Do y’all use diacritical marks when writing in English? I only use the umlaut to indicate that you pronounce both vowels in words like reärrange. Because I am an idiot, when I write for work, I vary when I use them. So if I’m emailing someone in the office next to me, it’s äëïöü, but if it’s to a client or whatever outside, I just use unädorned vowels.
Nope, no buyers remorse here. Look at this Time magazine cover…
Sure it’s too early to say or celebrate; I never celebrated a Hillary Populus win before the final votes were tallied.
But Dems switched two seats last night. How’s that working out for you libbies!
Maybe we’ll get lucky and Hillary Clinton will fade from public life. It would be nice to never hear from her (or about her) ever again.
Because emails. Right?
No “we” about it, hillbilly. Your millstone won’t be “fading” away any time soon. You’ve got at least four more years. Hee, hee.
That’s the EEEN-DEEEE-PEN-DUNCE/Hillbilly/Treason/Klan party pick for the Senate. Claims two-term President Obama was not born in the U.S. and is a Muslim. Simultaneously insists Christian orthodoxy belongs as part of civil/criminal law regulating personal and business activities. Disapproves of birth control. Says all homosexuals should be arrested and imprisoned.
There really are no “two-sides” to this when it comes to ideology. The President’s political party has become a raging dumpster fire of violent racism, misogyny, bigotry, religious intolerance, white male supremacy, military recklessness, and financial irresponsibility. The other party has only moved more to the center ideologically, while it has become increasingly ineffective politically.
It might be right to argue that our political atmosphere has grown extremely confrontational – as one of the two parties has experienced enormous political success while embracing ideological extremism. It would not be correct to say it is because both parties are growing more extreme.
@ 1
Lerner won by 39 votes, 901-862. The Libertarian took 41 votes.
That was one of your flips. The other was in a district that #CrookedHillary won by double digits. As in upper ‘teens.
You’ve flipped 8 seats. Under Obama Democrats lost more than a thousand seats.
Keep climbing. It’s a really, really deep hole. And this won’t help:
The Democratic National Committee (DNC) may be in trouble, according to its latest Federal Election Commission (FEC) filing showing it raised only $4.3 million in August and is $4.1 million in debt. The Republican National Committee (RNC) did much better, raising a whopping $7.3 million in August with no debt. The DNC has raised less than half of what the RNC has raised so far this year.
Maybe you can at least claim that what he did to the Target store had something to do with their just-announced minimum wage increase.
Man who threw flare into cop car during May 1 protests gets 5 years
More good news: He’ll be out in time to participate in that Resist Again! movement.
Feller will be eligible for release from prison after four years, if he gets time off for good behavior.
@ 5
The other party has only moved more to the center ideologically, while it has become increasingly ineffective politically.
By this you mean Jill Stein’s party, right?
’cause Dems didn’t lose in November ’cause they moved to the center. GOP won in November ’cause Dems moved way far left.
You have to be conscious before you can Stay Woke.
“Keep climbing.”
Kind of like you repeatedly crowing about the DOW, which needs to reach 50,000 before you can talk about matching Obama’s performance.
…’cause Dems didn’t lose in November ’cause they moved to the center.
Dems lost in November because 63 million American voters, and in particular a couple hundred thousand voters in key states, decided it was a good time to move dramatically to the right – straight into the tiny probing fingers of your Orange Shit-gibbon. You seem stuck on looking at the Fuckface/Racist/Nazi/alt-Right takeover of your party as if there are no such thing as Republican voters. White people swung waaay right. Particularly not-so-very-well-educated white people. They are Republicans. Go ahead. Look it up. We’ll wait. We’ve got three-and-a-half years.
Probably best that you don’t. It helps everybody if you people all continue to pretend that there is no such thing as a Republican. Let’s you off the hook so you can all keep marching in the wrong direction with Putin leading.
@ 9
… before you can talk about matching Obama’s performance.
Steve, heard the joke about the bear and the two boys?
Trump doesn’t have to outperform Obama. He just needs people to believe he is outperforming what #CrookedHillary would have managed. Given what began in the markets on November 9th, it’s not a heavy lift for him right now.
Years from now, Steve, you’ll still be nostalgic for Obama, and it will approach the level of pathos you perceive of those who are still nostalgic for Reagan.
