… NPR should have fired Juan Williams for being on FOX News. Or more specifically, for being a paid contributor to FOX News.
This has nothing to do with the alleged liberal bias of NPR, and everything to do with FOX News being being more of a political organization than a news organization. Everybody but the most crazy far-right-wingers understands that FOX News is a fraud, but it is a fraud nonetheless, and by being a paid analyst for FOX News while also being a paid employee of NPR, Williams was lending NPR’s credibility to FOX News, while diminishing it in the process.
Simple as that.
As it is, this whole thing has worked out for the best. Williams now gets to make a lot more money shilling for the frauds at FOX News than he ever could at NPR, while NPR no longer has to explain why they have a FOX News shill on staff. So I don’t see why folks are so upset.
…but it would have been OK for him to go to PMSNBC…….
progressives looking like fools this week..more than usual…
I remember when it was simply unacceptable to espouse blatant, violent racism, and those who were tempted to generally kept there filthy mouths shut, knowing they would quickly be shouted down and reviled. Now, thanks to constant drum beat of thinly veiled racism on FAUX, extremists who used to hide in the shadows proudly flaunt there grotesque fantasies.
I stopped listening to NPR a few years ago when the righties took it over, in the name of “balance”, as if the American media needed more Wall Street cheer leading and propaganda.
Re 2
Odd. I stopped listening to NPR a few years ago too. You know, when they became the propanda arm of the DNC and abandoned journalism. I’d bet that Tim Kaine has a direct line to the head offices over at NPR….
Bwaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
That’s a funny one Goldy! They play Tim Kaine’s talking points everyday!
Why would Williams want to stay on NPR anyway? You make FAR FAR more money on reality info-tainment pseudo news TV than being an actual reporter for NPR, Christian Science Monitor or AP. Being a “TV personality” pays far better than being a real journalist so he should be happy to be off NPR and on TV-tainment.
…Mara Liasson is sure a REAL librul. Oh yeah.
NPR is Fox Lite.
There is very little liberal media…never has been. You rethuglican assholes just made that up to avoid scrutiny and accountability.
If there had been a REAL press there would have been no Reagan Revolution. And this country would still have a middle class.
Of course Goldy somehow is blind to this happening to enhance the leftist driven agenda at NPR.
Oh that’s how cum Ed Schultz, Rachel Maddow, Larry O’Donnell and Keith Olbermann do what they do each night on PMSNBC?
Tell us more being who creates sentences similar to headless lucy.
Somehow the dumb cinder block forgets 88% of the librul Moonbat! media voted for Odumba and the numba hasn’t been less than 84% in the distant past.
Butt don’t take Puddy’s word… ask the ever growing dirt stain TEH HA DATABAZE keepa ylb. Puddy provided all the numbas!
‘cuz old Mr. “my word is my bond”‘s word ain’t worth feces…
Yeah, those damn liburals out at Lake Woebegon always hawking their dag-blammed biskit batter. Makes me sick. And don’t get me started on those Kar Talk Kommies. And that Science Friday, you never hear about Jesus on Science Friday. And why is that? It’s because their liburals! Real Americans know science is all a liberal plot. And why is it that those Kommies on Planet Money never talk about gold. Everyone on Fox is saying buy gold. But, you’ll never hear buy gold on National Pravda radio. No, they want you to invest your money where The Government and The Jews can keep track of it.
“Butt don’t take Puddy’s word…”
Don’t you worry, Puddy, you know we’d never do that.
If you actually click over to npr.org you’ll see that news programing is only a slice of what they do. I’ve never detected biased reporting on Tiny Desk Concerts. Very little of that of that slice of news programing is something that could be biased much one way or the other.
And righties, just because something isn’t slanted to the right doesn’t mean it’s slanted to the left.
The mission of Fox and NPR are two very different things and both Orgs acted in accordance to their missions in regards to Juan Williams.
“Bwaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa”
Whoa!! Somebody around here has an acute case of psycho-laugh. heh- We all know what that means.
Meds, Puddy. Think meds.
Don’t do drugs Stupid Solution Steve, especially your “witches brew”.
NPR should not have fired John Doe for what he said on MSNBC…
… NPR should have fired John Doe for being on MSNBC. Or more specifically, for being a paid contributor to MSNBC.
This has nothing to do with the alleged liberal bias of NPR, and everything to do with MSNBC being being more of a political organization than a news organization. Everybody but the most crazy far-left-wingers understands that MSNBC is a fraud, but it is a fraud nonetheless, and by being a paid analyst for MSNBC while also being a paid employee of NPR, Doe was lending NPR’s credibility to MSNBC, while diminishing it in the process.
Simple as that.
As it is, this whole thing has worked out for the best. Doe now gets to make a lot more money shilling for the frauds at MSNBC than he ever could at NPR, while NPR no longer has to explain why they have an MSNBC shill on staff. So I don’t see why folks are so upset.
Then dirt stain@11, produce TEH HA DATABAZE facts ylb! Oh yeah you don’t take orders from people like us. Yeah, you’d have to produce real facts.
So now dirt stain you gonna wear your purple shirt at home? How will people now you wore it since you are always home 24x7x365?
Puddy hates NPR for the civility to be found there more than for any mis-perceived leftist leanings. Hell, Puddy hates civility even more than me. As for Lost? Eh, he just hates them. And he probably wants them hung as well. I’m sure sufficient reason is to be found in the constitution somewhere. He’ll channel the Founding Fathers and get back to us.
Compare ‘The Vinyl Cafe’ to Kiellors ‘Prairie Home Companion’. 5 years ago, you would be hard pressed see significant differences in style. Both presented music, humor and a short good humored diversion from the stresses of life. Both are hosts with a decidedly liberal bent. Now, Stuart McClain puts on music and amusing stories and leaves his politics aside now. And now, Kiellor spends 3 hours being sarcastic about Republicans.
Even a program like Marketplace used to be a useful hour each evening for me. They couldn’t even keep the pro-D politics out of this show though. ‘Tonight on Marketplace, why Republicans are trying to kill kittens for sport.’ If they had kept to business news and left the politics out, I’d still listen to them.
