It’s not just fun to write about the sexual deviancy of the holier-than-thou religious far-right — and their not quite so religious political shills — it’s also instructive. For their self-righteous preaching against decadent secularism and its anything goes sexual mores makes perfect sense in a worldview guided by their own twisted fantasies, where indeed… anything goes.
It’s not just hypocrisy; it’s projection. Or at the very least, jealousy. Constrained by the unhealthy belief that “normal” sex should be mundane and pleasureless, their own secret desires bulge out in all directions like a water balloon squeezed between your fingers.
For example, there’s the tragio-comic story of Spokane’s soon-to-be-former Mayor Jim West, a man so ashamed by his own nature, that his otherwise healthy homosexual desires were apparently perverted into pedophilia. The knee-jerk liberal in me wants to be empathetic to West, for he is in many ways a victim of society’s cruel intolerance of gays… but the writer in me can’t help but find humor in the ironic details of the former gay-bashing state Senate Majority Leader’s sudden fall from grace. The Spokesman-Review has posted a transcript of an online chat session on between West (jmselton) and a forensic computer consultant posing as a teenager (motobrock34); the following excerpt struck me as particularly amusing.
jmselton: if i thought i would marry again, i’d marry Cathy McMorris the congresswoman.
motobrock34: is she nice?
jmselton: very and cute
jmselton: sweet is more like it.
I’m sure Rep. McMorris is flattered. Though of course, as he typed this, West was actually masturbating at his computer, fantasizing about motobrock34, and how “we’ll rub our dicks together.” In the words of the Spokane mayor, which may someday be immortalized as a kind of gay chat room farewell speech:
jmselton: yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
jmselton: crap
jmselton: oh boy
Oh boy, indeed.
Of course, if you enjoy sheer ridicule, nothing compares to the story of Neil Horsley, the folksy, anti-abortion, anti-homosexual, pro-secessionist, nut-case activist, who admitted to Fox News Radio host Alan Colmes that while growing up on a farm in Georgia… he had sex with a mule. Really. But even more amazing, is the fact that Horsley actually came back onto The Alan Colmes Show this Thursday, to further explicate his unique views on human sexuality and, um… animal husbandry.
Alan replayed a clip in which Horsley frankly explained that growing up, you experiment sexually with anything that moves, saying “If it’s warm and it’s damp and it vibrates you might in fact have sex with it.” So of course, Alan took advantage of the second interview to ask the question that was surely on everybody’s mind:
AC: Have you ever had sex with a washing machine?
NH: Um, well… I’ve never really thought about it, but the fact of the matter is that if it shakes, and there have been times I’m sure when in reality, that would be an option.
I never knew cleaning your laundry could be so dirty.
At this point, the interview started to get a little too weird, even for Alan, and so he tried to shift the conversation towards normal sexual behavior — like homosexuality — but after admitting past or potential relationships with farm animals and large household appliances, Horsley hemmed and hawed about whether he ever had sex with a (gasp) human male. Eventually, Alan was able to pin him down.
AC: Let’s get it on the record Neil. Before you found Jesus, you had sex with a man, right?
NH: Certainly. I’ve had sex with anything that would move. If we had a warm watermelon out in the field I might give it a name.

Graphic courtesy of the National Watermelon Promotion Board
Come to think of it, the one on the right looks kind of cute… sweet is more like it. Look at those full, sexy lips… yeahhhhhhhhhhhh hhhhhhhhhhhh… oh boy!
Horsley continued to expand on his theory that we are all born in sin, and thus it is natural (if not normal) for a male to express his sexuality in any way possible, and that the only reason we don’t is that we are socialized to express it in more acceptable forms. Alan disagreed, saying that he personally never had any desire to have sex with farm animals or other men… and Horsley actually made fun of him, blaming his sexual hang-ups on his mother:
NH: What happened to you is that you got pussy-whipped at a very early age.
That’s right Neil… there’s something wrong with Alan. I suppose it’s no surprise that Horsley would eventually come to Jesus, considering he pretty much came to everything else. News Hounds has more coverage of the second interview, and you can listen to an excerpt yourself, courtesy of Fox News Radio.
Now I’m not suggesting that all anti-gay, anti-abortion, traditional-values Christians are closeted homosexuals like West, or somewhat-repentant vegephiles like Horsley. Some of them are just cruelly and sadistically heterosexual, like Dr. W. David Hager, a prominent obstetrician-gynecologist and Bush Administration appointee to the FDA’s Advisory Committee for Reproductive Health Drugs.