@ 10
61 million of those voters didn’t “move” anywhere because they were Romney supporters as well. 100,000 fewer voted for #CrookedHillary than supported Obama so they may have moved. And Trump found around two million who probably stayed home in 2012.
She, and her campaign, were awful. Zero visits to Wisconsin, zero polling in the final three weeks of the campaign, etc. Assign blame wherever you like. The sooner you begin assigning it to her and to her minions, the more credible you’ll begin sounding.
I don’t give a shit about Hillary’s emails. It’s about Hillary being a hateful bitch and you being another arrogant liberal progressive cocksucker.
Eat shit and die, you egotistical piece of shit.
Give “Shattered” a read, and you’ll know all you need to know about Hillary’s 2016 campaign.
Hillary lost because, well, she’s Hillary.
They prolly weren’t quite so much “Romney Supporters” when they passed over about 67 Romney clones to zero in on Putin’s Hand Puppet during the primary.
She, and her campaign…
Good idea. Give up on defending your party’s accelerating ideological descent into racial purity, xenophobia, and pussy grabbing, and concentrate on campaign tactics. You guys are good at that. It got you Fuckface. All the other “winning” may have to wait.
It’s funny thing. But it turns out that you only have to defend a Klan rally one time for it to stick. As an old white guy, you aren’t supposed to see the shift. That’s by design. You start feeling some frustration over some snot-nosed, smarty-pants, college campus SJWs creating “safe spaces” that exclude you and your most cherished myths. But before you know it you find yourself studying YouTube for suspicious blood spatters and “crisis actors”.
angry racist finger raping EEEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE yelling “eat shit and die”, defending a pedophile, denying Hawaii is part of the U.S., mourning David Koresh, or looking for the good in Nazis had nothing whatsoever to do with it.
Okay. Sure.
’cause Dems didn’t lose in November ’cause they moved to the center.
Pro tip: this kind of comment cripples your claims that Dems lost by
passing over Bernierigging the primary to favor the establishment centrist.But hey. Whatevs. Your fellow EEEN-DEE-PEN-DUNCE here seems willing to explain the election with “because”. That’s a low enough rhetorical bar even you can get over it.
I email clients pictures of Anthony Weiner’s dick ad DeFurrors little hands. They love it.
@14 for someone that wants to never hear her name again then why do you keep bringing her name up. Sounds like you should be Politically Incorrect Retard,
Hey Boob stop talking about her. PI retarded, what do you think will the Dumbfuck Doctor listen. See your problem now. Stop crying you retard.
As they try to sell the new tax overhaul, anytime you hear a pundit or right wing relative say, “Reagan grew the economy by lowering taxes on corporations and high earners” jump on and add “And exploded the deficit by 186%”
We know how this ends. It’s been studied and there’s tons of data. Lowering taxes may, no guarantee, short term stimulate the economy. But the costs will be extremely high. Ask Kansas.
@20 what deficit?
But such jobs!
I really haven’t decided how I’m going to spend my cut. But this I know: it will create work for some Hillbilly!
If I go for the indoor swim-spa some dude-bro is going to get to clean it. If I put an addition on the ski-cabin some dude-bro gets to put the roof on. Or I might invest the money into an Air BnB rental in wine country. That’ll need cleaning every week.
The biggest problem is going to be geography. I just don’t see how this does Hillbillies in Michigan or Missouri any good at all.
-Phillip L. Swagel, former chief of staff on President Bush’s Council of Economic Advisers, on the tax repatriation in the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004.
I’ve got my butterfly net waiting by the door. Do I hear the sound of choppers?
Once again, I will not be planning to make any donations related to aid to PR due to Hurricane Maria.
Until we all agree that we need to deal with Climate Change I see no point. I don’t want to set a precedent that I personally have to come to people’s aid that may be too stupid to demand that we do something about Climate Change – the only effective way for any action to be taken is if hundreds and thousands perish because of it, and then it will be too later. So I’ll keep my pennies – donating will not change anything.
Nothing will get done. Yeah, that’s why I didn’t give any money to the Haitian earthquake victims- the money would simply end up in Swiss banks in accounts belonging to Haitian politicians.
