Did Karl Rove and Scooter Libby lie to the grand jury?
Two top White House aides have given accounts to a special prosecutor about how reporters first told them the identity of a CIA agent that are at odds with what the reporters have said, according to people familiar with the case.
These discrepancies may be important because Fitzgerald is investigating whether Libby, Rove or other administration officials made false statements during the course of the investigation.
So of course, the big question on everybody’s mind… if Rove and Libby share a jail cell, which one will be the bitch?
So of course, the big question on everybody’s mind… if Rove and Libby share a jail cell, which one will be the bitch?
Well, I guess it’d have to be Libby.
Libby MUST be more manly than Karl. Adn Jeff Gannon/Guckert says that Karl has a purty mouth.
I know of a world where Rove and Libby’s fantasies can come true.On this planet, Rove would have the physical stamina of a youthful Spartan warrior.
Well, putting Rove in jail would be a good start…. But no one will answer my question… What the F*#@ are we doing in Iraq??? The lack of an answer to that one should put Bush is jail.
Lying to a grand jury was the excuse for impeaching Clinton.
And that is “breaking the law” which *now* is the standard for Bush to get rid of Rove.
This will be interesting…
Of course, there is some chance the reporters lied too ;-)
If we know anything about Bush, it is that he is extremely loyal to his friends (Halliburton etc). I believe he will bite the bullet rather than give up Rove. (besides without Rove he would probably forget how to breathe)
TT: I wonder who is really telling the truth. I still wonder why Judith Miller sits in jail. If anyone lied to the SP then they should have shackles placed on their wrists and led to jail. But that already said by me in a previous post, I will wait until the SP says do it. I will wait for the fact finding to end and the leaks to occur in the NY Slimes so Goldy can rush to put it on his blog!!! Bush will do the right thing if administration people broke the law. I always thought Goldy and many HA lefties had a butt fetish and this post proves it!!! AND you guys TEASE us about Jim West? This post is laughable!!!
Puddy @ 7: Didn’t Bush say that anyone who leaked info would no longer be in his administration?
Isn’t Bush a man of his word?
Did Bush run on “restoring character” to the white house?
@7 Well I guess that is where we disagree… I don’t believe Bush will do the right thing. As to “butt fetish”, them’s big words for a guy named “puddybud”….
Given Rove’s personality:
Rove’s pitching….Scooter’s catching
But Rove does look a bit like Ned Beatty so who knows.
The memo in question, where Valerie Plame’s name is classified, verifies that Plame sent Joseph Wilson on the mission to Africa.
Compare this with excerpts from Wilson’s article in the July 6, 2003 New York Times:
“The agency officials asked if I would travel to Niger to check out the story so they could provide a response to the vice president’s office.”
“The mission I undertook was discreet but by no means secret.”
Put these two sentences together, and one would believe that Wilson was asked to go to Africa by overt CIA officials, and not by secret undercover operatives.
“So of course, the big question on everybody’s mind… if Rove and Libby share a jail cell, which one will be the b****?” (edited by me)
Is this your attempt to out Rove and Libby so they’ll pressure WA Reps to pass the gay rights bill?
TT @ 5
“Lying to a grand jury was the excuse for impeaching Clinton.
And that is “breaking the law” which *now* is the standard for Bush to get rid of Rove.
This will be interesting…”
Congress could always impeach Rove. Since he’s supposedly “Bush’s Brain” he’s kind of co-president, therefore isn’t he impeachable?
“Of course, there is some chance the reporters lied too”
I’d be shocked if Miller is protecting Rove, or Libby, as her source. I suspect she’ll just stay in jail until October, when the grand jury’s term expires, and never talk. Then she’ll get an advance and write a book on the whole experience.
Puddy @ 7
The differeance being, of course, we like to kid and joke around about Rove and Scooter being passed from one inmate to another like a bottle of whiskey around the campfire. Jim West, on the other hand, has a proven track record of having another man insert his erect penis into the Mayor’s varioius orfices.
Now, which is more laughable: joking about it or actually doing it?
Thomas Trainwinder@8
Bush has restored the character of the White House.
When Rove is convicted, Bush will change the standard from “criminal” to “not pardoned.” And then out will come his pen. Liars, the damn bunch of ’em!
Bush has defiled the White House.
“(besides without Rove he would probably forget how to breathe)”
Thanks for the laugh.. Very funny stuff.
GBS, you are right about Jim West. I found the “pun intended” humor poor.