ATC interviewed McCains wife and Obamas during the presidential campaign. McCains wife was treated badly, and the editorial slant against her was outrageous. Mrs. Obama was treated like the second coming of Christ with editorial cooing sufficient to make one sick.
If NPR had kept to the liberal though informed method they used 5 years ago I’d still be listening, and still be paying in those irritating fund drives to do so. Since they decided to be partisan shills, I don’t and I won’t.
Stupid Solution Steve,
Has gone certifiably mad… and he won’t take his drugs, just drinks more and more Stupid Solution. What you gonna do when they come for you?
I’m sure Juan had a contract with NPR. He must have broke it or he’d be suing the shit out of NPR. Hell, he may have pushed the envelope too far on purpose so he could sooner grab the loot at Fox. That Fox contract was either drawn up real quick, or it was already there waiting for him. Either way, Puddy’s still an Idiot-American.
I can’t recall the fellows name, but the local morning host refused to come to work for 2 days around Reagans funeral. His reason? “I hated that man so much, and I couldn’t bring myself to say nice things about him. On the day of his funeral I knew I’d be expected to do so, so I didn’t come in.” He said this on the air.
No. No left leaning bias there.
What’s this Puddy hears? There’s a strange quietness from Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson’s camps over this illegal firing by NPR.
I was doing a good job translating the Puddy-Speak until I got to this one.
“Tell us more being who creates sentences similar to headless lucy.”
Sigh! Where’s Darryl’s Puddy-Speak De-Coder Goggles when you need them?
People aren’t upset. It’s manufactured outrage. Manufactured by none other than Fox (non)News.
They’ll probably say he’s a house negro. Isn’t that the phrase one of those two despicable grifters used about another person of color who didn’t agree with their politics? I want to say Bill Cosby, but could be wrong. Might have been Colin Powell, when he had integrity.
Juan Williams was fired for violating the terms of his contract on more than one occasion. Why do you hate the rule of law?
“I hated that man so much, and I couldn’t bring myself to say nice things about him. On the day of his funeral I knew I’d be expected to do so, so I didn’t come in.”
Sounds exactly like what you’d have done if you had been a radioman back in the days after FDR died. Or maybe you would have showed up – to tell your listening audience how “the hangman may have been robbed, but the Devil has him now.”
Re 29
“Sounds exactly like what you’d have done if you had been a radioman back in the days after FDR died.”
Yeah, maybe. But I don’t claim to be a journalist.
“They’ll probably say he’s a house negro.”
Nah, That’s what headless called Puddy. You might recall that Puddy’s been been blaming everybody to the left of Hitler for that one for over five years now.
When I am in a room full of white guys wearing suits and ties I get very nervous they might all be fucking bankers, and I instinctively reach for my wallet and text my lawyer.
None of the 9/11 hijackers were wearing “muslim garb” on that fateful day. Furthermore, they were all men. Do wingnuts get nervous in a roomful of people dressed like men?
Uhhh Michael, Juan Williams said on the radio today they couldn’t state the contractual part of the contract he broke because there wasn’t any. He had a new contract with NPR created where they weren’t liable for his Fox News contributions. The poopie head who called him Wednesday Night couldn’t give him a contractual reason why he was fired. Then NPR performed character assassination on Juan. Then when called on it the president and CEO of National Public Radio, Vivian Schiller issues a lame apology but not to Juan. If you are a minority who leaves the reservation progressive DUMBOCRATS will character assassinate you in a heartbeat. This is why he has a pretty air tight case for illegal dismissal.
Good try Michael. Puddy noticed you bought some of Steve’s Stupid Solution. You did this one before remember?
“People aren’t upset. It’s manufactured outrage.”
That’s why the left ought to have given the right something to really be outraged about. I’d have started with single-payer health care and gone on from there. Maybe return filibustering back to 24/7 talk-a-thons. Imagine the nutty shit that tired and worn out Republicans would have come up with while filibustering the last couple years.
I’ve always liked Juan. But the last few years he’s been saying some strange shit. Not strange like Puddy, but strange.
The goat charmer proud leftist farts
No but Jesse Jackson gets nervous when his own people may be walking behind him
If Juan had said, “Everytime I see a black man, I worry about being robbed and killed”, Puddy would have been OK with it.
If Juan had said, “Every time I see a Latino, I think he might be an illegal after my job”, Puddy would have been OK that too.
so goldberg, its a good thing you dont have a job or else you could have been fired for going on fox.
Hey leftist, Susan Estrich once said, “Every woman I know, black, white, green or yellow, gets a little bit nervous, if she’s being honest, when she sees an 18-25 year-old black guy dressed in gang attire, walking behind her on the street. I’m not afraid of old black men. I’m not afraid of old white men.”
Butt what if it was a 18-25 year old white guy dressed in gang attire, walking behind her on the street? We’ll never know.
If Juan had said, “Everytime I see an Asian, I get worried that he might actually be a Latino”, Puddy would go along.
Once again Stupid Solution Steve is making crap up again. Stupid Solution Steve believes in keeping blacks uneducated, stupid, uninformed and character assassinating them as needed to keep them in line and on the DUMBOCRATIC reservation!
If manotruth had said, “Everytime I see a Jew, I worry about my wallet”, Puddy would get off on it.
Oh, wait, I meant Juan, not mot. My bad, mot.
Of course he did, Puddy. What else would he say?
Does the goat charmer proud leftist get scared if he notices a group of blacks in gang regalia walking down the street behind him?
“Steve believes in keeping blacks uneducated, stupid, uninformed”
Um, you don’t need my help, Puddy. You’re doing just fine by yourself. Oh, but you do need some meds. heh-
Uhhh Michael, there has been no response to Juan by NPR and he challenged them again today to give him a contractual reason why he was fired. He said it this morning on GMA with George Steponallofus and on Sean Hannity’s radio show. This is why he has a pretty air tight case for illegal dismissal.
I get nervous when I get on a plane and I see Christians reading the Left Behind series of books.
Actually, I haven’t flown in years.
Steve, if Puddy was uneducated and uninformed how would Puddy delivered the Jesse Jackson and Susan Estrich comments?
This is why you are know as Kommodore Klub Memba Stupid Solution Steve!
