Congratulations to the 737 Max. Now to start getting out of the mothballs, and improve training. I suppose the pandemic is probably the best time to have people fly them. Notably without me in one. Good luck pilots and passengers.
Anyway, wash your hands right now.
Far better than what came later. When Rocketman was released in 1972 I was like, WTF is that shit?? I’d change the radio station whenever it came on.
A pretty big “if”, seeing as how the polls released today show both races tied.
Premature ball-spiking.
If you can, make a donation to Wikipedia today. I just made a donation to them a few minutes ago.
Chris Ladd on our most dangerous election:
“A referendum on basic human decency produced a disturbingly close result.
The fault line in this election ran through the following factors, in order: race, geography and income. A contest that should have broken us out of politics as usual instead saw a hardening of the same political dynamic that settled over us after the Dixiecrats completed their flight into the GOP. The good guys won a referendum on white nationalism, but it only buys us a little time.
So, what happened? People who depend on a culture of white supremacy for their dignity, their religious identity or their careers, voted Republican. Blacks and Native Americans, who are the prime scapegoats of white supremacy, voted almost unanimously against Trump. Everybody else split based almost entirely on their relationship to race. That’s the 2020 election in a nutshell.”
The kindest thing you can say about our trolls is that they are knee-jerk defenders of white privilege. They’ve staked their miserable lives on keeping what white privilege has carved out for them when they’re not outright proclaiming an order based on white supremacy and white nationalism.
Read that whole Ladd essay.. Incredible stuff.
“Disturbingly close result” @ 4 is not a mandate.
Even YLB should understand that.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron, not so much.
Elizabeth Warren as Senate Minority Leader.
Anyone else tired of Schumer’s grandstanding?
Anyone ever notice that Carl never tells y’all to wear a mask?
What does an 80 year-old woman get after losing as many as a dozen House seats to the opposition party?
It’s not enough to whine about tone-deaf, ineffective leadership. It’s necessary to put forth an alternative as well. Pelosi ran unopposed.
So, how did Rudy Giuliani’s first day in court go? Er, roughly like this:
“Giuliani’s court bid to overturn Biden victory turns to farce as he forgets judge’s name, calls other lawyer ‘that angry man,’ claims the 11 biggest cities are conspiring to steal election, then gets directions to the nearest martini bar”
Student loan interest, when I paid it, was not tax-deductible.
I think that all House members should be able to afford two SubZero freeezers in their kitchen.
More on Rudy’s big day, aka “showtime”:
“‘In the plaintiffs’ counties, they were denied the opportunity to have an unobstructed observation and ensure opacity,’ Giuliani said. ‘I’m not quite sure I know what opacity means. It probably means you can see, right?’ ‘It means you can’t,’ said U.S. District Judge Matthew Brann in Williamsport, PA.”
“Giuliani began the legal case saying he wants around 600,000 cases thrown out, but the number went up in the court of the day to as many as two million. ”
“He mistook the judge for a federal judge in a separate Pennsylvania district … ”
“During several hours of arguments, Judge Brann … told Giuliani that agreeing with him would disenfranchise the more than 6.8 million Pennsylvanians who voted. ‘Can you tell me how this result could possibly be justified?’ Brann questioned. Giuliani responded: ‘The scope of the remedy is because of the scope of the injury.'”
“The line of questioning on legal matters tripped up Giuliani repeatedly, with the judge asking what ‘standard of review’ – there are two – he should apply. ‘Err, the normal one,’ Giuliani replied.”
@3 Glad to see you’re finally making yourself useful.
@5 It’s more mandate than Trump’s ever had, yet you’ve spent the last 4 years defending every obscene and indecent thing Trump does.
@6 “Anyone else tired of Schumer’s grandstanding?”
Best endorsement Schumer could hope for.
@7 Grownups don’t need to be told.
I see the Dakotas are rapidly depopulating.
I’m really not unhappy at all about the election results.
Republicans Won Almost Every Election Where Redistricting Was At Stake
2022 is just around the corner. Biden probably won’t even be president by then.
