Paul Ryan, who made all kinds of declarations about how the RepubliKKKlan party should condemn bigotry, has decided to endorse bigot-in-chief Trumpty Dumbty. The hypocrisy should come as no surprise to any reasonably aware individual. Just another sad chapter in Paul Ryan’s political career.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
It’s not just one bad month. New job creation is down three months in a row, with the revisions of previous months. If you go back to October of last year, the falloff in monthly jobs growth is even more ominous.
Most industries eliminated jobs last month, the first time that’s happened in several years. In another bad sign, temp employment fell by 21,000 and it’s down 64,000 so far this year, the Labor Department said Friday.
The dropoff in temporary work in 2016 is the sharpest of the seven-year-old recovery and might be a sign that hiring is likely to remain soft. Temp hiring usually increases when the economy is strong, with many of those workers eventually getting hired full time.
… Over the last three months, the pace of hiring has dropped to the slowest in four years.
Well, I suppose that’s one interpretation, if one looks at a change over a single month.
Another is that when the ordinance went into effect in April of 2015, unemployment reported on the 30th of that month (same chart as in Goldy’s retweet) was 3.3%.
Now, a YEAR later, it’s 3.8%. Unemployment has climbed significantly since the new minimum wage ordinance took effect.
Helpful sidebar in the same link:
Value One Year Ago: 3.30%
Change From One Year Ago: 15.15%
Enjoy your Friday, everybody. It’s a good day to pick cherries, no?
Ima Duncespews:
Right wingers who complain about the economy remind me of an arsonist that burns down a house and then complains that the new house isn’t as nice as he would like.
Distant Replayspews:
Remember when “conservatives” promised us that if we cut taxes on the wealthy and giant corporations we’d permanently solve poverty and unemployment?
Remember when “conservatives” promised us that if we bombed the shit out of Cambodia we’d beat the commies in S.E. Asia?
Remember when “conservatives” promised us that if we tripled prison sentences for drug peddlers we’d eliminate crime and gangs?
Remember when “conservatives” promised us that if we created Social Security everyone would quit working and the economy would collapse?
Remember when “conservatives” promised us that if we legalized weed society would crumble?
Remember when “conservatives” promised us that if we invaded Iraq we’d be welcomed as liberators?
Remember when “conservatives” promised us that if we toppled Saddam Hussein a vast wave of freedom and democracy would sweep the middle east and solve the Palestinian conflict?
Remember when “conservatives” promised us that if we relied on standardized testing to hold teachers accountable student achievement would skyrocket and businesses would get behind public schools?
Remember when “conservatives” promised us that if we passed ACA hospitals would form death panels and start euthanizing the elderly and feeble?
Remember when “conservatives” promised us that if we bombed the shit out of Syria we’d solve the refugee crisis?
Remember when “conservatives” promised us that if we sold liquor in grocery stores our cities would burn and our children would all starve?
The point is, whenever “conservatives” make these kinds of certain predictions everybody, no matter what your political ideology, everybody should be very, very skeptical. I won’t argue that “conservatives” are always lying shits.
But you should only consider their predictions when they have mountains of repeated solid evidence collected over long periods of time. You just can’t be too careful with these guys. Hell, they don’t even trust themselves anymore. Why should you?
Roger Rabbitspews:
White life expectancy is falling in the U.S.: “Rising drug and alcohol overdoses, suicides, and disease from chronic alcoholism — labeled “deaths of despair” by one expert — are cutting the lives of white Americans short by nearly a half a year on average.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: And they’re not even counting voting for Trump, which is a type of mass suicide.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 4
Who’s complaining about their dwelling?
I just received a flyer from some bank in Bellevue I never heard of, on Tuesday I think. They’re offering 4.15%, fixed, over 15 years for commercial RE first-position money. In 2006 it was 6.5%.
Sent it to my bank and they’ll either match it or come very close, at no fee to me to reprice. Rates that low are possible only because of the contortions the Fed has managed in order to stimulate an otherwise weak-ass economic recovery. Any increase in interest rates could collapse the house of cards and one need only attend a Bernie rally to hear how high the true unemployment rate is – Hillary won’t tell you, if she is running to be the third Obama term.
Those of us on the right side of the bell curve have little to complain about. Apple is sheltering $200M offshore and borrowing at very, very low rates for domestic cash needs, thanks to the Fed. Next quarter it will probably be $210M offshore.
Someone should warn the rest of you that you’ll end up paying for the gifts Obama’s had to give out to those who don’t need it, in order to create some growth.
Well, maybe not you, yourself. But the children of Goldy and Better? Oh, yeah. They’re gonna pay.
Obama’s been great for one side of the economy. Hillary’s close relationship to Goldman Sachs will almost certainly continue that, and will further widen the income spread your ilk claims to want to narrow.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@1 Paul Ryan would rather be a bigot-hugger than give up his dream of dismantling Social Security, which apparently is what Trump agreed to in their secret meeting, according to an inside source.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No problem, the gullible rubes will vote for him anyway. See #6 above.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 6
RR, that’s a GOOD thing. The life expectancy gap is narrowing.
The gap between blacks and whites was seven years in 1990. By 2014, the most recent year on record, it had shrunk to 3.4 years, the smallest in history, with life expectancy at 75.6 years for blacks and 79 years for whites.
Those capital gains increasingly going to the rich? They’re not widening income inequality. They’re evidence of yet another stock market increase under a Democrat president.
There’s always a bright side. Always.
Distant Replayspews:
Pass the word. The Republican Party has demeaned itself in perpetuity by donning the sheet and hood and handing itself over to the white supremacists and Trump.
@2 @3 Yes, Seattle’s $15 minimum wage, even though it hasn’t been implemented yet, is causing layoffs all over the country, especially in right-to-work-for-$7.25-an-hour states.
They let this guy be a doctor?
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
In which Distant Replay joins @ 10 the Liberals Must Arm cabal.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@4 “Right wingers who complain about the economy remind me of an arsonist that burns down a house and then complains that living in a tent isn’t as nice as he would like.”
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 11
@ 2 mentioned nothing about the local economy.
@ 3 used the same dataset Goldy used.
With your reading comprehension skills, it’s easy to understand why your retirement portfolio is so pitifully small. You must have been an absolute disaster as an attorney, RR.
See, this is what happens when you respond to overworked reporter’s reasonable questions by calling them names and yelling at them. They drop everything and start digging like never before. They start skipping their kid’s soccer games so they can spend a few more hours digging through financial disclosures. They stay up at night in the basement downloading court records from LexisNexis.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 15
Not a whole lot of difference between a draft lawsuit not filed and a draft indictment not acted on, and they’re each yesterday’s news.
Since you’re all about moral high ground and shit.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Halfbright, helping out Hillary again as only she can.
Albright: ‘Nobody is going to die’ from Clinton emails
@7 “Rates that low are possible only because of the contortions the Fed has managed in order to stimulate an otherwise weak-ass economic recovery. ”
Yes, living through another Great Depression would have been vastly preferable to allowing commercial real estate flippers to borrow at four point one-five percent, don’t you agree Boob?
Distant Replayspews:
go fuck yourself you nihilistic piece of shit. I condemn that kind of weak cowardly shit.
I’m glad to see people turning out to voice their opposition to Trump at his Klan rallies. But just like with the Klan, the response must be limited to protests and legal actions. Dylan Roof and the rest of TeamTrump can be dealt with by our legal system like swatting a gnat. If there’s any sport to be had at one of Trump’s Nuremburg rallies, it lies in baiting the white supremacists into revealing their true nature. These idiots lost the plot. The idea is to taunt the Republicans verbally until they lose their message discipline and start tossing racial slurs on camera like they always do.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@7 “Those of us on the right side of the bell curve have little to complain about.”
I assume you mean borrowers, because these low interest rates sure as hell don’t benefit savers or investors. As for me, I pay zero interest for everything — mortgage, car loan, credit card — because I’m debt-free.
Distant Replayspews:
and RR is wrong. Dead wrong about progressives needing to arm ourselves against Republican cowards like you.
You Republicans want a giant wall, right? Well us Democrats already have one. We started building it over 200 years ago. It’s made of people like Gonzalo Curiel, and Thomas Wales. We don’t need guns and we don’t need your stupid wall. We have laws and an independent federal judiciary supported by good, hard working, politically independent U.S. Attorneys. And Republicans hate that. Just ask your leader.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@9 So you think white life expectancy falling to African-American levels is a good thing?
And they let you be a doctor?
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 20
…because low interest rates sure as hell don’t benefit savers or investors.
As an investor in the stock market, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, would you prefer that corporations be able to borrow at 3-4% interest rates, or at 7-8% interest rates?
I am reminded that this is an excellent opportunity to promote my time-tested investment strategy:
Roger Rabbit Commentary: C’mon, Boob, conservatives have talked about killing liberals for years. Wouldn’t you arm if someone was threatening your life?
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 25
If I were you I would sell covered calls and stop day-trading.
And if I were you I’d sure as hell have someone review my work before I posted it on, Fleeing Felon.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@14 On the contrary, Boob, predicting that raising the minimum wage would be the demise of employment everywhere has been your HA theme song. Kind of like the Lone Ranger riding a fiery horse in a cloud of dust, except he wasn’t a cheap-labor conservative.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@15 Another reason to never live in Texas. The people moving there for “right to work” jobs and cheap (but moldy) housing have no idea what they’re getting into. Such as their kids learning in school that slaves were actually “guest workers.”
Teabagged Againspews:
Here are some words of wisdom to help the less fortunate pick themselves up by their boot straps and motivate them with optimism and be productive members of society – get a fucking job you lazy, raping, uneducated non-white scumbags! Do you want fries with that fucking advice. You think I’m going to invest any money on you motherfucking $4.54 high wage earners! How about a fishing pole? You want one of those too? Fuck off – no pole for you!
Teabagged Againspews:
@6 don’t forget the most appealing way to die, by gunshot. I’m sure the rise in gun ownership probably has something to do with it. I think more people do need to own guns – we need to control the population. You Rabbits do want to take over the World – correct?
Long live San Jose Mexicans!
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
I have a question: When you compare schlong length are you supposed to include the foreskin?
Former Mexican President Vicente Fox Challenges Trump To Debate
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Why do people who hate Mexicans always flee to Mexico when they’re in trouble with the law? If Trump is ever prosecuted for any of his many frauds he’ll hole up in Acapulco with the rest of ’em.
Roger Rabbitsspews:
@21 I’m not as optimistic as you about what it takes to keep people who live by the Law of the Jungle in check. There is, however, some hope they’ll kill each other before they get around to us.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 33
Did you see @ 7 the term ‘commercial RE’, ‘bagger?
Commercial as in not residential.
I’m virtually certain I don’t get screwed the way you get screwed, ‘bagger.
Roger Rabbitsspews:
@23 I’m glad you asked. I’d rather earn 7-8% than 3-4% on my money.
As for corporations borrowing at low rates to finance dividends, stock buybacks, and acquisitions, this benefits managers by goosing their stock options but isn’t in shareholders’ long-term interests. What do you suppose will happen to earnings when companies have to service that debt at higher rates?
It’s a good thing you have Medicare reimbursements to fall back on, because you don’t know shit about investing.
Teabagged Againspews:
White people get all pissy about not being able to be politically incorrect and want to be able to call people by all inappropriate names. But you legitimately call them a racist and a bigot, and they get all defensives…what fucking thick (white) skinned honkeys and cry babies.
They beat up people and toss them out of their Klan rallies, and then when they get beat up (although I do not condone it and I also feel it wasn’t or isn’t called for and only make even someone like myself think that that type of behavior makes them that bad ones) they can’t take it (or want the world to recognize it). Condone it – no. Recognize it – fuck you!
This Country is going to have a civil war unlike any Middle East Country – and we wonder why they can’t get along. We are the biggest fucking morons of all. One thing for the stupid to be stupid but for the intelligent or most exceptional to be stupid is even more stupid.
Teabagged Againspews:
@36 – ok – my bad, I didn’t see commercial.
Roger Rabbitsspews:
@26 It’s hard to stop day trading when you’ve never day traded. I’m a capitalist, not a trader, Boob. I own the means of production. Other people work hard and I collect the money they make for me. Most of my “trading” consists of adding more shares to what I’ve already got so the next dividend check will be even bigger. Concepts you can’t grasp.
Teabagged Againspews:
@31 no, but if you want an extra couple of inches and are overweight then lose some weight. For every 20 lbs. of weight loss you’ll grow an inch.
Thanks to Republican values of 60 oz soft drinks, no only is America’s suicide rate going up, but they are all dying with smaller dicks. Has nothing to do with small hands and big feet.
Ima Duncespews:
@13 I didn’t say the house belonged to the arsonist because they never burn down their own house. But they do steal all the furniture before they burn it down.
Roger Rabbitsspews:
@29 Actually, telling someone to get a job is the worst financial advice you can give them, because in our capitalist society working is the worst way of getting money there is. You pay the highest tax rates, get the fewest tax breaks, you have to put up with commuting and bullying bosses, and the wealth created by your hard work goes to someone else. The smart thing to do is sit on your fat rabbit ass all day and get rich off other people’s hard work like I do. Hey, I don’t create this system, I don’t even like it, but it is what it is, and I go with the flow.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 37
What do you suppose will happen to earnings when companies have to service that debt at higher rates?