I saw a couple of white kids in gang-garb in down town Tacoma today. I their pants were sagging so bad they could barely walk and needed on hand on their pants at all times to keep them up. It was pretty comical.
Why are you picking on proud leftist? He isn’t even posting. But if it was me, I’d look to see if any were my friends. If not, I’d ignore them and move on. What do you expect? Fear of blacks? heh- That’s for white Republicans. You know that.
“Steve, if Puddy was uneducated and uninformed how would Puddy delivered the Jesse Jackson and Susan Estrich comments?”
Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention. What? You didn’t pull them from your ass as usual?
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Man the Stupid Solution has it’s hold on you Stupid Solution Steve… Comments 37&41 their own words Stupid Solution Steve!
Juan Williams is a house negro for Faux “news”.
Even when there was kind of a real press, only Nixon’s helpers went to jail. Think of how different the country would be if Nixon hadn’t been pardoned and had actually been put in jail like every other US citizen would have been.
We wouldn’t have the whole “the president is above the law when he is a Republican” mentality that seems to permeate much of the political landscape that has lead to everything from Iran/Contra to Pakistan having nuclear weapons, not to mention the “police actions” in Iraq and Afghanistan.
@33 “Do wingnuts get nervous in a roomful of people dressed like men?”
Why yes, they do. Just last night lost was afraid that Steve might be gay. Caused quite the freakout on his part.
@50 nice one.
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Puddy alleges at 37:
“The goat charmer proud leftist farts ‘Do wingnuts get nervous in a roomful of people dressed like men?'”
Hey Pud, I just started reading this thread, but I see you attributing a whole lot of stuff to me, beginning with the quote above, that I didn’t post. This is my first post on this thread, Pud. I am worried about you; are you taking your meds?
Steve @ 53
Exactly. I’m kind of worried about Puddy. As a wingnut, he’s been around the bend for a long time. Tonight, however, shooting at me when I wasn’t even posting, I kind of wonder how far the bend might bend when you’re already around it. Pud, counseling is available.
You know, repition of a message does eventually get the message across.
And the message is that Republicans are narrow-minded asswipes with no ideas beyond giving rich people tax breaks.
Actually, with regard to most Republicans, you must wonder if they understand that you wipe after, not before, taking a shit. The bulk of our trolls, I’m quite confident, don’t fathom that fundamental lesson.
Having trouble coming up with a coherent point again?
If Susan Estrich had been a commentator on NPR, you might have a reason to bring up her offensive comments. But as a contributor to Fox and Newsmax, you’ve accurately illustrated that it’s A-O-K to be offensive at fake journalism outlets.
Aside, not specifically about Puddy.
I’m uncomfortable with any “journalist” appearing on any network’s opinion shows. NPR had to deal with the fact that their reporter put NPR in a position where they could not assign him to stories dealing with Muslims. (note: he wasn’t an “entertainer” or “OpEd” or “Infotainer” or whatever O’Reilly, Schultz, or Olberman are calling themselves these days. You could say “Talk of the Nation” was an opinion show but he hasn’t been the host for almost a decade) They should have let him go long ago as his conflict of interest between “journalist” and Fox News opinion commentator has been clear for a long time.
The line should be really clear. If you are a Who, What, Why REPORTER at any news outlet, accepting a simultaneous position as an editorialist shouldn’t be tolerated.
This isn’t really about Fox or NPR. If ESPN’s Stuart Scott goes on air at KING-5 and talks about how much he hates NASCAR, HE CAN’T OBJECTIVELY DO THAT PORTION OF SPORTSCENTER. So he would have to go.
Hmmm.. Tired old reactionaries waving crappy looking signs with so many words misspelled and repeating what they saw on Faux and what they heard on FlimFlam and Insanity just make me sad for my country.
I agree with Goldy.
Williams was doing the absolutely right thing by saying Muslims frighten him. I have a right to my fears and so does Williams.
So yes NPR fucked up. They handled this stupidly. They made it appear as if they were firing Williams for being honest. If they did that, all liberals should be outraged.
If I were Wlliams boss, I would have fired this fellow a long time ago. He made a career on NPR by being a show black .. when the number f well spoken black journalists was very small. Williams never did have much to say beyond the trite.
NPR should be faulted for not firing Williams before this. Williams role in the Fox faux-news drama has never been “balance.’ He along with Combs plays the role of the tolerated court jester. “Lookiee lookie … a dumb black liberal!!!”
Even in this case, Williams opening words in the discussion are disgusting. He referred to O’Reilly’s rant about ALL Muslims by simperingly telling the Billo that he AGREED with O’Reilly. Only after that did he (oh so gently) point out that O’Reilly’s comments were intemperate. Of course O’Reilly denied that, verbally patting his Sambo on the head. THAT WAS DISGUSTING.
We Jews have a name for our fellows who act like that. We call them capos:
oh checkseeeeeeeeeeeeeeez, do you actually know what you are talking about? Do you actually read anything? Juan Williams was a news analyst for NPR not a reporter. Butt that’s okay to checksez because as long as you are a “news reporter or analyst” spouting the Tim Kaine line you’re A-OK! As long as your free speech spouts leftist progressive thought that’s A-OK! A person whom Puddy sometimes car pools with is an avid NPR person. Puddy has to listen to that crap whenever we ride together. There is the show All Things Considered. in reality it’s NO Things Considered. Typical Leftist Psychobabble. So Puddy knows from listening experience.
Apparently white Vivian Schiller can impugn a black man’s reputation whenever they want and that’s A-OK with checksez. It A-OK for NPR commentators to bash Jews, Republicans, Tea Partiers, Catholics, etc because that’s being a “good” progressive. Apparently it’s A-OK with checksez for a certain group of people to place death threats against Matt Stone, Molly Harris, Trey Parker for their reportage and speaking their mind. It’s A-OK for a certain person from a certain group of people to kill an Army recruiter in Arkansas because he’s part of the military industrial complex checksez hates so much. Each of these people spoke their mind in either their actions or their words. Butt to checksez can’t have that cuz they aren’t toeing the progressive line.
Did you actually read the whole Juan Williams statement or are you reacting to one sentence like 98% of the progressive libtardo nation membership? Well it seems The Leftist View Ladies, Lanny Davis, Mika Brzezinski, and many other leftists totally disagree with you and your ilk here on HA. Butt that’s nothing new. Many “progressive libtardos” think your viewpoints are whack anyway.
