I walked by a building the on the way to Drinking Liberally, and I noticed that the name of it was written in cursive. People aren’t being taught cursive in a lot of schools. It’s a decision I generally support, so this isn’t a getoffmylawn post.
I wonder how long until most people find that building indecipherable. It’ll probably get painted over long before that. It made me wonder what I walk by that I don’t notice that everyone would have understood 50, 100 whatever years ago.
I wonder how long until most people find that building indecipherable.
Or when more people can decipher the graffiti on the exterior than the text on the sign.
“…which we weren’t.”
During the dinner, the President returned to the salacious material I had
briefed him about on January 6, and, as he had done previously, expressed his
disgust for the allegations and strongly denied them. He said he was considering
ordering me to investigate the alleged incident to prove it didn’t happen. I replied
that he should give that careful thought because it might create a narrative that we
were investigating him personally, which we weren’t, and because it was very
difficult to prove a negative.
Biggest loser: Steve.
For Mother Russia!
Tomorrow will be claimed as a victory for the left and a victory for the right. The reality of it all is something less for each.
“Tomorrow will be claimed as a victory for the left and a victory for
the rightMother Russia.”ftfy
4 & 5
You’re both ascribing too much to both groups. The left and right are both consistently wrong and are only interested in self-dealings and the amassment of power. They both would gladly shred the Constitution in furtherance of their petty self-interests.
“Biggest loser”
As that comes from a dumbfuck who hasn’t a lick of sense, there’s no surprise here that the dumbfuck’s comment makes no sense at all.
From the link @1:
The President then returned to the topic of Mike Flynn, saying, “He is a good guy and has been through a lot.” He repeated that Flynn hadn’t done anything wrong on his calls with the Russians, but had misled the Vice President. He then said, “I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go.” I replied only that “he is a good guy.” (In fact, I had a positive experience dealing with Mike Flynn when he was a colleague as Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency at the beginning of my term at FBI.) I did not say I would “let this go.”
Make the President’s first name Hillary, and substitute Podesta’s name for Flynn’s, and Dumbfuck would now be screaming himself hoarse about “CrookedHillary” obstructing justice.
shitstain steve @7
Made PERFECT sense.
Sux to be you!
Reality Winter – DUMMOCRETIN stooge!
Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom – DUMMOCRETIN moron!
shitstain steve – DUMMOCRETIN toilet float!
tensed ASS@8,
The argument is Comey works for Trump. The issue from last year with Wee Willy Clinton visiting Loretta Lynch on the tarmac was Wee Willy went there and talked to Loretta and all of a sudden she had to recuse herself for not telling Obummer about the meeting content.
Here Comey’s next move was to see Sessions and then resign if there was “obstruction of justice”. Since Comey didn’t see Sessions and then resign THERE IS NO PROBLEM!!
Sux to be you!
CNN- FAKE NEWS… http://www.zerohedge.com/news/.....-one-wrong
CNN- FAKE NEWS… http://www.zerohedge.com/news/.....-one-wrong
PloddingBore, I usually don’t have the time to type slow enough for you to understand, but since you’re doubling down on Dumbfuck, I’ll have some fun with your sorry ass.
The argument is Comey works for Trump.
The argument is that the FBI (not just Comey) had an investigation already going into Flynn’s dealings with the Russians. If *anyone* attempted to impede that investigation, that could be obstruction of justice.
Later, loser.
Put a fork in this failed, feckless voodoo shit, Republicans..
It’s done…
None other than Arthur Laughingstock said it would work..
If government spending is large enough to affect the economy at large, then government is too big.
We have $20 trillion in debt. Government is too big.
Love the loon’s double post of hate @12, 13.
More on the failed Brownback idiocy..
Birthed by klownservatic Repubicans, euthanized by shamed klownservatic Republicans..
Guess they couldn’t make the shit work by screwing education and the poor enough. Keep screwing education and the poor and you have people who can afford it leaving the state and the streets looking like the poorest in India and Chad.
@16 then don’t drive on any paved roads or bridges.
Debt? What do you expect when you keep cutting taxes. If you want less taxes then you should be advocating for less roads, less military, less medical research, etc.,etc., etc. Because you know the private sector will take care of you.
And every 36 years, your money will buy 1/2 of what it did 36 years ago.
Eventually people are going to stop lending the US money. Then the US government will start printing nice, new bills and spending them. Everyone will feel grand, but it always ends poorly.
