I am pretty much fine with a leadership fight after an election. So a challenge to Nancy Pelosi in and of itself seems fine. It’s a little weird coming right after a major pickup in the House. I think Nancy Pelosi is great, but leadership challenges help define the party.
Another day, another crook.
Best way to maintain the political momentum of these mids is to open up the leadership ranks and create more opportunities for young, progressive candidates who are managing to flip the majority.
Job 1 for every new member is to start raising money for the leadership and caucus PACs. That’s how you build support and seniority. That’s hard as fuck for a thirty year old new member brand new to politics who gained office with grassroots and mobilization built on individual $50 donations. Harder still if they can’t even sniff the inside of a committee room. But these are the people Democrats need to support if we are going to continue to pick up seats both in DC and in state capitols.
Best thing Pelosi can do right this minute is use her clout and support among senior ranking committee chairs to open up the ranks, authorize new subs and panels, and allow their power to be diluted just a bit among the younger members. The steering process has to be different this time. Or we risk losing the gains we made.
Nancy Pelosi is the poster girl for term limits for members of the House and Senate.
Really great call on GE, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
It’s dropped by two-thirds since you recommended it as a long-term holding. Its dividend has been cut by 96% since you touted the dividend as a reason for holding the stock.
Bet the dog’s owner is named Nick.
There’s a dog at the dog park named Goldy, and every time her owner calls her I quickly snap to attention. I’m very well trained.
Good boy.
@2 What makes it hard is only billionaires and corporations have the money it takes to fund competitive political campaigns. Presidential campaigns cost a billion bucks, and House campaigns cost millions every two years. Campaigning consumes rivers of cash, far more than you can get from small donors. So the first thing a newly elected congress critter has to do upon arriving in D.C. is break into K Street social circles. (But not to worry, you don’t have to go to them; they’ll come to you.)
Hey, remember when the White House walled Kagan off from any participation in Obamacare work when she was Solicitor General, so she wouldn’t have to recuse after Obama nominated her to be SCOTUS justice?
1h1 hour ago
More southpaw Retweeted DRUDGE REPORT
As others have pointed out, it’s corrosive to the federal judiciary and the rule of law to expect that you can predict a judge appointed by Trump will side with Trump. The bigger problem than any of us expecting it, of course, is that Trump expects it.
@ 6
Um, didn’t the Beto candidacy disprove everything you wrote?
He was quite competitive and limited the sources of contributions to his campaign.
@4, 5 – Look who crawled out of his bunker. It’s okay to come out now, doc, it’s been 10 days and the fallout is down to tolerable levels. You’re gonna die of something anyway.
@4 “It’s dropped by two-thirds since you recommended it as a long-term holding.”
Think of all the money you’d have made if you had shorted GE when I recommended shorting it. I do. Every. Fucking. Day.
@ 10
Think of all the money your family would not have lost had you sold GE in 2017 rather than in 2018, Roger Dumbfuck Rabbit.
I don’t think your family is laughing. I think your family wishes you had placed their assets in an index fund which tracks S&P 500, you fucking loser.
It’s past noon in DC and Teh Dumbfuck figured out that indictments will not be coming down today.
But the Monday after Thanksgiving could be a real bitch. And not just from all the Bourbon and choke fapping from the darkened closet of his wife’s trailer bedroom.
Enjoy your holidays, Child Molesters!
This morning President Sundowner angrily lashed out at the media claiming he just finished the take home interview questions he was given by the OSC one year ago.
But he added that he hasn’t delivered his response to the OSC yet because… reasons. Also he complained that he’s been too busy hiding from rain clouds, blowing up House races in deep red districts, humiliating his wife, and dishonoring dead veterans. So there.
Maybe they do actually send them over to the OSC. And maybe OSC has been informed that the response is on its way. And maybe OSC would like to check President PornAbortion’s answers against the “cooperating” statements of a key witness whose name rhymes with Manafort. And maybe, just maybe, that’s why OSC requested a delay for their status report yesterday. Maybe. Of course.
Unless the GOP is lying again. Which they almost never, ever do, except for all the time.