Earnings increase. Because companies largely borrow at fixed terms at lower rates, their debt service remains low, and yet they get to increase prices to keep up with higher interest rates.
What do you think happens to the income of a landlord who borrows long-term at a fixed lower rate to finance real estate, and then gets to increase rents to keep up with the market, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit?
to financial success, HA libbies. Follow Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit carefully and then do the opposite of what he does.
Teabagged Againspews:
missed out on your punch line earlier in my reply.
But apparently you are missing out, if you are not getting screwed like you wish, then you are getting screwed.
Yep, the raise in minimum wage appears to be doing exactly what every other wage raise in where data is available. A short spike in unemployment as business owners wring their hands over, “They’re killing of my profits!” to “hey, really, I think I’m selling more stuff now that people can afford it. Maybe I need to bring some people on.”
If you actually look at the data, the rate rose steadily over the first seven months and is now dropping at a pretty decent clip. .9% over the past three months.
If you really want to dig into it, it took eight months for the rate to climb 1.4% but only three months to drop .9%. If that kind of payroll expansion holds you’ll be left wondering how 16 months after raising the minimum wage, how is it that unemployment is LOWER than when business was paying less. You assured everyone the your economic notions were strong. Better hope for a downturn in the local economy, right? Wouldn’t want to be wrong again, right?
Roger Rabbitsspews:
@30 I’m just a spectator watching you stupid humans make yourselves extinct. When you’re gone, someone else has to run this place, and naturally that will be the smartest species, namely rabbits. How smart are we? You don’t see rabbits building nuclear bombs, starting world wars, trashing the oceans and atmosphere, shooting up theaters and elementary schools, or killing each other every chance we get. The worst we do is bite off ears, gouge out eyes, and rip out cottontails.
Teabagged Againspews:
@43 great advice and true to the bone. That is why Boob is bitter, like the rest of the high achieving Republican wannabees.
Distant Replayspews:
doesn’t it make you pity the insurance lawyers who have to represent that piece of shit in his multiple malpractice suits? Probably why most of them prefer to negotiate settlements. Much easier to just avoid trial and pay the claim to go away than to deal with arrogant god-complex doctors. Fuck ’em. Settle the claim and raise the motherfucker’s premiums. Let ’em complain about it while they wait for their tee times.
Wow, just wow.
Ride The Ducks apparently are citing this to argue that all the families of those killed who are NOT residents of the U.S. have no standing for damage suits. While reading that law makes me think they will win this should be getting major media play. It’s not.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 46
No idea what you are trying to point out.
What I @ 3 tried to point out is that looking at data changes over twelve months, in addition to being only one-twelfth as silly as looking at data changes over one month, could give one reason to conclude differently as well.
Teabagged Againspews:
I’m not going to begin to think that I know much about a business.
But isn’t a business who has a low loan rate also feeling the pain of not having a high rate of return on the capital that they have in the bank (assuming it is not all invested in riskier sources of investments). Is the benefit for them to borrow better for them than what they would get in return on the investment – if their investment rates were higher due to having better return on investments when interest rates for loans are higher?
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 43
The smart thing to do is sit on your fat rabbit ass all day and get rich off other people’s hard work like I do.
Might as well give it a shot, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. You sure didn’t get it done with your own sad career efforts.
Roger Rabbitsspews:
@38 “One thing for the stupid to be stupid but for the intelligent or most exceptional to be stupid is even more stupid.”
You’ve got something of a point. Still, when the mainstream GOP goes militia (why wouldn’t they? They’re falling in line behind Trump) and starts carrying out their liberal-cleansing agenda, should we sit still and let them slaughter us like the Nazis did to the Jews? All I’m talking about, have ever talked about, is self-defense. That’s very different from being a willing participant in a civil war fought to settle political scores. I’ve never suggested liberals do that.
Roger Rabbitsspews:
@42 Arsonists frequently burn their own houses down, usually for insurance money or to get rid of their family’s bodies, or both.
“the Liberals Must Arm cabal”
With years of wingnuts arming themselves to the teeth while talking about killing Americans, and now with their nomination of a ruthless, right-wing megalomaniac reality TV star as their candidate for the presidency, liberals being armed is becoming less and less a bad idea. You have only yourselves to thank for that.
Hillary Clinton eviscerated Trump yesterday by simply using his own words. Trump’s reaction reminded me of countless HA exchanges we’ve had with a batshit insane troll…
As a Responsible Republican it is your duty to tell the individual (or group of individuals) that they are idiots and hold the idiots accountable for their own actions, if the individual (or groups of individuals) were to climb a tree and after encountering a big old bees nest swat the bees nest only to then be scampering down the tree in a free fall hitting every tree branch on your way down (breaking every limb in your body) as your are pursued by a thousand stinging bees.
But if those same Responsible Republicans (how do I do that TM symbol) swatted at the bees and suffered similar fate – they would say bad bees, bad bees.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 56
What about #OccupyDNC protesters being armed and/or violent, Steve?
You good with that as well?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@44 Earnings don’t always increase, they’re not increasing now, the S&P’s earnings growth rate is currently negative. Aggregate earnings must be distinguished from earnings per share. Even if a company’s earnings are declining, management can increase earnings per share by borrowing money to buy back stock. The interest paid on those loans, whether at high or low rates, is a cost that further reduces earnings. But the higher earnings per share triggers management’s stock options. They get paid more; your company earns less; and, ultimately, you the shareholder make less money on that stock. Why do I have to spell this out? Because you’re a fucking moron?
Your argument @44 is premised on (a) companies investing the money they’ve borrowed in their businesses to increase sales and profits, (b) a growing economy in which companies can grow, and (c) sufficiently strong demand to allow companies to raise prices. None of these factors currently exist. Your entire argument is based on a hypothetical that has nothing to do with the reality that investors currently face.
Yes, there’s a tremendous amount of corporate borrowing going on, at ultra-low rates, and corporate borrowers are pushing for the longest maturities the market will give them to lock in these rates. Bond buyers get the short straw in this trade. Shareholders don’t benefit from it, either. It’s nothing more than a way for overpaid CEOs to line their pockets even more, at the expense of everyone else. The way to stop it is by bringing back the Eisenhower-era 90% tax rate on incomes over $1 million. There’s no incentive for such gimmickry if you have to end the loot over to the government.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@46 Probably the truth is employment has risen so far and so fast under Obama’s economic policies that hiring is taking a breather after several years of spectacular growth despite a slow-growing economy. This also suggests that companies cut their workforces too deeply in the first place, both before and during the recession.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@59 I assume you’re talking about Trumpistas planning to storm the Democratic convention? We can’t speak for them, but based on their track record, they’ll probably be armed and violent.
“You good with that as well?”
You’re okay with angry, violent wingnuts being armed, so I don’t see why you should have a problem with it. That is, unless you believe only angry, violent wingnuts should be armed.
We didn’t hear protests out of you when the Bundy crowd had their rifles aimed at government employees. And now you find that your whines about armed liberals fall on deaf ears. As I said, you have only yourselves to thank for that.
Talk about racists Oregon moron. Here is a prime example of La Raza and their ASS kissing morons in action! Cheered on by the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
Seems QPPS @63 is A-OK with angry, violent moonbats being armed and leaving body fluids purposely on others!
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
Liberals must arm.
On Thursday night, Emmett Rensin, the deputy editor of Vox’s first person section, sent a series of tweets that, among other things, urged people to riot if Donald Trump comes to their town.
Taxes paid by highest incomes
Top 1% earned 18.9% paid 37.4% of taxes.
Top 5% earned 33.8% paid 59.1% of taxes.
Top 10% earned 45.2% paid 70.6% of taxes.
Top 25% earned 67.6% paid 87.1% of taxes.
Taxes paid by lowest incomes
Bottom 50% earned 11.7% paid 2.4% of taxes.
FACTS, used daily by Puddy to kick the silly ASS of the moronic Oregonian! Like how coal is still vital to America. Oh wait… The Oregonian moron will still qualify for idiot status. The Dr Obnoxious Puddythread blocker is in use. The moron will not view these FACTS!
Katrina Piersonspews:
You can’t blame us for becoming violent white supremacists and joining groups like Aryan Vanguard when the dirty, rapey, liberal illegals do things like this.
If one of your precious little “protected” thugs so much as sneers at one of our beautiful Aryan goddesses then you’ve licensed our right to defend our race, our culture, and our rightful dominion over North America.
Distant Replayspews:
old news. Linked @10.
Condemned hours ago.
And while I reiterate my condemnation of political violence, I’d have to say that regardless of this individual’s “technique” he landed a very solid blow. Boob, you’ve probably never had to hit someone in the face with your fist. That’s okay. In my book that makes you lucky, and at least just a bit civilized. As far as I’m concerned it’s not a “fun” thing. And every single time I ever had to do it I felt a bit sick afterward. I can also tell you that to lay someone out with a single blow is pretty hard to do, even with a wild, blind side sucker punch.
That may be a useful skill for this young man, considering where he’ll find himself spending the night after he’s been identified by the police. It won’t protect him. He’s definitely going to experience a few jailhouse beatings. But a skill like his could help him make new friends inside.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
With your reading comprehension skills, it’s easy to understand why your retirement portfolio is so pitifully small. You must have been an absolute disaster as an attorney, RR.
Naaah Travis, it is senility. R senile was a worthy opponent three years ago. Now it’s gone so far downhill modern medicine can’t help!
Such as their kids learning in school that slaves were actually “guest workers.”
And who controls the information placed in textbooks HA DUMMOCRETINS? Picking on the poster doesn’t educate the mASSes of dumb ASSes!
“Condemned hours ago.”
And rightly so. Threats of violence or the initiation of violence by either the left or right is unacceptable and should be soundly condemned. Peaceful protest is not a sign of weakness. It is the higher road we must travel.
Teabagged Againspews:
@67 maybe Drumpf will put his little finger on the button and push it, sending a missile with nuclear war head right on America itself to kill all them bastard hippie liberal scum.
NotTheReal Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS! spews:spews:
Sometimes a random fleeting thought…
Don’t have the time to do a deep dive and it’s never awakened my curiosity until today.
Why “non-farm payroll?” Is it a relic from a day when farms were assumed to be selling any surplus after consumption so farm hands weren’t paid in a traditional sense? Do hog sloppers and poultry farm workers not count while butchers and egg packers do? If you drive a grain harvester vs the truck that moves the harvested grain?
Teabagged Againspews:
slaves were actually guest workers….
yeah and probably treated too good – they were fed and were given roofs over their heads. Some even had little night stands (with the Bible in the drawer – of course!).
Roger Rabbitspews:
The Trump University scandal just got a lot worse.
“A Trump University seminar presentation advised students to try and boost their credit card limit by inflating their income by $75,000, according to documents made public in federal court this week. The instruction, legal experts said, could amount to a lesson in bank fraud. ‘If someone is encouraging people to make a false representation about their current income — that might be an appropriate target for prosecution,’ said John W. Moscow, former head of the Frauds Bureau of the New York County District Attorney’s office. ‘If the caller actually does what they were told to do, that could easily be fraud,’ agreed Randall M. Fox, who served as founding Bureau Chief of New York Attorney General’s Taxpayer Protection Bureau.”
In other words, Trump University was a criminal organization teaching people how to commit fraud. Yet some voters will still see a certain logic in electing a gangster as POTUS. You know — Russia is led by a gangster, and it takes one to beat one.
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 77
You know — Russia is led by a gangster, and it takes one to beat one.
Takes something very different than what we’ve got at present, anyway.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@76 Throughout the antebellum South, teaching slaves to read was a criminal offense, so why would slaves have Bibles?
Roger Rabbitspews:
While we’re on that subject let’s not forget that a significant chunk of the United States — roughly 11 states — was ruled by terrorists for many years. ISIS has done nothing that white Americans haven’t done.
Wingnuts talking sense…
KELLY: The man is not Mexican….he has no conflict of interest. Trump says he should be investigated, someone should ‘look into him’, just because he has ruled against Donald Trump in this litigation repeatedly…that doesn’t make you biased. IT DOESN’T *she yelled
BENNETT: No, it doesn’t. Big mistake and um, I hope he stops with this. In fact, I hope he stops with a lot of the personal stuff that he’s been doing the last week or two.”
BENNETT: We thought he was in a point of new departure, he was going to be more serious…it’s a shame this has to happen.
KELLY: Trump continues to attack a sitting federal Judge who, by the way, did a lot to fight the drug cartels…based on his ethnicity suggesting he has an inherent conflict of interest because of his heritage. ‘A Hispanic cannot judge a case against me.’ That is what Trump is saying. Explicitly.
@78 Really? What do you think our president should have done about Crimea and Ukraine? By the way, what did our last Republican president do about the Russian aggression in Chechnya and South Ossetia on his watch?