“Our problem is that, just like Nazism, white nationalism is not a negotiable position, subject to political horse-trading or compromise. It’s an all-or-nothing proposition. Those who insist that white men possess a holy obligation to determine everyone else’s fates aren’t going to be political partners in an otherwise diverse, multi-racial democracy. We’re going to isolate and defeat them, or they’re going to dismantle our democratic system. They won’t be peaceful partners in a culturally diverse government.”
The demographics were insightful.
@18 It’s not necessary to isolate or defeat them, and they won’t be around to dismantle our democratic system. All we have to do is keep our distance from them and not touch any surfaces where they’ve been.
Look who’s totally oblivious @ 18 to the fact that white men built our democratic system.
We’re going to isolate and defeat them, or they’re going to dismantle our democratic system.
The Even Bigger Fucking Moron never disappoints.
“Disturbingly close result” @ 4 is not a mandate.
“The One” claimed a “mandate” with 50.7 percent of the vote.. The lead editorial in the WSJ upon the victory of “The One” was titled “Mandate for Change”.
Joe Biden will beat that.
And a white supremacist troll jerk desperately clings to a system that was designed to protect white supremacist institutions like slavery.
What are the klownservatics trying to “klownserve”? Pretty obvious.
Robinson Cano tested positive, again, for performance-enhancing drug use, and will miss the 2021 season because of it.
He should miss the rest of his career. The POS.
@20 And look who is letting slip its true allegiances and motivations.
It stinks from its sins.
white men built our democratic system.
And at the start, blacks counted 3/5 of a person. Only white MEN who owned property could vote..
The good old days, eh stinky sinner?
@ 21
Reagan (50.7%) claimed a mandate by beating Carter (41.0%) by nearly 10% in a three-horse race (John Anderson was in it as well), and winning 44 states and nearly 90% of the electoral votes. John Anderson ran as an independent but before that he was a participant in the GOP primaries. He took 6.6% of the vote, and if he wasn’t in the race Reagan’s tally would have been 54% or, likely, even higher. YLB, that pretty much invalidates your comparison, girlfriend.
Reagan’s coattails were substantial, as the GOP re-took Senate control that year, for the first time in a quarter-century. Biden’s coattails were nonexistent.
YLB, you can cherry-pick all you want, but Jimmy Carter got his clock cleaned by Reagan. Y’all spent four years talking about 72,000 votes separating the winner from the loser in 2016. In 2020 fewer than 50,000 votes separated the two candidates from a 269-269 tie, which would have been broken with Trump the winner.
Again, a disturbingly close election in which the winner’s party loses status in Congress is not a mandate. Far from it. If you need to wait to see how things play out in 2021 before you’ll admit it, I’ve got the time to wait, YLB.
That awful, just awful orange (with white around the eyes), white nationalist, white supremacist impeached disaster who is going out the door in January called its inside straight in 20`16..
a landslide…
Biden has won the exact same electoral vote count. The Senator from MBNA.. who’d a thunk it? A landslide by today’s drumpfist GOP definition.
Older: Masks don’t help
Old: Masks help.
New: Masks don’t help.
Or, as YLB would put it, the demonstrated efficacy of mask usage is a mandate for mask usage.
In a Chris Ladd comment to his piece:
“The “socialist heritage” stuff is a smokescreen. Asians, including Vietnamese, vote solidly Democratic outside the Jim Crow South. Want to know what’s driving Cuban and Vietnamese votes for Trump? Ask them what they think about Black Lives Matter….
You can detect a tiny slippage of Democratic dominance in some minority neighborhoods, but a movement from 94% dominance to 92% dominance is not a trend. It’s static.
Democrats have assembled a coalition that contains a variety [of] political and economic interests. Republicans are running on a solid block of white racial grievance. That’s it. That’s the only part of their appeal that landed with the electorate. It gave them a competitive popular vote outcome along with control of the Senate.”
Indeed, Dems have to understand this fully and defeat this to survive.
“A Danish study released on Wednesday found face masks provide the wearer with only limited protection against COVID-19 infection, but said this should not be used to argue against their widespread use to prevent people infecting others.”
