Talk about domestic terrorism, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals want to develop test tube meat:
[PETA] said it would announce plans Monday for a $1 million prize to the “first person to come up with a method to produce commercially viable quantities of in vitro meat at competitive prices by 2012.”
The idea of getting the next Chicken McNugget out of a test tube is not new. For several years, scientists have worked to develop technologies to grow tissue cultures that could be consumed like meat without the expense of land or feed and the disease potential of real meat. An international symposium on the topic was held this month in Norway. The tissue, once grown, could be shaped and given texture with the kinds of additives and structural agents that are now used to give products such as soy burgers a more meaty texture.
Huh. I’ve always assumed that’s exactly how they already make Chicken McNuggets.
Cripes, instead of going to all that trouble and expense, why not just eat the soy substitutes?
I’d rather see PETA use the $1 million to liquidate their organization.
Roger… you of all
peoplebunnies should support the ethical treatment of animals.Rog–
Good for you!
PETA is filled with mind-numbed KLOWNS suffering mind-alterations from a lack of real protein.
My ancestors didn’t fight their way up to the top of the food chain to eat FREE-RANGE TOFU cubes…and SPROUTS!
I’m a Ted Nugent kind of guy…kill it and grill. But if you aren’t going to eat it, don’t kill it (unless it’s a varmint, of course!) Are wild bunnies Varmints Rog??
If you step foot in Stefan’s Garden, I believe that makes you a VARMINT!
“Soylent Green: It’s better, it’s people!!”
@3 In practice, PETA has very little to do with treating animals ethically. But what turns me off the most about that group is their arrogant philosophy that they — and they alone — have the right to decide what is “ethical” … and also have the right to force their beliefs and values on everyone else. In other words, their core belief is based on totalitarian principles, much like the right-to-life movement.
I don’t waste my time trying to get humans to treat animals ethically. Humans are unethical, period. Always have been, always will be. Fortunately, evolution has adapted to my species to withstanding a high casualty rate by endowing us with an even higher birth rate! I’m a pragmatist; instead of beating my ears against a stone wall trying to get humans to behave better, a better use of my time and energy is making more rabbits! So that’s where I invest my efforts: Fucking as many cute female bunnies as possible, every day!
@4 I agree! I think more humans should be eaten. I’m going to have a talk with my bear, wolf, and crocodile friends about that. This vegan fad is bullshit; they need to go back to their roots and feed on the humans that Mother Nature put on this planet for their enjoyment. I tell all my animal friends that Republicans are especially tasty.
This proposal doesn’t seem grounded in any kind of science. I think it will be pretty hard to engineer replacements for the natural processes that create meat on animals. This might end up being as misguided as our ethanol production — more expensive and more environmentally destructive than what they propose to replace.
PETA is as dangerous to freedom as al-Qaeda. Why do I say that? Because they have the exact same mindset. They don’t care who or what they have to destroy to get what they want.
To paraphrase the late Charlton Heston:
“They can have my cheeseburger when they pry it from my cold dead hands!”
And while I may not agree with him on much anything in the realm of politics, I’d give my left nut to go hunting with Ted Nugent. Though is it me, or as he’s getting older, is he beginning to sound and act more like Jack Nicholson (especially when he played the Joker in Batman)?
@ 8, Republicans taste like chicken.
1) I’m vegan. It’s really not just a fad, unless environmentalism and giving a shit are gonna go out of fashion.
2) Most vegans aren’t too fond of PETA. They propagandize a lot instead of using accurate info, and their tactics are a bit hypocritical. Please don’t think they represent all vegans, for the love of gods!
3) The test tube meat is not that unrealistic. They already can make it, it’s just not feasible due to production methods and the fact that people think of it as somehow being weird/engineered. It’s just a cell culture grown on a substrate. Not hard.
4) If you can legalize eating people, by all means do it, but we’ll need to establish criteria on who can be eaten. Sort of an anti-Geneva convention.
12. The Blatantly Obvious spews:
“@ 8, Republicans taste like chicken.”
As opposed to a leaky colon’d KLOWN like you who tastes like shit!