In order to pay down $20 trillion, it will take nearly 50 years if we start tonight. Everyone needs to take a hit to get us out of this mess – military, education, rich people, poor people, foreign aid, “entitlements” , and all the others.
Do you depend on the public sector? How much do you depend on it? Is it your sole source of survival?
Where is wealth created? In government or in the private sector?
Debt is like Cumadin – a little may help prolong life, but too much causes death.
@ 8
The president’s name is not Hillary. In our lifetimes it never will be Hillary.
You should begin wrapping your head around that reality.
She was awful. She is over.
Keynes based his ideas on government reducing spending and stopping the stimulus when things improved. Unfortunately, politicians don’t know how to stop spending because spending what their constituents want means getting elected and re-elected. “Long term” simply means “until the next election.”
Do tax expenditures figure in this story?
Mmmmm. Doubtful.
The president’s name is not Hillary. In our lifetimes it never will be Hillary.
You just keep repeating that until you’re sure, snowflake.
It doesn’t make you sound desperate at all.
Trust me on that. After all, it’s not like the current occupant of the Oval Office spends every day making her look like the better option.
According to Gallup, only 36 percent of Americans now approve of Trump’s job performance. According to Politico/Morning Consult, 43 percent of American voters now want impeachment proceedings started.
Live on your knees.
@20 and @21 And the KansAss experiment hasn’t worked either. Trickle down economics doesn’t work either.
@20. And you forgot one other individualsthat need to take a hit….the rich billionaires, such as the hedge fund managers…the need to collect more revenue to get us out of this debt.l
They can proclaim how great this County is because you can make so much money new…then put you make new where your mouth is and show your appreciation and shut up about taxes.
Like I said stop!, stop driving your car on the pot hole filled roads and we will no longer need to spend money on that either.
I personally probably have benefitted less than you with in depending on the public sector. As a single person without child I’ve paid tons or a greater portion of my tax money educating the many stupid dumb mother fucking children of yours and giving birth to them babies. I never collected one dime of public assistance except for an FHA Loan where I paid more money for than if I qualified for a conventional loan.
Loosen the purse strings of your wallet you hypocrite. When is the last time you freely donated money to a private company to fill a pot hole. Now is the perfect opportunity because Drumpf ain’t planning to do shit!
Boob’s tampon is named Hillary.
@21 my sole source of survival is myself. What are you trying to gather? That I’m on welfare? No, I make fairly good money as other trolls here are offended by.
And lastly – if anyone (or the idiot whining about the debt above) think Drumpf and Republicans aren’t going to make it worse, then you simply are dumb mother fuckers. Shut your traps and stick your heads in a barrel of water.
I care about the debt more so than just about any other issue aside from true freedom more than your pretend to care because you just care about your bank statement. you fuckng hypocrites.
It’s a simple question:
Which President cut entitlements and balanced the budget while the opposing party spent years and record sums investigating a consensual blowjob?
We dont really fucking care if you think you’re the only virtuous purity angel in the universe. Fuck off. At minimum, you still have a basic obligation to recognize the lesser of two evils (as you see it) and do something with that.
And every 36 years, your money will buy 1/2 of what it did 36 years ago.
During the period 1945 – 1970, the Almighty Dollar lost half its value. That was 25 years, not 36, during one of the most prosperous periods in all of history.
Your statistics do not mean what you believe them to mean.
ABC News Politics ✔ @ABCPolitics
Sen. Collins: “Was the president under investigation during the time of your dismissal on May 9th?”
Comey: “No.” http://abcn.ws/2sj8BE3
8:24 AM – 8 Jun 2017
No pro-Putin hashtag needed.
You clearly do not understand the long term.
Wait a minute. I thought it was a “security review”.
After all, that’s what #CrookedHillary called it.
CBS NewsVerified account @CBSNews 26m26 minutes ago
“We had an investigation open at the time. So that gave me a queasy feeling,” Comey says on AG Lynch asking to call email probe a “matter”
I’m not a Republican and did not vote for Trump. I didn’t vote for Clinto either.
@34: Given a constant rate of growth, one can simply divide the number 72 by that constant rate of interest to find out how long it will take to double the amount involved. It has something to,do with the natural log of 2, but I skipped class that day.
The Rule of 72 also works in reverse, as it can be used to see how long it will take to half an amount (such as purchasing power). The Federal Reserve says they wish to keep inflation at 0 to 2 percent per year. At 2 percent inflation per year, purchasing power is cut in half every 36 years according to the Rule.