As some of you might know, the Advisory Committee voted 23-4 to make emergency contraception, known as Plan B, available over-the-counter, and it was Dr. Hager who was key in persuading the FDA to make the highly unusual decision to reject the recommendation. (A decision that the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists called a “dark stain on the reputation of an evidence-based agency like the FDA.”) Dr. Hager recently delivered a sermon at his alma mater, Asbury College, a small evangelical Christian school in Wilmore, Kentucky, in which he warned that a war is being waged in this country against evangelical Christians like him, and that God had used him to stand in the breach. It was in this sermon that he revealed the role he played in the FDA’s controversial decision.
It was also this sermon that convinced Linda Davis, his former wife of thirty-two years, to break her silence about the sexual abuse and humiliation she suffered during their long marriage. As an article in The Nation reports, she was enraged by her ex-husband’s public moralizing on sexual matters: “It was the most disgusting thing I’ve ever heard.” Davis alleges that she was repeatedly sodomized without her consent.
“I probably wouldn’t have objected so much, or felt it was so abusive if he had just wanted normal [vaginal] sex all the time,” she explained to me. “But it was the painful, invasive, totally nonconsensual nature of the [anal] sex that was so horrible.”
“I would be asleep,” she recalls, “and since [the sodomy] was painful and threatening, I woke up. Sometimes I acquiesced once he had started, just to make it go faster, and sometimes I tried to push him off…. I would [confront] David later, and he would say, ‘You asked me to do that,’ and I would say, ‘No, I never asked for it.'”
As The Nation points out, Dr. Hager is no fringe character, but a well-credentialed and respected OB-Gyn and the author of six books on women’s health issues. (FYI, I highly recommend the General’s Amazon review of Hager’s As Jesus Cared for Women.) He doesn’t advocate faith as a substitute for medicine, but rather relies on his conservative Christian ideology as the basis for his paternalistic approach to women patients… a worldview in which men are expected to act as benevolent authority figures for the women in their lives.
At home, Dr. Hager apparently practiced what he preached… well, the authority part, not the benevolence. As Davis told The Nation….
Sex was always a source of conflict in the marriage. Though it wasn’t emotionally satisfying for her, Davis says she soon learned that sex could “buy” peace with Hager after a long day of arguing, or insure his forgiveness after she spent too much money. “Sex was coinage; it was a commodity,” she said. Sometimes Hager would blithely shift from vaginal to anal sex. Davis protested. “He would say, ‘Oh, I didn’t mean to have anal sex with you; I can’t feel the difference,'” Davis recalls incredulously. “And I would say, ‘Well then, you’re in the wrong business.'”
By the 1980s, according to Davis, Hager was pressuring her to let him videotape and photograph them having sex. She consented, and eventually she even let Hager pay her for sex that she wouldn’t have otherwise engaged in–for example, $2,000 for oral sex, “though that didn’t happen very often because I hated doing it so much. So though it was more painful, I would let him sodomize me, and he would leave a check on the dresser,” Davis admitted to me with some embarrassment. This exchange took place almost weekly for several years.
And it gets even worse. In 1995 Davis was diagnosed with narcolepsy, and she says her husband took advantage of the disease, as an opportunity to regularly sodomize her.
Somehow, I don’t think this is how Jesus would have cared for a woman.
Dr. Hager’s term on the FDA panel expires this June, and he is widely expected to be reappointed, possibly to the panel’s chairmanship. That there would be such a stark contrast between his public and private life is not surprising — there are, of course, hypocrites on both sides of the political spectrum. But that this is the kind of person the Bush administration would seek to lead the FDA on women’s health issues is at the very least disappointing, if not frightening.
The aggressive overreaching by the religious right in their campaign to impose their own biblically inspired sexual mores on society as a whole, begs the question: what are they so afraid so?
And I think I know the answer: themselves.
Very funny stuff if it wasn’t so sad. Texas should check with the Sodom chamber of commerce. “What we need is my sodomy, that’s what were famous for.” that and incredibly large salt women.
Now I know why we call them “sheep” all the time. they love this shit.
Good history of just SOME of the perverts that make up the best the right has to offer. The one thing that should be mentioned on this subject is the reason for the GOP’s attacks on anything sexual. They hope that by pointing a finger at SOMETHING, ANYTHING, that they might draw our attention away from their own perversion, whether it be sexual or warmongering or stealing taxpayers blind.
Chardonay we figured out your problem, Keep cynical out of your house and take some metamucill…’ll be right as rain in no time.
McMorris might be to much man for West to handle. Can’t wait to be standing next to her at the Urinal.
This, frankly, is what scares me about the rightwingers. All the absolute moral monsters I’ve known have been rightwingers.
Incidentally, nice film reference. I saw it with a couple of other people who absolutely did not get it. I was laughing my head off and they were looking at me like I was crazy. Go figure.