That’s pretty dreadful news for the Republicon party if that turns out to be the case. If they can’t even pretend that they pulled off a tax cut for the wealthy I know there’s a half dozen Hillbilly/Treason/Klan Senators planning to retire into lobbying now before the pickins all dry up.
Quite a few Hillbilly/Treason/Klan states stand to lose insurance for sick children early in the new year when the Senate fucks the dog this week and fails to renew. Too busy with failed O’care repeal I guess.
The funny thing about Hillbillies is that many of them rely on this very program for the kids and grandkids. When the money goes they’ll have tough choices: new ATV for bow huntin or life saving prescription for little Sally; new pump for the DoughBoy Pool, or kidney dialysis for Junior. Tough, tough choices.
Is the purpose of the tax code to redistribute wealth and pay government employees handsomely for the process? I’m afraid that’s what progressives think is their mission in life.
Just adopt a single flat rate and STFU!
“Just adopt a single flat rate that is a tax cut for the rich and leave everyone else holding the bag|
Oh and keep spewing Vlad Putin talking points. Entertain us.
how is it anyone’s fault but your own that your history of workplace sexual assaults, violent outbursts, dishonorable discharge, and multiple terminations-for-cause disqualify you from public employment?
Those of us who haven’t fucked up our own lives prefer to have stable, well qualified, experts providing our very important public services. And that’s often something you have to pay for. Sure, it would be nice if that expectation could be extended to police as well. We’re working on it.
My comment at 25 was related to the comment at 24, not 23. Typo.
and yet it fits perfectly!
Another Republican miracle!
No it doesn’t.
I really think it does.
And I’m much smarter than you.
Faster too.
Fuckface is doomed.
Jared‘s lawyer is so stupid that not only did he get punk’d early this week into responding to a prankster thinking it was his client but…
he then mistakenly sent along to same prankster this morning an angry highly confidential letter from the Senate blasting Kushner and his Atty for withholding documents. Said prankster then promptly forwarded it all to CNN.
There’s been so much speculation about what Fuckface may or may not have done, or whether anything he did was illegal, that maybe we’ve been overlooking the more obvious and likely outcome from this scandal. That these people are all so stupid that despite perhaps never having broken any laws they are all going to put themselves in jail out of sheer stupidity.
That’s beginning to look like the odds-on favorite in my betting pool.
“He just needs people to believe he is outperforming what #CrookedHillary would have managed.”
Kind of like how Putin’s stooge just needs people to believe Hillary is a crook when she’s never been charged with a crime. Couldn’t help but notice that you’ve contributed 4,000+ hashtags to the cause. Putin is pleased, I’m sure.
The Umlaut is not normally part of English. So generally I do not use the special character. This would also involve getting to the special characters.
Visited Washington’s states first State Park today. Larrabee became a state park in 1915.
@1 Still the story is more than a little biased. Look after Democrats lost a thousand seats at the Federal and State level it’s time for them to have a few victories. The Republican’s are at or nearly at a high tide. For them to win even more seats is not likely.
Of course when Republican’s are defending in the vast majority of special elections it’s damned unlikely they are going to flip a seat, have many opportunities to realistically do so and not likely to put too many resources in such a basket.
Special elections can be an indicator, but often are not. Most political scientists will point out that with a Republican in the White House the Democrats should make some gains. Particularly in the upcoming congressional elections. Still this President is electing to be a participant. Something the last President did not do, and that hurt the party. Staying above the fray hurt Democrats, and Trump loves the fray. Whether that helps or hurts Republican’s remains to be seen. No conclusions can be drawn from the article, unless you enjoy wishful thinking.
@25. Good reason. That and the fact that they do t respect all human life, so fuck them too. There is dumb and dumber. And then there is fucking asshole bigots. Neither on can be helped or should be helped.
@25. Good reason. That and the fact that they do t respect all human life, so fuck them too. There is dumb and dumber. And then there is fucking asshole bigots. Neither on can be helped or should be helped.
@25. Good reason. That and the fact that they do t respect all human life, so fuck them too. There is dumb and dumber. And then there is fucking asshole bigots. Neither on can be helped or should be helped.
Triple Post! Fuckin IE
Packers v. Bears streaming live on Amazon tonite if you have Prime.
unfortunately it’s a filthy-stinking-hippie-socialist-only affair from now on. All good Hillbillies are called upon by their Shit-gibbon-in-Chief to henceforth and forever after forswear all NFL content. Amen. YeeHaw! Etc.