Sloppy Travis Bicklespews:
@ 19, 68, 70, 73
I’m not quite sure how this is correctly done but I’m going to retract, to the extent that I can, what I spewed @ 12 and @65, and offer my sincere apology to Distant Replay for each offense.
I misread what he spewed @ 10 and my responses were based upon that error. I am sorry.
Teabagged Againspews:
@79 perfect way to insult them by showing them or giving something they wouldn’t know what to do….just picture an ape or monkeys face or expression while looking at it and wondering what it was (complete confusion)……
I hope no one got offended by that – today is open season on everything. Don’t get all politically correct on me.
Teabagged Againspews:
@83 don’t be – bring in the new year and just tell him to go fuck himself – see @82
Distant Replayspews:
that Fuckwad troll falsely accused Justice Curiel of belonging to la Raza a few days ago. I’ve been filtering his shit most of this week so I’m just wondering: has he been called to atone for it yet?
Curiel is a pretty decent guy by all accounts. Somebody any American could look up to as a real hero. He certainly didn’t seek out the notoriety that Republicans have thrust upon him with these racist attacks. If that Fuckwad wont apologize for his racist lies about a great public servant like Curiel then he’s truly beyond redemption and not worth the space he occupies in these threads.
Distant Replayspews:
my commendations. And I admit that my phrasing and clausing (is that a thing?) was prone to misunderstanding. So my apologies for being rather opaque @10.
Would that Puddy could be so human and retract his slanders of Gonzalo Curiel. Shame on him.
Distant Replayspews:
@82, “By the way, what did our last Republican president do about the Russian aggression in Chechnya and South Ossetia on his watch?”
Well now, you have to admit that Georgians and Chechnyans just aren’t as “blonde” as Ukrainians.
So, there’s that.
Teabagged Againspews:
Glad to see DR and Boob making amends. But hopefully in tomorrow’s Open Thread things will be back to normal bickering.
@83 and 87, well played, starting with Bob.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Yeah, states run by terrorists that significant chunk of the United States:
NY State – 19,795,791
California – 39,144,818
Hawaii – 1,431,603
Connecticut – 3,590,886
Rhode Island – 1,056,298
Pennsylvania – 12,802,503
Washington – 7,170,351
Oregon – 4,028,977
Missouri – 6,083,672
Minnesota – 5,489,594
Vermont – 626,042
How many of the illegal sanctuary cities reside in these states?
FACTS, smacking DUMMOCRETINS side their heads for evah!
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Would that Puddy could be so human and retract his slanders of Gonzalo Curiel. Shame on him.
That’s he’s an official card carrying member of La Raza Lawyers of SoCal? Anyone who associates with that phrase and what La Raza has done to blacks in LA and SoCal has no respect from Puddy!
Tell that to parents of Jamiel Shaw who was gunned down by a La Raza member illegal alien.
Distant Replayspews:
Ooohhh. I just love your African American! Tell me where you got it or I swear I’ll never speak to you again. Is it your first or do you have others? I bet you paid a fortune. What? You paid wholesale? You bitch!
I’d say I could hardly wait, but truth is as soon as this posts your comments will disappear again, Fuckwad.
You really are something.
Boob should be truly ashamed of himself for acknowledging you. But that’s his problem.
BTW how would the Oregon moron know Puddy wrote anything about Judge Gonzalo unless of course it reads PuddyMissives?
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
La Raza… Any organization that has that phrase in its name will NEVER receive Puddy’s respect Oregon moron. They chose to use it in their name hence Puddy has none to give!
They can claim no association whatsoever… Well why did they choose to use that phrase? You may be stupid. Puddy isn’t. It’s blacks that are killed in SoCal by La raza types. So why use that phrase in your name?
Seems you lie and lie and lie about only read Puddy missives on weekends!
Go suck it fool! Good bye moron!
Distant Replayspews:
good fucking grief you really are thick.
Because the script is fully automated and completely optional.
Just click on a hidden comment and it appears.
Click again and it disappears again. I’ll do it right now.
Click. Stupidity gone.
Click. Stupidity back again.
Click. Have you been following, idiot? Or was that too many clicks?
I’m gonna leave it that way for now because I know you’re too cowardly to figure out how bad you fucked up about The Latino Bar Association of California.
But here’s the thing: you just laid racist slander on a very fine public servant. It would be totally wrong to do it to anyone. So doing it to a fellow American who risked his life to fight Mexican narco-terrorist gang kingpins only demonstrates clearly what an total idiot you are. Well done. You are a racist.
Teabagged Againspews:
Is Navarro Mexican? Because if so, her comments are obviously biased towards The Donald.
@86 “he’s truly beyond redemption and not worth the space he occupies in these threads”
That was established a long time ago. His first week here, actually.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@83 Now we’re getting somewhere.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@91 Why do you loathe women and children fleeing from violence and oppression in their home countries?
“Click. Stupidity gone.”
Thank you, Dr. Orpheus. No more batshit insanity.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
I know you’re too cowardly to figure out how bad you fucked up about The Latino Bar Association of California.
Wrong again Oregon moron. There is no racist slander. You choose to join or not join a group by their name, their representation and other associations. The phrase La Raza (The Race) has negative connotations to SoCal families like Jamiel Shaw’s family. You can skip around it all you want. The judge chose to join, hence no respect from Puddy. Jamiel Shaw was gunned down three houses from his front steps by a La Raza illegal alien!
You used California La Raza Lawyers Association @95. EPIC FAYLE trying to slide past us the The Latino Bar Association of California @99 AKA for their name now. Maybe that works for the IDIOTS on your side>. Not with Puddy!
DUMMOCRETINS like you are really vile. Just like those La Raza types and how they attack Real Americans at Trump events! Those peeps you cheerlead here on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@95 “Go ahead idiot. Lay some of your FACTS on us about California La Raza Lawyers Association.”
Yeah, that sounds like a gang of thugs and murderers if there ever was one!
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Good try R senile. Sanctuary cities are illegal.
Why do you support anarchy R senile? If you are from Vox, start a riot they say!
Sux to be R senile!
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Oh R senile those faux jedi word twists don’t work with Puddy. Puddy said their name uses The Race as part of it.
Sux to be you R senile! You really are an IDIOT!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@108 “The phrase La Raza (The Race) has negative connotations to SoCal families like Jamiel Shaw’s family.”
I certainly understand your feelings, Puddy. After all, the phrases “GOP” and “Republican Party” have negative connotations for me and millions of other loyal, pariotic, hardworking Americans. I would never belong to an organization calling itself “Washington GOP Lawyers Association” or “Washington Republican Lawyers Association.” So, I can’t say I blame you.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
BTW can a white senile lawyer like you join the California La Raza Lawyers Association? Can a black lawyer join the California La Raza Lawyers Association?
Otherwise it’s a racist organization right R senile?
Remember the economy is booming… How many jobs created last month again?
Teabagged Againspews:
@110 “If you are from Vox, start a riot they say!”
I think Vox fired the guy – right. Unlike the GOP does when one of their own mouths off.
Actually the GOP hangs around evangelical pastors (better know as the American branch of ISIS) that not only incite violence but whom call for the killing of people.
Eat shit moron.
Teabagged Againspews:
8 years of no recession – I’d say that is the best any President ever has done!
There are moments in any campaign that are just too wonderful from a comedy standpoint.
“Oh, look at my African-American over here. Look at him,” Trump said. “Are you the greatest?”
Jokes to go with that.
He looked just like one of the Lawn Jockey’s on my porch so I figured he was my African American.
‘The Greatest, like Ali. I mean they all look the same so you can see where I might think he was Ali.”
“Who let the negro in here?”
“Oh, sorry, I thought you were going to park my car,”
“See, I have a great relationship with the black, just like I said before. The Black.”
And now….here’s Paul Shaffer (John Baptiste, The Roots…just pencil in your favorite) we’ve got a great show for you tonight, Hoobastank is here!
The babbling jackass is carrying Drumpf’s water on Curiel?
Curiel, a guy born in freaking Indiana?
Curiel, a judge confirmed on a voice vote by the obstructionist, turtle-head U.S. Senate???
Shit I’m surprised that even the fuckwad, babbling jackass jerkoff troll has gone there.
What a shit head!
Distant Replayspews:
So… what about New Black Panther Party? New Black Liberation Militia? Black Riders Liberation Party? National Black Foot Soldier Network? etc.
“Negative connotations” much?
So to be clear, it’s not that this is a double standard for that lying idiot Fuckwad. It’s not a double standard. He’s just a bigot. He hates “la Raza” in exactly the same way these wonderful human beings hate “blacks”. These guys have the same kinds of stories, the same kinds of anecdotes, the same kind of links, all the same reasons and exactly the same kinds of “connotations” as that Fuckwad. And that’s why we call it bigotry.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
So… what about New Black Panther Party? New Black Liberation Militia? Black Riders Liberation Party? National Black Foot Soldier Network? etc.
Read post #114 sucka!
Let’s be clear Oregonian moron… Puddy has NEVER jock strapped those organizations. Ask the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS. There was a fetid sighting @121!
Oh yeah another R senile moment… Trying to associate Puddy with KKK or Nazi types. Those are your white peeps Oregonian moron! Remember they hate Jews just like you!
Sux to be you!
Teabagged Againspews:
I didn’t know that Puffy did modeling in the form of a midget, a boxer, a valet attendant, and had a Drumpf pass.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Ahhh the local La Raza boy has reappeared in its fetid self @121.
See #114!
1) Why do you jock strap illegal alien killers absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
2) Why do you want these illegal alien killers to stay in the USA absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
3) Why do you support La Raza which has no comment on illegal aliens killing black United States of America citizens absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
4) Why to you support latino gang members getting their stripes killing black United States of America citizens absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
5) Why are you a racist absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
6) Why do you support the La Reconquista philosophy absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
7) Why are you an adherent to Aztlan philosophy absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
The silly babbling jackass keeps babbling about So Cal, the L.A. barrios and the undocumented. The idiot probably believes all the undocumented live in So Cal.
Hmmm. There’s 22.68 million people in So Cal. There are around 11.1 million undocumented immigrants.
At the rate the undocumented are filling up So Cal (in what passes for the jackass “mind”), the place ought to be cleared of black people in oh, by the end of Hillary Clinton’s 2nd term.
The ship has sailed on TWO TERM President’s Obama tenure. Too bad for the fuckwad! HAHAHAHA!
All you babble about is L.A. and the barrios.. Maybe one other time you mentioned another place.
Jamiel Shaw’s killers have been caught and dealt with.
White kops kill way more blacks! You think a fucking wall is going to help that?
You’re (yawn) full of shit. Bye.
“the fuckwad babbling babbles on..
Our resident black troll is just too strange for words. I’d bet he has a stars and bars bumper sticker on his car.
Distant Replayspews:
exactly. I honestly think it is too stupid to see its own mistake.
It has precisely defined all the people described by the term “la Raza” as worthy of its hate and scorn for exactly the same reasons that white supremacists offer for their hate and scorn of “zionists”, “blacks”, “African Americans”, etc. It’s too stupid to understand that it can’t be credited for being “selective” in its bigotry.
Another way to look at the changes in death rates.
“The poor are losing ground not only in income, but also in years of life, the most basic measure of well-being. In the early 1970s, a 60-year-old man in the top half of the earnings ladder could expect to live 1.2 years longer than a man of the same age in the bottom half, according to an analysis by the Social Security Administration. Fast-forward to 2001, and he could expect to live 5.8 years longer than his poorer counterpart.
New research released on Friday contains even more jarring numbers. Looking at the extreme ends of the income spectrum, economists at the Brookings Institution found that for men born in 1920, there was a six-year difference in life expectancy between the top 10 percent of earners and the bottom 10 percent. For men born in 1950, that difference had more than doubled, to 14 years”
sloppy, please explain this away.
If the economy is faltering, explain why that is because consumers DO NOT have disposable income to spend on goods and services. If consumers don’t get paid enough to buy things, the economy falters. What’s wrong with my understanding of how economies work?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@110 “Sanctuary cities are illegal.”
Actually, they’re not. See, e.g.,
CRS: “Sanctuary Cities'” Policies Don’t “Conflict With Federal Requirements.” According to a 2009 Congressional Research Service report that discussed local law enforcement agencies’ responsibilities under § 434 of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) and § 642 of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRIRA), the “primary federal restrictions on state and local sanctuary policies” concern a state or local refusal to maintain or share immigration status information. However, the report noted that the 1996 law “does not require entities to collect such information in the first place” and the U.S Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit indicated that “Congress cannot directly compel states to collect and share information regarding immigration status with federal immigration authorities”:
Why do you support forcing women and children fleeing oppression and violence to return to their home countries to be raped and killed? What kind of sick bastard does that?
All this babbling about “Raza” started with Curiel right?
Why not talk about whether what Curiel did was justified or not? Would another Judge make the same decision?
Why not talk about Trump U? Was it on the level? Was it a con?
But nooooo! The jerkoff fuckwad has to make it about race.
Like its mancrush Drumpf, it’s a bullshiting asshole!
Thank you troll for representing klownservaticism. This is what you are! This is what you do!