It could have been worse. At least West wasn’t caught blogging on HorsesAss when he was supposed to be working. Now THAT is something the conservatives would get upset about. They don’t seem to mind that West is a queer who offered government jobs to boys in return for sex, though. I guess it’s all a matter of values.
Good summary, Goldy. I’m still not sure what to make of the Neil Horsley goat-fucking incident. It really does make it clear why these people are so adamantly against these things. They need the threat of a law to keep themselves from doing it. Self control? Unheard of.
Reading the Jim West thing, all that comes to my mind is entrapment. And what is the difference between a private phone conversation an this? Let’s put all of YOUR private conversations on the Web! I sure as hell ain’t puttin mine on!
You should be ashamed.
Nearly 1800 words to dither, blather and gloat over someone elses horrible decisions and mistakes.
I wonder why it is young girls dying of deadly abortions don’t merit such wordy outrage.
I knew it was just a matter of time for the neo-con hypocricy to show it’s demented face.
Imagine the frothing at the mouth these bastards would be doing if these “horrible decisions and mistakes” were committed by democrats!
Oh wait, they have already done that FOR 8 FUCKING YEARS during the CLinton administration
Hypocritical Bastards one and all!
It’s hysterical to watch them predictably devolve into name calling and filthy words when they can no longer contribute to a conversation. – Comment by Stop their CATerwauling, spay/neuter ALL Pet Libs— 5/14/05 @ 12:00 pm
Eva B. @ 9
Eva B. @ 9
“I wonder why it is young girls dying of deadly abortions don’t merit such wordy outrage.”
The deadly abortions are the illegal back alley kind that girls resort to when they cannot legally obtain safe abortions.
Goldy, you forgot to remind your readers of the allegations being made against yet another right wing savior, John Bolton, who supposedly forced his first wife to engage in group sex. Given how they’ve embraced Jeff Guckert/Gannon as a celebrity, it is as if they are openly flaunting their improprieties in our faces – which of course they are, and doing so with impunity.
The deadly abortions are the illegal back alley kind that girls resort to when they cannot legally obtain safe abortions. -Comment by dj— 5/15/05 @ 12:48 am
Get you head out of your playbook Mr. Koolaid Happy Face and do a bit of research. Even you will be able to find the find the appalling numbers, names and pictures of young women dead from legal abortions.
Oh that’s right – can’t have outrage for something you SUPPORT.
Tell me, do you support the ACLU?
Of course you do! You praise honor and defend it! And yet, here you are deafeningly quiet about the kiddie diddlers at NAMBLA they defend.
How about prisoner rehab and the “get out of jail free” cards you libs love to dispense from on high? Any problem with that?
No of course not – can’t have outrage for something you SUPPORT.
How about just a modicum, maybe a smidge of outrage about something TRULY outrageous for once.
No, of course not – you are too busy dispensing your moral relativism and tolerance (and lack thereof) of convenience.
The deadly abortions are the illegal back alley kind that girls resort to when they cannot legally obtain safe abortions. -Comment by dj— 5/15/05 @ 12:48 am
Get you head out of your playbook Mr. Koolaid Happy Face and do a bit of research. Even you will be able to find the find the appalling numbers, names and pictures of young women dead from legal abortions.
Oh that’s right – can’t have outrage for something you SUPPORT.
Tell me, do you support the ACLU?
Of course you do! You praise honor and defend it! And yet are deafeningly quiet about the kiddie diddlers at NAMBLA they defend.
How about prisoner rehab and the “get out of jail free” cards you libs love to dispense from on high? Any problem with that?
No of course not – can’t have outrage for something you SUPPORT.
How about just a modicum, maybe a smidge of outrage about something TRULY outrageous for once.
No, of course not – you are too busy dispensing your moral relativism and tolerance (and lack thereof) of convenience.
It’s hysterical to watch the troll predictably try to balance on the head of a pin, desperately reaching for excuses to bail out sexual deviants and perverts or disrupt the conversation while languishing equally in his own brand of hypocrisy. “devolve into name calling and filthy words” from a guy who regularly posts with both right in his handle.
Do you think people have forgotten, ProudAss? For as many times as you’ve cried “double-standard” one would think you might actually be able to hold yourself to the principles by which you continuously judge other people. But clearly you’re cut from the very same cloth as the Republicans Goldy just wrote about.
Liberals are almost uniformly defined by their hypocrisy and dissociation from reality.
For example, the wealthiest U.S. senators — among them Kerry, Kennedy, Corzine, Kohl, Rockefeller, Feinstein, and Rhode Island RINO Lincoln Chaffee — fancy themselves as defenders of the poor, but they have no idea of what it’s like to live without a bloated trust fund.
