the U.S. Pie?
Yep, stop spending. It’s the magic bullet. Every dollar spent is actually wasted. Nothing is long term it’s all about NOW. (You sure you aren’t a millennial?)
Yes, voting for Trump is all about asserting the right to be a racist.
NRA – no link to avoid unnecessary view coaunts
“This is the most ruthless attack on a president and his agenda….get yourself a gun.”
There’s absolutely NO WAY anyone hears that as arming against your political enemies, right?
Why it’s almost like they astroturfed an entire movement to call his health care plan communist because Taxed Enough Already.
And ruthless boy howdy. You’d think they sued him repeatedly for being a Kenyan in Office unlawfully. Why it’s almost like they’re saying Moo-Lania eight years later. Why it’s almost like they can condemn his “God Damn America” Christian pastor while ALSO insisting he’s a Muslim. Why it’s almost like spending four years and hundreds of millions investigating a land deal and eventually settling for a blowjob to draft articles if impeachment. Why it’s almost like saying, “I hope he fails.”
@ 12
I’ll pass on the point-by-point refutation of your screed with this exception:
Did you notice what happened to tuition when the Reagan Administration decided that to pay for big tax cuts corporations would no longer be asked to educate their future workforce but instead individual students would “Invest in their Futures.” Did asmall amount of the federal budget eliminated by cutting higher education funding have a net positive/negative effect on the economy over 30 years?
Here’s my reply:
The Real Reason College Tuition Costs So Much
In fact, public investment in higher education in America is vastly larger today, in inflation-adjusted dollars, than it was during the supposed golden age of public funding in the 1960s. Such spending has increased at a much faster rate than government spending in general. For example, the military’s budget is about 1.8 times higher today than it was in 1960, while legislative appropriations to higher education are more than 10 times higher.
According to the Department of Education data, administrative positions at colleges and universities grew by 60 percent between 1993 and 2009, which Bloomberg reported was 10 times the rate of growth of tenured faculty positions.
Even more strikingly, an analysis by a professor at California Polytechnic University, Pomona, found that, while the total number of full-time faculty members in the C.S.U. system grew from 11,614 to 12,019 between 1975 and 2008, the total number of administrators grew from 3,800 to 12,183 — a 221 percent increase.
Read it all.
As I wrote @ 10, we could spend less. Fewer university administrators would be an excellent start.
Congratulations you’re on the side of every teachers Union who all advocate cutting administration.
@9 I started buying GE in 2001, have been steadily adding to my GE position since 2009, and have not sold any GE shares in over 20 years. My most recent GE buys were in June and this month.
GE’s 3rd quarter earnings miss is getting a lot of press, but keep in mind this company is profitable, and even during the Great Recession it made money and paid dividends, although it did reduce its dividend in 2009, when two-thirds of its business was finance and GE was effectively a bank. (Since then, GE has divested virtually all of its finance business.)
GE is in a transition period. It has a new CEO and is changing its strategy. It’s shedding non-core businesses and focusing on its industrial and health care segments. Like other suppliers to the oil and gas industry, it’s been hurt by low crude prices, although conditions in the oil industry now seem to be improving.
Wall Street is pressuring GE to cut its dividend to free up cash to invest in its businesses. We’ll find out on Nov. 13 what the company decides. If you buy the stock today, you’re getting a yield on cost over 4%, and if they cut the dividend by a third, you’ll still get a dividend yield at about the S&P 500 average. You could also expect the cut to eventually be restored as cash flow and earnings improve.
I think the changes will be good for the stock long-term. Other investors apparently agree, because the stock rose $1.73 today from its opening price of $22.10 to close at $23.83. GE actually posted a gain today after releasing its shitty earnings report. That’s a sign of investor confidence in the company’s long-term prospects.