It can be verified with a good financial calculator such as the HP or TI financial calculators.
No worse than Steve’s day, really.
Chris CillizzaVerified account
Loretta Lynch is having a surprisingly bad day in the Comey testimony
8:53 AM – 8 Jun 2017
“No worse than Steve’s day, really.”
WTF is Doctor Dumbfuck babbling about now? Strikes me that Comey’s sworn testimony must have short-circuited some wiring in his head, leading to dumbfuckery overload.
Here’s a partial quote from one of the more arrogant liberal progressives that make comments on this blog:
“…affluent, elite, healthy, and highly educated coastal progressives.”
The quote pretty much embodies what these people want, which is total government control over all aspects of everyone else’s lives.
Really, Doctor Dumbfuck, just a suggestion, but you might want to consider dialing back the dumbfuckery. Maybe posting another score of pro-Putin hashtags will help you get your dumbfuck mind right.
“Cato, Here’s a partial quote…”
While I couldn’t say for sure, it’s starting to look like we have another troll having conversations with his sockpuppet.
@ 41
You got nothing. You’re nothing but a lot of talk and a badge! You hear me? Cause you got nothing! You got nothing in court, you don’t got the bookkeeper, you got NOTHING!
@43- What you have, under the best interpretation, is a President who behaved badly. He did not/does not care about Russian intervention in the election because it benefited him. We have a President who tried to influence the lead investigator looking into his campaign activities. We have a President who, at best, put loyalty to a friend, Mike Flynn, over duty to the Country.
@ 44
We have a President who, at best, put loyalty to a friend, Mike Flynn, over duty to the Country.
OK. Sure.
And along the same line, we had an AG last year @ 35, 38 who did the same thing.
Oh, and there was Bill Clinton’s memorable 11th hour pardon of Marc Rich. Favor to friend over duty to country.
Fun fact: Comey was there to investigate the Rich pardon.
As the U.S. attorney in Manhattan in 2002, Comey took over a criminal investigation of Clinton’s pardons. “I was stunned” at the Rich pardon, Comey wrote in a letter to lawmakers in 2008.
One wonders if Comey was more stunned at the Rich pardon, or at Trump’s boorish behavior. After all, only one of the two actually resulted in a guilty guy getting off the hook.
@43 Further confirmation that wit just isn’t your thing. Just a thought, but you might want to consider going back to doing what you’re actually good at, posting inane comments which serve as a means to dump 20 – 30 pro-Putin hashtags on us per thread. That’s more your speed, Doctor Dumbfuck.
The market sees the Comey show as a nothingburger.
Stocks touch intraday records as Comey testimony wraps
@43- I was going to finish with a statement about not deflecting to the Clintons in your response. I left it out, but fully expected you to go there.
And you did. The fact of the matter is that Trump is the president and the issue at hand is the behavior of him and his associates. That behavior is incompetent at best, unquestionably unpatriotic, putting their interests above country, and potentially criminal.
Deflect away.
Republican Nicole Wallace,
“A guy who kills baby elephants for kicks to be giving James Comey a lesson in character is rich at best, and pathetic at worst”
“This is a president without a lot of defenders in Congress, without a lot of defenders in the law enforcement community, and a ‘normal’ White House, on a day like today, would have former attorneys general and former people in law enforcement making legal arguments.”
Well, besides the baby elephant murderer, Trump also has the treasonous Doctor Dumbfuck to deflect and post pro-Putin hashtags on a local blog. So at least he’s got that going for him.
@1 Everything you post on this blog is graffiti.
@16 Yes, let’s go back to the 19th century, when government was small, did not regulate or intervene in the economy, and financial panics and depressions occurred with the frequency and regularity of sunsets, but it didn’t matter as much then because most people lived on farms and could grow or forage for food.
@20 Why does the debt have to be paid off? And how is taking all the Treasury bills and bonds out of circulation a good thing for investors and the financial system? Methinks you’re an idiot.
@21 What makes wealth possible? What economy could exist without government to create and protect property rights, finance ports and highways and other instruments of commerce, and defend it all from foreign invaders? Methinks you’re an idiot.
Btw, all wealth — every bit of it — is created by workers; so why don’t workers get a larger share of the wealth they create?