Liberals speak of unity, but they appeal to the worst in human nature by dividing Americans into dependent constituencies. Just who are these liberal constituencies?
They support freedom of thought, unless your thoughts don’t comport with theirs.
They feign tolerance while practicing intolerance.
They resist open discussion and debate of their views, yet seek to silence dissenters.
They insist that they care more about protecting habitat than those who hunt and fish.
They protest for nature conservation while advocating homosexuality.
They denounce capital punishment for the most heinous of criminals, while ardently supporting the killing of the most innocent among us — children prior to birth.
They hate private-gun ownership, but they wink and nod when it comes to WMD in the hands of tyrants.
They advocate for big government but want to restrain free enterprise.
Liberals constantly assert their First Amendment rights, except, of course, when it comes to religion.. Here, they firmly impose the doctrines of secular atheism on everyone else.
They believe that second-hand smoke is more dangerous than marijuana smoke.
They believe that one nut accused of bombing an Alabama abortion clinic deserves far more law-enforcement attention than Jihadi cells planning the 9/11 attacks.
They call 9/11 victims “Hitlerian” while calling their murderers “oppressed.”
They hate SUVs, unless imported and driven by soccer moms.
They believe trial lawyers save lives and doctors kill people.
They believe the solution to racism is to treat people differently on the basis of their skin color.
They deride moral clarity because they can’t survive its scrutiny.
They promote peace but foment division and hate — ad infinitum.
You libs are right and I’ve decided to join Mr Day as a newly minted liberal:
“ It is inarguable that liberals – in the modern American sense of the word – are the most flawless human beings on the planet. They are smarter, better-educated, wealthier, kinder and morally superior to those benighted quasi-Neanderthals called conservatives, who would like nothing better than to drag society back to the Middle Ages, or, according to some high-minded liberal theorists, the Iron Age.
How do we know this? Why, liberals tell us so!
Perhaps it has escaped me, but I have not personally witnessed any call for a return to the monarchy, much less land grants held in fief, on the part of even the most conservative Republican. And the last time I looked, the Bush administration was very much in favor of steel – certainly the U.S. steel industry appears to be most appreciative of his efforts in enacting a 30 percent tariff on their behalf.
But being a liberal means never having to worry about the facts. Facts can be uncomfortable, and of course, anything that makes anyone uncomfortable is a violation of our constitutional rights. The only fact that matters is the foundational fact that you can only feel what is right, so if a fact happens to contradict your feelings, obviously that fact must be wrong. Sentio, ergo rectum.
Due to this inescapable and irrefutable logic, I have finally been convinced that I will be healthier, happier and wealthier if I join the large-brained ranks of the morally superior elite. I have therefore decided to become a liberal. Already I have benefited greatly from my decision – whereas many previous discussions ended in a frustrating impasse, now, being inestimably more clever and better-looking than before, I am able to win any argument with the greatest of ease. Let me share with you the secret of my success.
*Make an untrue statement, preferably on the subject of something about which you know nothing.
*Express astonishment that your source could possibly be inaccurate.
*Demand what motivation your source would have to lie.
*Assert that the other party’s inability to articulate this motivation is tantamount to proof that your source is not lying.
*Question the motivation of the contrary source.
*Argue that all sources are equal and that therefore the contrary source is irrelevant.
*Change the subject.
Alternatively …
*Make an untrue statement.
*Deny that you said what you said.
*Deny that the other party understood what you said.
*Deny that the words you used mean what the other party claims they mean.
*Redefine your definition and hope the other person forgets the previous one. Repeat as needed.
*Assert that since definitions are irrelevant and subjective, the other person is mean-spirited, racist, sexist, intolerant and obsessive.
*Change the subject.
Remember: As long as you haven’t admitted you’re wrong, you are right. Any attempt to demonstrate otherwise is evidence of criminal hate and probably mental imbalance, too. Never forget that an answer to a question you have asked should always be regarded as a personal attack if the answer is something you don’t like, and that the answer to all evils personal, spiritual, moral and societal is more government money.”
Now, if you don’t mind, I should probably go exercise my newfound moral superiority. The world won’t save itself, after all – not without the fount of all that is good and wise and smart and cute, which is to say, me.“
Do I get my birkenstocks, extra ballots and welfare now or later?
Wow, you can cut&paste material written by someone else!’s nothing more convincing than Googling an argument you couldn’t make yourself.
I am going to donate $100 to NARAL and $150 to Planned Parenthood in the name of CATerwauling!
Talk about lying about your arguement..
Now I’m not suggesting that all anti-gay, anti-abortion, traditional-values Christians are closeted homosexuals like West, or somewhat-repentant vegephiles like Horsley. Some of them are just cruelly and sadistically heterosexual, like Dr. W. David Hager, a prominent obstetrician-gynecologist and Bush Administration appointee to the FDA’s Advisory Committee for Reproductive Health Drugs.