Roger Rabbitspews:
@111 The Nazi Party used the word “National” in its name, so according to Puddy Logic, any organization with “National” in its name is evil. For example, National Rifle Association.
Distant Replayspews:
@121, “Shit I’m surprised that even the fuckwad, babbling jackass jerkoff troll has gone there.”
Really? Are you really surprised?
It says it hates “la Raza” because of some A.A. guy who was killed by latino gang members. Jeeebus Cryminee, at least el Douche has some kind of logical, selfish reason to attack Curiel. He stands to suffer quite a financial beating as these lawsuits progress. It’s costing him millions already. It’s just about the money. I’m not even convinced el Douche is really a bigot. He just plays one on television for votes.
But Fuckwad? No doubt. A straight up ignorant fuck bigot who hates on all Latinos “but has good reasons”. It reads about some poor soul being murdered by gang members. And the minute it learns the gang members are Latino the seething anger and will for revenge begins, only it targets the entire race. That makes it exactly the same as Dylan Root. So no wonder it’s a Republican.
“Iceberg, Hindenberg, the Jews sunk the boat and blew up the blimp!” Piddles The Liar, or words to that effect.
Cue not getting sarcasm in 3, 2,
Roger Rabbitspews:
@113 Actually,
“Membership shall consist of the local attorney organizations that subscribe to the purposes and goals of this Association, and pay the required dues.”
So it appears “California La Raza Lawyers Association” is an organization of organizations, and you join by being a member of a member organization.
Looking at the websites of several member organizations, I don’t see any race-based requirement for membership. For example, the bylaws of the Orange County Hispanic Bar Association state:
“All attorneys in good standing as members of the California State Bar or otherwise duly licensed to practice law in any jurisdiction of the United States of America or its territories are eligible for membership as Attorney Members.”
I don’t see anything here that says you have to be Hispanic. Any licensed California lawyer who supports the organization’s goals can belong. Therefore, the answer to both your questions seems to be yes, a white lawyer can belong, and a black lawyer can belong; and, no, it’s not a racist organization that discriminates against people of other races.
To belong to a group like that, you have to join either the Ku Klux Klan or the Republican Party.
@137 It’s too weird. The fiend worships Republicans, worships and celebrates its own white Republican identity daily in these threads.
Yet it was Republicans that let Curiel take the bench while blocking other Obama nominees. I guess the fuckwad is now in the “dump McConnell and Ryan” crowd. Imagine that. Fiends that are so whacked out even McConnell and Ryan are too “liberal” for them.
McConnell and Ryan: a double-barreled threat to their white identity.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@116 Me, too. See #139.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@117 “Remember the economy is booming… How many jobs created last month again?”
That’s 38,000* people who didn’t have jobs and now have jobs. More people than live in Wenatchee or Mount Vernon. Only a dope like Puddy would sneeze at 38,000* new jobs.
But there’s more. Under Obama, a bad month is only 38,000* new jobs. Under his Republican predecessor, a good month was losing only 100,000 jobs.
Who would you rather have in charge of our economy, Obama or another Democrat, or some Republican implementing Wingnut Whack-O-Nomics?
* This may get revised upward later.
Roger Rabbitspews:
@123 You forgot to mention Republicans. I tried to associate you with Republicans, too. Do you deny associating with Republicans?
Roger Rabbitspews:
@125 “the local La Raza boy”
Racist much?
Roger Rabbitspews:
It’s not here anymore. It went away. But I’m sure it’ll be back.
Distant Replayspews:
Not before the Friday night post drops.
Goat duty calls in about 24 minutes. Poor little bigot.
Much to atone for.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Absolutely NUTHIN was discussed above to refute anything regarding Puddy’s claim! Just repeated babbling!
Puddy told the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS to visit the crazed databaze. Puddy gave it a free attack and the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS could not deliver
Hey everybody. In case you didn’t get the memo La Raza is evil. They are Acorn AND the ACLU AND PETA AND FEMA AND pMSNBC all rolled into a vegan burrito.
Something something, Justice Sotomayor something something Bill Ayers something Reverend Wright something something Goebels something something Saul Alinski and funded by George Soros.
Did I get it right Piddles LIAR?
Hey Liar, let me know when the GOP nominates, let alone puts a minority in the White House. Hmmmm…BTW, which party is going to nominate a White Guy who beat the tar out of, by way of insulting, minority candidates?
Between the House and the Senate there are 79 Democratic women and 29 Republican women. Wow, that’s a big spread.
Between the House and the Senate there are 81 Minority Democrats and a paltry 16 Minority Republicans. Wow, that’s an even bigger spread.
But somehow a Liar like you looks at a Black Democratic President and says, AHA, they didn’t have a minority this cycle and they are probably going to nominate a woman so naturally the GOP is the TRUE party of diversity.
Not only are you a confirmed liar you are really, epically, stupid.
Distant Replayspews:
As far as I know, and I guess I should mention that my wife is of mixed-race Latino heritage (but it isn’t very important to her personally), here in North America the term La Raza may be and often is used to describe all the various non-European Hispanic or Latino people in pretty much the whole western hemisphere. But it seems it does get complicated. In some parts of South America the term may refer exclusively to the indigenous people. Furthermore, in parts of the U. S. Southwest politically active people of direct Mexican ancestry prefer that the term refer to them exclusively. Of course it translates to “the race” which is pretty self explanatory.
So however you choose to slice it, La Raza is no more evil or bad or “guilty” or connotative of anything than any other vague racial or ethnic descriptor. As such it’s clear that there exists some group of people somewhere sharing some general racial or ethnic characteristics, not known to him personally, but nonetheless hated by Puddy for those characteristics.
That’s what scientists call pure distilled racism.
That Fuckwad is really quite something.
“Hey Liar”
The loon is posting quite a bit of head explosions for a Friday. He and his doomsday cult must have fucked a lot of goats last Saturday night. Either that or it’s what Hillary did to Trump yesterday. She sliced and diced that motherfucker real good.
Distant Replayspews:
“That’s he’s an official card carrying member of La Raza Lawyers of SoCal? Anyone who associates with that phrase and what La Raza has done to blacks in LA and SoCal has no respect from Puddy!”
So pretty much every single Latino in the Western Hemisphere has no respect from that Fuckwad. And that includes at least one Indiana native son who put his life on the line to keep Americans safe from international drug cartels.
This is your political party now, Bob.
How’s that going?
Roger Rabbitspews:
Former boxer Muhammad Ali has died.
Ima Duncespews:
@156 Having grown up during the Vietnam war, been drafted and served, I remember Ali as a hero. I always did. He was a man of principle, courage and justice. And cripes, could he fight! But he also made me laugh out loud. No matter how tough he tried to look, his light always shown through. There will never be another.
I feel very sad for his family.
No matter how tough he tried to look, his light always shown through.
In the ring, he was tough enough to take on all comers.
As a kid, I didn’t appreciate his big mouth. There were enough big mouths in the schoolyard, enough big mouths to last a lifetime. But in time I saw he backed up every word in the ring.. Every word.
Respect. RIP Champ.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Wow poor checkmate (Puddy’s latest HA BITCH) still can’t find the audio. So what does checkmate do? Pull a R senile. Call Puddy all the names you want checkmate. Can’t figger out the clues that would lead checkmate right to it. Puddy gave the BITCH the date and the station and where to find it. Still sux like evah!
Where did Puddy say that @151 BITCH? Where has checkmate ever said anything about La Raza ethnic cleansing in LA and SoCal? Has checkmate ever chastised the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS for its love of La Raza, the Aztlan philosophy, or the La Reconquista philosophy it espouses on this blog over the years? Or how Marvin Stamn exposed the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS over its North Pasadena ant-black commentary? NOPE!
Notice that the babbling jackass troll @162 has arrived to attain peak hate before it’s BACK TO THE SALT MINES time..
to mine salt with the buddy.. The buddy “needs” the fiend to be WHITE HOT with HATE to perform the weekly duty.
This fiend REALLY “NEEDS” this website! No waiting in line at the Wal-Mart for Viagra or Cialis with old, angry, incontinent white male listeners to always wrong wing hate talk radio and readers of always wrong wing bullshit on the internet.
love of La Raza, the Aztlan philosophy, or the La Reconquista philosophy
When has any HA HERO talked this up?
Yawwn. More worthless babbling from a moron.
“the babbling jackass troll @162 has arrived to attain peak hate”
The loon and his cult must have found a goat to fuck last night.
Puddybud, disinfecting HA DUMMOCRETINS!spews:
Notice how the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS has his Saturday night hardon for Puddy. Still no one reading its sucky blog.
When has salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS talked this up? When Marvin Stamn handed its ASS to itself! No answers from the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS during Marvin’s beautiful ASS-kicking!
A babbling jackass arrives most sat nights before the weekly duty to attain PEAK HATE..
It makes the jackass WHITE HOT with hate… Goes well with its white identity politics.
I guess the buddy likes it that way.
Mark Adamsspews:
@1 What choice does the man have? We aren’t a parliamentary system where he would be the man and can ignore to some extent the President or figure head, However we are a party system enough so if he can’t or won’t endorese his parties candidate for President he should step down as speaker. This would go for Nancy Pelosi if Democratic candidate were Donald Trump. Endorse or step down is the real choice for the Speaker or head of the minority party.
Mark Adamsspews:
@47 Sorry it’s going to be the marvelous Meer Kats and Prairie Dogs who take over.
Mark Adamsspews:
@66 They and you are taking certain things out of context. First this is only covering one type of tax. The federal income tax and only personal taxes. This isn’t all taxes. Or even all the Federal tax an individual pays. It doesn’t include social security, gas taxes, excise taxes, ect.
Of course it leaves out the fact that individuals in each tax bracket pay an equal amount of tax. So no one in the top 1% pays anymore tax than someone else in each bracket. The 1% is simply in more brackets. If anything this chart shows the top 25% are not paying enough tax. They should be paying a much higher amount of their income in tax. There is no reason one person should earn more and keep more just because they are fortunate. Someone earning below a certain amount should not be taxed on their income. There is also an amount that is more than what one could spend in a life time and it definitely should be heavily taxed.
Mark Adamsspews:
@67 Clearly dearest Kat you were already a member and enjoy the feeling of a good sting.
It’s always a good day to see some Supremists have a sense of humor. If only Uncle Adolf had had such a sense of humor he might have been able to harness the white Russians and had a real go of things in the Soviet Union.
I think Uncle Adolf wouldn’t like the T-shirts though, it’s a branding thing. They should be in the approved uniform for the youth of the Fatherland.
Mark Adamsspews:
@72 Your talking about how they choose school books in Texas. It’s not entirely a Republican or Democrat thing in Texas though it’s a Republican state as of late. Still the Democrats there are not fire breathing liberals.
Still it’s Texas and there is a Texan state of mind. Guns, extreme private property rights, and big hats. Not to mention the football.
We don’t know if Sheldon Cooper’s mom is a Democrat or Republican. I’m afraid to find out, but she is 100% Texan.
Mark Adamsspews:
@82 The President should have acted to hold up the treaty obligations of the treaty the US, Russia and Ukraine signed when the Ukraine gave up thousands of nuclear warheads and their political integrity was guaranteed. Perhaps he should have considered giving the Ukranians a few warheads with some sort of delivery system.
Would help to get Ukraine’s economy started, contain the corruption, and curtail Ukraine’s dependence on Russian gas. Maybe the Bush administration could have started with these items.
Mark Adamsspews:
@123 Of course you couldn’t be a member of any of those organizations you mentioned as they are not Republican. They are not conservative organizations. And your church membership should prevent you from becoming a member of those organizations as you are supposed to be a conscientious objector.
Ever had an urge to join as I bet someone on the list could hook you right up. Stokley Carmichael would be proud of you being a strong African American man.
Paul Ryan, who made all kinds of declarations about how the RepubliKKKlan party should condemn bigotry, has decided to endorse bigot-in-chief Trumpty Dumbty. The hypocrisy should come as no surprise to any reasonably aware individual. Just another sad chapter in Paul Ryan’s political career.
It’s not just one bad month. New job creation is down three months in a row, with the revisions of previous months. If you go back to October of last year, the falloff in monthly jobs growth is even more ominous.
Most industries eliminated jobs last month, the first time that’s happened in several years. In another bad sign, temp employment fell by 21,000 and it’s down 64,000 so far this year, the Labor Department said Friday.
The dropoff in temporary work in 2016 is the sharpest of the seven-year-old recovery and might be a sign that hiring is likely to remain soft. Temp hiring usually increases when the economy is strong, with many of those workers eventually getting hired full time.
Over the last three months, the pace of hiring has dropped to the slowest in four years.
Well, I’m sure a massive increase in the minimum wage is just the thing to spur hiring.
Goldy Retweeted
Working Washington @workingwa
Minimum wage up to $13 & rising in Seattle. Unemployment rate down to 3.8%. #middleout #skyaloft …
Well, I suppose that’s one interpretation, if one looks at a change over a single month.
Another is that when the ordinance went into effect in April of 2015, unemployment reported on the 30th of that month (same chart as in Goldy’s retweet) was 3.3%.
