If you’re in Seattle, Geov has plenty of protests going on. Before and during the inauguration. I heard some people say they didn’t realize there were anti-Trump rallies going on in the immediate wake of his election. So there you go.
by Carl Ballard — ,
Jeff Beauregard Sessions complains he’s being judged unfairly for his name. Do these people even hear themselves? It’s not like his name is Hussein or anything. I wonder if it’s anything like being judged for the color of your skin? Or where you were born? Or your religious beliefs?
Well, just think about it for a minute. When you hear a Southern accent or hear that somebody is from Alabama, what is your initial reaction? I’ll bet i’t’s not a favorable reaction.
You’re just as likely to have pre-conceived notions against Sessions or anyone else with a Southern accent as the bigoted black kids who attacked that mentally challenged white kid in Chicago recently.
For the record, I do not support Sessions for attorney general. I just thought you’re acting like an ass.
What inauguration? You mean of Acting President Pence? I can’t see our government giving a security clearance to an alleged Russian agent under investigation by our intel agencies for possibly trading away NATO in exchange for business deals and prostitutes.
@2 Are you accusing us of discriminating against foreigners?
(Those aren’t American flags.)
I’m gonna shut that shit down……no exceptions!
The GOP should be renamed the Lying Hypocrites Party.
“For decades, congressional Republicans have pushed to slash the budget and reduce the size of the federal government, especially during the eight years Democratic President Barack Obama was in office.
“Now that Republican President-elect Donald Trump is poised to take charge, deficits and debt just don’t seem to matter to the GOP.
“The first significant piece of legislation under unified Republican rule is a budget measure that, as a prerequisite for a speedy repeal of the Affordable Care Act, endorses deficits adding almost $10 trillion to the debt over the coming decade.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: It’s not like this is a surprise. Trump voters were TOLD he planned to add $10 trillion to the debt. He said so himself. Everyone who voted for Trump knew, or should have known, this would cause inflation and raise the interest rates they pay on mortgages, car loans, and credit cards. Plus they would lose their Obamacare.
Elections have consequences, saps. You get what you vote for.
There’s news this morning that President Obama (yes, he’s still president) will likely commute Chelsea Manning’s sentence.
In other news, this morning the FBI and the CIA notified President Obama that there are rumors about that prior to becoming president he had an affair with Vera Baker.
4chan Claims It Invented the Trump Golden Showers Story
Turns out Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit’s stock-picking shortcomings aren’t all that uncommon in the West.
Just as the tech-heavy Nasdaq COMP, -0.34% underperformed both the Dow and the S&P SPX, -0.23% over the past 12 months, investors in the West trailed their peers in other parts of the country with a 5.9% tally.
Of course, the vast majority of western US residents see underperformance as nothing worth bragging about. In that respect Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit does stand out.
Yes, Dumbfuck, among the country’s underperformers, you’re above average. So is the girth of your wife’s vibrator.
From the Geov link:
SATURDAY, JANUARY 21, 10 AM-4 PM: Women’s March on Seattle (in conjunction with a similar, much larger march in DC), It will convene somewhere on the south side of downtown Seattle and march north – organizers are still negotiating permits, locations, and march route with the city. As of tonight, the event Facebook page lists 25,000 people as “going” and another 40,000 as “interested.” It’ll be yuugggee.
Thank you, in advance, to you hat-wearing
women in that march, for reminding us that pussy is pink.
Your link
Time’s up, Clock Boy.
Dallas, Texas (January 10, 2017) – Following a nearly three-hour hearing held yesterday, newly appointed District Court Judge Maricela Moore dismissed a defamation lawsuit filed by Mohamed Mohamed on his own behalf and on behalf of his 15-year old son, Ahmed Mohamed.
During the lengthy hearing, Judge Moore pressed Mohamed’s lawyer, Fort Worth attorney Susan Hutchison, to provide any facts that would suggest that Hanson and the other defendants had said anything false or defamatory about Mohamed or his son during the television broadcasts.
That’s OK, he was a useful tool long enough for, um…
What was it you libbies gained from this silliness?
O.K. Let’s break that down.
The intelligence community DID share that with him. He’s seen it and accepts that the press got it because it was “leaked” by the intelligence community.
The Intelligence community are Nazis.
Sounds like a great temperament.
@ 14
The intelligence community DID share that with him.
They shared it with him through Buzzfeed, maybe. Via a leak. Which was Trump’s point.
Donald Trump Wasn’t Told About Unverified Russia Dossier, Official Says
President-elect Donald Trump was not told about unverified reports that Russia has compromising information on him during last week’s intelligence briefing, according to a senior intelligence official with knowledge of preparations for the briefing.
A summary of the unverified reports was prepared as background material for the briefing, but not discussed during the meeting, the official said.
The Negan can just imagine what most of the pussies look like at the upcoming march or protest or whatever they are going to call it.
Labia looking a pair of elephant ears, and clits looking like a Mike Tyson speed bag
Ugh….no thanks.
@2 Let’s try this again:
Eastern Europe, conducting a proxy war through the two most despicable American presidential candidates imaginable.
Ukrainian government officials tried to help Hillary Clinton and undermine Trump by publicly questioning his fitness for office. They also disseminated documents implicating a top Trump aide in corruption and suggested they were investigating the matter, only to back away after the election. And they helped Clinton’s allies research damaging information on Trump and his advisers, a Politico investigation found.