But then again, you get your information from other George Soros funded sites like Media Morons and Center for American Progressives. We see from your commentary you seldom venture from their thoughts. Checksez, a standard model progressive automaton spouting Tim Kaine talking points.
WAPo poll has it 73% against NPR/for Juan Williams. But don’t let facts affect your hatred of a black leaving the reservation.
So let’s see how checksez really feels…
You have no problem with David Weigel covering Conservatives after his email comments on Journolist?
You have no problem with Ezra Klein covering Conservatives after creating Journolist?
You have no problem with Eric Alterman covering Conservatives after his email comments on Journolist?
You have no problem with Jeffrey Toobin covering Conservatives after his email comments on Journolist?
You have no problem with Joe Klein covering Conservatives after his email comments on Journolist?
You have no problem with Jonathan Chiat covering Conservatives after his email comments on Journolist?
You have no problem with Matthew Yglesias covering Conservatives after his email comments on Journolist?
So you have no problem with Spencer Ackerman covering Conservatives after his email comments on Journolist?
You have no problem with Ta-Nehisi Coates covering Conservatives after his email comments on Journolist?
So you have no problem with Jared Bernstein covering Conservatives after his email comments on Journolist? Then this fool went to work for Joe Biden.
You have no problem with OVER 400 members of Journolist and only one is black? Golly that sounds like a Tea Party convention per HA leftist progressive commentary left here over the past year and a half.
Your PROBLEM checksez is that you want black reporters who are politically reliable and Juan Williams wasn’t. Juan Williams went on Fox News to deliver Tim Kaine talking points every time he appeared.
Juan Williams said the upper NPR progressive echelon couldn’t understand how he could be friends with Sean Hannity. Why is it the progressive who wants everyone to be haters of someone who doesn’t “think” like them? BTW it was Hannity who was the FIRST TO OFFER WILLIAMS FINANCIAL SUPPORT AFTER BEING FIRED FROM NPR. You checksez, want black reporters other than Juan Williams, because peeps like Eugene Robinson at the WaPo are more politically useful to you. They keep the black masses voting DUMBOCRAT! They stay on the reservation. It seems you agree with the firing of Juan Williams by NPR. It’s also apparent NPR has little use for a proud black man who spoke his feelings and who is not easily exploited even though he went on Fox News and delivered the Tim Kaine talking points just about every appearance.
Now we see another George Soros funded entity Media Morons writer Eric Boehlert wrote for the firing of Mara Liasson because she goes on Fox News. But Eric seems to forget Mara also spouts the Tim Kaine talking points on every appearance, just like Juan Williams did. So now white women who leave the reservation are next checksez? How progressive this libtardo thinking disease you fools possess.
So it seems it’s A-OK to checksez to be someone like Nina Totenberg on NPR who appears with Charles Krauthammer on a libtardo show who once spouted this nonsense: “I think he ought to be worried about what’s going on in the good Lord’s mind, because if there’s retributive justice, he’ll get AIDS from a transfusion, or one of his grandchildren will get it.”That’s A-OK to checksez.
Even the leftist of the leftist pinheads Robert Beckel admitted he thinks like Juan when he boards an airplane. But because Beckel not only spouts the Tim Kaine talking points, he works to ensure they are enacted gets a pass from checksez. Oh wait… Beckel doesn’t work for NPR, just as a paid DUMBOCRAT adviser.
Butt what if Juan Williams had said this
“Look, Bill, I’m not a bigot. You know I’m a self professed leader in the civil rights movement in this country. I’m on all the leftist talk shows. I was there in a heartbeat when the black girl was “raped” in North Carolina. I went there with full force to wrongly accuse those three white boys of that heinous crime. What? They didn’t do it? Doesn’t matter. But I don’t like Hymietown you know. And when I am walking in Chicago on a dark street in night, I got to tell you, if I see a gang people who are black or latino and I think, you know, they are identifying themselves first and foremost as black or latino with they way they dress, and they are walking I get worried about getting robbed. I get nervous. But when I see it’s a white person I get relieved. Did you see someone carjacked my gas guzzling SUV a few weeks ago?”
I also take offence at my liberal friends for comparing Fox and MSNBC. There are huge differences between the two that transcend liberal vs. conservative leanings.
Fox does not report on the news and commentate on the news, it lies and distorts. MSNBC does have vocal liberals as its commentators but …
1. MSNBC does not claim tr report the news. All of its shows discuss the news.
2. At their most vocal, Ed, Keith, Rachel, and Larry rarely if ever use snarky terms comparable to the Foxy use of the words “democrat party,” “Barak Hussein Obama,” “OAbama,” …
3. MSNBC does not launch smear campaigns and false investigations like “climate gate,” “ACORN’s vote fraud,” “TARP spent a trillion dollars,” etc etc.
Fox is a Murdoch tabloid, it sells right wing bigotry in the same way Murdoch sells sex and violence in his print tabloids.
I wish that someone would put the National Inquirer on cable for a more realistic rival to Fox.
“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”
“That’s all Hymie wants to talk about is Israel. Every time you go to Hymietown that’s all they want to talk about.”
“I want to cut his nuts off.”
That’s your context for the last paragraph checksez.
1. MSNBC does not claim tr report the news. All of its shows discuss the news. – Really? Ed Schultz after October 2nd “was reporting the news” from his baised viewpoint that CBS only claimed 87,000 attended Glenn Becks rally while the SEIU Labor bussed in rally had “many more people in attendance”.
2. At their most vocal, Ed, Keith, Rachel, and Larry rarely if ever use snarky terms comparable to the Foxy use of the words “democrat party,” “Barak Hussein Obama,” “OAbama,” … Really? Crazy Republicans, Crazy Conservatives, Tea Baggers, Chamber of Commerce Smear, It’s Barack Hussein Obama. BTW didn’t Larry O’Donnell recently apologize for one of his many snarky comments? Still haven’t seen the apology from Keith Odormann for his anarky comment attack on a colleague’s father. Can you figger it out who is the colleague and the comment SJ?