Wearing a mask doesn’t protect YOU – it protects OTHERS from YOU.. If everyone wears a mask risk of infection across the population decreases.
Perhaps your doctor, herr dicktor, should mandate a wellness check for dementia.
“white men built our democratic system.”
So? That was over 200 years ago. What have you done for society lately?
Little known result of this election: The corrupt D.A. in the Ahmaud Arbery case was defeated.
Robinson Cano tested positive, again… He should miss the rest of his career. The POS.
Yeah.. it musta been a sad day for you when Barry Bonds edged out Mark McGwire.
Oh boy PortaPotty are you senile too? Go back to the crazed databaze and you will find a link where the Navajo Nation only voted higher for BiteME! All other First Nations people voted about the same as they did for Clinton in 2016. Trump got more Black men voting for him than ever. Black women voted for the crazy black woman.
Puddy loves how gutter dwellers don’t look at the statistics, just take someone else’s word and think it’s gospel.
Whatadummy PortaPotty is!
It’s simple. Republicans hate socialism because their taxes might go help a single person they deem undeserving!
What one of Trump’s top election lawyers actually thinks of him and his supporters:
“boorish and arrogant”
“not a real Christian.”
“not American”
“American fascist”
“cannot be trusted”
“unethical, corrupt, lying, criminal, dirtbag”
“without love”
“I could spend a full-time job just responding to [their] ridiculously illogical, inconsistent, and blatantly stupid arguments …. But here’s the thing: his supporters DON’T CARE about facts or logic.”
That was before she started collecting legal fees to peddle his bullshit; now …
“I was completely wrong about Trump back then … I think for myself, and that my mind was changed …. Trump is a sincere Christian, the best president in modern history, and made and kept his promises to the American people.”
Amazing how quickly and completely a little money corrupts some people, isn’t it?
33. Biden won.
Who cares PortaPotty. Both were juiced. Hank Aaron baby! Sammy Sosa did some juice. In a year he bulked up. You musta a been pizzed when Rafael Palmeiro Corrales admitted being juiced too.
Or maybe your hero was Rafael Ramírez or maybe Rafael Santana [dual weak sauce] like every one of your posts!
@26 The Wall Street geniuses who slapped triple-A bond ratings on mortgage-backed securities that turned out to be dog poop called the Trump landslide a year ago.
35. I have never seen a group more driven by greed and grievance then Republicans. They may give lip service to other values but look how they act.
Democrat “mandate” alert.
New York Democrat Jackie Gordon, Who Was Relieved Of Duty In Military, Concedes In Race For US Congress
This was Peter King’s seat. GOP hold. It was one of the Cook Political Report’s 27 tossup seats.
@ 39
They may give lip service to other values but look how they act.
We don’t coddle fucking morons.
@ 37
Or maybe your hero was Rafael Ramírez or maybe Rafael Santana [dual weak sauce] like every one of your posts!
Nobody got YLB moist the way Brett Boone got YLB moist.
When second basemen hit 35+ HR something’s not right. Sometimes the hardest things to see are those right in front of you.
YLB failed to notice Brett Boone’s shriveled testicles, the telltale sign of exogenous anabolic steroid injections.
Yeah, right. The GOP is a party of morons led by an orange moron.
Who cares
Heh.. The same fools who went into a white panic over nfl players kneeling babblin’ butttool..
Like you maybe? Keep tithin’ keep shillin..
Nobody got herr dicktor limp, bent and bald the way Colin Kaepernick got herr dicktor, kreepy boob mcdimfuk teh klown..
Trump got more Black men voting for him than ever.
Wow babblin’ buttspill, I’m so impressed that 8 percent of black voters supported drumpf…
I’m so impressed. Wow! 12 percent of Black men braved hours in long lines made possible by repuke policies to throw the lever for an orange freak addicted to cheating at golf.
Goes to show even a business failure, con-man, tax cheat and serial sex assaulter can fool SOME of the people some of the time.
@20 “Look who’s totally oblivious @ 18 to the fact that white men built our democratic system.”