It’s not as if Ukraine’s shit doesn’t stink as well, HA libbies.
Ukraine intel and a two-to-one spending advantage wasn’t enough for #CrookedHillary to defeat her hand-picked opponent.
Deal with it. Your side played dirty and lost.
Glenn Greenwald is having none of your shit.
The Deep State Goes to War with President-Elect, Using Unverified Claims, as Democrats Cheer
Four years of this and, come election time, Dems are gonna make Trump look downright reasonable and measured by comparison.
Ah, so one country does not appear to violate federal law to obtain “dirt” on a candidate and in Dr. Boob’s world that’s exactly the same.
Again, from your own link,
I see Russian troops rolling into Crimea is something the U.S. should be supporting now. Interesting. Dr. Boob loves the Red Army.
@ 20
If Russia interferes illegally and Ukraine interferes legally, are they not both outside interference?
Team Obama disabled a feature that would prevent foreign-sourced online credit card donations during a presidential campaign.
There have been multiple instances of illegal campaign donations to Democrats from high-profile foreign sources.
It’s not like your side’s shit doesn’t stink, Cz-252. Your side would have won if not for the horrid candidate it chose to back.
Your arguments are growing progressively weaker.
Think on your sins.
intel suddenly beyond reproach.
Because this
The firm relies on a “global network” of experts and business leaders, provides clients with strategic advice, mounts “intelligence-gathering operations” and conducts “complex, often cross-border investigations,” its website says.
The dossier consists of a series of unsigned memos that appear to have been written between June and December 2016.
couldn’t possibly be a Curveball thrown at Trump by someone with motive to mislead.
Could it. Libbies.
So, after many months of giving him hundreds of millions in free airtime to spout nonsense, contradictions, lies and crazy bullshit without interruption, NBC’s Chuck thinks “I am struck at how normal crazy looked”? Is he taking too much Ambien or what?
@ 23
See @ 19.
One of the reasons crazy is looking normal is that both sides are redefining that which can be called “normal” behavior.
By calling everyone with whom you might disagree a Nazi, a racist, or a bigot*, you make no one those things, Duncy.
Well done, Special Snowflake.
And you fuckheads thought it was a figment of Sorkin’s imagination.
* Edit to add “traitor”. Steve.
@24 You really don’t know you make zero sense, do you? Zero, nada, none. Well, as they say, “the proof in the pudding is in the eating”. We see where this is going and you’ll be eating your zero sense.
That’s why you’re known as the dunceman @24. You got slapped silly and you can’t figger it out!
Sux to be a dunce!
I was flipping through the channels earlier today and saw Trump bitch-slap some jerk CNN reporter. I didn’t vote for Trump, but if he plans to publicly humiliate these arrogant press assholes every chance he get, then I might actually enjoy some of Trump’s time in office.
I tell you, it was truly gratifying to see that arrogant CNN asshole get put in his place.
As far as Jeff Sessions is concerned, I don’t want him anywhere near the attorney general’s office. As a matter of fact, I don’t want that dick anywhere near ANY government office.
If he thinks he’s going to fuck with our cannabis laws, the little arrogant bastard has another thing coming. The boat has sailed, cannabis will be legalized in spite of shit heads like Sessions.
Wow… who knew certain Brits hated Trump. Must be those anti-Brexit types! http://www.wsj.com/articles/ch.....1484162553
Trump smacked down the Fake News Network… CNN today, and it was beautiful!
@19, and other various hilarity,
as if.
As if the mud buggy racing half wit sister fucking trailer park managers who Comrade-President Elect Derp depended upon to lose the popular vote even read beyond a third grade level, much less read Glenn Greenwald.
You Trailer Trump American lunatics are a delight when you engage in this level of self-deception. The GOP hoards of Shitlords jerking off to anime porn have already completely dismissed Greenwald the moment they determined that he’s an elitist ex-patriot butt-pirate living out their lifelong Magnum PI fantasies!
“By calling everyone with whom you might disagree a Nazi, a racist, or a bigot*, you make no one those things…”
‘Cause that’s exactly how it worked when every single intelligent well educated American who dared to disagree with bankrupting the Treasury and destabilizing 20% of the globe by invading the wrong fucking country was called a treasonous coward.
In case you hillbillies are too fucked up on Whip-Its, starter fluid, and Oxy to notice, about ten months ago all nuance in American politics was dragged out behind Crazy Uncle Conservative’s rusty trailer and strangled into a coma with an old set of jumper cables. The last faint glimmer of brain activity died right about the time Mittens agreed to attend a lunch time photo-op and enthusiastically toss Comrade-President Elect Derp’s salad.
Crazy doesn’t just look normal.
Crazy is normal.
Poster @32 seems very………swishy.
might work. Who knows? Could be risky, though.
Converting Comrade-President Elect Derp’s looming disappointments into widespread hillbilly anti-queer rage might be effective at maintaining Trailer Trump America’s engagement. Obviously something’s got to be done to keep them all activated and prevent them from slipping in a beer soaked Oxy haze beneath the lukewarm bacterial soup of the Doughboy Pool.
But it can also trigger painful economic boycotts for formerly conservative elites who blindly play along. Sure looks like N.C. has some regrets.
Definitely very very swishy.
Lucille doesn’t like swishy.