3. MSNBC does not launch smear campaigns and false investigations like “climate gate,” “ACORN’s vote fraud,” “TARP spent a trillion dollars,” etc etc. Really? They openly attack Michelle Bachmann just about every night! They nightly attack any Republican House candidate. Continual nightly attacks on Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity. Regarding ACORN, they used their own words against them. And as for Climategate it was their own emails.
So SJ you are part of the 12% who actually watch PMSNBC?
It doesn’t matter why Williams was fired. Everybody wins with the decision.
NPR listeners win because they no longer will hear his lazy villager commentary.
Fox News viewers win because they will have more of his insightful commentary.
And, of course, Williams wins with that fat new contract from Fox. Now maybe Williams can afford to fly only with people that wear the garb that does not frighten him.
Eyes on the Prize baby!
@69 Pud, teh stoopid eez on dizplay!!!
To the long list of reporters that said things Puddy thinks are offensive, nope, not gonna take the time to look for context ’cause its not relevent. You think I’m A-O-K with that? And you even try this:
“Did you actually read the whole Juan Williams statement or are you reacting to one sentence like 98% of the progressive libtardo nation membership?”
Now sqaure your post and that statement with this:
“I’m uncomfortable with any “journalist” appearing on any network’s opinion shows.”
Yep, I implied that any reporter publicly stating opinion should be released. Hell in Journo 101 they teach you that your employer will likely fire you just for writing a letter to the editor. Who failed to do their reading?
That was a nice long post Puddy, that completely missed my point. (“It’s not FAIR! Puddy doesn’t need to read. Check the database about what you didn’t say that I said you said. YLB has it, I can’t look it up myself. Mike Rogers! Auuuuuugh!!!!!”)
@71 That’s for the context. You know, I’ve actually met the man. And if you can find a moment where I’ve defended him, bring it on. But thanks for going to the low hanging fruit on the non-sequiter tree.
“Common sense becomes racism when skin color becomes a formula for figuring out who is a danger to me.” – Juan Williams THE NEW REPUBLIC, 1986.
Jared Bernstein is an economist last I looked.
I hope Juan Williams enjoys his 2 million payday at Faux – but he as to learn to fumble and bumble his responses to rapid fire right wing bullshit.
As Insanity would say – good liberal, nice liberal poodle…
Typical response from checksez. Won’t do his homework. They are offensive, that’s why they were on Journolist, a gaggle of progressive leftist clucking fools from the media. If Puddy wrote what checksez wrote checksez would be screaming from the rooftops about how Puddy runs away from the debate. Well fool the shoe fits your foot perfectly.
Same here, that’s why the long hanging fruit was easy to pick.
But here’s the blockbuster comment
Then let’s see you speak up the next time Goldy or Lee or Darryl uses a comment from any of those above or others to drop a dime on one of their political enemies. Butt wait a minute… It will be an attack of Koro’s Disease and of course you won’t appear from the woodwork and say anything. Especially against the fools who appear on PMSNBC or CNN the two moronic of the cable shows!
Oh my the dirt stain @76 farts nothing much.
Last time Puddy checked Paul Krugman was an economist. SO WHAT dirt stain? He was on Journolist for one reason only. His anti-conservative commentary!
Juan Williams delivered the Tim Kaine talking points tout le temps! Juan finally admitted it’s progressives can’t stand it when you think for yourself and not for them when he thought is was conservatives. What a way to finally get the wake up call; getting your bell rung!
You don’t even try to make sense anymore! Your move Pavlov!
BTW checksez, TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA dirt stain ylb can assist you on figgering out if those reporters are on Journolist. Ya see the dirt stain already commented on Spencer Ackerman three weeks ago!
Ahh, Puddy…Going to the two wrongs make a right defense. I’ve truly met my match. The difference between Glody and any of your other examples is that Goldy says several times a month that he’s a partisan hack.
Well played. Gotta go. Car Talk is coming on.
@1 Fox “News” is unique, my friend. There is no “liberal” equivalent.
Let’s be clear about what the MSM “liberal bias” perceived by conservatives actually is:
1) Telling the truth,
2) Being reality-based, and
3) Being factual.
What conservatives want is for the media to feed rightwing bombast and lies to the general public, and where the media fails to do that, they call the media “biased.”
Biased? In favor of what? Truth? Objectivity? Fact? Reality? Those are the MSM “biases” that conservatives complain about.
Fox, as Goldy points out, is not a news organization; it’s the propaganda arm of a rightwing billionaire named Rupert Murdoch.
Jared Bernstein a “reporter”… Now Krugman..
And “covering conservatives”.
So says the “open sore”…
With all due respect to the longer time you’ve been observing these kinds of things you’re wrong.
MSNBC is not any of the 3 things you mention. People like you listen to them for the same reason some listen to FOX. They want s
omeone to agree with what they already decided they know. They want that someone to be on camera, wearing expensive clothes and cleverly saying all the things the watcher would like to say. They use these two propaganda machines to avoid truth, reality or facts where any of these conflict with their worldview.
Fox is a business. For all the paranoi of the left Murdoch is selling a product consumers want. He isn’t forcing anyone to believe something. They come to his product with those beliefs. MSNBC is doing precisely the same thing, only marketing to a much smaller audience. This is really what irritates the left. They want to believe that Americans are largely in agreement with them, and FOX viewership proves that in fact they aren’t.
“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”
Who said that? Norman Podhoretz maybe?
(yeah I know it was Jackson…)
Nope. The potential left-leaning audience is the same size as the right wing.
It’s just that the other has different priorities than burning their eyeballs with political blather.
What horseshit. You are at least a tad smarter than these Fox posts:
“There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved.”
Yep, Jackson said that, So? Do you have some point here? Seems like Jesse was being honest!
“That’s all Hymie wants to talk about is Israel. Every time you go to Hymietown that’s all they want to talk about.”
And what is wrong with this? Is Jackson wrong? Jews are deeply concerned with Israel. Is Jesse dumb for saying so? Probably. Should he call us “hymies?” Nope. But then I suspect you, as a devout adventist, parent, and systems engineer must not like it if someone refers to you as that colored either. PC is dumb for anyone, not really a right or a left issue.
Do better.