RPope: The Niger ambassador said in her testimony she asked Wilson not to meet with current Niger Gomvint officials because she didn’t want to mess up the investigation with him shooping around. That article is curious. Pathological liar maybe?
thanks! I needed that.
wow….how underwhelming…..this topic is so very, …gee, I don’t know….so very 9th grade. What is this fascination with questioning people sexuality, I zoom by 1090am for 15 seconds, and it comes after ever conservative they mention, or they play a sound bite from the song ” I’m coming out”. I must not be the target market, or maybe I don’t get the little nuance. Is it funny? to whom “gay people”? which ones, the adults?
Richard Pope @ 13
”The memo in question, where Valerie Plame’s name is classified, verifies that Plame sent Joseph Wilson on the mission to Africa.”
Really? I though it only pointed out that Plame attended a meeting discussing sending Wilson to Africa.
Put these two sentences together, and one would believe that Wilson was asked to go to Africa by overt CIA officials, and not by secret undercover operatives.
I have no doubt that Wilson was asked to go to Africa by overt CIA officials. The idea that Plame “sent him” is made-up wingnut bullshit. Clearly, Plame was asked her opinion about it, but it is a real stretch to take that and say that she “sent him.”
Richard Pope @ 13
Oops. . . last post had formatting errors. Take II
”The memo in question, where Valerie Plame’s name is classified, verifies that Plame sent Joseph Wilson on the mission to Africa.”
Really? I though it only pointed out that Plame attended a meeting discussing sending Wilson to Africa.
“Put these two sentences together, and one would believe that Wilson was asked to go to Africa by overt CIA officials, and not by secret undercover operatives.”
I have no doubt that Wilson was asked to go to Africa by overt CIA officials. The idea that Plame “sent him” is made-up wingnut bullshit. Clearly, Plame was asked her opinion about it, but it is a real stretch to take that and say that she “sent him.”
Again with the GOP talking point lies.
Pope: The State Department memo does NOT verify that. The memo includes a paragraph based on an INR analyst’s notes from the Feb. 19, 2002, meeting at which Wilson and CIA officials discussed a possible trip to Niger. At that meeting, Plame introduced Wilson and left. Another memo that she wrote before the meeting lays out Wilson’s connections to several Niger officials. As the CIA has said, Plame did NOT send Wilson to Niger. She could NOT have sent him — she had NO standing to do so.
Try as you might to change the subject, the subject remains: The administration has told arrogant lies in a pathetic attempt to justify Bush’s personal, bloody war. Caught out by Wilson, administration officials did everything they could in an attempt to smear Wilson, including releasing classified information about a CIA operative. That used to be called treason in this country. In fact, it still is. And by the way, that’s Joe Wilson, the man stood up to Saddam Hussein when other diplomats couldn’t or wouldn’t, the man who President George H.W. Bush called “a great American hero.”
@ 16 “Bush has restored the character of the White House.”
Restored it to the character of the Nixon era.
former undercover CIA agent, colleague of Valerie Plame, and registered Republican Larry Johnson sets the record straight once again …
We sit here more than two years later and the storm of invective and smear against Ambassador Wilson and his wife, Valerie, continues. I voted for George Bush in November of 2000 because I wanted a President who knew what the meaning of “is” was. I was tired of political operatives who spent endless hours on cable news channels parsing words. I was promised a President who would bring a new tone and new ethical standards to Washington.
So where are we? The President has flip flopped and backed away from his promise to fire anyone at the White House implicated in a leak. We now know from press reports that at least Karl Rove and Scooter Libby are implicated in these leaks. Instead of a President concerned first and foremost with protecting this country and the intelligence officers who serve it, we are confronted with a President who is willing to sit by while political operatives savage the reputations of good Americans like Valerie and Joe Wilson. This is wrong.
I guess the Washington Post article has a better description of the State Department memo than the Bloomberg article linked for this thread. Also, I only get a blank screen now for the Bloomberg article :(
Didn’t the information about the African uranium in the January 2003 come from British intelligence? If so, why should what Wilson found out or didn’t find out in February 2002 make much of a difference? Especially if Bush had other reasons to go to war to Iraq. Even more so when Congress had authorized the war months earlier, and had not relied on any African uranium information.
On the other hand, it wouldn’t upset me terribly if Karl Rove gets indicted over this. I would assume that the prosecutor and grand jury wouldn’t issue any indictments in a high profile case like this, unless there is reasonably strong probable cause to support them. So we will see.