Come on Elijah, can’t we keep playing The Stereotype game? I want to go to around 2, I have some really good stuff lined up.
@ 33, 35
You haven’t seen swish.
YLB’s not back from panhandling just yet.
Don’t hold back!
We haven’t been graced with any good ol’ timey hillbilly Trailer Trump American stereotypes in ages. PC is dead. Comrade-President Elect Pepe has declared it to be so! So give us your best “savage thug”, “super-predator”, “ethnic urban”, “gang-banger”, “Kenyan”, “community organizer”!
It’s only been, what, 24 hrs since the last Trailer Trump American commented on how much work it’s going to be to clean the White House bathrooms before Jared and Ivanka can move in. Hillbillies everywhere are starting to lose interest.
Hahahahaha! What an excellent troll!
A protest calendar? Hardy fucking har har. Don’t you dimwits have anything better to do?
@9 Yeah, I’m only a rabbit, so I’ll settle for a 9% return on my investments, because I don’t know any better.
@13 Your source: “Ahmed is better known as ‘Clock Boy’ for bringing a hoax clock bomb to his Irving, Texas middle school in September 2015 and causing a bomb scare that led to his arrest and suspension from school.”
Hardly shocking that the claims against Glenn Beck, Fox News, et al. were dismissed. Freedom of press, you know. What’s more interesting is who’s still in the suit: “Irving Mayor Beth Van Duyne remains a defendant, but she has challenged the suit.”
But then, what do you expect from a politician who “raised her political profile in conservative circles by fanning a rumor that there was a Muslim court imposing Shariah law in Irving.”
Also, “Another defendant fighting the suit is political commentator Ben Shapiro, a former editor-at-large at the ultraconservative news outlet Breitbart.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: And, of course, slapping handcuffs on a Muslim kid and hauling him off to jail because a teacher who can’t tell the difference between a science project and a bomb thinks he’s a terrorist is perfectly okay with our resident dumbfuck doctor. What the heck, TexAss, you know? He’s better off in Dubai anyway.
@18 “It’s not as if Ukraine’s shit doesn’t stink as well, HA libbies.”
Trump discredits himself. He doesn’t need Ukrainian help.
@27 Add “free press” to free speech, freedom of religion, democracy, privacy, and all the other things Republicans hate.
@28 Oh, I see. An AG who looks the other way at police brutality is okay, but an AG who messes with your pot smoking is a “shithead.”
“By calling everyone with whom you might disagree a Nazi, a racist, or a bigot*, you make no one those things”
But it’s okay to call a racist Nazi bigot traitor like our doctor a racist Nazi bigot traitor.
“* Edit to add “traitor”. Steve”
@39 They still can’t get over the fact a terrorist-hugging Kenyan communist was elected president TWICE despite their sparing no effort or expense on vote suppression.
@ 43
He doesn’t need Ukrainian help.
Didn’t do much for #CrookedHillary, it seems.
From failing to follow in Bill’s footsteps to possibly following in Anthony Weiner’s.
There’s a climbdown, eh.
@45 Must be a libertarian. Probably couldn’t find Aleppo with either hand.
@ 47
… a terrorist-hugging Kenyan communist was elected president TWICE despite their sparing no effort or expense …
Hell, what’s more relevant is #CrookedHillary’s failure (twice, including 2008) despite sparing no effort or expense.
Hell, this last time her minions outspent Trump 2-to-1 and still lost.
Obama was wrong. She is far from likable enough.
Trump discredits himself. He doesn’t need Ukrainian help.
Wow early onset senile schismatic IDIOT Roger dumbfuck wabbit, that’s a real comeback!
Trump spanks Obummer’s Intelligence Community… http://www.dailymail.co.uk/new.....aking.html
Once again libtards in the lamestream media put forth garbage… http://www.zerohedge.com/news/.....-fake-news
Re: @18,
In which the pretend “smartest hillbilly in the holler” finally reveals the nekid lady mudflaps on his BMW and admits that he’s a plain ol’ glue huffing sister fucking Trailer Trump American just like the rest of them.
Now that this hillbilly has declared that he’s on Comrade-President Elect Pepe’s “side” he gets to permanently own the looming disappointment and disgrace.
No wall.
Ten trillion in new debt.
Obamacare made permanent.
No mooslim ban.
No dirty mexican roundups.
Neither Jeb! nor Marco Rubio nor Ted Cruz can ever be President.
DIY medical abortion still available in all 50 states for about $50
Public schools: Prayer – No. Flag burning – Yes!
Permanently legal gay marriage.
Agonizingly slow yet continuous trickle (golden shower pun) of embarrassing scandal reports from now until the impeachment vote
Loss of every trading relationship except Israel
An additional 12 inches of sea level rise
An additional 12 inches of sewage flooding the trailer park
This guy’s face on the $20 bill
In exchange for:
One court seat
A small tax cut
New trading relationship with Putin
Hillary Clinton will never be President
Hope it’s worth it.
@ 54
1. If you have to explain it, it’s not a pun.
2. Hope it’s worth it.
The Court seat, alone, makes it worth it. Just ask the unions. Start with the NEA.
Yeah, everything else is false, but the golden shower allegation must be true. Just ask Larry Sinclair.
Russian tech expert named in Trump report says US intelligence never contacted him
A Russian venture capitalist and tech expert whose name and company are mentioned in the now-notorious document alleging connections between the Donald Trump campaign and Russian hackers says no intelligence officers have ever contacted him about the accusations, which he says are false.