GE is one of my larger positions, and I’m comfortable with the idea of holding onto it. If you presently own it, you shouldn’t panic and sell it, and I think the current share price is a buying opportunity if you have the patience to wait 2 or 3 years for returns to materialize. It’s a solid company today and I think it will emerge from this transition as a stronger company down the road.
You’re welcome.
@ 15
Darryl has ignored me for so long I doubt he’d weigh in on this one, but something tells me he’d like to see substantially more faculty and substantially fewer administrators, along with a funding increase.
Just a guess, of course.
@10 “We could spend less. See, we don’t have a revenue problem so much as we have a spending problem. Tax receipts went up 1% last year. Problem is, spending increased 3%.”
Yada, yada, yada. Same song and dance we hear from Republicans at every level of government, all the time, yet when you ask them for an itemized list of spending cuts, all you get is blank stares. And God forbid we should buy fewer aircraft carriers costing $16 billion each (airplanes, fuel, and crew not included).
Okay, wiseguy, pony up an itemized list of spending cuts. If you don’t, you’re full of shit like the rest of them.
Forget about cutting Medicaid. Already been tried, can’t pass that. That leaves food stamps. Yeah, make poor American children go to bed hungry so the billionaires can get their tax cuts. Or raise taxes on the middle class. That’s your other choice, and the one Republicans apparently intend to pursue.
Of course, taking money out of consumers’ pockets won’t exactly get the economy to the 4%* growth Trump promised, will it?
* Recently revised to 3%, although most economists agree 2% is more realistic, unless Trump can magically stimulate birth rates, labor force participation, and productivity growth.
@ 9 @ 18
GE stock price today is $23.83
GE stock price December 31, 2001 (the year Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit says he first invested) was $23.81, after adjusting for dividends and splits, which Yahoo helpfully does for me.
IOW a stock Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit has called “one of my larger positions” has for 16 years performed like a low-yielding CD.
My Notadumbfuck Method
of investing. Validated yet again by its namesake. Newt, thanks for your help.
@11 “What is so important about this smoke screen that a four star General would destroy his own credibility and disgrace the memory of his son for it?”
Boosting his federal pension. I’d whore for Trump, too, if there was enough money in it for me.
@ 21
I’d whore for Trump, too, if there was enough money in it for me.
Ya gotta have money to make money.
Buying GE and continuing to hold it, and even recommend it, despite the worsening conditions of a poorly managed company are good reasons you don’t have money, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
GE’s the most-shorted stock in the industrial sector right now. And your grand scheme is to hold it for another 2-3 years because you think things might change. Yeah, they probably will. Can you say ‘mid-teens’?
You want a health care industrial stock? Try Varian, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. That way when your radiation treatment fails and your prostate swells to watermelon size you can comfort yourself in the overly shared knowledge that you own stock in the company that manufactured the linear accelerator that couldn’t slow your disease progression.
@12 Trying to spend less often ends up costing you more. “Penny wise, pound foolish.” Anyone who’s ever paid for a cheap car repair knows this.
When you ask Republicans about balancing the budget, they say “cut spending.” When you ask them what spending they’d cut, you get blank stares.
Republicans love using family budget analogies, so let’s use one. Cutting taxes reduces the government’s income. When has any Republican ever been willing to balance their family budget by working for less pay? Or spending less on what their family wants? Yet that’s what they demand the government to do.
Hypocrites. That’s all they are, sanctimonious hypocrites.
End of the day it’s probably just politics.
Getting Green Berets killed by sending them on a mission under armed and under force, then relying on squeamish French air support to secure the extraction of operators caught in an ambush set up by the local Nigerien leadership in order to soften the beach for Russian Special Forces to secure Rosneft and Rosatom assets…
… not so very America First.
But then again, Hillbilly Traitors have a bill that’s overdue.
@14 The NRA long ago ceased to have any credibility. They’re now a fringe group. They’re well on their way toward becoming a terrorist organization.
@15 “Fewer university administrators would be an excellent start.”
Firing Ken Starr was a start.