Look who’s totally oblivious @20 to the fact that black slaves, Chinese railroad workers, Mohawk ironworkers, Hispanic farm laborers, etc., etc., built our country.
@22 I can think of someone who has to sit out the next four years because he didn’t use performance-enhancing drugs and instead went with the faculties his parents stuck him with.
@4 my appologies for not having the time to read the article….just yet, I guess.
This will grow worse as income inequality becomes greater. There are whites on the margin of well off that will become less well off, as shit gets worse, and the will be brainwashed by the Repukes to believe that black people and other minorities are the cause of their problems, whilst they whistle away with the boat loads of money.
Not to mention those that have plenty that want plenty more…..the only thing stopping them from having more is what Repukcs will feat them into thinking.
They are brainless….their brains have been stolen, not an election.
They would be lying and do lie when they (Repukes) tell you that they can create jobs and bring back manufacturing – never happening, never, ever, ever.
Climate Change will bring upon mass migration, and less available resources. They wont tell you this. Don’t PANIC! It’s only the Flu Flu Flu, and it will be gone by Easter. What – there are only like 10 people dead from this thing……DON’T PANIC. Water will be avialable for everyone! No such thing as a drought! Not to worry. Why didn’t you tell us FuckHump…..Didn’t want you to panic. And nobody questioned, what else would one keep from the American public so that they don’t panic? Climate Change?
It we realize that we need to share the wealth without it being Socialism, but in everyone’s best interest, we will never learn.
And for the Trolls – I am not suggesting everyone at a level playing feild, just tax the multi multi millionaires and put it towards investment in this Country.
But everything must come to an end and evolve. Capitalism must to evolve into more than just creed and people with money that die without a boatload and little good deeds done.
@40 It’s sure interesting that voters reelected all your congress critters but fired your leader. Maybe something was wrong with your leader?
@41 “We don’t coddle fucking morons.”
True enough; you put them on a pedestal and worship them.
And some fucking Troll around here wants to try to advise Doctor Dumbfuck that he’s wasting his time. Wasting his time informing us of all the good natured, debatable things of importance,
Dude – take your own advice – you are wasting your time and even a bigger dumbfuck!
@44 I wonder how many of the rightwing sites that picked up this story and ran with it have any idea what “The Babylon Bee” is? I wonder if you do? This might help:
From their website:
“Fake news you can trust, delivered straight to your inbox.”
@51 there isn’t one Repuke that there isn’t something wrong with. They are all a bunch of POS’s.
@54 the dumbfuck doesn’t have a brain of his own, he has to copy and paste tweets all day.
Looks like Pelosi is Sleeezer of the House again.
There goes your majority in 2022. Many dummocretin lied to their constituents.
Sitrep from the Semi-Autonomous Death Zone of Southern Dakota:
I really screwed up with that dinner at the French Laundry. Now the little people are going to be pissed at me. I deserve to be scorned.
Impersonator @59: “I deserve to be scorned.”
Don’t worry, you are.
Can’t really say our Trolls4Trump are gracious losers, now can we?
Crying like bitches demanding to burn ballots. Gunning up to attack county election workers. Delaying and obstructing democracy. And prattling on endlessly and shirtless end zone dancing over a couple of House seats.
Character is destiny.
Trolls: You lost. Badly. Largest popular vote tally in history*. Larger EV win than either of Shrub’s. It’s an ass kicking. And you want to talk about the weather.
The fact that Trumpism survived is a good thing for us.
And what’s even better is that most of you are too stupid to realize it. You drove most college educated suburban voters into our camp forever. From here on out your only hopes of survival depend on ex-urban and rural drop-out beer-guts in their 60s or much, much older. This marks an historic turning point in American political history. The GOP’s brief four year dalliance with overt outspoken white nationalism now becomes the permanent brand. And the iconic party imagery shifts from Ronald Reagan in a sweater vest to Matt Gaetz in a gas mask.
Once again, thank you. Don’t stop.