A report compiled by a former Western intelligence official as opposition research against Trump was made public Tuesday when BuzzFeed posted its 35 pages. The document included unsubstantiated claims of collusion between the Trump campaign team and the Kremlin.
Read more here: http://www.mcclatchydc.com/new.....rylink=cpy
I got an email with the subject “what if they repeal Obamacare”, on my iPhone. I swiped pretty quick to delete it without opening it to delete it
But the answer is, “The hill billies of Tennessee and Mississippi will have to live without their two front teeth and Boob will have to steal more from less people”.
@7- Bradley Manning
I hope Sessions bans Canibis. Pot smoking fuckers are lazy fucks costing me money.
@58 Drumpf
Boob should be happy that normal is being redefined for his own sake.
Yours truly heard that lil’ Marco was tough on Tillerson today..
and lil’ Marco said it was going to do “what’s right”..
Just heard that Exxon has the right to drill 63.7 MILLION acres in Russia..
Next biggest place that Exxon has drilling rights? Good ole USA at 14 MILLION acres…
63.7 vs 14 million… Hmmmm. Bit of a gap there Rex..
But damn! Where does Exxon have the most producing wells? Good Ole USA!! Makes sense.. Bit of history there..
How many producing wells does Exxon have in Russia?
Why?? SANCTIONS! Anyone see where this is going????
Is boob still jacking itself off to fantasies of repatriated US corporate cash?
Sure.. Why not? It worked out just the way it probably wanted in 2004.
The babbling jackass used to bleat “Goldman Sucks” all the time..
Used to..
Drumpf said Ted Khruzz and Hillary were “controlled” by GS…
Heh.. Must explain why Drumpf can’t stop hiring former “Goldman Sucks” employees..
Fifth one and counting.
Today I Learned hillbilly version (/r/TIL_hillbilly):
True/False is a dead concept.
Severgate/Birfergate/SandyHook Truth teaches us that what matters is candor and transparency.
@64 Obviously Drumpf is controlled by Goldman Sucks. It’s tempting to speculate that’s because he owes them a shitload of money, but I’m not seeing it. I don’t think a deadbeat like him is creditworthy enough for Goldman Sucks.
@58 Typical wingnut control freak. Won’t even let strangers choose their own names. There’s a legal process for changing one’s name, and Manning obtained the appropriate court order, therefore “Chelsea” is Manning’s legal name. Stop being a prick and get with the program.
@56 It could all be Russian disinformation, but all that would prove is that the Kremlin considers Trump an easy mark.
If Russia interferes illegally and Ukraine interferes legally, are they not both outside interference?
Not big on the moral difference between “helped perform opposition research” and “stole private property”, are we? (Don’t be scared to admit it; honestly, if you tell everyone here you can’t see any moral difference between those two acts, we’ll believe you.)
The Court seat, alone, makes it worth it.
And if you don’t get that, you’ll have some other justification for totally believing whatever else it is you’ve been told to believe.
@55 And here’s Boob celebrating the destruction of the NEA, the lowering of teachers’ salaries, and the destruction of another segment of the middle class. I’ll bet as a kid he amused himself by pulling the wings off monarch butterflies.
“And here’s Boob celebrating the destruction of the NEA, the lowering of teachers’ salaries, and the destruction of another segment of the middle class.”
It’s not terribly surprising that an American racist Nazi bigot traitor hates America.
@3 The clearance comes with the office, not like William Jefferson Clinton would have ever gotten a clearance without becoming President. Of course it’s ironic that you are basing your statement on information that if true had to come from MI 5 assets, and could only be approved at the highest levels of government..at minimum the Foreign Secretary or Prime Minister, or a guy paid to come up with dirty laundry is totally trustworthy source. Democrats are calling the kettle black.
So how long before war protests are back? No anti Syria protests going on or are there going to be Democrats protesting for war in Syria?
@4 You never heard of Sweet Home Alabama?
@11 Of course it’s going to be cold and wet Seattle chance to show women here are not weather wimps. Not that anyone will notice as all eyes will be on the other Washington.
@28 Well the shitheads in the Senate have not yet legalized pot. So do you want to keep Mr, Sessions in the Senate or get him out of the Senate as AG, and he will follow the laws that Congress makes. I cannot believe that you all just love Senator Sessions to remain in the Senate. One of the goo things of the Republicans winning the white house is at least a few long time Republican Senators get out of the Senate. He has only been there 25 years and not like his state won’t sent him back when he’s up for reelection, hell he may do the AG gig and the voters in his state may send him back to the Senate. You people really can look a gift horse in the mouth, and reject the gift. Idiots,. Fools.
@45 If the 50 state AGs would apply their state laws appropriately on police brutality then the Federal AG would only have to deal with the occasional Federal law enforcement agent who is out of line or throw the jerk to the appropriate state AG, a fate that will cause most federal agents to keep their noses clean. The nations top AG in a Republican administration into being tough on crime may take issue with state legalization. The Obama administration trying to have it both ways has set this up, and pot legalization may have a major setback, but it’s going to realize getting Congress to act is the key. The irony is this same issue would occur if Clinton became President.
@62 You mean a different strategy than the one EXXON used to take over the oil fields in Iraq?