@20 My yield on cost for GE ranges from 2.6% to 13.3%, and in aggregate is 3.9%; got a CD that pays that?
Maybe you’d like to hear about another stock acquired through my Dumbfuck Investing Method — Starbucks, for which I paid $1.10 a share, adjusted for splits. My yield on cost for SBUX is over 90%. Got a CD that pays that?
If I’m so dumb, why did I retire 15 years before you did? P.S., look who else spends all his time posting on HA.
It’s why WE call YOU a dumbfuck.
@22 “own stock in the company that manufactured the linear accelerator that couldn’t slow your disease progression”
That’s your investing advice? Own stock in a company that sells medical devices that don’t cure anything?
In other financial news, the NASDAQ is up over 25% YTD. It’s doing quite well. The Dow 30 and S&P 500 aren’t doing so bad either.
@ 28
Own stock in a company that sells medical devices that don’t cure anything?
Sometimes defibrillators don’t keep the patient from dying, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Boston Scientific makes them. How do you think that company is doing?
You’re right, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. Best to claim yield on cost rather than to address capital loss since investment. You’ll fool the Fucking Moron for sure, and maybe get YLB!!!!!!!!!!! to write something fawning!!!!!!!!!!!!! and otherwise incoherent on your behalf.
High yield on cost figures for declining stocks means only that the board hasn’t faced the music yet and can’t bring itself to cut the dividend.
First rule of holes.
@30 Varian doesn’t pay a dividend, so stock price appreciation is all you get. If you bought Varian on July 1, 2014 for $73.62 and sold it on June 30, 2016, for $72.11, you made roughly what CDs pay, while I was raking in roughly 4% dividends on my GE stock. And YOU call ME a dumbfuck??
@ 31
Yes, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, if you were to cherry-pick some buy/sell dates it might not look so attractive. The market was in a substantial trough in mid-2016, and everything was down. It was an awesome time to sell long-dated naked puts.
However, after spinning off its imaging division the therapy division stock remaining as the company has the stock up to $106 and change.
So why the fuck are you choosing to discuss a theoretic sale at the end of June a year ago when the stock has done so well since then?
First rule of holes. You have your Dumbfuck on big time today.
Racism empty barrel racist…
Oh yeah! .NOT.
Till Next Time!
When did US forces arrive in Niger?
They arrived in early 2013 to help the French military that had intervened in neighboring Mali the year before. – ABC News!
The media wanted to pin this troop movement on Trump! NOPE!
Till Next Time!
@ 30
Varian doesn’t pay a dividend, so stock price appreciation is all you get.
Berkshire Hathaway doesn’t pay a dividend, so stock appreciation is all you get.
BRKA stock price late June 2014 $190,559
BRKA stock price late June 2016 $209,852
Hey, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, that’s not much more than CDs pay. Meanwhile you were raking in 4% on your GE stock. Man, that Warren Buffett must be no smarter than you are, amirite?
BRKA stock price today: $285,352
Hey, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, what was your GE stock at in late June, 2014, late June, 2016, and today?
Are you happier having held your GE stock over that period of time than I am having held my VAR and BRKA over that same period of time?
This headline from August 14 of this year is rather instructive:
Buffett’s Berkshire dumps GE but bets further on banking sector
Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway sold its stake in General Electric as of the end of June, according to a regulatory filing on Monday.
Bbbbbbut Warren missed out on that juicy GE dividend by selling the stock. Which Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit would tell you was a mistake.
@ 27
If I’m so dumb, why did I retire 15 years before you did?
Probably because it was a required condition for you to avoid indictment.
You guys are very good at engaging in Urinary Olympics (pissing contests). What’s next? Bragging about who has the longest dick?
@32 “if you were to cherry-pick some buy/sell dates”
Sez the kettle to the pot. Isn’t that exactly what you’re doing?
@32 “So why the fuck are you choosing to discuss a theoretic sale at the end of June a year ago when the stock has done so well since then?”