Now, a YEAR later, it’s 3.8%. Unemployment has climbed significantly since the new minimum wage ordinance took effect.
Helpful sidebar in the same link:
Value One Year Ago: 3.30%
Change From One Year Ago: 15.15%
Enjoy your Friday, everybody. It’s a good day to pick cherries, no?
Right wingers who complain about the economy remind me of an arsonist that burns down a house and then complains that the new house isn’t as nice as he would like.
Remember when “conservatives” promised us that if we cut taxes on the wealthy and giant corporations we’d permanently solve poverty and unemployment?
Remember when “conservatives” promised us that if we bombed the shit out of Cambodia we’d beat the commies in S.E. Asia?
Remember when “conservatives” promised us that if we tripled prison sentences for drug peddlers we’d eliminate crime and gangs?
Remember when “conservatives” promised us that if we created Social Security everyone would quit working and the economy would collapse?
Remember when “conservatives” promised us that if we legalized weed society would crumble?
Remember when “conservatives” promised us that if we invaded Iraq we’d be welcomed as liberators?
Remember when “conservatives” promised us that if we toppled Saddam Hussein a vast wave of freedom and democracy would sweep the middle east and solve the Palestinian conflict?
Remember when “conservatives” promised us that if we relied on standardized testing to hold teachers accountable student achievement would skyrocket and businesses would get behind public schools?
Remember when “conservatives” promised us that if we passed ACA hospitals would form death panels and start euthanizing the elderly and feeble?
Remember when “conservatives” promised us that if we bombed the shit out of Syria we’d solve the refugee crisis?
Remember when “conservatives” promised us that if we sold liquor in grocery stores our cities would burn and our children would all starve?
The point is, whenever “conservatives” make these kinds of certain predictions everybody, no matter what your political ideology, everybody should be very, very skeptical. I won’t argue that “conservatives” are always lying shits.
But you should only consider their predictions when they have mountains of repeated solid evidence collected over long periods of time. You just can’t be too careful with these guys. Hell, they don’t even trust themselves anymore. Why should you?
White life expectancy is falling in the U.S.: “Rising drug and alcohol overdoses, suicides, and disease from chronic alcoholism — labeled “deaths of despair” by one expert — are cutting the lives of white Americans short by nearly a half a year on average.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: And they’re not even counting voting for Trump, which is a type of mass suicide.
@ 4
Who’s complaining about their dwelling?
I just received a flyer from some bank in Bellevue I never heard of, on Tuesday I think. They’re offering 4.15%, fixed, over 15 years for commercial RE first-position money. In 2006 it was 6.5%.
Sent it to my bank and they’ll either match it or come very close, at no fee to me to reprice. Rates that low are possible only because of the contortions the Fed has managed in order to stimulate an otherwise weak-ass economic recovery. Any increase in interest rates could collapse the house of cards and one need only attend a Bernie rally to hear how high the true unemployment rate is – Hillary won’t tell you, if she is running to be the third Obama term.
Those of us on the right side of the bell curve have little to complain about. Apple is sheltering $200M offshore and borrowing at very, very low rates for domestic cash needs, thanks to the Fed. Next quarter it will probably be $210M offshore.
Someone should warn the rest of you that you’ll end up paying for the gifts Obama’s had to give out to those who don’t need it, in order to create some growth.
Well, maybe not you, yourself. But the children of Goldy and Better? Oh, yeah. They’re gonna pay.
Obama’s been great for one side of the economy. Hillary’s close relationship to Goldman Sachs will almost certainly continue that, and will further widen the income spread your ilk claims to want to narrow.
@1 Paul Ryan would rather be a bigot-hugger than give up his dream of dismantling Social Security, which apparently is what Trump agreed to in their secret meeting, according to an inside source.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: No problem, the gullible rubes will vote for him anyway. See #6 above.
@ 6
RR, that’s a GOOD thing. The life expectancy gap is narrowing.
The gap between blacks and whites was seven years in 1990. By 2014, the most recent year on record, it had shrunk to 3.4 years, the smallest in history, with life expectancy at 75.6 years for blacks and 79 years for whites.
Those capital gains increasingly going to the rich? They’re not widening income inequality. They’re evidence of yet another stock market increase under a Democrat president.
There’s always a bright side. Always.
Pass the word. The Republican Party has demeaned itself in perpetuity by donning the sheet and hood and handing itself over to the white supremacists and Trump.
Do not surrender the moral high ground to racists.
@2 @3 Yes, Seattle’s $15 minimum wage, even though it hasn’t been implemented yet, is causing layoffs all over the country, especially in right-to-work-for-$7.25-an-hour states.
They let this guy be a doctor?
In which Distant Replay joins @ 10 the Liberals Must Arm cabal.
@4 “Right wingers who complain about the economy remind me of an arsonist that burns down a house and then complains that living in a tent isn’t as nice as he would like.”
@ 11
@ 2 mentioned nothing about the local economy.
@ 3 used the same dataset Goldy used.
With your reading comprehension skills, it’s easy to understand why your retirement portfolio is so pitifully small. You must have been an absolute disaster as an attorney, RR.
Trump’s Griftgate grows larger.
See, this is what happens when you respond to overworked reporter’s reasonable questions by calling them names and yelling at them. They drop everything and start digging like never before. They start skipping their kid’s soccer games so they can spend a few more hours digging through financial disclosures. They stay up at night in the basement downloading court records from LexisNexis.
@ 15
Not a whole lot of difference between a draft lawsuit not filed and a draft indictment not acted on, and they’re each yesterday’s news.
Since you’re all about moral high ground and shit.
Halfbright, helping out Hillary again as only she can.
Albright: ‘Nobody is going to die’ from Clinton emails
Read more:
Benghazi is SO past tense.
@7 “Rates that low are possible only because of the contortions the Fed has managed in order to stimulate an otherwise weak-ass economic recovery. ”
Yes, living through another Great Depression would have been vastly preferable to allowing commercial real estate flippers to borrow at four point one-five percent, don’t you agree Boob?
go fuck yourself you nihilistic piece of shit. I condemn that kind of weak cowardly shit.
I’m glad to see people turning out to voice their opposition to Trump at his Klan rallies. But just like with the Klan, the response must be limited to protests and legal actions. Dylan Roof and the rest of TeamTrump can be dealt with by our legal system like swatting a gnat. If there’s any sport to be had at one of Trump’s Nuremburg rallies, it lies in baiting the white supremacists into revealing their true nature. These idiots lost the plot. The idea is to taunt the Republicans verbally until they lose their message discipline and start tossing racial slurs on camera like they always do.
@7 “Those of us on the right side of the bell curve have little to complain about.”
I assume you mean borrowers, because these low interest rates sure as hell don’t benefit savers or investors. As for me, I pay zero interest for everything — mortgage, car loan, credit card — because I’m debt-free.
and RR is wrong. Dead wrong about progressives needing to arm ourselves against Republican cowards like you.
You Republicans want a giant wall, right? Well us Democrats already have one. We started building it over 200 years ago. It’s made of people like Gonzalo Curiel, and Thomas Wales. We don’t need guns and we don’t need your stupid wall. We have laws and an independent federal judiciary supported by good, hard working, politically independent U.S. Attorneys. And Republicans hate that. Just ask your leader.
@9 So you think white life expectancy falling to African-American levels is a good thing?
And they let you be a doctor?
@ 20
…because low interest rates sure as hell don’t benefit savers or investors.
As an investor in the stock market, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit, would you prefer that corporations be able to borrow at 3-4% interest rates, or at 7-8% interest rates?
I am reminded that this is an excellent opportunity to promote my time-tested investment strategy:
Kind of like Russell Westbrook calling out Steph Curry’s defensive skills.
Through the first five games RW averaged 26pts, 6.25 rebounds 12 assists/game
Then he opened his mouth and the MVP Dropped him in games six and seven to 23pts, 5.5 rebounds, 3 assists. (0 in game seven)/game
OKC ya next year
Sometimes a fella ought to think before he speaks instead of poking a hornet’s nest
@12 Maybe this is a reason why.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: C’mon, Boob, conservatives have talked about killing liberals for years. Wouldn’t you arm if someone was threatening your life?
@ 25
If I were you I would sell covered calls and stop day-trading.
And if I were you I’d sure as hell have someone review my work before I posted it on, Fleeing Felon.
@14 On the contrary, Boob, predicting that raising the minimum wage would be the demise of employment everywhere has been your HA theme song. Kind of like the Lone Ranger riding a fiery horse in a cloud of dust, except he wasn’t a cheap-labor conservative.
@15 Another reason to never live in Texas. The people moving there for “right to work” jobs and cheap (but moldy) housing have no idea what they’re getting into. Such as their kids learning in school that slaves were actually “guest workers.”
Here are some words of wisdom to help the less fortunate pick themselves up by their boot straps and motivate them with optimism and be productive members of society – get a fucking job you lazy, raping, uneducated non-white scumbags! Do you want fries with that fucking advice. You think I’m going to invest any money on you motherfucking $4.54 high wage earners! How about a fishing pole? You want one of those too? Fuck off – no pole for you!
@6 don’t forget the most appealing way to die, by gunshot. I’m sure the rise in gun ownership probably has something to do with it. I think more people do need to own guns – we need to control the population. You Rabbits do want to take over the World – correct?
Long live San Jose Mexicans!
I have a question: When you compare schlong length are you supposed to include the foreskin?
Former Mexican President Vicente Fox Challenges Trump To Debate
@16 Yeah, lawyers working in state AG offices just sit around and draft those things on their lunch breaks as a sort of hobby.
They let you be a doctor?
@7 if you can’t get below 3.5% for a 15 year fixed mortgage loan then you are getting screwed….at least on the East Coast you would be.
There is a sucker born everyday, better named Boobs.
@19 One of these guys is still on the lam. I know how to catch him. Just find out where his absentee ballot is mailed to. He’s a Trump voter for sure.
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Why do people who hate Mexicans always flee to Mexico when they’re in trouble with the law? If Trump is ever prosecuted for any of his many frauds he’ll hole up in Acapulco with the rest of ’em.
@21 I’m not as optimistic as you about what it takes to keep people who live by the Law of the Jungle in check. There is, however, some hope they’ll kill each other before they get around to us.
@ 33
Did you see @ 7 the term ‘commercial RE’, ‘bagger?
Commercial as in not residential.
I’m virtually certain I don’t get screwed the way you get screwed, ‘bagger.
@23 I’m glad you asked. I’d rather earn 7-8% than 3-4% on my money.
As for corporations borrowing at low rates to finance dividends, stock buybacks, and acquisitions, this benefits managers by goosing their stock options but isn’t in shareholders’ long-term interests. What do you suppose will happen to earnings when companies have to service that debt at higher rates?
It’s a good thing you have Medicare reimbursements to fall back on, because you don’t know shit about investing.
White people get all pissy about not being able to be politically incorrect and want to be able to call people by all inappropriate names. But you legitimately call them a racist and a bigot, and they get all defensives…what fucking thick (white) skinned honkeys and cry babies.
They beat up people and toss them out of their Klan rallies, and then when they get beat up (although I do not condone it and I also feel it wasn’t or isn’t called for and only make even someone like myself think that that type of behavior makes them that bad ones) they can’t take it (or want the world to recognize it). Condone it – no. Recognize it – fuck you!
This Country is going to have a civil war unlike any Middle East Country – and we wonder why they can’t get along. We are the biggest fucking morons of all. One thing for the stupid to be stupid but for the intelligent or most exceptional to be stupid is even more stupid.
@36 – ok – my bad, I didn’t see commercial.
@26 It’s hard to stop day trading when you’ve never day traded. I’m a capitalist, not a trader, Boob. I own the means of production. Other people work hard and I collect the money they make for me. Most of my “trading” consists of adding more shares to what I’ve already got so the next dividend check will be even bigger. Concepts you can’t grasp.
@31 no, but if you want an extra couple of inches and are overweight then lose some weight. For every 20 lbs. of weight loss you’ll grow an inch.
Thanks to Republican values of 60 oz soft drinks, no only is America’s suicide rate going up, but they are all dying with smaller dicks. Has nothing to do with small hands and big feet.
@13 I didn’t say the house belonged to the arsonist because they never burn down their own house. But they do steal all the furniture before they burn it down.
@29 Actually, telling someone to get a job is the worst financial advice you can give them, because in our capitalist society working is the worst way of getting money there is. You pay the highest tax rates, get the fewest tax breaks, you have to put up with commuting and bullying bosses, and the wealth created by your hard work goes to someone else. The smart thing to do is sit on your fat rabbit ass all day and get rich off other people’s hard work like I do. Hey, I don’t create this system, I don’t even like it, but it is what it is, and I go with the flow.
@ 37
What do you suppose will happen to earnings when companies have to service that debt at higher rates?
Earnings increase. Because companies largely borrow at fixed terms at lower rates, their debt service remains low, and yet they get to increase prices to keep up with higher interest rates.
What do you think happens to the income of a landlord who borrows long-term at a fixed lower rate to finance real estate, and then gets to increase rents to keep up with the market, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit?