Sessions for President!
Ban lazy pot smokers from being citizens of this Country!
Abby you one. You seem to be smoking some type of good shit.
It was only a few months ago that #CrookedHillary asked,
“What kind of genius loses a billion dollars in a single year?”
I suppose it takes an especially stellar genius to do it in just a few weeks, then.
George Soros lost $1 billion in weeks following Trump’s shock win in November
A #CrookedHillary-backing genius.
In recent years, the 86-year-old billionaire has focused on public policy and philanthropy. He was a large contributor to the super PAC backing Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and has donated to other groups supporting Democrats.
Gawd, 2016 was a special, special year. The best part?
#CrookedHillary will never, ever be president.
Couldn’t have done it without you, libbies.
Gawd, 2016 was a special, special year. The best part?
Senator Patty Murray terminating the political career of yet another Republican?
Washington State following Seattle’s brilliant lead on yet another economic policy?
Living car-free in Seattle getting easier all the time?
Christian conservative, family-values voters giving it up for a high-living libertine from New York City?
Yes, 2016 was a really great year.
“…Hillary will never, ever be President.”
Just like the 1994 elections proved that Jay Inslee and Maria Cantwell would never again serve in Congress.
Live on your knees.
Living car free in Seattle is as easy as stealing a bike. The bums and junkies do it all the time.
You are behind the curve Tensor.
@ 81
Living car-free in Seattle getting easier all the time?
Ah, yes. The Seattle bubble. Never mind those who cannot afford Seattle don’t have light rail into the city, and can’t afford to park there, either. So three buses each way it is.
SNL is making fun
of your ilk, tensor.
Not at all surprising you don’t see the joke. You live it, after all.
(((Goldy))) @GoldyHA
Turns out there really is a Death Panel, and it’s the US Senate.
Thank you, Senator Reid, for your prescience.
Living car free in Seattle is as easy …
Yes, that’s why I wrote it’s “getting easier …”
(That F minus you received in Reading rightly made you feel special: none of the other 32-year-olds in your class got one!)
“…those who cannot afford Seattle don’t have light rail into the city, and can’t afford to park there, either.”
Who would that be?
Oh, right.
This guy. This guy. And of course, Mr. and Mrs. backward baseball cap Trump voter.
Fuck ’em.
And speaking of reading comprehension, perhaps you should re-read what I wrote.
…lol…says the guy who can barely pay his rent. Hows that $15/Now working out for ya?
4 – Those protestors in California from La Raza and the illegal immigrant community carried Mexican flags. Using your logic, that means they are in the same category as the link you listed at you post.
Also, Daily Kos is not a truthful website.
Swishy……really really swishy.
Yo Elijah, you run out of 16 years hairless Filipino boys yet? I imagine they a hot commodity with your “lifestyle”.
@ 89
… 16 years hairless Filipino boys…
From a practical standpoint, as long as YLB is around aren’t these boys rather redundant?
Fox Business is reporting liberals are calling for a boycott of L.L. Bean. It seems Linda Bean’s right to free speech and freedom of association doesn’t matter because she gave money to a Trump PAC. Now the cheddar-brains are calling for a boycott against L.L. Bean.
It’s easy to see why so many blue states went red in 2016 to elect Trump. People are just fed up with crybaby millennials and pompous “We know better than you” elitist liberals.
Are the Democrats going to learn anything from the 2016 election? People will eventually get tired of being called racists, homophobes, Islamophobes, etc. by a bunch of elitist snobs over at the DNC and other progressive venues.
@ 86
Fuck ’em.
That right there, plus visiting AZ instead of WI when it counted, is why you lost.
#CrookedHillary will never, ever be president.
You may never, ever admit to yourself the biggest reasons for that.
@ 91
LL Bean is based in Maine. Trump took an EV there.
LL Bean outlets:
Colorado: Lone Tree [15]
Connecticut: South Windsor, Danbury ; Outlet Store(s): Orange
Illinois: South Barrington, Skokie (Old Orchard Mall)
Kansas: Leawood
Maine: Freeport (Campus of stores open 24 hours/day: Flagship Store with attached Hunting & Fishing Store; Bike, Boat & Ski and Home store); Outlet Store(s): Freeport, Ellsworth, Bangor
Massachusetts: Burlington, Mansfield, Dedham; Outlet Store(s): Wareham
Michigan: Clinton Township (Mall at Partridge Creek) [16]
Minnesota: Bloomington (Mall of America)[15]
New Hampshire: West Lebanon; Outlet store(s): Concord, Nashua, North Conway, North Hampton
New Jersey: Marlton, Paramus, Freehold
New York: Albany (Colonie Center), Victor (Rochester Metro), Yonkers, Fayetteville; Outlet Store(s): Lake George
Ohio: Columbus (Easton Town Center), Lyndhurst (Legacy Village)
Pennsylvania: Center Valley, Pittsburgh (Ross Park Mall), King of Prussia Mall
Rhode Island: Garden City Center, Cranston
Vermont: Burlington [15]
Virginia: McLean (Tysons Corner), Richmond, Virginia Beach
Not a whole lotta red states represented there, although I see a few swings – CO, OH, PA, VA. Oh, and NH, MI, MN.