That’s just so weird, because I was going to say the exact same thing about Susan Collins, Thom Tillis, Corey Gardner, and the John Kyl/Martha McSally Brundlefly.
@ 13
This morning President Sundowner angrily lashed out at the media claiming he just finished the take home interview questions he was given by the OSC one year ago.
One year? How amateurish.
U.S. District Court Judge Emmett Sullivan on Wednesday gave Clinton 30 days to respond under oath to five questions.
These questions were all put to her nearly four years ago in a lawsuit filed by the nonprofit government watchdog Judicial Watch.
Now that’s how a pro obfuscates.
First, why the fuck are you linking us to celebutard gossip on some porn site you fap to, you gawdawful freak?
Now, with that formality out of the way…
Fifth amendment priv.
President BabyShits has a perfect and utterly unassailable right to refuse to answer the OSC questions if he asserts that they may incriminate him. He hasn’t even received a subpoena…
But either way it may be too late now. If he did answer the OSC questions and those statements, Manafort’s statements, and all the PRISM capture intel that OSC has been sitting on don’t match up somebody will be going to jail. Probably Manafort since he already lives there. But there goes his cooperation agreement. Funny that all this happened at precisely the same time the OSC was beginning to liquidate the seized assets.
@11 I’m thinking of all the money my family would have made if dumbfucks like you hadn’t elected Trump.
@12 Too bad. I was looking forward to them.
@13 C’mon, cut him some slack. It’s hard to answer questions under oath without incriminating yourself or committing perjury when you’re guilty.
@15 Judicial Watch a “nonprofit governmental watchdog”? Ha ha ha, good one! Judicial Watch is a conspiracy site.
@10 & 11
Same dumbfuck was saying TESLA would never amount to anything when I was buying it around $190-210.
Sure, it’s not quite at it’s all time high but $354 in a couple years is a pretty nice ROI.
Sure beats the hell out of an indexed fund. Index funds are for people who are too scared to lose money and so…too scared to make money.
@9 Come on Rog. I missed Bob. Was it 10 days since he being away? Didn’t seem that long. It seemed a lot shorter. But non-the-less I missed him.
Hopefully now the horse will get some rest and be able to recuperate.
And Bob, don’t be so angry. You sound angrier than the time I told a co-worker that she was a bitch (because she was and she instigated it). Well technically I didn’t call her a bitch. What I did tell her, after she told another co-worker of ours that she couldn’t quickly use her computer for a quick task and to use another one of the 2 other free computers adjacent to me saying “If Gman doeesn’t mind you invading his space”, was that she should have just told our coworker that she didn’t want her using her computer because she was a bitch. And when she asked me if I had just called her a bitch, I said, yeah you are a bitch and a cunt and shove that up your twat.
Learning from my experience Bob – no need to get so angry.
Oh – and when she said, “If Gman doesn’t mind you invading his space”, she said it really snobish and sarcastic. And all I was doing was minding my own business.
She deserved it. Stand Your Ground Law as far as I’m concerned.
“Two-term Republican Rep. Mia Love on Friday took the lead over her Democratic challenger in Utah’s 4th District House race more than a week after election night and after President Donald Trump mocked her for losing. Love leads Democrat Ben McAdams by 419 votes as of Friday evening, CNN results show, giving the congresswoman … a slim margin … as votes continue to be counted.”
Roger Rabbit Commentary: Funny, I don’t see Trump tweeting “MUST GO WITH ELECTION NIGHT!” anymore.
@23, 24 Sure glad I don’t have to deal with workplace shit anymore. Btw, Bob, thanks for supporting us veterans with your taxes. My buddies and I really appreciate it.
The news following last night’s meetings with progressive House leaders seems to show Pelosi moving in the right direction and opening up committees and legislation to input from new members.
If Pelosi is able to convince her senior leadership to agree, and there’s no reason to think she can’t, this will be very good for the future of House Democrats. And it should close debate on challenging Pelosi for Speaker.
Meanwhile House Republicans are growing furious that their leadership forced them into a vote before so many races had been decided. And McCarthy’s humiliating performances as a Trump windsock billowing in the steady breeze of White House flatulence promises to further embolden the Republican Death Caucus.