For the same reason you’re ignoring GE’s future appreciation potential under its new CEO.
In any case, it’s not “theoretic.” Obviously, quite a few investors bought Varian in July 2014. Equally obviously, quite a few investors sold Varian in June 2016. It’s not theoretical that some investors made nothing on that stock. Sometimes investors sell a stock because they’re giving up on it. Certainly, a stock that’s been held for two years and earned nothing is a sell candidate. Others sell stock because they need the money, and the timing of their need for cash may not allow them to continue holding an unproductive stock hoping for better days ahead. The implication of my comment about GE is that if you can’t hold it for 2 or 3 years, then don’t buy it. The insinuation of your comment is that GE is likely to zero out 2 or 3 years from now, even though it’s extremely unlikely the dividend will be eliminated and it’s also extremely unlikely that GE won’t improve from its currently depressed price under a new CEO with a new strategy.
The babbling butthole troll’s specialty..
It was so desperate to brag, it bragged to its own sock puppet.
@32 continued: If you buy Varian today, you’re paying 27 times earnings for it. If you buy GE today, you’re paying 15 times earnings. I’ll take my chances with GE, thank you. It’s a less steep hill for the stock price to climb, and unlike Varian, you also have the cash return from a dividend. (Could GE eliminate the dividend? Sure. But how likely is that? Even in 2009, when the company was on the ropes, they didn’t eliminate the dividend.)
By the way, the GE shares I bought in 2009 are worth more than 3 times what I paid for them at today’s depressed share price. And that’s not counting the dividends I’ve collected from those shares since then.
@ 40
YLB, at least no one wonders whether he even was born with one.
@34 “The media wanted to pin this troop movement on Trump! NOPE!”
Looks like they’re trying to pin the intelligence failure and lack of air cover on Trump. WHOOOOO was in charge of the U.S. military when this FUBAR operation was conducted? Idiot.
@ 41
If you buy GE today, you’re paying 15 times earnings.
You missed the downward revision. Full-year guidance $1.05-1.10/sh. So PE is closer to 22, which is pretty high for a stock in decline and with a dividend under substantial pressure.
You’re a fucking clown, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. A clown in need of cash so you cling to a dividend that might be halved next time around. Dollar menu time yet again for date nite with the wife tomorrow. Must be getting old by now.
Keep pushing a dog stock. I’ll keep pushing my Notadumbfuck Method @ 20 of investment.
Roger Rabbit is a terrific commenter here on HA
and boob is an asshole.
@35 “Hey, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, what was your GE stock at in late June, 2014, late June, 2016, and today?”
Well, let’s see, the GE shares I bought on March 5, 2009 for $6.74 were worth $23.68 on 7/1/14, $30.20 on 6/30/16, and $23.83 today. Each of those shares has paid $6.47 in dividends since I bought them, so from one perspective, you could say I’m out of pocket 24 cents for each of those shares, and I could sell them right now for $23.83, or roughly 99 times what I effectively paid for them. And you think that’s equivalent to a CD paying less than 1% a year? That’s why we call you a dumbfuck.
Btw#1, is an investment in Berkshire Hathaway 8 1/2 years ago now worth 99 times what you put into it? I haven’t done the math. Maybe you’d like to enlighten us.
Btw#2, the dumbfuck rabbit’s original investment in Starbucks stock was returned through dividends years ago, so the dumbfuck rabbit for all intents and purposes got his Starbucks stock for free. Yeah, lousy investor, that dumbfuck rabbit.
That conversant with the voices in your head… Noted.
@17 Thanks for the insight on the GE stock.
@20 I don’t really care what you think about it, you support Putin and Trump and their ilk. Guys like you would sell out your own mother if you could make a buck.
@37 “Probably it was a required condition for you to avoid indictment.”