If Dem defensemen insist on taking shots at their own goalie, our wings and center should just stand at the blue line and let it happen, eh.
maybe I prefer the young as yet unspoiled hillbillies recently redeployed home from the latest stop loss. It’s an opportune but brief window. They come back healthy, fit, relatively free of drugs and STDs, and still emotionally vulnerable. It’s pretty easy to get them to drink too much and take risks, too ;-D Having grown up in trailer parks they tend to be cheap dates. And most of my wealthy over educated liberal friends are too PC to ever mock or criticize them. It’s like a plantation system. Thanks Trailer Trump America!
thanks for that. I didn’t know about that.
But here’s a better idea:
L.L.Bean still carries an unlimited lifetime guarantee on everything they sell. Everything. Forever.
So it might make sense to play a long game here and consider what would happen if more (lots more) people took advantage of that system. Think about never having to buy luggage ever again. Or shoes. Whatever.
I understand there are quite a few customers who have new monogrammed bed and bath linens every year. Forever.
Although I’ve known about this for many years until now I never really felt okay about abusing the policy.
Thanks Jack. You douche.
Im thinking those guys are too old for you. I mean, what good is it to have NAMBLA on speed dial if you aint gonna use it?
Funny how all the kooks on the left forget that Linda Bean donated to Obama’s campaign when he was running.
Sure didnt see the conservatives calling for a boycot then, did we?
Love watching them special snowflakes pout in their safe spaces and crying rooms.
You’ve been triggered, bitches!
Rubio might not support Sessions for AG, but Joe Manchin will.
Seems there’s an election in WV real soon.
Where have you gone, Senator McCaskill, a red state turns its lonely eyes to you.
First Trump casualty should be this chick:
I’d give libbies hell if it were one of theirs. She should be cashiered to Buzzfeed or some such nonsense.
that’s kinda funny. Note that I never wrote anything about “guys” or “boys”. But that’s just what your brain filled in.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that!
Conservative hypocrisy never ceases to amaze.
By the way, would someone tell these derps that ABC News did NOT publish the Trump memos? For the very reason these derps assert they shouldn’t be published, i.e., they’re not verified?
P.S., if news media imposed a blackout on unverified and/or untrue statements, nothing Trump says would ever make it into publication. News stories would look like this: “President-Elect Trump said today (blank).”
@72 You’re batting 0-for-2, Mark. Clearances are issued based on background checks of the applicants, and clearances can (and should) be denied to persons deemed security risks, regardless of what offices they hold. Strike one. And the British agent was not working for the U.K. government when he compiled the Trump Dossier; he was privately employed by Republicans opposed to Trump’s nomination. Strike two.
@ 100
But that’s just what your brain filled in.
Says more about how your persona is perceived by others than anything else, EDM.
Ask YLB. Most people who interact online with him spend a couple of months doing it before they realize he’s not female.
From a personal perspective, I have no idea about your sexual proclivities. I just assume you’re Distant Replay unable to stay away for long and too much of a pussy to admit you’re back.
@73 “So how long before war protests are back?”
Be patient. It won’t take Trump very long to get us into an ill-advised and mismanaged military adventure. Republicans are good at this sort of thing, and Trump’s not even waiting for inauguration to incite a military confrontation with China, plus he has a glorious opportunity to squander American soldier lives in Syria. When he does, protesters will appear, and then wingnuts can impugn their patriotism like they always do when anyone questions their immoral warmongering.
Hey, looks like the US might finally be getting some of the Chrysler bailout money back.
E.P.A. Accuses Fiat Chrysler of Secretly Violating Emissions Standards
Too bad Chrysler wasn’t gifted a massive tax credit like GM was, because it could otherwise have covered the pending large fine out of the credit. Oh, and probably then Chrysler could have declared a tax deduction for the reduced tax credit it would have suffered in lieu of the fine it will face.
@74 Are you referring to a song written by two guys from Florida and one from California?
@76 “I cannot believe that you all just love Senator Sessions to remain in the Senate.”
We’d like him to be wherever he can do the least damage.
Your reputation has preceded you.
@78 “You mean a different strategy than the one EXXON used to take over the oil fields in Iraq?”
Yes, I think so. Trump’s idea is to seek favor with Putin by dismantling NATO. Russia gets Europe without firing a shot, and we get an endless supply of borscht. It’s all about the art of the deal.
@80 “#CrookedHillary will never, ever be president. Couldn’t have done it without you, libbies.”
You’re right, we get Trump instead. Couldn’t have done it without asswipes like you, doc. You and your ilk built this, and whatever happens now, you own it. We had nothing to do with this.
@897 We may have to raise Seattle’s minimum wage again.
@88 Do you know what a false equivalency is, Jack?
Mexican citizens carrying Mexican flags isn’t the same thing as American citizens flaunting Confederate flags.
I have no problem with Mexican citizens wanting to be Mexicans, although some people may prefer they do it in Mexico. My view of American citizens who want to be citizens of a foreign country (i.e., the Confederate States of America) is that it wasn’t worth a bloody war to keep them in the USA, Lincoln arguably should have let them go, and if they still want to leave I’m not going to stop them.
My main criticism of Trump’s border wall is that it needs to be farther east and north, approximately along the line of the Tennessee River.
What does Daily Kos have to do with @4?
Caitlyn Jenner Will Reportedly Attend Trump’s Inauguration
Maybe it’s the only way Caitlyn can have her pussy grabbed.