The person who’s going to be laughing all the way to the bank is Juan Williams. He’s gonna make a mint out of this dust-up!
No, it isn’t, and the listeners to Air America and MSNBC proves it.
just that the other has different priorities than burning their eyeballs with political blather.
“It’s just that the other has different priorities than burning their eyeballs with political blather.”
No, you don’t. Schultz, Maddow and that slimy attorney (can’t recall his name) aren’t interested in propounding a view. They are interested in promulgating propaganda. Any smear or inuendo is fine, if leveled at someone whose political views they don’t share. Any insult or ridiculous claim (all republicans are evil and so on) is fine in a desperate attempt to raise audience numbers.
And it still doesn’t work. That blowhard Limbaugh draws on one show more than a days programming from 1090 in audience numbers.
See, Americans just don’t believe in the same things you do. That’s fine. Maybe you’re on the side of angels and history will vindicate you. Maybe. But until then, the anger at your fellow Americans for not seeing the same world you do is projected to Fox.
Sorry, last post referred to YLB at 84.
“Jews are deeply concerned with Israel.”
Yeah, and the rest of us are sick and damn tired about hearing about Israel and the Jews and Muslims. I personally could give a flyin’ fuck whether Israel or Palestine survives the fucking weekend. We’ve been drawn into this pro-Israel shit to our own detriment. It’ time to cut Israel loose and let them and the Muslims fight it out. One side or the other will eventually win and it’ll be over.
I don’t give a shit about ANY religious and/or cultural group. Fuck ’em all!
Puddy .. Are you Sick?
72. Puddybud identifying useless Moonbat!s since 2005 spews:
1. MSNBC does not claim tr report the news.
They don’t report the news, they have no fake reporters or anchormen. Only commentators.
As for Herr Beck, my only ncomment s “sieg heil.”
2. YOU say that the MSNBC talkers use words like “Crazy Republicans, Crazy Conservatives, Tea Baggers.” First, several of the Republicans are, frankly, crazy. Just start with Chrstine O’Donnel. What word would you use to describe her?
3. “Chamber of Commerce Smear” The commentary on the CoC is not a smear. Thanks to the Bush court, we do not have transparency in elections in the CoC, is clearly funded by foreign sources. They make a big effort to be funded that way. How would you feel if the Saudis were (secretly) funding the del Bene campaign? Or if China was funding Pelosi?
If so I did not hear O’Donell did that. If he did then I would give him credit. Tell me when the Fox crew apologizes for inciting a Doctor’s murder, inciting hatred of AMERICAN moslems because they want to build a “Y”, defaming ACORN, supporting Angel and O’Donnel, defaming atmospheric scientists …..
Yes really:
ACORN, no voter fraud was ever proven. At worst a couple of local employees showed poor judgment. The snark who “investigated” Acorn was immediately reported to the police for his behavior. Later he broke into a federal office was caugth and convicted. Recently he attempted to seduce a reporter for MSNBC. Nice friends you have!
“TARP” total cost is now estimated at 50 billion.
“climate gate” other than some snarky talk in emails, there was NO interference with anyone’s efforts to publish.
Or does reality matter to you?
6. ” They openly attack Michelle Bachmann just about every night! They nightly attack any Republican House candidate. Continual nightly attacks on Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity.”
First of all, these “attacks” are entirely withing the range of commentary and pale next to the hatred spewed at Fox. Second, so you think Beck has a right to spew false history and demean others as commies and no one should call him out on that? Limbaugh … ?? Would you, assuming this persona here is not just a faux image, be willing to stand with Limbauigh. to take rsponisibility for what he says?
Yes .. AND I read the Economist, Xhin-Hua, Granma, Swedish news, Haaretz, the Jerusalem Post, el Ahram, the NY Times, the Hindu. How about you? Where do you get your news?
If progressives needed to be told what to think, we might watch more MSNBC or listen to progressive radio. I’d rather listen to an old Sinatra tune on KIXI or an old movie on TMC. However, if I want a laugh, maybe I’ll turn to Fox. On the other hand, those on the right seem to all have their head filled with the same wingnut talking points. We know where they get them and why. They get them from Fox “News” and right-wing hate-radio as they can’t think for themselves.
Can’t you read? I was comparing the POTENTIAL audience sizes.. Strong Dems is same size as strong R’s.. The strong Dems don’t watch as much political cable tv..
The size of the audience for politics on cable is small in general. Something like Hannah Montana routinely beats Bill O’Reilly.
There’s more to life than politics and most people only want to think about it around election times and often not then even. That “most people” are now referred to these days as “the independents”..
@ 83. lostinaseaofblue spews:
So? What is your point? he problem not whether you or I like t listen to smart people. The problem is with the habitual lies on Fox.
BTW .. Goebbels was VERY smart.
So? So is MSNBC, the WSJ, BP, and Merck. So are the drug lords in Mexico and so are ALL the lobby firms.
“Murdoch is selling a product consumers want.” Yes, and the people who bought from madoff wanted to make money, the addicts want to get high. Does being a “business” exempt one from morality?
No. MSNBC does not launch hate campaigns, does not finance any political party, does not falsify investigations, etc. etc.
Yes it is irritating. That sia mild statement, I would have said frightening .. just as Goebbels, the Know Nothings, Mao, were frightening.
Again, your logic sucks. Fox has a very loyal fan base .. just as Madonna has. They make money of off that fostering fanaticism amongst their fans, just like a rock band does.
I’ve seen you put Limbaugh down before. Why? You say things about people you disagree with that are every bit as vacuous as what he says.
@ 88 LSIB
This is worse than horse shit, it is loose and runny equine diarrhea.
Here is a challenge .. show me your “smears” from MSNBC. Show me ONE “smear” that has destroyed any comparable to ACORN, or gotten a qualified person fired, or fostered doubt in scientific facts. Oh yeh, then show me where O’Reilly apologized for inciting a murder.
“They want to believe that Americans are largely in agreement with them, and FOX viewership proves that in fact they aren’t”
Indeed, that less than 1% of Americans watch Fox “News” proves that Americans are largely in agreement with them instead.
YLB at 95
And yet his audience, and the audience for right wing political discourse generally, dwarfs that of liberal talk….