Once again, your key
to financial success, HA libbies. Follow Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit carefully and then do the opposite of what he does.
missed out on your punch line earlier in my reply.
But apparently you are missing out, if you are not getting screwed like you wish, then you are getting screwed.
Yep, the raise in minimum wage appears to be doing exactly what every other wage raise in where data is available. A short spike in unemployment as business owners wring their hands over, “They’re killing of my profits!” to “hey, really, I think I’m selling more stuff now that people can afford it. Maybe I need to bring some people on.”
If you actually look at the data, the rate rose steadily over the first seven months and is now dropping at a pretty decent clip. .9% over the past three months.
If you really want to dig into it, it took eight months for the rate to climb 1.4% but only three months to drop .9%. If that kind of payroll expansion holds you’ll be left wondering how 16 months after raising the minimum wage, how is it that unemployment is LOWER than when business was paying less. You assured everyone the your economic notions were strong. Better hope for a downturn in the local economy, right? Wouldn’t want to be wrong again, right?
@30 I’m just a spectator watching you stupid humans make yourselves extinct. When you’re gone, someone else has to run this place, and naturally that will be the smartest species, namely rabbits. How smart are we? You don’t see rabbits building nuclear bombs, starting world wars, trashing the oceans and atmosphere, shooting up theaters and elementary schools, or killing each other every chance we get. The worst we do is bite off ears, gouge out eyes, and rip out cottontails.
@43 great advice and true to the bone. That is why Boob is bitter, like the rest of the high achieving Republican wannabees.
doesn’t it make you pity the insurance lawyers who have to represent that piece of shit in his multiple malpractice suits? Probably why most of them prefer to negotiate settlements. Much easier to just avoid trial and pay the claim to go away than to deal with arrogant god-complex doctors. Fuck ’em. Settle the claim and raise the motherfucker’s premiums. Let ’em complain about it while they wait for their tee times.
Wow, just wow.
Ride The Ducks apparently are citing this to argue that all the families of those killed who are NOT residents of the U.S. have no standing for damage suits. While reading that law makes me think they will win this should be getting major media play. It’s not.
@ 46
No idea what you are trying to point out.
What I @ 3 tried to point out is that looking at data changes over twelve months, in addition to being only one-twelfth as silly as looking at data changes over one month, could give one reason to conclude differently as well.
I’m not going to begin to think that I know much about a business.
But isn’t a business who has a low loan rate also feeling the pain of not having a high rate of return on the capital that they have in the bank (assuming it is not all invested in riskier sources of investments). Is the benefit for them to borrow better for them than what they would get in return on the investment – if their investment rates were higher due to having better return on investments when interest rates for loans are higher?
@ 43
The smart thing to do is sit on your fat rabbit ass all day and get rich off other people’s hard work like I do.
Might as well give it a shot, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit. You sure didn’t get it done with your own sad career efforts.
@38 “One thing for the stupid to be stupid but for the intelligent or most exceptional to be stupid is even more stupid.”
You’ve got something of a point. Still, when the mainstream GOP goes militia (why wouldn’t they? They’re falling in line behind Trump) and starts carrying out their liberal-cleansing agenda, should we sit still and let them slaughter us like the Nazis did to the Jews? All I’m talking about, have ever talked about, is self-defense. That’s very different from being a willing participant in a civil war fought to settle political scores. I’ve never suggested liberals do that.
@42 Arsonists frequently burn their own houses down, usually for insurance money or to get rid of their family’s bodies, or both.
“the Liberals Must Arm cabal”
With years of wingnuts arming themselves to the teeth while talking about killing Americans, and now with their nomination of a ruthless, right-wing megalomaniac reality TV star as their candidate for the presidency, liberals being armed is becoming less and less a bad idea. You have only yourselves to thank for that.
Hillary Clinton eviscerated Trump yesterday by simply using his own words. Trump’s reaction reminded me of countless HA exchanges we’ve had with a batshit insane troll…
As a Responsible Republican it is your duty to tell the individual (or group of individuals) that they are idiots and hold the idiots accountable for their own actions, if the individual (or groups of individuals) were to climb a tree and after encountering a big old bees nest swat the bees nest only to then be scampering down the tree in a free fall hitting every tree branch on your way down (breaking every limb in your body) as your are pursued by a thousand stinging bees.
But if those same Responsible Republicans (how do I do that TM symbol) swatted at the bees and suffered similar fate – they would say bad bees, bad bees.
@ 56
What about #OccupyDNC protesters being armed and/or violent, Steve?
You good with that as well?
@44 Earnings don’t always increase, they’re not increasing now, the S&P’s earnings growth rate is currently negative. Aggregate earnings must be distinguished from earnings per share. Even if a company’s earnings are declining, management can increase earnings per share by borrowing money to buy back stock. The interest paid on those loans, whether at high or low rates, is a cost that further reduces earnings. But the higher earnings per share triggers management’s stock options. They get paid more; your company earns less; and, ultimately, you the shareholder make less money on that stock. Why do I have to spell this out? Because you’re a fucking moron?
Your argument @44 is premised on (a) companies investing the money they’ve borrowed in their businesses to increase sales and profits, (b) a growing economy in which companies can grow, and (c) sufficiently strong demand to allow companies to raise prices. None of these factors currently exist. Your entire argument is based on a hypothetical that has nothing to do with the reality that investors currently face.
Yes, there’s a tremendous amount of corporate borrowing going on, at ultra-low rates, and corporate borrowers are pushing for the longest maturities the market will give them to lock in these rates. Bond buyers get the short straw in this trade. Shareholders don’t benefit from it, either. It’s nothing more than a way for overpaid CEOs to line their pockets even more, at the expense of everyone else. The way to stop it is by bringing back the Eisenhower-era 90% tax rate on incomes over $1 million. There’s no incentive for such gimmickry if you have to end the loot over to the government.
@46 Probably the truth is employment has risen so far and so fast under Obama’s economic policies that hiring is taking a breather after several years of spectacular growth despite a slow-growing economy. This also suggests that companies cut their workforces too deeply in the first place, both before and during the recession.
@59 I assume you’re talking about Trumpistas planning to storm the Democratic convention? We can’t speak for them, but based on their track record, they’ll probably be armed and violent.
“You good with that as well?”
You’re okay with angry, violent wingnuts being armed, so I don’t see why you should have a problem with it. That is, unless you believe only angry, violent wingnuts should be armed.
We didn’t hear protests out of you when the Bundy crowd had their rifles aimed at government employees. And now you find that your whines about armed liberals fall on deaf ears. As I said, you have only yourselves to thank for that.
Here are disgusting DUMMOCRETINS and their illegal alien acolytes in action.
Talk about racists Oregon moron. Here is a prime example of La Raza and their ASS kissing morons in action! Cheered on by the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
Seems QPPS @63 is A-OK with angry, violent moonbats being armed and leaving body fluids purposely on others!
Liberals must arm.
On Thursday night, Emmett Rensin, the deputy editor of Vox’s first person section, sent a series of tweets that, among other things, urged people to riot if Donald Trump comes to their town.
Roger Rabbit. Distant Replay. Steve.
Steve would never sucker-punch anyone, I’m convinced. Roger Rabbit can’t get out of the easy chair.
That leaves you, DR. That pussy Oregon sidewinding motion has your screen name all over it.
To the moronic Oregonian @5,
Taxes paid by highest incomes
Top 1% earned 18.9% paid 37.4% of taxes.
Top 5% earned 33.8% paid 59.1% of taxes.
Top 10% earned 45.2% paid 70.6% of taxes.
Top 25% earned 67.6% paid 87.1% of taxes.
Taxes paid by lowest incomes
Bottom 50% earned 11.7% paid 2.4% of taxes.
FACTS, used daily by Puddy to kick the silly ASS of the moronic Oregonian! Like how coal is still vital to America. Oh wait… The Oregonian moron will still qualify for idiot status. The Dr Obnoxious Puddythread blocker is in use. The moron will not view these FACTS!
You can’t blame us for becoming violent white supremacists and joining groups like Aryan Vanguard when the dirty, rapey, liberal illegals do things like this.
If one of your precious little “protected” thugs so much as sneers at one of our beautiful Aryan goddesses then you’ve licensed our right to defend our race, our culture, and our rightful dominion over North America.
old news. Linked @10.
Condemned hours ago.
And while I reiterate my condemnation of political violence, I’d have to say that regardless of this individual’s “technique” he landed a very solid blow. Boob, you’ve probably never had to hit someone in the face with your fist. That’s okay. In my book that makes you lucky, and at least just a bit civilized. As far as I’m concerned it’s not a “fun” thing. And every single time I ever had to do it I felt a bit sick afterward. I can also tell you that to lay someone out with a single blow is pretty hard to do, even with a wild, blind side sucker punch.
That may be a useful skill for this young man, considering where he’ll find himself spending the night after he’s been identified by the police. It won’t protect him. He’s definitely going to experience a few jailhouse beatings. But a skill like his could help him make new friends inside.
With your reading comprehension skills, it’s easy to understand why your retirement portfolio is so pitifully small. You must have been an absolute disaster as an attorney, RR.
Naaah Travis, it is senility. R senile was a worthy opponent three years ago. Now it’s gone so far downhill modern medicine can’t help!
From the Oregonian moron…
go fuck yourself you nihilistic piece of shit
Can you say
Sometimes a fella ought to think before he speaks instead of poking a hornet’s nest
So R senile should take your advice checkmate? R senile doesn’t think…
Libtards must arm!
Such as their kids learning in school that slaves were actually “guest workers.”
And who controls the information placed in textbooks HA DUMMOCRETINS? Picking on the poster doesn’t educate the mASSes of dumb ASSes!
“Condemned hours ago.”
And rightly so. Threats of violence or the initiation of violence by either the left or right is unacceptable and should be soundly condemned. Peaceful protest is not a sign of weakness. It is the higher road we must travel.
@67 maybe Drumpf will put his little finger on the button and push it, sending a missile with nuclear war head right on America itself to kill all them bastard hippie liberal scum.
Sometimes a random fleeting thought…
Don’t have the time to do a deep dive and it’s never awakened my curiosity until today.
Why “non-farm payroll?” Is it a relic from a day when farms were assumed to be selling any surplus after consumption so farm hands weren’t paid in a traditional sense? Do hog sloppers and poultry farm workers not count while butchers and egg packers do? If you drive a grain harvester vs the truck that moves the harvested grain?
slaves were actually guest workers….
yeah and probably treated too good – they were fed and were given roofs over their heads. Some even had little night stands (with the Bible in the drawer – of course!).
The Trump University scandal just got a lot worse.
“A Trump University seminar presentation advised students to try and boost their credit card limit by inflating their income by $75,000, according to documents made public in federal court this week. The instruction, legal experts said, could amount to a lesson in bank fraud. ‘If someone is encouraging people to make a false representation about their current income — that might be an appropriate target for prosecution,’ said John W. Moscow, former head of the Frauds Bureau of the New York County District Attorney’s office. ‘If the caller actually does what they were told to do, that could easily be fraud,’ agreed Randall M. Fox, who served as founding Bureau Chief of New York Attorney General’s Taxpayer Protection Bureau.”
In other words, Trump University was a criminal organization teaching people how to commit fraud. Yet some voters will still see a certain logic in electing a gangster as POTUS. You know — Russia is led by a gangster, and it takes one to beat one.
@ 77
You know — Russia is led by a gangster, and it takes one to beat one.
Takes something very different than what we’ve got at present, anyway.
@76 Throughout the antebellum South, teaching slaves to read was a criminal offense, so why would slaves have Bibles?
While we’re on that subject let’s not forget that a significant chunk of the United States — roughly 11 states — was ruled by terrorists for many years. ISIS has done nothing that white Americans haven’t done.
Wingnuts talking sense…
KELLY: The man is not Mexican….he has no conflict of interest. Trump says he should be investigated, someone should ‘look into him’, just because he has ruled against Donald Trump in this litigation repeatedly…that doesn’t make you biased. IT DOESN’T *she yelled
BENNETT: No, it doesn’t. Big mistake and um, I hope he stops with this. In fact, I hope he stops with a lot of the personal stuff that he’s been doing the last week or two.”
BENNETT: We thought he was in a point of new departure, he was going to be more serious…it’s a shame this has to happen.
KELLY: Trump continues to attack a sitting federal Judge who, by the way, did a lot to fight the drug cartels…based on his ethnicity suggesting he has an inherent conflict of interest because of his heritage. ‘A Hispanic cannot judge a case against me.’ That is what Trump is saying. Explicitly.
@78 Really? What do you think our president should have done about Crimea and Ukraine? By the way, what did our last Republican president do about the Russian aggression in Chechnya and South Ossetia on his watch?
@ 19, 68, 70, 73
I’m not quite sure how this is correctly done but I’m going to retract, to the extent that I can, what I spewed @ 12 and @65, and offer my sincere apology to Distant Replay for each offense.
I misread what he spewed @ 10 and my responses were based upon that error. I am sorry.