@113 What would Trump have in his tiny hands if he pussy-grabbed Caitlyn? I haven’t been following that.
At least two of our hillbilly trolls can give us a thorough run down on just exactly what that feels like.
If I had to guess, probably like a bag of gummy worms.
Not that there’s anything wrong with that!
@91 You wingnutjobs claim to be for individual liberty, yet you even want to tell people where to shop.
@96 I assume you know that phone number without having to look it up.
@98 I’m real curious to see how WV’s gonna vote when they realize all those coal miner jobs Drumpf promised were hot air.
Nope…..dunno that one.
Goebbels Rabbit score = 1.3/5
@99 Well, waddya know, doc has some standards after all. Not much power of perception, though, or he would have noticed a long time ago that plagiarism is a conservative thing.
Swishy….real swishy.
@103 “Says more about how your persona is perceived by others than anything else, EDM.”
I can see why they consigned you to the basement radiology lab instead of sending you to a psychiatry residency, doc. Don’t they teach in Mental Disorders 101 that how a sick person perceives strangers reveals more about the sick person than the strangers? Did you sleep through the lecture about rapists leering at girls wearing miniskirts? I didn’t attend med school, but it occurs to me you should be offering counseling to the poster who sees NAMBLA lurking behind every bush, not the commenter who never brought up NAMBLA. From a purely medical perspective, am I wrong about this?
@121 What does “swishy” mean?
I think that’s the last sound a hillbilly Trailer Trump American hears right before the sickle bar cuts his arm off.
Really? And here I thought he was just tossing the random Republican female under the campaign bus to buy some credibility for his Urinating Russian Hooker defense.
I feel like such a cynic.
Swishy, real swishy.
“Don’t they teach in Mental Disorders 101…”
Judging by this gem, our doctor took Mind Reading 101 instead.
“Most people who interact online with him spend a couple of months doing it before they realize he’s not female.”
No, I think I get what he’s saying here.
It’s just like how the widespread stories about Comrade-President Elect Trump paying Russian hookers to pee on him haven’t been fully sourced and verified. And yet that’s just about all anybody wants to know about Trump right now.
“Verification” is a dead concept. “You-know-who” and his “aggrieved” racist backers killed it during their Tea-bagger uprising.
Innuendo and perception are all that matter now.
And while I can certainly manage somehow to forge ahead in spite of pig ignorant beer drunk racist trailer trash “perceiving” me negatively, I wonder if the same can be said about Comrade-President Elect Pepe?
@109 I like borscht. Don’t think I’ve had a decent bowl since the Russian Samovar closed up on Capitol Hill a couple dozen years ago. Of course, I prefer to eat it with a spoon rather than having it pumped up my grommet.
@128 “Innuendo and perception are all that matter now.”
The problem for Trump is this cuts both ways.
Enough sour cream and any borscht is a decent borscht.
“Comrade-President Elect Trump paying Russian hookers to pee on him”
Heh. The way narcissism and denial go hand in hand, it puts Trump’s admitted “germophobia” issues in a whole new light.
Leaving Americans to die is what will make America great again.
“‘This is a death sentence for me’: Patients react in horror to GOP’s late-night Obamacare repeal”
“Republicans in the Senate took a major step toward repealing the Affordable Care Act on Wednesday night, while simultaneously voting down proposed amendments to make sure people with preexisting conditions could still get coverage.”
“I have cystic fibrosis. If the ACA is repealed people like me will lose coverage. People like me will die.”
So, when it came to patients dying or our racist Nazi bigot traitor Doctor getting a tax cut, he chose the tax cut.
@ 133
Um, Steve? People like her will die even if they get the best care anywhere, ACA coverage or not. Life expectancy with CF is late 30s/early 40s.
People with Stage IV colon cancer die even with ACA coverage.
People with glioblastoma die even with ACA coverage.
Steve, you want to focus on the scare stories. I prefer to focus on the families who saw their premiums soar and who saw their deductibles climb to the point that they get no benefits from their premiums once paid.
The hyperbole got you a huge loss in the presidential race. Doubling down won’t be much more effective, Steve.
Of course, it’s not like you’ve got anything else, so fire away.
Even Taco Bell is getting in on the Make America Great Again mentality.
Taco Bell says the shell of the Naked Chicken Chalupa is made up of all-white seasoned chicken. The rest of the taco is packed with lettuce, tomatoes, cheddar cheese and avocado ranch sauce.
Hey, libbies:
Maybe rethink your plan to have celebrities run for office. This was your short-lived concept car to run down Mitch McConnell in 2014:
ashley juddVerified account
& why are emojis yellow (which is just code for white)? Why don’t they come in black & make me have to change them?
Anyone else notice that Goldy’s Twitter feed is a lot more interesting now that he’s given up on that All Trump Is Hitler theme?
He’ll be in grief’s fourth stage for quite awhile, to be sure. But batshit crazy only shows up in flashes nowadays. That’s quite an improvement.
@131 Or you could just eat the sour cream straight.
@133 Depriving sick people of medical care is the latest GOP vote suppression scheme. As a bonus, it dovetails very well with conservative Social Darwinist ideology.
@134 Of course, your life expectancy is secure, because you have Medicare; so, to hell with people in their 30 and 40s, right?