Following the DNC memo I see :
“What ever you do, keep the Rove thing in the press! Our Media allies have sworn allegience to the Democrat party of treason. GET ROVE at ANY costs, whether the charge is real or imagined. No trial, now conviction needed. A public beheading!”
Another day – same old moonbats.
More from agent Johnson from 2003:
“I say this as a registered Republican. I am on record giving contributions to the George Bush campaign. This is not about partisan politics. This is about a betrayal, a political smear, of an individual who had no relevance to the story. Publishing her name in that story added nothing to it because the entire intent was, correctly as Amb. Wilson noted, to intimidate, to suggest that there was some impropriety that somehow his wife was in a decision-making position to influence his ability to go over and savage a stupid policy, an erroneous policy, and frankly what was a false policy of suggesting that there was nuclear material in Iraq that required this war. This was about a political attack. To pretend it was something else, to get into this parsing of words.
“I tell you, it sickens me to be a Republican to see this.”
But not you, apparently, mr. andjelly. How proud you must be of your team.
Ya know, I’m starting to wonder if there isn’t more the Cheesy Chuckie than we realize. Yep, I think Chuckie has big ambitions — Hollywood scriptwriter ambitions. Nothing wrong with this script that a couple of car chases, some explosions, a few good stunts, and lots of skin can’t overcome! With Chuckie’s imagination working in overdrive, he might get his big break any day now. Wait — I know — the next TV reality show is going to be: “Who Wants to Be a Hollywood Writer”!
Seems like a long time ago, but I vaguely remember Dubya promising to “change the culture” in D.C. Well he sure as hell did. Treason and perjury are not longer punishable offenses. All the political liars of the past were mere amateurs. We’ll show you how pros do it!!! Remember the old joke about how Nixon promised to get crime off the streets? Yeah, he got crime off the streets and moved it into the White House! Well, the Dubya bunch is WAY ahead of Nixon, they’re modeling their administration after Russia, where organized crime IS the government!
Puddy @ 20
Ah, come on. The campfire “anal”ogy was funny. Now don’t read too much into this post.
**snicker, snicker**
From the Seattle Weekly:
“In all likelihood, Rove did not do what he is accused of. But somebody did.”
Let’s find out who the somebody is and then see if Dems are so as excited to fire/hang/imprison that somebody.
Re 13: Richard Pope not only missed the bull’s eye, he missed the target altogether.
Con1st @ 33 another quote from the sae article
experiment in HTML failed
the quote from Seattle Weekly is
“This is about taking on members of the Bush administration who were, and are, so committed to war, so committed to empire, that compromising national security is less important than maintaining the political momentum necessary to launch an illegal invasion.”
CF @ 33 Don @ 35,36
Excellent article by Geov Parrish in the Seattle Weekly. Guess we will have to wait until the indictments are unsealed or the special prosecutor otherwise issues his report. Should be interesting …
Donnageddon @ 35
I don’t agree with hanging the person. I would like to let Fitzgerald do his job. If he can build a case against anyone, then they should be tried, and if convicted sent to prison for the appropriate period of time. I’ve said before, that applies to Rove as well.
Con1st, yes, I would never hang Rove without a proper trial. Or Bush for that matter.
You know Donna the donk side of me agrees with you. I draw the line to killing fetuses and invalids without a trial. You have to have some morals you know.
that sounds like a good story, but the problem starts with Rove not telling the GJ he ever talked to Cooper. There was no direct phone record; he was patched through to the switchboard, and so at first it seems Fitgerald didn’t know about it. But they had the email record of the call from Rove to Hadley, and so they subpoenaed Cooper to get his side. The judge, in his order, said that he believed that testimony (from he and Russert at the time) would be dispositive in proving innocence or guilt.
That’s why they’re so smart they couldn’t have done it–they thought they had plausible deniability. Turns out they’re not, they did, and they didn’t. :)
sorry, upon reflection dispositive is too strong a word. He used the phrase ‘direct evidence of’.
Since Bush and Co. are so pro death penalty and since treason is a capital offense punishible by death, I think we should go for the “whole enchilada” on this one. I think if treason can be proven, they should all be executed. You know the Reps would do it to someone else in a heartbeat.
The satanists running the White House …
Ha ha hee he he…. A donk accusing someone of being he ha he he a satanist. Ah shit you donks are haha he hilarious.