Yeah, you think you cleverly say not all conserv are sick, but then really say that…
Mankind is flawed; i doubt conservatives are any different from liberals. If you want examples to counter your slander, i’m sure pleny of my bros will chime in..
Righton @23,
Um… that line was a joke.
Certain individuals feel that they need to abuse others in the name of their own self righteous importance. They need specific reactive attention from those around them to reify their sense of superiority and rank. Unfortunately, regardless of political persuasion or religious credo, such demands and abusive behaviors-words, actions(physical & sexual), monopolization of capital to inflict massive distress on others, etc.–create a great deal of human suffering in the physical realities.
On the other hand, the blogsphere is a virtual reality, where the abusers–those who feel it necessary to drown out the voices of those that do not bend on both knees to accomodate their righteous wills–can simply be ignored. Those who waste bandwidth to proclaim their disdain for others, to insult and demean those with whom they choose to share not one speck of common ground, those who use the claim the words of others as their own to shout down and attempt to shut down discussion all in the name of their faith and politics–they can be completely and utterly ignored. Simply refuse to respond to them. They can’t get physical, they can’t threaten, they can’t demand attention. They come here to insult and denigrate and cast dysphemisms to disparage this site, verbally abusing discourse for their own twisted purposes and “entertainment.” Well, no one need respond to them. Words are powerless commodities, unless enforced by bullies with physical or “illegal”(Kentucky has anti-sodomy statutes but Hager had friends) sexual attacks. Then when even that doesn’t work, the bullies take it out on the animals. Please people let the sleeping and barking dogs lie.
New Liberal;
Yes like the Anti gay bashing when you are gay. make sure you project all you weakness as those of others.
Thank you for the Rightie playbook at 20.
PS Gravity all though still called a Theroy, has been proven a few times. as well as the shape of the earth….However if you fall of the edge…we will call that Social Darwinism.
Caterwauling@11,15,16,19: You’re hysterical. Have your meds adjusted. @17: Maybe the ACLU would jump right in and defend West – do you think? Would that make you happy? @20: Is that you trying to be incognito? – how cute. Marilyn
Let (Oops I’m a liberal now!…DEMAND you entertain me…
Let (Oops I’m a liberal now!…DEMAND you make me smile…guffaw…hoot …roar with laughter.
Like my new liberalism?
Send me a $50 Starbucks card!
Eva B. @ 15, unencumbered by facts, as always, writes ”Face and do a bit of research. Even you will be able to find the find the appalling numbers … dead from legal abortions.”
Ok, Ms. Eugenics, I’ll bite. Here is a review of recent biomedical research that quantifies mortality in the U.S. from legal abortion, estimates of illegal abortion, and risk of pregnancy-related mortality. I’ve done this mini-review by going to the medical literature, actually reading it, and summarizing the findings.
At the end of this post, I tie this topic back in to the main topic of this thread—the hypocrisy of those trying to shove fundamentalist “christian” “morals” down the throats of Americans.
The take-home message on mortality risk from legal induced abortion in the U.S.: it is exceedingly low.
During 1972–1997, a total of 337 deaths occurred that were related to legal induced abortions. Over that period, abortion-related deaths decreased from 24 to 7 deaths per year and the mortality rate decreased from 4.1 to 0.6 deaths per 100,000 legal abortions. Most of the decline occurred between1972 and 1976 when mortality rate fell from 4.1 to 1.1 deaths per 100,000 abortions, a 73% reduction [Bartlett et al., 2004, Risk Factors for Legal Induced Abortion–Related Mortality in the United States. Obstet Gynecol 103:729 –37].
How does this compare to risk from illegal abortions? This is exceedingly difficult to calculate (one must know both the total number of abortions performed and the number of deaths resulting from them—neither number is easily available when abortion is illegal). At least eight indirect methods have been developed by demographers and epidemiologists to estimate mortality risk from illegal abortions. (One problem is that most data come from lesser-developed countries.) Where legal abortion isn’t an option, abortion mortality makes up a minimum of 13% of all maternal mortality. Maternal mortality is, typically, 100 fold higher than what we see in the U.S. (empirically, high maternal mortality occurs in countries with restrictive abortion laws and untrained abortion providers). Hence, risk of mortality from illegal abortions is probably on the order of 100 times riskier than legal abortion, worldwide. In the U.S., the number of abortion-related deaths per million live births fell from nearly 40 in 1970 (pre-Roe v. Wade) to eight in 1976 (post-Roe v. Wade) [Cates et al. (2003) The Public Health Impact of Legal Abortion: 30 Years Later. Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 35(1):25-28]. Of course, the numbers of abortion-related deaths in 1970 are certainly greatly underestimated.