Do your duty*. Don’t make him look like an even bigger idiot. (as if that were possible)
*That’s right. I said duty.
@46 you are supposed to be boycotting the NFL. You really are a dumbfuck.
Would anyone know why my mini iPad is not refreshing to the most current HA page? I open HA and I’m still seeing Sunday Biblefest. I close the web browser. And I’ve powered down the iPad but to no avail it’s stuck on that page. This isn’t happening with other sites
The republicans suddenly could care less about the deficit?
If democrats have any balls, when they get back into power, and the republicans start to bleat that we can’t have nice things because…. the deficit, I hope democrats look at them like the assholes they are and tell them to fuck off.
I’ve been having the same problem (Unbuntu, Firefox). A quick work around I’ve done is click on the “About HA”, then after that page loads, click on “Home” and it works fine.
Something isn’t right with the main page. Clearing the cache and deleting cookies doesn’t fix it either.
Maybe the Chrome-challenged loon can provide his IT expertise.
@50. They are idiots for not talking about right now. Every day they should remind the American Grandchildren how fucked they are.
I’m sure that rationalizing made you feel good but losing a seat with a 2-1 registered voters advantage and a 24 percentage point swing in under a year is very unusual.
With those kinds of numbers going in it should have been a GOP cakewalk but it’s a loss.
and in particular a couple hundred thousand voters in key states,
That’s right Elijah McLiar. You got one right for a change!
Five key states! States #CrookedHillary chose to write off. 310 counties that flipped away from DUMMOCRETINS because YOUR candidate SUCKED carrion!
Till Next Time!
@54 such anger. Sounds like your not use to being that second class citizen yet. Don’t worry, you will in time.
Self projected anger.
So CNN admits the first Russian ad buy on Facebook was a positive Black Lives Matter purchase for Baltimore and Ferguson.
Really? So they weren’t looking to help Trump immediately but to help #CrookedHillary?
Till Next Time!
Russia liked Black Lives Matter like #CrookedHillary!
Who knew Elijah McLiar?
Till Next Time!
@51. That use to work for me too but now doing that doesn’t either. I have to type the URL into the browser search bar (in case your work around stops working for you).
@56 you ever hear of reverse physcology
Hanging Human Teabag Licker @55
To a FOOL like yourself, FACTS come across as anger. Why? Because DUMMOCRETINS hate FACTS, hence they come to your femtometer sized brain as “hateful messages”!
Till Next Time!
Oh joy.
SchizoPoodle is off his meds, again.
“So CNN admits the first Russian ad buy on Facebook was a positive Black Lives Matter purchase for Baltimore and Ferguson.”
Interesting, you make the idea that somehow Russia has used a social media system as a weapon to propagate information is somehow the fault or responsibility of the target of that weapon. It is a maxim that the best form of propaganda, is to use little kernels of truth and factual information or established presuppositions about a particular social construct is always the most effective. Religions have always known this since they have been institutionalized. They actively teach it as a major part of the training they give to their own professionals. The Soviets knew this, the Fascists know this, our own Government knows this. Every established and successful government in the human experience has developed some level of expertise on the subject, for both good and bad.
There are reasons why institutions like the CIA and DIA and the fucking FBI hire huge numbers of lawyers, psychologists, anthropologists and religious scholars to shape and develop the information they release to the public. They want to herd people’s emotional reactions into a self-guiding channel of “understanding” of a particular subject. The Right-Wing information outlets have become very skilled at shaping people’s perceptions. That skill, that expertise has come right out of the same methods that have been used for decades to sell products in the mass media. The same motherfuckers that spent decades telling people that tobacco isn’t addictive, or denying that certain household chemicals are comparatively harmless or more effective when compared to some other product. Herbicides, insecticides, fertilizers, toothpaste, motor fuels or fucking deodorants are just a few examples of how that works. All that methodology and the psychology behind it is actively taught in universities and industry seminars every single day in this country. The same methods and messaging constructs are taught in every divinity school in the world as the entire basis of their institutions.