*The secret is not just the total of 80 million votes, but the demographics within that total. They are younger, healthier, and better educated. And nearly all of them were decided months ago. Trump overwhelmingly won the late break. Biden’s 80 million are confirmed stalwarts. And they’ll be around for a while. Enjoy.
Same fucking idiot troll declared Trump victory in 2020, GOP House Red Wave in 2018, and huge Senate pickups for Moscow Mitch this year. Same fucking idiot troll declared an end to Obamacare a thousand times. Same fucking idiot troll promises you that Hillary Clinton eats baby livers at Podesta’s brother’s house. Same fucking idiot troll predicts economic collapse in “liberal” cities and states for as long as anyone can remember. Same fucking idiot troll probably told you smart phones were a fad and bleach injections could cure COVID.
Same fucking idiot troll.
Oh, yeah!
They’re stuck with him for at least another four years!
Honestly, while this surely is a blow to the long term prospects of the GOP, having Trump around calling the shots and defining the party agenda for another four years would indeed be trouble for Dems in 2024. Trump has clearly demonstrated his capacity for stirring up the trailer parks and turning out record numbers of disoriented angry arm-fishing capillary farms. But only when his name is on the ballot. Won’t help them a bit in two years, or in two months.
On Wednesday, Trump’s campaign wired $3 million to election officials in Wisconsin to start a recount in the state’s two largest counties.
His personal lawyer, Rudolph W. Giuliani, who has taken over the president’s legal team, asked a federal judge to consider ordering the Republican-controlled legislature in Pennsylvania to select the state’s electors.
On Wednesday, the Trump campaign agreed to a joint stipulation in a lawsuit in Bucks County, Pa., that there was no fraud, even as it continued to press for the tossing of mail ballots with voter information missing from their envelopes.
In Arizona’s Maricopa County the state Republican Party has sued over the way the county conducted a required hand-count audit.
In Pennsylvania, Guiliani submitted a new filing showing that he plans to argue in federal court that election officials violated the campaign’s constitutional rights because observers were not able to watch votes being counted.
In a new court filing asking for permission to amend the campaign’s lawsuit, Giuliani said Trump would ask the judge to consider declaring the state’s election results “defective” and order Pennsylvania’s Republican-controlled legislature to select the state’s presidential electors rather than Gov. Tom Wolf, a Democrat.
In Nevada, the Trump campaign is asking a state judge to overturn or annul Biden’s victory under a state law that allows candidates to contest an election based on allegedly fraudulent votes and other grounds.
The Cat Lady is “just asking questions”.
Trump campaign drops lawsuit challenging Michigan voting results
Just hang all these fucks and be done with it.
DOJ probe of Barr’s client was halted a week after his AG nomination
At least the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck and his orange moron have the support of the Taliban.
Hang Tyson executives, too. Then give Tyson to the workers.
‘This is depraved’: Tyson Foods’ managers accused of betting on how many of their workers would get COVID-19
We all know which side the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck is on.
‘Donald Trump versus democracy — which side are you on?’ CNN’s John Avlon lays out stakes of election fight
Merry Christmas.
Nearly 12 million unemployed Americans to lose aid in December
Another 742,000 Americans filed for unemployment claims last week
256,799 deaths
The traitor Doctor Dumbfuck doesn’t care about the death and suffering of Americans. He got a tax cut out of it. And some judges.
Run a go-fund-me for them, then.
I prefer that we take everything from you and Doctor Dumbfuck and give it to those who suffer for your avarice and stupidity, and then hang both of you fucking traitors for those who needlessly died.
Or if you prefer, a firing squad.
@66 “Just hang all these fucks and be done with it.”
We need to disbar some of them, too.
Republicans are giving “frivolous lawsuit” a whole new connotation.
“Vice President Mike Pence dismissed the rising rate of coronavirus cases as the media ‘crying wolf’ in a meeting of the White House task force on Tuesday.”
Hey Doc: This is your vice president. This is who you voted for. So don’t come to this blog expecting respect.
Kyle Rittenhouse just told the Washington Post that after he was furloughed from his YMCA job, he used his $1,200 stimulus check to buy the AR-15 he used to kill two people and would a third.
