It looks like the longest flight in aviation history is finally over, now that the NRA’s Brian Judy has been sighted in Olympia. Way back on July 28, hours after I posted embarrassing audio of Judy offensively comparing gun background checks to Nazi Germany, the NRA spokesman and lobbyist brushed off PubliCola’s questions, telling them he was boarding a plane and would get back to them later. Judy hadn’t been heard from since.
Four months later—on the day Initiative 594 goes into effect—Judy’s plane has apparently finally landed back in Olympia, where he’s reportedly lobbying legislators ahead of the coming legislative session.
Speaking to a pro-gun audience in Silverdale, WA on July 23, Judy went after I-594’s biggest funder, Nick Hanauer* for supporting “the same policy that led to his family getting run out of Germany by the Nazis,” provoking outrage from Jewish groups nationwide. “These people…” Judy continued, “it’s like any Jewish people I meet who are anti-gun … you come to this country and you support gun control? Why did you flee to this country in the first place? Hello! Is anybody home here?”
Listen to Judy’s full remarks below, and then email your legislator to ask them whether they can seriously do business with an anti-semitic buffoon like him?
* Full disclosure: I now work for Hanauer.
Would the Sharpton Dodge
work on this one?
Can President Obama serious do business with an anti-Semitic buffoon like……
Seriously, Sharpton’s said – and done – far worse and still keynoted a DNC convention. Now he’s front and center next to Hizzoner and headlined Obama’s Ferguson summit just this week. This guy Judy doesn’t fill half a conference room in Olympia and your panties are in a twist over a video?
Shorter @1: “Hey… look over there!”
@ 2
Dude, that was like…….Monday.
Goldy, is English your second language?
Your comprehension of the spoken word is pretty lacking. Maybe you should try to think and understand what is said before blaming someone.
How did you get Anti-Semitism out of his words?
@4 It’s basically Godwinning gun control. It belittles what they went through during the Holocaust. Also it’s patronizing. You don’t have to say something extreme like “I hate all Jews” to say something Antisemitic.
@ 5
Pretty sure belittling the Holocaust
21 JunGoldy @GoldyHA
Gotta admit that I always root against Germany. Still a little sore about the whole exterminating my entire extended family thing.
has been given the green light around these parts.
Good for you, Goldy, for shining a light on this cockroach whenever he surfaces, so we know whose sink he’s hiding under.
You know, it’s kinda interesting that the people who did have guns in Nazi Germany — the German Army — couldn’t stop Hitler, either. Many of the top brass weren’t Nazis, and opposed what this madman was doing to their country (and their armed forces), but generally speaking they were gutless wonders who let themselves be cowed into submission with some notable exceptions (Rommel, Canaris, von Stauffenberg, etc.). If these guys with their infantry divisions, tanks, and Luftwaffe couldn’t take down Hitler, why does Judy think the Jews could have done it with pistols, rifles, and shotguns? I suppose the answer is that like most wingnuts he doesn’t know a damn thing about actual history.
Anti-Semitism is one of the things that the far-left and the far-right have in common.
5 and 6
I asked Goldy how he got anti-Semitism out of what Brian Judy said. He hasn’t answered. But both of you have answered ‘belittled’ which I also don’t get as what Judy was doing.
Where do you two extract ‘belittled’? Just because it says belittled on the video doesn’t mean that is what transpired.
Sometimes those in opposition to something refuse to listen and extract something that was not in the message as the gist of the message.
Does your comprehension rely on disagreeing with the NRA, or do you really think his speech belittled the Jewish ethnic group?