How does risk of legal abortion compare to risk of other pregnancy-related deaths? Risk of death from pregnancy-related causes was 11.8 deaths per 100,000 live births for the period 1991 to 1999 [Chang et al., 2003, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 52(SS02):1-8.]
In other words, pregnancy and childbirth is about 20 times riskier than a legally performed induced abortion.
Even the very low average rate (0.6 deaths per 100,000 legal abortions) hides differences by gestational age. By contrast to abortions performed before 8 weeks, abortions performed during the second trimester abortion-related mortality risk increases 38% for each additional week of gestation. If women who had abortions at 8+ weeks had obtained abortions prior to 8 weeks of pregnancy, 87% of deaths most likely would have been avoided. In other words, what few deaths do occur each year (all 7 in 1997) could have been avoided by the procedure being performed before 8 weeks.
What contributes to abortions being performed after 8 weeks? Most importantly is the lack of availability of services. Since 1982, abortion providers have decreased by 20%. This requires women to travel greater distances for a service provider, leading to delays. The neocon nut cases that try to shut down abortion services, to the extent they are successful, increase the risk of death from abortion. Some “culture of life,” huh? These right-wing hypocrites push through laws like parental notification, mandatory waiting periods, and laws banning transporting minors across state lines for abortions, leading to delays, and ultimately increasing the risk of mortality for younger women.
All of this relates back to the current thread because the very people who scream loudest against abortions are probably the ones who have either had abortions or have required abortions for women and girls they have impregnated. The right-wing assholes who scream loudest are the hypocrites who scared the shit out of themselves by knocking up the babysitter, “took care” of it, and then deal with their guilt by duplicitous moralizing. Fucking assholes!
dj@29: Good job. thanks. Marilyn
#1 Please show me any Republican that is defending West. As opposed to Democrats and liberals, who al move in lock step, when someone like West is found out, we ask him to leave.
#2 I bet West could call up Oregon Democrat Neil Goldschmidt and they could compare notes. Or perhaps NJ gov Mgreevey. Didn’t see the transcript form either of those people on HA.
pbj @ 31.2
You missed the point. Democrats and Republicans both do shameful things. Some assholes, however, deal with their shame by becoming hypocritical moralists.
Goldschmidt (who, as I recall, last held office 18 years ago) didn’t deal with his guilt by becoming a moralizing asshole. He is a child molester, just like West. The difference is that West has been our State’s leading opponent of gay equality and rights.
Your point about McGreevey, however, is valid. He was a hypocrite in playing up “family values” and opposing gay marriage.
My award for hypocritical asshole of the century, however, is Strom Thurmond, who knocked up a 16 year old African American woman and spent the rest of his life hiding the fact, and forcing “family values” down everyone else’s throats. On top of it all, when he ran for president in 1948, his campaign was overtly racist and blamed the problems of America on Black folks who didn’t “stay in their place.” What a prick!
dj @ 29, great job! Although it will not deflect the spinmeisters of the neo-con variety. They are immune to documented facts. But in the end it does enrich the rest of us to see well researched evidence.
Like Puddlypud and his claim that the 911 commission and Senate Intelligence report had found links between Osama and Saddam, no amount of direct quotes from those reports proving him completely wrong would deter him from his belief.
The conservatives do not live in the “reality based” world. They live in a world they want to be, and so are immune to logic and evidence.
And that anyone could believe that more deaths result when abortion is legal than when it is allocated to the back alleys proves that point as much as anything.
As I said elsewhere:
I’m actually VERY glad liberal nutburgers are aborting their FUTURE liberal offspring…
…. will keep consevatives in power for a very long time.
Thanks thugs and nutburgers!
Like my new liberalism?
Send me a $350 Starbucks card!
Comment by New LIBERAL – gimme most of your $$$$— 5/15/05 @ 1:34 pm
Dave @ 21 It is telling that STOP Making Sense @ 19 & 20 had to resort to plagerism to attempt to make a point.
Guess he is out of Hot Air and has to go to the tar pits and tap some from the bloated carcases of the neo-con mind(?) trust.
Look at the link dumb ass: I credited Vox day and I had also credited the Federalist (whom I quote credit) often.
Talk to Goldy about his crappy preview button… oh that’s right he buys beer instead
PS, A great BIG thanks to Stefan Sharkansky at Sound Politics for his preview button where I regularly check my work.
Get the hint yet, Goldy?
Like my new liberalism?
Send me a $400 Starbucks card!