Instead of extending his unemployment, maybe it’s better if it runs out. We don’t want him buying bazookas.
To see Rudy’s black hair dye dripping down his face is worth the click.
Trump legal team holds a press conference to explain how Hugo Chavez stole the election.
Giuliani then gave way to Sidney Powell, who demonstrated that when it comes to being disconnected from reality, this conference went to 12. Powell immediately veered away from trash can votes and right into how the election was really rigged by voting software written for Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez. Chavez, rather unexpectedly, is apparently very anti-Trump. (That’s really unexpected since he died in 2013.)
Best tweet…
Bill Prady
Right now, someone at @nbcsnl is showing Lorne a test of a hair dye leak system that will fit under Kate McKinnon’s Rudy Giuliani wig.
Just think, this traveling freak show owns the GOP for at least the next four years.
Key is to absolutely smear every goddamn one of them with Rudy’s oily black runoff, starting with Loeffler and Perdue.
Thomas Jefferson: “That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed“
GOP: “Fuck that!”
South Dakota nurse says many patients deny the coronavirus exists — right up until death
And god bless preznit drumpf for cutting taxes – that increases gubmint’ revenues and balances budgets you know..
A few minutes ago on ‘The Beat with Ari Melber’…
Michael Steel, ” The only way Trump gets to 270 is if he loses 50 pounds.”
What a loser.
Trump just lost his 30th election lawsuit — this one in Arizona
Still a loser.
Trump ridiculed as a ‘loser’ for claiming he dropped his Michigan lawsuit because ‘we won!’
Little wonder that the traitor Doctor Dumbfuck and his stupid orange moron are the butt of America’s jokes.
Trump just lost his 30th election lawsuit — this one in Arizona
Butt.. butt.. butt.. shout out to babblin’ buttnutt – didn’t you say your beloved orange dear leader was winnin’ or AP klownspiracy or.. Soros.. or.. Chavez????
As we enter the era of the first hair plug-adorned president…
To see Rudy’s black hair dye dripping down his face is worth the click.
… I wish to point out that no matter how bad Biden looks going forward, he won’t ever look as bad as this.
She will never, ever be president.
That failed impeached ONE TERM orange dear leader to the crazed gooper base was just awful, just awful…
Ahhh. butt some freaks pine for the day when a repuke was a bought and paid for tool of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce..
That is more “serious” than a reality tv show actor.
And you will never, ever be anything but a dumbfuck bore.
You could have had Pence, but you had no courage. So you were stuck with your orange moron, who was…awful. And now you’ve lost the WH. Sad!
BuzzFeed acquired HuffPo. HuffPo is now owned by the entity that found the Steele dossier credible.
Don’t cry,
Shop GirlYLB. Your losses were not in vain.Cancel student loan debt? I don’t think so, scooter!
Cocaine Mitch brings up some home-grown talent to The Show.
Senate Confirms Benjamin Beaton of Kentucky to be U.S. District Judge
Second one this week. And to think Steve @ 87 believes we “lost the WH”.
Here’s Rasmussen trying to be Trafalgar:
Darryl, if you’re listening, are you seeing evidence of Trafalgarism elsewhere?
Following up on @ 39
Dude’s only 39 years old.
He clerked for RBG, but still 44 Democrats voted against his confirmation. Proving that RBG made at least two bad decisions during her life.
Ba dup bup. (Too soon?)
Uh oh. A state appeals court in PA just invalidated 2,349 ballots because they weren’t dated. Allegheny County.
I don’t want to click on the link. So this is what I’ve got.
“Every seat Republicans have flipped from blue to red has been captured by a woman or a minority.”
Heh. After 2018, the rabid gooper base does yet another Mike Steele…
Butt then there was Michelle Bachman…
You go kreeper dimfuk..
Uh oh.
Biden was ahead of drumpf in PA by 50k votes last I looked. Apparently party activists couldn’t get those ballots back to the voters to correct the spoilage.