@79 perfect way to insult them by showing them or giving something they wouldn’t know what to do….just picture an ape or monkeys face or expression while looking at it and wondering what it was (complete confusion)……
I hope no one got offended by that – today is open season on everything. Don’t get all politically correct on me.
@83 don’t be – bring in the new year and just tell him to go fuck himself – see @82
that Fuckwad troll falsely accused Justice Curiel of belonging to la Raza a few days ago. I’ve been filtering his shit most of this week so I’m just wondering: has he been called to atone for it yet?
Curiel is a pretty decent guy by all accounts. Somebody any American could look up to as a real hero. He certainly didn’t seek out the notoriety that Republicans have thrust upon him with these racist attacks. If that Fuckwad wont apologize for his racist lies about a great public servant like Curiel then he’s truly beyond redemption and not worth the space he occupies in these threads.
my commendations. And I admit that my phrasing and clausing (is that a thing?) was prone to misunderstanding. So my apologies for being rather opaque @10.
Would that Puddy could be so human and retract his slanders of Gonzalo Curiel. Shame on him.
“By the way, what did our last Republican president do about the Russian aggression in Chechnya and South Ossetia on his watch?”
Well now, you have to admit that Georgians and Chechnyans just aren’t as “blonde” as Ukrainians.
So, there’s that.
Glad to see DR and Boob making amends. But hopefully in tomorrow’s Open Thread things will be back to normal bickering.
@83 and 87, well played, starting with Bob.
Yeah, states run by terrorists that significant chunk of the United States:
NY State – 19,795,791
California – 39,144,818
Hawaii – 1,431,603
Connecticut – 3,590,886
Rhode Island – 1,056,298
Pennsylvania – 12,802,503
Washington – 7,170,351
Oregon – 4,028,977
Missouri – 6,083,672
Minnesota – 5,489,594
Vermont – 626,042
How many of the illegal sanctuary cities reside in these states?
FACTS, smacking DUMMOCRETINS side their heads for evah!
Would that Puddy could be so human and retract his slanders of Gonzalo Curiel. Shame on him.
That’s he’s an official card carrying member of La Raza Lawyers of SoCal? Anyone who associates with that phrase and what La Raza has done to blacks in LA and SoCal has no respect from Puddy!
Tell that to parents of Jamiel Shaw who was gunned down by a La Raza member illegal alien.
Ooohhh. I just love your African American! Tell me where you got it or I swear I’ll never speak to you again. Is it your first or do you have others? I bet you paid a fortune. What? You paid wholesale? You bitch!
Meanwhile Vox continues to say stupid stuff.
Go ahead idiot. Lay some of your FACTS on us about California La Raza Lawyers Association.
I’d say I could hardly wait, but truth is as soon as this posts your comments will disappear again, Fuckwad.
You really are something.
Boob should be truly ashamed of himself for acknowledging you. But that’s his problem.
A crude oil train has derailed and exploded in the Columbia river gorge.
Happened about half past noon. I-84 is closed. Fire still burning. No reports yet on injuries or fatalities. No reports yet on spill. Focus remains on combating the fire.
BTW how would the Oregon moron know Puddy wrote anything about Judge Gonzalo unless of course it reads PuddyMissives?
La Raza… Any organization that has that phrase in its name will NEVER receive Puddy’s respect Oregon moron. They chose to use it in their name hence Puddy has none to give!
They can claim no association whatsoever… Well why did they choose to use that phrase? You may be stupid. Puddy isn’t. It’s blacks that are killed in SoCal by La raza types. So why use that phrase in your name?
Seems you lie and lie and lie about only read Puddy missives on weekends!
Go suck it fool! Good bye moron!
good fucking grief you really are thick.
Because the script is fully automated and completely optional.
Just click on a hidden comment and it appears.
Click again and it disappears again. I’ll do it right now.
Click. Stupidity gone.
Click. Stupidity back again.
Click. Have you been following, idiot? Or was that too many clicks?
I’m gonna leave it that way for now because I know you’re too cowardly to figure out how bad you fucked up about The Latino Bar Association of California.
But here’s the thing: you just laid racist slander on a very fine public servant. It would be totally wrong to do it to anyone. So doing it to a fellow American who risked his life to fight Mexican narco-terrorist gang kingpins only demonstrates clearly what an total idiot you are. Well done. You are a racist.
Is Navarro Mexican? Because if so, her comments are obviously biased towards The Donald.
The party is just getting started – This is off to a USA Exceptionalism start!
This should go over well……doesn’t the GOP claim to be the biggest fans, supporters, and defenders of the Jewish people and Israel?
See you Kansas – wouldn’t want to be you!
This guy reminds me of Puffy.
@86 “he’s truly beyond redemption and not worth the space he occupies in these threads”
That was established a long time ago. His first week here, actually.
@83 Now we’re getting somewhere.
@91 Why do you loathe women and children fleeing from violence and oppression in their home countries?
“Click. Stupidity gone.”
Thank you, Dr. Orpheus. No more batshit insanity.
I know you’re too cowardly to figure out how bad you fucked up about The Latino Bar Association of California.
Wrong again Oregon moron. There is no racist slander. You choose to join or not join a group by their name, their representation and other associations. The phrase La Raza (The Race) has negative connotations to SoCal families like Jamiel Shaw’s family. You can skip around it all you want. The judge chose to join, hence no respect from Puddy. Jamiel Shaw was gunned down three houses from his front steps by a La Raza illegal alien!
You used California La Raza Lawyers Association @95. EPIC FAYLE trying to slide past us the The Latino Bar Association of California @99 AKA for their name now. Maybe that works for the IDIOTS on your side>. Not with Puddy!
DUMMOCRETINS like you are really vile. Just like those La Raza types and how they attack Real Americans at Trump events! Those peeps you cheerlead here on HA DUMMOCRETINS!
@95 “Go ahead idiot. Lay some of your FACTS on us about California La Raza Lawyers Association.”
Yeah, that sounds like a gang of thugs and murderers if there ever was one!
Good try R senile. Sanctuary cities are illegal.
Why do you support anarchy R senile? If you are from Vox, start a riot they say!
Sux to be R senile!
Oh R senile those faux jedi word twists don’t work with Puddy. Puddy said their name uses The Race as part of it.
Sux to be you R senile! You really are an IDIOT!
@108 “The phrase La Raza (The Race) has negative connotations to SoCal families like Jamiel Shaw’s family.”
I certainly understand your feelings, Puddy. After all, the phrases “GOP” and “Republican Party” have negative connotations for me and millions of other loyal, pariotic, hardworking Americans. I would never belong to an organization calling itself “Washington GOP Lawyers Association” or “Washington Republican Lawyers Association.” So, I can’t say I blame you.
BTW can a white senile lawyer like you join the California La Raza Lawyers Association? Can a black lawyer join the California La Raza Lawyers Association?
Otherwise it’s a racist organization right R senile?
You see HA DUMMOCRETINS… It’s very telling that on this web page one finds this:
National Council of La Raza
Very telling fools!
Oh good QPPS is gone! Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet!
Gotta love those lawyer links!
Remember the economy is booming… How many jobs created last month again?
@110 “If you are from Vox, start a riot they say!”
I think Vox fired the guy – right. Unlike the GOP does when one of their own mouths off.
Actually the GOP hangs around evangelical pastors (better know as the American branch of ISIS) that not only incite violence but whom call for the killing of people.
Eat shit moron.
8 years of no recession – I’d say that is the best any President ever has done!
There are moments in any campaign that are just too wonderful from a comedy standpoint.
Jokes to go with that.
He looked just like one of the Lawn Jockey’s on my porch so I figured he was my African American.
‘The Greatest, like Ali. I mean they all look the same so you can see where I might think he was Ali.”
“Who let the negro in here?”
“Oh, sorry, I thought you were going to park my car,”
“See, I have a great relationship with the black, just like I said before. The Black.”
And now….here’s Paul Shaffer (John Baptiste, The Roots…just pencil in your favorite) we’ve got a great show for you tonight, Hoobastank is here!
The babbling jackass is carrying Drumpf’s water on Curiel?
Curiel, a guy born in freaking Indiana?
Curiel, a judge confirmed on a voice vote by the obstructionist, turtle-head U.S. Senate???
Shit I’m surprised that even the fuckwad, babbling jackass jerkoff troll has gone there.
What a shit head!
So… what about New Black Panther Party? New Black Liberation Militia? Black Riders Liberation Party? National Black Foot Soldier Network? etc.
“Negative connotations” much?
So to be clear, it’s not that this is a double standard for that lying idiot Fuckwad. It’s not a double standard. He’s just a bigot. He hates “la Raza” in exactly the same way these wonderful human beings hate “blacks”. These guys have the same kinds of stories, the same kinds of anecdotes, the same kind of links, all the same reasons and exactly the same kinds of “connotations” as that Fuckwad. And that’s why we call it bigotry.
So… what about New Black Panther Party? New Black Liberation Militia? Black Riders Liberation Party? National Black Foot Soldier Network? etc.
Read post #114 sucka!
Let’s be clear Oregonian moron… Puddy has NEVER jock strapped those organizations. Ask the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS. There was a fetid sighting @121!
Oh yeah another R senile moment… Trying to associate Puddy with KKK or Nazi types. Those are your white peeps Oregonian moron! Remember they hate Jews just like you!
Sux to be you!
I didn’t know that Puffy did modeling in the form of a midget, a boxer, a valet attendant, and had a Drumpf pass.
Ahhh the local La Raza boy has reappeared in its fetid self @121.
See #114!
1) Why do you jock strap illegal alien killers absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
2) Why do you want these illegal alien killers to stay in the USA absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
3) Why do you support La Raza which has no comment on illegal aliens killing black United States of America citizens absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
4) Why to you support latino gang members getting their stripes killing black United States of America citizens absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
5) Why are you a racist absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin
6) Why do you support the La Reconquista philosophy absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin yellowishleakingbuttspigot?
7) Why are you an adherent to Aztlan philosophy absolutely neurotic low IQ monomaniacal moronic moonbattic crazed cretin
The silly babbling jackass keeps babbling about So Cal, the L.A. barrios and the undocumented. The idiot probably believes all the undocumented live in So Cal.
Hmmm. There’s 22.68 million people in So Cal. There are around 11.1 million undocumented immigrants.
At the rate the undocumented are filling up So Cal (in what passes for the jackass “mind”), the place ought to be cleared of black people in oh, by the end of Hillary Clinton’s 2nd term.
The ship has sailed on TWO TERM President’s Obama tenure. Too bad for the fuckwad! HAHAHAHA!
@125 the fuckwad babbling babbles on..
From the crazed databaze tell everyone where Puddy made any of those claims!
All you babble about is L.A. and the barrios.. Maybe one other time you mentioned another place.
Jamiel Shaw’s killers have been caught and dealt with.
White kops kill way more blacks! You think a fucking wall is going to help that?
You’re (yawn) full of shit. Bye.
“the fuckwad babbling babbles on..
Our resident black troll is just too strange for words. I’d bet he has a stars and bars bumper sticker on his car.
exactly. I honestly think it is too stupid to see its own mistake.
It has precisely defined all the people described by the term “la Raza” as worthy of its hate and scorn for exactly the same reasons that white supremacists offer for their hate and scorn of “zionists”, “blacks”, “African Americans”, etc. It’s too stupid to understand that it can’t be credited for being “selective” in its bigotry.
Hey Fuckwad. Dont Eat The Silica. It’s Not Food. Throw It Away. The Plastic Bag Is Not a Toy. Do Not Point the Lazer Directly Into Your Eye. The 6PCS Precision Screwdriver Set Is Not To Be Inserted Into Penis.
Another way to look at the changes in death rates.
“The poor are losing ground not only in income, but also in years of life, the most basic measure of well-being. In the early 1970s, a 60-year-old man in the top half of the earnings ladder could expect to live 1.2 years longer than a man of the same age in the bottom half, according to an analysis by the Social Security Administration. Fast-forward to 2001, and he could expect to live 5.8 years longer than his poorer counterpart.
New research released on Friday contains even more jarring numbers. Looking at the extreme ends of the income spectrum, economists at the Brookings Institution found that for men born in 1920, there was a six-year difference in life expectancy between the top 10 percent of earners and the bottom 10 percent. For men born in 1950, that difference had more than doubled, to 14 years”
sloppy, please explain this away.
If the economy is faltering, explain why that is because consumers DO NOT have disposable income to spend on goods and services. If consumers don’t get paid enough to buy things, the economy falters. What’s wrong with my understanding of how economies work?
@110 “Sanctuary cities are illegal.”
Actually, they’re not. See, e.g.,
CRS: “Sanctuary Cities'” Policies Don’t “Conflict With Federal Requirements.” According to a 2009 Congressional Research Service report that discussed local law enforcement agencies’ responsibilities under § 434 of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 (PRWORA) and § 642 of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (IIRIRA), the “primary federal restrictions on state and local sanctuary policies” concern a state or local refusal to maintain or share immigration status information. However, the report noted that the 1996 law “does not require entities to collect such information in the first place” and the U.S Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit indicated that “Congress cannot directly compel states to collect and share information regarding immigration status with federal immigration authorities”:
Why do you support forcing women and children fleeing oppression and violence to return to their home countries to be raped and killed? What kind of sick bastard does that?