*(whom I quote AND credit)
crappy preview button…
Eugenics @ 36 writes:
“Talk to Goldy about his crappy preview button… oh that’s right he buys beer instead. PS, A great BIG thanks to Stefan Sharkansky at Sound Politics for his preview button where I regularly check my work. Get the hint yet, Goldy?”
Learn to read, you fucking moron. Goldy already responded to you here
Pay attention dj, I know you can learn this despite your sad little dumbed down public school education:
It’s called REINFORCEMENT to make a POINT.
It’s hysterical to watch them predictable devolve into name calling and filthy words when they can no longer contribute to a conversation. -Comment by Stop their CATerwauling, spay/neuter ALL Pet Libs— 5/14/05 @ 12:00 pm
Like my new liberalism?
Send me a $450 Starbucks card!
STOP Making Sense @ 36 “Look at the link dumb ass: ”
And @ 11 “It’s hysterical to watch them predictably devolve into name calling and filthy words when they can no longer contribute to a conversation.”
i love the irony!!!
And STOP, you did not credit the Federalist Patriots. You passed it off as your own words. You are as plagerist and a foul mouthed hypocrit!
STOP These words are really going to haunt your hypocritical world no matter how many times you change your name. Coward.
““It’s hysterical to watch them predictably devolve into name calling and filthy words when they can no longer contribute to a conversation.”
Eugenics @ 39
“It’s called REINFORCEMENT to make a POINT.”
Reinforcement? Did you read the link, you dolt? Why would you ask “Get the hint yet, Goldy?” if it is simply reinforcement, dipshit? Either you are one ignorant fucker or just a malicious asshole.
Or both.
dj, Eugenics is 72% ignorant f*cker and 84% malicious asshole. LOL, I just figured out how the repugs look at the national deficit. ‘we can spend 72% of our income for x, and 84% of our income for y and f*ck the coming generations……)
Eugenics @ 39
Re: name calling and “filthy” words.
Thanks for bringing that up! It helps put the thread back on topic:
More moralistic hypocrisy from our “born again” president and his henchmen:
Just before a campaign speech in Illinois in 2000, Bush said to Dick Cheney, in a moment of Christian charity: “There’s Adam Clymer, major league asshole from the New York Times.” “Yeah, big time,” replied Cheney. This after Bush promised to “change the tone of the campaign.”
From ’At the Republican National Convention in 1988, [Bush] was asked by a Hartford Courant reporter about what he and his father talked about when they weren’t talking about politics.
“Pussy,” Bush replied.’
In April 1986, while Wall Street Journal executive Washington editor Al Hunt, his wife Judy Woodruff and their 4-year old child were eating in a Dallas restaurant, Bush gave Mr. Hunt the godly advice, “You fucking son of a bitch. I saw what you wrote. We’re not going to forget this.” Thank you, Mr. “President” for setting a fine Christian example for four-year-olds everywhere.
”Go fuck yourself!” said Dick Cheney to U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy on the Senate floor in June 2004. Thanks for the moral courage, Mr. President of the Senate.
“Fuck you.” said Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz to Al Franken during the April 2003 White House Correspondents Dinner.
Fuck you, too, Wolfie.
drivel @ 43
Here I though the Bush administration was just being hypocritical in their “We’ll cut taxes and shrink government” trickle-down economic theory. But, you might be on to something. . . they might be too stupid to know what they are doing.
George W. Bush. . . no longer encumbered by cerebral function.
Kisses and CHECKMATE, drivelly!
The liberals that post here are mostly high school and college students. Yes, they do stridently believe in the glories of liberalism/soci*lsim, but they are simply more interested in being HEARD and the debased language they invariably fall into guarantees them a modicom of momentary attention� and it makes them feel all grown up.
It�s raucously amusing to watch the little libs heads explode while they sputter with anger and seethe with indignation. It�s hysterical to watch them predictable devolve into name calling and filthy words when they can no longer contribute to a conversation. I can spend an hour or so here and get up from my chair and still laugh an hour later over the insanity and the fun of teasing the strident libs
There is not one single solitary thing or person in this blog that I would EVER take serious or as a grain of truth. There are plenty of sources for truth, for facts, for hard information – but kiddo, �this ain�t one of em�! As long as a reader keeps that aspect in perspective, there�s no need to worry about the dialogue.
– Goldy will probably get a few beers from his adoring fans, the youthful left will continue to vent and pretend tantrums make them all grown up and folks like me (and I suspect Chardonnay, Mr Cynical and a few others) will enjoy the best free entertainment to be had.
Comment by Stop their CATerwauling, spay/neuter ALL Pet Libs� 5/14/05 @ 12:00 pm
PS, A great BIG thanks to Stefan Sharkansky at Sound Politics for his preview button where I regularly check my work.