Probably we can put that one in the same bin as General Kelly’s jibes at Congresswoman Wilson. But at least you hedged your bets a little by putting “probably” in front of your assertion. That makes you slightly smarter than General Kelly. He probably didn’t realize her speech probably was taped, i.e. there probably was evidence he’s a liar sitting in a TV station vault and he probably was going to get caught in his lie.
@44 When did I ever tell you how to invest your money? I don’t care how you invest your money. I was answering someone else’s question. You butted in. If the questioner prefers your answer to mine, that’s up to him. See #48 for more information on that.
@37 Yeah, it’s a spectacle isn’t it? You expect to get shit from an attorney, but a doctor?! Doctors used to be respectable, until Dumbfuck came along and tarnished the image of the entire profession with his dumbfuckery.
@45 Been doing it for over 13 years, humiliating wingers one by one. Countless trolls have whirled through the Roger Rabbit meatgrinder; only 2 are left now, plus a village idiot named Mark who wandered away from his daycare.
I have to assume the lonely guy retirement is going even more poorly than his process server dodging medical career. Thus he goes out of his way to butt in and pick these fights online.
I’m gonna have to start sharing his shit with r/iamverybadass.
Oh dear,
More self inflicted ego driven wounds.
This story has legs.
If a simpleton hadn’t gone to the “I’m better than Obama” card none of this would be an issue. But now we get the full weekend of “Trump doesn’t love the troops” stories
And when you piss of the military and trot one of their Generals out to lie for you making him look foolish things get leaked.
The reason I asked you and not Dr. Dumbfuck is I wanted your insight, not his. If I want to know what the rectum of a horse’s ass looks like, I’ll ask him for his insights given his depth of knowledge of equines.
GE has long been considered a “widows and orphans” stock because of their long history, standing, and performance. So much so that many people have GE stock in their various funds and portfolios. I would hazard a guess that most casual investors probably have some GE stock, so the ramifications of what GE does as a company to strengthen their stock could have wide reaching implications.
GE will “right the ship”. Are they “too big to fail?” No, but it appears they are taking appropriate and decisive action. Will there be pain? Probably. Jeff needed to go quite some time ago.
Interesting: https://www.ge.com/reports/amazon-turns-ge-wind-turbines-power-business/
Why do I care about GE? My pen name gives the clue.
@55 I’m not sure there are “widow and orphan” stocks anymore. The world is changing too fast to regard anything as permanent. You have to keep an eye on your holdings, and be ready to act if the rationale for investing in a company changes. That’s more important than market gyrations, although the latter can create buying opportunities. You can sense whether a business is vibrant or dying. Trust your instincts; if something doesn’t feel right, don’t do it. Use common sense. This is all educated guesswork. You’re simply trying to tilt the odds in your favor.
Also, don’t hold out for perfect companies, because they don’t exist. Every company has something wrong with it. Instead, assess whether the flaws are temporary or permanent, serious or minor, fixable or not, material or irrelevant, and the price of course should reflect the risks and uncertainties you’re taking on.
“It was so desperate to brag, it bragged to its own sock puppet.”
One of the funniest things ever. Although not so funny for the loon!
@ 55
You didn’t get Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s insight. You got his paraphrasing of a Barron’s piece published today.
You realize that a substantial part of that ‘appropriate’ action is forthcoming deep job cuts, yes? Sure you wanted to use the adjective ‘appropriate’, libbie?
We’ve reached a point where there’s really no difference between Putin’s views and those of an HA troll.
“Putin Scolds Americans, Says They Should Not ‘Disrespect’ Trump”
“We don’t look down upon those of you who haven’t served,” he said. “In fact, in a way we are a little bit sorry because you’ll have never have experienced the wonderful joy you get in your heart when you do the kinds of things our servicemen and women do—not for any other reason than that they love this country.”