@22 Tell that to the Republicans who added trillions to the debt to fund tax cuts for billionaires when you criticize Democrats for adding trillions to the debt to save us from another Great Depression. You’re not only an idiot, you’re a jerk too.
@23 “She was awful. She is over.”
Even if one accepts the argument that she was awful, Trump is far worse. And while she may be over, the fact Trump isn’t is the problem we face today. So give Hillary a rest already, and let us worry about what matters.
The guy driving around in a 100 foot yacht should give Cato a blowjob to thank him for his dumbfuckery
KansAss raising taxes…..uhhhhh, what fucking idiots (said in retarded fashion), they should just make all parents home school their little stupid rats. They need to lower their taxes….GE and Aetna are just fucking dying to move HQ there. Brilliant people with great personalities in the corn fields.
You clearly do not understand the long term.
As Rule of 72 was kind enough to remind you, an annual inflation rate of 2% in the United States is sufficient condition to cause the dollar to lose 1/2 its value in 36 years. The federal budget can be balanced, or in surplus, for every one of those years. Is this your definition of looming economic catastrophe?
Whatever you think your point was, thanks for telling us that context provided by actual, historical economic performance does not, in your mind, help to make it. That’s really all we need to know.
So give Hillary a rest already, and let us worry about what matters.
You underestimate the effect of raw, naked, misogynistic terror on the soft and pliable minds of undeservedly advantaged (yet chronically underperforming) old guys.
@59 as they dildo their vaginas
Wow Jim Comey just sunk so many DUMMOCRETIN collusion boats today!
CNN’s Gloria Borger, Eric Lichtblau, Jake Tapper and Brian Rokus – FAKE NEWS providers
“Comey is going to dispute the president on this point if he’s asked about it by senators, and we have to assume that he will be,” said Borger, the network’s chief political analyst. “He will say he never assured Donald Trump that he was not under investigation, that that would have been improper for him to do so.” – Can you say Oopsie!
Yet these; raw story, daily kooks, vox and PMSNBC are used by HA DUMMOCRETINS all the time!
shitstain steve’s head goes
Gotta love Loretta Lynch! – Call it a “matter”!
Huma Abedin gave confidential info to Carlos Danger – OK
Donald Trump could be investigated later – Not OK
Trump/Russia is over. For now, at least.
True to form, liberals execute a quick pivot.
Christopher HayesVerified account @chrislhayes 4h4 hours ago
Christopher Hayes Retweeted Ben Wikler
Progressive activists have been sounding increasingly alarmed about ACA repeal in Senate.Christopher Hayes added,
Ben Wikle
Folks, if you’re wondering what to do now that Comey has testified: DEFCON 5 ON TRUMPCARE. ALL HANDS ON DECK. Timeline & how to fight: 1/
Of course, I’d be alarmed, too, about ACA if I was a progressive, even if I wasn’t afraid it might be repealed. Just today:
New York’s Obamacare insurers call for 16% rate increase
@63 spoken like a true Russian. Mater closed. Benghazi!
Nice that Boob treats this “Russian” thing like a baseball game.
Comey leaked on himself. That’s called government work product made while he was being paid on the dole. Eminently discoverable in a court of law!!!
Mighty interesting… https://thefederalist.com/2017/06/08/comey-the-first-to-call-a-private-meeting-with-trump/
I told a friend two weeks ago that after no riveting incrimination Drumpfy’s ties to Russia would go unmasked. Once again I’m never wrong.
Trump/Russia is over. For now, at least.
You just keep telling yourself that, sweetums.
Flynn/Russia will very much continue, regardless of what you desperately yell at yourself. You do recall who Michael Flynn is, right, toodles?
Live on your knees.
The Ape is incoherent
Looks like ISIS and the American terrorists didn’t get there way.
So how many times did Comey call Drumpf a fucking liar??
5 times?
Awesome! Why does Drumpf have to lie so much? What’s it trying to cover up or distract attention from with those lies?
If only we knew what was said in that closed session.
“Republicans sought to discredit Comey’s actions and motivations ….”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Once again, Republicans demonstrate they are a party of no principles and gutter morals. Comey is an honest man; it’s well known that Trump is habitually dishonest in his business dealings and a serial liar. So who is the GOP defending, and who are they attacking? That’s the difference between Democrats and Republicans; Democrats don’t sweep the misbehavior of their own under the rug, but Republicans will rally behind any slimebucket they think might advance their selfish agenda.