Get the hint yet, Goldy?
Eva B. @ 46
“There is not one single solitary thing or person in this blog that I would EVER take serious or as a grain of truth.”
At least we partially agree—particularly you and your posts :)
So, to get back on topic, Ms. Braun, is your moral outrage about abortion because you have had one? Just curious.
Eugenics/STOP/New Lib
I admire your tenacity, but am saddened by your own lack of self respect. You have been soundly spanked by the progressives here using your own words as the paddle.
I imagine your constant name changing is your attempt at self defence against your growing reputation as a delusional fool, with possible multiple personality disorder. But these wounds inflicted on you are self induced. Like all neo-cons You have no moral compass, and like the people described in Goldy’s post you rail against the evil sins of others for actions you yourself engage in daily.
Your a sad person, really. I pity you, and anyone in your family/friend sphere. You must be a terrible emotional burden on them.
New Lib- you’ve rapidly become the most tedious poster on any thread you enter. Rightous anger without substance is meaningless.
And enough whining about the preview button. Read it before you hit “Say it”
born again @ 46, if you continually get on your knees for stefan, why don’t you stay there where you write with a little bit of respect and do not drop to a level of idiotic intelligence? I am quite sure your blood pressure would once again get to a normal level and you would not walk 24/7 with the migraines that all of ‘us’ high school kids keep giving you.
Wow, Goldy, just when I thought the dumbest person who’s ever turned on a computer had already visited this site, someone dumber just comes right along. Check out this impressive display of idiocy:
I wonder why it is young girls dying of deadly abortions don’t merit such wordy outrage.
Nice! So I guess that since people have died from an appendectomy, we can’t do those any more either?? That’s amazingly brilliant logic for a houseplant.
How about prisoner rehab and the “get out of jail free” cards you libs love to dispense from on high? Any problem with that?
I didn’t realize life was a game of monopoly. And if liberals are the ones passing out “get out of jail free” cards, then how come it’s mostly CEOs that get to use them?
They believe that second-hand smoke is more dangerous than marijuana smoke.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! But neither is as dangerous is trusting the people who told you this!
The liberals that post here are mostly high school and college students.
Want to bet on that, Einstein?
Goldy will probably get a few beers from his adoring fans, the youthful left will continue to vent and pretend tantrums make them all grown up
Uh, I’ve read threw this thread, and there’s only one person throwing a tantrum. A little advice numnuts, if you want to sound like less of a retard, there’s an easy way to do it…
Make a point. Say something that involved putting data or logic together to say something substantial. When it’s questioned, defend it. Defend it using logic and data again, and then try to answer the other person’s questions, doubts, or ability to prove what you said was ridiculous. Don’t copy and paste from some webpage, use your brain and come up with thoughts. It’s what adults you, and maybe one day you’ll learn to do that as well.
Man, I mangled that comment, but I hope the point got across. Most of that stuff was funny enough without commentary.
You girls are so delightfully predictable!
I see the same kind of hypocrisy from both Democrat and Republican leaders. Republican demogogues will lecture you on living the clean life and following godly ways as they define it, all the while doing the nasty in their private lives. Democrat demogogues will being doing their nasty in public and you wish they’d keep it private. They lecture you about the evils of rich folk and gas hogging cars while they zip past you on the freeway from their palacial estates to board their gas guzzling private jets.
Each is a demogogue about different things, but in the end it is a variety of the same hypocrisy. Having spent time associated with both parties, I can tell you that each has their hypocrits.
Liberals Lied – People Died
Reply to 54, if the average Democrat has a palatial estate and private jet, who do I see to get mine? There are rich people in both parties (although far more of them in the GOP), but to portray Democrats in this manner it is beyond absurd!
By the way, your spelling of “palacial” is incorrect; can anyone explain to me why right wingers are almost always bad spellers? I’ve always suspected lack of education is behind this … in other words, many right wing trolls are literally trailer park folks … ?
@56 or Daddy paid off the teachers to get them to graduate, kind of like Daddy Bush and his baby chimp at Yale
As usual, you didn’t read the post. It says:
“I see the same kind of hypocrisy from both Democrat and Republican leaders.”
Please tell me how Ted Kennedy and John Forbes Kerry stuggled out of the ghetto to make their way in the world? Your Democrat dogma doesn’t match reality. In fact there are way more billionaires than are Democrats than Republicans. Most of the rich liberals are in Hollywood and are even further divorced from reality. That you are foolish enough to believe that some rich guy like Ted Kennedy is going to understand anything about a working man says more about you thatn anything else. You must really eat up that shit when they pull up in their Ferarri and begin lecturing you about Marx and the plight of the proletariat how they stand in solidarity with you.