That isn’t the language of a man who is too terribly concerned with the young people who join to earn college tuition or be able to support a new family. This isn’t the language of a man who is “Serving” for the protection of a Constitutional Republic. This is the language of a man who is trying to convince an increasingly skeptical generation of young people that dying for one’s Country is a high achievement of honor. This is the language of a man who is concerned with power, especially that of his own. He’s a man who believes in the asceticism of his position in Government and The Huge Cross He Must Bear, and is willing to sacrifice anything and everything to maintain that position.
@ Dr. nail polish @ 22.
Ya gotta have money to make money.
The inverse of that being of course, is “If you don’t have money, you aren’t allowed to make any, so fuck you.”
@ 62
‘froggy, try this one:
“If you can’t hold a job you can’t make any money.”
Sound about right, Cupcake?
@56 Agreed, probably not the “widows and orphans” stock it once was. Times are a changin’.
@59 Once again, you inject yourself where you are not wanted. I can sense how your horses feel.
The use of the adjective “appropriate” is correct. From the viewpoint of an investor, “appropriate” actions may very well include deep job cuts, that and wholesale shedding of divisions that are not core to the business.
Just look at Honeywell, they have done very well. If you have to ask why I draw the comparison to Honeywell…
@59 “You didn’t get Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s insight. You got his paraphrasing of a Barron’s piece published today.”
That’s very interesting, as I don’t subscribe to the online edition of Barrons, and instead read the print edition at a public library on Saturdays. So I haven’t seen the Barron’s piece yet. If what you say is correct, then Barron’s and I independently arrived at the same “insights.” Put another way, you just said I’m as perceptive as the Barrons editors. Thanks, I appreciate the accolade, even considering the dubious source.
@61 I think he’s priming the pump for the human sacrifices to come, serving as he does a warmonger who knows nothing about military strategy. Kelly, though, won’t be able to use ignorance as an excuse amidst the smoking ruble of Trump’s future foreign policy. As a general, he knows damn well that wars never go as planned, and that we won the two world wars through luck as much as anything else — and it was a close call in both cases.
@63 Sure you can. Donald Trump never held a job before now. Neither did his kids. One can say the same of countless other trust fund babies. Republicans don’t want to work, and do everything they can to avoid working; why do you think they fight so hard to get rid of inheritance taxes?
@64 Yes, but cost cutting gets you only so far, and is not a profit-generating strategy. Ultimately, you have to make products and/or provide services that people want and are willing to pay for. Every business should be judged on those terms.
Recall GE’s failed attempt to purchase Honeywell? Were GE successful it may have helped cover up its own awful execution.
Early Sept I sold GE and used the proceeds to invest in Honeywell. Hope you are correct.
@69 There’s no law against owning both, you know.
Yes I know of the GE/Honeywell merger attempt, and why it failed. I also know about the AlliedSignal and Honeywell merger, do you?
This is about the Jack Welch management tree. Both Jeff Immelt (GE) and Dave Cote (Honeywell) were Jack Welch disciples. Bot Immelt and Cote have retired from their respective CEO positions withing the last year so both companies are under new leadership. Honeywell struggled for a while, but not as bad as GE. Honeywell has been able to shed non-core businesses with greater success than GE. Can GE follow a successful path like Honeywell? I believe they will.
To get into the World Cup playoffs and to keep playing in them it comes down to winning the qualifiers. Don’t win well maybe we will see you in two years. Our women soccer team has done very well, our men well suck. though they have improved and actually qualified.
One theory is that our soccer system is to elitist. That in most of the world kids just get together and play. This fosters a more open and intuitive style of play, and everyone gets to play. This means the poor kids have an equal chance of playing and chance at teams than the rich kids.
This means the parents who are paying money for coaching and getting their kid into this or that soccer league, and team so they can get onto the right high school team, so the kid has a shot at the right college team maybe just better off taking their kid to the disorganized cheap league the Hispanic, Iranian and poor white neighbor kids are playing in.
Soccer world wide is not an elitist sport. Though if your a natural at the sport everywhere but here your future is bright. Here you become an NBA, football or CEO.