Hm. Yep. We really are a center right nation. Too bad you guys are so far outside mainstream, but you might catch up. Eventually. Maybe.
People are entertained by name-calling and over the top fear-mongering..
I don’t believe this country is center-right for one moment. If it was Bush would have destroyed social security by the end of his term AND medicare (instead of adding to it). The veterans would be marching in the street for “free-market” healthcare instead of a system that closely follows the British model – one of the most socialist in the world.
We live in a country whose political system makes it difficult to change anything – in the left or right direction – it puts obstacles in the way by design. Things only change to some meaningful degree when there’s a calamity – a great depression, a civil war, an assassination like JFK’s, a gigantic political scandal like a Watergate.
This country’s political system reveres the status quo even though the people may mostly hate it. And because things don’t change significantly people generally don’t want to participate – voter turnout is on average about half of what it should be.
NPR and the stupid woman who runs it deserve all the bad PR they are getting.
Her only regret was she shit on Juan during FUND-RAISING MONTH!!
Too damn funny.
What a piece of crap this idiot is.
How did she become CEO of anything?
George Soros now owns NPR. It’s hardly PUBLIC Radio, is it.
They will soon go the way of Air America.
All the Public Stations rely heavily on Government Grants. Perhaps NPR only gets a small amount…but $78 Million to upgrade communications is not small, is it.
Not is the amount it’s station network gets.
Total $90 MIllion.
Most Democrats are outraged.
It’s only the true Fringe Lunatic Left that will do anything to shut down free speech they disagree with.
Never has it become more apparent.
RE 99
“People are entertained by name-calling and over the top fear-mongering..”
Right. Which is why they listen to Rush and Beck on the right and Schultz and his possee of clowns on the left. Some portion of the audience to Beck are left leaners wanting a shot of outrage. Same with the 1090 crowd, some portion are conservatives wanting a reason to vent. Assuming these are about equal, you still have a many times greater audience for the right than for the left.
And don’t bother telling me the far left whack jobs are honest actors. They aren’t. Olbermanns phony rage sells advertising for his parent company, or he wouldn’t be there. Maddows snark does the same thing. The outright calumnies of Schultz and company likewise. They accuse Republicans of absolute nonsense in the same proud tradition that brought us ‘birthers’ and ‘death panels.’ You just happen to agree with them, and can’t see it.
Wanna try again SJ? Even the dirt stain ylb isn’t using that meme anymore!
Ask the dirt stain ylb. He despised TARP, not Puddy. Puddy identified Odumba as giving TARP his blessing 9/24/2008 through John Effin Kerry
Roger Rabbit comedy of the day
Thanks for the laugh Bunny!
How about:
1) Voting 84% or greater for the libtard preznit candidate
2) Asking softball questions of the DUMBOCRAT
3) Viciously attacking conservative guests
4) Never saying your sorry when proven wrong
Oh my poor SJ is still screaming about Scott Roeder offing George Tiller the Baby Killer who readily admitted on tape he did over 9000 3rd trimester abortions.
104 – Sounds about as credible as BillO claiming he performed 60,000 abortions in total over 36 years.
Let’s see 36 years with a generous 4 weeks off per year amounts to 35 abortions a week!
I found the quote though. Tiller mentions 10 Thousand cases in the third trimester if that’s truly his voice on the tape.
NO SURROUNDING CONTEXT!!!! Typical tactic of the unhinged right wing.
You give Tiller 1000 off for good behavior Puddybud?
Oh this is interesting!
Which is it? 459 (only some of which are 3rd trimester)?
Or is it 9200?
Or is it 10,000?
Or is it over 9000??
Which is it?? All over the place for sure depending upon the meds level in the bloodstream probably.
Bill OReally should be excited. He now has an excuse to be as racist as he wanna be, and have a well-paid vindicator at the ready.
That’s the only way Fox News likes ’em. Just sayin’
The racists are the management of NPR numbnutz. They fired the only Black Journalist for merely saing how he feels.
If that ain’t racist, I don’t know what is!
“If that ain’t racist, I don’t know what is!”
Um, this,
“screaming about Scott Roeder offing George Tiller the Baby Killer”
Three more doctors showed up recently on another wingnut hitlist. It strikes me that you’re ready to offer to kill one yourself.
Try again. Juan had been warned by NPR ad nauseum for appearing on Faux under the caption “NPR Analyst”.
Now if Juan had appeared on Faux as “Just another pawn in the Faux News Analyst rabble”, we wouldn’t be posting here.
NPR did the right thing. They cut him loose so Juan could no longer claim NPR credibility turf.
Conversely, Juan now has no connection to credibility, but has plenty of Benjamins. From now on, he’ll just have to be OReally’s “black friend” every time Bill Freudian slips into his bedsheet garb. The whole scene horrifically fits the minstrel show script like a glove, but it is what it is!
Think of it as Juan going from topless to porn. Not-that-there’s-anything-wrong-with-that: He’ll make bundles more, but can’t ever look back.
Put up or shut up.
And you? How do you feel?
No, I challenged you to defend O’Reilly for provoking the murder. How Christian of you? What next, crusades?
Goldy is a fraud and is spewing lies. Simple as that.
Sure thing asshole…which “lie” do you want to start with. I can’t wait to hear this.
Most people understand that Fox News is the name of the network. It delivers both news and commentary which is made to be fair and balanced by the addition of folks like Williams, Beckel, Cadell, Lamont Hill – etc.
The news is the news …the commentary is a completely different entertainment and information format.
Juan Williams was disciplined for harrassing women at the Waashington Post, even as he was dissing Anita Hill’s testimony.
Total. Douchebag.
Try again
And as for the “Liberal Bias” according to fair.org, there isn’t one, they even note that NPR shies away from liberal firebrands. But the do note, that NPR is run by a bunch of elitist fuckwits. OK, I added the fuckwit part, but according to FAIR there could be a bit more of the public in public radio.
does npr have the demographics that “looks like america”? well, i suppose if you’re from new york or palm beach.
Say goodbye to funding NPR/PBS. Bubbye.
Oh really Michael?