This propaganda is always used as a foundation for the message that they’re attempting to convey, but that definitely leaves out the purpose of the propaganda. Portraying BLM as a potential threat to (White) civilized society by making a apparently positive presentation about how the non-white population is beginning to stand up for their inalienable rights under the same set of laws is a pretty ham-handed but effective means of doing this, especially when it is directed at a segment of the population that doesn’t really spent too much time thinking about much of anything beyond their own visceral reactions to the immediate image of something. If one can break down a particular message into a 30 second sound bite, or a few seconds of imagery in the middle of a distractive event like a football game or a disaster movie, that is specifically designed to influence people’s emotional reactions when those emotions are already set within established parameters such as during a violent or sexually charged scene in a movie.
So, that being said, are you really going to make the argument that Black Lives Matter is somehow a threat? A potential terrorist organization? Perhaps even criminal or treasonous in nature? Because that was how the FBI and the Conservative media portrayed Martin Luther King, and Joe Hill, and every goddamn football player taking a knee during the playing of the Star Spangled Banner.
There is a REASON why Black Lives Matter exists. It is the same reason why the Black Panthers came into existence, and the United Farmworkers of America, and the Chicano Leagues and La Raza. The Chinese immigrants in the 1800s had social groups called “Tongs” that allowed people to associate with other folks that shared neighborhoods and languages and social mores from their home country. Those Tongs were targeted by newspapers and politicians as being merely criminal organizations, and dangerous to “normal” (White) people.
People are extremely irritated and pissed off for being noticed and targeted by Police Officers and the average “non-ethnic” citizens based entirely on their ethnic or cultural heritage. The Constitution allows them to vocalize and demonstrate that irritation in public. It isn’t permission for them to do so, it is a restriction on the Government to use its massive Legal resources to prevent or suppress it. Black Lives Matter is specifically being targeted by Conservative organizations as a violent and deadly threat to White People. It isn’t Liberals out there telling people that they are under threat from uppity Negroes.
That’s the White, old-money Conservatives, Jack. The people that own the majority of Television and radio broadcast media. They didn’t build those businesses in the form they have now out of the goodness of their hearts. They want to control the messaging.
@54, 56, 57, 60
Just a reminder.
It has been 48 days since White Supremacists rioted and killed in Charlottesville. Those White Supremacists were given tacit approval by the President saying “both sides” were at fault for the death.
47 days of silence on the matter by our resident lunatic. A Lunatic his party compatriots want dead.
Not gonna bother trying to find your LEEEEEEENK!
Post Hoc Erog Proctor Hoc
Fergusson, August 2014
Trump Announces Candidacy June 2015
You are a very stupid person. BTW, Black Lives Matter would prefer you stay alive while the President and your party would be fine with you being dead.
It’s soooooooooooooo good to see these two FOOLS above all riled up. Of course they miss the point as always.
– The DUMMOCRETINS here on HA DUMMOCRETINS made a big stink about the Russian purchase of FACEBOOK ads. In fact Elijah McLiar talked about it for three days straight on HA DUMMOCRETINS. Sumtin about Vlad buying ads to help out the Yellow Hitler or sumtin really close and stooooooooooooopid like that. Now the vomit producing dead toad and stale beer foam join in the off-key chorus! LA LA LA LA LA!
So CNN puts forth the first ad buy by Vlad. It DOESN’T help Trump at all. In fact it goes against Trump’s positions. And what do these two libtard morons write? Reread the BULLSHITTIUM of 62 63 and 64!
FACTS… they make DUMMOCRETINS suck dirty toilet water, stains and all! Make idiot claims about drugs!
Till Next Time!
The twin stooooooooooooopids! stoooooooooopid and stooooooooooopider!
Who help found the Tea Party ya morons? A black man. AND His Black Life Matters!
Till Next Time!
Nope. Not a single clue.
Probably plays with his own poop, too.
The dumbing down of American society is very evident in #67.
The sun is set and the babbling butthole @68 is gone..
that kreeping neeeeed arises tomorrow after sunset..
the neeeeeeed to put HA FIRST before its weekly duty with its salt mining buddy…
Will it succumb to its need?
The dumbing down of American society is very evident in #67.
Pretty strong words Piddles, for someone that writes at a second grade level. If you took a bunch of samples of your inane babbling and an equal number posts from McDotCom and did a blind 1:1 comparison, every single one of your childish and gibberish laced posts would be judged as proof of the “dumbing down of American Society.”