No doubt you have a damn good reason for closing down such a large chunk of Rainier Ave South, but when you detour traffic from such a major arterial, you might want to think about placing the detour signs along the entire route, instead of just leading us into the hills above Renton, and leaving us to figure out the rest by ourselves. (The u-turn on Waters ST followed by the sharp right on Holyoke was not intuitive.)
I’m just sayin’….
Is a landslide a good enough reason?
Was the landslide on the portion between 51st Ave and the Renton Airport? That used to be treated by many motorists as a speedway before they removed one lane each way. Some motorists use the turn lane as a speedy passing lane. I have seen this segment, and it does have a portion where landslides will happen, especially in the rains we have been having.
Ben @1,
A landslide is a good enough reason for the closure, but not for the lack of signage along the detour.
Coming back, there were only two detour signs, and while that may have been less than reassuring to confused motorists, that was enough considering the relatively straight path. But south bound it is simply inexcusable not to have signs directing traffic at the u-turn and at Holyoke.
Not sure of the jurisdictions involved in the detour, but it looks to me like it was mostly Seattle, and partly King County [if this map is still current for boundaries].
Not an excuse, of course, just an additional element of confusion to the situation.
Remember what I taught you people, when Goldy makes a post, you have to ask yourself, is he really interested in what he’s writing about, or is he trying to divert your attention away from something else?
In this case, I am asking myself, is he really this interested in incorrectly placed road signs, or is he trying to get me to not think about why our Governor isn’t returning home during this 100 year flood?
Unlike most of you, I was educated by Jesuits. I was taught to think. Don’t eat up everything this very clever blogger spews out. Pull back. Think. Look at the big picture. What ISN’T Goldy saying? What is he NOT talking about? What would he be saying if the Governor was a Republican? Use your brains, sheep.
Seattle P-I to be sold or closed!
Ha ha. I was first to break the news on HA.
KING 5 news has learned that Seattle may soon become a one newspaper town.
Like many newspapers across America the Seattle Post-Intelligencer has been struggling to survive.
Now, a source close to the deal tells KING 5 that the paper’s owner, Hearst Corporation, will announce as soon as tomorrow that it’s putting the P-I up for sale. Under the joint operating agreement between the P-I and The Seattle Times, the P-I must be offered for sale for at least 30 days before it can cease operation.
The joint operating agreement was formed in 1983 in an effort to keep both papers healthy. The P-I was granted a monopoly on morning publication. At that time The Seattle Times was one of the only profitable afternoon papers in the country.
But in 1999 the joint operating agreement was modified to allow the times to begin publishing in the morning. Critics predicted that would eventually lead to the demise of the P-I.
We’re told Hearst does not expect another buyer to step forward and that Seattle will likely become a one newspaper town within the next few months.
A call to the Seattle P-I publisher’s office for comment has not yet been returned.
It would be the end of an era – the P-I put out its first edition in 1863 and was the city’s first newspaper.
It’s unclear how this will affect The Seattle Times or the Blethen family, which owns 51 percent of that paper.
Say, Troll, if you run across Pudzzz in your travels would you tell him that I’m still here waiting for that apology he owes me? Thanks!
No problem. Will do. Ta ta!
Note to Goldy…..
Instead of expecting the DOT to reserve or hire new staff member to monitor your blog for your transportation engineering prowess….why don’t you just call them up first and share your opinion or use their handy website to send a comment first?
And then if they respond–or don’t respond as the case may be–maybe THEN it would be blog worthy.
I knew I could count on ya.
Troll, allow me to point out on behalf of the masses that you are truly an asshole. Full time.
Pud is here. Why do I owe you an apology for the words you used?
No comprende!