All this babbling about “Raza” started with Curiel right?
Why not talk about whether what Curiel did was justified or not? Would another Judge make the same decision?
Why not talk about Trump U? Was it on the level? Was it a con?
But nooooo! The jerkoff fuckwad has to make it about race.
Like its mancrush Drumpf, it’s a bullshiting asshole!
Thank you troll for representing klownservaticism. This is what you are! This is what you do!
@111 The Nazi Party used the word “National” in its name, so according to Puddy Logic, any organization with “National” in its name is evil. For example, National Rifle Association.
“Shit I’m surprised that even the fuckwad, babbling jackass jerkoff troll has gone there.”
Really? Are you really surprised?
It says it hates “la Raza” because of some A.A. guy who was killed by latino gang members. Jeeebus Cryminee, at least el Douche has some kind of logical, selfish reason to attack Curiel. He stands to suffer quite a financial beating as these lawsuits progress. It’s costing him millions already. It’s just about the money. I’m not even convinced el Douche is really a bigot. He just plays one on television for votes.
But Fuckwad? No doubt. A straight up ignorant fuck bigot who hates on all Latinos “but has good reasons”. It reads about some poor soul being murdered by gang members. And the minute it learns the gang members are Latino the seething anger and will for revenge begins, only it targets the entire race. That makes it exactly the same as Dylan Root. So no wonder it’s a Republican.
“Iceberg, Hindenberg, the Jews sunk the boat and blew up the blimp!”
PiddlesThe Liar, or words to that effect.Cue not getting sarcasm in 3, 2,
@113 Actually,
“Membership shall consist of the local attorney organizations that subscribe to the purposes and goals of this Association, and pay the required dues.”
So it appears “California La Raza Lawyers Association” is an organization of organizations, and you join by being a member of a member organization.
Looking at the websites of several member organizations, I don’t see any race-based requirement for membership. For example, the bylaws of the Orange County Hispanic Bar Association state:
“All attorneys in good standing as members of the California State Bar or otherwise duly licensed to practice law in any jurisdiction of the United States of America or its territories are eligible for membership as Attorney Members.”
I don’t see anything here that says you have to be Hispanic. Any licensed California lawyer who supports the organization’s goals can belong. Therefore, the answer to both your questions seems to be yes, a white lawyer can belong, and a black lawyer can belong; and, no, it’s not a racist organization that discriminates against people of other races.
To belong to a group like that, you have to join either the Ku Klux Klan or the Republican Party.
@114 Oh my gosh. You don’t say.
@137 It’s too weird. The fiend worships Republicans, worships and celebrates its own white Republican identity daily in these threads.
Yet it was Republicans that let Curiel take the bench while blocking other Obama nominees. I guess the fuckwad is now in the “dump McConnell and Ryan” crowd. Imagine that. Fiends that are so whacked out even McConnell and Ryan are too “liberal” for them.
McConnell and Ryan: a double-barreled threat to their white identity.
@116 Me, too. See #139.
@117 “Remember the economy is booming… How many jobs created last month again?”
That’s 38,000* people who didn’t have jobs and now have jobs. More people than live in Wenatchee or Mount Vernon. Only a dope like Puddy would sneeze at 38,000* new jobs.
But there’s more. Under Obama, a bad month is only 38,000* new jobs. Under his Republican predecessor, a good month was losing only 100,000 jobs.
Who would you rather have in charge of our economy, Obama or another Democrat, or some Republican implementing Wingnut Whack-O-Nomics?
* This may get revised upward later.
@123 You forgot to mention Republicans. I tried to associate you with Republicans, too. Do you deny associating with Republicans?
@125 “the local La Raza boy”
Racist much?
It’s not here anymore. It went away. But I’m sure it’ll be back.
Not before the Friday night post drops.
Goat duty calls in about 24 minutes. Poor little bigot.
Much to atone for.
Absolutely NUTHIN was discussed above to refute anything regarding Puddy’s claim! Just repeated babbling!
Puddy told the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS to visit the crazed databaze. Puddy gave it a free attack and the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS could not deliver
DUMMOCRETIN principles and values SUCK!
WHITE IDENTITY POLITICS salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS?
Martin O’Malley
James Webb
Bernard Sanders
Heilary Clinton
Lincoln Chafee
All whitey peeps salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS
EPIC FAYLE salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS!
All these DUMMOCRETIN attacks against Puddy.
Each is weak, worthless and needy!
Hey everybody. In case you didn’t get the memo La Raza is evil. They are Acorn AND the ACLU AND PETA AND FEMA AND pMSNBC all rolled into a vegan burrito.
Something something, Justice Sotomayor something something Bill Ayers something Reverend Wright something something Goebels something something Saul Alinski and funded by George Soros.
Did I get it right
Hey Liar, let me know when the GOP nominates, let alone puts a minority in the White House. Hmmmm…BTW, which party is going to nominate a White Guy who beat the tar out of, by way of insulting, minority candidates?
Between the House and the Senate there are 79 Democratic women and 29 Republican women. Wow, that’s a big spread.
Between the House and the Senate there are 81 Minority Democrats and a paltry 16 Minority Republicans. Wow, that’s an even bigger spread.
But somehow a Liar like you looks at a Black Democratic President and says, AHA, they didn’t have a minority this cycle and they are probably going to nominate a woman so naturally the GOP is the TRUE party of diversity.
Not only are you a confirmed liar you are really, epically, stupid.
As far as I know, and I guess I should mention that my wife is of mixed-race Latino heritage (but it isn’t very important to her personally), here in North America the term La Raza may be and often is used to describe all the various non-European Hispanic or Latino people in pretty much the whole western hemisphere. But it seems it does get complicated. In some parts of South America the term may refer exclusively to the indigenous people. Furthermore, in parts of the U. S. Southwest politically active people of direct Mexican ancestry prefer that the term refer to them exclusively. Of course it translates to “the race” which is pretty self explanatory.
So however you choose to slice it, La Raza is no more evil or bad or “guilty” or connotative of anything than any other vague racial or ethnic descriptor. As such it’s clear that there exists some group of people somewhere sharing some general racial or ethnic characteristics, not known to him personally, but nonetheless hated by Puddy for those characteristics.
That’s what scientists call pure distilled racism.
That Fuckwad is really quite something.
“Hey Liar”
The loon is posting quite a bit of head explosions for a Friday. He and his doomsday cult must have fucked a lot of goats last Saturday night. Either that or it’s what Hillary did to Trump yesterday. She sliced and diced that motherfucker real good.
“That’s he’s an official card carrying member of La Raza Lawyers of SoCal? Anyone who associates with that phrase and what La Raza has done to blacks in LA and SoCal has no respect from Puddy!”
So pretty much every single Latino in the Western Hemisphere has no respect from that Fuckwad. And that includes at least one Indiana native son who put his life on the line to keep Americans safe from international drug cartels.
This is your political party now, Bob.
How’s that going?
Former boxer Muhammad Ali has died.
@156 Having grown up during the Vietnam war, been drafted and served, I remember Ali as a hero. I always did. He was a man of principle, courage and justice. And cripes, could he fight! But he also made me laugh out loud. No matter how tough he tried to look, his light always shown through. There will never be another.
I feel very sad for his family.
In the ring, he was tough enough to take on all comers.
As a kid, I didn’t appreciate his big mouth. There were enough big mouths in the schoolyard, enough big mouths to last a lifetime. But in time I saw he backed up every word in the ring.. Every word.
Respect. RIP Champ.
Wow poor checkmate (Puddy’s latest HA BITCH) still can’t find the audio. So what does checkmate do? Pull a R senile. Call Puddy all the names you want checkmate. Can’t figger out the clues that would lead checkmate right to it. Puddy gave the BITCH the date and the station and where to find it. Still sux like evah!
Where did Puddy say that @151 BITCH? Where has checkmate ever said anything about La Raza ethnic cleansing in LA and SoCal? Has checkmate ever chastised the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS for its love of La Raza, the Aztlan philosophy, or the La Reconquista philosophy it espouses on this blog over the years? Or how Marvin Stamn exposed the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS over its North Pasadena ant-black commentary? NOPE!
checkmate… Just another DUMMOCRETIN chump BITCH!
QPPS @154,
What a waste of human biomASS!
Don’t you guys remember the SPLC had something to say about La Raza…? NO?
Of course there will be no explanation for the ethnic cleansing done over the years!
Notice that the babbling jackass troll @162 has arrived to attain peak hate before it’s BACK TO THE SALT MINES time..
to mine salt with the buddy.. The buddy “needs” the fiend to be WHITE HOT with HATE to perform the weekly duty.
This fiend REALLY “NEEDS” this website! No waiting in line at the Wal-Mart for Viagra or Cialis with old, angry, incontinent white male listeners to always wrong wing hate talk radio and readers of always wrong wing bullshit on the internet.
HA costs the fiend nothing.
So Republican Senators confirmed on a voice vote a member of “La Raza”, Curiel, to the Federal bench..
Who knew except batshit insane idiots like the babbling jackass troll?
The ethnic cleansing by white kops is part and parcel of their racist white identity kulture.
Watch the video.. It happened in a klownservatic state.
Donald Drumpf
not kook-a-nut, pyramid grain-storage karson
not L/HINOs Rubio or Kruzz
not even a woman like Fiorina.
Donald Drumpf, a white male bullshitting asshole.
Democrats offered the first woman and the first Jew just like they offered the first African American in 2008.
’nuff said.
When has any HA HERO talked this up?
Yawwn. More worthless babbling from a moron.
“the babbling jackass troll @162 has arrived to attain peak hate”
The loon and his cult must have found a goat to fuck last night.
Notice how the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS has his Saturday night hardon for Puddy. Still no one reading its sucky blog.
When has salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS talked this up? When Marvin Stamn handed its ASS to itself! No answers from the salt mining fetid clueless monomaniacal yellowishleakingbuttspigot arschloch jackASS during Marvin’s beautiful ASS-kicking!
Provide a link to comments from any HA HERO with the words “reconquista” or “aztlan”..
Yawn… You can’t and you won’t cuz you’re full of shit. Another stooopid jackass fantasy.
A babbling jackass arrives most sat nights before the weekly duty to attain PEAK HATE..
It makes the jackass WHITE HOT with hate… Goes well with its white identity politics.
I guess the buddy likes it that way.
@1 What choice does the man have? We aren’t a parliamentary system where he would be the man and can ignore to some extent the President or figure head, However we are a party system enough so if he can’t or won’t endorese his parties candidate for President he should step down as speaker. This would go for Nancy Pelosi if Democratic candidate were Donald Trump. Endorse or step down is the real choice for the Speaker or head of the minority party.
@47 Sorry it’s going to be the marvelous Meer Kats and Prairie Dogs who take over.
@66 They and you are taking certain things out of context. First this is only covering one type of tax. The federal income tax and only personal taxes. This isn’t all taxes. Or even all the Federal tax an individual pays. It doesn’t include social security, gas taxes, excise taxes, ect.
Of course it leaves out the fact that individuals in each tax bracket pay an equal amount of tax. So no one in the top 1% pays anymore tax than someone else in each bracket. The 1% is simply in more brackets. If anything this chart shows the top 25% are not paying enough tax. They should be paying a much higher amount of their income in tax. There is no reason one person should earn more and keep more just because they are fortunate. Someone earning below a certain amount should not be taxed on their income. There is also an amount that is more than what one could spend in a life time and it definitely should be heavily taxed.
@67 Clearly dearest Kat you were already a member and enjoy the feeling of a good sting.
It’s always a good day to see some Supremists have a sense of humor. If only Uncle Adolf had had such a sense of humor he might have been able to harness the white Russians and had a real go of things in the Soviet Union.
I think Uncle Adolf wouldn’t like the T-shirts though, it’s a branding thing. They should be in the approved uniform for the youth of the Fatherland.
@72 Your talking about how they choose school books in Texas. It’s not entirely a Republican or Democrat thing in Texas though it’s a Republican state as of late. Still the Democrats there are not fire breathing liberals.
Still it’s Texas and there is a Texan state of mind. Guns, extreme private property rights, and big hats. Not to mention the football.
We don’t know if Sheldon Cooper’s mom is a Democrat or Republican. I’m afraid to find out, but she is 100% Texan.
@82 The President should have acted to hold up the treaty obligations of the treaty the US, Russia and Ukraine signed when the Ukraine gave up thousands of nuclear warheads and their political integrity was guaranteed. Perhaps he should have considered giving the Ukranians a few warheads with some sort of delivery system.
Would help to get Ukraine’s economy started, contain the corruption, and curtail Ukraine’s dependence on Russian gas. Maybe the Bush administration could have started with these items.
@123 Of course you couldn’t be a member of any of those organizations you mentioned as they are not Republican. They are not conservative organizations. And your church membership should prevent you from becoming a member of those organizations as you are supposed to be a conscientious objector.
Ever had an urge to join as I bet someone on the list could hook you right up. Stokley Carmichael would be proud of you being a strong African American man.