Today, Dr Ben Carson kicked Senator Elizabeth Fauxcohantas Warren’s butt. http://hotair.com/archives/201.....interests/
What’s strange is the continual screaming by Fauxcohantas over settled law all the way back to 1989, passed by the DUMMOCRETIN Congress as Title 18 Section 208 where blind trusts for Trump and Pence do not apply to them. Warren is doing purposeful double-speak for the LIV DUMOCRETINS all over America.
DAYUM funny!
“So three buses each way it is.”
Spend a lot of time stuck in traffic, do you?
Yes, yes you do.
My commute gets easier all the time — when I’m not working from home, that is.
Live on your knees.
Once again libtard DUMMOCRETINS go shaming someone. Of course this is A-OK with the SCUM here. http://pagesix.com/2017/01/12/.....1471822159
Yet another smear against Trump by Obummer’s intel agencies… Amazing what you SCUM will do… http://www.ynetnews.com/articl.....42,00.html
Puddy wouldn’t put this past Obummer after January 20th! http://www.newsmax.com/Newsmax.....id/768315/
Countdown … only 24 hours remaining before the loon goes dark for 24 hours.
@141 And here’s Spudnuts celebrating his fellow Republicans’ blindness to Trump’s conflicts of interest. I guess that’s a problem only when Democrats do it.
Won’t be long now until America resembles Zimbabwe. Puddy should feel right at home.
#CrookedHillary will never, ever be president.
No, that ludicrously cartoonish caricature, which exists only in the dank, narrow, fetid confines of your “mind”, will never, ever be president — for the simple reason that only real, living, breathing Americans can be president.
Hillary Rodham Clinton, successful Senator from the great state of New York and accomplished Secretary of State, who received the majority of the votes in our most recent presidential election, may well decide to build on her many successes, and receive the largest number of Electoral College votes in a future presidential election. After weary year after weary year of a corrupt Congress contesting nastily with a corrupt President over bribe monies, her landslide victory would rightly be seen as our national salvation.
But, you are right — that risibly cartoonish image you obediently swallowed and faithfully regurgitate upon merest suggestion will never, ever be anything than stark evidence of your own painful gullibility.
Live on your knees.
The pending repeal of Obamacare does hold a silver lining. Republicans won’t be in power forever, and with ACA out of the way, when Democrats return to power they’ll have a clear field to create a single-payer system by simply expanding Medicare. Of course, Republicans realize this, which is why they’re desperately trying to privatize Medicare, but that may be a bridge too far.
Man your DUMMOCRETIN senators are a strange bunch! Senator Kamala Harris, DUMMOCRETIN from CA like your girly guy the fetid gaseous crazed databaze cretin, asked the incoming CIA director Mike Pompeo about climate change and LGBTQABC policy!
DAYUM, your side is caaaaaaaaarazy!
who received the majority of the votes in our most recent presidential election,
There is that stoooooooooooopid meme again. #CrookedHillary won California by 4 Million votes. She lost 49 states by 1.7 Million votes. Now imagine if California secedes in 2018 like it wants to? DUMMOCRETINS won’t win the whitey house evah again!
Typical DUMMOCRETIN teenager eh Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Elijah Dominic McDotCom? Had to learn that from the knee of her DUMMOCRETIN parents!!!
That person has been identified as a 14-year-old African American female who attends Arundel High School. http://www.thegatewaypundit.co.....ts-school/
The BBC prepares to TAKE OUT the HA trolls!
Yeah! Can’t wait. Too much fun!
Go Brits!
Elections have consequences when you go against certain people… http://nypost.com/2017/01/10/o.....-policies/
“In light of the votes at the UN and the Kerry speech and everything else, there’s this major uproar with having him part of the club, and a significant portion of the club has opposed offering him membership,” a source told The Post.
Obummer gave a plagiarist the presidential medal of freedom today. Amazing what plagiarism will get you in the future.
Monica Crowley should not be ashamed at all!
Of course HA DUMMOCRETINS are against what these heroes did… http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us.....ad-n706381
Gotta get the hate on Soros. He’s refugee from Communism who makes more money than spoiled white-boy American “businessmen” who can’t do anywhere near as well with the money and names they inherited.
Worse yet, Soros dedicates some of his huge earnings to fighting corruption and thievery in governments!
All in all, he’s a living, breathing example of the very opposite of what you have voted to enable.
Live on your knees.
Yep, there goes sleepy Ben…
“People like her will die even if they get the best care anywhere, ACA coverage or not.”
They, like everybody else, are destined to die someday. That’s your justification for denying 30 million Americans, many of them sick and dying, access to health care. So you, a doctor, can get a tax cut.
Gotta get the hate on Soros.
Who admitted that he turned in his own Jewish people to cop a deal!
Paul Ryan Confronted By Republican Cancer Survivor, “Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, I’m standing here today. I want to thank President Obama from the bottom of my heart because I would be dead if it weren’t for him.”
Ryan tells him that rising premiums for the healthy are an awful thing, way more awful than Americans like him dying for lack of health care, and that HA’s radiologist deserves yet another tax cut.
What’s up with the loon? Looks like he’s become more batshit insane than ever.
What’s up with QPPS @163? Looks like the pressure continues to build…
Now it’s SPPS – six times the pressure! Soon a another real head explosion! So many over the years! Like the Scanner movie!
Wait for it… Wait for it… In the words of Jar Jar Binks, cousin to SPPS… Steady… Steady…
Alert! Alert! Loon head explosion @164!