From your own study…
FAIR’s four-month study of NPR in 1993 found 10 think tanks that were cited twice or more. In a new four-month study (5/03–8/03) [2003] , the list of think tanks cited two or more times has grown to 17, accounting for 133 appearances
Yet they seem to skipped these facts Try again…There is a rush to cover up the National Progressive Radio leanings. The libtardo press is complicit!
Oh Michael, even libtardo Howard Kurtz admits after the “Fair.org study”
SMACK side yo head Michael!
Oh REALLY?????
So PuddyDummy (aka “colonelsandersfavoritechicken”), you will believe and faithfully regurgitate ANYTHING your right wing corporate masters feed you huh??
Once again this is why ylb@106 is as dumb as dirt when it comes to using TEH HA DATABAZE…
Thanks for the link fool! Pavlov knew you’d come through RIGHT ON TIME!
Puddy said above over 9000 because Tiller said about 10,000. And again you prove to be the dumb brick fool. Since bricks are made of dirt particles… Still dumb as dirt. So predictable all the time.
Just because you and Puddy are friends doesn’t preclude you DEMANDING Puddy place for the 6th time the court judgment of ACORN and voter fraud. Look it up cuz Puddy and delivering it again. Puddy told you to visit TEH HA DATABAZE KEEPA dumb as dirt ylb. You can see his DATABAZE antics in post#106. He inadvertently verified Puddy’s Tiller the baby killer stats.
He is a moronic fool so Puddy can understand why you’d dismiss the dumb as dirt one.
Poor SJ claiming O’Reilly provoked Scott Roeder. You must lived on those libtardo web sites screaming about this.
Wow rujax you are the MOST STUPID of the HA MORONIC.
HOWARD KURTZ is LIBTARDO! And… you are still a FOOL! And the NPR ombudsman made those comments about NPR having libtardo leanings. And… you are still a FOOL!
And… As Puddy said before Earvin Magic Johnson loves Kentucky Fried Chicken, so does Puddy. And… you are still a FOOL!
I like the 9200 figure you quoted – without ANY attribution of any kind.
Again the number varies with the meds level in your bloodstream.
Still dumb as dirt… Puddy gave the original audio tape attribution link and you know it’s in TEH HA DATABAZE dumb as dirt ylb.
Still dumb as dirt!
131 – That said 10K, other times you’ve said 9K, 9200, 459 (not all 3rd trimester)…
All without adequate context.
What it is it?
You’ll never tell because lies are what you and the right wing are all about.
Remember dumb as dirt ylb, some of your fool friends said Tim McVeigh was a Christian. Wrong. McVeigh said “Science is my religion.”!
Sounds like a HA libtardo!
Moronic one produce where Puddy said it was 459? Isn’t 9200 over 9000 and less than 10,000.?
Screaming from the dirt as you are as dumb as dirt!
Pavlov awaits the link fool! Start the search!
134 – Yawnnn look for it yourself..
And don’t bother with finding anything definitive..
It’s next to worthless coming from you.
Liar. You have the link moron. And no Puddy will not produce it again! How did Puddy know about George Tiller.
Here fool you can use this as part of your search to prove Puddy is correct
Puddybud – using “facts” in the services of LIES since 2005!
Or is it 2004????
Don’t ask him!
Ahhh yes, now we know dumb as dirt ylb is LYING about Puddy and the 459 and TEH HA DATABAZE didn’t contain the link.
Thanks for playing.
Why do you continue to beat your wife dumb as dirt ylb? Is that why she voted with you? No independent thought for your spouse. At least your son knows the score in the house per your own words.
Why do you hate America dumb as dirt ylb?
“They are all babies when a man delivers his sperm to the woman’s egg.”
I like that quote. Let’s see you protest fertility clinics on that one Mr. Silly.
RICH PEOPLE whose taxes you want to cut go to those places!
Teh link is in 106 you blind fool!
Why do you lie 24/7 for your bankrupt ideology fool?
Why do you stab your friends in the back for your bankrupt ideology?
That’s your proof? Did you find the original link? Pavlov is waiting moron!
Ahh yes notice how dumb as dirt ylb has deviated from his original argument? Did Puddy place the link for Tiller’s 3rd trimester about 10,000 number or not?
Stupid is as you are as dumb as dirt.
Dumb as dirt ylb still beating his wife after all these years.
At least your son knows the score in the house per your own words.
My son despises right wingers just like his parents fool.
But I know my son’s temperament and I’m prepared for the worst. I’m prepared that he may fall for the SAME LIES YOU DID!
Shit my dad was Republican. My mom votes mostly Republican now. There was no reason for it beyond negative emotions like resentment.
Find it yourself Beck-worshipper. Finding anything through your swill like searching for a speck of quartz in a two-ton pile of HORSE SHIT!
Well you are the rotten apple that fell from tree aren’t you dumb as dirt ylb!
It’s amazing to see how you change your tune when you found the Tiller link. Yep, very telling.
So moron you probably voted for the income tax initiative right? Puddy challenged Goldy to a dinner at a future DL if the the initiative passes because the libtardo WA legislature will use it to make all of us pay income tax. We all know you don’t work for a living.
very telling.
Pfftt.. Tell it to someone who gives a shit.
You’re boring me.. Bye..
Bwaaaak Bwaaaaak Bwaaaaak Hello chicken!
Puddy did cuz you are full o’ shit.
Dumb as dirt ylb now cut and running since Puddy has outed his foolishness.
It’s amazing to see how you change your tune when you found the Tiller link. Yep, very telling.
“This has nothing to do with the alleged liberal bias of NPR, and everything to do with FOX News being being more of a political organization than a news organization.”
so what you are saying is that its ok for NPR to be liberally biased, but not for FOX to be conservatively biased? So bias is ok, as long as it goes with Goldy’s view. Good to know.
Chris @ 149,
No…Goldy did not say that “ts ok for NPR to be liberally biased, but not for FOX to be conservatively biased.”
You seem to have some serious comprehension “issues.” Consider reading more slowly…or get an adult to assist you.
Wow!!! So very tolerant. Hmmmm the extreme left attempting to silence opinions and you applaud. No your not a socialist ideologue. Why stop there? Why not suggest that Fox should be censored or better yet placed in a Gulag some where. Hey you could that place in Cuba… something bay… hmmmmm. Oh wait the President hasn’t closed it so you will have to find somewhere else.