@3 Don Shipley goes after guys (the rare woman as it’s mostly guys) who make fake claims. Does not matter what party. He has gone after politicians of both parties who have made false claims. A possible giveaway is the guys claim to 2 purple hearts. You get one purple heart and subsequent awards are oak leaf clusters.
And RR you put bs on here about your service he will take you down.
@5 We have been in Niger since Feb 20, 2013 since or before President Obama informed Congress.
Kelly is Chief of Staff so clearly there is a political tinge to what he is saying, still sounded like he some things that are clarly correct, and he probably wishes the boss had not opened this can of worms.
Still maybe Congress should exercise a bit more of its joint war oversight, and that it has a hand on making war.
@8 If you are going to make claims of personal knowledge and all that then please use your actual name. If you are unwilling to state who you are then your comments here are meaningless, though someone at some TV station maybe able to figure out who you are and release a tape of you in the TV staion with our picture, if they are cruel then a video of you becoming a drunk intern at the station. Lowly paid interns are known to do such things.
@10 We could also print money, if no one notices print some more.
@11 Could be he had a real job, or was busy 2 years ago when the new FBI building was built.
@15 I had a similar thought on both examples since both examples are things the states used to do. States used to tax their citizens for this kind of thing. Then the US government started giving grants, and it’s easier to get grants than tax your citizens; There is nothing stopping the state of Washington or any other state from taxing the citizens of the state to have the state pay for after school, and more of the universities costs, bringing down tuition. Looks like they may just have to do that should the Republicans actually do some cutting. The mentioned programs are things that should be done by the individual states, and states have become overly dependent on hand outs from the feds, just like some in Washington hoped, and state politicians rarely object to umm free money. Less having to deal with those uppity tax payers, it’s easier to have Uncle Sam do the taxing for a nice kickback to the state. Yep everyone is happy all around. Until someone actually upsets the apple cart. Or it gets upset by the economy, war, or just bad luck.
@!9 Of course GE sells engines and things for those air craft carriers. ect. Should the North Korean’s actually demonstrate that Air Craft carriers and surface ships are passe in the nuclear age (something our own tests showed) then GE could take a substantial hit, fortunately they also build missiles and aircraft engines.
Yes RR admit they you are investing in one of the largest military industrial companies in the US and that is what makes GE so profitable in good times, and keeps them afloat in the bad times. Serious ad appropriate cuts in military spending would affect the stock price and lower the dividend. Not to worry as those nasty Republican (and corporate Dems) will make sure your GE shares will shine. (Is GE paying taxes these days?)
@25 It’s people like you or the 2/3 of Americans who tink they have a right to a gun that gives the NRA its standing. It’s political power stems from that. People who hold similar views on guns to yourself.
The fact our police also reinforce gun culture in America rather than realize they don’t need a firearm to do their job on most days, when doing most of their regular duties. Still like RR giving up his gun the cops are just as unlikely to give up theirs, or reduce when they have weapons, or that not all officers need to be armed day in and day out.
@27 Could be about personal choice. Impossible to compare all the factors.
He love his job and you did not.
You went to India and got a Guru.
One of you is in a cult.
@39 Buffett sometimes gets it wrong, but I’d certainly consider getting out of GE if the wizard sells all his holdings in GE.
@46 Of course if your strategy is to hold onto stocks that pay a decent dividend, and may not rally plan to be rid of the stock, its current stock price is not important. It maybe important to your heirs should the value go down.
@63 Or “Aw shucks you should have been born into the Walmart family, guess you will have to work there, and dream of one of the Walmart princes and princesses coming to take you away to Arkansas.
75, 76, 77,
Keep up you fuckwit. Archive video of the event that your piece of shit “hero” lied about are up and posted everwhere for all to see. It was all a lie. Your boy made it all up. He’s no different than his pathological boss. And you traitors put him there.
We are not letting you traitors off this time, Gomer.