As for our trolls, I believe Puddy is a gullible fool (see, e.g., @65), but Doctor Dumbfuck is too smart to not know better. I suspect that in his heart he yearns to be a traitor.
Oh idiot dumbwabbit, what part of Puddy’s #65 post is wrong?
Please regale all of us!
This will be fun to watch!
Yes, this FOOL would fit right here on HA DUMMOCRETINS! Her words are right from the Lying Liars Shouldn’t Lie AKA Erectile Dysfunction McDotCom playbook!
Imagine if this is really true. Do black lives really matter HA DUMMOCRETINS? http://www.theamericanmirror.c.....son-bubba/
Hey dipshit idiot wabbit… Remember all those leaks you and other HA DUMMOCRETIN FOOLS placed on this blog?
We’re laughing at your ilk.
Steve Peoples ✔ @sppeoples
One toast heard inside Brooklyn coffee house as Comey hearing begins: “To new friends and new presidents.”
7:21 AM – 8 Jun 2017
Of course, that was before Comey got into it.
By the time people figured it out,
Steve Peoples ✔ @sppeoples
Dead silence here in Brooklyn bar as patrons watch Comey’s testimony.
7:31 AM – 8 Jun 2017
Immediately after the election it was Goldy Going Godwin.
For the past few months it has been Putin’s Pawn.
What’s next? “He’s a liar, except when he said that Comey told him three separate times that he was not under investigation by the FBI.”?
We’re laughing at you. Still.
Yesterday Trump nominated 11 new federal judges.
Today the Dow hit (another) all-time high.
And gold didn’t.
The smart money was lightly buying gold going into four major events. However, as soon as Comey’s written testimony was released Wednesday, the smart money started selling gold.
It’s the little things Comey said that people are going
“Even after the DNC computers were ‘hacked’ he never spoke with the Democrat president about the criminal attack on his party’s computers!
Former Director James Comey also did not record his THREE HOUR interview with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on her likely criminal email activity.”
Interesting development!
@ 78
“Even after the DNC computers were ‘hacked’ he never spoke with the Democrat president about the criminal attack on his party’s computers!
Why would he? The DNC refused to show the FBI their computers. Apparently there were concerns that Comey might actually look at some of what was on them.
Couldn’t have done it without you, DWS. Appreciate your incompetence and willingness to lick #CrookedHillary’s anus whenever asked.
Aren’t conversations between the president and his subordinates supposed to be under executive privilege; so you don’t report them? Hence Comey’s comments are ???
Yesterday Trump nominated 11 new federal judges.
How many have already withdrawn their nominations? Or is that only done this quickly for cabinet positions?
…willingness to lick #CrookedHillary’s anus whenever asked.
No one wants to know anything about your sexual fantasies.
Straight Talk is coming to Congress’ House Oversight and Government Reform Committee real soon…
As Committee Chair they are allowed to pontificate as they please.
LOL! Yeah that’s why Drumpf had one-on-ones with Comey 9 separate times since January..
How many did times Comey have one-on-ones with TWO TERM President Obama?
2 whole times.
Oh what does tax cuts for the rich compare to some “made up” Russian “cloud”????
So funny indeed… your ilk..
Remember this leak sicko-phant?
Wikileaks is wonderful!”
“Trump/Russia is over. For now, at least.”
Until morning anyway.
That was a damn fine loon head explosion @61.
Loon goes psycho @76 “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”
Doctor Dumbfuck @77, “We’re laughing at your ilk.”
It’s taken a few years, but you two have come up with quite the clown act.
Britain’s ruling conservatives suffered a major setback in tonight’s elections, suffering losses that cost them their parliamentary majority and crippled their prime minister, while the left-wing Labour Party gained 31 seats. It appears Trumpism isn’t about to take over the UK.
Conservative columnist Jennifer Rubin,
“Actually I thought it was a devastating day for the president,” Rubin said. “What [Comey] painted was not any one incident but a portrait of the way this guy operates, which no one on the Republican side is going to defend.”
By comparison to Comey, she said, Tump “comes across like a sleazy guy trying to lean on Jimmy Stewart — the director of the FBI.”
Heh, that’s about right. Sleaze Guy versus Jimmy Stewart.
@71 no. Lying is a good things nowadays.
@75 you want an honest answer? No, they don’t matter. No Lives Matter.
You don’t understand Executive Privilege any better than your Cheeto Jesus.