Even some Republicans could have gotten their votes to count in the election. Now? Dunno…
@ 96, 97
I haven’t been paying attention. To any of it. The one thing that caught my eye was reports of 200% voter turnout in some WI precincts. But I read nothing more so figured it was BS.
This week I read that in previous GA elections there historically is a 4% ballot rejection rate. I wonder what it is in other states. And at some point I probably would want to know what the reasons are for rejection that add up to that 4% or whatever.
If it comes down to the SCOTUS deciding what PA’s supreme court is allowed to decide, and we have a revisitation of what SCOTUS twice had to do in FL in 2000, then I suppose things could get weird.
There’s too much BS. Let’s see some evidence. But if all of a sudden we seen ballots rejected at levels that have existed previously and all of the rejected ballots are Biden ballots…
The thing is, for four years Trump was told, dishonestly, by the left that his election was illegitimate. Y’all have shot that wad. Think he’ll care if somehow this thing flips and y’all spend the next four years, truthfully, telling him his election is illegitimate?
I haven’t been paying attention. To any of it.. I wonder what it is in other states.. But if all of a sudden..
Wow. Striking such an “unserious” tone there dimfuk..
Dig deeper.. into the Gateway Pundit, NewsMax.. other more serious sources..
Oh btw.. Georgia finished their hand recount..
Biden still won.. By 12,781 votes.
@82 & @83 You gotta remember the purpose of these lawsuits isn’t to win legal victories, but to stall and delay certifications past deadlines, so fascist legislators can substitute Trump electors for those chosen by the people. For more details, see
We’ve known for a long time the GOP was an anti-democracy party, but this election outed them as a totalitarian party; and from now on, every future election is going to be Republicans vs. Democracy.
@89 Doesn’t say much for the White Male Supremacy Party if they need to run women and minority candidates to win anything.
You see dot bombed, Puddy don’t forget NUTHIN of dummocretin importance!
Then there is this moron in 2016 …
Now this moron in 2020…
Well we know where he leans!
A smelly fart invalidates PortaPotty commentary!
Clinton conceded on election night and Obama immediately phoned to congratulate the winner and invite him to the White House.
You’re a coward, a pussy, and a liar. And a terrible loser.
You made yourself all these things.
Nobody did it to you.
You did it all to yourself.
Trump-appointed judge rejects “creative” attempt to block certification of Georgia’s vote.
Another “Trump” judge. Meh.
Obamacare is now forever. Think that dude can outlive “forever”?
This is the week when Doctor Dumbfuck’s orange moron’s hair turned white and Rudy’s hair turned black…until it dripped down his face.
The Steele dossier is credible. Conservatives repeating the lie over and over does not make it somehow not credible. Facts have a liberal bias.
You should hear the trumpers whine about funding Social Security on facebook. That’s a socialist program that benefits them and by god politicians better keep it solvent. Those other ones? Cut them to get rid of the FAT in government.
SS from the beginning was a classic redistribution program of socialism. It collected payroll taxes from all workers in qualifying occupations and focused it on replacing a higher share of pre-retirement income for those with lower earning histories.
But historically SS was an entitlement program that disproportionately benefited lower income whites. In the early years and decades SS excluded many of the only occupations that were available to non-whites, if not by law then by affirmative practice that the law ignored.
Still goes on today, but in a generational way, rather than occupational. When you analyze OASI benefits across many decades—historically, currently, and in the near future—Social Security redistributes from Hispanics, blacks, and other people of color to whites.
So naturally white nationalists are in favor of a socialist program that disproportionately benefits whites. What would change that racial redistribution? The very same things that would quickly and easily restore long term solvency to SS: either raising the cap or needs testing benefits or both. Both fiercely opposed by Trumpalos.
for Democrats to sustain and expand their hard won victories of Trumpism I think we need to be prepared to honestly and more aggressively confront the common fascist lies about “socialism”. Social Security is as good a place to start as any. And while it might seem counter intuitive, Florida may be a key battleground.
In a state where OASI benefits are institutionalized and treated with religious fervor, it would be enlightening for younger, healthier, Latinos to learn the truth.